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Die Again, Macready PDF

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"Joe Binney, a private detective who is totally deaf...is a likable sleuth who doesn't need anyone's sympathy as he makes his silent way in a wicked world of love an—d violence." Chicago TribuneBook World A MURDER MYSTERY i i OH LMNGSTOI | ISBN 0-31S-emfll-1 >$13-T5 DieAgain, Macready Joe Binney is deaf, but hell need all his senses to keep himselfalive as the detective prowess he displayed in his stunningdebut A in Piece ofthe Silence is tested again in Die Again, Macready. Binney sets offon a routine case to find Arnold Pelfrey, the business manager of actor William Macready—missing with Macready's quarter of a million dollars. But it quickly becomes anything but rou- tine when Binney finds Pelfrey hanging from a gas pipe in a seedy Times Square hotel, minus the money. That money was Macready's only hope for financial and artistic independence; now that it's gone, the pressure on him to take a part in a TV soap threatensto turn abrilliantactorinto a network puppet. But if Pelfrey stole the money, where is it, and why did he hang himself?Or was Pelfrey brutally murdered by someone out to get Macready? Binneyfacesmoreunansweredquestions after he's beaten and left for dead in that same hotel. And when a charred body is found in Macready's torched apartment, Binney seeks his friend's murderer with a vengeance that rushes this complex and involving tale to its surprising conclusion, demonstrating once again that Jack Liv- ingston is amasterofcharacterand action. BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY DieAgain, Macready DieAgain, Macready JACK LIVINGSTON ST. martin's press NEW YORK The events and characters in this book are totally the products ofthe author's imagination and have no relationship to any persons living or dead. DIE AGAIN, macready. Copyright © 1984 by Jack Livingston. All rights reserved. Printed intheUnited StatesofAmerica. Nopartofthisbookmay be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case ofbriefquotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. Library ofCongress Cataloging in Publication Data Livingston, Jack. Die again, Macready. I. Title. PS3562.I937D5 1984 813'.54 83-17738 ISBN 0-312-20981-9 First Edition 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To my daughters, Laura andJuliet

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