Diffusion of the Adoption of Online Retailing in Saudi Arabia Author Al Ghamdi, Rayed Abdullah Published 2014 Thesis Type Thesis (PhD Doctorate) School School of Information & Communication Technology DOI https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/3502 Copyright Statement The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise. Downloaded from http://hdl.handle.net/10072/367409 Griffith Research Online https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au Diffusion of the Adoption of Online Retailing in Saudi Arabia Rayed Abdullah AlGhamdi Bachelor of Computing, Master of ICT School of Information & Communication Technology Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology Group Griffith University Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 2012 Statement of Originality STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This work has not been previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself. Rayed AlGhamdi i Dedication Dedication To My beloved parents for their endless love, support and care since I was born and whose encouragement guided me throughout my study. My beloved wife for her patience and support My lovely three kids My brothers and sisters & My country, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ii Acknowledgment Acknowledgment Thanksgiving to the Almighty Allah for his guidance, grace, mercy and blessing that have empowered me throughout my life. I highly appreciate the enormous support by Associate Prof. Marilyn Ford guiding me in this critical stage of my PhD journey to extensively revise this thesis, very thanks Marilyn! Special thanks to King Abdulaziz University for giving me this opportunity and providing me with sponsorship including full financial support to my family and I to complete my postgraduate studies. In addition, thanks to the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission in Canberra for their services and support. Very thanks to Dr. Steve Drew; the supervisor, friend and brother, the one have accompanied me in this journey from the beginning to the end. I also would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all of those provided support and assistance, and those I have known and worked with; including: Dr. Ann Nguyen, Dr. Sue Nielsen, Mrs. Mary Pavlaki, Dr. Osama Alfarraj, Dr. Mohammed Alshehri, Prof. Tom Nguyen, Dr. Jeremy Nguyen, Dr. Thamer Alhussain, Dr. Salem Alkhalaf , Mr. Adel Bahadad, Dr. Luke Houghton, Dr. Peter Grimbeek, Dr. Bill Metacalf, Ms Heidi Perrett and Mr. Attiat Allah AlBishri. Last but not least, thanks to Griffith University for providing excellent learning environment and assist the students to achieve their goals. iii List of Publications LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Journal Publications 1. AlGhamdi, R, Drew, S & Al-Ghaith, W 2011, 'Factors Influencing Retailers in Saudi Arabia to Adoption of Online Sales Systems: a qualitative analysis', Electronic Journal of Information System in Developing Countries (EJISDC), vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1-23. 2. AlGhamdi, R, Drew, S & Alfaraj, O 2011, 'Issues influencing Saudi customers’ decisions to purchase from online retailers in the KSA: a qualitative analysis', European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 22-35. 3. AlGhamdi, R, Drew, S & Alhussain, T 2012, 'A Conceptual Framework for the Promotion of Trusted Online Retailing Environment in Saudi Arabia', International Journal of Business and Management, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 140-149. 4. AlGhamdi R, Nguyen A, Nguyen J & Drew S 2012, 'Factors Influencing E- Commerce Adoption by Retailers in Saudi Arabia: A Quantitative Analysis', International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies (IJECS), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 85- 100. 5. AlGhamdi, R, Nguyen, A & Vicki, J 2013, 'A Study of Influential Factors in the Adoption and Diffusion of B2C E-Commerce', International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 89-94. 6. Bahaddad A. A, AlGhamdi, R & Houghton, L 2012, 'To What Extent Would E-mall Enable SMEs to Adopt E-Commerce', International Journal of Business and Management, vol. 7, no. 22, pp. 123-132 International Conference (Refereed) 1. AlGhamdi, R, Drew, S & Alkhalaf, S 2011, 'Government Initiatives: The Missing Key for E-commerce Growth in KSA', in International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service, Paris, France, vol. 77, pp. 772-775. 2. AlGhamdi, R & Drew, S 2011, 'Seven Key Drivers to Online Retailing in KSA', in P Kommers & P Isaías (eds), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Society 2011, Avila, Spain, pp. 237-244. 3. AlGhamdi, R, Drew, S & Alshehri, M 2011, 'Strategic Government Initiatives to Promote Diffusion of Online Retailing in Saudi Arabia', in P Pichappan (ed.), Sixth International Conference on Digital Information Management, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 217-222 iv List of Publications 4. AlGhamdi, R, Nguyen, A, Nguyen, J & Drew, S 2011, 'Factors Influencing Saudi Customers’ Decisions to Purchase from Online Retailers in Saudi Arabia: A Quantitative Analysis', in P Kommers & P Isaías (eds), IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2011, Roma, Italy, pp. 153-161 5. AlGhamdi, R, Nguyen, A & Jones, V 2012, 'Wheel of Online Retailing Development in Saudi Arabia', The First International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA 2012), Gwangju, South Korea, pp. 110-121. Articles These articles were published in Arabic in the main Saudi newspaper ‘Alriyadh’. The purpose of publishing these articles was to create an awareness of the study. The articles summarize the main findings and highlight the priority needed. 1. AlGhamdi, R. (2010, 23 Dec). Between the Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of IT: E-commerce in the Kingdom and the missing hope! Alriyadh newspaper. <http://www.alriyadh.com/2010/12/23/article588081.html> ةرازوو ةراجتلا ةرازو نيبام تلااصتلاا: !دوقفملا لملأاو ةكلمملا يف ةينورتكللإا ةراجتلا 2. AlGhamdi, R. (2011, 12 Jun). E-commerce in Saudi Arabia: the absence of plans for the future! Alriyadh newspaper. <http://www.alriyadh.com/2010/12/23/article588081.html> يف ةينورتكيللإا ةراجتلا !ةيلبقتسملا ططُخلا بايغ :ةيدوعسلا 3. AlGhamdi, R. (2011, 12 July). The five wings model to enhance confidence in online shopping environment in the Kingdom, Alriyadh newspaper. <http://www.alriyadh.com/2011/07/12/article649928.html> زيزعتل ةسمخلا ةحنجلأا جذومن ةكلمملا يف ينورتكيللإا قوستلا ةئيب يف ةقثلا Co-authored papers 1. Alfarraj, O, Drew, S & AlGhamdi, R (2011) ‘EGovernment Stage Model: Evaluating the Rate of Web Development Progress of Government Websites in Saudi Arabia’, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 2: 9, pp. 82-90 Sep 2. Alshehri, M., Drew, S., Alhussain, T., & AlGhamdi, R. 2012. The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model. International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 50-61. v List of Publications 3. Alkhalaf, S.S., Drew, S., AlGhamdi, R. & Alfarraj, O.A. 2012, An evaluation of e- learning systems in higher education institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Attitudes and perceptions of faculty members, In: Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research 4. Alshehri, M., Drew S. & Alghamdi, R. 2012, Analysis of Citizens’ Acceptance for E-government Services: Applying the UTAUT Model In: International Conference Internet Applications and Research 95-105 Lisbon, Portugal: IADIS 5. Alshehri, M., Drew, S., Alhussain, T., & AlGhamdi, R. 2012, The Effects of Website Quality on Adoption of E-Government Service: An Empirical Study Applying UTAUT Model Using SEM, In: 23 rd Australasian Conference On Information Systems, pp. 1-13, Melbourn, Australia. 6. Alhussain, T., AlGhamdi R., Alkhalaf, S. & Alfarraj, O. 2013, Users’ Perceptions of Mobile Phone Security: A Survey Study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia In: International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2013), Vancouver, Canada. Submitted Papers 1. Alfarraj, O, Nielson, S & AlGhamdi, R., ‘The Use of Grounded Theory Techniques in IS research’, submitted to Information Systems Journal Papers to be Submitted 1. AlGhamdi, R., & Ford, M, ‘Diffusion of the Adoption of Online Retailing in Saudi Arabia’, to be submitted to Electronic Markets Journal Papers in progress 1. AlGhamdi, R., ‘Smartphone in Enhancing Online Purchase: To What Extent Does It Play a Motivational Role in Gulf Countries?’ vi Abstract ABSTRACT Despite the fact that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is a leading producer of oil and natural gas (CIA 2012), a member of G-20, has the largest and fastest growth of ICT marketplaces in the Arab region (U.S. Commercial Services 2008, Alfuraih 2008), including computer hardware and software, and is very wealthy, online retailing activities are not progressing at the same speed of its growing ICT marketplace (CITC 2011). For this reason, this thesis explores the factors influencing the slow progress of online retailing in Saudi Arabia. While several studies exist investigating factors influencing e-commerce adoption by organizations, this thesis is different in that it suggests that the stage of e-commerce maturity of companies is important when considering why companies do or do not adopt e-commerce and how companies can be encouraged to move to a higher stage of maturity. Thus, the present thesis considered the factors influencing e-commerce adoption by retailers in Saudi Arabia based on stages of e-commerce maturity of each organization. To evaluate the stage of e- commerce maturity among retailers in Saudi Arabia, the Stage Of Growth E-business (SOG-e) model of Mckay, Marshall and Pranato 2000 was adopted. The research started with the identification of the research problem and questions, and a review of the literature. The data collection includes two stages. The first data collection stage consisted of interviews with 16 retailers covering the four stages of e- commerce maturity. The second stage of data collection was designed based on the results of the interviews to further test and explore the qualitative findings with a wider sample of retailers; 153 retailers, covering different sizes, ages, business categories, and stages of e-commerce maturity. The outcomes showed striking differences between retailers as a function of the stage of growth of their companies in regard to factors relating to their perceptions of consumers and to organization factors, while at the same time showing agreement between retailers in companies at different stages in relation to environmental factors. The environment was recognized as the same by respondents in all four stages. This investigation helps to identify the incentives and barriers for each vii Abstract stage of maturity. These findings show that it is important to consider stage of e- commerce growth when considering barriers/incentives for organizations to adopt e- commerce. Based on the findings, recommendations are provided in terms of stages of e-commerce maturity in order to contribute to e-commerce development in Saudi Arabia. These recommendations include e-commerce educational and awareness programs, with each stage targeted with specific programs, assistance in getting the lower stage companies online, introduction of more secure online payment systems such as SADAD, enhancing the legislation system for e-commerce, and more effort to building trust with the Saudi mailing and addressing system, and enhance the uses of home mailboxes. The thesis shows that it is important for researchers to consider the stage of e-commerce maturity of companies when considering incentives and barriers to e-commerce development. What one group sees as an incentive, another group may see as a barrier, or as neutral. viii