Rodriguésia 61(1): 105-108.2010 Diderma albo~columella (Myxomycetes), a new species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Didermaalbo-columella (Myxomycetes)umanovaespéciedaFlorestaAtlânticabrasileira Andréa Carla CaldasBezerra1'3&LaisedeHolanda Cavalcanti2 Abstract A new species ofDiderma (Physarales, Didymiaceae) was recorded in the Mata Estrela Private Nature Reserve,RioGrandedoNorteState.Itischaracterizedbysessilesporangia,whiteglobosecolumella,capillitium irradiating from the peridium, forming three layers, the middle part strongly calcareous, the outer layer cartilaginous and the inner layer membranous. A key to species ofsessile sporangia Diderma with triple peridium ispresented. Keywords: Didymiaceae,Neotropic, tripleperidium. Resumo UmanovaespéciedeDiderma(Physarales,Didymiaceae)foiregistradanaReservaParticulardoPatrimônio NaturalMataEstrela,estadodoRioGrandedoNorte,caracterizadaporesporângioséssil,columelaglobosa, branca,capilícioirradiandodoperídio,formandotrêscamadas,comapartemedianafortementecalcárea,a parteexternacartilaginosaeainternamembranosa. UmachaveparaespéciesdeDidermacomesporângios sésseiseperídiotriploéapresentada. Palavras-chave: Didymiaceae, Neotrópico, perídio triplo. Introduction Basanta2008). Among the ten Diderma species The gentis Diderma was proposed in 1794 found in Brazil, only D. stellulum has a triple by Persoon, who emphasized the presence of a peridium. double peridium wall. The type species is D. This paper describes a new species of globosumandinthisgenusthereare74currently Diderma with a triple peridium and sessile knownspecies(Hernández-Crespo&Lado2005) sporangiafoundduringasurveyofmyxomycetes distributedindifferentneotropic countries. Few diversity in an Atlantic forest fragment situated species have triple peridium, such as D. inRioGrandedoNorteState,NortheastBrazil.A lohogadense S.D. Patil, R.L. Mishra & Ranade, key to identify sessile Diderma species with D. nigrum Kowalski, D. petalloides Buyck, D. tripleperidiumis alsopresented. peyerimhoffii (Maire & Pinoy) H. Neubert, Nowotny & K. Baumann, D. trevelyanii(Grev.) Material and Methods Fr.,D. maculatumBuyck,D. stellulumM.L. Farr, Sporocarps were collected on an D. subasteroidesM.L. Farr,andD.yucatanensis unidentified dead tree in the Mata Estrela Estrada, Lado & S.L. Stephenson. The last four Reserve, situatedin BaiaFormosamunicipality, were described for the Neotropics (Lado & RioGrandedoNorteState(06°22’10”-06°22’43” 'BolsistaPós-docCNPq,ProgramadePós-GraduaçãoemBiologiadeFungos,CentrodeCiênciasBiológicas(CCB),UniversidadeFederaldePernambuco(UFPE). Av.Prof.MoraesRegos/n,CidadeUniversitária,50670-90,Recife,PE,Brazil 2ProfessorAssociadodoDepto.Botânica,CCB,UFP;PesquisadorCNPq1A. 3Autorparacorrespondência:[email protected] SciELO/ JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .. 0 106 Bezerra, A.C.C. & Cavalcanti, LH. Sand34°58’29”-35°00’28”W, 1.833,12 ha;45m shining, cartilaginous, dehiscence irregular, the alt.). Traditionalherbariummethodswereusedin middle layer calcareous, while, thick, dehiscing collectinganddehydratingspecimens(Farr 1971). simultaneously with the outer layer to which it The material wasobservedthroughthe light closely adheres, the inner layer yellow, microscope(LM)underoilimmersionobjectiveand membranous.Collumelasubglobose, 1/3—1/4ofthe withthescanningelectronmicroscope(SEM). For sporotheca,white,calcareous.Capillitiumabundant, ultramicroscopic studies, the material was with threads radiating from the inner layer ofthe Sporocarps prepared for scanning electron peridium,violetbrown,withhyalincextremitiesand microscopy, were placed on double adhesive short dilatations. Spore-mass dark brown. Spore cellophane tape mounted on a specimen stub and dark to yellowish brown by transmitted light, sputteringwithgold-palladium.Thenomenclature globosetosubglobose, 10.5-13.0pmdiam. followed in this paper is that of Martin & The specific epithet is in reference to Alexopoulos(1969)andMartinetal. (1983). collumelacolor. The new species differs from Diderma Results and Discussion lohogadense. for not having circumscissile Diderma albo-columella A.C.C. Bezerra & L.H. dehiscence and spinulose spores (Mishra & Cavalcanti,sp.nov.Typus:BRAZ1L.RIOGRANDE Ranade 1979); from D. nigrum for not having DO NORTE: Baia Formosa Municipality, Mata brownish to black sporotheca and frequently EstrelaPrivateNatureReserve.Gameleiratrail,25. lacking columella; from D. subasteroides, D. IV.2005, dead wood, A.C.C. Bezerra 45132 petalloidesandD. stellulumfornothavingastalk (holotypeUFP!). Fig. 1-2 andthecharacteristicdehiscence,whichgivesthe Sporocarpiaggregati, sessili, 0.3-0.4mm nameofthespecies(Farr 1971;Buyck 1983);from ex toto alt.; sporotheca discoidea, cremeis, D.peyerimhoffiifornothavingaclavatecolumella p1.eridio eius triplici, medio quidem coriaceo, from which the dark threads of the capillitium calcareo; columella proeminentae, globosis, irradiate, globose to fusiform expansions and alba, calcarea capillitio presis vel peridio spinulate spores; irom D. maculatum (species ; interno; sporis10.5-13.0pmdiam., verrucosis. described for Venezuela) for not having whitish 2.Sporocarps sessile, densely aggregated, peridium, with faint brown spots and the outer brightyell3.owish-brown,hemispheric-depressedto layermembranous,veryfragile(Buyck 1984);and discoid,0.4-0.8x0.3-0.5mmdiam.,0.3-0.4mmalt., fromD.yucatanensis,describedforEcuador(Lado slightly umbilicated above. Hypothallus et al. 2003), for not having stalked sporangia, membranous, bright and continuous, dehiscence capillitiumthreadsattachedtobeigecolumellaand mm irregular. Peridium triple, the outer layer yellow. spores lessthan 10 diam. KeytosessileDidermaspecieswithtripleperidium Subglobose on a narrow base, lower part persistent as a cup; dehiscence capillitium almost black, radiatingfromthecolumella,rarelyanastomosed,withglobosetofusiformexpansions D.peyerimhoffii T. Hemispheric-depressed,discoid,circulartoellipticinoutline,seatedonabroadbase;dehiscenceirregular; capillitiumfiliform,threadsdarkbrownsometimeswithhyalineextremitiesnotradiatingfromthecolumella, anastomosed, without expansions Sporangiumwhitish,withfaintbrownspots,spores9.7-10pmdiam D. maculatum 2’. Sporangiumyellowishbrownordarkbrowntoblack,spores 10-14pmdiam 3 mm Sporangiumdarkbrowntoblack, 1-2 diam.,dehiscencestellate;collumelaoftenabsent,or reduced to a calcareous, yellowish brown or sometimes white mound at the base of the sporotheca D. nigrum mm 3. Sporangiumyellowishbrown,0.4-0.8 diam.,dehiscenceirregular;collumelapresent,globose tohemispherical,grayishwhite D.albo-columela Rodríguésia61(1): 105-108.201 SciELO/ JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .. 0 Diderma albo-columella (Myxomycetes), a new species 107 Figure 1 -Didermaalbo-columellaA.C.C. Bezerra& L.H. Cavalcanti-a. sporocarps sessile, denselyaggregated; b. sporocarpslightlyumbilicatedabove;c. collumelasubglobose;d.capillitiumabundant,withthreadsradiatingfrom theinnerlayeroftheperidium;e-f. capillitiumandspores(Bezerra45132). Figure2-Didermaalbo-columellaA.C.C.Bezerra&L.H.Cavalcanti-a.sporangiaopen,exposingthecolumella; b. arrowshowsthethickwalloftheperidiumandthreadsradiatingfromtheinnerlayer; c. detailsofthetriplewall: limestone; the outerlayer(pe) andthe middle layercalcareous (pm), thick,with the outerlayertowhich itclosely adheres (Bezerra 45132). Rodríguésia61(1): 105-108.201 SciELO/JBRJ 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 108 Bezerra,A.C.C. & Cavalcanti,LH. Acknowledgments botanique national de Belgique/Bulletin van de NationalPlantentuinvanBelgiê54: 131-136. Aline E. Nascimento, of the Núcleo de Farr, M.L. 1971. TwoundescribedMyxomycetesfrom Pesquisas em Ciências Ambientais, Universidade Argentina.Mycologia63:634-639. Católica de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, for the Hemández-Crespo, J.C & Lado, C. 2005. An on-line illustrationsinMEV; PhD. JoseCarmine Dianese nomenclatural information system ofEumycetozoa. fortheLatindiagnosis;RichardBoikeforcorrecting Availablein:<>. the English; staff of the Laboratório de Accesson 18August2009. Myxomycetes(LABMIX)forfieldandlaboratory Lado,C&Basanta,D.W.2008.AreviewofNeotropical assistance; board ofthe Mata Estrela Reserve for Myxomycetes (1828-2008). Anales dei Jardin supportduringthecollectionperiod;theConselho BotânicodeMadrid65: 211-254. Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Lado, C.; Estrada-Torres, A.; Stephenson, S.L.; de Tecnológico (CNPq) for funding; the Botany Basanta,D.W.&Schnittler,M.2003. Biodiversity Department of the Universidade Federal de assessmentofmyxomycetesfromtwotropicalforest reservesinMéxico.FungaiDiversity 12: 67-110. Pernambuco forphysical support. Martin,G.W.&Alexopoulos,C.J. 1969.TheMyxomycetes. UniversityofIowaPress,Iowa. 56lp. References Martin, G.W.; Alexopoulos, C.J. & Farr, M.L. 1983. Buyck, B. 1983. Diderma petaloides Buyck, a new The genera ofMyxomycetes. University ofIowa Myxomycete from Rwanda. Bulletin du Jardin Press, Iowa. 198p. BotaniqueNationaldeBelgique53:294. Mishra, R.L. & Ranade, V.D. 1979. Myxomycetes of Buyck, B. 1984. Diderma maculatum Buyck, a New Maharashtra-II. The genus Diderma Pers. Patrika Myxomycete from Venezuela. Bulletin du Jardin 14: 33-41. Artigorecebidoem 06/10/2009. Aceitoparapublicaçãoem 11/05/2010. Rodríguésia61(1): 105-108.201 SciELO/ JBRJ cm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ..