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1 Differential Display A General Protocol Peng Liang and Arthur B. Pardee 1. Introduction One of the greatest unsolved mysteries of life 1sh ow the hundreds of thou- sands of genes embedded in the genome of an organism are selectively expressed mto the mRNA and protems m a temporally and spatially regulated manner that gives rise to different tissues and organs. The abnormality m this intricate regulatory cn-cuitry IS beheved to be one of the underlmmg causes of a variety of pathological alterations or disease states.T he rsolation and charac- terization of differentially expressed genes becomes one of the first steps toward the understanding of these important biological questions. Differential display (1) and a related RAP-PCR method (2) were developed to more effi- ciently Identify and isolate these genes. The general strategy for differential display (Fig. 1) IS based on a combma- tton of three techniques brought together by a concept: 1 Reverse transcrlptlon of mRNA from anchored primers (see Note l), 2 Choice of arbitrary primers for setting lengths of cDNAs to be amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), each corresponding to part of a mRNA (tags), 3 Sequencmg gels for high resolution of amplified cDNA The objective IS to obtain a tag of a few hundred bases, which 1ss ufficiently long to uniquely identify a mRNA and yet short enough to be separated from others by size. Given the fact that primers of nearly any length, with or without anchors, can generate cDNA fingerprints sufticrently reproducible to allow differentially expressed genes to be identified, it may be hard to define what should be a standard protocol for differential display. The followmg protocol using one-base anchored primer m combmatron with arbitrary 13-mers (3) IS given as an example to illustrate the methodology. From Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol 8.5 D/fferenf/a/ Dsplay Methods and Protocols Edlted by P Llang and A B Pardee Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 3 Liang and Pardee L Reverse banswiption 5’.AAGC3’ (H-TUG) dNTPs MMLV reverse tfanscnptase . WAA-A~ 4 GVGAA I 5’-AAGCTTGAITGCC-3’ (H-AP-1 Ptimer) JI. PcRamplificatloll 5’44GC3 (H-TIIG) dNTPs a-(‘“S-dATP] Ampli’lhq DNA poiymelase AAGCTTGATECC . GWGAA A4GCiTGA’lTGCC . G-GU IIL Denaturing polyacrylamide gel Fig. 1. Schemattc representation of one-base anchored differentral display 2. Materials 1. 5X RT buffer: 125 mA4TrwC1, pH 8 3,188 mMKCl,7.5 mMMgC12, and 25 ti dithrothretol. 2 MMLV reverse transcrrptase (100 cl/@,) 3. dNTP (250 @I) 4. 5’-AAGCTTTTTTTTTTTG-3’ (2 /.&I). 5. 5’-AAGCTTTTTTTTTTTA-3’ (2 pA4) 6 5’-AAGCTTTTTTTTTTTC-3’ (2 /&I). 7 Arbitrary 13-mers (2 pM) 8. 10X PCR buffer. Differential Display 5 9 dNTP (25 pJ4). 10. Glycogen (10 mg/mL). Il. Distilled water (dH,O). 12. DEPC-treated H,O 13. Loading dye 14. AmphTaq DNA polymerase, Perkin-Elmer Corporation (Norwalk, CT). 15 a-[33P]dATP (>2000 Wrnmole) or a-[35S]dATP (>l,OOO Ci/mmole) (see Note 2). 16. RNase-free DNase I (10 U/pL). 17 QIAEXrM DNA extraction kit (Qiagen, Chatsworth, CA). 18. pCR-TRAPTM clonmg system (GenHunter Corporation, Nashville, TN). 19. Thermocycler 20. 6% denaturmg polyacrylamide gel. 2 1. DNA sequencing apparatus. Although individual components may be purchased separately from varrous suppliers, most of them can be obtained in kit forms from GenHunter Corporation. 3. Methods 3.1. DNase I Treatment of Total RNA Purification polyadenylated RNAs is neither necessary nor helpful for dif- ferential display. The major pitfalls of using the polyadenylated mRNAs are the frequent contammation of the oligo-dT primers, that give high background smearing in the display and the difficulty m assessing the integrity of the mRNAs templates (4). Total cellular RNAs can be easily purified with one-step acid-phenol extraction method (5). However, no matter what methods are used for the total RNA purification, a trace amount of chromosomal DNA contami- nation m the RNA sample could be amplified along with mRNAs thereby com- phcating the pattern of displayed bands. Therefore removal of all contaminating chromosomal DNA from RNA samples is essential before carrying out differ- ential display. 1. Incubate 10-100 pg of total cellular RNA with 10 U of DNase I (RNase free) in 10 mMTris-Cl, pH 8.3, 50 mMKC1, 1.5 mMMgC& for 30 mm at 37°C. 2 Inactivate DNase I by adding an equal volume of phenolchloroform (3: 1) to the sample 3. Mix by vortexing and leave the sample on ice for 10 mm. 4 Centrifuge the sample for 5 min at 4’C m an Eppendorf centrifuge. 5. Save the supernatant, and ethanol precipitate the RNA by adding 3 vol of ethanol in the presence of 0.3MNaOAC, and incubate at -80°C for 30 mm. 6. Pellet the RNA by centrifuging at 4°C for 10 min. 7. Rinse the RNA pellet with 0.5 mL of 70% ethanol (made with DEPC-H20) and redissolve the RNA in 20 pL of DEPC-treated HzO. 8. Measure the RNA concentration at ODS6s with a spectrophotometer by diluting 1 pL of the RNA sample in 1 mL of HzO. 6 Llang and Pardee 9 Check the integrity of the RNA samples before and after cleanmg wtth DNase I by runnmg 1-3 ~18o f each RNA on a 7% formaldehyde agarose gel 10 Store the RNA sample at a concentratton htgher then 1 pg/$ at -80°C before using for differential dtsplay 3.2. Reverse Transcription of mRNA 1 Set up three reverse transcription reactions for each RNA sample in three microfuge tubes (0 5-mL), each contammg one of the three dtfferent anchored ohgo-dT prrmers as follows. For 20 pL final volume 9 4 p.L of dH,O, 4 pI. of 5X RT buffer, 1.6 pL of dNTP (250 I.&‘), 2 pL of DNA-free total RNA (freshly diluted to 0 1 pg/pL wtth DEPC-treated H,O), and 2 pL of AAGCT, ,M (2 $4) (M can be either G, A, or C) 2 Program your thermocycler to* 65°C for 5 mm, 37°C for 60 min, 75’C for 5 mm, 4°C (see Note 3) 3 1 pL MMLV reverse transcrlptase 1s added to each tube 10 mm after at 37°C and mix well quickly by finger tipping 4. Continue mcubation and at the end of the reverse transcription reaction, spm the tube briefly to collect condensation Set tubes on ice for PCR or store at -80°C for later use. 3.3. PCR Amplification 1 Set up PCR reacttons at room temperature as follow* 20 p.L final volume for each primer set combmation 10 pL of dH,O, 2 $ of 10X PCR buffer, 1.6 l.iL of dNTP (25 pA4), 2 pL of arbitrary 13-mer (2 CUM), 2 pL of AAGCT, ,M (2 CIM), 2 pL of RT-mix from step 3 2 , 0 2 pL of a-[33P]-dATP (see Note 2), 0 2 p.L of AmpliTaq. Mix well by pipetmg up and down (see Note 4) 2. Add 25 pI.. mineral oil if needed 3 PCR as follows 94°C for 30 s, 40°C for 2 mm, 72°C for 30 s for 40 cycles, 72°C for 5 mm, 4“C (For Perkm-Elmer’s 9600 thermocycler it is recommend that the denatur- anon temperature be shortened to 15 s and the rest of parameters kept the same ) 3.4. 6% Denaturing Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 1 Prepare a 6% denaturmg polyacrylamide gel m TBE buffer 2 Let it polymertze at least for more than 2 h before usmg 3 Prerun the gel for 30 mm 4 Mix 3.5 pL of each sample with 2 p.L of loading dye and incubate at 80°C for 2 mm immediately before loading onto a 6% DNA sequencmg gel (see Note 5) 5 Electrophorese for about 3 5 h at 60 W constant power (with voltage not to exceed 1700 V) until the xylene dye (the slower movmg dye) reaches the bottom Turn off the power supply and blot the gel onto a piece of 3M Paper Cover the gel with a plastic wrap and dry tt at 80°C for 1 h Do not fix the gel with methanol/ acetic acid (see Note 6) 6. Orient the autoradiogram and dried gel wtth radioacttve mk or needle punches before exposing to a X-ray film. Figure 2 shows a representative differential dts- Differential Display 7 H-T110 H-T110 H-TIIA H-WA H-TIIA H-TIIC H-TllC H-AP3 H-APB H-API H-AP3 H-AP3 H-APl H-AP3 Fig. 2. Differential display using one-base anchored oligo-dT primers (7). Four RNA samples from non-transformed cell line Rat 1 and H-ras transformed cell lines rat 1 (ras), T101-4 and Al-5 (lanes from left to right, respectively) were compared by differential display using three one-base anchored oligo-dT primers, AAGCT, ,G, AAGCT, ,A and AAGCT, ,C in combinations with three arbitrary 13-mers, H-API (AAGCTTGATTGCC), HAP2 (AAGCTTCGACTGT) and HAP3 (AAGC’l’l’l’GGTCAG). The mob-l (ZO) and mob-7 cDNA fragments were marked by the right and let? arrowheads, respectively. play obtained with three one-base anchored oligo-dT primers in combinations with three arbitrary 13-mers (3). 3.5. Reamplification of cDNA Probe 1. After developing the film (overnight to 72-h exposure), orient the autoradiogram with the gel. 2. Locate bands of interest (see Note 7) either by marking with a clean pencil from underneath the film or punching through the film with a needle at the four corners Liang and Pardee of each band of interest (Handle the dried gel with gloves and save it between two sheets of clean paper) 3. Cut out the located band with a clean razor blade 4. Soak the gel slice along with the 3M paper in 100 pL dH,O for 10 mm. 5 Boil the tube with tightly closed cap (e.g., with parefilm) for 15 min. 6. Spm for 2 mm to collect condensatron and pellet the gel and paper debris Trans- fer the supernatant to a new micromge tube. 7. Add 10 pL of 3MNaOAC, 5 pL of glycogen (10 mg/mL) and 450 p.L of 100% EtOH. 8 Let sit for 30 mm on dry ice or in a -8O’C freezer Spm for 10 mm at 4°C to pellet DNA. 9. Remove supernatant and rinse the pellet with 200 pL we-cold 85% EtOH (you will lose your DNA if less concentrated EtOH is used!). 10. Spm briefly and remove the resrdual ethanol. 11. Dissolve the pellet m 10 pL of PCR H,O and use 4 pL for reamplificatron. 12 Save the rest at -20°C in case of mishaps. 13. Reamplification should be done using the same primer set and PCR conditions except the dNTP concentrations are at 20 piV (use 250 @4 dNTP stock) instead of 2-4 pA4 and no rsotopes added. A 40-pL reaction is recommended for each reactron: 20.4 of pL dH,O, 4 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 3.2 pL of dNTP (250 @4), 4 & of arbitrary 13-mer (2 @?), 4 $ AAGCT, ,M (2 @4) (M can be either G, C, or A), 4 pL of cDNA template from step 3.2. and 0.4 pL of AmphTaq (5 U/pL). 14. Run 30 pL of the PCR sample on a 1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidmm bro- mide (More than 90% probes should be visible on the agarose gel ) Save the remaining PCR samples at -2O’C for subclomng. 15 Check to see rf the size of your reamplified PCR products are consistent with their size on the denaturing polyacrylamide gel. 3.6. Confirmation of Differential Gene Expression 1. Extract the reamplified cDNA probe from the agarose gel using QIAEX kit. 2. Use the extracted cDNA as a probe for Northern blot confirmation following the standard protocol (ref. 5; see Note 8; Fig. 3) 3. Clone the cDNA probe using the pCR-TR4PTM cloning system (see Note 9). 4. Confirmation of differentially expressed cDNA probes can be also carried out more efficiently by “Reverse Northern” dot blot or differential screening of cloned cDNA probes by colony hybrtdization (ref. 6; Chapter 8 by H Zhang et al. m this book). 5. Clone the full-length cDNA by screening a cDNA library followmg the standard procedure (5). 4. Notes 1. The initial choice of usmg two-base anchored ohgo-dT primers (1) instead of one-base anchored primers (3) were owing to a historical rather than scienttfic reason. The cloned marine thymidine kmase (TK) cDNA originally used as a Differential Display 9 A Mob-l H-AP2 + AAgc~~CTGTACAAAGG~~C~~T~A~~AC~~~~~ ATATGTAAGAACGTATGTATCAATGGGTAGITAAAGTlTACATAGG CAAATGClTl-GAATGCTACATAlTACAAGATGTGlTGGATGGlllTCAMATAMAT GTACTGTATTGAATGTAGTATGAGACCAAAAAA GTAATAAAGTAATAATAACTGAC ATGAAAAAAAAAAAGC-IT 4 H-T1 I C B Mob-7 H-AP2 * AAgcttcGAcTGTAcAAA~GcGGAAcTccfGAATGTATTTT ATAT~AAGAAClTGTGTGGTAAGTATGTATGTAfCAATGGGTAGlTAAA~ACATAGG CAAATGCllTGAATGCTACATATTACAAGATGElTGGATGGlllTCAAAATAAAAT GTACCCAAAAAAGTAATAAAGTAATAATAACTGAC ATGAAATGCAAAAAAAAAAAGCTT 4 H-T1 I G C 1234 Mob-7 rRNA Fig. 3. Nucleotide sequences of mob-l (A) and mob-7 (B) cDNA fragments cloned by differential display. The flanking primers are marked by arrow bars and the polyadenylation site is underlined. Mob-7 differs from mob-l only by 6 base addition at the 3’ end of the cDNA (see Note 10). Northern blot analysis with mob-7 cDNA probe (C). The 253 bp mob-7 cDNA was used as a probe to confirm the differential expres- sion of the gene using 20 pg of total RNA from Rat 1 and three transformed deriva- tives Rat 1 @as), T101-4 and Al-5 cells (lanes 1 to 4, respectively). The lower panel is ethidium bromide staining of ribosomal RNAs as a control for equal sample loading. 10 Lang and Pardee control cDNA template had only 11 As m its poly(A) tall It was found that one- base anchored prrmer Tl 1C fatled to amplify the TK 3’ termmus m combmatton wtth an upstream primer specific to TK. Extension of one more base from the 3’ end instead of the 5’ end of the anchored primer was a logical. Interestingly, Tl 1CA started to work successfully m PCR to amplify the expected TK cDNA template (1) Later, longer one-base anchored primers that had mismatches at the 5’ ends of the prtmers were shown to be much more efficient for differential display m subdividing the mRNA populations mto three groups (3) One-base anchored primers have significant advantage over the two-base anchored primers m that the former cuts down the redundancy of priming, elimmates the high back- ground smearing problem for two-base anchored pnmers ending with the 3’ “T” and reduce the number of reverse transcription reactions from 12 to 3 per RNA sample. 2 It has been observed that 35S labeled nucleottde origmally used for differential display would leak through PCR reaction tubes (espectally when thin-walled tubes are used) and 33P labeled nucleotide was recommended as the best alterna- tive (9). 33P is not only safer to use but also gives better sensmvtty compared to 35S. 3. For the reverse transcrtption reaction, the mmal 65°C incubation is intended to denature the RNA secondary structure. The final incubation at 75°C for 5 minis to inactivate the reverse transcrlptase without denaturing the cDNA/mRNA duplexes Therefore “hot start “PCR is neither necessary, nor helpful for the sub- sequent PCR reactions using cDNAs as templates 4 Make core mixes as much as possible to avoid ptpetmg errors (e g , aliquot RT-mix and AP-primer mdrvidually) Otherwise it would be difficult to pipet 0.2 pL of AmpliTaq. Mix well by pipetmg up and down 5 It is crucial that the urea in the wells be completely flushed right before loading your samples For best resolution, flush every 4-6 wells each time during sample loading while trying not to disturb the samples that have been already loaded. 6 DNA is acid labile, especially at high temperature when the gel is dried. This will affect the subsequent PCR during the reamplificatton of the cDNA fragments to be analyzed further 7. First tentatively identify those bands that appear to be differentially expressed on the initial display gel. Then repeat the RT step and the PCR reactions for these lanes and see if these differences are reproducible before pursumg further It 1s recommended that bands bigger than 100 bp be selected. It has been generally observed that shorter cDNA probes have higher probability of failing to detect any signals on the Northern blot. 8. It IS recommended that the standard prehybrrdrzatron and hybridrzation condttton at 42°C be used. Wash with 1X SSC, 0.1% SDS at room temperature for 15 min twice followed by washing with 0.25X SSC, 0 1% SDS at 55-6O”C for 15-30 mm. Do not go over 60°C Expose with intensifying screen at -80°C for overnight to 1 wk. 9. pCR-TRAP cloning system is by far the most efficient cloning method for PCR products that we have tested The pCR-TRAP clonmg system utilizes the third generation cloning vector that features postttve-selection for DNA mserts Only Different/al Display II the recombinant plasmtds confer the antibiotic resistance The prmclple of thts unique clonmg system 1sb ased on that the phage Lambda repressor gene c1 cloned on the pCR-TRAP vector codes for a repressor protein. The repressor protein binds to the Lambda right operators Or1 to Or3 of the cro gene, thereby turning off the promoter that drives the TetR gene on the plasmtd Therefore, cloning of the PCR products dtrectly, without any post-PCR purification, into the c1 gene leads to the inactivation of the repressor gene, thus turnmg on the TetR gene The cloned PCR insert can then be readily sequenced or retrieved as a probe by PCR using primers flanking the cloning site of the vector. 10. It 1s known that the poly(A) tail of a rnRNA is not always added at a fixed posi- tion downstream of the AATAAA polyadenylatton signal This 1s why both mob-l and mob-7 correspondmg to the same mRNA were detected by the same arbitrary primer m combmatton with different anchored primers Acknowledgment We thank GenHunter Corporation for the permtsslon of adapting its proto- cols for Message CleanTM kit and RNAlmage TMk it for differential display. The work was supported m part by a Natlonal Institute of Health grant CA61232 awarded to Arthur B. Pardee and Peng Llang. References 1 Liang, P. and Pardee, A B. (1992) Dtfferentlal display of eukaryotic messenger RNA by means of the polymerase cham reaction. Science 257, 967-97 1. 2 Welsh, J , Chada, K , Dalal, S S , Cheng, R , Ralph, D., and McClelland, M (1992) Arbitrarily primed PCR fingerprmtmg of RNA Nuclezc Aczds Res 20, 4965-4970 3 Liang, P. Zhu, W , Zhang, X., Guo, Z , O’Connell, R P., Averboukh, L , Wang, F , and Pardee A B (1994) Differenttal display usmg one-base anchored ohgo dT primers. Nucleic Acids Res 22, 5763,5764. 4 Ltang, P. Averboukh, L., and Pardee, A B (1993) Dtstrlbutton and cloning of eukaryottc mRNAs by means of differential display* refinements and optimiza- tion Nuclezc Acids Res 21, 3269-3275. 5 Ausubel, F , Brent, R , Kingston, R. E , Moore, D. D., Seidman, J. G , Smith, J A, and Struhl, K (1988) Current Protocols In Molecular Biology, Greene and Wiley-Interscience, New York 6. Zhang, H , Zhang, R., and Ltang, P. (1996) Differential screening of gene expres- sion difference enriched by differential display. Nuclezc Acids Res 24,2454-2456. 7 Trentmann, S M , Knaap, E., Kende, H., Ltang, P., and Pardee A. B (1995) Alternatives to 35S as a label for the differential display of eukaryottc messenger RNA. Sczence 267,1186,1187

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