Differential Geometrical Formulation of Gauge Theory of Gravity Ning Wu1 ∗, Zhan Xu2, Dahua Zhang1 2 0 0 2 Institute of High Energy Physics, P.O.Box 918-1, Beijing 100039, P.R.China1 n a J 2 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100080, P.R.China 7 1 February 1, 2008 1 v 1 3 1 1 0 2 0 PACS Numbers: 11.15.-q, 04.60.-m, 02.40.-k. / h Keywords: gauge field, quantum gravity, geometry. t - p e h : v i Abstract X r Differential geometric formulation of quantum gauge theory of gravity is a studied in this paper. The quantum gauge theory of gravity which is pro- posed in the references hep-th/0109145 and hep-th/0112062 is formulated completely in the framework of traditional quantum field theory. In order to study the relationship between quantum gauge theory of gravity and tradi- tional quantumgravity whichis formulated incurved space, it is importantto find the differential geometric formulation of quantum gauge theory of grav- ity. We first give out the correspondence between quantum gauge theory of gravity and differential geometry. Then we give out differential geometric for- mulation of quantum gauge theory of gravity. ∗ email address: [email protected] 1 1 Introduction Itisknownthat, inclassical Newton’stheoryofgravity, gravityistreatedasphysical interactionsbetweentwo massiveobjects, andgravitydoesnotaffectthestructureof space-time[1]. In Einstein’s general theory of relativity, gravity is treated as geome- try of space-time[2, 3]. In other words, in general relativity, gravity is not treated as a physical interactions, it is a part of structure of space-time. Inspired by Einstein’s general theory of relativity, traditional relativistic theory of gravity and traditional canonical quantum theory of gravity is formulated in the framework of differential geometry[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Recently, based on completely new notions and completely new methods, Wu proposesanewquantumgaugetheoryofgravity,whichisbasedongaugeprinciple[10, 12]. The central idea is to use traditional gauge field theory to formulate quantum theory of gravity. This new quantum gauge theory of gravity is renormalizable[10, 11]. A strict formal proof on the renormalizability of the theory is also given in the reference [10, 11]. This new quantum gauge theory of gravity is formulated in the flat physical space-time, which is completely different from that of the traditional quantum gravity at first appearance. But this difference is not essential, for quan- tum gauge theory of gravity can also be formulated in curved space. In gauge theory of gravity, gravity is treated as physical interactions, but in this paper, gravity is treated as space-time geometry. It means that gravity has physics-geometry duality, which is the nature of gravitational interactions. In this paper, we first give out the correspondence between quantum gauge theory of gravity and differential geometry. Then, we give out the differential geometrical formulation of quantum gauge theory of gravity. 2 Correspondence Between Quantum Gauge The- ory of Gravity and Differential Geometry In gravitational gauge theory, there are two different kinds of space-time: one is the traditional Minkowski space-time which is the physical space-time, another is gravi- tationalgaugegroupspace-time whichisnotaphysical space-time. Twospace-times have different physical meanings. In differential geometry, there are also two differ- ent space-times. This can be seen from the tetrad field in Cartan form. In cartan form, there are two different space-times, one is base manifold, another is the tan- gent space in Cartan tetrad. The correspondence between these two different spaces in two different theories are: the traditional Minkowski space-time in gravitational gauge theory corresponds to the tangent space in Cartan tetrad; the gravitational 2 gauge group space-time corresponds to the base manifold of differential geometry. In gravitational gauge theory, the metric in Minkowski space-time is the flat metric ηµν, which corresponds to the flat metric ηab in Cartan tetrad. The metric in gravitational gauge group space-time is the curved metric gαβ which corresponds to the curved metric gµν in differential geometry. In gravitational gauge theory, Gα is defined by µ Gα = δα −gCα, (2.1) µ µ µ which corresponds to the Cartan tetrad field e µ. G−1µ corresponds to reference a. α frame field ea . That is .µ Gα ⇐⇒ e µ, (2.2) µ a. G−1µ ⇐⇒ ea . (2.3) α . µ Therefore, the following two relations have the same meaning, gαβ = ηµνGαGβ ⇐⇒ gµν = ηabe µe ν, (2.4) µ ν a. b. where gαβ is the metric in gravitational gauge group space-time, and gµν is the metric of the base manifold in differential geometry. Similarly, the following two relations correspond to each other, g = η G−1µG−1ν ⇐⇒ g = η ea eb . (2.5) αβ µν α β µν ab . µ . ν Define △ ∂ = e µ∂ , (2.6) a a. µ which is the derivative in Cartan tetrad. It corresponds to the gravitational gauge covariant derivative D in gravitational gauge theory µ D ⇐⇒ ∂ . (2.7) µ a In gravitational gauge theory, all matter field, such as scalar fields φ(x), Dirac field ψ(x), vector field A (x), ···, are fields in Minkowski space, which correspond µ to fields in Cartan tetrad. In other words, all matter fields in differential geometry are defined in Cartan tetrad. 3 Finally, what is the transformation in differential geometry which corresponds to the the gravitational gauge transformation? Under most general coordinate trans- formation, the transformation of Cartan tetrad field is : ∂x′µ e µ → e′ µ = L be ν, (2.8) a. a. ∂xν a. b. where L b is the associated Lorentz transformation. As we have stated before, under a. gravitational gauge transformations, there is no associated Lorentz transformation. In other words, under gravitational gauge transformation, L b = δb. (2.9) a. a Therefore, the gravitational gauge transformation of Cartan tetrad field is ∂x′µ e µ → e′ µ = e ν, (2.10) a. a. ∂xν a. We call this transformation translation transformation. So, gravitational gauge transformation in gravitational gauge theory corresponds to the translation trans- formation in differential geometry. According to eq.(2.6), ∂ does not change under a translation transformation, ∂ → ∂′ = ∂ . (2.11) a a a Eq.(2.10) corresponds to the following transformation in gravitational gauge theory, Gα → G′α = Λα (Uˆ Gβ). (2.12) µ µ β ǫ µ Eq.(2.11) corresponds to the following gravitational gauge transformation in gravi- tational gauge theory, D → D′ = Uˆ D Uˆ−1. (2.13) µ µ ǫ µ ǫ Finally, as a summary, we list some important correspondences between physical picture and geometry picture in the following table 1. 3 Differential Geometrical Formulation of Grav- itational Gauge Theory In differential geometrical formulation of gravitational gauge theory, all fields are expressed in Cartan orthogonal tetrad. In differential geometry, gravitational field 4 Quantum Gauge Theory of Gravity Differential Geometry gauge group space-time base manifold Minkowski space-time tangent space in tetrad index α index µ index µ index a Gα e µ µ a. G−1µ ea α . µ gαβ = ηµνGαGβ gµν = ηabe µe ν µ ν a. b. g = η G−1µG−1ν g = η ea eb αβ µν α β µν ab . µ . ν D ∂ µ a Fα ω¯µ µν ab gravitational gauge transformation translation transformation gravitational gauge covariant translation invariant Λα ∂x′µ β ∂xν Λ β ∂xν α ∂x′µ Gα → G′α = Λα (Uˆ Gβ) e µ → e′ µ = ∂x′µe ν µ µ β ǫ µ a. a. ∂xν a. G−1µ → G′−1µ = Λ β(Uˆ G−1µ) ea → e′a = ∂xν ea α α α ǫ β . µ . µ ∂x′µ . ν gαβ → g′αβ = Λα Λβ (Uˆ gα1β1) gµν → g′µν = ∂x′µ ∂x′νgµ1ν1 α1 β1 ǫ ∂xµ1 ∂xν1 g → g′ = Λ α1Λ β1(Uˆ g ) g → g′ = ∂xµ1 ∂xν1g αβ αβ α β ǫ α1β1 µν µν ∂x′µ ∂x′ν µ1ν1 D → D′ = Uˆ D Uˆ−1 ∂ → ∂′ = ∂ µ µ ǫ µ ǫ a a a Fα → F′α = Λα (Uˆ Fβ ) ω¯µ → ω¯′µ = ∂x′µω¯ν µν µν β ǫ µν ab ab ∂xν ab Table 1: Correspondence between two pictures of gravity. 5 is represented by tetrad field e µ. The field strength of gravitational field is denoted a. by ω¯µ , ab 1 ω¯µ = − [(∂ e µ)−(∂ e µ)]. (3.1) ab g a b. b a. ω¯µ corresponds to the field strength tensor Fα in gravitationalgauge theory. Under ab µν translation transformation, ω¯µ transforms as ab ∂x′µ ω¯µ → ω¯′µ = ω¯ν . (3.2) ab ab ∂xν ab It is known that, in differential geometry, covariant derivative of cartan tetrad vanishes D ea = 0. (3.3) µ . ν It gives out the following relation ∼a Γ = ea e νe µΓλ +ea (∂ e ν)e µ, (3.4) bc . λ b. c. µν . ν µ b. c. ∼a whereΓλ istheaffineconnexionandΓ istheCartanconnexion. Fromthisrelation, µν bc we can obtain ∼a T = ea e µe νTλ +gea ω¯µ (3.5) bc . λ b . c . µν . µ bc ∼a where Tλ and T are torsion tensors µν bc ∼a ∼a ∼a T =Γ − Γ , (3.6) bc bc cb Tλ = Γλ −Γλ . (3.7) µν µν νµ For gravitationalgaugetheory, theaffine connexion is the Christoffel connexion. For Christoffel connexion, the torsion Tλ vanish. Then µν ∼a T = gea ω¯µ. (3.8) bc . µ bc It seems that the field strength of gravitational field is related to the torsion of Car- tan connexion. Translation transformation of metric tensor g is µν ∂xµ1 ∂xν1 g → g′ = g . (3.9) µν µν ∂x′µ ∂x′ν µ1ν1 The metric in Cartan tetrad is denoted as ηab, which is the traditional Minkowski metric. Under translation transformation, ηab is invariant ηab → η′ab = ηab. (3.10) 6 The lagrangian L for pure gravitational field is selected as 1 L = − ηacηbdg ω¯µ ω¯ν . (3.11) 4 µν ab cd Using eq.(2.5) and eq.(3.8), we can change the above lagrangian density into the following form 1 ∼e ∼f L = − ηacηbdη T T . (3.12) 4g2 ef ab cd It is easy to prove that this lagrangian is invariant under translation transforma- tion. The concept of translation invariant in differential geometry corresponds to the concept of gravitational gauge covariant in gravitational gauge theory. In order to introduce translation invariant action of the system, we need to introduce a factor which is denoted as J(C) in gravitational gauge theory. In this paper, J(C) is selected as J(C) = −det(g ). (3.13) µν q The action of the system is defined by S = d4x J(C) L. (3.14) Z This action is invariant under translation transformation. For real scalar field φ, its gravitational interactions are described by 1 1 L = − (∂ φ)(∂ φ)− m2φ2, (3.15) a b 2 2 where m is the mass of scalar. For complex scalar field, its lagrangian is selected to be L = −(∂ φ)∗(∂ φ)−m2φ∗φ. (3.16) a b Under translation transformations, φ(x) and ∂ φ(x) transform as a φ(x) → φ′(x′) = φ(x), (3.17) ∂ φ(x) → ∂′φ′(x′) = ∂ φ(x). (3.18) a a a Using eq.(3.17) and eq.(3.18), we can prove that the lagrangians which are given by eq.(3.15) and eq.(3.16) are translation invariant. 7 For Dirac field, its lagrangian is given by L = −ψ¯(γa∂ +m)ψ. (3.19) a Under translation transformations, ψ(x) → ψ′(x′) = ψ(x), (3.20) ∂ ψ(x) → ∂′ψ′(x′) = ∂ ψ(x), (3.21) a a a γa → γ′a = γa. (3.22) Under these transformations, the lagrangian given by eq.(3.19) is invariant. For vector field, the lagrangian is given by 2 1 m L = − ηacηbdA A − ηabA A , (3.23) ab cd a b 4 2 where A = ∂ A −∂ A , (3.24) ab a b b a which is the field strength of vector field. This lagrangian is invariant under the following translation transformations A (x) → A′(x′) = A (x), (3.25) a a a A (x) → A′ (x′) = A (x), (3.26) ab ab ab ηab → η′ab = ηab. (3.27) For U(1) gauge field, its lagrangian is[10, 11, 13] 1 L = −ψ¯[γa(∂ −ieA )+m]ψ − ηacηbdA A , (3.28) a a ab cd 4 where A = A +gec A ω¯µ , (3.29) ab ab . µ c ab A = ∂ A −∂ A , (3.30) ab a b b a In eq.(3.28), e is the coupling constant for U(1) gauge interactions. This lagrangian is invariant under the following translation transformation, A (x) → A′(x′) = A (x), (3.31) a a a A (x) → A′ (x′) = A (x). (3.32) ab ab ab 8 It is also invariant under local U(1) gauge transformation[10, 11, 13]. For SU(N) non-Abel gaueg field, its lagrangian is[10, 11, 13] 1 L = −ψ¯[γa(∂ −ig A )+m]ψ − ηacηbdAi Ai , (3.33) a c a 4 ab cd where Ai = Ai +gec Aiω¯µ , (3.34) ab ab . µ c ab Ai = ∂ A −∂ A +g f AjAk. (3.35) ab a b b a c ijk a b In above relations, g is the coupling constant for SU(N) non-Able gauge interac- c tions. It can be proved the this lagrangian is invariant under SU(N) gauge trans- formation and translation transformation[10, 11, 12, 13]. 4 Summary In this paper, the geometrical formulation of gauge theory of gravity is studied, which is performed in the geometrical formulation of gravity[10, 12]. In this picture, we can see that gravitational field is put into the structure of space-time and there is no physical gravitational interactions in space-time. In gravitational gauge theory, all matter field, such as scalar fields φ(x), Dirac field ψ(x), vector field A (x), ···, are fields in Minkowski space, which correspond µ to fields in Cartan tetrad. In other words, all matter fields in differential geometry are defined in Cartan tetrad. Ingravitationalgaugetheory,thesymmetrytransformationisgravitationalgauge transformation, while in differential geometry, the corresponding symmetry trans- formation is translation transformation. The concept of translation invariant in differential geometry corresponds to the concept of gravitational gauge covariant in gravitational gauge theory. References [1] IsaacNewton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, (CamgridgeUni- versity Press, 1934) . [2] Albert Einstein, Annalen der Phys., 49 (1916) 769 . 9 [3] Albert Einstein, Zeits. Math. und Phys. 62 (1913) 225. [4] R.Utiyama, Phys.Rev.101 (1956) 1597. [5] A.Brodsky, D.Ivanenko and G. Sokolik, JETPH 41 (1961)1307; Acta Phys.Hung. 14 (1962) 21. [6] T.W.Kibble, J.Math.Phys. 2 (1961) 212. [7] D.Ivanenko and G.Sardanashvily, Phys.Rep. 94 (1983) 1. [8] F.W.Hehl, J.D.McCrea, E.W.Mielke and Y.Ne’eman Phys.Rep. 258 (1995) 1- 171 [9] F.W.Hehl, P. 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