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SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 267 The Wilson Journal ofOrnithology 1 19(2):267—270, 2007 Diet of Black and Turkey Vultures in a Forested Landscape Neil E. Kelly,' Dale W. Sparks, Travis L. DeVault,^ and Olin E. Rhodes, Jr.^ — ABSTRACT Black (Coragyps atratus) and Tur- observed vulture home ranges at the Savannah key (Cathartes aura) vultures feed heavily on carrion River Site (SRS) in South Carolina were essen- from domestic animals in agricultural landscapes. A tially twice the size of those reported from an recent study indicates vultures at a forested site in South Carolina had much larger home ranges than agricultural area in southern Pennsylvania and thoseresiding inagricultural landscapes. Vulturehome northern Maryland (Coleman and Fraser 1989). ranges at the forested site contained few residential or Home ranges at the SRS contained little resi- agricultural lands, and we hypothesized that vultures dential or agricultural land, and DeVault et al. at that site fed extensively on wild carrion. We col- (2004b) hypothesized that vultures at SRS had lected 65 regurgitated pellets from a communal night to travel greaterdistances to find carrion and fed roost between 16 October 2000 and 9 April 2002 to primarily on wild carrion. pteasrttsthoifschoynpostuhmeesids.carTrhieonpeilnlceltusdicnognthaaiirn,edbounned,igsceaslteesd, An understanding of vulture diet composi- and claws. Wild mammals, particularly white-tailed tion and movement patterns is of critical im- deer (Odocoileus virginianus), common raccoons portance to the aviation industry because {Procyon lotor), Virginia opossums {Didelphis virgi- Black and Turkey vultures are among the spe- niana), and striped skunks {Mephitis mephitis), were cies most likely to collide with military air- ceroemdm(oinntfwooodpeiltleemtss.)Twhaesotnhleyhdooumseestciacta(nFielmiaslcraetcuosv)-. craft operating at low altitudes (DeVault et al. This study supports the observations that carrion re- 2005). Vultures are considered to be second sources affect distributions and movement patterns of only to deer in risk posed to civil aviation with Black and Turkey vultures. Received 15August 2005. 67% of collisions resulting in damage to the Accepted 28 July 2006. aircraft (Dolbeer et al. 2000). Telemetry evi- dence suggests that availability and distribu- tion of carrion are important factors affecting Black {Coragyps atratus) and Turkey {Ca- vulture movement, and may influence the po- thartes aura) vultures feed heavily on carrion tential for catastrophic collisions with aircraft from domestic animals in landscapes dominated (DeVault et al. 2005). The objective of our by agriculture (Yahneret al. 1986, Coleman and study was to describe diets of Black and Tur- Fraser 1987, Prior 1990, Yahneret al. 1990, Hir- key vultures roosting at SRS and to relate aldo et al. 1991). However, few data are avail- their diets to vulture movement patterns able concerning diets of vultures in primarily (DeVault et al. 2004b, 2005). non-agricultural landscapes (Thomaides et al. METHODS 1989). The available evidence suggests that di- ets of these scavengers vary across their geo- Study Site.—ThQ SRS is a 78,000-ha limited graphic ranges (Thomaides et al. 1989, Prior access nuclearproduction and research facility 1990, Yahner et al. 1990, Hiraldo et al. 1991) owned and operated by the U.S. Department and across seasons (Yahner et al. 1986, Cole- of Energy on the Savannah River near Aiken, man and Fraser 1987). DeVault et al. (2004b) South Carolina. Approximately 64% of SRS is managed as commercial pine {Pinus spp.) ' Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthro- plantations by the U.S. Forest Service with an pology, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN additional 15% of the land classified as bot- 47807, USA. tomland hardwood (Workman and McLeod ^Department of Ecology and Organismal Biology, 1990). Several industrial areas occur through- Indiana State University,Terre Haute, IN47809, USA. out the site and there are no agricultural or ^Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, residential areas within the site boundary. Purdue University, 195 Marsteller St., West Lafayette, — IN 47907, USA. Collection ofPellets. Vultures regurgitate “^Corresponding author; e-mail: indigestible portions of their meals (i.e., hair, [email protected] bone, and feathers) as pellets (Kirk and Moss- 268 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 119, No. 2, June 2007 man 1998, Buckley 1999). We collected 65 TABLE 1. Food items of Black and Turkey vul- fresh pellets (ranging from 8-16 pellets/trip) tures from the Savannah River Site in South Carolina. between 16 October 2000 and 9 April 2002 from a communal night roost for hundreds of Taxa Fre(q9ute)ncy Vo(.lfu=meSD) Black and Turkey \ultures on the roof of the R-Reactor. an abandoned nuclear reactor. We MetInaszeocata (Formicidae) 98T initially planned to collect samples at regular Reptilia (Colubridae) T Trace intervals (i.e., quarterly) during a 2-year pe- Aves 34 4 = 13 riod but, because of security concerns, we Cathartidae 34 4 = 13 were only able to make six trips to one portion Meleagris gallipavo of the reactor's roof. Observations during the Mammalia 98 96 = 14 trips suggested that —70% ofthe vultures pre- POdrooccoyiolneulsotovrirginianus 4327 3320 == 4454 sent were Black Vultures. Thus, our sample Didelphis virginiana 18 17 = 37 likely included pellets from—both species. Mephitis mephitis 15 13 = 33 Identification ofSamples. We treated each Felis cams 3 2 = 13 pellet as a separate sample. Upon collection, Scalopus aquaticus 2 0 each pellet was placed into a plastic bag. Sciurus niger T 2 =: 13 sealed, and transported to Indiana State Uni- Sylvilagusfloridanus 1 = 6 Planiae 85 versity. Pellets were soaked overnight in sealed Poaceae 37 jars to loosen the material and dissected in a Unknown 29 glass Petri dish foranalysis. Hairidentifications Quercus leaves 15 were made using a combination of published Thatch 3 keys (Mathiak 1938. Williams 1938, Mayer Juniperus virginiana T 1952, Stains 1958. Cotheran et al. 1991) and Leaf litter -) Unidentified twig direct comparisons with specimens in the ver- Unidentified seeds -) tebrate collections at Indiana State University. Non-biological material 11 Purdue University, and the Indiana State Mu- Soil 6 seum. Feathers, bones, claws, and skin frag- Plastic 6 ments were compared directly to samples ob- Polystyrene tained from museum collections and local Paper bag farms. Initial, coarse identifications were made using physical characteristics of hairs under a RESULTS 10-35X zoom dissecting microscope (Stains 1958). Identifications were verified by compar- \\'ild mammals, particularly white-tailed ing individual hairs to known samples using a deer (Odocoileus virginianus. 42% frequen- 40-1,OOOX binocular comparison microscope. cy). common raccoons (Procyon lotor, 37%). We report the frequency of food items and Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana. a modified estimate of average percent vol- 18%). and striped skunks {Mephitis mephitis. ume. Percent volume has been criticized 15%). were common food items (Table 1). (Coleman and Fraser 1987) because not all The only domestic/feral animal recovered was food items are equally digestible. However, the house cat {Pelis cams), recovered from we see no reason this argument should apply two pellets. Other mammals present in the diet to fine keratinized structures. Thus, we re- included eastern mole {Scalopus aqiiaticus. moved large structures (bones, claws, teeth) 2%). fox squirrel (Sciurus niger. 2%). and and non-animal material from the Petri dish eastern cottontail {Syvilagus fioridaniis. 2%). and \isually estimated the percent hair, feath- Non-mammalian prey was rare, but some pel- ers, and scales belonging to each taxa for each lets included Wild Turkey {Meleagris galli- pellet. Some species were only detected from pavo. 2%). a snake (cf. Family Colubridae. larger remnants, but the value of using mod- 2%). and ants (Formicidae. 2%). Vulture ified percent volume is that it provided an im- down (34%) was found in many pellets, but portant tool in distinguishing majorfood items because it occurred in low percent volumes from those that are frequently, but incidentally- (mean = 4%). we suspect it was ingested dur- ingested (i.e.. vulture down). ing preening. Plant material (85% frequency) SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 269 composed a minor portion of the volume of 2003). Our study suggests that diets (i.e., wild most pellets. Some anthropogenic materials animals) of vultures at SRS differ markedly were present, including plastic, paper bags, from those in agricultural regions in southern and polystyrene. Pennsylvania and northern Maryland where do- mestic animals dominate the diet (Coleman and DISCUSSION Fraser 1987). Black and Turkey vultures appar- Vultures at SRS fed almost exclusively on ently can adjust foraging behaviors to best ex- wild carrion in our study. Feral cats are known ploit available carrion resources. This adaptabil- to occur at SRS (Cotheran et al. 1991) and ity has most likely contributed to recent range were likely the source of hair recovered from expansions ofboth species into the northeastern two pellets. Previous studies in both agricul- United States (Rabenold 1989). Future human- tural and relatively pristine landscapes (Pat- induced alterations to availability and type of erson 1984, Yahner et al. 1986, Coleman and carrion resources accessible to vultures (caused Fraser 1987, Thomaides et al. 1989, Prior either by changes in land use, agricultural prac- 1990, Yahner et al. 1990, Hiraldo et al. 1991) tices, or by increases in road kill) likely will suggested that insectivores and rodents would continue to influence vulture distributions in the constitute an important component of the di- United States and elsewhere. ets. However, the only small mammal in the Type and availability of carrion at a local pellets was a young (based on skeletal mor- scale can also influence movement patterns of phology) eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus). individual vultures. For example, vultures at Black and Turkey vultures at SRS were pho- SRS exhibited much larger home ranges tographed feeding on mouse-sized carcasses (DeVault et al. 2004b) and flew more often experimentally placed throughout SRS during and at higher altitudes (DeVault et al. 2005) the same time period (DeVault et al. 2004a). than vultures in agricultural regions in south- Thus, we were surprised that small mammals ern Pennsylvania and northern Maryland were not a common component of the diet. (Coleman and Fraser 1989). Continued devel- Three observations led us to suspect most opment ofbird avoidance strategies by aircraft of the carrion consumed by vultures during operators (e.g., Lovell and Dolbeer 1999) this study was obtained from road-killed ani- should consider how the amount and avail- mals. First, the diet of these vultures was ability of carrion resources contributes to dif- dominated by medium-to-large-sized mam- ferences in vulture flight behaviors among re- mals (98% frequency, 96% volume), which gions (DeVault et al. 2005). Similarly, man- were commonly observed dead along the agers whose goal is control vulture popula- roads (T. L. DeVault, unpubl. data). Second, tions must understand the potential of their 37% of the pellets contained grass and the activities to change the behaviors of individ- only grass we could identify was Bermuda- ual vultures. Future inter-regional studies of grass {Cynodon dactylon), which is commonly vulture ecology (e.g., roost dynamics) should planted along roadways at SRS. Vegetation provide a better overall understanding of vul- consistent with scavenging in woodlands (oak ture biology and, ultimately, improved man- leaves and leaflitter) was present in only 17% agement strategies for vultures. ofthe pellets. Woodland vegetation is adjacent to roadways in this heavily forested landscape. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Third, anthropogenic materials (plastic sand- wich bags, brown paper sacks, and polysty- We thank B. D. Reinhart for help collecting pellets, rene) were present in several pellets; we sus- taankder,I.JrL..foBrrilsobgiins,tiJcra.l, sRu.ppLo.rtR.icRh.arNd.s,WialnldiaJm.sOa.llWohwie-d pect this represents road-side trash. Our data us to obtain hair samples from specimens housed in provides little insight into the presettlement the Purdue University collection of mammals. The diets of vultures in the study area as they re- manuscriptwas improvedbycommentsbyJ. D. Fraser lied heavily on road-killed animals for food. and two anonymous reviewers. An earlier version of Causes ofanimal mortality and by extension, this manuscript was submitted by N. E. Kelly as a senior thesis (under the direction of S. M. Phillips) in type, amount, and availability of carrion re- the Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthro- sources available to vultures and other scaven- pology at Indiana State University. This project was gers, vary widely across regions (DeVault et al. funded by contract DABT63-96-D-0006 between Pur- 270 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY • Vol. 119, No. 2, June 2007 due University and the U.S. Air Force BirdAVildlife Hiraldo, E, M. Delibes, and J. A. Donazar. 1991. Aircraft Strike Hazard Team, and the Environmental Comparison of diets of Turkey Vultures in three Remediation Sciences Division of the Office of Bio- regions of northern Mexico. Journal of Field Or- logical and Environmental Research, U.S. Department nithology 62:319-324. of Energy, through Financial Assistance Award DE- Kirk, D. A. andM.J. Mossman. 1998.Turkey Vulture FC09-96-SR18546 to the University of Georgia Re- {Cathartes aura). The birds of North America. search Foundation. Number 339. Lovell, C. D. and R. A. Dolbeer. 1999. Validation LITERATURE CITED of the United States Air Force bird avoidance Buckley, N. J. 1999. Black Vulture {Coragyps atra- model. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:167-171. tus). The birds ofNorth America. Number 411. Mathiak, H. a. 1938. The key to the hairs of the Coleman, J. S. and J. D. Fraser. 1987. Food habits mammals ofsouthern Michigan. Journal ofWild- ofBlack and Turkey vultures in Pennsylvaniaand life Management 2:251-268. Maryland. Journal of Wildlife Management 51: Mayer, W. V. 1952. The hair of California mammals 733-739. with keys to the dorsal guard hairs of California Coleman, J. S. and J. D. Fraser. 1989. Habitat use mammals. American Midland Naturalist 48:480- and home ranges of Black and Turkey vultures. 512. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:782-792. Paterson, R. L. 1984. High incidenceofplantmaterial CoTHERAN, E. G., M. Smith, J. Wolef, andJ. Gentry. and small mammals in the autumn diet ofTurkey 1991. Mammalsofthe Savannah RiverSite. SRO- Vultures in Virginia. Wilson Bulletin 96:467-469. NERP-21. Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Prior, K. A. 1990. Turkey Vulture food habits in Aiken, South Carolina, USA. southern Ontario. Wilson Bulletin 102:707-710. DeVault, T. L., I. L. Brisbin, Jr., and O. E. Rhodes, Rabenold, P. P. 1989. Black and Turkey vultures ex- Jr. 2004a. Factors influencing the acquisition of pand their ranges northward. Eyas 2:11-15. rodent carrion by vertebrate scavengers and de- Stains, H. J. 1958. Field key to guard hair of middle composers. Canadian Journal ofZoology 82:502- western furbearers. Journal of Wildlife Manage- 509. ment 22:95-97. DeVault, T. L., O. E. Rhodes, Jr., and J. A. Shivik. Thomaides, C., R. Valdex, W. H. Reid, and R. J. 2003. Scavenging by vertebrates: behavioral, eco- Raitt. 1989. Food habits of Turkey Vultures in logical, and evolutionary perspectives on an im- westTexas. Journal ofRaptorResearch 23:42-44. portant energy transfer pathway in terrestrial eco- Williams, C. S. 1938. Aids to the identification of systems. Oikos 102:225-234. mole and shrew hairs with general comments on DeVault, T. L., B. D. Reinhart, I. L. Brisbin, Jr., hair structure and hair determination. Journal of AND O. E. Rhodes, Jr. 2004b. Home ranges of Wildlife Management 2:239-250. Sympatric Black and Turkey vultures in South Workman, S. K. and K. W. McLeod. 1990. Vegeta- Carolina. Condor 106:706-71 1. tion ofthe Savannah RiverSite: majorcommunity DeVault, T. L., B. D. Reinhart, I. L. Brisbin, Jr., types. SRO-NERP-19. Savannah River Ecology AND O. E. Rhodes, Jr. 2005. Flight behavior of Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina, USA. Black and Turkey vultures: implications for re- Yahner, R. H., G. L. Storm, andA. L. Wright. 1986. ducing bird-aircraft collisions. Journal ofWildlife Winter diets ofvultures in southern Pennsylvania. Management 69:601-608. Wilson Bulletin 98:157-160. Dolbeer, R. a., S. E. Wright, and E. C. Cleary. Yahner, R. H., G. L. Storm, and W. L. Thompson. 2000. Ranking the hazard level ofwildlife species 1990. Winterdietsofvultures in Pennsylvaniaand to aviation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:372-378. Maryland. Wilson Bulletin 102:320-325.

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