PREFACE The present volume contains the proceedings of the International Conference on "Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics' held at the Technical University of Clausthal in July 1978. The con- ference continues the tradition of the Bonn conference series devoted to an exchange between physics and mathematics, particularly in the fields of geometry and topology applied to gravitation, particle physics and quantization methods. According to their tradition these conferences are not only an occasion to communicate physical and mathematical results and their interrelation, but also to report on mathematical structures and techniques which could help to under- stand and to unite experimental results and, using the momentum of successful application of a mathematical structure in physics, to develop and to extend it. The conference, organized in cooperation with K. Bleuler, Bonn, and W.H. Greub, Toronto, was centered around the following topics: Quantization Methods and Special Quantum Systems - geometric quantization, vectorfield quantization, quantization of stochastic phase spaces, dynamics of magnetic monopoles, spectrum generating groups Gauge Theories - phase space of the classical Yang-Mills equation, nonlinear - models, gauging geometrodynamics, exceptional gauge groups - Elliptic Operators, Spectral Theory and Applications the Atiyah-Singer theorem applied to quantum-field theory, spectral theory applied to phase transitions Geometric Methods and Global Analysis - systems on non-Hausdorff spaces and on non-Euclidean spaces, Weyl geometry, Lorentz manifolds, manifolds of embeddings. The contributions in this volume cover almost all the material pre- sented in the conference; one paper is included through its abstract. The responsibili£y for the final preparation of the manuscripts for the printing was in the hands of the editor. I thank B. Angermann for his assistance and W. Weihrauch for typing the manuscripts. VI The organizers wish to express their gratitude to the Volkswagen- stiftung and to the Technische Universit~t Clausthal for their most generous financial help. They are indebted to Mrs. Jutta M0ller for the excellent and invaluable work as conference secretary, to all lecturers and participants, and to the members of the Clausthal Institute for Theoretical Physics whose effort made the conference what it was: lively and stimulating, i.e., successful. H. Doebner TABLE OF CONTENTS I. QUANTIZATION METHODS AND SPECIAL QUANTUM SYSTEMS HESS, H. On a Geometric Quantization Scheme Generalizing Those of Kostant-Souriau and Czyz ................................. I SNIATYCKI, J. Further Applications of Geometric Quantization ............................. 36 PASEMANN, F.B. General Vector Field Representations of Local Heisenberg Systems .............. 38 ALI, S.T. Aspects of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics on Phase Space ................. 49 PETRY, H.R. On the Confinement of Magnetic Poles .................................... 77 BOHM, A. & TEESE, R.B. SU(3) and SU(4) as Spectrum- Generating Groups ........................ 87 2. GAUGE THEORIES SEGAL, I.E. The Phase Space for Yang-Mills Equations ................................ 101 FORGER, M. Instantons in Nonlinear o-Models, Gauge Theories and General Relativity .... 110 MIELKE, E.W. Gauge-Theoretical Foundation of Color Geometrodynamics ......................... 135 BIEDENHARN, L.C. & HORWITZ, L.P. Non-Associative Algebras and Exceptional Gauge Groups ....... ...................... 152 IV 3. ELLIPTIC OPERATORS, SPECTRAL THEORY AND PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS ROMER, H. Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem and Quantum Field Theory ............................. 167 RASETTI, M. Topological Concepts in Phase Transition Theory ................................... 212 4. GEOMETRIC METHODS AND GLOBAL ANALYSIS DOMIATY, R.Z. Life Without T 2 .......................... 251 SLAWIANOWSKI, J.J. Affine Model of Internal Degrees of Freedom in a Non-Euclidean Space ......... 259 HENNIG, J.D. Jet Bundles and Weyl Geometry ............ 280 GREUB, W.H. Line Fields and Lorentz Manifolds ........ 290 BINZ, E. & FISCHER, H.R. The Manifold of Embeddings of a Closed Manifold .......................... 310 List of participants S.T.AIi, Toronto, Canada G.Karrer, ZHrich, Switzerland E.Aguirre, Madrid, Spain ,ymrcK.R.S Riyad, Saudi Arabia B.Angermann, Clausthal, FRG D.Krausser, TU Berlin, FRG A.O.Barut, Boulder, USA K.Just, Tuscon, USA L.C.Biedenharn, Durham, USA W.LHcke, Clausthal, FRG E.Binz, Mannheim, FRG E.W.Mielke, Kiel, FRG .K Bleuler, Bonn, FRG F.B.Pasemann, Clausthal, GAIF P.Cam~bell, Lancaster, England H.R.Petry, Bonn, FRG P.Cotta-Ramusino, Mailand, Italy .T Rasetti, Turin, Italy H.D.Doebner, Clausthal, FRG H.Rdaer, Cern, Switzerland R.Dcmiaty, Graz, Austria I.E.Segal, Cambridge, USA ,lhtirD.K Starnberg, FRG H.J.Schmidt, OsnabrHck, FRG M.Forger, FU Berlin, FRG A.Schober, TU Berlin, FRG P.L.Garcia-Perez, Salamanca, Spain J.Slawianowski, Warschau, Poland G.Gerlich, Braunschweig, FRG J.Sniatycki, Calgary, Canada W.Greub, Toronto, Canada .J Tarski, Clausthal, FRG G.C.Hegerfeldt, ,negnittS~C FRG R.B.Teese, Austin, USA K.-E.Hellwig, TU Berlin, FRG R.Wilson, ,nehcniiM FRG J.D.Hennig, K~in, FRG J.-E.Werth, Clausthal, FRG H.HeB, FU Berlin, FRG Y.Ingvason, ,negnittS/C FRG and other participants frc~ the Technical University of Clausthal. On a geometric quantization scheme generalizing those of Kostant-Souriau and Czyz Harald Hess Freie Universit~t Berlin FB 20, WE 4 Arnimallee 3 D-IOOO Berlin 33 Abstract: A quantization method (strictly generalizing the Kostant ° Souriau theory) is defined, which may be applied in some cases where both Kostant-Souriau prequantum bundles and metaplectic structures do not exist. It coincides with the Czyz theory for compact K~hler manifolds with locally constant scalar curvature. Quantization of dynamical variables is defined without use of intertwining operators, extending either the Kostant map or some ordering rule like that of Weyl or Born-Jordan. O. Introduction: The aim of this article is to present a new method for geometric quantization extending that of Kostant-Souriau in two respects. First, the Kostant-Souriau theory cannot be applied to classical phase spaces with non-vanishing second Stiefel-Whitney class, since in this case metaplectic structures and half-forms do not exist. This problem arises for quantization of energy surfaces of the n-dimensional harmonic oscillator, where the reduced phase space is pn-1(~), for odd n (n > I). In case of the Schr~dinger energy levels, even Kostant-Souriau prequantum bundles do not exist, which has been recognized by Czyz 7, 8who invented another geometric quantization theory for compact K~hler manifolds without the mentioned disadvantages. As in the Kostant-Souriau theory, the quantizing Hilbert space there is also built from sections in a complex line bundle, but the latter is directly chosen to satisfy some basic postulates, while in the Kostant-Souriau theory it is the tensor product of the prequantum bundle and the bundle of the half-forms. In addition, the connection on the line bundle is an ordinary one in the Czyz theory, while in the Kostant-Souriau theory it is only a partial connection, which can be evaluated only along the respective polarization. Secondly, the Kostant-Souriau theory does not yield self-adjoint operators for moderately general functions on phase space. In fact, the quantizing operators are not even formally self-adjoint when the function in question is (roughly) a polynomial in the momentum variables of order strictly greater than ,2 see Kostant 18 for this statement. To cure these defects,the basic philosophy of our new approach is to examine closely the relationship between conventional quantum theory and geometric quantization. The latter will be obtained from the former applied in the tangent spaces, being locally curved and globally twisted. In sophisticated terms, conventional quantum theory deals with symplectic vector spaces and irreducible weyl systems (representations of the CCR in exponential form) thereon. The global twisting has to be performed with automorphisms of the given Weyl system. We denote the automorphism group by MpC(2n,~). It has been studied extensively by A. Weyl 32 , and it is the precise symplectic analogue of the (extended) orthogonal spinor group known as SpinC(2n), cf. 2 . How the global twisting has to be done will be coded in a principal MpC(2n, ~)-bundle P adapted to the given 2n-dimensional symplectic manifold (M,~). To construct differential operators on complex line bundles arising from P, the latter should be equipped with an ordinary connection. Only one part of this connection will be fairly uniquely determined by (M,~), the other one will be yielded by polarizations. Existence and classification of such MpC(2n,~ )-bundles with the polarization-independent part of the connection is discussed in section ,I where it is also shown how to get these data when Kostant-Souriau prequantum bundles and metaplectic structures are given. In section ,2 it will be seen that two transverse polarizations determine a unique torsion-free symplectic connection. Together with the data of section ,I it allows to construct complex line bundles with connection, generalizing those of the Kostant-Souriau and Czyz theories. The construction is done in section 3 by a procedure of reducing the structure group of the principal MpC(2n, ~)-bundle and subsequent building associated bundles. It is somewhat complicated, but very similar to the way of getting half-form bundles from metaplectic structures in the Kostant-Souriau theory. The complex line bundles yielded by this procedure satisfy the dogma of having 1~2 + ½ cI(TM,~) as their first (real) Chern class, when e c I (TM,~) is a symplectic invariant of ,M( ~ .) The r~le of this dogma is to some extent clarified in section 4, where we indicate how to assign differential operators on the above line bundles to certain functions on M. Such a map will be obtained by generalizing ordering rules of conventional quantum theory, like those of Weyl or Born-Jordan, via replacing ordinary differentiations by the connections from above. One of the possible ordering rules gives a map similar to that considered by Kostant 18 . Note that we don't need any kind of intertwining operators as long as the functions on the phase space are of a special type. Our approach is a strict extension only of the Kostant-Souriau theory. In contrast, it generalizes the Czyz theory just for some restricted class of K~hler manifolds, which contains all examples explicitly investigated by Czyz. The results of section 4 and most of those in section 3 have not been part of the original conference talk. The material presented here will be treated in more detail in the author's doctor thesis 133 ; see also 9 for another view of a special case. .I Prequantization The notion of prequantization used here is not quite identical to that already established in the literature, but is meant to refer to all polarization-independent constructions. In the case of the Kostant-Souriau theory it includes both Kostant-Souriau prequantum bundles and metaplectic frame bundles, which we shall briefly recall in the beginning. All concepts of the Kostant-Souriau theory will henceforth be specified by the prefix KS. Then we indicate why the fundamental structure group must be MpC(2n, )RI rather than U(1) x Mp(2n, )RI as in the KS-theory. Next, we give the definition of a (generalized) prequantum bundle with structure group MpC(2n, IR), and derive two existence criteria for them, one in terms of the cohomology classes - ~ and cI(TM,~). Also, an equivalence relation between such (generalized) prequantum bundles will be defined, and the corresponding equivalence classes turn out to be in bijection with the elements of HI ,M( U(1)) or the empty set. Finally, we show how to construct (generalized) prequantum bundles from given KS-prequantum bundles and metaplectic structures. The latter are a superfluous degree of freedom in the sense that, up to equivalence, every (generalized) prequantum bundle can be obtained in this way from an arbitrary metaplectic structure. (M,~) will always denote a fixed 2n-dimensional symplectic manifold. All bundles have base M, and all bundle morphisms are supposed to induce the identity on M, if not stated otherwise. Given any Lie group G, we denote by G the corresponding sheaf of (germs of) C ~ functions on M with values in G. We use Cech cohomology with coefficients in sheaves of not necessarily abelian groups, referring to 10 , 30 . 1.1. Definition: A KS-prequantum bundle (over~) is a principal U(1)-bundle VL: ~M equipped with a principal connection ~ satisfying )1( V'I-U,C ~ = ~TI" L~ Given another KS-prequantum bundle (~', ~'), both will be called equivalent if there exists a principal bundle morphism ~ : ~ ~ ~' such that (2) = KS-prequantum bundles can also be viewed as hermitian complex line bundles L equipped with a (linear) connection LV such that curvLv = i Obviously, the first (real) Chern class of every KS-prequantum bundle (over ~ ) is - ~ , in particular it is (the image of) an integral class. Moreover, we have the well-known existence criterion and classification 20 , 28 , 33 : 1.2. Theorem: There exists a KS-prequantum bundle over ~ if and only if the following equivalent conditions are satisfied )3( - ~ & ,M( )RI is an integral class )4( the class H2(M, exp)i~ 6 H2(M, U(1)) vanishes. Equivalence of )3( and )4( is easily seen from the cohomology sequence induced by the exact sequence of groups O ~ • 2 ~i • R/J exp ; U(1) ) 0 " 1.3. Theorem: The group HI(M, U(1)) operates in a simply transitive manner on the set of equivalence classes of KS-prequantum bundles over ~ . In particular this set is either void or in bijection with HI(M, U(1)). Both of these theorems have proven to be physically significant. Indeed, the existence condition e.g. restricts the values of quantized I spin to integer multiples of ~ 23 , 28 , while the classification provides for different (Bose and Fermi) quantizations for systems composed of a number of indistinguishable subsystems 28 or for the 3-dimensional rotator 23 . Now consider a central extension of Lie groups )5( O ~ C > G > G > 0 and a principal G-bundle P. 1.4. Definition: A ~ -lifting of P is a principal ~-bundle ~ together with a -equivariant principal bundle morphism ~: ~ ~ P. Given another ~-lifting (~', ~') of P, both will be called equivalent if there exists a principal bundle morphism ~ : ~ -- ~' such £hat the diagram commutes. Let us identify the isomorphism class P with the corresponding cohomology class in H I ,M( )_G induced by a system of transition functions of P. Further, consider the cohomology sequence induced by the sequence of sheaves of C~-functions corresponding to )5( )7( ) H I (M,C) > H I (M,G) ~ H I )G_,M( H 2(M,C) . Calling w~(P) := ~1p the ~ -obstruction class of P, we have the well-known existence criterion due to 10 . 1.5. Theorem: P admits a ~-lifting if and only if the cohomology class w~(P) e H 2(M,C) vanishes.