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THEORY OF ELECTRIC POLARIZATION C. J. F. BÖTTCHER AND P. BORDEWIJK Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Leiden, The Netherlands Second, completely revised edition VOLUME II Dielectrics in time-dependent fields ELSEVIER AMSTERDAM - LAUSANNE - NEW YORK - OXFORD - SHANNON - TOKYO ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands First edition 1978 Second impression 1992 Third impression 1996 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised) Böttcher, Carl Johan Friedrich, 1915- Theory of electric polarization. Vol. 2 by C.J.F. Böttcher and P. Bordewijk Includes bibliographical references. 1. Dielectries - Collected works. 2. Polariza­ tion (Electricity) - Collected works. I. Belle, O.C. van. II. Bordewijk. Paul 1943- III. Title QC584.2.B84 537.2'4'08 72-83198 ISBN 0 444 41019 8 ISBN: 0 444 41019 8 (Vol. 1) ISBN: 0 444 41579 3 (Vol. 2) © 1978 ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science B.V., Copyright & Permissions Department, P.O. Box 521, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S.A. - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers. MA 01923. Informa­ tion can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the U.S.A. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside the U.S.A., should be referred to the copyright owner, Elsevier Science B.V., unless otherwise specified. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Printed in The Netherlands PREFACE For the preparation of the second volume of the revised edition of this book, the same aims were set as for the first volume, namely, to maintain the character of the book as a comprehensive treatment of the theory of dielectrics, making any additions and alterations necessary to bring the book up-to-date. Applied to the theory of dielectrics in time-dependent fields, the main subject of this volume, this led to rather drastic changes. As a starting point, some fundamental aspects of dielectric behaviour in time-dependent fields, relevant to both orientational polarization and induced polarization, are treated in Chapter Viil. This chapter is an extension of sections 42,43, and 45 in Chapter VI Γί of the first edition. Next, the behaviour of the orientational polarization in time-dependent fields is discussed. This subject was originally treated in one chapter (Ch. X), but it has now been given three chapters. Chapter IX covers the phenomenological theory of dielectric relaxation, with an extensive survey of the various descriptions suggested in the literature and a discussion of their practical applicability. The relationship between macroscopic dielectric relaxation behaviour and the dipole correla­ tion function is considered in Chapter X, and Chapter XI treats the molecular theory of the dipole correlation function under various conditions. In the latter chapter, data from dielectric measurements are also compared with other data concerning the molecular reorientation, e.g. derived from nuclear magnetic relaxation and obtained with spectroscopic techniques. The material discussed in the remaining sections of Chapter VIII of the first edition is now presented in Chapter XII, with the exception of section 50, which has been expanded to make a new chapter (Ch. XIII) on the Kerr effect and related phenomena. Chapter XIV deals with the determination of permanent dipole moments (originally treated in Chapter IX), with an added section on the determination of permanent quadrupoles. As in the first edition, the last chapter deals with solids, but with the emphasis now placed on the dielectric properties of solids; spontaneous polarization is discussed only briefly, but a section on the dielectric properties of liquid crystals has been added. Two vi PREFACE Appendices are also included in this volume, one concerning complex numbers and the other Laplace and Fourier transforms. As a selection for a course on dielectric theory, we suggest the whole of Chapter VIII, sections 54, 55, and 57 of Chapter IX, section 64 of Chapter X, and Chapter XI, where sections 73-77 can be omitted or included indepen­ dently. The choice of material from the remaining part of the book will depend on the specific purpose of the course. In concluding this preface, I wish to thank the many individuals who contri­ buted in one way or other to the realization of this volume. Of the few who can be mentioned by name, I shall begin with Dr. O. C. van Belle and Mr. A. Rip, with whom I shared the responsibility for the first volume and who contributed valuable criticism on the present volume. Mr. Rip also drafted section 64 and the Appendices. I am grateful, too, for many discussions with Dr. J. C. Leyte on infrared bandshape analysis and nuclear magnetic relaxation, which greatly benefited the exposition in sections 68, 71, and 81. Section 97 could not have been written adequately without the discussions on the dielectric properties of liquid crystals that I had with Dr. W. H. de Jeu (Eindhoven). Dr. J. H. P. Colpa (Amsterdam) contributed the calculation of the Lorentz tensors in Table 54, as well as very useful criticism generally. Mr. M. Kunst assisted in reading the proofs. Finally, thanks are due to the Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Leiden, which made it possible for me to spend so much time on the preparation of this revised edition. Leiden, August 1977 P. Bordewijk IMPORTANT SYMBOLS (The numbers indicate the page where the symbol is introduced) a radius of sphere or spherical cavity, half of principal axis of ellipsoid a absorption coefficient, // 22 A parameter characterizing anisotropy of moment of inertia for sym­ metric-top molecules, // 190 A (λ = a, b c) shape factor for ellipsoid, / 79 k 9 A depolarizing tensor for ellipsoid in vacuo, 7 316,// 428 A* depolarizing tensor for ellipsoid in anisotropic dielectric, // 430 s/ first dielectric virial coefficient, / 232 A first refractometric virial coefficient, // 291 R A first Kerr constant virial coefficient, // 333 k A quadrupole polarizability, // 375 Ai3) octupole polarizability, // 436 A 3N-dimensional tensor connected with the polarizability of a system, /209,//404 b half of principal axis of ellipsoid b rate of temperature increase, // 127 b distance between two nuclei, // 177 Β Kerr constant, // 315 Β magnetic induction ^ second dielectric virial coefficient, / 232 B second refractometric virial coefficient, // 291 R B second Kerr constant virial coefficient, // 333 k Β quadrupole polarizability, // 375 Β sum of dipole-dipole interaction tensors over a sphere, // 432 c half of principal axis of ellipsoid c velocity of light xii IMPORTANT SYMBOLS C, C* Cotton-Mouton constants, // 370 [C] molar Cotton-Mouton constant, // 370 C dipole correlation function, 7/151, 169 C correlation function for Legendre polynomial P II 175 n ni Cj^ correlation function for generalized spherical harmonic /)]£>, // 174 Cj correlation function for angular momentum, // 196 C correlation function of rotational velocity, // 263 rv C vibrational correlation function, 7/310 v # third dielectric virial coefficient, / 232 C third refractometric virial coefficient, // 291 R C third Kerr constant virial coefficient, // 333 k C quadrupole polarizability, // 375 d density D subsidiary order parameter, // 460 Dj^ generalized spherical harmonic, element of Wigner rotation matrix Z>(M),//174 D dielectric displacement, / 59 D complex dielectric displacement, // 12 generalized dielectric displacement, // 17 Drot rotation-diffusion tensor, // 204 DTO t rotation-diffusion constant D diffusion constant for free volume, // 227 v D diffusion constant for defects, // 231 d e elementary charge 0 e, i|| unit vector parallel to electric field, or to director e unit vector perpendicular to electric field, or to director L e 3N-dimensional vector connected with unit vector e, I 213 E activation energy, // 118, 224 a Ε(ω) average energy of oscillator with frequency ω, // 147 β Ε electric field, / 11, 59 Ε complex electric field, // 12 $ strength of electric field of optical frequency E' intensity of electric field gradient, // 375 E external field 0 E cavity field, / 78, 81 c IMPORTANT SYMBOLS xiii £, local field, / 208 £* part of local field proportional with the external field, // 408 E 3N-dimensional vector connected with the external field, / 209 0 E, 3N-dimensional vector connected with the local field, / 209 / reaction field factor, I 129, 134 / distribution function in phase space, // 142 / distribution function of molecular orientations, 7/217 f pulse-response function of A as a response to Β A B f pulse-response function of dielectric displacement, II 8 D fg pulse-response function of generalized dielectric displacement, 77 18 f pulse-response function of current density, 77 16 t f pulse-response function of polarization, 77 8 P f°p pulse-response function of orientational polarization, 77 9 / pulse-response function of electric moment of a sphere, 77 26 sph F step-response function of dielectric displacement, 77 8 D Fj step-response function of current density, 77 16 F step-response function of polarization, 77 6 P F°p step-response function of orientational polarization, 77 9 F Kummer's hypergeometric series, 77 192 i i F reaction field tensor, 7 130 3F Fourier transform, 77 520 g Kirkwood correlation factor, 7 249 g correlation factor for second Legendre polynomial, 77 346 2 g weight factor of relaxation time τ , 77 39 k Λ g distribution function of relaxation times, II39, of activation energies, 77 120 g magnetogyric-ratio tensor, 77 418 G logarithmic distribution function of relaxation times, 77 45 G microscopic correlation factor connected with Kerr effect, 77 3 54 G intensity of velocity gradient, 77 3 79 <7 free enthalpy of activation, 77 224 a A Planck's constant A intensity function, 77 55 A correction factor for molar polarization, 7 193 xiv IMPORTANT SYMBOLS Ae correction factor for molar refraction, 11 292 Η activation enthalpy, // 225 Λ Η magnetic field Hamiltonian, // 140 ι (-1)*, 7/493 / Intensity of electromagnetic radiation, // 317 / nuclear spin quantum number, // 177 / current density / moment of inertia, // 183 / unit tensor I 3N-dimensional unit tensor J quantum number of angular momentum, // 392 / angular momentum, // 184 k Boltzmann's constant k absorption i ndex, // 21 k reaction constant, // 259 A rate of reorientation, // 220 Κ second quantum number for free rotation, // 392 Κ probability function for molecular reorientation, // 172 Κ Kerr constant, // 116 [K] molar Kerr constant, // 316 [Kopt] molar Kerr constant for optical inducing field, // 317 [K ] contribution to molar Kerr constant by permanent dipoles, // 321,337 x [K] contribution to molar Kerr constant by anisotropy of the polar- 2 izabilities, //321, 337 [A3] contribution to molar Kerr constant by first hyperpolarizabilities, // 321, 337 [K] contribution to molar Kerr constant by second hyperpolarizabilities, A // 321, 337 K equilibrium constant, // 259 0 #0 memory function of dipole correlation function, // 264 Κj memory function of angular momentum, // 201 Κ local field tensor, // 336, 405 Ke local field tensor for electronic polarization, // 335 IMPORTANT SYMBOLS XV / optical path, 7/316 L Liouville operator, // 140 L angular momentum of electrons, // 417 L Lorentz tensor, // 433 L 3A7-dimensional tensor connected with the Lorentz tensors for a crystal with η molecules in the unit cell, // 434 S£ Laplace transform, // 509 m mass m mass of electron c AW mass of proton P m* generalized mass corresponding with reaction coordinate, // 223 m electric moment of molecule, / 109, of a macroscopic body, // 26 mm magnetic moment of molecule, 7/416 m 3N-dimensional vector connected with the molecular dipole moments, /209 Μ molecular weight, average molecular weight, // 316 Μ third quantum number for free rotation, // 393 Μ electric moment of a system, / 207 Mi sum of permanent dipole moments in a small sphere in a dielectric, //152 n, ri refractive index, // 21 ή complex refractive index, // 21 A?* refractive index extrapolated to infinite wavelength, // 289 η unit vector normal to surface Ν number density N' reciprocal volume of unit cell, //434 N Avogadro's number A Ν number of molecules in the system, / 207 Jf number of molecules in a small sphere in the system / 207 ρ pressure ρ imaginary component of complex frequency, // 31 ρ distribution parameter for Matsumoto-Higasi distribution, // 87 p momentum conjugated with generalized coordinate q , II140 t t ρ induced moment of a molecule, / 109 xvi IMPORTANT SYMBOLS ρ 3N-dimensional vector connected with induced moments, // 334 Ρ probability, // 227 P Legendre polynomial, / 357 n Ρ electric polarization, / 22, 69 [P] molar polarization, / 170 [P] apparent molar polarization of component k in a mixture, // 397 k q partition function, // 224 q height of nematic potential, // 408 q generalized coordinate, // 140 t Q numerical constant characterizing cubic lattice, // 407 0 quadrupole moment, / 44 r polar coordinate, / 333, // 495 r polarization index, // 180 r radius vector R gas constant R macroscopic correlation factor connected with Kerr effect, // 352 K [R] molar refraction, // 290 [/?* ] molar refraction extrapolated to infinite wavelength, // 291 S unit-step function, // 6, 509 S order parameter, // 458 5 activation entropy, // 224 a / time t temperature in centigrades Τ absolute temperature T clearing point, // 459 c T nuclear magnetic relaxation time, // 176 1 Τ torque Τ magnitude of torque Τ dipole-dipole interaction tensor, / 18, 116 Τ 3N-dimensional tensor connected with the dipole-dipole interactions, //2Q9 u unit vector

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