Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Digital Beamforming Focal Plane Arrays for Radio Astronomy and Space-Borne Passive Remote Sensing Oleg Iupikov Department of Electrical Engineering Chalmers University of Technology G(cid:246)teborg, Sweden 2017 Digital Beamforming Focal Plane Arrays for Radio Astronomy and Space- Borne Passive Remote Sensing Oleg Iupikov ISBN 978-91-7597-579-5 ' Oleg Iupikov, 2017. Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska h(cid:246)gskola Ny serie nr 4260 ISSN 0346-718X Department of Electrical Engineering Antenna group Chalmers University of Technology SE(cid:21)412 96 G(cid:246)teborg Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)31 (cid:21) 772 1000 Email: [email protected] Typeset by the author using LATEX. Chalmers Reproservice G(cid:246)teborg, Sweden 2017 To my family (cid:16)Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better(cid:17) -Albert Einstein Abstract Dense Phased Array Feeds (PAFs) for re(cid:29)ector antennas have numerous advantages over traditional cluster feeds of horns in a one-horn-per-beam con(cid:28)guration, espe- cially in RF-imaging applications which require multiple simultaneously formed and closely overlapping beams. However, the accurate analysis and design of such PAF systemsrepresentsachallengingproblem, bothfromanEM-modelingandbeamform- ing optimization point of view. The current work addresses some of these challenges and consists of two main parts. In the (cid:28)rst part the mutual interaction e(cid:27)ects that exist between a PAF consisting of many densely packed antenna elements and an electrically large re(cid:29)ector antenna are investigated. For that purpose the iterative CBFM-PO method has been devel- oped. This method not only allows one to tackle this problem in a time-e(cid:30)cient and accurate manner, but also provides physical insight into the feed-re(cid:29)ector coupling mechanism and allows to quantify its e(cid:27)ect on the antenna impedance and radiation characteristics. Numerous numerical examples of large re(cid:29)ector antennas with var- ious representative feeds (e.g. a single dipole feed and complex PAFs of hundreds of elements) are also presented and some of them are validated experimentally. In order to analyze electrically large feeds e(cid:30)ciently, a domain-decomposition approach to Krylov subspace iteration, where macro basis functions (or characteristic basis functions) on each subdomain are naturally constructed from the di(cid:27)erent segments of the generating vectors, is also proposed. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the optimization of PAF beamformers and covers two application examples: (i) microwave satellite radiometers for accurate ocean surveillance; and (ii) radio telescopes for wide (cid:28)eld-of-view sky surveys. Based on the initial requirements for future antenna systems, which are currently being formulated for these applications, we propose various (cid:28)gures-of-merits and describe the corresponding optimal beamforming algorithms that have been developed. Stud- ies into these numerical examples demonstrate how optimal beamforming strategies can help to greatly improve the antenna system characteristics (e.g. beam e(cid:30)ciency, side-lobe level and sensitivity in the presence of the noise) as well as to reduce the complexity of the beam calibration models and overall phased array feed design. Keywords: phased array feeds, re(cid:29)ector antenna feeds, beamforming, feed-re(cid:29)ector interaction, radio telescopes, spaceborne radiometers. i ii Preface This thesis is in partial ful(cid:28)llment for the degree of PhD of Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The work that has resulted in this thesis was carried out between December 2011 andMarch2017andhasbeenperformedwithintheAntennagroupattheDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers. Professor Marianna Ivashina has been both the examiner and main supervisor, and Associate Professor Rob Maaskant has been the co-supervisor. Theworkhasbeensupportedbyaprojectgrant(cid:16)SystemModeleringochOptimer- ing av Gruppantenner f(cid:246)r Digital Lobformning(cid:17) from the Swedish Research Council (VR), Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) project grant 202-15 (cid:16)Antenna-Array Digital-Beamforming and Calibration Methods for the Next Generation Multi-Beam Space-borne Radiometers for Ocean Observation(cid:17) within the framework of the SNSB 2015-R open call for Space and Earth Observation Research, and a grant (cid:16)Study on Advanced Multiple-Beam Radiometers(cid:17) (contract 4000107369-12-NL-MH) from the European Space Agency (ESA). iii iv Acknowledgments First and foremost, I wish to thank my supervisor Prof. Marianna Ivashina for the opportunity to work on challenging and relevant research topics, and for her contin- uous guidance and encouragement during these years. I thank her for her patience and signi(cid:28)cant amount of time she spent in discussing the challenging phased-array feed problems, reviewing my research papers and technical reports. I am very thank- ful Prof. Ivashina for teaching me to be an independent researcher by giving me a chance to be creative in my work. I would also like to thank my co-supervisor Assoc. Prof. Rob Maaskant for numerous fruitful discussions related to my work, and for the in(cid:28)nite support in such complicated topics as numerical methods for electromagnetic modeling, electromagnetic theory, and other technical topics I could have a question on. All in all, it had been my honor to have worked with both of You. You are as much as mentors to me as are friends. I would like to thank Prof. Per- Simon Kildal for welcoming me to the Antenna group. Also, thanks to all of you I have met my beloved Esperanza :) ThankstomycolleaguesattheOnsalaSpaceObservatory,especiallytoProf.John Conway and Dr. Miroslav Panteleev, for providing me with interesting depart- ment service tasks related to the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project, which was also bene(cid:28)cial for my PhD project as I could improve large parts of my Matlab code. I would also like to thank Drs. Kees van ’t Klooster and Benedetta Fiorelli from ESA, Drs. Knud Pontoppidan, Per Heighwood Nielsen and Cecilia Cap- pellin from TICRA, Prof. Niels Skou from Technical University of Denmark for the interesting and fruitful collaboration on new satellite radiometers, and Dr. Andre Young from Stellenbosch University for common work on calibration techniques for radio telescopes. I thank Prof. Christophe Craeye for inviting me to UniversitØ Catholique de Louvain and for interesting collaboration which had led to our joint journal publication on numerical methods. I would like to acknowledge Dr. Wim van Cappellen from ASTRON, The Netherlands,forprovidinguswithmeasurementsoftheVivaldiantennaPAF(APER- TIF), that were made at the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. These measure- ment results have been very bene(cid:28)cial for validating my numerical models. My special thanks go to all the former and current colleagues of the Electrical EngineeringDepartmentforcreatinganiceandenjoyableworkingenvironment.We’ve had a lot of fun and enjoyable moments both at work and afterwork time. v Acknowledgments Finally,Iwouldliketothankthefacultyopponent,Prof.Bart Smolders,andthe committeemembers, Prof.Joakim Johansson, Prof.Dirk de Villiers, Dr.Mauro Ettorre, andDr.Miroslav Pantaleev, forthetime invested inreviewingmy thesis. This has been a great help in improving the quality and readability of this thesis. And of course, my most sincere gratitude to my parents, sister and my own family (cid:21) Esperanza, Marc and Tania (cid:21) for granting me a new sense of life and accompa- nying me in this scienti(cid:28)c journey. Oleg vi