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Differential operators on G/U and the affine Grassmannian Victor Ginzburg, Simon Riche To cite this version: Victor Ginzburg, Simon Riche. Differential operators on G/U and the affine Grassmannian. Journal de l’Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, 2015, 14. ￿hal-00839864v2￿ HAL Id: hal-00839864 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00839864v2 Submitted on 24 Mar 2014 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS ON G/U AND THE AFFINE GRASSMANNIAN VICTORGINZBURGANDSIMONRICHE ABSTRACT. Wedescribetheequivariantcohomologyofcofibersofsphericalperversesheavesonthe affineGrassmannianofareductivealgebraicgroupintermsofthegeometryoftheLanglandsdual group. In factwe givetwo equivalentdescriptions: one intermsofD-modulesofthe basicaffine space,andoneintermsofintertwiningoperatorsforuniversalVermamodules. Wealsoconstruct natural collections of isomorphisms parametrized by the Weyl group in these three contexts, and provethattheyarecompatiblewithourisomorphisms. Asapplicationswereprovesomeresultsof thefirstauthorandofBraverman–Finkelberg. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. ThegeometricSatakeequivalencerelatesperversesheaves(withcomplexcoefficientsinour case)ontheaffineGrassmannianGrofacomplexconnectedreductivealgebraicgroupGˇ andrep- resentationsoftheLanglandsdual(complex)reductive groupG. Theunderlyingvectorspaceof q therepresentationS(F)attachedtoaperversesheafF isgivenbyitstotalcohomologyH (Gr,F). It turns out that various equivariant cohomology groups attached to F also carry information on the representationS(F), see e.g. [G1, YZ, BF]. In this paper, if Tˇ is a maximal torus of Gˇ, we de- scribe, in terms of G, the equivariant cohomology of cofibers of F at Tˇ-fixed point, with respect to the action of Tˇ or of Tˇ × C×, where C× acts on Gr by loop rotation. In fact these groups can bedescribedin twoequivalentways,eitherintermsofD-modulesonthebasicaffine spaceorin terms of intertwining operators for universal Verma modules. We also describe the Weyl group actiononthiscollectionofspacesinducedbytheactionofN (Tˇ)onGr. Gˇ 1.2. To state our results more precisely, choose some Borel subgroup Bˇ ⊂ Gˇ containing Tˇ, and let T,B be the maximal torus and the Borel subgroup of G provided by the geometric Satake equivalence. Note that the Tannakian construction of G also provides no zero vectors in each simplerootsubspaceofg := Lie(G). Inthispaperwestudythreefamiliesofgradedmodulesover a polynomial algebra, attached to G or Gˇ, and endowedwith symmetries parametrized by their commonWeylgroupW. Let t := Lie(T) and S~ := S(t)[~], considered as a graded algebra where ~ and the vectors in t areindegree2. (Here,S(t)isthesymmetricalgebraofthevectorspacet.) LetalsoX := X∗(T)be thecharacterlattice. LetRep(G)bethecategoryoffinitedimensionalalgebraicG-modules. Our first family of graded modules over S~ is of “geometric” nature. Let U be the unipotent radical of B, and let X := G/U be the basic affine space. Consider the algebra D~(X) of (global) asymptoticdifferentialoperatorsonX,i.e.theReesalgebraofthealgebraΓ(X,DX)ofdifferential operators on X, endowedwith the order filtration (see §2.4 for details). This algebra is naturally graded, and endowed with an action of T induced by right multiplication on X. We denote by D~(X)λ theweightspaceassociatedwithλ ∈ X. Thenweset MgVe,λom := V ⊗(λ)D~(X)λ G. (cid:0) (cid:1) TheworkofV.G.wassupportedinpartbytheNSFgrantDMS-1001677. TheworkofS.R.wassupportedbyANR GrantsNo.ANR-09-JCJC-0102-01andNo.ANR-2010-BLAN-110-02. 1 (Herethetwistfunctor(λ)(·)willbedefinedin§2.4.) Our secondfamily ofgradedS~-modulesis of“algebraic” nature. LetU~(g) be the asymptotic enveloping algebra of g (i.e. the Rees algebra of the algebra U(g) endowed with the Poincare´- Birkhoff-Witt filtration, see §2.1 for details). For λ ∈ X we let M(λ) be the asymptotic universal Verma module associated with λ, a graded (S~,U~(g))-bimodule whose precise definition is re- calledin§2.1. Thenweset Malg := Hom M(0),V ⊗M(λ) V,λ (S~,U~(g)) whereweconsidermorphismsinthecategoryof((cid:0)S~,U~(g))-bimodu(cid:1)les. We will also construct a third family of graded modules, of “topological” nature, which is as- sociated with the “Langlands dual data.” Let ˇt := Lie(Tˇ). We have canonical identifications X ∼= X∗(Tˇ) and S~ ∼= S(ˇt∗)[~]. Consider the category PervGˇ(O)(Gr) of Gˇ(O)-equivariant perverse sheavesontheaffineGrassmannianGrofGˇ. Thenforanyλ ∈ XandF inPerv (Gr)weset Gˇ(O) q Mtop := H +λ(2ρˇ)(i! F). F,λ Tˇ×C× λ Here i is the inclusion of the point of Gr naturally associated with λ, C× acts on Gr by loop λ top rotation, and ρˇis the half sum of positive coroots of G. Then M is in a natural way a graded F,λ S~-module. 1.3. Each ofthesefamilies is endowedwith a kindof“symmetry”governedby theWeylgroup W of (G,T) or (Gˇ,Tˇ). (Note that these Weyl groups can be canonically identified.) Namely, we haveisomorphismsofgradedS~-modules A :M −→∼ wM or A : M −→∼ wM V,λ,w V,λ V,wλ F,λ,w F,λ F,wλ forallw ∈ W. (Herethetwistfunctorw(·)willbedefinedin§2.4.) In the “geometric” case, the isomorphisms Ageom are constructed using a W-action on D~(X) V,λ,w givenbypartialFouriertransformsduetoGelfand–GraevandstudiedinparticularbyBezrukav- nikov–Braverman–Positselskiiin[BBP]. Theseoperatorsdependonachoiceof(non-zero)simple rootvectorsing,whichwechoosetobethoseprovidedbythegeometricSatakeequivalence. In the “algebraic” setting, the isomorphisms Aalg are constructed using properties of inter- V,λ,w twining operators between a Verma module and a tensor product of a G-module and a Verma module. Our constructions are “renormalized” variants of classical constructions appearing in thedefinitionofthedynamical Weylgroup(see[TV,EV])but,as opposedtothoseconsideredin loc. cit., our isomorphisms do not have poles. Again, the operators Aalg depend on a choice of V,λ,w simplerootvectorsing,whichwechooseasabove. Inthe“topological”setting,theisomorphismsAtop areinducedbytheactionofN (Tˇ)onGr F,λ,w Gˇ byleftmultiplication. Ineachsetting,thecollectionofoperatorsiscompatiblewiththeproductinW inthesensethat y A ◦A = A or y A ◦A = A V,yλ,x V,λ,y V,λ,xy F,yλ,x F,λ,y F,λ,xy foranyλ,V,F as(cid:0)above(cid:1)andx,y ∈ W. (cid:0) (cid:1) 1.4. Inaddition,thesefamilies ofgradedmodulesareendowedwithmorphisms Conv :M ⊗ (λ)M → M , Conv :M ⊗ (λ)M → M V,V′,λ,µ V,λ S~ V′,µ V⊗V′,λ+µ F,F′,λ,µ F,λ S~ F′,µ F⋆F′,λ+µ relatedtothemonoidalstructureonthecategoryRep(G)(denoted⊗)orPerv (Gr)(denoted⋆). Gˇ(O) 2 In the “geometric” setting, morphisms Convgeom are induced by the product in the algebra V,V′,λ,µ D~(X). In the “algebraic” setting, morphisms ConvaVl,gV′,λ,µ are induced by composition of mor- phisms of bimodules. In the “topological” setting, morphisms Convtop are defined using a F,F′,λ,µ standardconstructionconsideredinparticularin[ABG]. 1.5. Ourmainresultmightbestatedasfollows(seeCorollary2.4.2,Theorem2.5.5,andProposi- tion8.1.5). Theorem. ForF inPerv (Gr)andλ ∈ Xthereexistcanonicalisomorphisms Gˇ(O) Mtop ∼= Mgeom ∼= Malg , F,λ S(F),λ S(F),λ where S : Perv (Gr) −→∼ Rep(G) is the geometric Satake equivalence. These families of isomorphisms Gˇ(O) arecompatiblewithoperators AandwithmorphismsConv. geom alg TheproofofthistheoremisbasedonanothercrucialpropertyofthemodulesM ,M and V,λ V,λ top M : they are all compatible with restriction to a Levi subgroup in the appropriate sense. This F,λ propertyisusedtoreducetheproofofourclaims tothecaseGandGˇ havesemisimplerankone, inwhichcasetheycanbecheckedbyexplicitcomputation. Thisstrategyisratherclassicalinthis context,seee.g.[BFM,BF,BrF,AHR]. 1.6. Thepresentpaperiscloselyrelatedto,andmotivatedby,resultsof[ABG]and[BF]. Infact,in afollow-uppapertheresultsofthepresentarticlewillbeusedtoobtainacommongeneralization oftheequivalencesofcategoriesestablishedin thesepapers. Asimilar generalization canalsobe obtained using recent results of Dodd [Do], but our approach is different and, we believe, more explicit. We will follow the strategy of [ABG] and a key technical step in our approach is the following algebra isomorphism, which is a ”quantum” analogue of [ABG, Theorem 8.5.2] and whichfollowsfromthetheoremstatedin§1.5: q ExtTˇ×C×(RG,Wλ⋆RG) ∼= U~(g)⋉ D~(X)λ. λ∈X+ λ∈X+ M M   Here, Wλ is the Wakimoto sheaf associated with λ, R is an ind-perversesheafon Gr correspond- G ing to the regular representation of G, and we refer to [ABG, §8] for this and other unexplained notation. 1.7. We will also consider “classical analogues” of the above constructions, by which we mean specializing~to0,hencereplacingS~ byS(t)orS(ˇt∗). TheclassicalanaloguesofMtop areeasyto define: wesimplyset q Mtop := H +λ(2ρˇ)(i! F). F,λ Tˇ λ WealsohavemorphismsAtopandConvtopgivenbythesameconstructionsasforAtopandConvtop. ThereisnointerestingclassicalanalogueofMalg. TheclassicalanaloguesofMgeom aredefined usingthegeometryoftheGrothendieck–Springerresolutiong. Morepreciselyweset geom G MV,λ := V ⊗Γ(g,Oeg(λ)) e geom whereOeg(λ) is the G-equivariant line bundl(cid:0)e on g associated(cid:1)with λ. The operatorsConv are e inducedbythenaturalmorphisms Γ(g,Oeg(λ))⊗Γ(g,Oeg(µe)) → Γ(g,Oeg(λ+µ)). 3 e e e geom Finally, theoperatorsA are definedusingtheW-action ontheregular part ofg. Again, these operatorsdependonachoice ofsimplerootvectorsin g. Thisconstructionseemstobenew,and hasinterestingconsequences(see§5.5). e Thenweprovethefollowing(seeCorollary2.4.5,Theorem2.5.7andRemark8.1.6(2)). Theorem. ForF inPerv (Gr)andλ ∈ X,thereexistcanonicalisomorphisms Gˇ(O) MtFo,pλ ∼= MgSe(Fom),λ. Thisfamilyofisomorphisms iscompatiblewithoperators AandwithmorphismsConv. Themodulesappearinginthetheorem(andthecorrespondingmorphisms)arerelatedtothose appearinginthetheoremof§1.5bythefunctorC⊗C[~](−)(where~actsbyzeroonC). ForMtop and Mtop, this easily follows from the parity vanishing ofHq(i! F), see Lemma 6.2.4. For Mgeom λ geom and M , this requires a more subtle argument, see §3.5. In particular, our results establish a relation between the automorphisms of D~(X) induced by partial Fourier transforms and the W-actionontheregularpartofg,whichseemstobenew. e 1.8. Asapplicationsofourconstructionswegivenewproofsoftworesults: ageometricdescrip- tionoftheBrylinski–Kostantfiltrationduetothefirstauthor(see[G1]),andageometricconstruc- tionofthedynamical WeylgroupduetoBraverman–Finkelberg(see[BrF]). Wealsoobservethat someofourtechnicalpreliminaryresultshaveinterestingapplications: theyallowtogivesimpler proofsofresultsonthestructureofthealgebra D(X) ofdifferential operatorson X(see§3.6)and toconstructanactionofW ontheregularpartofT∗Xwhich“lifts”theactionontheregularpart ofg,see§5.5. OneimportanttoolinthefirstproofofthegeometricSatakeequivalencein[G1]wasspecialized equeivariant cohomology of cofibers (see in particular [loc. cit., §3.5]), while in [MV] the authors replaced this tool by cohomology of corestrictions to semi-infinite orbits T . Our descriptions of q q λ H (i! F),H (t! F)(wheret denotestheinclusionofT )andthenaturalmorphismbetweenthem Tˇ λ Tˇ λ λ λ (seeTheorem2.3.1)shedsomelightonthepreciserelationbetweenthesepointsofview. 1.9. Descriptionofthepaper. InSection2wedefineourmainplayers,andstateourmainresults. geom InSection3westudythemodulesM anddefinetheirsymmetries. InSection4westudythe V,λ alg modulesM ,definetheirsymmetries,andrelatethisalgebraicfamilywiththegeometricone. In V,λ geom Section5westudythemodulesM ,definetheirsymmetries,andrelatethemwiththemodules V,λ geom M . In Section 6 we recall the construction of the geometric Satake equivalence and its main V,λ properties. In Section 7 we prove our main results. In Section 8 we give some complements and applications of these results. Finally, the paper finishes with two appendices: Appendix A collectscomputationsinsemi-simplerankonethatareneededinourproofs,andAppendixBisa reminderonpartialFouriertransformsfor(asymptotic)D-modules. 1.10. Conventions. Throughout,wewill workoverthegroundfieldCofcomplexnumbersand write⊗ = ⊗C. IfM = n∈ZMn isagradedvectorspaceandm ∈ Z,wedefinethegradedvector spaceMhmibythefollowingrule: (Mhmi) = M . Notethath1iisa“homological”shift,i.e.it n n−m shifts graded vector spLaces to the right. We will always consider C[~] as a graded algebra where ~ has degree 2. If A and B are C[~]-algebras, by an (A,B)-bimodule we mean an (A⊗C[~] Bop)- module. IfAisanalgebra,wewriteHom−A(−,−)forHomAop(−,−). 4 1.11. Acknowledgements. Wethank Pramod Achar for usefuldiscussionsat early stagesofthis work, and Pierre Baumann. Part of this work was completed while the second author visited UniversityofChicago. 2. STATEMENT OF THE MAIN RESULTS 2.1. Asymptotic Verma modules. Given a filtered C-algebra A = i∈Z≥0FiA, we let A~ be the Rees algebra (sometimes referred to as “graded” or “asymptotic” version) of the filtered algebra S A. ItcanbedefinedasthefollowingsubalgebraofA[~]: 0 ifiisodd; A~ := i∈Z Ai~ with Ai~ = (~i·Fi/2A ifiiseven. (2.1.1) M Thus,A~ isagradedC[~]-algebra, wheretheindeterminate~hasgradedegree2. (Thereasonfor ourconventionwillbecomeclearlater.) Moreover,onehasanaturalisomorphism A~/~·A~ ∼= grFA (wheredegreesaredoubledontheleft-handside). IfkisaLiealgebra,theenvelopingalgebraU(k)comesequippedwithanaturalascendingfiltra- tion,thePoincare´-Birkhoff-Wittfiltration,suchthatgrU(k) = S(k). Thecorrespondingasymptotic enveloping algebra U~(k) := U(k)~ has an alternative (equivalent) definition as the C[~]-algebra generatedbyk,withrelationsxy−yx = ~[x,y]forx,y ∈ k. Hereelementsofkhavedegree2. We willusethisdescriptionofU~(k), andstilldenotebyxtheimageofanelementx ∈ k. (Ifwewere usingthedescription(2.1.1),thiselementshouldratherbedenoted~x.) LetGbeaconnectedreductivegroupoverC withLiealgebrag. Wefixatriangular decompo- sitiong = u⊕t⊕u−,sob= t⊕uisaBorelsubalgebra. LetT bethemaximaltorusandB = T ·U the Borel subgroup corresponding to the Lie algebras t and b, respectively. We will denote by R the set of roots of G (relative to T), by R+ the positive roots (i.e. the roots of u), and by W the Weylgroup of(G,T). Letρ ∈ t∗, resp. ρˇ∈ t, be the half sumof positive roots, resp. coroots. We also let X be the lattice of characters of T, and X+, resp. X−, be the sub-semigroup of dominant, resp.antidominant,weights. Wewillfrequentlyconsiderelementsoft∗(resp.ofX)aslinearforms on b (resp. characters of B) which are trivial on u (resp. on U). Also, as usual, when convenient weidentifyXwithasubsetoft∗ viathedifferential. We consider asymptotic C[~]-algebras U~(g) and U~(t). The latter algebra is a commutative graded algebra which is clearly isomorphic to S~ := S(t)[~] where S(t), the symmetric algebra of t, is equippedwith its natural grading. LetZ(g) be the centerof the algebra U(g). The Poincare´- Birkhoff-Witt filtration on U(g) induces, by restriction, a filtration on Z(g). The corresponding asymptotic algebra Z~(g) is the center of the algebra U~(g). One has a Harish-Chandra isomor- phismZ~(g)∼= SW~ = S(t)W[~],agradedC[~]-algebraisomorphisminducedbythecomposition Z~(g) ֒→ U~(g)։ U~(g)/(u·U~(g)+U~(g)·u−)←∼− S~ −→∼ S~ where the isomorphismon the right-hand side sendst ∈ t to t+~ρ(t). Using this isomorphism, wemay(andwill)identifythealgebraZ~(g)withasubalgebraofS~. For any λ ∈ t∗, let S~hhλii be the U~(b)-bimodule defined as follows. As a C[~]-module, it is isomorphic to S~. The left U~(b)-module structure is given by the natural isomorphism S~ ∼= U~(b)/U~(b)·n. Then in theright U~(b)-module structure, theLie ideal u ⊂ b acts by 0, and t ∈ t actsbymultiplication byt+~λ(t). We define a graded (U~(b), U~(g))-bimodule, a certain asymptotic version of the universal Vermamodule,asfollows: M(λ) = S~hhλ+ρii⊗U~(b)U~(g). 5 (WewillmainlyonlyconsiderM(λ)asan(S~,U~(g))-bimodule.) TheactionofU~(g)onthevector vλ := 1⊗1∈ M(λ)inducesanisomorphismofrightU~(g)-modules M(λ) ∼= U~(g)/(u·U~(g)). (2.1.2) Underthis isomorphism, the right S~-module structure is such that the action oft ∈ t is induced byrightmultiplicationbyt−~·(λ+ρ)(t)onU~(g). It is immediate from definitions that there is well defined ‘adjoint’ action b : m 7→ adb(m) of theLiealgebrabonM(λ),whichisrelatedtothebimodulestructurebytheequation ~·adb(m)= (b+~ρ(b))·m−m·b ∀b ∈b. The adjoint action of the subalgebra t ⊂ b is semisimple. Therefore, one has a weight decompo- sition M(λ) = M(λ) . In particular, we have M(λ) = C[~]·v , and M(λ) = 0 unless µ∈t∗ µ −λ λ µ µ ∈ −λ − Z R+. For λ ∈ X, the adjoint action on M(λ) can be exponentiated to an algebraic ≥0L B-action. Let Rep(G) be the tensor category of finite dimensional rational G-modules. For V ∈ Rep(G) andλ ∈ X,letV denotetheT-weightspaceofV ofweightλ. λ The assignment ~ 7→ 1⊗~, x 7→ −x⊗~+1⊗x has a unique extension to an algebra homo- morphismU~(g) → U(g)op ⊗U~(g). Via this homomorphism,for any rightU~(g)-module M and V ∈ Rep(G), the vector space V ⊗M acquires the structure of a right U~(g)-module. This gives an (U~(b),U~(g))-bimodule structure on V ⊗M(λ), where the left action of the algebra U~(b) on V ⊗ M(λ) comes from its action on M(λ) on the left. If λ ∈ X, the differential of the diagonal B-actiononV ⊗M(λ)andthebimodulestructurearerelatedasfollows: ifb ∈ b ⊂ U(b),~times theactionofbisgivenbytheassignmentn7→ (b+~ρ(b))·n−n·b. One has a natural morphism of left S~-modules pλ : M(λ) → S~, induced by the projection U~(g) → U~(b) orthogonal to U~(g) · u−. If λ ∈ X, then pλ is also a morphism of T-modules M(λ) → S~⊗C−λ. AnimportantrolebelowwillbeplayedbythemorphismofgradedS~-modules κalg defined(forV inRep(G)andλ ∈X)asthefollowingcomposition: V,λ V ⊗M(λ) B ֒→ V ⊗M(λ) T idV⊗pλ // (V ⊗S~⊗C−λ)T = Vλ⊗S~. (2.1.3) (cid:0) (cid:1) B (cid:0) (cid:1) Notethat V ⊗M(λ) has a natural structureofZ~(g)-module, induced by the (right)action of Z~(g) ⊂ U~(g) on M(λ). With this definition, κalg is also a morphism of Z~(g)-modules, where (cid:0) (cid:1) V,λ Z~(g) = SW~ actsonS~ viatherestrictionoftherightactionofS~ onS~hhλii. 2.2. The affine Grassmannian: equivariant cohomology of cofibers. Write G for the multi- m plicative group. LetGˇ betheLanglandsdualgroupofG. ThegroupGˇ comesequippedwiththe maximal torus Tˇ ⊂ Gˇ, with opposite Borel subgroups Bˇ = Tˇ ·Uˇ and Bˇ− = Tˇ ·Uˇ−, and with a canonical isomorphismX = Hom(G ,Tˇ), the cocharacter lattice ofTˇ. (To be completely precise, m one should first choose Gˇ,Bˇ,Tˇ, and then use the affine Grassmannian of Gˇ to define G,B,T by Tannakianformalism;see§6.1fordetails.) Let K = C((z)), resp. O = C[[z]]. Let Gr := Gˇ(K)/Gˇ(O), resp. Gr := Tˇ(K)/Tˇ(O), be the Gˇ Tˇ affine Grassmannian associated with the group Gˇ, resp. Tˇ. (We will consider the reduced ind- scheme structure on these affine Grassmannians.) Thus, one has X = Gr and there is a natural Tˇ embeddingX = Gr ֒→ Gr . Forλ ∈ X,weletλbetheimageofλandleti : {λ} ֒→ Gr denote Tˇ Gˇ λ Gˇ theonepointembedding. ThegroupGˇ(K)⋊G actsonGr ontheleft,wherethefactorG acts m Gˇ m byrotationoftheloop. Fortherestofthissection,wewill usesimplifiednotationGr := Gr . Thefollowingsubsetsof Gˇ theaffine Grassmannian will play an important role. For λ ∈ X+,welet Grλ := Gˇ(O)·λ. This is 6 a finite dimensional (Gˇ(O)⋊G )-stable locally closed subvariety of Gr. One has a stratification m Gr = ⊔λ∈X+ Grλ. Further, for any λ ∈ X, following Mirkovic´-Vilonen one puts Tλ := Uˇ−(K)·λ. Welett :T ֒→ Grbetheinclusion. λ λ LetA := Tˇ×G ,atoralsubgroupofGˇ(K)⋊G . TheMirkovic´-Vilonen spaceT is A-stable. m m λ Further, the set X ⊂ Gr is known to be equal to the set of A-fixed points in Gr. Therefore, for any object F of the equivariant derived category Db(Gr), there are well defined A-equivariant q q A cohomology groups H (T ,t! F), resp. H (i! F). These are graded modules over the graded q A λ λ A λ algebraH (pt) ∼= S(t)[~] = S~. A LetPerv (Gr),resp.Perv (Gr),bethecategoryofGˇ(O)-equivariant,resp.Gˇ(O)⋊G - Gˇ(O) Gˇ(O)⋊Gm m equivariant,perversesheavesonGr. LetalsoPerv (Gr)bethecategoryofperversesheaves Gˇ(O)-mon onGrwhichareconstructiblewithrespecttothestratificationbyGˇ(O)-orbits. Recallthatallthree of these categories are semisimple, with simple objects parametrized by X+. In particular, the forgetfulfunctors Perv (Gr)→ Perv (Gr) → Perv (Gr) Gˇ(O)⋊Gm Gˇ(O) Gˇ(O)-mon areequivalencesofcategories(see[MV,AppendixA]forasimilar resultinamuchmoregeneral situation). Let S :Perv (Gr) −→∼ Rep(G) Gˇ(O) be the geometric Satake equivalence. By the remark above, any object of Perv (Gr) can be Gˇ(O) considerednaturallyasanobjectofDb(Gr). A The following lemma is a simple consequence of results of Kazhdan–Lusztig [KL] and Mirko- vic´–Vilonen[MV],cf.also[YZ,BrF]. Itwillbeprovedin§6.2. Lemma2.2.1. ForanyF inPerv (Gr )andλ ∈ X,onehas Gˇ(O) Gˇ q q (1) ThegradedS~-moduleH (i! F),resp.thegradedS(t)-moduleH (i! F),isfree. A λ Tˇ λ (2) Thereisacanonicalisomorphism ofgraded S~-modules,resp.ofgradedS(t)-modules q q HA(Tλ,t!λF) ∼= S(F) λ⊗S~hλ(2ρˇ)i, HTˇ(Tλ,t!λF) ∼= S(F) λ⊗S(t)hλ(2ρˇ)i. (2.2.2) Onemayfactorthe(cid:0)embe(cid:1)ddingi : {λ} ֒→ Grasacompositio(cid:0)n{λ}(cid:1)−ı→λ T −t→λ Gr. Hence,there λ λ isapush-forwardmorphism q q q (ı ) : H (i! F) = H (ı! t! F) −→ H (T ,t! F). λ ! A λ A λ λ A λ λ top Letκ bethefollowingcompositemorphism F,λ κtFo,pλ : HAq (i!λF) (ıλ)! // HAq (Tλ,t!λF) (2.∼2.2) // S(F) λ⊗S~hλ(2ρˇ)i. (2.2.3) (cid:0) (cid:1) Thus,wegetadiagramofmorphismsofgradedS~-modules S(F)⊗M(λ) Bhλ(2ρˇ)i κaS(lgF),λhλ(2ρˇ)i // S(F) ⊗S~hλ(2ρˇ)i oo κtFo,pλ Hq (i! F). (2.1.3) λ (2.2.3) A λ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Oneofourkeyresults(tobeprovedin§7.6)readsasfollows. Theorem 2.2.4. For any F in Perv (Gr) and λ ∈ X, the morphisms κalg hλ(2ρˇ)i and κtop are Gˇ(O) S(F),λ F,λ injectiveandhavethesameimage. Thus,thereisanaturalisomorphismofgradedS~-modulesζF,λthatfits 7 intothefollowingcommutativediagram S(F)⊗M(λ) Bhλ(2ρˇ)i ζF,λ // Hq(i! F) (cid:127)_ ∼ A λ(cid:127)_ (cid:0) κa(cid:1)lg hλ(2ρˇ)i κtop (2.2.5) S(F),λ F,λ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) S(F) ⊗S~hλ(2ρˇ)i S(F) ⊗S~hλ(2ρˇ)i. λ λ Remark 2.2.6. Wehave(cid:0)defin(cid:1)edin §2.1 an action ofZ~(g)(cid:0)on (S((cid:1)F)⊗M(λ))B. On the otherhand, q itisexplainedin [BF,§2.4]thatHA(i!λF)alsohasanaturalaction ofZ~(g) = SW~ coming fromthe naturalmapGr = (Gˇ(K)⋊G )/(Gˇ(O)⋊G )→ pt/(Gˇ(O)⋊G ). Weclaimthatourisomorphism m m m ζF,λ isalsoZ~(g)-equivariant. q First, the action of S~⊗Z~(g) on HA(i!λF) factors through an action of S~⊗C[~]Z~(g) = C[t∗ × (t∗q/W)×A1]. Then, the action of S~⊗C[~]Z~(g) factors through the naturalqaction of the algebra HA(λ). Finally, it is explained in [BF, §3.2] that the S~⊗C[~]Z~(g)-algebra HA(λ) is isomorphic to thedirectimageunderthenaturalquotientmapofO ,where Γλ Γ := {(η ,η ,z) ∈ t∗×t∗×A1 | η = η +zλ}. λ 1 2 2 1 TheclaimeasilyfollowsfromtheseremarksandtheS~-equivarianceofζF,λ. Remark 2.2.7. Consider the case F = IC is the IC-sheaf associated with the Gˇ(O)-orbit Grν for ν some ν ∈ X, and λ = w ν (where w ∈ W is the longest element). Then Vν := S(IC ) is a 0 0 ν simple G-module with highest weight ν, and λ is the lowest weight of Vν. In view of the right- alg hand isomorphism in Lemma 2.4.1 below, the image of the morphism κ is computed by Vν,w0ν Kashiwara in [Ka]: namely, withourconventions,combining Theorem1.7and Proposition1.8 in loc.cit.weobtainthattheimageofκaVlgν,w0ν inVwν0ν⊗S~ ∼= S~isgeneratedbythefollowingelement: −ν(w0α)−1 (αˇ−j~) . (2.2.8)   α∈R+ j=0 Y Y   Thetopologicalcontextiseasyinthiscase. Namelywehave −ν(w0α)−1 Tw0ν ∩Grν = Tw0ν ∩Grν = Uˇ−(O)·(w0ν) ∼=  C−αˇ+j~ α∈R+ j=0 Y Y top   as A-varieties. One can easily deduce that the image of κ is also generated by (2.2.8), see ICν,w0ν §6.2. Hence,inthisparticularcase,Theorem2.2.4canbedirectlydeducedfromtheseremarks. alg top Inthecaseλ = ν,onecanalsodirectlycheckthatbothκ andκ areisomorphisms. Vν,ν ICν,ν 2.3. Classical analogue. We will also prove an analogue of Theorem 2.2.4 where one replaces A byTˇ. InthiscasetherepresentationtheoryofthealgebraU~(g)hastobereplacedbythegeometry ofthealgebraicvarietyg∗. We will identify t∗ with the subspace (g/u⊕u−)∗ ⊂ g∗. This way we obtain a canonical mor- phism q : S(g/u) → S(t) induced by restriction of functions. For V in Rep(G) and λ ∈ X, the alg alg “classicalanalogue”ofthemorphismκ ,whichwewilldenotebyκ ,isthecomposition V,λ V,λ V ⊗S(g/u)⊗C B ֒→ V ⊗S(g/u)⊗C T −i−d−V−⊗−q⊗−→1 (V ⊗S(t)⊗C )T = V ⊗S(t). −λ −λ −λ λ This(cid:0)morphism is S(t)-e(cid:1)quivar(cid:0)iant, where the S(t(cid:1))-action on the left-hand side is induced by the morphism(g/u)∗ → t∗ givenbyrestrictionoflinearmaps. 8 NowweconsiderperversesheavesonGr. ForF in Perv (Gr)andλ ∈ X,wewilldenoteby Gˇ(O) top κ thefollowingcompositemorphism F,λ κtop : Hq(i! F) (ıλ)! // Hq(T ,t! F) (2.2.2) // S(F) ⊗S(t)hλ(2ρˇ)i. F,λ Tˇ λ Tˇ λ λ ∼ λ (cid:0) (cid:1) ThentheclassicalanalogueofTheorem2.2.4(tobeprovedin§7.7)readsasfollows. Theorem 2.3.1. For any F in Perv (Gr) and λ ∈ X, the morphisms κalg hλ(2ρˇ)i and κtop are Gˇ(O) S(F),λ F,λ injective andhave the same image. Thus, there isa naturalisomorphism ofgraded S(t)-modules ζ that F,λ fitsintothefollowingcommutativediagram S(F)⊗S(g/u)⊗C Bhλ(2ρˇ)i ζF,λ // Hq(i! F) (cid:127)_ −λ ∼ Tˇ λ(cid:127)_ (cid:0) κaS(lgF),λ(cid:1)hλ(2ρˇ)i κtFo,pλ (2.3.2) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) S(F) ⊗S(t)hλ(2ρˇ)i S(F) ⊗S(t)hλ(2ρˇ)i. λ λ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2.4. Alternative descriptions: differential operators on G/U and intertwining operators for Verma modules. An important role in our arguments will be played by two alternative descrip- tionsoftheC[~]-modules V ⊗M(λ) B. IfX isasmoothalgebraicvariety,wewriteD forthesheafofdifferentialoperatorsonX. The X sheaf D comes equipped(cid:0) with a na(cid:1)tural filtration by the order of differential operator. We let X D~,X bethecorrespondingsheafofasymptoticdifferentialoperators. Asforenvelopingalgebras, thisalgebrahasanalternativedescriptionasthesheafofgradedC[~]-algebrasgenerated(locally) by O in degree 0 and the left O -module T (the tangent sheaf) in degree 2, with relations X X X ξ · ξ′ − ξ′ · ξ = ~[ξ,ξ′] for ξ,ξ′ ∈ T and ξ · f − f · ξ = ~ξ(f) for ξ ∈ T and f ∈ O . As for X X X enveloping algebras, we will use this description of D~,X and still denote by ξ the image of an elementξ ∈ T . (Ifwewereusingthedescriptionprovidedby(2.1.1),thiselementshouldrather X bedenoted~ξ.) NotethatD~,X actsonOX[~]viaξ·f = ~ξ(f)forξ ∈ TX andf ∈ OX. WeputD(X) = Γ(X,DX), resp. D~(X) = Γ(X,D~,X), forthecorrespondingalgebra ofglobal sections. TheorderfiltrationmakesD(X)afilteredalgebra;theassociatedReesalgebraD(X)~ is canonicallyisomorphictoD~(X). ThereisalsoacanonicalinjectivemorphismD~(X)/~·D~(X) → Γ(X,D~,X/~·D~,X), which is not surjective in general. Note finally that there exists a canonical algebra isomorphismD~,X/~·D~,X ∼= (pX)∗OT∗X, where T∗X is thecotangentbundle to X and p : T∗X → X istheprojection. X Consider the quasi-affine variety X := G/U. There is a natural G×T-action on X defined as follows: g ×t : hU 7→ ghtU. The T-action on X also induces an action of T on D~(X) by algebra automorphisms. Inparticular,thisT-actiongivesaweightdecompositionD~(X) = λ∈XD~(X)λ. Thus,D~(X)0 = D~(X)T isthealgebraofrightT-invariant asymptoticdifferentialoperators. L Differentiating the T-action on X yields a morphism γ : S~ → D~(X) of graded C[~]-algebras. Using this we will consider D~(X) as an S~-module where t ∈ t acts by right multiplication by t−~ρ(t). Notealso thatdifferentiating theG-action onXweobtainamorphismZ~(g) → D~(X). ThisdefinesaZ~(g)-modulestructureonD~(X)(inducedbymultiplicationontheleft). If M is an S~-module and ϕ an algebra automorphism of S~, we denoteby ϕM the S~-module whichcoincideswithM asaC-vectorspace,andwheres ∈ S~ actsasϕ(m)actsonM. Ifϕ,ψ are algebraautomorphismsofS~ wehave ψ ϕM = ϕ◦ψM. Thisconstructionprovidesan autoequiv- alenceofthecategoryofS~-modules,actingtriviallyonmorphisms. Wewilluseinparticularthis (cid:0) (cid:1) notation when ϕ = w ∈ W (extendedin the natural way to an automorphism of S~), and for the 9

ABSTRACT. We describe the equivariant cohomology of cofibers of spherical perverse sheaves on the the representation S(F) attached to a perverse sheaf F is given by its total cohomology H m(Gr,F). tent radical of Bsc. We set Xsc := Gsc/Usc. Note that Z acts naturally on Xsc, with quotient X.
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