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II !!�t� Jeg nv!?i g y EigEhdtiht ion Publisher TheG oodheart-WiClolmcpoaxyn , Inc. TinlPeayr k, IL www.g-w.com Copyrig©h t2 016 by TheG oodheart-WilClocmopxa nyI,n c. Previoeudsi tiocnosp yri2gh0t0 270,0 119,9 189,8 139,8 109,7 179,7 3 Allr ights resNeor pvaerdot.f t hiwso rkm ayb er eproducsetdo,r eodr, transmititnae ndy f ormo rb ya nye lectroornm iecc hanimceaaln si,n cluding informatsitoonr aagned r etriesvyaslt emwsi,t houtth ep riowrr ittpeenr missoifo n TheG oodheart-WiClolmcpoanxy ,I nc. Manufactuirnet dh eU nited States of America. LibraorfyC ongreCsast alCoagr dN umber2 014043610 ISBN9 78-1-61960-832-0 3 4 5 61 67- 2801 991 81 -71 6 TheG oodheart-WilClocmopxa nyI,n cB.r andD isclaimBerra: nnda mecso, mpannya measn, di llustrfaotprir oondsu cts ands erviicnecsl uidnet dh itse xatr per ovidfeoedrd ucatipounraplo sesa noddn lony o tr epresoerin mtp leyn dorsement or recommendabtyti hoaenu thoorrt hpeu blisher. TheG oodheart-WilClocmopxa nyI,n cS.a fetNyo ticTe:h er eadieser x presasdlvyi steocd a refruelaludyn, d erstaanndad p,p ly alsla feptrye cautainodwn asr nindgess criibnte hdib so ookr t hamti ghatl sboei ndicaitnue ndd ertatkhiaenc gt ivities and exercdiessecsr ihbeerdet iomn i nimirzieso kfp ersoinnajlu orriy n jutrooy t heCrosm.m ons ensaen dg oojdu dgmesnhto uallds o bee xerciasnedad p pliteohd e lapv oiadlp lo tenhtaizaalr Tdhse.r eadsehro ualldw aryesf teort haep proprmiaantuef act'usr er techniicnaflo rmadtiiroenc,t ainodnr se,c ommendattihoepnnrs o;c eweidt cha rteof ollsopwe ciefqiuci pmoepnet rating instrucTthieor nesa.ds ehro uulndd ersttahnedns oet iacnedsc autiaornneso et xhaustive. The publismhaekren so w arranortr ye presenwthaattisoone evietrhe,ex rp resosre di mpilniceldu,d biuntng o tli mittoee dq uipment, proceduarnedas p,p lications ordr eesfcerrtirobhe eeddr etihne,qi ura l,ip teyrformamnecrec,h anttayob,r if liitnfeosarsp articular purpoTshee.p ublisahsesru mneosr esponsifboiarln iyct hya ngeersr,o orros m,i ssiiontn hsi bso okTh.e publisher specifically disclaainmyls i abiwlhiattys oeivnecrl,u dainnydg i reicntd,i rienccti,d ecnotnasle,q uesnpteicaiolar,el x,e mpldaarmya greess ulting, inw holoerin parftr,o tmh ree ader'osrr eulsiea ncet huiepn ofno rmaitnisotnr,u cptrioocnesd,u wraersn,i ncgasu,t iaopnpsl,i cations, oro themra ttceorn taiinnte hdib so okT.h ep ublisahsesru mneosr esponsifboitrlh iaetc yt ivoiftt iherese ader. TheG oodheart-WilClocmopxa nyI,n cI.n ternDeits claimTehre:I nternreets ouracnedls i stiinntg hsiG so odheart-Willcox Publisphreord uacrtpe r ovidseodl ealsay c onveniteony coeuT .h esree souracnedls i stiwnegrrsee viewaettd h tei moef publicattopi roonv iydoeuw itahc cursaatfeae,n, da ppropriinaftoer maGtoioodnh.e art-WPiulbllcioshxha esnr o c ontorvoelr three ferewnecbesdi atnedsd, u et ot hdey namniact uorfe tIhnet erinsne ottr, e sponsoirlb ilaebf loterh ceo ntepnrto,d ucotrs , performoafnl cien tkoso thewre bsiotrer se sourGcoeosd.h eart-WPiulbllciosmxha ekren so r epresenteaittiheoexnrp, r esosre d implireedg,a rdtihncego nteonftt h eswee bsitaensds ,u crhe ferednoc ensco otn stiatnue tned orsemoerrn etc ommendaotfti hoen informaotrci oonnt epnrte senIttie sdy .ou rre sponsitboti alkiaetl pylr otecmteiavseu rteogs u ard agianianpsptr opcroinatteen t, virusoeros t,h edre strucetlievmee nts. Coveirm ageV:o yagerix/Shutterstock.com LibraroyfC ongresCsa taloging-in-PubDlaitcaa tion NormaAnn,d rew. Diesteelc hnolfougnyd:a menstearlvsi,rc eep,aI i r byA ndreNwo rman-8.t ehd ition. pagecsm Earleideirt iboyAn n dreNwo rman, John C"oDrrienwc"h ock, Robert Scharff. Incluidnedse x. ISBN9 78-1-61960-832-0 1.D iesmeolt orI..C orinchJoochkAn,. I IT.i tle. TJ795.2N06176 621.43'6-dc23 2014043610 DiesTeelc hnooglyi sd esigtnoep dr ovisdteu deinntt hser apicdhlayn gdiinegse enlg ifniee wlidt uhp- to-date informoantt ihoceno nstruocpteiroants,ie ornv,ia cnedr ,e piaorfd ieseenlg inDeissee.el n gihnaevsbe e etnh "ew ork­ horsoefis n dtursyf"om ra nyye arpso,w ersihnsig,a p gricualntdcu ornaslt ruecqtuiiopnmg eennte,r aptuomrpsas,n, da hosotfo thaeprp laitcioTnhse.ay l spoo wetrh e over-ttrhaec-triooerlar-dast n rdta ructkhsa t gcoaordrys . In addtiodt eiatoinl tihnfegu ndameonfto apelrsia otnD,ie sTeelc nhoolgyc ontaiinnfso rmoantt iholena tdees­t velopmeinnt sdt ihee seenlg ifniee Flodmr.a nyy eartsh,be a sdiecs iagnndo peraotfit ohnde i eseenlg irneem ained unchanMgaendu.f actucroenrctser natoenid n creaesnignipgno ew eoru tpauntdi mporvinrge liiatbHyoi.wl evetrh,e neetdo meetf useetlcr oincotm ye xahnadeu msti sssitoannsd haarpsdr so mptmeadnu factutroae drds comepmliesx­ siocnosn tdreovli caensde leocntircco ntsryoslt etmots h eeinrg inTeosd.a yd'ise stecelh nicmiuasuntn derstthaen d operiaootnft hecsoem poneanntdss y steimnos r dteors ervtihceepm r operly. DiesTeelc hlnoogiyws r ititnea c nl e,la orgiacnadilt n,e rienssgtt yIlpter .e secnotmsp lteexc hniincfaolr miatni on ane asy-to-unmdaennresrEt.aa cnhd chbaepigtnwesir t lhe arnobijnegc tainvdee nsdw si tahs umamry,ls itoa fi mopr­ tantte rmrse,v iqeuwe stiaonndAs S,E -tqyupees tiNounmesr.o uiusls ltiroantasru es etdh rougthhoteue tx ts htooaw n d reniforicmeop rtacnotn ceSpatfse.it ssyt restsherdo ugthhoteue txt toh elepn susraefw eo rpkr acticesh.a zParrodp­er oucsh emiacnadwla sthead nlgia nndd ipsosale nacroreau getdh rougthhoteue txA tg .l ossarcyo ntithnadaset f initions tom anoyf t htee rmcso mmonulsyei dnt ehd iesfeilei lsld o catientd h bea ckt hotefe xt. The2 016e ditoifoD nie seTle cnhoolgyh asb eeunp datteoid n cltuhdele a taedsvt ancients h ef ieMladj.o r chnageisn clude: D Updateidn formoante iloenc treonngiiccno en traonlds fiunejle ction. O A news ectoinoe nm isstihoanitcsn l udceosv eraguela t-orlfos wu lffuuerbl iso,d ieexshealgu,as st recilractu(ioEnG) Ra, nds elecctaitvaelr yetdiucc t(iSoCnR ). O Newi nformoantc ioonns tgaenotm etturryb ocghear(rsC GTv)a,r iagbeloeme try t(uVrGbTog)ce hraasrn,d variavballtevi enm gi. O Anu pdatBeads Eilcce tricchiatpytt hearit n cdleusn ewi nformoantA iMoGn a ndg ecle lbla trtieedsi,g ital battteerisynt gke,yo fdfr atwe isntagn,d lvoowl tdaigse cocntsn yestems. O A newW orkplEamcpel oyiatSbyki ilclhlasp tthearot u tnleitsh ceh aractearnidps rtocificiesn cnieecse ssary too btiana ndk eeapj obin t hceo mpetdietisievflei eld. Whilbee ianngi detaelxf tot rh bee ginninsges ltd uideeDnites,Te elc hnoliosagl y saoni nvaluraebsloeufr ocre techniwchioa nacsru er rewnotrlkyii nng the serviicoref d iaenseden lgr ienDpeiases.Te elc hnoliosdg ey sigtnoe d help studweonrtksi tneagcn hd nipcrieapenta sort akteh e AMSeEd i/uHmeavy-TDruutcDyki esEenlng eisE,el ctricity and Electronitcess,t s.a nd PMI Thed iesseelr vaincdre e paidinurt sroyf fresm ancyh allengaensd rewfaotrrhd wese ltlr-aisneerdv tieccnehi cian. TheU .SD.e partomefLn abto rB,ue raouf L abSotra tirsetpiotcrhsta jsto o bp ponriteutsfi odri seetle chniwchioah nasve comlpetfeodr meadlu catainodn hsatvreot ncegh nisckailal rlpesr ojetcotg erdo w th2r0ou2g2Dhi.e sTeelc nhoolgy wilhell ypo ug aitnh sek inlelcse sstoa rys ucicnte hedidy sn amiincdt ursy. CopyriGgohotd heart-WiClol.Ic,no xc . 3 Chpater1 Warningasl esrttu denttors e pair Learning operatitohnacsta nr esuilnpt e rsonal Objectives Introducttioo n injuirfpy r opperro ceduarnedss afety cleairdleyn tify DiesEenlgi nes measuraersen otf ollowed. thek nowledge ands kiltlobs e obtainwehde n thec haptiesr "'� .......... _ ..... � .. .: .-:._..� ...... .. --- completed. ---- .!: :::..!".;.._...._ --- .:: ::� ........ ... -..._,_ '""'-......._ ..._, --- ... .,..il ........... ., -- ............. �. --.. .................. ..__,...... ........ . ..,._.._.....,........_.. .... ---.......- __ -- - - ............ ........._ TechnicTaelr msl itshtek e y termtsob el earnientd h ec hapter. Revietwh ilsi asftt ceorm pleting thec haptteobr e s uryeo uk now thed efiniotfei aocnht erm. Notepsr ovide students witshu pplemetnetcahln ical informarteiloantt eotd h es ystem orp rocedbuerien egx plained. Illustrahtaivoebn se en designteocd l eaarnldys imply communictahtese p ecitfoipc.i c ............. Re..i.wQut tdon�pt�rl 5 :::..�=�·=-- ... -- !::.:-"... .........' * ...... � :....'....:. �.. �---"' '=..-...- � ......... .... ------ o�.,..::. ."-:•• :.:_...:........ .. ..._ ...,... Raettv hieee nQwdu o efes atciohn s ...... :.:..-: =:::.:. __, ........ chaptaerrea great •!:. -: ==;..::':=-:.'-: : Cautioinsd entsiiftyu attihoants tooflo ars sessment �::-----·�·-· mayc ausdea magteo a vehicle, .............. andr evi.e w equipmeonrtt o,o litsfh ep roper �.-� :.:.=-... -.... ...... proceduarreens o tf ollowed. ::. ..':.!:..::.::....:,.. ..-.......... . :::.-:::..-.....-. .......... .. ASE-TypeQ uestions "'lrilllilE:!:=-:-f.--�fh-oet rlph pret e yppaeosrsfte u dents Summaryf eatuhrieg hlights .. questitohneswy i ll them osti mportcaonntc epts encounotne r tAhSeE presenitnea d c haptperro,v iding certifitceasttiso.n ana dditiroenvailte owo l tfhoer student. -·· 4 CopyriGgohotd heart-WiClol.Ic,no cx. StudMeantte rials Workbook Thes tudweonrtk bocookn taaiv nasrt iyoe fp ractqiucees ttihoacntos r retlota htteee xtbook. Onlie Tnextbook Ano nl iev nersoifot nhp er nitetde xtbioasov akli abaltwe w w.go-nwnleitebxotoks.com. InstrMuactteorri als ExamVieAws®s essmSeunitt e Quicaknldey a spirleyp aprrei,an ntda, d miisntteersw tist h Etxhaem VieAws®s essSmueintt e.h uWniedtdrhos f q uestions int htee sbta ncko rroensdpitnoeg a cchh pateyro,uc anc hoowshei ch quetosi tnicdoleniu sne acthe sctr,e amtuel tiple versioofan s si ngtelseat n,da utotmialclagye neraantsew keery Esx.i sqtuiensgt miaoyn smb oed ifainednd e wq uestions mayb ea dded. InstcrtuorP'rse sentaftoirPo onwse rPoint® Heltpe acahn dv isuarelnilfyo rkceeyc ocneptwsi tphr epalreecdt uTrheessp.er esetnitoaanrsde e sigtnoea dl lofowr customitzoam teiedotan itleyah cinnge edTsh.e iyn cloubdjee ctiviemsa gafenrsdo m ttehxet book. InstcrtuorR'ess ourCcOe Oner esouprrcoev iidsnetsr ucwtiottrhis m e-sparveipnagr taotoislousnc ahsa nswkeery lse,s spolna ncso,rr elcahtatisro,n andot her itneagai cdhs. Onlie nInstruRcetsooru rces Onlei Insntructorr ceRaser steoi ume-staevaiicnnhgmg a treiaolrsg azendii na c onvenieaesnyt-,t oo-nulesi beno okshelf. Lesspolna nasn,s wkeery Pso,w erPopirnets®e inotnaEstx,a mVieAws®s essmensto fStuwiaatrneeda , d dititoeanhcailn g aidasr ae vailoanbd leem an2d4/,7 A.c csesibflreo hmo meo rs choOonl,le i InsntrucRteosro urhceelssp up porbtu sy isntructors. G-W Onlie n G-WO nlei insa ne asicluys tomiczoaubrlmseae n agemseynstt ewmh,i cihn celsua dlolft hes tudernets ourTcheiss. onilnseo lutcioonintn aasn O nliTnexet boowko,r kboqouke stieo-nfslc,aa srhda sc,t ivaistsieesss,m veindtecsol,s i ,ap nd narrataendia mtiofnorsd eae pelnyg agiitnnegr,a clteiavrene xipnegr iGe-nWcOe n.l ei'npso werafsusle ssamnedcn otu rse managemetnoto alcsc uramtoenliytp ororg raensdts r asctku dleenta rnTihneug l.mta itien convaenndqi ueingtcr ka ding, G-WO nleia nlwlsoy out os pend morteec ahtiiamnnegdl etsism aedm intiesring. CopyriGgohotd heart-WiClol.c,o xI nc. 5 Thep roudctioofDn i eseTelc nhologwy oulndo th avbee epn ossiwbilteh otuhceto ntribouftt hieosoneu tasntding companaineds indiviaduutahlaosnr.dps u Tbhleiw sohuellrd ei t ko givteh atnhtkeotsi h rfe ol lwoing: AdvanceTdh ermParlo ducItnsc,. CoreGyl assman OTCT ooDli vision AssociaotfiD oine sel SpecialistsG oodsoSnh opS upplies ParkHearn nifCionr poration AXEE quipmeInntc,. HarriIenrc,. PennD iesel BabcoPxu blicatIinocn.s , HartriEdqguei pmeCnotr p. PerkiGnrso upof C ompanies BankPso wer HatzD iesoeflA mericIan,c . PeterTbriulctk Isn,c . BluebiCrodr p. MarsHha yward PetteLrtsd,. BoscAhu tomotSiovleu tiLoLnCs , HeavDyu tyT rucking PeugeEontg ineIsn,c . BrenBtl ack HerculEensg ineIsnc,. PhiliTpesm roI,n c. CaterIlp airI ,n c. HoustoInn dustSriilaeln cing PierTcrea nsit CentrTaolo lIsn,c . ICCF ederatIendc,. Prestolite InEcloercptorrica ted ChicagPon eumatTioco Clo mpany IngersollC-oRrapn.d RacoDri vision ChryslGerro upL,L C lronPirtoed ucCtosm pany, Inc. RobinaCiorr p. ClaytIonnd ustrIinecs., JacobMsa nufacturing Company RogerMsa chinCeo rp. ColItn dustrIinecs., KawasaMkoit orCso rpU.. S.A. SealePdo weCro rp. ConsolidMaetterdoI ,n c. Kent-MooDriev ision SearRso,e bucakn,d C ompanyS,i oux CumminNsa turGaals D ivision KenworTtrhu cCko . ToolIsn,c . CumminEsn ginCeo .I,n c. KienDei esAeclc essorIinecs., SkillsUSA DaimleArG KohlCeorm pany Snap-oTno olCso rp. DanaC orporation KomatsTur adiInngt ernatIinocn.a l, SPXC orporation DavcoM fgC.o rp. KubotCao rporation StanadyAnuet omotIinvce. DaycoI PH oldings, LLC Kwik-WaMya nufactuCroi.n g StanlPeryo to Deer&e Company L.SS.t arrCeotmtp any Stewart-WaCronrepr. DetroDiite sCeolr p. MacT oolCso rporation Stork-WerksLptodo.r , DeutCzo rp. MackT rucCko mpany StorVmu lcaInn,c . DiesPerlo greEsnsg in&e Dsr ives MagnaflCeoxr poration SunnePnr oducCtos. DonaldsCoonm panyI,n c. MAN AktiengeseHlilscthoarfAitrc cahli vesT eledyTnoet aPlo weGrr oup DressIenrd ustrIinecs., Mercedes oBfeN nozr tAhm erica, IncT.o yotIan dustErnigailnO ep eration EngelhCaorrdp oration MercurMya rinCeo rp. TRW, Inc. FederMaolg ulC orp. NationIanls tiftouArtu et omotSievrev ice VikiYnagc htIsn,c . Fel-PGraos kets Excellence VolkswagoefAn m ericaIsn,c . Johnrl ukCeo rporation NavistIanrt ernatCioornpal. VolvPoe ntoaf America ForMdo toCro mpany NelsoGnl obaPlr oducItnsc,. WaukeshEan ginDei vision ForNde w HollanIdn,c . NewayM anufacturIinncg., WinonVaa nN ormaMna chinCeo . FreightCloirnpeorr ation NorwegiCarnu isLien es, Inc. WixC orporation GarreCtotr p. OnanC orp. YounRga diatCoorm pany. GateRsu bbeCro mpany Optima BattIenrci.e s, DetroDiite seSle®r,i 6e0s® a,n dD DEC®a rer egistterraedde maorfkD se troit Diesel CDoDrCp™o,rO apttiiomni.z Ieddl e™, ProDrivSee™r,i 9e2s™ ,a ndE theSrt arta™r et rademaorfkD se troDiite sCeolr poratJiaoknBe.r akei®sa registterraedde maorfJk a cobs VehicElqeu ipmeCnotm pany. Thep ubliwsihsehrte oes s pelcylit ahatnhkfe ol olwinigdn ividfuoatrlh sev iarl uaibnlpeiu nttt ohd ee velopomfe nt thtiesx tbook. JerCrlye mons LePsi ke Auto/DiPersoefle sPsroorg,r aCmo ordinator RetirPerdo graCmo ordinator ElizabethCtoomwmnu nitayn dT echniCcoalll ege ElizabethCtoomwmnu nitayn dT echniCcoalll ege ElizabethKtYo wn, ElizabethKtYo wn, JamMesa ck DouglPaost ter HeavEyq uipmeTnetc hnolIongsyt ructor MaintenaMnacnea ger BerkCsa reearn dT echnolCoegnyt er FirTsrta nsit OleyP,e nnsylvania RochestNeYr , 6 Copyright GoodheaCrto-.IW,ni cl.l cox Chapt1e r IntroducttoiD oine sel Chapt1e8r InjectNiooznz l.e.s. ......3.6.9 Engin.e.s. ............... 15 Chapt1e9r Multiple Pllnulnigneer Chapt2e r ShopS afe.t y. . . . . . . . . . . . . .I n.j 2e c7t Piuomnp s. .......3.8.7 Chapt3e r ToolPsr,e cisTiooonl asn,d Chapt2e0r DistribIuntjoerc tPiuomnp. s. .4 09 Fasten.e.r.s. ..........3.7. . Chapt2e1r UniItn jecFtuoerIl n jection Chapt4e r PrinciopflE ensg ine Syste.m.s. ...........4.2.5. Operati.o..n. .........6.1. . Chapt2e2r BasiocfsE lectri..c.i.t.y. .4.3.5 Chapt5e r EnginBel oc.k.s. ...........8.7 Chapt2e3r ElectroEnnigicn Ceo ntroalnsd Chapt6e r Cranksha.f..t.s. ......... .019 FueIln ject.i.o.n. ......4.6.3 Chapt7e r PistoRnisn,g asn,d Chapt2e4r DiesEenlg inCeh arging ConnectRiondg.s . ......1.3 .1 Sydem.s. ............4.9.5. Chapt8e r CylindHeera dasn dR elated Chapt2e5r Diesel Startin.g. .S.y.5.s1 t3e ms Componen.t.s. .......1.5.3. Chapt2e6r EnginRee assemabnldy Chapt9e r Camshaafntd V alvTer ain Install.a.t.i.o.n. .....5.3.1. Componen.t.s. .......1.7 .9. Chapt2e7r PreventMiavien tenaanncde Chapt1e0r LubricaStyisotne .m.s. ....2.0.1 Troublesh.o.o.t.i.n.g. ..5.4.5 Chapt1e1r CooliSnygs te.m.s. .......2.3.1 Chapt2e8r CareeOrp portuniatnidAe SsE Certific.a.t.i.o.n. .....5.6.5 Chapt1e2r AirI ntaSkyes te.m.s. ......2.6 3 Chapt2e9r WorkplaEcmep loyability Chapt1e3r ExhauSsyts te.m.s.. ......2.8.1 Skil.l.s. ............5.7.7. . Chapt1e4r. Diesel .F.u.e.l.s. ......3.0.7. AppendAi xT roubleshoEontgiinnagen d Fuel System P.r.o.b..l5.e8 m7s Chapt1e5r BasiFcu eSly ste.m.s. .....3.2.1 AppendBi xC onversTiaobnl .e.s. .....5.9.4 Chapt1e6r FueFli ltaenrds Conditio.n.e. .r.s. . . . . . . .3 37 Gloss.a.r.y. ..................6.0.6. ... Chapt1e7r Injection System Inde.x. ......................6.3.2. ... Fundament.a..l.s. .....3.4.9 CopyriGgohotd heart-WiClol.Ic,on xc . 7 Chapterl Specialized DieasnedEl q uTiopomlesn t5 3 InjecStyisotnTeo om ls IntroducttoDi ioen sEenlg in.e s. . .1 5. ElectrTiecsaEtlq uipment5 5 Diesveelr suGsa soliEnneg ines1 6 MulmteiteIrT ses tL gihts DiesEenlg iSnter oCkyec IlS eu pplAyiiarnn gdF ueIl ComputeSry steDmi agnosTtoiocl s 56 CompresRsaitoinDo usr aIi btiyDl isIee Dlr awbacks Fasteners56 DieseEnlg inHei story1 9 Bolatn dS creTwer minloogIyU .S. MaentdrN iuct s EarTlhye oraineds SuccITe hsesS eiesnl Ott to ThreaRde pairs 58 EngiInT hee D evelopomfet nhtDe i esEenlg iIn e ApplyiTnogr quteo a Fastener5 8 ContuiendD evelopomfet nhtDe iesEenlg iIn e ModerDnis eeAlp plicaICt oinotnuisen dA dvances in DiEensgeilEn fef iciency Chapte4r PrinciploefEs n giOnpee rati.o..n. .6 1 Chapte2r MajoErn ginCeo mponents6 2 ShopS afet. y . . . . . . . . . C.yl nid.e Brl. o ac.nk d C y.l iden.Lr n ie.r IsP . it so.nI s . 2 7 Crasnhkta fCIo nneicnRtgo dsO iIPl a n I SafeNtoyt ices2 8 FlywhIeV eilb raDtaimopne IrC sa msfhtIaV alve PersonSaalf ety 28 TraiCno mponeInC tyisldn eHre aIdV alvIe s PersoPnraolt ecEtqiuviep ment Itnakaen dE xhaMuasnti foIlS dusp earrcgheIr s ShopS afeRtuyl es 29 TurobchgaerrIsC hagreA iCro olers ShoCpl aennleisIsV e hicSlaef eRtuyl IeD si esel DiesEenlg inCel assificat6i3o ns FueSla fePtrye cauItC iloenasn Eiqunpigm ent EngiCnyec lDee siIgF no u-SrtrCoykcel Een giIn es FirPer eventio3n1 Two-StrCoykcelE en gines GenerFaielS r afeRtuyl IeU ss ianF gie E rxtinguisher CylindNeurm bera ndC onfigurati7o6n Right-to-LKanwosw 33 lnilnEen giInVe-ystp eE ngiInW e-st ypaen d HazardMoautsre iaIHl asdn lgi HnazardWoausst e DelEtnag iCnoen figurIaR taidoiEnanslg iIn es Doulbe-taicnPgit son Chapte3r CombustiCohna mbeDre signs 78 DiercItn jecCthiaomnb IeI rn deciItrn jection ToolsP,r eicsiToonol s,a ndF asten.e r.s . 3 7 Chamber HandTo ols 38 DiesFeul eIln jectSiyosnt ems 80 WrenchISe osc ketsS oacnkHdea tn dlITe osr que IjnectSiyosnt Feumn ctIiT oynpseo sfF ueIln jection Wrenc/Ah llWerne nchIToe rsx D rivaenrds Systems SockIeS tcsr ewdrIiP vleeirrassn dC uetrts I EnginPee rformaTnecrem asn dF ormulas8 2 HammeIr sS aawns dK niesv FIli eIsC hisaenlds Boraen dS troIkD ei spelmaecnItC ompression Punch/Ve isse and CI-O CtlhaeHmrap nsTdo o ls RatIiP or essIuV orleu emtrEiffci ciIeS npceyc ific PowerTo ols 45 GravIiM teya nE ffectPirvees sure StatioPnoawreToyro ls HorsepowaenrdT orque 84 EnginMee asuring To4o8l s HorsepoIwT eorr que MicromeItR eerasd ianM gi cormetIeD re pth Gaueg/V erineCra ilpeIrT sel escionpagn dS mall Chapte5r HolGea ugIeF se elGearu gIeD si aIlni dcaIt or CylinBdoerDre i aGla ugeD iIg iTtacahlo meIt er EnginBel oc.k.s . . . . . . . . .87. . . . . . . . InrfarTehde rmmeoteICr y lidenCro mpsrseion CylindBelro cks 88 Gaueg MIa nometer 8 Copyright GoodheaCrto-.IW,ni cl.l cox AccessiDnige sEenlg inCeo mponents8 8 Chapte8r AcceisnsCgo mponeinnat S st atioEnnagriIyn e CylindHeeard s and AcceisnsCgo mponeinnt Msao biElneg iIn e EngiBnleo Cclke anIiC nygld ienrB lock ReltaedC ompone.n.t.s. .....1.5.3 IsnpectIiC oynnl dieBro reasn dL nierIsI nspection CylindHeera d 154 ofC yldienBr ores LaninedrI sT y peso fC ylnider CylidnerH eaSdt uadnsd G askeIDt iss asselnmigb LnierIsI nasltlCiynlngid eLri neICr ysl inLdienre r aC yldienHre aIdC ylnideHre adR emovIa l SafeFteya rteus CynldieHre adI nspecatnidSo enr vIiC chee cking foCry nldieHre aDda mage Chapte6r Valves 161 Cranksh.a. ft s. . . . . . . .1 0.9 . . .Va .lv C.eo n .st .ru Ic.V ta ilovGneu iedsI V alvGeu ide ReocnditiIoV nailnvSgee aItV alvSete Sme aIl s DiesCerla nkshaft1s1 0 ValvSep riInV gasl vReo tatIoV rasl ve KeIe pers CrasnhktaT fermnioloIgC yr anksLhuabfrti cIa tion InjecNtoizoznHl oel dIenersr ts CrasnhktaC flassificICa rtaiknosnhtsaS fervIi ce CracDke teicotInC ranakfsth LIoI andssp ecting JournIRa elocsn ditiCornakinsnhgtaJ fournals Chapte9r BeariInngs pection 117 Camshafatn dV alve Train BearMianetgr iIaT ylp eso fD iesEenlg ine Componen..t s. . . . . . . 7.9 . . . . . . . 1 BeariInB gesa rCirnugsa hn dS preIaB de aring DitsreIsC sh eckBienagr Cilnega raICn rcaen kshafVta lvTer aiOnp eratiMnegc hanisms1 80 OiSle aIlC sr anksGheaafrItFs yl wheIeSl t arter CamsahftICs a mL obeICs a msfhtGa eaIrV alve GeaIrn specIVt iiborna Dtaimopne rs OperatICi aomns hLaofcta tIiC oanm sfhtDa rive SysteIEm ns gine ITVi amriinaVgba llevT ei miIn g CamF olwleorA sesmblIiRe osc ker IAR romcsk er Chapte7r HousiCnogv er Pistosn,R ignsa,n d InspectainndSg e rvictihneVg a lvTer ain 188 ConnectRiondg.s . .......... .1.31 CamshSaefrtv IiC caem F olwleorS ervIiR coec ker ArmS ervIiP cues Rho dS ervice DiesPeli stons1 32 PitsonD esigITn yspe so fP istIoC nasm G round Assembltihnge VaTlrvaeiC no mponents 192 CamshIanftsta llaIAt siesomnb lgit nhCea mshaft PitsonIsP itsonC leiannIgI nspecPtiisntgIo ns GearIIs n statlhlCeiy nldgie nHre aIdA djusting ChcekiPnigs tWoena rIC hcekinPigs ton ValvCela eranIcI ena slitlntgh Reo ckHeoru sing Clearance Cover PistRoinn gs 137 CompresRsiinoIgnO s i Clo ntrRoiglnsI C hecking RinGgr oovfeosWr e aIrP istRoinnI gnt sallatioCnh apter 10 PistPoinn (sW risPti ns) 141 LubricaStyisotne m.s .. . . . .2 .0 1. . . . . InspecPtiisntPgoi nn s LubricaStyisntge ms 202 ConnectiRnogd s 142 LubricatSiyosnt eCmo mponents2 02 ConnecRtoidnI gn escptiIoC no nnectthiPens igt on Typeso fL ubricSaytsitoeInOm siP la nasn d tot hReo dI A sesmblitnhMega iBne ariIn gs SumpIsD ipstiIOc ikl PuIOm ipCslo olIe r CheckCirnagn kshaft CCloenanreiacnnttgche es I ManitenaonfOc eiC lo olIeOr isPl r essRuerlei ef PitsoAns semtbolt yh Cer asnhkta f ValIvOe i Flli teIOr si Flli tMearni tenance CopyriGgohotd heart-WiClo.l .Ic nocx. 9 OilP ressuIrned icatSiyosnt ems 223 Scavengin2g6 5 OiPlr essWuarrein ng LIiM egchhta niIcnadli catingS cavenPgriinpnglc eis SystIeE ml ectIrnidcaiatcliS nygs tIe m Superchargi2n6g5 ElcetromagCnoeitIlin cd icSaytsitnIegH m e ating Fou-CrycSluep cehrargITi wnog- CycSluep ergcihnagr CoiIln dicSaytsitnIegPm r essSuwriet Icnhd icating AirC leaners 267 SystIeE ml eocntirIcn dicSaytsitnIegV m en tilation Precleaners Systems IntaAkier C leaners2 70 EnginOei ls 225 OiBla tAhi Crl eanIeD rrsyA iFrli teIrF sli ter APSIe rvCiactee goIrV iiessc oIsS iytnyt hOeitIli c HousiISn egvr iciDnrgyF liteIrA sd ditional OiAld dietsIi O viAln alysis ServTiicpes ChangiAnigr F iltEelre ments2 75 Chapte1r1 IntaAkier S ilencer2s7 5 CooliSnygs tem..s. .......... 231 Pipaensd H oses . . . Blowers 276 CooliSnygs tems 232 TypeosfC ooliSnygst eICm oso laInR tasd iator RootBslw oerIC entriBfluwogearls SysteISm usr gTaen kI R adtioarIHs o ses IntaAkier P assages2 77 ItnakIen stallation Cleanianngd R eplaciCnogo liSnygs tem Components2 40 HosRee placeImC elneta nai Rnagd iaIt or Chapte1r3 InpsectainndTge sitgn theo lgCi onSystCeomo/l ant ExhauSsyts tem. s.. . . . . . 2.8 .1 . . . . . . FliteITr hse rmosICt oaotsl iSynsgt Seemr vice ExhauSsyts tem 282 WateMra nifolds2 47 BacPkr essure WatePru mps 247 V-BeDlrti ves 249 Exhaust SyCsotmpeomn ents2 83 Exhausti fMoIalEn dxsh auGasstR ecciurlat/i on Fans 250 DiesPealr titceFu liltIaeS re lecCtaitvael ytic SuctFiaonns /BlFoawnesr ReductIiDo ine ls/eaWteErm ulsIiCo antsa lytic FanC lutch 250 ConvteerIrS ileern/cMufIfK leesrosn ator Coolant Heat2e5r1s ExhauPsitp ing 290 ImmersiBolno cHeka etrC/irculTaatniHken agt er/ VetricMaulf fler Fuele-dFH eiarter ExhauSsyts teSme rvice2 94 IndustErnigailn Ceo oliSnygs tems 252 RadiaItH eoarEt x chanICg oeor lTionwger / NoisLeev eIlR sed uciEnxgh auNsoti se ExpansainodSn ug reT anks Turbocharger29s5 Typeso fT urbocghearIrTs u rbohcagrer MarinEen ginCeo oliSnygs tem 256 Raw-WaCtoeorl giS nystIeM ma etriaUlssed i n ComponeInC tosn stGaenotm etTruryb ocharger MariHneea Etx chearnIsgS awlatteArp plincsa/t io OperiaotInV ariaGbeloem etTruryb ocharger OperiaotInT urbochaArdgvearn tIag es HeaEtx chanCgoeorl iSynsgt ems TurobchgaerLru bricIaT tuirobno chCaorngotelrr/s ScavenPguimnpag n d Ttuhreb ogcehIraT rwo-or Chapte1r2 Four-STtuargcbeho argIiT unrgb ocharger AirIn taSkyes te.m.s ..... .. 263 IsnpectainodTn r obuleshoIoTt uribnogc harger . . . . . RemovalI snaatnltdl iaon AirI ntakes2 64 ChargAei rC oolers3 01 FactAofrefsc tiAnigIr n taEkfef iciency TypeosfC hagreA iCro ole(rCsA CIC) A CS ervice 10 Copyright GoodheaCrto-.IW,ni cl.l cox

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