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Dietary Preferences of Captive Eastern Long-necked Turtles 'Chelodina Longicollis' PDF

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Preview Dietary Preferences of Captive Eastern Long-necked Turtles 'Chelodina Longicollis'

Contributions Dietary preferences ofcaptive , Eastern Long-necked Turtles Chelodina longicollis CatherineEMeathrel and Sharon Reid DepartmentofEnvironmentalManagementandEcology,LaTrobeUniversity, Wodonga,[email protected] Abstract Fifteen adult Eastern Long-necked Turtles Chelodina longicollis (13 males, 2 females) were removedfrom billabongs locatedwithintheOvensRiverfloodplain, Victoria,duringthesummerof 1997/98 to examine their feeding preference in captivity, away from competitors, in a controlled environment. Fourprey items werepresented to thecaptiveturtles: naucorids (FamilyNaucoridae), corixids (Family Corixidae), gudgeons (Hypseleotris klunzingeri) and caddisfly larvae (Family Leptoceridae). In total, 12.9% ofpreywas consumedwithout any dietary preference shown bytur- tles. Itwas concluded thatturtles in captivity fedpassively and opportunistically. Clearly, this may differ from their foraging strategy in the wild where the anti-predator behaviour ofprey can differ greatlyinthepresenceofrefugiainamuchlargerandmorecomplexhabitat. (The VictorianNaturalist 124(3),2007, 163-166). Introduction Methods Eastern Long-necked Turtles Chelodina Determination ofthe prey preference in longicollis. Broad-shelled River Turtles C. captivity of Chelodina longicollis formed expansa and Murray Turtles Emydura part ofa larger study on the habitat prefer- macquarii in the Murray-Darling Basin ence and feeding ecology of freshwater exhibit habitat overlap and compete for turtles in billabongs in northeast Victoria prey. This is the case especially with the (see Meathrel etal. 2004). Permission was carnivorous, long-necked species, Chelo- obtained from the Victorian Department of dina longicollis and C. expansa (see Natural Resources and Environment (per- Meathrel et al. 2002, 2004 and references mit RP-97-170) and La Trobe University therein). The sympatric Murray Turtle has Animal ExperimentationEthicsCommittee a shorter neck, is omnivorous, grazes on (permit LSB96/24/V2) to place into short- periphyton, scavenges carrion and supple- term captivity (i.e. a period not to exceed ments its diet with aquatic insects and fish three weeks) 15 adults ofthe most com- carrion to meet metabolic requirements monly encountered species Chelodina (Chessman 1986; Spencer et al 1998). longicollis [13 malesand2 females, sexing Chelodina longicollis uses highly produc- followed Chessman (1978)] from the tive, ephemeral water bodies more often Ovens River floodplain (146°14’44” E, than the other two species (Chessman 36°14’05”S) between October 1997 and 1988), thereby lessening inter-specific February 1998. competition(Kennettand Georges 1990). Laboratory housing consisted of 1.2 x 0.6 One ofthe major challenges for wildlife x 0.6 m fish tanks held at 22°C (i.e. the ecologists is understanding how wild average temperature ofwater in the bill- organisms perceive their environment and abongs, unpublished data) and filled to 2/3 howthatenvironmentmight bemeasured- capacity and containing charcoal and fiber- the abundance and availability ofprey, the glass waterfiltersto maintainwaterquality. level ofinter- and intra-specific competi- No substratum (i.e. gravel, vegetation) was tion, etc. For freshwater turtles, the included in the tanks as this facilitated the research relating habitat complexity with quantification ofprey items remaining fol- habitat selection and dietary partitioning is lowing each trial. All turtles were in good scarce. This study, therefore, examined the health and allowed to habituate in individ- dietary preferences of C. longicollis under ualtanksfor 1 weekpriortothecommence- controlled laboratory conditions away from ment offeeding trials. They received food variableenvironmentsandcompetition. once every 24 hours forthisperiod, but not within24hoursofthefeedingtrials. Vol. 124 (3) 2007 163 Contributions Prey offered were chosen on the basis of each turtle’s two separate feeding trials that which was common in the stomach (T1i,ii3 = 0.023, p>0.05) and these data contents ofturtles examined in the field were combined. Prey preference did not (Meathrel etat. 2004). Naucorids (Naucor- differ between the various types of prey idae) were collected from the Doctor’s fed to turtles in the laboratory (F = Point billabong in Albury, New South 0.532, p>0.05) and suggested that t3hlel315 Wales; whereas corixids (Corixidae), gud- Chelodina longicollis in captivity were geons (Hypseleotris klunzingeri) and cad- non-selective foragers (Fig. 1). Statistical disfly larvae (Leptoceridae) were collected comparison ofpreypreference between the from a man-made lake located on the genders was not warranted because the Wodonga grounds ofLa Trobe University. data from only two females could not be The amount of each prey type collected validly tested against that of 13 males. was variable. Hence, we were unable to However, it appeared that there was little replicate trialsby presenting equal numbers difference in preypreferencebetween male ofeach prey type to each turtle for each of and female turtles. Generally, males ate a theirtwofeedingpreferencetrials. greater proportion ofprey offered, but this For each experimental feeding trial, each may have been caused by males 4, 9 and turtle was presented with a range ofprey 10 (Table 1) all ofwhich ate approximate- items, totalling 40 to 60 individual prey ly 35% ofthe prey offered as compared to items each trial. The turtles were then just5% fortheotherturtles. allowed 48 hours to consume prey (a pro- cedure modified from Serrouya et al. Discussion 1995). After this time the turtles were Long-held ecological principles of habitat removed and the tanks cleared of any use and foraging strategies suggest that remaining prey. These prey were counted organisms use optimality decision rules (= and any missing items were assumed to fitness maximising) to respond to changes havebeen eatenbytheturtles. in their feeding environment (Pyke et al. At the completion of the first feeding 1977; Chesson 1983). Changes can arise trial, turtles were placed back into their from extrinsic, environmental factors such individual tanks and starved for 24 hours as annual and seasonal variation in prey to increase their appetite prior to presenta- abundance and availability, exacerbated by tion ofa second group ofprey (Serrouyaet the presence of competitors for the food al. 1995). Atthecompletion ofall 30 feed- resource, thereby rendering the study ofan ing trials all turtles were released at their organism’s preferred diet difficult. Hence, point ofcapture. No turtlewas held in cap- in this study 15 Chelodina longicollis were tivity for more than two weeks in order to taken into the laboratory in an attempt to meet the requirements ofthe animal ethics control for such change in order to simpl- permit. ify the detection ofthe potential existence Data were analysed with the statistical ofprey preference in this species offresh- package SPSS for Windows v. 12 using waterturtle. univariate ANOVA (Sokal and Rohlf The prey types and their relative propor- 1995) comparing the preference ofthe tur- tions offered to the captive turtles in this tles for different prey types. As we could study were the same as those gathered for not offer turtles the same number ofeach a reference collection ofaquatic fauna for different prey type in both experimental the billabongs at Killawarra (Meathrel et feeding trials, we converted the data to the al. 2004). The presence ofthese types of proportion of prey eaten out of all prey prey within the guts ofwild turtles merely offered(i.e. preference). may have represented the preys’ availa- bility and accessibility ratherthan any spe- Results cific preference the turtles may have had Ofthe total 1232 prey items offered to the forthem in thewild. To determinewhether 15 Chelodina longicollis, 159 (12.9%) captive turtles were feeding preferentially were consumed (Table 1). Preypreference, or opportunistically in this study, all prey measured as the number eaten out ofthe items were presented to the turtles without number offered, did not differ between refugia such as snags, macrophytes or tur- 164 The Victorian Naturalist Contributions Tdaatbalceo1m.bTihneednufomrbtehreotfwoprteryialosffpeerredinadnivdideuaatle.nFby=cfaepmtailvee,EMast=ermnalLeo.ng-neckedTurtlesincaptivity; Turtle Preytype Naurcorids Corixids Gudgeons Caddisfly larvae F- 1 #preyoffered 26 40 9 20 #preyeaten 0 2 0 0 F-2 #preyoffered 16 40 9 8 #preyeaten 2 1 0 1 M- 1 #preyoffered 25 40 10 24 M #preyeaten 1 1 0 2 -2 #preyoffered 25 40 10 24 #preyeaten 10 5 0 2 M -3 #preyoffered 15 40 15 9 M #preyeaten 0 1 0 5 -4 #preyoffered 17 40 7 7 M #preyeaten 3 22 0 1 -5 #preyoffered 16 40 7 7 M #preyeaten 1 1 0 0 -6 #preyoffered 16 40 7 7 M #preyeaten 1 3 2 2 -7 #preyoffered 15 40 14 5 M #preyeaten 1 1 0 2 -8 #preyoffered 16 40 19 4 #preyeaten 0 5 2 0 M -9 #preyoffered 20 40 26 9 #preyeaten 10 0 21 2 M - 10 #preyoffered 20 40 26 10 M #preyeaten 1 11 24 1 - 11 #preyoffered 20 40 21 10 #preyeaten 0 4 0 0 M - 12 #preyoffered 16 40 9 6 #preyeaten 0 0 2 0 M - 13 #preyoffered 16 40 8 6 #preyeaten 3 0 0 0 bidwater, andsowerereadilyavailablefor numbers (approx. 5%) ofprey were con- capture. No prey preferences were shown sumed in the laboratory experiments, with bythe turtles which suggested that the tur- turtles in some trials consuming nothing at tles were passive, opportunistic feeders. all. This may have resulted from an insuf- Chessman (1978, 1984) and Georges etal. ficient habituation time due to permit (1986) also made this assumption, but restrictions. Although not observed, ifsub- Onkonburi and Formanowicz (1997) cau- jectto stresstheturtlesmayhaveabstained tioned that the distinction between passive from eating as they are capable ofwith- and active prey preference may be altered standing long periods with limited food by the interaction between forager behav- supplies(KennettandGeorges 1990). iourandpreyantipredatorbehaviour. Although inferencesofdietarypreference Meathrel et al. (2004) found that male in captivity can be applied only loosely to and female turtles in the wild appeared to management of a species’ natural habitat, consume the same prey items. Given the managers ofAustralia’s freshwaterecosys- disparate sample sizes between the two tems should be aware that the level of genders, no definitive statements werewar- ‘pristine’ habitat retained must not only ranted in this study ofturtles in captivity. meetthe dietary metabolic requirements of The female turtles brought into captivity species, but their ecological requirements were approximately 15% larger and 40% as well. In the wild, with refugia and heavier than males (unpubl. data), and changing environmental conditions, more therefore should have consumed more than prey need to be retained to ensure that males. However, the two females con- predators have the opportunity to encoun- sumed less than the 13 males. In fact, low ter prey at levels sufficient to cover their Vol. 124 (3) 2007 165 1 . 1 . Contributions 0.25 - Gender Female 9I | Male u - S3 0.20 o Naurcorids Corixids Gudgeons Caddisflylarvae Prey type Fig. 1 Comparison ofmean (± 1 standard error) prey preference for 2 female and 13 male adult Chelodinalongicollisheldincaptivity. metabolic requirements. Further research Meathrel CE, SuterPJ and RadfordNM (2002)Niche on the dietary preferences ofAustralia’s segregationbetweenthreespeciesoffreshwaterturtle in a large billabong during flood. The Victorian freshwater turtles needs to explore how Naturalist1 9, 160-173 prey preference may change over many Meathrel CE, Suter PJ, Reid S (2004) Habitat and seasonsandyears. dbiieltlaarbyonpgrsefoenrentcheesOovfefnrsesRhiwvaetre,rntourrttlhe-seainstepVhicetmoerriaal. TheVictorianNaturalist121 4-14. AWcekanroewilndeedbgteedmteonNtischolasChapmanandLucy OnckhoonibcuerbiyJparenddatFoorsr:maenffoewcit,cozfDprReyJrvu(l1n9e9r7ab)ilPirteyy. wWoirdkd.up fortheir invaluable help with the field- PyEktehoGlHog,yPEuclollioagmy>H&RE,voClhuatrionnov9,E1L9-2(51.977) Optimal foraging: a selective review oftheory and tests. References QuarterlyReviewofBiology;52, 137-149. CCChhhEttiCWeeeuhnahmresssleytssstellisdhmmessomus,ea.adranniMiAMannnouuBaBsnsmrtCCBaolarruosCca(ant(qhlg1hy1uii-9(9Uaace817nonVra4i8l9asi)vl)W8tliieieF6lsrlEro(e)sdcn(GyioloSrit,dDlAfyahuoie,yaosVge)twfRiiMtrc)eceta(asthlloT(leeoibefTaraosess.ritutstnacurutha(hddunekUaiideene1nin)Mdpsend-uuse,onbsr5Nfel:7rci:e3fCaksC-hrweyhh5eedee7lsdl8iSthtid.uwuodParrautaetthlte)leeDh.e)r, SSSopecnBabFPkerairyrenan)reoelcdc.odccekeaauhCmrRedpteyaaidtiRmRanngioi-:aevntJsasedRu,tNn-trio,rrtidTenaylevhnRewaeRaz,oirJeonecmYeobhEddcopnrulmirseaPrmfaykrhnoar)ymdgaFnpdsueJluiistMrtoosi(uBlafAec1ro,ls,tZ9glsmo9yeaoH5osW,(cf)luDh(qoPrGmoauBagernrreaiyiatorisp7mAiIsAste3uiDektes.,n1er(tm2a2y1yry2C1,9asp3o9lFo8mg833i-lGp)e4a2yoe1an2mTdg-r(4o.hr3as31re4ah.t9(p9poi9dh.hWriv5aiteHe))--t Australian WildlifeResearch13 65-69. , ChessmanBC(1988)Habitatpref,erencesoffreshwater turtlesintheMurrayValley,VictoriaandNewSouth Wales.Australian WildlifeResearch15.485-491 ChessonJ (1983) Theestimation andanalysisofpref- erence and its relationship to foraging models. Ecology64 1297-1304. Received28September2006;accepted8March2007 Georges A, N.orris RH and Wensing L (1986) Diet of the freshwater turtle Chelodina longicollis (Testudines : Chelidae) from the coastal dune lakes ofthe Jervis Bay Territory. Australian Wildlife Research13 301-308. Kennett RM a,nd Georges A (1990) Habitat utilisation anditsrelationshiptogrowthandreproductionofthe eastern long-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis (Testudinata Chelidae), from Australia. Herpetologica46 22-33. , 166 The Victorian Naturalist

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