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Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada : vertaal uit Pali, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk PDF

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Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada Vertaal uit Paˉli, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk Head Office AOSIS (Pty) Ltd Postnet Suite #110 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551 South Africa Tel: +27 21 975 2602 Fax: +27 21 975 4635 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.aosis.co.za © J.S. Krüger 2017. Licensee: AOSIS (Pty) Ltd The moral rights of the authors have been asserted. First Edition published in 2017 Impression: 1 Listed in OAPEN (http://www.oapen.org), DOAB (http://www.doabooks.org/) and indexed by Google Scholar. Some rights reserved. This is an open access publication. Except where otherwise noted, this work is distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), a copy of which is available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Enquiries outside the terms of the Creative Commons license should be sent to the Rights Department, AOSIS, at the above address or to [email protected] Published in South Africa by AOSIS (Pty) Ltd, 15 Oxford Street, Durbanville, Cape Town, 7550. Book Title: Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada: Vertaal uit Pāli, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk ISBN: 978-1-928396-19-2 (pdf) ISBN: 978-1-928396-20-8 (e-book) DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/aosis.2017.dwd42 How to cite this work Krüger, J.S., 2017, Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada: Vertaal uit Pāli, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk, AOSIS, Cape Town. Printed in South Africa Cover artwork by Cecile de Villiers The publisher accepts no responsibility for any statement made or opinion expressed in this publication. Consequently, the publishers and copyright holder will not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by any reader as a result of his or her action upon any statement or opinion in this work. Links by third party websites are provided by AOSIS in good faith and for information only. AOSIS disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work. Every effort has been made to protect the interest of copyright holders. Should any infringement have occurred inadvertently, the publisher apologises and undertakes to amend the omission in the event of a reprint. Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada Vertaal uit Paˉli, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk J.S. KRÜGER Religious Studies Domain Editorial Board at AOSIS Chief Editor: Scholarly Books , Post Retirement Professor in the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa Andries van Aarde Board Members , Professor of New Testament, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, United States Warren Carter , Dekan der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien and Ordentlicher Universitätsprofessor für Christian Danz Systematische Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, University of Vienna, Austria , Associate Editor, Extraordinary Professor in Biblical Spirituality, Faculty of Theology, University of the Free Pieter G.R. de Villiers State, South Africa , Department of Theology & Religious Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Botswana, Botswana Musa W. Dube , Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, Duncan Black Macdonald Center for the David D. Grafton Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Hartford Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, United States , Theologische Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, Germany Jens Herzer , Dean of Students and Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Care, Saint Paul School of Jeanne Hoeft Theology, United States , Associate Editor, Deputy Dean and Professor of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University Dirk J. Human of Pretoria, South Africa , Former Chair of the SBL Psychology and Bible Section, and Editor of the Bible Workbench, San Jose, D. Andrew Kille United States , Emeritus Professor Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia William R.G. Loader , Associate General Secretary for Public Witness and Diakonia, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland Isabel A. Phiri , Emeritus, Professor of Fundamental Theology, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University, Marcel Sarot The Netherlands , Professor of Historical and Dogmatic Theology, Emanuel University, Oradea, Bihor, Romania Corneliu C. Simut , Professor and Head of Department of Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology, University of South Rothney S. Tshaka Africa, Pretoria, South Africa , Emeritus Professor School of Theology, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Executive Leader, Elaine M. Wainwright Mission and Ministry, McAuley Centre, Australia , Associate Editor, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics in the College of Humanities, University of Gerald West KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Peer Review Declaration The Publisher (AOSIS) endorses the South African ‘National Scholarly Book Publishers Forum (NSBPF) Best Practice for Peer Review of Scholarly Books’. The manuscript was subjected to rigorous two-step peer review prior to publication, with the identities of the reviewers not revealed to the author(s). The reviewers were independent of the publisher and/or authors in question. The reviewers commented positively on the scholarly merits of the manuscript, and recommended that the manuscript be published. Where the reviewers recommended revision and/or improvements to the manuscript, the authors responded adequately to such recommendations. Research Justification This book aims to contribute to the understanding of Early Buddhism, specifically the Dhammapada (one of the great classical religious scriptures of the world) in its historical setting, namely India in the third to fifth centuries BCE, comprising a unique linguistic, religious and socio-cultural setting. It further aims to contribute to the hermeneutics of bridging the historical gap of two and a half millennia between ancient India and contemporary society and to bridge the gaps between various cultures (African, Western, Indian) and religions, mainly theistic religions (specifically Christianity) and Buddhism in contemporary society. The central foci of this interest are the crucial issues of the existence of God and life after death. The book further investigates the possibility of a metaphysical mystical model, embarked on by myself over some decades. Lastly, it explores the field of a translation strategy from classical metaphysical and religious texts, in this case into Afrikaans, which is a relatively new medium in this field, with unique challenges. Regarding research methodology, the book utilised the historical critical method of explaining the content of the Dhammapada, taking into account its context. It further used the method (derived from phenomenology) of understanding the subjective intentionality structure of the original author(s), going back to the Buddha as well as the method of tendentional interpretation, extrapolating the intentionality structure to a metaphysical-mystical model of religious ‘peace’. It entails a first-hand study of the text in the original language, as well as of extensive secondary literature on the aspects noted above. The book contributes to scholarship by unfolding the history and language of this Buddhist text, revealing the structure of its conceptual edifice, the specific style of its communication of its message and the ultimate goal of this system. It makes a case for the relevance of this ancient system of thought across various divides. It also makes a case for the relevance of an inclusive metaphysical mystical theory of all human systems of ultimate meaning and confirms work done in this regard by the author while offering a translation of the text, regarded as excellent by peers. The target audience of the book is envisaged as three concentric circles. The centre target consists of scholars in one or more of the fields of Pāli and Buddhist studies, theology, comparative religious studies and philosophy. Secondly, the text is aimed at readers with a wide education and cultural interest but not necessarily trained in any of the fields mentioned above. Thirdly, and more peripherally, the book intends being of value to the general public where inter-religious understanding and dialogue is of great significance on a global scale and of particular relevance to South African society. The author declares that the manuscript is the outcome of original research on his part. He confirms that no part of the book was plagiarised or published elsewhere. , Research Fellow, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa Prof. J.S. Krüger Navorsingregverdigingsverslag Hierdie boek wil ’n bydrae lewer tot die begrip van die vroeë Boeddhisme, spesifiek van die Dhammapada (een van die groot klassieke religieuse geskrifte van die wêreld) in die historiese konteks daarvan, naamlik Indië in die derde tot vyfde eeue VAJ, met ’n unieke taalkundige, religieuse en sosio-kulturele Sitz im Leben. Dit is ook gerig op die hermeneutiek van brug bou oor die historiese gaping van twee en ’n half millennia tussen antieke Indië en die huidige samelewing en op brug bou oor die gapings tussen verskeie kulture (Afrika, die Weste, Indië) en religieë, veral die teïstiese religieë (met name die Christendom) en die Boeddhisme in die huidige samelewing. Die sentrale fokuspunte van hierdie belangstelling is die wesenlike probleem-areas van die bestaan van God en die lewe na die dood. Die boek het ook ten doel ’n verdere toetsing van die moontlikheid van ’n metafisies mistieke model waarmee die outeur al ’n paar dekades lank besig is en ’n verdere verkenning van ’n strategie van vertaling uit klassieke metafisiese en religieuse tekste, in hierdie geval in Afrikaans, wat ’n betreklik nuwe medium op hierdie terrein is, wat unieke uitdagings bied. Wat navorsingsmetodologie betref, het die boek gebruik gemaak van die histories kritiese metode van verklaring van die inhoud van die Dhammapada met verwysing na die konteks daarvan. Dit steun ook op die metode (aan die fenomenologie ontleen) van die verstaan van die subjektiewe intensionaliteitstruktuur van die oorspronklik outeur(s) daarvan, uiteindelik teruggaande op die Boeddha en die metode van tendensionele vertolking, waarvolgens die intensionele struktuur geëkstrapoleer word tot ’n metafisies mistieke model van religieuse ‘vrede’. Laastens behels die boek ’n eerstehandse bestudering van die teks in die oorspronklike taal, sowel as uitgebreide sekondêre literatuur oor die aspekte hierbo. Die boek ontvou die geskiedenis en taal van hierdie Boeddhistiese teks en bring die struktuur van die stel sentrale konseptuele begrippe, die kommunikasiestyl van die boodskap en die uiteindelike doel van die stelsel aan die lig. Dit toon die relevansie van hierdie antieke denkstelsel bo-oor verskeie skeidingsfaktore aan asook die relevansie van ’n insluitende metafisies mistieke teorie van alle stelsels van uiteindelike menslike betekenistoekenning en bevestig die werk wat in hierdie verband deur die skrywer gedoen is. Laastens lewer hierdie boek ’n akademiese bydrae deurdat dit ’n vertaling van die teks bied wat deur eweknieë as uitstekend bestempel word. Die teikenlesers word as drie konsentriese sirkels voorgestel. Eerstens is daar die binne groep wat bestaan uit kenners op een of meer van die terreine van Pāli en Boeddhistiese studies, teologie, vergelykende godsdienswetenskap en filosofie. Tweedens is die boek gerig op lesers met ’n gevorderde opleiding, maar nie noodwendig op die terreine hierbo genoem nie, en met ’n breë kulturele belangstelling en derdens is die boek bedoel as waardevol vir lesers uit die algemene publiek, waar interreligieuse begrip en dialoog van groot belang is op ’n wêreldskaal, asook van besondere relevansie vir die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Die outeur verklaar dat die manuskrip die uitkoms van oorspronklike navorsing deur homself is, en dat geen deel geplagieer of elders gepubliseer is nie. , Navorsingsgenoot, Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit van Pretoria, Suid-Afrika Prof. J.S. Krüger Inhoudsopgawe Lys van Diagramme x Voorwoord xi Outeursbiografie xvii Deel 1 Inleiding 1 Titel 3 Pāli en Pāli-poësie 4 Uitspraak van Pāli-woorde 5 Plek van die Dhammapada in die Pāli-kanon 6 Historiese agtergrond: Ou Indië 8 Sosiale konteks 9 Kosmologiese en mitologiese konteks 10 Siddhattha Gotama Buddha 13 Geskiedenis van Theravāda 17 Aard van die Dhammapada 19 Ontwikkeling van die Dhammapada 20 Vertaling 23 Verklaring, intensionele verstaan, tendensionele vertolking 26 Verklaring 26 Intensionele verstaan 27 Tendensionele vertolking 28 Deel 2 Vertaling, verklaring, verstaan, vertolking 35 Hoofstuk 1: Yamakavagga 37 Pare ( ) Hoofstuk 2: Appamādavagga 52 Agsaamheid ( ) Hoofstuk 3: Cittavagga 63 Gemoed ( ) Hoofstuk 4: Pupphavagga 69 Blomme ( ) vii Inhoudsopgawe Hoofstuk 5: Bālavagga 81 Dwase ( ) Hoofstuk 6: Panditavagga 96 Die wyse ( ) Hoofstuk 7: Arahantavagga 108 Die arahant ( ) Hoofstuk 8: Sahassavagga 115 Duisende ( ) Hoofstuk 9: Pāpavagga 126 Boosheid ( ) Hoofstuk 10: Dandavagga 137 Die knuppel ( ) Hoofstuk 11: Jarāvagga 148 Ouderdom ( ) Hergeboorte 159 Boeddhisme (nibbāna) en Christendom (opstanding) 162 Hoofstuk 12: Attavagga 165 Die self ( ) Hoofstuk 13: Lokavagga 173 Die wêreld ( ) Hoofstuk 14: Buddhavagga 182 Die Verligte ( ) Hoofstuk 15: Sukhavagga 194 Geluk ( ) Hoofstuk 16: Piyavagga 202 Behae ( ) Hoofstuk 17: Kodhavagga 212 Woede ( ) Hoofstuk 18: Malavagga 225 Smette ( ) Hoofstuk 19: Dhammatthavagga 244 In die waarheid staande ( ) Hoofstuk 20: Maggavagga 260 Die pad ( ) Wêreld, mens, God 268 Wêreld 268 Mens 270 God 270 Hoofstuk 21: Pakinnakavagga 282 Allerlei ( ) Hoofstuk 22: Nirayavagga 292 Ondergang ( ) Hoofstuk 23: Nāgavagga 301 Die olifant ( ) Hoofstuk 24: Tanhāvagga 310 Begeerte ( ) Die anatomie van begeerte 310 viii Inhoudsopgawe Hoofstuk 25: Bhikkuvagga 328 Die monnik ( ) Hoofstuk 26: Brāmanavagga 343 Edel mens ( ) Geselekteerde aanbevole literatuur 374 Indeks 377 ix

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