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Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry and modeling of the circumstellar envelope of R CrB at maximum and minimum light PDF

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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry and modeling of the circumstellar envelope of R CrB at maximum and minimum light 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 2 K. Ohnaka , Y. Balega , T. Bl¨ocker , Y. S. Efimov , K.-H. Hofmann , N. R. Ikhsanov , V. I. Shenavrin , 1 4 0 G. Weigelt , B. F. Yudin 0 2 1 Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hu¨gel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany n 2 Special Astrophysical Observatory,Nizhnij Arkhyz,Zelenchuk region, 35147 Karachai-Cherkesia, Russia a 3 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Nauchny, 98409, Crimea, Ukraine, and Isaak Newton Institute of Chile, J Crimean Branch 4 4 SternbergAstronomical Institute, Universitetskii pr.13, 119899 Moscow, Russia 1 v Received / Accepted 9 4 Abstract. Wepresentthefirstspeckleinterferometric observationsofRCrB,theprototypeofaclass ofpeculiar 0 starswhichundergoirregulardeclinesintheirvisiblelightcurves.Theobservationswerecarriedoutwiththe6m 1 telescopeattheSpecialAstrophysicalObservatorynearmaximumlight(V =7,1996Oct.1)andatminimumlight 0 (V =10.61,1999Sep.28).Aspatialresolutionof75maswasachievedintheK-band.ThedustshellaroundRCrB 2 is partially resolved, and the visibility is approximately 0.8 at a spatial frequency of 10 cycles/arcsec. The two- 0 dimensionalpowerspectraobtainedatbothepochsdonotshowanysignificantdeviationfromcircularsymmetry. / h Thevisibilityfunctionandspectralenergydistributionobtainednearmaximumlightcanbesimultaneouslyfitted p with amodelconsistingof thecentralstarandanoptically thindustshell withdensityproportional tor−2.The - o inner boundary of the shell is found to be 82 R⋆ (19 mas) with a temperature of 920 K. However, this simple r modelfailstosimultaneouslyreproducethevisibilityandspectralenergydistributionobtainedatminimumlight. st Weshow that this discrepancy can be attributed to thermal emission from a newly formed dust cloud. a : Keywords.stars:carbon–stars:circumstellarmatter–stars:mass-loss–stars:individual:RCrB–stars:variable: v i general – infrared: stars X r a 1. Introduction troscopic observations as well as theoretical progress on dust formation suggest that the latter scenario may be The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are a class of un- the case (see, e.g. Clayton1996, Feast 1997), however,no usualobjectscharacterizedbysuddendeclinesintheirvis- definitive answer is yet available. ible light curves as deep as ∆V 8. They are extremely ∼ hydrogen-deficient and also carbon-rich (e.g. Asplund et Thespectralenergydistributions(SEDs)ofRCBstars al. 2000 and references therein). The RCB stars are exhibit infraredemissionpeaks around6 8 µm. The IR ∼ thought to undergo the formation of dust clouds in ran- excess, which accounts for typically 30% of the total flux, dom directions, and it is believed that a sudden decline is constantly present, regardless of the visual brightness takes place, only when a dust cloud forms in the line of ofthe centralstar.Therefore,the IRexcessoriginatesnot sight (Loreta 1934, O’Keefe 1939). A newly formed dust from a single newly formed dust cloud, but mainly from cloud is expected to be accelerated by radiation pressure agroupofdisperseddustcloudswithtemperaturesofap- andtomoveaway,expandinganddispersingovermonths, proximately600–900K.Forexample,Walkeretal.(1996) as the object gradually returns to its maximum visual fit the infrared (spectro)photometric data of R CrB with brightness. The mechanism of the dust cloud formation a 650 K blackbody. The study of IRAS observations by and its temporal evolution are, however, still poorly un- Gillett et al. (1986) led to the detection of an additional, derstood. Especially, the location of dust formation is in very extended “fossil” shell around R CrB, whose diame- dispute: far from the star, > 20R (e.g. Fadeyev 1986, terisaslargeas18′,withatemperatureof 30K.Walker 1988,Feast1996),orveryclo∼setoth⋆ephotosphere, 2R (1994) found suchfossilshells for atleastf∼our RCB stars. ⋆ ∼ (Payne-Gaposchkin 1963). Recent photometric and spec- Apart from the detection of the fossil shells, most Send offprint requests to: K. Ohnaka, of the observational results on the circumstellar environ- e-mail: [email protected] ment around RCB stars were obtained by photometry 2 K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB 12 a 12 b 8 8 c c se 4 se 4 c c s/ar 0 s/ar 0 e e ycl-4 ycl-4 c c -8 -8 -12 96 Oct. -12 99 Sep. - 1 2 - 8 - 4 0 4 8 1 2 -1 2 - 8 - 4 0 4 8 1 2 cycles /arcsec cycles /arcsec 1.0 1.0 y y bilit 0.8 bilit 0.8 si si d Vi 0.6 d Vi 0.6 e e z z ali 0.4 ali 0.4 m c m d or or N 0.2 N 0.2 Fig.1. Visual light curve of R CrB based on the AAVSO 96 Oct. 99 Sep. data. The epochs of the speckle interferometric observa- 0.0 0.0 tions are shown by the arrows 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 cycles/arcsec cycles/arcsec Fig.2. aandbTwo-dimensionalpowerspectraofRCrB Table 1. Speckle interferometric observations. λ /∆λ: c obtained on 1996 October 1 and on 1999 September 28, central wavelength and FWHM bandwidth of the filters, respectively.canddAzimuthallyaveragedvisibilityfunc- NT:numberofspeckleinterferogramsacquiredforthetar- tions derived from a and b, respectively get,NR:numberofspeckleinterferogramsacquiredforthe referencestars,T:exposuretime ofeachframe,S:seeing, and p: pixel size 2. Speckle interferometric observations 1996 Oct. 1 1999 Sep.28 The K-band speckle interferometric observations were JD 2450358.2 2451450.2 carried out with the 6 m telescope at the Special V (mag) 7 10.61 Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) in Russia, using our λc/∆λ(µm) 2.191/0.411 2.115/0.214 NICMOS-3 camera for the observation in 1996 and our Reference star HIP80322 HIP77743 HAWAII array speckle camera in 1999. The observations NT 167 990 are described in Table 1. NR 198 1044 Fig.1showsthe visuallightcurveofRCrBinthe rel- T(ms) 150 80 evant periodbased onthe compiled data ofthe American S(arcsec) 1.4 1.1 Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). The p(mas) 30.5 26.4 Field of view 8′.′9×8′.′9 5′.′1×5′.′1 data before 1996 were taken from AAVSO Monograph 4 Supplement 1,while J. A. Mattei kindly providedunpub- lished data for the rest of the period. On 1996 October 1, R CrB was on its final recovery from the 1995-96 deep minimum and its visual magnitude was around 7 (Mattei 2000). Since V is approximately 6 at maximum light, the and spectroscopy.Recently, Clayton& Ayres (2001) have starwasslightlyobscuredby∆V =1.On1999September revealed extended Cii λ1335 emission around two RCB 28,the star wasjust between two sharpdeepminima and stars, V854 Cen and RY Sgr, by long-slit spectroscopy. had a visual magnitude of 10.61 (see Sect. 3). The star However, such direct information on the spatial distri- was heavily obscured by ∆V =4.6. bution of material in the vicinity of the central star has Fig. 2 shows the two-dimensional power spectra and been very rare up to now. In this paper, we present high- azimuthally averaged visibility functions reconstructed resolutionspeckleinterferometrycarriedoutforRCrBat with the speckle interferometry method (Labeyrie 1970). maximumandminimumlight.Thepropertiesofthewarm The error bars include systematic errors caused by see- dust shell will be derived by simultaneous fits of the ob- ing variations as well as speckle noise errors. There is served visibilities and SEDs using power-law models. We no significant deviation from circular symmetry in the will alsodiscuss the possible indication ofa newly formed two-dimensional power spectra observed at both epochs. hot dust cloud. The granular features seen in Fig. 2a are the speckle noise resulting from the small number of interferograms. In Fig. 2b, a slight elongation along the vertical axis of K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB 3 the figure can be marginally recognized. However, this is within the error bars, and cannot be regarded as a sig- nificant feature. Clayton et al. (1997) suggest a bipolar geometryfor R CrB basedon the wavelengthdependence ofthe positionangleofpolarization.Ourspeckleobserva- tions seem to support a rather symmetric distribution of material.However,adiscortorusmaylieveryclosetothe star, and therefore, it is premature to rule out a bipolar geometry completely. ThereconstructedvisibilityfunctionsshowninFigs.2c and 2d exhibit no difference larger than the error bars. The source probably consists of the central star (a point source) and an extended dust shell. Visibilities observed for such objects have a plateau at high spatial frequen- cies resulting from the point source. In the observations presented here, the angular size of the shell is small, and therefore, the plateau is not visible within a cut-off fre- quency of 13 cycles/arcsec. The determination of the ∼ physical parameters of the shell by simultaneous fits to the observed visibilities and SEDs will be presented in Sect. 5. Fig.3. Schematic view of the central star, an obscuring 3. Photometric data dust cloud, and an optically thin dust shell. The figure is not to scale UBVRIJHKLM photometry was carried out on 1999 September29,justonenightafterthespeckleobservation. Theoptical(UBVRI)datawereobtainedwiththe1.25m resolved with IRAS, therefore, we adopt the point source telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, and processedfluxes for 60 and 100 µm. Long-termvariations theinfrared(JHKLM)datawiththe1.22mtelescopeat at wavelengths longer than 10 µm are considered to be the Crimean Laboratory of the Sternberg Astronomical smaller than those in the L- and M-bands. Forrest et al. Institute. (1972) show that the amplitude at 11 µm is about half No photometric data, except for the visual magni- as small as those in the L- and M- bands. The varia- tudes compiled in the AAVSO database, have been pub- tion at wavelengths longer than 11 µm is estimated to be lished around the date of our speckle observation in 0.75 mag at most. ∼ 1996 October. Therefore, we use the data published by The interstellar extinction toward R CrB is E(B − Shenavrin et al. (1979), who report a series of photomet- V)= 0.05 (Asplund et al. 1997). The observed fluxes are ric observations during the 1977 deep minimum. We use dereddened using the method of Savage & Mathis (1979) theUBVRJHK dataon1978January22(JD2443530.6), with A =3.1E(B V). V − when the visual magnitude was 7.03, almost the same as that on the date of our speckle observation in 1996 4. Description of the model October. For the L- and M-bands, we use photomet- ric data obtained on 1996 June 11 (JD2450246.4) by Thebasicsofthemodelusedherearethesameasadopted Shenavrin(unpublishedobservation),about4months be- by Gillett et al. (1986). Fig. 3 illustrates the picture con- foreourspeckleobservation.Itisknownthatthevariation sideredinourmodeling.Itconsistsofthecentralstarand of the L- and M-band fluxes has no correlation with the an optically thin dust shell responsible for the constant visual light curve, and that they exhibit a semi-periodic IR excess.As mentioned in Sect. 2, the star was obscured variation of 1.5 mag with a period of about 1260 days by ∆V = 4.6 (1999 September 28) and ∆V = 1.0 (1996 ∼ (e.g. Feast et al. 1997). In fact, the L and M magnitudes October1).Therefore,anadditionalobscuringdustcloud, on 1996 June 11 are by 1.09 mag and 1.25 mag brighter whichisassumedtobecircular(projectedontotheskyas thanthoseon1999September29,respectively.TheL-and seenfromthe star),is alsoconsidered,as showninFig.3. M-bandfluxes measured4months before areexpected to AdoptingMbol andTeff tobe 5.3(Gillettetal.1986) − representthevaluesonthedateofthespeckleobservation and6600–6900K(Asplundetal.2000),respectively,the rather well. radius of the central star is approximately 70 R . We We also use IRAS observations at 12, 25, 60, and adopt6750K for the effective temperature,andrad⊙iation 100µm. The veryextended “fossil”shellgives riseto flux from the central star is approximately represented by a excessat60and100µm,whenevaluatedwithalargeaper- blackbody.ThedistancetoRCrBadoptedhereis1.6kpc ture (Gillett et al. 1986). In this paper, however, we are (Gillettetal.1986),yieldinganangularradiusofthecen- primarilyinterestedinthe warmdustshellwhichwasnot tral star of 0.23 mas. 4 K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB We consider a spherical shell with an inner radius rin andouterradiusrout.Theshellisassumedtobeoptically thin not only in the infrared but also in the optical, since thereis noevidenceforstrongcircumstellarreddeningfor RCrB.Asplundetal.(1997)foundthat the observedop- tical flux at maximum light can be well reproduced by their line-blanketed model atmospheres without any cir- cumstellarextinction.Infact,theopticaldepthofthedust shell in the V-band is < 0.3 in our models presented be- low. The assumption o∼f spherical symmetry for the shell is justified, giventhe negative detection ofdeviationfrom circularsymmetryinthe observedtwo-dimensionalpower spectra. The grain number density is assumed to decrease in a power-law of radius, Fig.4. Temperature distributions derived from the ther- n(r)=Cr−γ, (1) malbalanceequation.Dottedline:Colangelietal.(1995), dashedline:Bussolettiet al.(1987),solidline: Rouleau& where C is a constant which does not affect the shape of Martin (1991) with a=0.01 µm emergent SEDs, and therefore, should be adjusted to fit the flux observed on the earth. not exhibit the contribution of the fossil shell. The varia- The temperature in an optically thin dust shell is de- tionofthe25µmfluxisnotavailableintheliterature,but termined by the thermal balance equation it is estimated to be smaller than the 0.75 mag at 11 µm. Z0∞ 4Lπrν2πa2Qabs(a,ν)dν trooutthies sfeatr-tionfbraer∼ed1p.5ar×t1o0f4tRhe⋆,owbsheircvhegdivSeEsDasg,oaosdwmeawtcihll ∞ show below. 2 = 4πa Qabs(a,ν)πBν(T(r))dν, (2) It should be stressed here that the real circumstellar Z0 environmentaroundRCrBismostlikelymuchmorecom- whereL istheluminosityofthecentralstaratagivenfre- plex than depicted by the above spherical shell model. ν quency,aistheradiusofagrain,Qabs(a,ν)istheabsorp- Since dust ejection in RCB stars presumably occurs in tionefficiencyofagrain,andB (T(r))isthePlanckfunc- clouds, not in a spherical shell, it is likely that the real ν tion. Amorphous carbon is the most probable candidate distribution of material is clumpy or patchy without any for the circumstellar dust around RCB stars (e.g. Holm clear inner boundary. At large distances, however, it is et al. 1982, Hecht et al. 1984). In Fig. 4, we show tem- still plausible that a spherical shell model roughly repre- perature distributions predicted by the thermal balance sents the distribution of material, as long as dust clouds equation, using the extinction of amorphous carbon ob- are ejected randomly and frequently. There may be some tained by Bussoletti et al. (1987) (AC2 sample), Rouleau newly formed clouds inside the inner boundary defined in &Martin(1991)(AC1sample),andColangelietal.(1995) the above spherical model, if the star ejects dust clouds (ACAR sample). We calculate Qabs from the complex re- frequently, for example, every pulsational cycle (40 – 50 fractive index derivedby Rouleau& Martin (1991) in the days). Without detailed knowledge about the dispersal Mietheory,assumingasinglegrainsize,a=0.01µm,and processesofclouds,however,itisbeyondthescopeofthis using the code published by Bohren & Huffman (1983). paper to construct a more detailed model. In the frame- This grain size is based on the result obtained by Hecht work of our models, we consider only one newly formed et al. (1984), who analyzedthe UV spectra of R CrB and dust cloud, as Fig. 3 illustrates. RYSgrandconcludedthatthegrainsizeisbetween0.005 TheobservedSEDs(seeSect.5)demonstratethatthe and 0.06 µm. As Fig. 4 shows, the temperature distribu- contribution of the central star is not negligible in the tions agree with one another within 50 K. near-infrared. The flux from the central star was atten- ∼ The flux density observed on the earth from the opti- uated by a dust cloud in front of the star by ∆V 1 ∼ cally thin shell described above can be calculated by on 1996 October 1 and ∆V 4.6 on 1999 September 28. ∼ In order to estimate the attenuated flux from the star in fs(λ)= 4πmDd2κλC Z routBλ(T(r))r2−γdr, (3) thenear-infrared,theextinctioncurveofthedustcloudis rin empiricallyderivedfromphotometryintheoptical,where emissionfromthedustshellisnegligible.Theeffectofthe where md and κλ is the mass and mass absorption coef- obscuration due to a dust cloud is expressed as ficient of a grain, respectively, and D is the distance to the star. The constant C is adjusted so that the flux pre- max cl f (λ)=f (λ)exp( τ (λ)), (4) dictedfromthemodelscanreproducetheobservedfluxat ⋆ ⋆ − 25 µm, since its long-term variation mentioned in Sect. 3 where f (λ) and fmax(λ) denote fluxes observed at any ⋆ ⋆ is expected to be minimal, and at the same time, it does giventimeandatmaximumlight,respectively,andτcl(λ) K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB 5 the ratio of total to selective extinction (A /E(B V)) V − duringdeclineeventsforRCrBandanotherRCBstar,RY Sgr, and suggested that rather large glassy carbon parti- cleswithradiifrom0.075to0.15µmmightberesponsible for the nearly neutral extinction seen at the very bottom ofminimumlight.Thesesizesaresignificantlylargerthan the 0.01µmweadoptfora singlegrainsize,butitshould be noted that we adopt 0.01 µm as the grain size in the optically thin dust shell,while the largegrainsmentioned above are claimed to be present in a newly formed op- tically thick dust cloud. For the temporal change of the extinctionatthe risephasefromminimumlight,Hechtet al. (1984) proposed shattering of large grains as a possi- ble mechanism. Efimov (1990) also proposed that the ob- served temporal variation of colors and polarization can be accounted for by the change of grain sizes, but assum- ing graphite grains instead of amorphous carbon. In any case,the spectralindexofthedustcloudapproaches1,as the clouddispersesandbecomespartofthe opticallythin dust shell. Therefore, the dust properties in the optically thin shell may presumably remain constant. The lack of detailed knowledge about the properties of dust grains formed in R CrB and of their tempo- ral variation forces us to adopt an empirical extinction law. As Fig. 5 shows, the extinction due to a dust cloud Fig.5. Extinction curves of a dust cloud and its tem- can be approximated by τcl(λ) (1/λ)p. At the bot- poral variation. The open symbols represent the extinc- ∝ tom of minimum light, p is approximately 0, and changes tion curves derived from the observations covering the to 1, as the star returns to maximum light. By the 1983minimumobtainedbyGoncharova(1992).Opencir- ∼ least square fit for the extinction curves shown in Fig. 5, cles: 1983 Oct. 17 (JD2445625.21), open squares: 1984 we derive logτcl(λ) = 0.52 0.47logλ(µm) when the Jan.16(JD2445715.60),and opentriangles:1984May 22 V magnitude of the star is−10.61, while logτcl(λ) = (JD2445843.43). The filled squares represent the extinc- 0.18 0.84logλ(µm)whentheV magnitudeis7.03.The tion derived for 1999 Sep. 29. The filled triangles repre- − − extinction at longer wavelengths is then estimated by ex- senttheextinctionderivedfromthedataobtainedon1978 trapolation. Obviously this procedure is not optimal, but Jan. 22 by Shenavrin et al. (1979). The visual magnitude with no alternatives at hand for disentangling the contri- at each epoch is also given. The extinction characterized butions of the central star and the dust shell for the data by 1/λ is plotted with the dotted line for reference studied here, we are forced to adopt this method. Assuming a blackbody for the flux of the central star, the flux density observed on the earth from the obscured is the optical depth of the dust cloud in front of the star. central star is Notethattheeffectofinterstellarextinction,thoughsmall 2 ffomraRx(λC)rBby, ctahnecsealsmoeuatm, boeucnatu.se it affects both f⋆(λ) and f⋆(λ)=(cid:18)RD⋆(cid:19) πBλ(Teff)×exp(−τcl(λ)−τs(λ)), (5) ⋆ Fig. 5 shows the temporal change of the optical depth whereτs(λ)istheopticaldepthofthedustshellalongthe of a dust cloud during the 1983 minimum in the U, B, radial direction. V, R, and I bands. The optical depth in each band was The flux density observed towardR CrB is, therefore, derived using the photometric data in the decline and at the sum of the flux from the central star obscured by a maximum light obtained by Goncharova (1992). We also dustcloudandslightlydimmed bythe opticallythin dust plottheextinctioncurvesderivedforthephotometricdata shell (equation (5)), thermal emission from the optically discussed in Sect. 3. The figure illustrates that the ex- thindustshell(equation(3)),andthethermalemissionof tinction is almost independent of the wavelength at the anewlyformed(thereforepresumablystillopticallythick) very bottom of the deep minimum (V = 14.19). As the dust cloud given by starstartsits finalrecovery,the extinctioncurvestartsto steepen. Pugach (1984) proposed that the neutral extinc- 2 Rcl s tion observed during the initial drop to minimum light fcl(λ)= πBλ(Tcl) exp( τ (λ)), (6) (cid:18) D (cid:19) × − can be explained by an optically very thick dust cloud whose coverage over the stellar disk varies with time. On where Rcl and Tcl are the radius and the temperature of theotherhand,Hechtetal.(1984)analyzedthechangeof the newly formed dust cloud, respectively. 6 K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB The intensity distribution for the central star and the dust shell can be written as cl s I (b) = B (T )exp( τ (λ) τ (λ)) circ(b/R ) λ λ ⋆ ⋆ − − × √ro2ut−b2 + 2mdκλ n(r)Bλ(T(r))dz Z zmin s + Bλ(Tcl)exp( τ (λ)) circ(b/Rcl), (7) − × where b is the impact parameter and z = √r2 b2. The − function circ(b/R ) takes a value of 1 for b < R and ⋆ ⋆ | | 0 elsewhere. The lower limit of the integration is zmin = 0 for b rin, while zmin = ri2n b2 for b < rin. The ≥ − visibilityiscalculatedbytakinpgthemodulusoftheFourier transform of the intensity distribution. 5. Simultaneous fit of observed visibilities and SEDs 5.1. Model fitting without thermal emission from a dust cloud We first try to fit the observed SEDs and visibilities us- ing models without thermal emission from a dust cloud, namely, neglecting the term given by equation (6). We adoptγ =2,appropriatefor a constantmass loss andex- pansion velocity. The sensitiveness of the near- and mid- infraredpartsofemergentSEDs toTin allowsus todeter- mine it by fitting the observed SEDs. The visibility func- tions,whichdirectlyreflectthe spatialextentofthe shell, enable us to examine the validity of the models described Fig.6. Simultaneous fit of the SED and visibility of R above. CrB observed on 1996 October 1, using the models dis- Figs. 6 and 7 show the fit of the observed SEDs and cussed in Sect. 5.1. a The open squares,filled circles, and visibilityfunctionsatthe twoepochsofourspeckleobser- filled triangles represent the photometric data obtained vations. The SEDs and visibilities are calculated with the byShenavrinetal.(1979),Shenavrin(unpublishedobser- opacities of amorphous carbon obtained by Bussoletti et vation), and IRAS, respectively. The three curves repre- al. (1987) (AC2 sample), Rouleau & Martin (1991) (AC1 sent the SEDs predicted from models. CO represents the sample),andColangelietal.(1995)(ACARsample).The model with the data derived by Colangeli et al. (1995), corresponding temperature distributions shown in Fig. 4 RM with those derived by Rouleau & Martin (1991), and areusedinthe calculations.Figs.6aand 6bdemonstrate BU with those derived by Bussoletti et al. (1987). b The that the SED and visibility for the 1996 data are well re- filled circles represent the observed visibility, while the produced with rin = 76 – 90 R⋆ and Tin = 900 – 950 K. three curves represent the visibilities predicted from the Foragivenopacitydataset,the uncertaintyofTin isesti- models.cNormalizedintensityprofile(λ=2.2µm)ofthe mated to be 100 K, translating to an uncertainty of rin BU model ± of 20 R⋆. Taking the average of the Tin and rin derived ± withthreedifferentopacitiesandaddingtheuncertainties resulting from the fitting, we derive Tin = 920 103 K with the observed SED. The observed SED can be well ± and rin = 82 23 R⋆. Fig. 6c illustrates the normalized fitted using the models with Tin = 700 – 800 K and rin = ± intensity profile of the best fit model for the 1996 data. 116 – 172 R , but the visibilities predicted from these ⋆ It consists of the central star and a ring-like structure models are too low as compared with the observation. characteristicofanopticallythinshell.Notethatthepre- Regarding this discrepancy, we first examine the approx- dicted visibilities become plateau-like at spatial frequen- imations adopted in our models. The line-blanketing ef- cies > 20 cycles/arcsec in Fig. 6b. This plateau results fect in the atmosphere of RCB stars is very prominent as from∼the unresolved central star. It should also be noted Asplund et al. (1997) show, but the use of line-blanketed thatthegoodmatchinthewavelengthrangeshorterthan atmospheres instead of the blackbody would lower Tin by 1 µm is simply due to the adoption of the empirical ex- only 50 K. The effect of the uncertainty of the effec- ∼ tinction for a dust cloud, as described in Sect. 4. tive temperature is also minor.A decreaseof the effective Figs. 7a and 7b reveal that the visibility observed temperatureby500Kleadstoadecreaseofthedusttem- at minimum light cannot be reproduced simultaneously peratureby 60Kat 100R .Combiningtheseeffects, ⋆ ∼ ∼ K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB 7 Fig.7.SimultaneousfitoftheSEDandvisibilityofRCrB observed on 1999 September 28, using the models with- out thermal emission from the newly formed dust cloud, as discussed in Sect. 5.1. a The filled circles representthe photometricdataobtainedonenightafterthe speckleob- servation. The IRAS data are represented by the filled triangles. The three curves represent the SEDs predicted from models. See also the legend to Fig. 6. b The filled circles represent the observed visibility, while the three curvesrepresentthe visibilitiespredictedfromthe models Fig.8. Simultaneous fit of the SED and visibility of R CrB observed on 1999 September 28, using an extinction curve different from that extrapolated. a See the legend thedusttemperatureintheshellcanbeby 100Klower to Fig. 7a for the reference of the symbols. b The filled ∼ than those used in the fitting above. We tried to fit the circles represent the observed visibility. c The solid line observedSEDandvisibilityusingsuchatemperaturedis- represents an extinction curve for the dust cloud with a tribution, but it has turned out that the match to the change of the spectral index at 1.4 µm. The dashed line observations is not much improved. represents the extinction curve derived by extrapolation One concern is the estimation of the K-band flux of from the optical depth shortward of 1 µm, as discussed the central star obscured by the dust cloud. As described in Sect. 4. The filled squares represent the optical depths in Sect. 4, the extinction of the dust cloud in the K-band derived from the observations as shown in Fig. 5 is derived by extrapolation from the region shortward of 1 µm. However, the actual extinction curve of the dust cloud could become steeper longward of 1 µm and ap- 5.2. Thermal emission from a newly formed dust cloud proach the usual extinction curve of amorphous carbon, which is characterized by a spectral index of 1.3 (Le We show an alternative to interpret the data obtained at ∼ Bertre 1997). We find that the observed SED and visibil- minimum light. We propose that the inconsistency found ity can be simultaneously fitted by adopting an extinc- for the 1999 data set may be attributed to the thermal tion curve for the obscuring dust cloud such as shown emission of a newly formed optically thick dust cloud in in Fig. 8c. The extinction curve bends at 1.4 µm and the front of the star. The newly formed dust cloud is suppos- spectralindexchangesfrom0.47to1.3.Figs.8aand 8bre- edly still rather close to the star and its angular size is vealthatthe observedSEDandvisibility arefairlyrepro- not yet large enough to be resolved with the 6 m tele- duced.Itshouldbestressedthatthephysicalunderstand- scope. This assumption may be reasonable, because the ing of such an extinction curve is still unclear, and that 1999speckleobservationwascarriedoutinadeclinewhen theexactshapeoftheextinctioncurvecannotbeuniquely thestarwasobscuredby∆V =4.6.Thesizeandthetem- determinedbythefittingpresentedhere.However,theun- perature of such a dust cloud are by no means obvious, usual properties of grains in the newly formed dust cloud but the temperature (Tcl) should not exceed 1500 K, ∼ maybe responsibleforthediscrepancyfoundforthe min- otherwise the thermal emission of the cloud would be too imum light data. prominent and would lead to a poorer match to the ob- 8 K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB Fig.10. Simultaneous fit of the SED and visibility of R CrB observed on 1996 October 1, using models with thermal emission from a newly formed dust cloud out of the line of sight, as discussed in Sect. 5.2. A cloud with Rcl = 4.5 R⋆ and Tcl = 1200 K is placed out of the line of sight,20R (5 mas)offsetfrom the centralstar.a The ⋆ three curves represent the SEDs predicted from the mod- els. CO, RM, and BU denote the opacities of amorphous carbon obtained by Colangeli et al. (1995), Rouleau & Fig.9.SimultaneousfitoftheSEDandvisibilityofRCrB Martin (1991), and Bussoletti et al. (1987), respectively. observed on 1999 September 28, using models with ther- Thecontributionofthe newlyformeddustcloudisshown malemissionfromanewlyformeddustcloud,asdiscussed withthedash-dottedlinefortheBUmodel.Seethelegend in Sect. 5.2. a Three models with different data sets for to Fig. 6a for the reference of the symbols. b The filled the opacity of amorphous carbon are plotted. The radius circles represent the observed visibility and the temperature of a newly formed dust cloud are 4.5R and1200K,respectively.CO,RM,andBUdenote ⋆ the opacities of amorphous carbon obtained by Colangeli shows the normalized intensity profile of a model consist- et al. (1995), Rouleau & Martin (1991), and Bussoletti ing of the central star, an optically thin dust shell, and a et al. (1987), respectively. The contribution of the newly thermally emitting optically thick dust cloud, whose pa- formed dust cloud is shown with the dash-dotted line for rameters will be derived below. the BU model. See the legend to Fig. 7a for the reference Figs. 9a and 9b show a simultaneous fit using models ofthe symbols.b The filled circles representthe observed with thermal emission from a newly formed dust cloud. visibility. c Normalized intensity profile (λ = 2.1 µm) of TheobservedSEDandvisibilityarenowfairlyreproduced the BU model. The model consists of the central star, a with models consisting of the central star, an optically newlyformedopticallythickdustcloudwithRcl =4.5R⋆ thin dust shellwith aninner radius ofrin = 150– 193 R⋆ (1.0 mas) and Tcl = 1200 K, and an optically thin dust (average172 R⋆) and Tin = 650– 720K (average685K), shell with rin = 180 R⋆ (41 mas) and Tin = 650 K and an optically thick dust cloud with Rcl = 4.5 R⋆ and Tcl =1200K.Thefitshouldberegardedastentative.The uncertainties of Tin and rin are estimated to be 100 K ± served SED. We assume a circular cloud (projected onto and 20 R⋆, respectively, while those of Tcl and Rcl are ± the sky as seen from the star) with a radius of Rcl be- about 100 K and 1 R⋆, respectively. ± ± tween 1 R⋆ and 10 R⋆. As shown in Fig. 3, Rcl denotes Thedifferenceofrinderivedforthe1996and1999data theradiusofanindividualclouditself,notthedistancebe- may indicate a variation of the dust ejection frequency. tweenthecloudandthecentralstar.As1R corresponds If the star experiences dust ejection less frequently, the ⋆ to 0.23 mas, even a cloud with a radius of 10 R can well inner boundary is expected to become larger, and the IR ⋆ be treated as a point source for our speckle interferome- excess is expected to decrease. In fact, as mentioned in try.Thethermalemissionofthecloudisapproximatedby Sect.3,theLandM magnitudesdecreasedmonotonically the blackbody radiation,as givenby equation(6). Fig.9c by 1 magfrom1996to1999.Thisisconsistentwiththe ∼ K. Ohnakaet al.: Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry of R CrB 9 trendfoundforrin derivedforthetwoepochs,butfurther a newly formeddust cloudas hotas1200K witha radius observations are required to confirm this correlation. of4–5R isinferred,togetherwithanopticallythindust ⋆ Now we apply the thermally emitting cloud models to shell with rin 170 R⋆ and Tin 690 K. Furthermore, ∼ ∼ the data obtainednear maximumlight as wellfor the fol- the SEDandvisibilityobtainednearmaximumlightwere lowing reason. Fig. 1 shows that R CrB started its final showntobefittedalsousingamodelwithanewlyformed recoveryfromthe1995-96deepminimumabout6months dust cloudout of the line ofsight.However,we havealso before our speckle observation on 1996 October 1. If dust discussed that the discrepancy found for the minimum ejection occurs rather frequently, for example, every pul- light data may be attributed to the unusual extinction sational cycle (40 – 50 days), we can expect that the star curve of the obscuring dust cloud. Observations during underwent dust ejection out of the line of sight during the very bottom of a deep minimum, when the contribu- these 6 months.It is likely thatnewly formeddust clouds tion of the central star is truly negligible, are crucial for out of the line of sight existed on 1996 October 1, in ad- investigating the dust shell and dust clouds. dition to the dust cloud in front of the star responsible for an obscuration of ∆V 1. The latter cloud may al- ∼ Acknowledgements. We have used, and acknowledge with ready be regardedas part of the optically thin dust shell, thanks, data from the AAVSO International Database, based because τKcl =0.34is derivedfor this cloud by the extrap- on observations submitted to the AAVSO by variable star olationdescribedinSect.4.Therefore,fornearmaximum observers worldwide. N.R.I. acknowledges the support of light, we consider a model with the central star dimmed the Long-Term Cooperation program of the Alexander von by ∆V 1, thermal emission from an optically thin dust Humboldt Foundation. ∼ shell, and that from a newly formed optically thick dust cloud out of the line of sight. Fig. 10 shows the SED and References visibilitycalculatedwithanopticallythickdustcloudwith a radius of Rcl = 4.5 R⋆ and Tcl = 1200 K, in addition Asplund,M.,Gustafsson,B.,Kiselman,D.,Eriksson,K.1997, to the dimmed central star and the optically thin dust A&A,318, 521 shell, whose parameters are the same as shown in Fig. 6. 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