DIFFRACTIVE NONLINEAR GEOMETRIC OPTICS WITH RECTIFICATION * Jean-Luc JOLY MAB, Universit¶e de Bordeaux I 33405 Talence, FRANCE Guy METIVIER IRMAR, Universit¶e de Rennes I 35042 Rennes, FRANCE Jefirey RAUCH Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan Ann Arbor 48109 MI, USA Outline. x1. Introduction. x2. The ansatz and the flrst proflle equations. x3. Large time asymptotics for linear symmetric hyperbolic systems. x4. Proflle equations, continuation. x5. Solvability of the proflle equations. x6. Convergence and stability. x7. Applications, examples and extensions. References x1. Introduction. This paper continues the study, initiated in [DJMR], [D], of the behavior of high frequency solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations for time scales at which difiractive efiects and nonlinear efiects are both present in the leading term of approximate solutions. By difirac- tive efiects we mean that the leading term in the asymptotic expansion has support which extends beyond the region reached by the rays of geometric optics. Our expansions are for problems where the time scale for nonlinear interaction is comparable to the time scale for the onset of difiractive efiects. The key innovation is the analysis of rectiflcation efiects, that is the interaction of the nonoscillatory local mean fleld with the rapidly oscillating flelds. On the long time scales associated with difiraction, these nonoscillatory flelds tend tobehaveverydifierentlyfromtheoscillatingflelds. Oneofourmainconclusionsisthatfor oscillatory flelds associated with wave vectors on curved parts of the characteristic variety, the interaction is negligible to leading order. For wave vector on (cid:176)at parts of the variety, and in particular problems for problems in one dimensional space, the interaction cannot be ignored and is spelled out in detail. In all cases the leading term in an approximation * Research partially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. O–ce of Naval Research, and the NSF-CNRScooperationprogramundergrantsnumberNSF-DMS-9203413andOD-G-N0014-92-J-1245NSF-INT- 9314095 respectively, and the CNRS through the Groupe de Recherche G1180 POAN. 1 is rigorously justifled, the correctors are o(1) as the wavelength " tends to zero. The error is not O("fi) with fi > 0. The point of departure are the papers [DJMR], [D] where inflnitely accurate asymptotic expansions of the form X u" » "p "j a ("x;x;x:fl="); (1:1) j j2Np are justifled. Here x = (t;y) 2 R1+d, fl = (¿;·) 2 R1+d and the proflles a (X;x;(cid:181)) are j periodic in (cid:181). The exponent p is a critical exponent for which the the time scales for difiractive and nonlinear efiects are equal. Note the three scales, a wavelength of order ", variations on the scale » 1 coming from the dependence of the proflles on x and variations on the long and slow scales » 1=" from the dependence on "x. This three scale structure is typical of difiractive geometric optics. In [DJMR] the following key hypotheses guaranteed that nonlinear interaction did not create nonoscillatory terms, † the nonlinear terms are odd functions of u, and † the proflles a (X;x;(cid:181)) in the approximations (1.1) had spectrum contained in Z . j odd The flrst hypothesis excludes quadratic nonlinearities and the second implies that the pro- flles have vanishing mean value with respect to (cid:181). The main achievement of this paper is the analysis of solutions when these hypotheses are not made. Note that quadratic inter- action of oscillatory terms tends to create nonoscillatory sources as the simple identities eik(cid:181)e¡ik(cid:181) = 1 and sin2k(cid:181) + cos2k(cid:181) = 1 illustrate. The creation of nonoscillatory waves from highly oscillatory sources is called rectiflcation. The spatial Fourier Transform of an expression as on the right of (1.1) is roughly localized at wave numbers ‡ 2 Rd with j‡ ¡ ·="j = O(1). In the linear case solutions would be superpositions of plane waves moving with velocities with angular spread O("). For times small compared with 1=" this angular dispersion is not important. For times O(1=") the angular dispersion becomes important since at those times the accumulated efiects are O(1). This scale t » 1=" is the time scale of difiractive geometric optics. 1. Example of creation of nonoscillating parts in the principal proflle. Consider the semilinear initial value problem for for u = (u ;u ) 1 2 • ‚ (cid:181) ¶ @u 1 0 @u u2 + + 1 = 0; u"(0;y) = "(f(y);g(y)) siny="; @t 0 ¡1 @y 0 with f;g 2 C1(R;R). The equations for the u are decoupled. The linear part is a 0 j flrst order system which corresponds to the D’Alembert operator on R1+1. The 1+1 characteristic variety is the union of the two lines ¿ = §·. The exact solutions with g = 0 satisfles u" = 0 and 2 "f(t¡y) sin(t¡y)=" u"(t;y) = 1 1+"tf(t¡y) sin(t¡y)=" ‡ · ¡ ¢ =" f(t¡y) sin(t¡y)="+"t f(t¡y) sin(t¡y)=" 2 +O("3t): 2 They have p = 1 and proflle ‡ · a(T;t;y;(cid:181)) = f(t¡y) sin(cid:181)+T f(t¡y)2 sin2(cid:181); 0 : For t » 1=" the solution has nonoscillatory terms "p"t…f(t¡y)2 of the same order as the oscillating part. The factor … is the mean value of sin2(cid:181). 2. Example of the principal of nonoverlapping waves. The preceding example should be contrasted to the behavior of the system where the nonlinear term (u2;0) is 1 replaced by the nonlinear term (u2;0). To see any efiect one must take g 6= 0. The 2 equation for u then reads 1 @ u +@ u +"2g(t+y)2 = 0: t 1 y 1 The source term "2jg(t+y)j2 travels at speed minus one so crosses the integral curves of @ +@ transversally. The u wave and the u wave overlap for only a flnite period of time t y 1 2 so the in(cid:176)uence of the source term is O("2) therefore negligible compared to the leading O(") term even for times t » 1=". If g were not integrable in y this argument would not be correct. In this example and for the remainder of the introduction the principal proflles will depend only on (T;t;y;(cid:181)), there is no dependence on Y. 3. Examples where rectiflcation efiects must be analysed. 1. The compressible Euler equations in (cid:176)uid dynamics and all more complicated models containing variants of the Euler equations, have quadratic terms. 2. From nonlinear optics the important phenomenon of second harmonic generation is a quadratic phenomenon. 3. Even for odd nonlinearities initial proflles which contain even harmonics are not included in the previous analysis. When rectiflcation efiects are present, correctors to the leading approximation are required which do not have the structure of modulated high frequency wave trains. The correctors can look like typical nonoscillatory solutions of nonlinear or linear wave equations. In particular they have no reason to follow the rays of the oscillatory parts. They some- times spread in all directions so are correspondingly smaller than the leading term in the approximation. 4. Example of the principal of spreading waves. Consider the two dimensional analogue of the equations in Examples 1 and 2, • ‚ • ‚ @u 1 0 @u 0 1 @u Lu+'(u) := + + +'(u) = 0; @t 0 ¡1 @y 1 0 @y 1 2 3 where ' is quadratic and u" has oscillations of wavelength » ". For this problem the critical exponent p = 1 so critical initial value problem is ¡ ¢ u"(0;y) = " b(y;y =");0 ; b 2 C1(R2 £T): 1 0 Theorem 1.1 shows that the solution is given for t • C=" by ¡ u"(t;y) = "a(t;x)+" a(T;t¡y ;y ;:::;(cid:181)); 0)+o("): 1 2 where the oscillatory proflle a(T;t;y;(cid:181)) has mean zero with respect to (cid:181) and is determined by the initial value problem ¡ ¢ @ a+ 1 ¢ @¡1a+' (a;0) ⁄ = 0; a(0;y;(cid:181)) = b(y;(cid:181))⁄; T 2 y2;:::;yd (cid:181) ⁄ where denontes oscillatory part, that is the function less its mean with respect to (cid:181). The nonoscillatory part of the proflle, a, is determined by the linear hyperbolic dynamics • ‚ • ‚ Z @a 1 0 @a 0 1 @a 1 2… + + = 0; a(0;x) = b(0;y;(cid:181))d(cid:181): @t 0 ¡1 @y 1 0 @y 2… 1 2 0 The function a(t;x) decays to zero in L1(R2) as t ! 1 but has L2(R2) norm indepen- 1 dent of time. The conservation is maintained while the waves spread.. The L decay is responsible for the fact that the mean fleld does not in(cid:176)uence the leading term of the oscillatory part. The oscillatory and nonosillatory part do not interact to leading order. If aj = 0 as in Examples 1 and 2, it remains zero, in contrast to Example 2. However, t=0 even though the principal term in the expansion has mean zero in (cid:181), to prove the accuracy of the leading term requires correctors which have nonoscillatory parts. The approximate solutions which we construct are not inflnitely accurate and the proof of accuracy requires a fundamentally difierent analysis than our earlier papers on difiractive nonlinear geometric optics. Analogous di–culties arose when studying multiphase non- linear geometric optics for example in [JMR 2]. For the longer time scales of difiractive geometric optics, the di–culty occurs for one phase problems. That one does not have a simple expansion like (1.1) is clear in the next example. 5. Example of a large corrector. Consider the coupled system u = 0; v = jr uj2: 1+2 1+2 t;y With 0 1 0 @=@y @=@y 1 2 B C @ B C L := +B@=@y 0 0 C; @t @ 1 A @=@y 0 0 2 this yields the triangular system of equations for u := r u and v := r v, t;y t;y Lu = 0; Lv = juj2: Take Cauchy data for v" to be equal to zero. For t » 1=" one can take u" = O(") to be a linearly difiractive solution and the computation in x7.5 shows that v" = O("3=2) is a corrector but is large compared to the O("2) correctors in (1.1). 4 Three scale expansions like those discussed in this paper arise in a variety of applied problems. Several from nonlinear optics are presented in [DR]. Others with origins in (cid:176)uid dynamics including a variety of problems in shock difiraction where rigorous error estimates have yet to be proven can be found in [H]. The latter reference also contains an interesting historical discussion. We present examples in x7. We now describe a typical result from our analysis. One must distinguish between hyper- planes in the characteristic variety and curved sheets since that determines the extent of the interaction between the mean fleld and the oscillatory parts. Consider the constant coe–cient semilinear equation Xd @ L(@ )u+'(u) = 0; L := A (1:2) x „ @x „ „=0 where u is a smooth CN or RN valued function and ' is a polynomial of degree J with variables (<u;=u). Quasilinear problems are treated in the body of the paper. The system is assumed to be symmetric hyperbolic, that is ⁄ A = A ; A = I: (1:3) „ „ 0 In the introduction we suppose that the characteristic variety consists of a flnite number ‘ of smooth nonintersecting sheets ¿ = ¿ (·), j = 1;:::;‘. This is the case for strictly j hyperbolic equations, Maxwell’s equations and the linearized Euler equations. For Jth order semilinear problems 1 p := (1:4) J ¡1 is the critical exponent for which the time of nonlinear interaction is O(1="), which is the time for the onset of difiractive efiects. In this introduction we consider only proflles a which are independent of Y. For fl 2 0 CharL ‰ R1+d nf0g we construct approximate solutions u"(x) = "pa ("t;t;y;x:fl="); (1:5) 0 where a (T;t;y;(cid:181)) is smooth, periodic in (cid:181) and has derivatives square integrable on [0;T]£ 0 Rd £T uniformly for t 2 R. y Hyperplanes which are contained in the characteristic variety play a crucial role in describ- ing difiractive nonlinear geometric optics. Decompose the index set f1;:::;‘g = A [A (1:6) f c where A are the indices of curved sheets and A those of (cid:176)at sheets. Then A is empty c f f when there are no hyperplanes. Deflne a switch ¶ by ¶ = 1 when fl belongs to a hyperplane and¶ = 0otherwise. When¶ = 1relabelthesheetssothatfl belongstotheflrsthyperplane ¿ = ¿ (·). 1 5 For » 2 CharL let …(») denote the orthogonal projection of CN onto the kernel of L(»). Deflne ¡ ¢ E (·) := …(¿ ·);·) ; fi 2 A: (1:7) fi fi The Fourier multiplication operators E (D ) are orthogonal projections on Hs(Rd) for all fi y s. One has fl = (¿ (·);·) for a unique 1 • fi • ‘ and we associate two difierential operators fi V(@ ) := @ +v:@ ; v := ¡r ¿ (·); (1:8) x t y · fi and 1 Xd @2¿ (·) @2 fi R(@ ) := : (1:9) y 2 @· @· @y @y j k j k j;k=1 For a periodic function a, the mean value in (cid:181) is denoted by either a or hai. The oscillating part is a⁄ := a¡a. With the above deflnitions, we can write the equations for a . The flrst equation is 0 L(@ )a = 0: (1:10) x 0 which allows us to decompose X a = a ; a := E (D )a ; (1:11) 0 0;fi 0;fi fi y 0 fi2A and the elements of this modal decomposition satisfy ¡ ¢ @ +¿ (D ) a = 0: (1:12) t fi y 0;fi Deflne a switch • : A ! f0;1g by •(fi) = 1 if and only if fi 2 A . The dynamics of the f mean values is given by the equations (cid:181) ¶ D E ⁄ E (D ) @ a +•(fi) '(¶– a +a ) = 0; (1:13) fi y T 0;fi 1;fi 0 0;fi where Kronecker’s – has value 1 when fi = 1 and vanishes otherwise. 1;fi The oscillating part is polarized and has simple dynamics with respect to t, ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ …(fl)a = a ; V(@ )a = 0: (1:14) 0 0 x 0 These equations are equivalent to a⁄(T;t;y;(cid:181)) := a(T;y ¡vt;(cid:181)); a = …(fl)a⁄: (1:15) 0 The reduced proflle, a(T;y;(cid:181)), has dynamics given by 6 ‡ · ⁄ @ a⁄ ¡R(@ )@¡1a⁄ + …(fl)'(a⁄ +¶a ) = 0: (1:16) T 0 y (cid:181) 0 0 0;1 ⁄ The on the last term indicates that the nonoscillating term has been removed so the constraint a = …a⁄ from (1.15) is satisfled as soon as it is satisfled in fT = 0g. This paper is devoted to the derivation of more general versions of equations (1.10)-(1.16), the proof of their solvability, and the accuracy of the approximate solution in the limit " ! 0. The nature of equation (1.16) can be understood as follows. The linear part given by the flrst two terms acts as @ ¡iR(@ )=n on the Fourier components a^(T;y;n). The operator T y R is symmetric so iR=n is antisymmetric so R generates unitary evolutions in Hs. The semilinear term is roughly of the form aJ. The next results are a specialization of Theorems 5.1 and 6.1 to the semilinear case and proflles which do not depend on Y. Theorem 1.1. If g(y;(cid:181)) 2 \sHs(Rd £T) satisfles g⁄ = …(fl)g⁄, then there is T⁄ 2]0;1] and unique maximal solutions (a ;a) to the proflle equations (1.10-1.16) satisfying 0 (cid:176) (cid:176) ¡ ¢ (cid:176) (cid:176) 8(cid:176) 8T 2]0;T⁄[; sup (cid:176)@(cid:176) a (T;t;y;(cid:181)); a(T;t;y) (cid:176) < 1; (1:17) t2R T;y;(cid:181) 0 L2([0;T]£Rdy£T) and the initial condition a (0;0;y)+a(0;y;(cid:181)) = g(y;(cid:181)): 0 Theorem 1.2. With proflles fa ;ag from Theorem 1.1, deflne a = a +a⁄ with a⁄ given 0 0 0 0 0 by (1.15) and a family of approximate solution u" by (1.5). Let v" 2 C1([0;t⁄(")[£Rd) be the maximal solutions of the initial value problems L(@ )v" +'(v") = 0; v"j = u"j : (1:18) x t=0 t=0 Then, for any T 2]0;T⁄[, there is an "0 > 0 so that if " < "0, then t⁄(") > T=" and fl fl sup flv"(t)¡u"fl = o("p): (1:19) 0•t•T="; y2Rd Remarks. 1. The discussion before the theorem suggests that a = O(1) for 0 • t • T 0 so that in (1.19) neither of the terms in the difierence is o("p). 2. Typically for flxed t, the solutions u"(t) and v"(t) diverge to inflnity in Hs when s is large. This prevents the application of elementary continuous dependence arguments. In addition, the residuals L(@)u"+'(u"), with u" := "pa , are O("1+p) so the accumulated 0 efiect of the residual for times of order 1=" is crudely estimated to be O("p) and therefore 7 nonnegligible. For the proof of Theorem 1.2 we construct a corrector of size O("p+1) which reduces the residual to size o("p+1). 3. The equations determining the proflle a are found so that such correctors exist. 0 4. To derive the equations for a requires detailed information about the large time asymp- 0 totic behavior of solutions of the linear equation (1.10), and related inhomogeneous equa- 1 tions. For example, all solutions of a linear symmetric hyperbolic equation with C initial 0 data tend to zero in sup norm if and only if the characteristic variety contains no hyper- plane. The proof of such results in x3 is by a nonstationary phase arguments with attention paid to possible singular points in the characteristic variety. 5. Qualitative information can be gleaned from the proflle equations. For example, if fl does not lie on a hyperplane in the characteristic variety then the oscillatory part of the solution does not in(cid:176)uence the nonoscillatory part to leading order. In particular, if a = 0 0 at ft = T = 0g, then it vanishes identically, and the proflle equations simplify to the single equation (1.16). These reductions, applications, and extensions are discussed in x7. Acknowledgement. Thanks to J.-M. Delort, P. Donnat and J. Hunter for instructive discussions which were crucially important in carrying out this research. x2. Formulating the ansatz and the flrst proflle equations. x2.1. The ansatz and the proflle equations. In this section approximate solutions of the nonlinear symmetric hyperbolic equation L(u;@ )u+F(u) = 0: (2:1) x are constructed. The principal part of (2.1) is the quasilinear operator Xd L(u;@ )u := A (u)@ u (2:2) x „ „ „=0 Symmetric hyperbolicity assumption. The coe–cients A are smooth hermitian „ symmetric valued functions of u on a neighborhood of 0 2 CN , and, for each u, A (u) is 0 positive deflnite. Smoothness means that A (u) = A (<u;=u) with A 2 C1(RN £RN ; Hom(CN)). „ „ „ Order of nonlinearity. The quasilinear terms are of order 2 • K 2 N in the sense that ¡ ¢fl jfij • K ¡2 =) @fi A (u)¡A (0) fl = 0: (2:3) <u;=u „ „ u=0 Then A (u)¡A (0) = O(jujK¡1) and so the quasilinear term, (A (u)¡A (0))@ u is of „ „ „ „ „ order K. The semilinear term F is smooth on a neighborhood of 0 2 CN , and is of order J ‚ 2 in the sense that j(cid:176)j • J ¡1 =) @(cid:176) F(0) = 0: (2:4) <u;=u Then F(u) = O(jujJ). 8 Making the change of dependent variable to A (0)¡1=2u and multiplying the resulting 0 equations by A (0)¡1=2u preserves these hypotheses and reduces to the case A (0) = I. 0 0 Convention. A (0) = I. 0 If the solutions have amplitude of order "p with derivatives of order "p¡1, then the size of the quasilinear terms is "p(K¡1)"p¡1. The accumulated efiects after time T are crudely estimated to be of order T"pK¡1. Setting this equal to the order of magnitude of the solutions, "p, yields the following estimate for the time of nonlinear interaction 1 T » : quasilinear "pK¡p¡1 Similarly, the semilinear terms are of order "pJ, with accumulation T"pJ and time of interaction estimated by setting this equal to "p, 1 T » : semilinear "pJ¡p The goal is that the time of nonlinear interaction is of order "¡1 which is the time for the onset of difiractive efiects in linear problems with linear phases and wavelengths » " (see [DJMR]). Thus one wants pK ¡p¡1 ‚ 1 and pJ ¡p ‚ 1 with equality in at least one of the two. The standard normalization. Consider waves of wavelength of order " and amplitude of order "p satisfying ‰ (cid:190) 2 1 p = max ; : (2:5) K ¡1 J ¡1 Examples. The classic case is quadratic nonlinearities. For quadratic quasilinear efiects one has K = 2, and p = 2. A semilinear term with J ‚ 2 will not afiect the leading behavior. For quadratic semilinear efiects one has J = 2, p = 1, and K ‚ 3. For odd order quasilinear terms, the time of interaction for a semilinear term of order J = (K + 1)=2 is of the same order as that of the quasilinear term. For even order quasilinear terms, there is never such agreement. If K > 3 and J > 2, then p is a fraction with 0 < p < 1. Deflnition of leading order nonlinear terms. If p = 2=(K ¡ 1), the degree K ¡ 1 Taylor polynomial of A (u) ¡ A (0) at u = 0 is denoted ⁄ (u). If p < 2=(K ¡ 1) set „ „ „ ⁄ := 0 for all „. „ If p = 1=(J ¡ 1), let '(u) denote the order J Taylor polynomial of F at u = 0. If p < 1=(J ¡1) set ' := 0. 9 With this deflnition, the contribution of the quasilinear and semilinear terms to the dy- namics of the leading term in the approximate solution is given in terms of ⁄ and '. „ Note that ⁄ and ' are homogeneous polynomials of degree 2=p and (p+1)=p respectively „ with the convention that if either degree is not an integer, the corresponding polynomial vanishes identically. The basic ansatz has three scales u"(x) = "pa(";"x;x;x:fl="); (2:6) where a(";X;x;(cid:181)) = a (X;x;(cid:181))+"a (X;x;(cid:181))+"2a (X;x;(cid:181)): (2:7) 0 1 2 This expansion has terms which are chosen so that the leading terms in Lu" + F(u") vanish. Example of nonuniqueness of proflles. Difierent proflles can lead to the same approx- imate solution when multiple scale expansions are used. For example if a(T;t) 2 C1(R2) 0 deflne g(T;t) 2 C1(R2) by 0 a(T;t)¡a(0;t) = Tg(T;t): Then the proflles a(T;t) and a(0;t) + "tg(T;t) deflne the same function when T = "t is injected. This lack of uniqueness means the a are not determined so that in deriving j equations we are obliged to make choices. We have tried to take a path where these choices are as natural as possible. Since the expansion (2.7) is used for times t » 1=" one must control the growth of the proflles in t. In order for the corrector a in (2.7) to be smaller than the principal term 1 for such times, it must satisfy fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl lim sup "a ("x;x;(cid:181)) = lim sup "a (X;X=";(cid:181)) = 0: (2:8) 1 1 "!0 [0;T="]£Rd£T "!0 [0;T]£Rd£T Our proflles satisfy the stronger condition of sublinear growth fl fl 1 fl fl lim sup a (X;t;y;(cid:181)) = 0: (2:9) 1 t!1 t X;y;(cid:181) This condition plays a central role in the analysis to follow. The proflles a (T;Y;x;(cid:181)) are j smooth on [0;T⁄[£Rd £R1+d £T. x2.2. Equations for the proflles. The chain rule implies that h i fl L(u";@ )u" +F(u") = L("pa";"@ +@ + @ )"pa+F("pa) : (2:10) x X x (cid:181) " X="x; (cid:181)=x:fl=" The strategy is to expand the function of (X;x;(cid:181)) in brackets in powers of " and to choose a so that the leading terms vanish. 10