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Did your ancestors live in Monimail - Letham PDF

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Did your Ancestors live in Monimail? Index of the Parish of Monimail, Fife (448) Censuses 1841 - 1901. Compiled by David Castle-Smith. This is a complete listing of all the people listed in the Censuses which cover the Parish of Monimail, Fife (448) during the years 1841 to 1901. The parish is situated in East Fife directly west of the market town of Cupar. It is a rural area with the main occupations based on the agrarian economy. This is only a representative sample of the people who lived in this area between the years stated, as captured once every ten years and recorded in the Census. In certain circumstances it has been possible to follow individual people through their life by means of the census entries. This is very rare since the rural occupational lifestyle tended to be migratory. I hope that this index will be able to help amateur family historians find any person or particular surname they are interested in. I have always thought of this parish as on the small side but it has provided almost 5,000 individuals and over 500 different surnames. I am sure that any person using this index has previously had problems with names and ages and a variety of other things with their ancestors. I have interpreted the Census records as best I can. I apologise now for any unintentional mistakes which may hinder any research in the future, some of the handwriting of the enumerators leaves a lot to be desired. Instructions for use Examination of the index is very simple provided you start with good information. 1. Check index by surname, then by the christian name you have, this will then provide you with a list of people or one. 2. These entries will then tell you in which census they are present, the position of the entry in enumeration district. 3. An approximate date of birth is also listed but this can often prove unreliable. Example. Aitken, 1. b. 1841C page 48 Alexander 1821 three entries 2. b. 1841C Page 50 1840 1851C 37B 3. b. 1891C 03C 1889 This information tells us (1) Alexander Aitken b. 1821 is present in the 1841 census in an entry on page 48. (2) There is another Alexander Aitken b. 1840 present in both 1841 census on page 50 and in the 1851 census in an entry numbered 37 in the 2nd enumeration division (37B). (3) A third Alexander Aitken b.1889 is present in the 1891 census in an entry numbered 3 in the 3rd enumeration division (03C). Some difficulties to look out for Surnames ex. Heih, Hieh, Heir, appear wrong this could either be my misinterpretation or the enumerator’s attempt at what he thought the person's surname was or what the person thought his surname was. Surnames such as ex. McKay are often listed as Mackay, remember to check for possible alternative spellings. Ages - Wrong age on census, sometimes older unmarried women reducing their age, whilst married women add years on. If there are two or more census entries for a particular person check them all. A quote from James Brodie, Minister of the Parish in 1841 Census " Particulars required in said schedule have been entered correctly with the exception of the ages many of which are LUDICROUSLY ERRONEOUS." Adam – Aitken, Robert Surname Christian Name 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 Birth Adam Isabel 10 1811 Adam James 87B 1829 Adam James 10 1834 Adam Janet 10 1836 Adams Charles 01A 1874 Adams David 36B 1878 Adams Euphemia 01A 1871 Adams Isabel 42 1821 Adams Louise 01A 1873 Adams William 01A 1869 Adamson Arthur 23A 1681 Adamson Elizabeth 25A 1839 Adamson Euphemia 23A 1826 Adamson George 25A 1838 Adamson James 23A 1826 Adamson Jane 23A 1853 Adamson Margaret 23A 1856 Adamson William 23A 1855 Agnew William 26C 1883 Ainslie Helen 01C 1868 Airey Kate 10A 1889 Aitken Agnes 48 1771 Aitken Alexander 48 1821 Aitken Alexander 50 37B 1840 Aitken Alexander 03C 1889 Aitken Annie 03C 1869 Aitken Barbera 50 37B 1839 Aitken Daniel 88A 1853 Aitken David 88A 1855 Aitken Eliza 43 1816 Aitken Euphemia 35 1806 Aitken Isabella 37B 88A 1847 Aitken James 50 37B 88A 1806 Aitken James 37B 1843 Aitken James 03C 1890 Aitken Jean 50 1814 Aitken Jean 50 55B 1837 Aitken Margaret 37B 1817 Aitken Richard 37B 88A 1850 Aitken Robert 37B 1846 Aitken, William – Allan, Janet Surname Christian Name 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 Birth Aitken William 03C 1870 Alexander Ann 13A 1850 Alexander Christina 10B 1890 Alexander David 13A 1854 Alexander Jane 13A 1856 Alexander John 13A 1798 Alexander Lesley 70C 1832 Alexander Louisa 13A 1815 Alexander Maggie 10B 1861 Alexander Mary 22C 1821 Alexander Robert 10B 1861 Alexander William 13A 1852 Alison George 59B 80B 1867 Alison Henry 07 190A 64B 59B 80B 1812 Alison Jane/Jean 07 190A 64B 59B 80B 62B 1839 Alison Margaret 07 190A 64B 1837 Alison Mary 07 190A 64B 59B 80B 1804 Alison Richard 190A 1844 Alison Richard 59B 1862 Allan Alexander 44C 1896 Allan Andrew 35 38B 44A 72C 70C 1813 Allan Annie 28A 1857 Allan Catharine 21A 1826 Allan Catherine 34 1829 Allan Charles 22B 1844 Allan David 44C 1898 Allan Dinah 43A 1837 Allan Eliza 56B 1853 Allan Elizabeth 106A 1791 Allan Elizabeth 22B 58A 36A 71C 1851 Allan Elizabeth 51B 1869 Allan Euphemia 21A 1863 Allan Frederick 34 22B 1841 Allan Isabella 72C 70C 1827 Allan James 34 22B 1801 Allan James 34 22B 1834 Allan James 13C 1866 Allan James 25B 51B 1873 Allan Jane 38B 44A 1813 Allan Janet 34 22B 58A 36A 71C 1803 Allan, Janet S – Anderson, Isabella Surname Christian Name 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 Birth Allan Janet 34 22B 1836 Allan Janet S 13C 33A 1829 Allan Janet S 13C 33A 1861 Allan Jessie 58A 1848 Allan John 21A 1824 Allan John 43A 1827 Allan John 22B 58A 1846 Allan John 21A 1861 Allan John 02A 1881 Allan Julia 51B 1897 Allan Lillias 34 22B 1832 Allan Maggie 13C 1870 Allan Maggie 51B 1895 Allan Margaret 22B 1850 Allan Margaret 19C 1857 Allan Marion 44C 1873 Allan Robert 44C 1875 Allan Robert 44C 1901 Allan Sophie Ann 22B 1848 Allan William 13C 1833 Allan William 21A 1859 Allison Alexander 49A 1827 Allison George 54B 1866 Allison Jane 54B 1839 Allison John 49A 1850 Allison Mary 49A 1826 Ames Jane 20C 1888 Ames Joseph 20C 1869 Ames Joseph 20C 1890 Ames Mary 20C 1868 Amos Helen 50B 1803 Andason Catherine 10 1836 Anderson Agnes 83B 1862 Anderson Alexander 41A 1835 Anderson Christian 193A 1781 Anderson Christian 193A 1817 Anderson Eliza 86A 23C 1812 Anderson Fulton 26C 1882 Anderson Grace 86A 1842 Anderson Isabella 86A 1844 Anderson, Janet – Arnot, Henry Surname Christian Name 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 Birth Anderson Janet 152A 1813 Anderson Jessie 22C 1830 Anderson Jessie 26C 1851 Anderson Jessie 18C 1872 Anderson John 86A 1838 Anderson Justin 86A 1857 Anderson Margaret 23C 1834 Anderson Thomas 193A 1783 Anderson Thomas 86A 23C 1850 Anderson William 152A 1805 Anderson William 86A 23C 1806 Anderson William 152A 1839 Anderson William 86A 23C 1847 Andrews Jessie 45A 1869 Andrews John 22C 55A 1821 Andrews John 14A 34B 1843 Andrews John 34B 1887 Andrews Mary 20C 55A 45A 1820 Andrews Mary S S 34B 1898 Andrews William 20C 1845 Angunt Ann 44 1752 Angus David 04A 1859 Angus Jane 30C 1846 Angus Jane 04A 1863 Angus Jane 04A 1887 Angus Janet 04A 1891 Angus Joseph 04A 1889 Angus William 04A 1886 Archibald Eliza 94B 14B 1844 Archibald Thomas 94B 14B 1828 Armit Betsy 12 159A 09A 27B 14B 1826 Armit Jane 94B 1849 Armit Margaret 13A 1836 Arnot Alexander 31 1836 Arnot Ann 29A 1843 Arnot Elizabeth 31 1812 Arnot Elizabeth 35A 1855 Arnot Henry 06 142A 1791 Arnot Henry 06 35A 46A 1817 Arnot Henry 31 1833 Arnot, Herriot – Austin, Maggie Surname Christian Name 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 Birth Arnot Herriot 35A 1850 Arnot Isabell 31 1840 Arnot Janet 06 142A 1791 Arnot Janet 35A 46A 1819 Arnot Janet 35A 1852 Arnot Mary 46A 1862 Arnot Robert 31 1811 Arnot Robert 31 1838 Arnott Mary 99A 1812 Arthur Catherine 47B 51A 47A 35A 1813 Arthur Jessie 51A 35A 1856 Arthur Mary 51A 28A 1852 Arthur William 47B 51A 47A 35A 24A 28A 1821 Arthur Williamina 24A 1853 Astino Grace 51C 1871 Auchterlonie Agnes 61C 1819 Auchterlonie Agnes 52C 1881 Auchterlonie Alexander 03B 1825 Auchterlonie Annie 04C 1890 Auchterlonie Catherine 50A 1813 Auchterlonie David 24A 1894 Auchterlonie Douglas 61C 1821 Auchterlonie George 03B 1874 Auchterlonie Helen 03B 1869 Auchterlonie Isabella 52C 1852 Auchterlonie James 50A 1849 Auchterlonie James 04C 24A 1865 Auchterlonie James 52C 1879 Auchterlonie James 04C 24A 1891 Auchterlonie Jane 02C 1852 Auchterlonie Jane 04C 24A 1868 Auchterlonie John 52C 1849 Auchterlonie John 52C 1873 Auchterlonie Margaret 52C 1877 Auchterlonie Mary 03B 1827 Auchterlonie Robert 52C 1875 Auchterlonie Thomas 52C 1872 Auchterlonie William 04B 1862 Auchterlonie William 24A 1900 Austin Maggie 01A 1865 Bailey, Elisabeth – Balfour, Elizabeth Surname Christian Name 41 51 61 71 81 91 01 Birth Bailey Elisabeth 22B 1857 Bailey Elisabeth 22B 1882 Bailey Margaret 22B 1891 Bailey Robina 22B 1888 Bailey William 22B 1863 Bailie Andrew 02B 33A 07C 1831 Bailie Cecilia 12B 1832 Bailie Elizabeth 33A 07C 1831 Bailie Elizabeth 33A 1857 Bailie Elspeth 33A 1860 Bailie John 33A 1851 Bailie Margaret 07C 1877 Bailie Marjory 33A 1859 Bailie William 23C 1842 Bain Adam 44A 1888 Bain Alexander 14A 1888 Bain Andrew 44A 1886 Bain John 44A 1892 Bain Margaret 44A 1853 Baird Christina 178A 1832 Baird Mary 178A 60B 44B 65B 1803 Baldie Andrew 27A 1881 Baldie Barbria 27A 1879 Baldie David 27A 1849 Baldie David 27A 1877 Baldie Euphemie 27A 1846 Baldie James 34A 1896 Baldie Janet 34A 1840 Baldie Lizzie 27A 1875 Baldie Margaret 27A 1870 Baldie Robert 59C 1858 Baldie William 34A 1842 Baldy Alexander 41 1837 Baldy Betty 41 1816 Baldy Margaret 41 1839 Baldy Robert 41 1811 Balfour David 21 1776 Balfour David 22 1821 Balfour Elizabeth 22 78A 27C 1781

Did your Ancestors live in Monimail? Index of the Parish of Monimail, Fife (448) Censuses 1841 - 1901. Compiled by David Castle-Smith.
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