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Difference Schemes with Operator Factors PDF

390 Pages·2002·11.06 MB·English
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Difference Schemes with Operator Factors Mathematics and Its Applications Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Volume 546 Difference Schemes with Operator Factors by A.A. Samarskii Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia P.P. Matus Institute for Mathematics, Department of Numerical Simulation, Minsk, Belarus and P.N. Vabishchevich Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A c.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-90-481-6118-8 ISBN 978-94-015-9874-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-9874-3 Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 2002 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 2002 No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Contents l. INTRODUCTION 1 2. TWO-LEVEL DIFFERENCE SCHEMES 9 l. Introduction 9 2. Stability of Difference Schemes 12 2.1 Canonical Form 12 2.2 General Concept of Stability 13 2.3 p-Stability of Difference Schemes 14 3. Conditions of Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 15 3.1 Stability in the Space HA 16 3.2 Stability in the Space HE 18 3.3 Condition for p-Stability 21 3.4 Stability of Schemes with Weights 23 4. Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 28 4.1 Elementary Estimates in HAl HE 28 4.2 Splitting off the Stationary Non-Homogeneity 30 4.3 A Priori Estimates for Stability under More Se- vere Restrictions 34 4.4 Schemes with Weights 40 5. Coefficient Stability 46 5.1 Strong Stability of Operator-Differential Schemes 47 5.2 Strong Stability of the Operator-Difference Schemes 50 3. DIFFERENCE SCHEMES WITH OPERATOR FACTORS 55 l. Introduction 55 v vi Contents 2. Schemes with B = E + rG A 57 2.1 Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 57 2.2 Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 60 2.3 The Stability in Other Norms 64 3. Schemes with B = E + rAG 68 3.1 Estimates of Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 69 3.2 Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 70 3.3 A Priori Estimates in Other Norms 72 4. Difference Schemes with B = E + rT* GT 74 4.1 Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 74 4.2 Estimates of Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 76 4.3 Some Other A Priori Estimates 77 4. THREE-LEVEL DIFFERENCE SCHEMES 79 l. Introduction 79 2. Stability of Difference Schemes 82 2.1 Canonical Form 82 2.2 Reduction to Two-Level Scheme 83 3. Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 84 3.1 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions 85 3.2 p-Stability 87 3.3 Stability in Simpler Norms 90 4. Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 96 4.1 A Priori Estimates 96 4.2 Stability for Homogeneous Initial Data 99 4.3 Schemes with Variable Operators 104 4.4 Stability in Other Norms 107 5. Schemes with Weights 113 5.1 Schemes for First-Order Evolutionary Equations 113 5.2 Schemes with Weights for Second-Order Evolutionary Equations 118 5. THREE-LEVEL SCHEMES WITH OPERATOR FACTORS 121 l. Introduction 121 2. Schemes with D = E + 0.5r2G1A, B = rG2A 123 vii 2.1 Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 123 2.2 Other A Priori Estimates 126 2.3 Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 128 3. Schemes with D = E + 0.572 AGl, B = 7 AG2 133 3.1 Estimates of Stability with Respect to Initial Data 133 3.2 Other A Priori Estimates 135 3.3 Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 136 4. Difference Schemes of Divergent Form 139 4.1 Stability with Respect to the Initial Data 140 4.2 Stability with Respect to the Right Hand Side 143 6. DIFFERENCE SCHEMES FOR NON-STATIONARY EQUATIONS 149 1. Introduction 149 2. Boundary Problems for Parabolic Equations 151 2.1 Difference-Differential Problem 151 2.2 Two-Level Difference Schemes 155 2.3 Stability Conditions 155 2.4 Convergence of Difference Schemes 156 2.5 Equation with Discontinuous Coefficients 158 2.6 Multi-dimensional Problems 160 3. Problems with Generalized Solutions 164 3.1 Stability in Integral with Respect to Time Norms 164 3.2 A Differential Problem 169 3.3 Difference Scheme 170 3.4 Approximation Error and Convergence 171 4. Difference Schemes for Non-stationary Convection- Diffusion Problems 177 4.1 Introduction 177 4.2 Model Convection-Diffusion Problems 178 4.3 The Stability of the Solution for the Continuous Problem 180 4.4 Difference Operators of Convection and Diffusion 184 4.5 Difference Schemes for Non-Stationary Problems 189 5. Korteweg--de Vries Equation 193 5.1 Introduction 193 Vlll Contents 5.2 Formulation of the Problem and Basic Properties of Its Solution 194 5.3 A Model Equation 195 5.4 Three-Level Difference Schemes 199 5.5 Schemes with Weighting Factors 202 5.6 Nonlinear Schemes 204 5.7 Implicit Conservative Schemes 206 6. A Boundary Value Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation of the Second Order 207 6.1 Difference-Differential Problem 207 6.2 Difference Schemes 208 6.3 An Approximation Error and Convergence 211 6.4 Problems with Piecewise Smooth Solutions 212 6.5 A Multi-dimensional Degenerative Equation with Dissipation 219 7. Hyperbolo Parabolic Problems 223 7.1 Statement of the Problem 224 7.2 Difference Schemes 225 7.3 Stability of the Difference Schemes with Constant Weights 227 7.4 Difference Schemes with Variable Weighting Factors 229 7.5 Truncation Error and Convergence 232 7. SCHEMES ON ADAPTIVE GRIDS 235 1. Introduction 235 2. Difference Schemes on Grids Adaptive in Time for a Parabolic Equation 237 2.1 Non-Conservative Schemes 237 2.2 Conservative Schemes 247 2.3 Difference Schemes for a Problem with Weak Solutions 255 2.4 Difference Schemes for Multi-dimensional Equations 258 3. Schemes with Adaptation with Respect to Time for a Wave Equation 263 3.1 Non-Conservative Schemes 264 3.2 Stability and Convergence 267 ix 3.3 Conservative Schemes 271 4. Difference Schemes of Domain Decomposition on the Grids Locally Refined with Respect to Time 275 4.1 Introduction 276 4.2 Model Problem 277 4.3 Decomposition Operators 277 4.4 Stability 280 4.5 Convergence of Difference Schemes 281 5. Difference Schemes on Dynamical Grids Locally Refined in Space 283 5.1 Introduction 283 5.2 Statement of the Problem 284 5.3 Construction of a Scheme with New Nodes on the Upper Level 284 5.4 A Priori Estimates 287 5.5 Convergence 290 5.6 Other Type of Interpolation 292 5.7 The Case of Variable Coefficients 293 6. Schemes of High Order of Approximation on Grids Non- Uniform with Respect to Space 297 6.1 Introduction 297 6.2 Difference Schemes for a Parabolic Equation 298 6.3 Difference Schemes for a Hyperbolic Equation 306 6.4 Difference Schemes for a Two-Dimensional Parabolic Equation 312 8. DIFFERENCE SCHEMES OF DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION FOR NON-STATIONARY PROBLEMS 321 l. Introduction 321 2. Methods of Domain Decomposition 323 2.1 Introduction 323 2.2 Model Problem 324 2.3 Domain Decomposition 325 2.4 Iterative Difference Schemes 328 2.5 Schemes of Splitting with Respect to Spatial Variables 328 3. Regionally Additive Schemes of Two-Component Splitting 329 x Contents 3.1 Problem Statement 330 3.2 Difference Operators of Domain Decomposition 330 3.3 Difference Schemes 332 3.4 Accuracy of Difference Solution 333 3.5 Factorized Schemes of Domain Decomposition 337 4. Regionally Additive Schemes of Summarized Approximation 339 4.1 Model Problem 339 4.2 Regionally Additive Schemes 340 4.3 Convergence of Schemes of Decomposition 342 5. Vector Additive Schemes of Domain Decomposition 346 5.1 Problem Statement 346 5.2 Vector Scheme 347 5.3 Convergence of the Scheme of Decomposition 348 5.4 Other Decomposition Operators 351 5.5 Schemes of Second-Order Approximation with Re- spect to Time 352 6. Schemes of Domain Decomposition for Second-Order Evolutionary Equations 355 6.1 Introduction 355 6.2 Problem Statement 356 6.3 Vector Problem 357 6.4 Difference Schemes with Weights 358 6.5 Additive Schemes 359 6.6 Stability of Additive Schemes 362 6.7 The Wave Equation 363 References 367 Index 383

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