From Everywhere to Everywhere vvoolluummee 1122 •• nnuummbbeerr 11 Different Ways to Serve departments 4 Postcard 5 Editorial 30 New Volunteers 31 Reflections 32 Volunteer Opportunities features 6 Different Ways to Serve There are many ways to witness about our faith, and one of them is by doing activities that help our bodies stay healthy. 8 My Name is Henock “I love you. Don’t forget it.” c o n t e n t s 11 The Missionary Identity I am not building the kingdom of heaven; it is building me. 16 It’s a Word that is Alive It would have been easy to ignore had it not landed in my mind with such force, like an enormous jumbo jet touching down on an airport runway. 19 The Blessing of Service It’s so wonderful to see the many ways in which God can use us, even though we’re human beings with many faults. 21 Miracle at Shark’s Pit “Lord! If this is it, if I am going to die now—into Your hands, I commend my spirit.” 25 Ten Months in Madrid “The best part of volunteering is sharing the love of God with others.” 28 A Volunteer Interview While I was their teacher, they kept singing the songs we learned and quoting the Bible verses I taught them. Cover: Volunteer Cassi Fitzpatrick on location in Kenya. Story on page 4. It just made my heart melt! m i s s i o n p o s t | c o n t e n t s 2 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e missionpost GENERAL CONFERENCE VOLUNTEER STAFF Homer Trecartin | DIRECTOR/EDITOR Donna Rodill | SR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT/LAYOUT & DESIGN Candace Renk | AVS VOLUNTEER APPOINTEES COORDINATOR Joanne Stango | AVS ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR Jill Walker Gonzalez | AVS ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR/ EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 4 e g a DIVISION VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS P Hudson E Kibuuka | EAST-CENTRAL AFRICA DIVISION Gabriel E Maurer | EURO-AFRICA DIVISION Michael Kaminsky | EURO-ASIA DIVISION Faye Reid | INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Jose Rojas | NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION Akeri Suzuki | NORTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION Marly Timm | SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Robert Bolst | SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION Julian Hibbert | SOUTHERN AFRICA-INDIAN OCEAN DIVISION Rose Christo | SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Page 11 Gary Rustad | SOUTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION Paul Tompkins | TRANS-EUROPEAN DIVISION John Enang | WEST-CENTRAL AFRICA DIVISION We welcome unsolicited manuscripts, letters to the editor, volunteer tips, postcards and stories. Send all editorial correspondence to: Adventist Volunteer Service Publications 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 USA 66 ee 11 Email: [email protected] aagg Fax: 301-680-6635 PP Website: Mission Post (ISSN 1528-235X) is published four times a year by the Adventist Volunteer Service of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.® Printed by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21741-1119. Copyright © 2001, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. For a free subscription, send your name and address to Adventist Volunteer Service Publications, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 or send an email to: [email protected] Page 19 m i s s i o n p o s t | c o n t e n t s 3 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e P o s t c a r d DDeeaarr VVoolluunntteeeerrss,, HHow awesome is it to be a vessel for God? So far, it has been truly amazing for mmee.. TThhiiss yyeeaarr GGoodd hhaass ppllaacceedd mmee iinn tthhee bbeeaauuttiiffuull llaanndd ooff AAffrriiccaa,, wwhheerree II am a volunteer at Maxwell Adventist Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. My aassssiiggnnmmeennttss hheerree aarree pprriimmaarriillyy ttoo bbee tthhee AAssssiissttaanntt EElleemmeennttaarryy TTeeaacchheerr,, aass wweellll aass aa ttuuttoorr ffoorr tthhee aaccaaddeemmyy ssttuuddeennttss.. WWhhaatt aa jjooyy tthhee kkiiddss aarree ttoo wwoorrkk wwiitthh eevveerryyddaayy!! I’ve been here since August, and I can aallrreeaaddyy sseeee GGoodd wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthheeiirr hheeaarrttss;; I know that amazing things are going to happen this school year. In my 5th-8th grade Bible class, we’ve decided to make Thursdays our days of outreach to the community and campus. Last week, we made “Thank You” cards for all of the Maxwell staff. It was such OOvveerraallll,, tthhrroouugghh tthhiiss a blessing to see the kids enjoy giving eexxppeerriieennccee II’’vvee sseeeenn wwhhaatt GGoodd ccaann their cards away and also to see the do with my life when I give Him my staff members filled with happiness to whole heart and let Him make all of the know that we appreciate them and what decisions. If you do this too, I know He they do for us on a daily basis. Other will take you on the journey of a lifetime. I projects we are thinking about include: guarantee it! fundraising for the local orphanage, putting together care packages for the God Bless, sick, visiting people in hospitals, and Cassi Fitzpatrick cleaning houses for our campus staff. The kids are really starting to get excited Originally from the USA, Cassi is serving in Africa. about helping others, and I hope this will be something that changes their lives and the way they look at the world. m i s s i o n p o s t | p o s t c a r d 4 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e Homer Trecartin | Editor, Mission Post | Associate Secretary, General Conference of Seventh- editorial day Adventists ®| Director, Adventist Volunteer Center Well Hello There! IIsee you have picked up this issue of here – pictures of Kenya and Kazakhstan, Mission Post and started to read. Botswana and Spain, Costa Rica and Guam. OK, you’re right – I can’t really see The stories are here too. Your heart will yyoouu,, bbuutt II hhaavvee tthhoouugghhtt aabboouutt tthhoossee wwhhoo ache for the young mother who makes wwoouulldd ooppeenn tthheessee ppaaggeess.. WWhhyy aarree yyoouu the agonizing decision to give away her doing it anyway? Did you or one of your newborn son. You will hold your breath as friends send in an article or picture, and a pastor is swept out to sea. But you will you want to see it? Or maybe you are also find far more than entertainment in part of the way through these pages. May you find your volunteer term Our prayer is that God in some lonely place, will speak to you as you and this helps you feel read. May you find comfort comfort and connected. Perhaps you and courage here. May your are a returned volunteer – faith be renewed. And may returned in body, but your you be challenged to get courage here. heart is still out in the involved. Pray for Andres mission field. Maybe you and Cassi, and Emese (and just found this copy lying May your faith be the others). Share a story on a table in the church with your Sabbath School foyer and are dreaming of class, or share the magazine far-away places and exotic renewed. with someone who might experiences. not have seen it. And check Whatever prompted you to pick us up out our website to see if there are any in the first place, if you keep reading, you opportunities you could fill. will soon see that Mission Post is not just Thanks for picking up our magazine. another travel magazine filled with pretty We hope you are blessed by the time you pictures and fascinating stories. They are spend with us. m i s s i o n p o s t | r e f l e c t i o n s 5 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e UUUUUnnnnniiiiittttteeeeeddddd SSSSStttttaaaaattttteeeeesssss ooofff AAAmmmeeerrriiicccaaa Different Ways to SSeerrvvee By Raul Alejandro Ortega Carrion IIstarted my volunteer service at gymnastics. In doing so, I was able to pass Sandia View Academy in Corrales, on my knowledge of physical education, New Mexico, in the United States of kinesiology and health to my students. AAmmeerriiccaa oonn JJaannuuaarryy 77,, 22000088.. AAtt SSaannddiiaa During the semester, we had a gymnastics VViieeww,, II ttaauugghhtt ggyymmnnaassttiiccss aanndd SSppaanniisshh,, show at Three Angels SDA Church. and I helped supervise study hall. This Everything went as we had practiced, was a new experience for me; I had never and it was a success! The parents who worked in a country where everyone attended could see how much time their spoke a different language than I did! At kids had spent practicing. I felt they first, I had some problems with the were happy that their kids were llaanngguuaaggee,, bbuutt lliittttllee bbyy lliittttllee,, II iinnvvoollvveedd iinn ssoommeetthhiinngg ppoossiittiivvee,, wwaass aabbllee ttoo ccoommmmuunniiccaattee ssoommeetthhiinngg tthhaatt bbuuiilltt tthheemm better with the students uupp.. TThhiiss ffiilllleedd mmee wwiitthh and the other teachers. satisfaction. I have always gone While I was serving, to Adventist schools. I I was reminded of remember that student what the Bible says missionaries came to in 1 Corinthians 12:4, my high school, Colegio 5: “There are different Adventista del Ecuador kkiinnddss ooff ggiiffttss,, bbuutt tthhee ((CCAADDEE)),, eevveerryy yyeeaarr.. MMoossttllyy,, ssaammee SSppiirriitt.. TThheerree aarree they came from the United different kinds of service, but States to teach English and to serve in the same Lord.” Certainly, there are other ways at the school. Providentially, many ways to witness about our faith, and now I have had the opportunity to serve one of them is by doing activities that help as a volunteer in the United States, to our bodies stay healthy. learn about a new culture and to teach I was also able to witness in other ways. some of the things I’ve learned throughout I began every class with a Bible verse and my life. a prayer. It was a beautiful thing to begin In New Mexico, I was privileged to each class this way. My students and I be able to teach a subject that I like: may have had cultural differences, but we m i s s i o n p o s t | u n i t e d s t a t e s 6 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e shared a common faith. In the Spanish in the U.S. This is a week when you wear classes, I enjoyed helping the kids with different costumes every day to see pronunciation and conversation, and I which class has the most school spirit. On often made up language games so learning one of the days--Mad Hair Day--all the would be fun. It was very gratifying for me students and faculty went to school with to work with the teenagers, to be able to extravagant hairstyles. There was also be a good influence for them at this stage Nerd Day, Pajama Day and others. of their lives. I encourage everyone who wants to Not everything was about work, be a volunteer to do so. If you do, you though. We also had a winter camping will have enriching experiences that will trip in February, during which we last a lifetime. The most satisfying thing enjoyed the snow, hiking and learning about volunteer service is to feel you have about survival in the mountains. done something to inspire the people you I enjoyed volunteering in New Mexico. served and that through your life, you I bore witness to the education system of have reflected the life of Jesus. this country. I saw U.S. customs, festivals and holidays, as well as how Americans Raul Ortega Carrion, a native of Ecuador, writes organize events and programs. It inspired ffrroomm EEnnttrree RRiiooss,, AArrggeennttiinnaa,, wwhheerree hhee iiss ffiinniisshhiinngg me to take different ideas and to do his studies in Kinesiology and Physical Education at River different things in South America that I Plate University. had witnessed in the United States. For example, I was inspired by “Spirit Week” Top Left: Volunteer Raul Ortega Carrion Center Left: Students have fun sledding on the winter camp out Raul performs alongside his team Sandia View’s gymnastics team shows off their two-highs. m i s s i o n p o s t | u n t i e d s t a t e s 7 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e EEEEEttttthhhhhiiiiiooooopppppiiiiiaaaaa Baby Henock being held by the son of a staff member at Gimbie My Name is Adventist Hospital HHeennoocckk BByy MMoonniiccaa BBaarrllooww HHello, my name is Henock, and My mother looked at me, and said, “I I am 10 days old. My hair is jet am glad that you are healthy!” black and very straight. I was She held me really tight. bboorrnn oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 33 aatt GGiimmbbiiee AAddvveennttiisstt Soon we left the hospital and arrived HHoossppiittaall iinn EEtthhiiooppiiaa,, ttoo aa vveerryy hhaappppyy at home. When we entered the house, mother. She was afraid I would come my father was gone. I don’t mean he had before she arrived at the hospital, like gone to the store; I mean he had left for most babies do here. Although being good. No note, no arguments, just GONE! pregnant in a third world country is often Since grandma had passed away before I a death sentence, my mother delivered me was born, that left only grandpa to help with little difficulty. mom with two kids and no husband. Alongside my mom, I experienced the Unfortunately, it was too much for him. women’s ward for two days. I looked Mom seemed sadder every day. She smiled around at the hospital beds with green when she looked at me or my sister, but mosquito nets hanging above them. I otherwise her eyes had a glassy, far off heard other babies crying to be fed, and I look. She didn’t hum while she cooked saw their mothers happily scooping them dinner anymore. She looked as if she was up to be nursed. As I noticed each pair, trying to figure out a great riddle or the I realized that one young mother in the meaning of life. As I watched her working corner seemed distraught. over the stove, I saw that her old torn My mother looked at me and held me dress could not hide her beauty. With her close, saying “Poor girl! Her baby didn’t hair wrapped up in a scarf, she looked make it.” at least 25, but her smooth skin gave her AA ffffeeeerrrreeeennnnggggiiii (((fffooorrreeeiiigggnnneeerrr))) ttthhheeennn llleeefffttt ttthhheee rrroooooommm ttrruuee aaggee aawwaayy.. MMyy mmootthheerr wwaass aa ggoorrggeeoouuss wwiitthh aa bbuunnddllee wwrraappppeedd uupp iinn aa ttoorrnn oolldd wwoommaann;; nnoo oonnee ccoouulldd ddeennyy iitt.. sshheeeett.. SShhee ppuutt tthhee bbuunnddllee iinn aa ccaarrddbbooaarrdd AAfftteerr eeiigghhtt ddaayyss ooff hhoommee lliiffee,, eevveerryytthhiinngg bbooxx aanndd wwrroottee ““ddeeaadd bbaabbyy”” oonn tthhee oouuttssiiddee.. cchhaannggeedd.. TThhaatt ddaayy,, NNoovveemmbbeerr 1122,, ssttaarrtteedd TThhee bbooxx wwaass ppllaacceedd nneexxtt ttoo aannootthheerr ssiimmiillaarr jjuusstt lliikkee eevveerryy ootthheerr ddaayy ooff mmyy lliiffee hhaadd ssoo bbooxx,, aanndd sshhoovveedd iinnttoo tthhee nnuurrsseess’’ ssttaattiioonn.. ffaarr.. II wwookkee uupp iinn mmoomm’’ss bbeedd iinn oouurr ttoowwnn II hheeaarrdd mmyy mmootthheerr tteelllliinngg aannootthheerr ppaattiieenntt nneeaarr DDeemmbbii DDoolllloo.. MMoomm llooookkeedd ssttrreesssseedd tthhaatt tthhee ggaarrddeenneerr ppiicckkeedd uupp tthhee bbooxxeess aanndd tthhiiss mmoorrnniinngg,, bbuutt sshhee ssttiillll ggaavvee mmee aa bbiigg bbuurriieedd tthheemm ddoowwnn tthhee hhiillll.. ssmmiillee aass sshhee ttuurrnneedd oovveerr ttoo bbrreeaasstt ffeeeedd mm ii ss ss ii oo nn pp oo ss tt || ee tt hh ii oo pp ii aa 88 aa dd vv ee nn tt ii ss tt vv oo ll uu nn tt ee ee rr ss ee rr vv ii cc ee me. I love my mother. Yeah, she’s only 18, Her gaze looked different than I had seen but she does her best to take care of my it before. It was if she was looking into one-year-old sister and myself. my soul, and imprinting there the words, As soon as we got done with breakfast, “I love you. Don’t forget it.” I didn’t know mom strapped my sister to her back and what was going on, but I desperately held me in a blanket in her arms while she wanted to tell her not to worry, that we walked to the bus station. We waited in were all going to be okay. All I could do the heat for almost an hour and then got was to smile and enjoy her warm arms onto the bus with the other commuters and attention. going to Gimbie. The bus ride was smelly, The next thing I remember was seeing noisy, and cramped, but lying in mom’s several people scurry into the room. arms was a delight, like always, regardless They were talking to mom. Although she of the circumstances. Her milk quenched answered them, she only looked at me. my thirst and warmed my belly, causing In a very strange language, they talked me to drift off into a sweet dream of to her, but she could not understand familiar smells and sounds. what they were saying. Then a nice older Suddenly there was a SCREECH!! I was woman with a friendly smile spoke in rudely awakened by the sound of the Oromofa, our language. She repeated the well-worn bus breaks and the feeling questions previously asked of my mom. ooff ppeeooppllee ppuusshhiinngg ttoo eexxiitt tthhee OOnnee ooff tthheessee qquueessttiioonnss bus first. wwaass,, ““WWhhaatt iiss hhiiss nnaammee??”” Mom got up “““III MMyy mmootthheerr llooookkeedd slowly, securing ddoowwnn aatt mmee,, dddiiidddnnn’’’ttt nnnaaammmeee hhhiiimmm... my sister again and then up at to her back and III wwwaaasss wwwaaaiiitttiiinnnggg fffooorrr hhhiiisss the friendly wiping away a lady. “I didn’t fffaaattthhheeerrr tttooo nnnaaammmeee hhhiiimmm,,, tear that trailed name him. I down her bbbuuuttt hhheee iiisss gggooonnneee was waiting cheek. Under for his father to nnnooowww...””” the strain of her nnaammee hhiimm,, bbuutt hhee load, she hobbled iiss ggoonnee nnooww,,”” wwaass ooffff tthhee bbuuss aanndd wwaallkkeedd mmoomm’’ss rreeppllyy.. to Gimbie Hospital, where I had The women discussed this been born 10 days previously. I had no predicament and then asked my mom if iiddeeaa tthhaatt sshhee hhaadd aann aappppooiinnttmmeenntt wwiitthh tthhee sshhee wwaass aa CChhrriissttiiaann.. MMoomm ssaaiidd yyeess,, sshhee cchhaappllaaiinn aatt 22 wwaass.. SSoo tthheeyy aasskkeedd iiff sshhee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo uussee AAss sshhee cclliimmbbeedd tthhee ssttaaiirrss,, hheerr lloonngg aa nnaammee ffrroomm tthhee BBiibbllee ffoorr mmee.. sskkiirrtt bbrruusshheedd tthhee fflloooorr,, wwhhiicchh wwaass dduusstteedd MMyy mmoomm ssmmiilleedd aanndd ssaaiidd,, ““YYeess..”” wwiitthh tthhee aarreeaa’’ss rreedd ddiirrtt.. SShhee ddiiddnn’’tt sseeeemm TThhee nnaammeess mmeennttiioonneedd wweerree DDaavviidd,, DDaanniieell,, ttoo nnoottiiccee.. SShhee hheeaaddeedd ssttrraaiigghhtt ttoo tthhee GGiiddeeoonn aanndd IIssaaaacc,, bbuutt mmyy mmoomm jjuusstt llooookkeedd aaccccoouunnttiinngg ooffffiiccee,, ffoouunndd aa sseeaatt oonn tthhee aatt mmee aanndd ssaaiidd,, ““HHooww aabboouutt HHeennoocckk??”” bbeenncchh,, aanndd wweenntt lliimmpp.. MMyy ssiisstteerr sslleepptt oonn AAllll tthhee llaaddiieess ssmmiilleedd aanndd ssoommeeoonnee mmoomm’’ss bbaacckk,, wwhhiillee mmoomm jjuusstt llooookkeedd aatt mmee.. eexxppllaaiinneedd tthhaatt HHeennoocckk iiss OOrroommooffaa ffoorr mm ii ss ss ii oo nn pp oo ss tt || ee tt hh ii oo pp ii aa 99 aa dd vv ee nn tt ii ss tt vv oo ll uu nn tt ee ee rr ss ee rr vv ii cc ee Ethiopia Enoch. Someone else said it meant “walks They dressed me in warm clothes and with God.” wrapped me in a blanket with a horse on It so pleased my mom, that Enoch was the it. They placed me next to another baby, name written down on the ladies’ papers. Samuel Hosea, who was born in the same Unfortunately, my mom’s happiness hospital. Although this was my first day soon faded as she finished answering the here, Samuel had lived here four weeks ladies’ questions. She handed me over to already. He is Oromo too, but he is a lot the chaplain, who in turn passed me to bigger than me and has long, curly hair. a lady with a red shirt who was standing I heard that he never got to know his by the window. I looked up at this lady mother, that she died from an infection wondering if she was kind. She wasn’t two days after he was born. I felt sorry for as pretty as my mom, and she seemed him, for I could not stop thinking about my about double her age. Gazing up into her mother. Where was she? Would she come tear filled eyes, I saw a sadness, the same back? It was nice to be here, but it was not sadness I saw in my mom’s eyes. as cozy as when I was with my mom. Suddenly my sister woke up and began However, somehow I knew that I would screaming from her perch on mom’s back. never see my mom again. I heard the women Untying her, my mom put my sister on her say that as soon as my papers are finished lap. My sister, an active toddler, clung to and taken to Addis, I will be shipped off to mom, even though her soiled dress reeked America. I heard them say that I will have of urine. My mom embraced her as if she many opportunities there and that I won’t had just gotten out of a fresh, warm bath. get sick there as often as here, that there is As the lady who spoke our language plenty to eat and good schools to attend, ushered us out of the room, the woman that America is just like heaven… in the red shirt leaned down toward my But my only thought was, “Where is mom. My mom kissed me. Her warm lips my mom?” quivered and I could feel her presence My name is Henock, and I am 10 leave me. I felt so scared that I started to days old. I’m scared. Could you please cry. I wanted to jump out of this lady’s pray for me? arms and into my mom’s embrace, but at 10 days old, this was impossible. The Monica Barlow and her husband Glenn are woman with the red shirt cuddled me originally from the United States. They have been close and spoke in such a soft voice that I serving in Gimbie, Ethiopia, since October of 2008. At Gimbie, Glenn has been the operating couldn’t help but smile at her. room director, while Monica has been busy raising Holding me, she walked down some three Ethiopian children, two of which she and her steep steps to a large house. Immediately, husband have adopted. Monica has also helped to we were surrounded by a group of young open the first orphanage in the West Wollega area. women, who all doted over me. They Monica encourages anyone—no matter what his/ removed my soiled clothes and placed me her profession—to become a volunteer. “No matter what your skills,” she says, “God has a place for you in some warm water with bubbles. It was in His work.” The Barlows will be staying in Ethiopia pleasant, but I cried because everything until January 2011, or until God says otherwise. was so new and different. Henock and his new little sister will meet their new family this spring. m i s s i o n p o s t | e t h i o p i a 10 a d v e n t i s t v o l u n t e e r s e r v i c e