WWeesstteerrnn UUnniivveerrssiittyy SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp@@WWeesstteerrnn Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository 11-14-2014 12:00 AM DDiiffffuussiioonn aanndd AAddssoorrppttiioonn CCooeeffifficciieennttss ooff AArroommaattiicc HHyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss iinn GGaass CChhrroommaattooggrraapphhyy CCaappiillllaarryy CCoolluummnnss Gabriela Navarro Tovar, The University of Western Ontario Supervisor: Dr. Hugo de Lasa, The University of Western Ontario A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering © Gabriela Navarro Tovar 2014 Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd Part of the Analytical Chemistry Commons, Partial Differential Equations Commons, and the Transport Phenomena Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Navarro Tovar, Gabriela, "Diffusion and Adsorption Coefficients of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Gas Chromatography Capillary Columns" (2014). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 2524. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/2524 This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarship@Western. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository by an authorized administrator of Scholarship@Western. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DIFFUSION AND ADSORPTION COEFFICIENTS OF AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY CAPILLARY COLUMNS (Thesis format: Monograph) by Gabriela Navarro Tovar Graduate Program in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada © Gabriela Navarro Tovar 2014. Abstract This study focuses on a mathematical description of aromatic species elution peaks from a gas chromatographic (GC) 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm BPX5 capillary column. Using the recorded chromatographic peaks, statistical moments of different order are calculated for toluene, naphthalene, phenol and 2-naphthol. This thesis reports two modelling approaches involving laminar gas flow, distribution coefficients (K ) and diffusion coefficients in the s stationary phase (D ). s Firstly, a linear isotherm model with adsorption at equilibrium is considered in order to describe symmetric peaks for toluene and naphthalene. Moreover, a linear isotherm model with non-equilibrium adsorption is also proposed in order to describe asymmetric chromatographic peaks generated by phenol and 2-napthol. In addition to the K and D s s parameters, this model involves adsorption kinetic constants (k ). ads Validation of both mathematical models is developed by performing experiments at different carrier gas velocities and GC column temperatures (T ). The model with adsorption at c equilibrium, reports that the carrier gas velocity does not affect the first statistical moment (M ) or the second statistical moment (M ). Thus, the equilibrium coefficients, K , and the 1 2 s diffusion coefficients (D ), solely depend on the solute and stationary phase properties. s Furthermore, the model under non-equilibrium adsorption conditions provides k ads parameters for phenol and 2-naphthol. However, and in order for the second moments, M to fit the second moment, M , a revised model for the BPX5 capillary column 2,model 2,exp involving two classes of sites for solute adsorption is considered: one site with adsorption at equilibrium and the other site with adsorption at non-equilibrium. Thus, this PhD thesis establishes two chromatographic models that provide both adsorption and diffusion parameters for aromatic hydrocarbon species peaks eluted from a BPX5 capillary column. Both mathematical models represent an important contribution to the knowledge of solute interactions in capillary columns for GC. These models may potentially have a significant impact on the future of GC analysis of complex mixtures such as tars from biomass gasification. ii Keywords Gas Chromatography; Capillary Columns; Elution Chromatography; Chromatographic Modelling; Distribution Coefficient; Diffusion Coefficient; Adsorption Coefficient; Finite Volume Method. iii Acknowledgments The completion of my PhD dissertation has been a long journey. I am delighted to say that I did not only obtain a graduated degree, I also earned professional and personal experiences. I have met extraordinary people who have influenced and changed me in many ways and for those reasons I will always have The University of Western Ontario and Canada in my heart. These lines are meant to thank to people who have been part of this journey. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Hugo de Lasa for being an excellent advisor and professor. His patience, flexibility, genuine caring and concern during these years, enabled me to complete my PhD. studies. He has been an important part of my professional and personal growth. I also want to thank all the teachers and professors who have contributed to my professional development at The University of Western Ontario. I would especially like to thank to Dr. Dimitre Karamanev, Dr. Shahzad Barghi, Dr, Ronald Martin and Dr, Ying Zheng (University of New Brunswick) for taking part in my PhD thesis as examination committee members. I appreciate every comment and suggestion they have made with respect to my work. I am grateful to The National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico (CONACyT- Mexico) for the scholarship awarded. My graduated studies could not have been possible without the financial support of CONACyT). I also appreciate the financial support of Mandel Scientific Co. and NSERC to this PhD project. My sincere thanks also go to Pastor Solano and Jose Muñoz for their technical support. They provided insights on gas chromatography and valuable suggestions to perform experiments in the laboratory. My recognition also goes to Patricio Valadés Pelayo and Jesus Moreira for their collaboration in this PhD thesis. They gave invaluable help in the mathematical modelling of this PhD dissertation. iv I would also like to express my gratitude to Florencia de Lasa for the contributions made to this work. She always had excellent comments to improve this dissertation. I would especially like to thank my good friends: Ana María Aguirre, Cristina Salomé Lugo, Salvador Escobedo, Fanny Leveau, Monserrat de Santiago and Francisco Flores for their friendship, sincere help and kind words when I was in difficult moments. All the laughter, tears, coffee breaks and special moments with them meant a lot to me. My gratitude is also extended to my friends: Sonia Gutierrez, Natalia Lesmes, Juan Manuel Restrepo, Luis Luque, Diego Cufiño, Heather Ferris, Jose García, Rafael Alarcón, Yira Aponte, Angel Lanza, Isabela Reiniati, Reyna Gómez, Maritza Gómez, Claudia Arana, Jorge González, Shruti Srivastava and T.K. Dwarkanath for being an important part of my time in Canada. I would like to thank to Teresa Torres, José Jorge García, Mitzi, Iván and Deyanira García, Jafet and Matías Duran for their support. I feel very lucky to have them in my life. Most important, I would like to thank my family. Firstly, I give my profound gratitude to my parents, Gregorio Navarro and Silvia Tovar. Words are not enough to express how thankful I am for their love, hard work and the sacrifices they have made for our family. They inspired me and encouraged me to find my own path. I also would like to thank to my sister, Mariana, my brother, Omar and my nephew, Balam Rafael. No matter the distance, or different paths we have had in life, they are always in my heart. Every day I thank for being part of this family and I dedicate this thesis to them. My entire gratitude is for my lovely husband, Jorge A. García Torres. I could not have finished my studies without him. He moved to Canada to share this dream with me. He has been a wonderful support, an incredible friend, an amazing father and the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I also dedicate this thesis to him because his love is in every written word of this thesis. To end these acknowledgments, my heartfelt gratitude goes to my beautiful daughter, Emma Victoria García Navarro. She has changed my view of the world and her love kept me strong to finish this thesis. She is the most precious thing I have and all my efforts, goals and my entire life are dedicated to her. v Table of Contents Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................. iv Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... vi List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... ix List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... x List of Appendices ........................................................................................................... xiii Nomenclature ................................................................................................................... xiv Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................. 4 2 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 General Features of Gas Chromatography .............................................................. 4 2.1.1 Separation of Chemical Species in Gas Chromatography .......................... 6 2.1.2 Types of Gas Chromatography Columns .................................................... 9 2.1.3 Solute Interaction Parameters in Gas Chromatography ............................ 12 2.2 Solute-Polymer Phase Physical Forces and Interactions ...................................... 14 2.2.1 Adsorption Isotherms in Chromatography ................................................ 17 2.2.2 Mathematical Chromatographic Models ................................................... 19 Linear Chromatography at the Equilibrium……………………... 20 Linear Chromatography at Non-Equilibrium …………………… 21 Non Linear Chromatography at the Equilibrium ……………….. 21 Non Linear Chromatography at Non-Equilibrium ………………22 Non Linear Reaction Chromatography ………………………….22 General Strategy for GC Capillary Column Studies …………….23 2.3 Statistical Moments of Different Order: M , M and M ...................................... 26 1 2 3 vi 2.3.1 Calculation of Statistical Moments of Different Order ............................. 28 2.4 Conclusions and Goals for the Present Ph.D Study .............................................. 30 Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................... 31 3 Scope of the Research .................................................................................................. 31 Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................... 33 4 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 33 4.1 Model Compound Solution Preparation and Elution in a BPX5 Capillary Column 33 4.2 Experimental Set-Up ............................................................................................. 34 4.3 SEM Images of a Radial Cut of the Narrow Bore BPX5 Capillary Column ........ 37 4.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 37 Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................................... 38 5 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 38 5.1 Adsorption at Equilibrium Model in Capillary Column ....................................... 38 5.2 Statistical Moment Descriptors for an Adsorption at Equilibrium Model in GC Capillary Column .................................................................................................. 44 5.3 General Description of Elution of Aromatic Species in BPX5 capillary Column 45 5.4 Validation of an Adsorption at Equilibrium Model for a BPX5 Capillary Colum 47 5.4.1 Evaluation of the Adsorption Parameters in BPX5 Capillary Colum Using First Order Statistical Moment (M ) ......................................................... 47 1 5.4.2 Evaluation of the Axial Mixing and Diffusivity in a Capillary Column Using Second Order Statistical Moment (M *) ......................................... 50 2 5.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 54 Chapter 6 ........................................................................................................................... 55 6 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 55 6.1 Mathematical Model Equations for a Non-Equilibrium Adsorption Model ......... 56 6.2 Evaluation of the Numerical Solution ................................................................... 59 vii 6.2.1 Response to a Tracer Impulse Using the Non-Equilibrium Adsorption Model ........................................................................................................ 61 6.2.2 Influence of the Diffusion Coefficient in the Mobile Phase (D ) in a Non- G Equilibrium Adsorption Model ................................................................. 62 6.2.3 Influence of Diffusion Coefficient in the Stationary Phase (D ) in the Non- s equilibrium Adsorption Model ................................................................. 63 6.2.4 Mesh Independency Test Using the Non-Equilibrium Adsorption Model 66 6.2.5 Evaluation of the Implemented Numerical Method for Non-Equilibrium Adsorption Model ..................................................................................... 69 6.3 Determination of the Distribution Coefficient (K ) with Non-Equilibrium s Adsorption Model ................................................................................................. 70 6.4 Determination of the Adsorption Constant (k ) with a Non-Equilibrium ads Adsorption Model ................................................................................................. 73 6.5 Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient in the Stationary Phase (D ) Using an s Adsorption Non-Equilibrium Model ..................................................................... 76 6.6 A Revised Model with Allowance for Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Adsorption Sites .................................................................................................... 77 6.7 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 7 ........................................................................................................................... 82 7 Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................ 82 7.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 82 7.2 Recommendations for Future Work ...................................................................... 83 References ......................................................................................................................... 85 Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 93 Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................................ 113 viii List of Tables Table 1 Comparison Between Packed and Capillary Column for GC .................................... 11 Table 2 Mathematical Model Equations to Describe Elution Chromatography by Adsorption and Diffusion Parameters ........................................................................................................ 22 Table 3 Statistical Moments to Describe Chromatography Peaks ......................................... 27 Table 4 Gas Chromatograph and Mass Detector Parameters ................................................. 34 Table 5 Isotherm Conditions for Aromatic Species Tested .................................................... 36 Table 6 Adsorption Parameters Obtained from the Model as per Eq (5.13) for Both Toluene and Naphthalene in a BPX5 Capillary Column ...................................................................... 50 Table 7 Values of Constants “a” and “b” in Eq (5.16) when n=2 and n=0 for Toluene and Naphthalene ............................................................................................................................ 52 Table 8 Evaluation of a Tracer in the non-equilibrium Adsorption Model ............................ 61 Table 9 Influence of Axial Dispersion Coefficient (D ) in the Non-equilibrium Adsorption G Model* .................................................................................................................................... 63 Table 10 Influence of Diffusion Coefficient in the Stationary Phase (D ) Using the Non- s equilibrium Adsorption Model. .............................................................................................. 64 Table 11 Adsorption Parameters Obtained from the Model as per Eq (5.13) for both Toluene and Naphthalene in a BPX5 Capillary Column. ..................................................................... 73 Table A. 1 Average Distribution Constant (K ) and Diffusion Coefficient in the Stationary s Phase (D ) ................................................................................................................................ 94 s Table A. 2 Skewness (S) Values of Chromatographic Peaks of Toluene, Phenol, Naphthalene and 2-naphthol in GC/MS Analysis with BPX5 Capillary Column ....................................... 97 ix