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Preview Differentiation 1993 - 1994: Vol 55 Table of Contents

Volume 55 1993/1994 No.1 1— 96 published December 1993 No. 2 97-168 published January 1994 No. 3 169-232 published February 1994 Abou-Haila A — Bendahmane M Heid HW — Langbein L Macril — SapinoA Alonso A — Garcia-Iglesias MJ Herrefio-Saenz D, Ortiz JR, Baez A: Ef- Maerz WJ — Miller WH Jr Auersperg N — Roskelley C fects of 3-nitrobenzothiazolo [3,2-a] Margolis-Fryer J — Wilson C Auradé F, Pinset C, Chafey P, Gros F, quinolinium chloride (NBQ) and doxoru- Martinez JM — Garcia-Iglesias MJ Montarras D: Myf5, MyoD, myogenin bicin on lens regeneration in the adult Masui H — Miller WH Jr and MRF4 myogenic derivatives of the newt: a morphological study 169 Mayor R, Izquierdo L: Morulae at compac- embryonic mesenchymal cel! line Ingram RT, Bonde SK, Riggs BL, Fitzpa- tion and the pattern of protein synthesis C3H10T1/2 exhibit the same adult mus- trick LA: Effects of transforming growth in mouse embryos 175 cle phenotype 185 factor beta (TGF) and 1,25 dihydroxyvi- Medina D — SapinoA Baez A — Herrefio-Saenz D tamin D, on the function, cytochemistry Medvinsky AL — Engelhardt NV Baranov VN — Engelhardt NV and morphology of normal human os- Miller WH Jr, Maerz WJ, Kurie J, Moy D, Baselga J — Miller WH Jr teoblast-like cells 153 Baselga J, Lucas DA, Grippo JF, Masui Bendahmane M, Abou-Haila A: Synthesis, Izquierdo L — Mayor R H, Dmitrovsky E: All-trans-retinoic acid characterization and hormonal regula- Jakowlew SB, Ciment G, Tuan RS, Sporn and hexamethylene bisacetamide tion of epididymal proteins during post- MB, Roberts AB: Expression of trans- (HMBA) regulate TGF-@ and Hst-1/kFGF natal development of the mouse 119 forming growth factor-82 and 83 mRNAs expression in differentiation sensitive Bonde SK — Ingram RT and proteins in the developing chicken but not in resistant human teratocarcin- BussolatiG — Sapino A embryo 105 omas 145 Chafey P — Auradé F Jorcano JL — Garcia-iglesias MJ Minafra S — Luparello C Chaloin-Dufau C — Wu R-L Kao W-Y — Wu R-L Moll | — Langbein L Ciment G — Jakowlew SB Kapp M — Leeuw T Montarras D — Auradé F Cotsarelis G — Wilson C Ken R, Singleton CK: Redundant regulato- Monzo M — Garcia-iglesias MJ Delabie J — Lorent K ry elements account for the develop- Moy D = Miller WH Jr Dhouailly D > Wu R-L mental control of a ribosomal protein Naumann K, Pette D: Effects of chronic Dmitrovsky E — Miller WH Jr gene of Dictyostelium discoideum 97 stimulation with different impulse pat- Duband J-L, Gimona M, Scatena M, Sar- Kurie J — Miller WH Jr terns on the expression of myosin tore S, Small JV: Calponin and SM22 Langbein L, Heid HW, Moll |, Franke WW: isoforms in rat myotube cultures 203 as differentiation markers of smooth Molecular characterization of the body Ortiz JR — Herrefo-Saenz D muscle: spatiotemporal distribution dur- site-specific human epidermal cytokera- Ostead M — Wilson C ing avian embryonic development 1 tin 9: cDNA cloning, amino acid se- Overbergh L — Lorent K Engelhardt NV, Factor VM, Medvinsky AL, quence, and tissue specificity of gene Pacchioni D — SapinoA Baranov VN, Lazareva MN, Poltoranina expression 57 Paranko J — Frdjdman K VS: Common antigen of oval and biliary Laurent-WinterC, Fougére-Deschatrette C, Pelliniemi LJ — Fréjdman K epithelial cells (A6) is a differentiation Weiss MC: Identification of polypeptides Pette D —- Leeuw T— Naumann K marker of epithelial and erythroid cell whose presence correlates with reten- Pinset C — Auradé F lineages in early development of the tion or loss of an albumin extinguisher Poltoranina VS — Engelhardt NV mouse 19 chromosome in rat hepatoma-mouse L Pucci-Minafra | — Luparelio C Factor VM — Engelhardt NV cell fibroblast microcell hybrids Ramirez A — Garcia-lglesias MJ Fitzpatrick LA — Ingram RT Lavker RM — Wilson C> Wu R-L Riggs BL — Ingram RT Fougére-Deschatrette C -— Laurent-Win- Lazareva MN — Engelhardt NV Roberts AB — Jakowlew SB ter C Leeuw T, Kapp M, Pette D: Role of inner- Roskelley C, Auersperg N: Mixed paren- Franke WW — Langbein L vation for development and mainte- chymal-stromal populations of rat ad- Fréjdman K, Paranko J, Virtanen I, Pellin- nance of troponin subunit isoform pat- renocortical cells support the prolifera- iemi LJ: Intermediate filament proteins terns in fast- and slow-twitch muscles tion and differentiation of steroidogenic and epithelial differentiation in the em- of the rabbit 193 cells 37 bryonic ovary of the rat 47 Liu Y-J — SapinoA Sapino A, Macri L, Gugliotta P, Pacchioni Fryer E — Wilson C Lorent K, Overbergh L, Delabie J, Van D, Liu Y-J, Medina D, Bussolati G: Im- Gallagher JA — Luparello C Leuven F, Van Den Berghe H: Distribu- munophenotypic properties and estro- Galvin S —> Wu R-L tion of mRNA coding for A/pha-2-mac- gen dependency of budding cell struc- Garcia-Iglesias MJ, Ramirez A, Monzo M, roglobulin, the murinoglobulins, the Al- tures in the developing mouse mamma- Steuer B, Martinez JM, Jorcano JL, pha-2-macroglobulin receptor and the ry gland 13 Aionso A: Specific expression in adult Alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor asso- Sartore S — Duband J-L mice and post-implantation embryos of ciated protein during mouse embryo- Scatena M — Duband J-L a transgene carrying the histone H1° genesis and in adult tissues 213 Singleton CK — KenR regulatory region 27 Lucas DA — Miller WH Jr Small JV — Duband J-L Gimona M — Duband J-L Luparello C, Ginty AF, Gallagher JA, Puc- Sporn MB — Jakowlew SB Ginty AF — Luparello C ci-Minafra |, Minafra S: Transforming Steuer B — Garcia-Iglesias MJ Grippo JF — Miller WH Jr growth factor-81, 82, and #3, urokinase Sun T-T — Wilson C Gros F — Auradé F and parathyroid hormone-related pep- Sun T-T — Wu R-L Gugliotta P — Sapino A tide expression in 8701-BC breast can- Tokarek R — Wilson C Haseba T — Wu R-L cer cells andclones 73 Tuan RS — Jakowlew SB IV Van Den Berghe H -— Lorent K bulge region of mouse hair follicle tran- dent expression of K12 keratin in rabbit Van Leuven F — Lorent K siently proliferate during early anagen: corneal/limbal epithelial cells: cDNA Virtanen | — Fréjdman K heterogeneity and functional differences cloning and Northern blot analysis 137 Wei Z-G — Wilson C—> Wu R-L of various hair cycles 127 XuC — WiR-L Weiss MC — Laurent-Winter C Wu R-L, Zhu G, Galvin S, Xu C, Haseba ZhuG — Wu R-L Wilson C, Cotsarelis G, Wei Z-G, Fryer E, T, Chaloin-Dufau C, Dhouailly D, Wei Z- Margolis-Fryer J, Ostead M, Tokarek R, G, Lavker RM, Kao W-Y, Sun T-T: Lin- Sun T-T, Lavker RM: Cells within the eage-specific and differentiation-depen- Indexed in Current Contents

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