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Differential Equations with Impulse Effects: Multivalued Right-hand Sides with Discontinuities PDF

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Preview Differential Equations with Impulse Effects: Multivalued Right-hand Sides with Discontinuities

De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 40 Editors Carsten Carstensen, Berlin, Germany Nicola Fusco, Napoli, Italy Fritz Gesztesy, Columbia, USA Niels Jacob, Swansea, United Kingdom Karl-Hermann Neeb, Erlangen, Germany Nikolai A. Perestyuk Viktor A. Plotnikov Anatolii M. Samoilenko Natalia V. Skripnik Differential Equations with Impulse Effects Multivalued Right-hand Sides with Discontinuities De Gruyter MathematicsSubjectClassification2010:34A37,34A60,34C29,34A30,34A12. ISBN 978-3-11-021816-9 e-ISBN 978-3-11-021817-6 ISSN 0179-0986 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Differential equations with impulse effects : multivalued right-hand sideswithdiscontinuities/byNikolaiA.Perestyuk…[etal.]. p.cm.(cid:2)(DeGruyterstudiesinmathematics;40) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-3-11-021816-9(alk.paper) 1. Impulsive differential equations. I. Perestyuk, N. A. (Nikolai Alekseevich) QA377.D557 2011 5151.353(cid:2)dc22 2011007994 BibliographicinformationpublishedbytheDeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhispublicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographicdataareavailableintheInternetathttp://dnb.d-nb.de. ”2011WalterdeGruyterGmbH&Co.KG,Berlin/Boston Typesetting:Da-TeXGerdBlumenstein,Leipzig,www.da-tex.de Printingandbinding:Hubert&Co.GmbH&Co.KG,Göttingen (cid:3)Printedonacid-freepaper PrintedinGermany www.degruyter.com TotheMemoryof ViktorAleksandrovichPlotnikov Introduction Significant interest in the investigation of systems with discontinuous trajectories is explained by the development of equipment in which significant role is played by impulsive control systems and impulsive computing systems. Impulsive systems are alsoencounteredinnumerousproblemsofnaturalsciencesdescribedbymathematical modelswithconditionsreflectingtheimpulsiveactionofexternalforceswithpulses whosedurationcanbeneglected. Itwasdiscoveredthatthepresenceofapulseaction maysignificantlycomplicatethebehavioroftrajectoriesofthesesystemseveninthe caseofquitesimpledifferentialequations. Individual impulsive systems were studied by numerous researchers. Various ex- amplesofproblemsofthissortcanbefoundintheworksbyN.N.Bogolyubovand N.M. Krylov [72], N.N. Bautin [16], B.S. Kalitin [60–62], A.E. Kobrinskii and A.A.Kobrinskii[68],N.A.PerestyukandA.M.Samoilenko[142],andD.D.Bainov andA.B.Dishliev[11,39]. In the works by N.N. Bogolyubov and N.M. Krylov [72], S.T. Zavalishchin and A.N.Sesekin[151,152],andA.HalanayandD.Wexler[56],systemswithpulseac- tionweredescribedbydifferentialequationswithgeneralizedfunctionsontheright- handside. Intheseworks,thedifferentialequationsdescribepulsesoccurringatfixed moments of time, and the case where the times of pulse action depend on the phase vectorisnotinvestigated. Another approach to the investigation of impulsive differential equations is based ontheapplicationoftheclassicalmethodsofthetheoryofordinarydifferentialequa- tions. Asthefirstworksinthisdirection,wecanmentiontheworksbyA.D.Myshkis and A.M. Samoilenko [86,87,94], in which the general concepts of the theory of systems with pulse action are formulated from a new point of view and their basic specific features are investigated. Later, numerous works of many mathematicians were devoted to the analysis of the problems of stability of solutions of differential equations with pulse action, development of the theory of periodic and almost peri- odic solutions of impulsive systems, determination of invariant sets, construction of asymptoticexpansionsbytheKrylov–Bogolyubov–Mitropol’skiimethodofsmallpa- rameter,applicationofthemethodofcomparison,solutionofproblemsofthetheory ofoptimalcontrol,andinvestigationofimpulsivesystemswithrandomperturbations [27,56,72,74,86–88,94,137,142,143,151,152]. Themonographs[27,74,88,142,143] containanextensivelistofreferencesinthisfield. It is worth noting that the analysis of the dynamics of any real processes with the help of differential equations with univalent right-hand sides corresponds to the ideal model that does not take into account the action of random noises, errors of viii Introduction measurement in specifying the coefficients, and errors of specifying the functions on the right-hand sides of differential equations. If the probabilistic characteris- tics of the model are known, then the influence of random factors is taken into ac- count by using stochastic differential equations. The theory of these equations is now rapidly developed and is extensively used in practice [1,55,64]. As a natu- ral generalization of differential equations, we can mention differential inclusions capable of description of the dynamics of nondeterministic processes without us- ing the probabilistic characteristics of the model. In numerous cases, this enables one to avoid the necessity of application of various a priori assumptions about these characteristics. The results of investigation of the model performed by the method of differential inclusions enable one to establish direct upper bounds for all results obtained by using probabilistic models, which is sometimes sufficient for applica- tions. The first investigations of differential equations with set-valued right-hand sides werecarriedoutbyS.Zaremba[158,159]andA.Marchaud[80–83]. Intheseworks, theauthorsmadeanattempttoextendtheavailableresultsinthetheoryofdifferential equations to a more general case. Thus, S. Zaremba introduced the notion of differ- entialequationsinparatingents,andA.Marchaudproposedthenotionofdifferential equationsincontingents. For the next 25 years, no works were published in this direction (we can mention only the works by A.D. Myshkis [92,93]). This was explained by the absence of applications. Atthebeginningofthe1960s,newfundamentalresultsontheexistenceandproper- tiesofsolutionsofdifferentialequationswithset-valuedright-handsides(differential inclusions) wereobtained inthecycles ofworksbyT.Wazewski [157]andA.F.Fi- lippov[49]. Asoneofthemostimportantresultsobtainedinthecitedworks,wecan mentiontheestablishedrelationshipbetweendifferential inclusionsandproblemsof optimal control, which led to the extensive development of the theory of differential inclusions. The interest in the problems of control after the Second World War was connectedwithurgentneedsofnewtechnologiesdevelopedintheaviation,spacecraft engineering,andpower-generatingindustry. Thisperiodwascharacterizedbytheap- pearanceofnewgeneralmethodsforthesolutionofoptimizationproblemsofcontrol, including the Pontryagin maximum principle, the Bellman method of dynamic pro- gramming,etc. The principal results of the theory of differential equations with set-valued right- handsidesarepresentedintheworksbyA.F.Filippov[23,48,49,51], T.Wazewski [157],V.I.Blagodatskikh[21–23],T.Donchev[41],M.Z.Zgurovskii,V.S.Mel’nik [153], A.I.PanasyukandV.I.Panasyuk[101,103], V.A.Plotnikov, A.V.Plotnikov, and A.N. Vityuk [115], A.A. Tolstonogov [145], O.P. Khapaev and M.M. Filatov [47],J.-P.AubinandH.Frankovska[9],K.Deimling[36],andM.Kisielewicz[67]. The authors studied the problems of existence of solutions of differential inclusions Introduction ix andboundary-valueproblems,theproblemsofexistenceofmonotone,bounded,and periodic solutions, stability of solutions, properties of solutions and integral funnels (compactness,connectedness,dependenceoninitialconditionsandconditionsonthe right-handsideoftheinclusion,andtherelationshipbetweenthesetsofsolutionsof theinclusionsxP 2 F.t;x/andxP 2 coF.t;x/),theproblemsofdeterminationofthe boundaryofthesetofattainability,conditionsfortheconvexityofthesetofsolutions, theproblemsofaveragingofdifferentialinclusions,etc. Theinvestigationofpropertiesoftheintegralfunnelsofdifferentialinclusionsisof highsignificanceforthequalitativetheory. Inthisconnection,numerousresearchers studied the properties of the set of attainability [6,91,101,145] and various approx- imatemethodsforitsconstruction, includingthemethodofellipsoidsforlinearsys- tems[30,73,98],asymptoticmethods[41,115],andnumericalmethods[91,96,149]. In [145], it was shown that the integral funnel is a subset of the solution of the correspondingequationwithHukuharaderivative. The first results in the theory of differential equations with Hukuhara derivative wereobtainedbyF.S.deBlasiandF.Iervolino[25]andcoveredtheproblemsrelated to the existence of solutions, their uniqueness, and continuous dependence on initial conditions and parameters. The possibility of application of the method of averag- ing to this class of problems was considered by M. Kisielewicz [66] and A.V. Plot- nikov[109]. Atpresent,themethodsofthetheoryofdifferentialequationswithset-valuedright- hand sides and differential equations with Hukuhara derivative are extensively used in the investigation of the dynamics of systems under the conditions of uncertainty, ambiguity,andincompletenessofinformation(so-calledfuzzysystems)[75,76]. The investigations of differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides in the case of “sliding modes” carried out by A.F. Filippov [51], M.A. Aizerman [2], L.T. Ashchepkov [5], and V.I. Utkin [147] were also based on the theory of differ- ential inclusions. Note that numerous important engineering problems related, e.g., tothemotionofflyingvehicles, propagationofseismicoscillations, developmentof shockandexplosiveprocesses,andcontrolovermanipulatorscanalsobeformulated in terms of discontinuous systems. Discontinuous systems are widely used in eco- nomics, chemical technology, theory of automated control, theory of systems with variablestructure,andotherfieldsofscience. Thetheoryofimpulsivedifferentialequationsandtheoryofdifferentialinclusions werenaturally developed intheworksdevoted totheinvestigation ofdifferential in- clusions with pulse action [7,17–20,43,110–126,156] dealing with the problems of existence of solutions of Cauchy and boundary-value problems, stability of solu- tions, existence of periodic solutions, and extendability and continuous dependence ofsolutionsontheinitialconditionsandtheright-handsidesofimpulsivedifferential inclusions. Moreover,thehybridcontrolsystemswerealsostudiedbythemethodsof impulsivedifferentialinclusions.

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