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Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities? PDF

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Preview Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities?

Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities? I. Teschke1, C. A. F. Wascher2, M. F. Scriba1,3, A. M. P. von Bayern4,1, V. Huml1, B. Siemers1,† and S. Tebbich5 rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org 1MaxPlanck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen,Germany 2Konrad LorenzForschungsstelle,Corefacility,UniversityofVienna, Gruenau, Austria 3DepartmentofEcologyand Evolution,UniversityofLausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 4DepartmentofZoology, UniversityofOxford, Oxford, UK 5DepartmentofBehavioural Biology,UniversityofVienna, Vienna, Austria Research The use and manufacture of tools have been considered to be cognitively demandingandthusapossibledrivingfactorintheevolutionofintelligence. Cite this article: Teschke I, Wascher CAF, Inthisstudy,wetestedthehypothesisthatenhancedphysicalcognitiveabilities Scriba MF, von Bayern AMP, Huml V, Siemers evolvedinconjunctionwiththeuseoftools,bycomparingtheperformanceof naturallytool-usingandnon-tool-usingspeciesinasuiteofphysicalandgen- B, Tebbich S. 2013 Did tool-use evolve with eral learningtasks. Wepredictedthatthehabituallytool-using species, New enhanced physical cognitive abilities? Phil Caledonian crows and Gala´pagos woodpecker finches, should outperform Trans R Soc B 368: 20120418. theirnon-tool-usingrelatives,thesmalltreefinchesandthecarrioncrowsina http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2012.0418 physicalproblembutnotingenerallearningtasks.Weonlyfoundadivergence inthepredicteddirectionforcorvids.Thatonlyoneofourcomparisonssup- portsthepredictionsunderthishypothesismightbeattributabletodifferent One contribution of 15 to a Theme Issue complexitiesoftool-useinthetwotool-usingspecies.Acriticalevaluationis ‘Tool use as adaptation’. offeredoftheconceptualandmethodologicalproblemsinherentincomparative studiesontool-relatedcognitiveabilities. Subject Areas: behaviour, cognition, evolution 1. Introduction Keywords: Animal tool-use has inspired researchers of comparative cognition for decades. tool-use, comparative cognition, corvids, Muchofthisintereststemsfromtheputativeroleoftool-useintheevolutionof Darwin’s finches humanintelligence.Theideaisthatastoolsgainedimportanceintheecologyof early hominids, selection acted upon cognitive abilities to improve their tool- usingproficiency[1].Inthisscenario,information-processingwashonedinthecon- Author for correspondence: textoftoolmanufactureanduse,butgraduallyledtomorecomplexandgeneral S. Tebbich cognitiveabilities.Alternately,humantool-usemayhaveevolvedasaby-product e-mail: [email protected] ofgeneralizedintelligenceevolvedinanothercontext(e.g.[2]).Thus,itisnotsur- prisingthatmuchcomparativeresearchontool-usetraditionallyrevolvedaround anthropocentric questions, mainly that of whether and to what extent animal tool-useindicatescontinuityinthementalabilitiesofanimalsandhumans. Today,reportsoftool-useinanimalsabound,rangingfrominsectstobirds [3].Animaltool-usevariestremendouslyinitscomplexityandneuronalunder- pinningsandthus,afundamentalrevisionoftheoriginalnotionthattool-useis perseareflectionofintelligencehasbecomenecessary.Nevertheless,thereare stillreasonsnottodiscardtheideaofapotentiallinkbetweenintelligenceand tool-useentirely.Oneistheexistenceofanimaltool-usebearingthehallmarks of ‘sophisticated’ and potentially complex information-processing abilities, †Deceased 23 May 2012. e.g. those instances involving use of multiple tools, sequential tool-use and/ or complex tool modification in the wild. The rarity of sophisticated forms of We dedicate this paper to the memoryof our animaltool-usefurthermoresuggeststhatthereareconstraintsforitsevolution, possibly cognitive abilities and/or neural substrate. Another reason is the friend and colleague, Bjo¨rn Siemers. existence of supporting correlational evidence: for birds, there is a strong relationshipbetweentool-useandbrainsize[4]andtool-useandbrainstructure Electronic supplementary material is available [5],andtool-useandbrainsizearerelatedinprimates[6].Itisthereforeimpor- at http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2012.0418 or tant to investigate the relationship between tool-use and enhanced cognition, via http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org. & 2013TheAuthors.PublishedbytheRoyalSocietyunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original authorandsourcearecredited. but with a focus on identifying the kinds of cognitive tool- have also investigated the tool- related cognitive abilities of 2 related adaptations to expect, and with clear predictions non-tool-using primates[25–27]. ofwheretolookforthem.Twoapproachescouldbeparticu- Adeviationfromthefocusonprimatesoccurredwiththe rstb larlyusefulinguidingustoanswers.Thefirstiscost–benefit discoveryofhighlysophisticatedtool-useinNCCs,involving .ro y analysis:tool-relatedcognitiveadaptationsareexpectedonly use of multiple tools to extract arthropods from various sub- als o wheretool-useisunderstrongselection.Furthermore,itmay strates and complex tool manufacture in the wild (reviewed c ie helptogeneratehypothesesthatcanexplainwhyaparticular in [28,29]). In the laboratory, they appropriately select and ty p u species evolved tool-use, whereas a closely related species modifytoolsforagiventask[30,31],displayelementsofplan- b lis did not. Second, once hypotheses about the relationship of ning in meta-tool tasks [32,33] and are able to develop h in tool-use and cognitive traits have been formulated, compar- spontaneous solutions to novel technical problems using g.o ing cognitive performance between closely and distantly novelmaterialsinnovelways[34,35].Untilrecently,thetool- rg related species is essential to test them. In elaborating related cognition of NCCs was considered unique among P h upon the significance of each of these approaches, we will corvids. However in 2009, rooks (Corvus frugilegus), a non- il T be focusing on the context in which most tool-use occurs, tool-using corvid species, were found to perform similarlyto ra n s namelyforaging. NCCsinseveralcognitivetool-relatedtasks[36].Thissuggests R thatthespecialcognitiveabilitiesofNCCsmayhaveevolved So c inanothercontextprecedingtheevolutionoftool-use[2]. B 3 (a) The cost and benefits of tool-use and their The findings of Emery & Bird [36] remind us of the 6 8 : importance of a rigorous comparative programme to deter- 2 link to evolution 0 1 mine whether there is a general pattern of association 2 0 Themainbenefitoftool-useinforagingmaybeanincreasein between an adaptive cognitive specialization and tool-use. 41 8 quantityorqualityofpreythatisinaccessiblewithouttools[7]. This should not only entail comparisons between distantly Unfortunately, quantitative data on the nutritional benefit of related tool-users, but also between closely related tool- tool-use are scarce [7–12]. At least for some species, it has users and non-tool-users. Thereby, repeated appearance of been shown that tool-use is more costly than conventional thecognitivetraitinquestiononlyintool-usersinphylogen- foragingtechniquesintermsoftime[8,9].Thecostsoflearning etically independent species pairs would be strong evidence andtheexpenditureofcognitiveresourcesinvolvedintool-use foracognitiveadaptation[37]. anditsdevelopmentaremoredifficulttopindown.Learning tousetoolsduringontogenyhasbeenshowntobeasubstan- tial investment at least for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes, [13,14]) and New Caledonian crows (NCCs; Corvus mondelu- 2. Our study: test of tool-related physical doides: [15–17]). Other factors and constraints that could cognition in corvids influence the evolution of tool-use are for instance the avail- ability of tool-materials, morphology, behavioural and Over the past 5 years, we have applied the comparative cognitive traits such as sociality and motivation to play and method, as described earlier, to two species pairsto investi- interact with objects, neural substrate and related energetic gate the question of whether the use of tools evolved in costs [18,19]. Such limiting factors could operate to constrain conjunction with enhanced and specialized physical cogni- or enable the evolution of tool-use at various stages, such as tive abilities. Previously, we compared general learning and during its invention, its diffusion through the population physical cognitive abilities in the WPF and a closely related anditsmaintenanceinapopulation. non-tool-using species, the STF. WPFs habitually use twigs The interplay between costs, benefits and limiting factors or cactus spines to extract arthropods from crevices and can be exemplified by a comparison of the tool-using wood- showsimplemodificationofthesetoolssuchtoolshortening pecker finches (WPFs Cactospiza pallida) and the small tree or breaking of sidetwigs [8]. finch(STF;Camarhynchusparvulus),asympatricnon-tool-using We predicted that if tool-use evolved with enhanced speciesthatiscloselyrelatedtotheWPF.Thoughtheyareboth specialized cognitive abilities, WPFs should outperform STFs extractiveforagers,theWPFismorespecializedonextracting in physical tasks but not necessarily in the general learning concealed prey from a substrate. Its straight beak is not only tasks. Contrary to expectation, the STFs performed similarly ideal for pecking at the substrate, but also well-suited for or better than WPFs in one of the general learning tasks and manipulating tools and may allow better vision at the beak most of the physical tasks [38,39]. Thus, the study yielded tip [20]. Similarly, other characteristics related to extractive noevidencethatWPFshaveenhancedphysicalcognition. foraging such as perseverance and high levels of neophilia The aim of this study was to provide highly comparable might have increasedthelikelihood for the evolution oftool- data from a new tool-using/non-tool-using species pair from useinthisspecies.Tosummarize,slightdifferencesinecology a distantly related group using the methods which had been and morphology can significantly influence the cost–benefit applied in the preceding Darwin’s finch study. This allows a ratio and the effect of constraining factors, thus indirectly more complete assessment of the hypothesis that tool-use influencingtheevolutionarytrajectoryoftool-use. mightgenerallybeassociatedwithadaptivecognitivespecializ- ationsinthephysicaldomain.Usingtheparadigmspreviously establishedwithDarwin’sfinches,wetestedphysicalcognition (b) The comparative approach and general learning abilities in tool-using NCCs and a non- Traditionally,therehasbeenastrongfocusoftool-usestudies tool-using species, the carrion crow (Corvus corone). To our on comparing tool-related complex cognition (e.g. causal knowledge, ours is the only study to rigorously apply the understanding) between humans and various primates comparative method to interspecific comparisons of closely (reviewed in [21–24]) though a small number of studies relatedtool-using/non-tool-usingspeciespairsintwodistantly related groups and using identical learning paradigms to test 3 (a) allthespeciesinvolved. rstb (a) Methods .ro y a ls (i) Study locations, subjects and housing o c ie AllNCCsandonehoodedcrow(Corvuscornix)weretestedat ty p u the Avian Cognition Research Station (ACRS) hosted by the b lis Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (MPIO), Seewiesen, h in Germany from March to November 2011. All carrion and g.o the remaining hooded crows were tested at the Konrad rg (b) (c) (d) (e) Lorenz Research Station (KLF) in Gru¨nau, Austria from P h June to August 2011 and at the MPIO in June 2009 and il T November 2009–May 2010. The test for neophilia (see ra n s below) was conducted in 2012 at the ACRS and KLF, and R the NCCs were not the same as the ones tested in the other So c tasks(see theelectronic supplementary material, table S1). B 3 Thedatafromtwohoodedcrowswereincludedinthecar- 6 8 : rion crow dataset as these closely related species have been 2 10cm 01 onlyrecentlysplitintotwoseparatespeciesandsharesimilar 2 0 ecology and morphology [40]. Although the hooded crows Figure1.(a)Thecanetaskapparatuswithcanesandrewardsarrangedasinthe 41 8 are treated as carrion crows for the statistical analysis, these initialtestcondition.Panels(b)–(e)transfertasks1–4.Adaptedfrom[38,39]. individuals have been made distinguishable from the carrion crows in the graphs. Furthermore, some WPFs do not use subject met criterion (see general experimental procedure), tools (detailed explanation in the methods of the electronic the colour-reward contingency was reversed in the reversal supplementary material, see also [38]). The WPF dataset is phase. Subjects were given a maximum of 140 trials in each thereforecomprisedtool-usingandnon-tool-usingindividuals, phase. Eight NCCs, seven carrion crows, one hooded crow andthisdistinctionistakenintoaccountintheanalysis.Asum- and16WPFsweretestedinthisexperiment. mary clarifying the orderof experiments, theparticipation of each bird in each experiment as well as rearing history is (iv) Experiment 3: the novel box-opening task giveninthemethodssectionandtheelectronicsupplementary Theapparatuswasaboxmadeofopaque,whitePerspexwith material,tableS1.Furtherdetailsconcerningrearingexperience a transparent lid (box: width¼15(cid:2)depth¼12(cid:2)height¼ and housing are also in the methods section of the electronic 12cm; lid overlaps edge at front by 3cm). The lid was supplementarymaterial. hinged to the backedge of the box and overlapped the front edgeofthebox.Theboxcouldbeopenedbypushingthepro- (ii) Experiment 1: the cane task truding lip of the lid upwards. Before testing, birds were Thisexperimentinvolvedfoodretrievalcontingentonmaking habituated to the box by feeding from it once while it was achoicebetweentwocanes,onlyoneofwhichcouldretrieve open. Subjects were given six sessions of 25min, receiving thereward.Ineachcondition,onefoodrewardwasinsidethe uptothreesessionsperday.Abirdwassuccessfulandtesting hooked portion of the cane and one outside of it (with the was ended when it opened the box and ate the reward. If a exception of transfer task 4 in which both rewards were birddidnotmakephysicalcontactwiththeboxduringases- inside the hooked portion of both canes; figure 1). Eight sion, it was re-habituated to the box as described above and NCCs, five carrion crows, two hooded crows and 12 WPFs thesessionwasrepeated.Abirdwasgivenuptotwoextrases- participatedinthisexperiment. sions upon failing to make contact with the box in any one Transfertasks.Thosesubjectsthatsolvedtheinitialversion session. Eight NCCs, seven carrion crows and two hooded of the task by reaching the set learning criterion (see below) crows were tested in this study. Additionally, we compare withinamaximumof180trialswerethentestedinfourfurther theNCCdatatothatof18WPFswhichweretestedforapre- variationsoftheinitialtask(transfertasks,figure1b–e),where viousstudy[38].The‘totallengthoftesting’(s)and‘success’ theyreceivedamaximumof20trialsineach. (opening box and gaining access to the food reward) were themeasurementstakenforcomparison. (iii) Experiment 2: the reversal task (v) General experimental procedure Theapparatusconsistedoftwofeederscoveredwithcoloured lids (orange and blue) that were mounted 30cm apart on a Experiments were conducted in the home aviaries of the grey Perspex base (50(cid:2)50cm). In each trial, a reward was birds, and food was removed from their aviaries approxi- placedinoneofthefeeders,thelidswereplacedonthefeeders mately 2h before testing. The apparatus was baited out of and birds were then allowed to remove one of the two lids. sight of the subject, and for each trial, placed onto the A transparent Perspex divider prevented the birds from experimental table or experimental area within the home removing the lid of both feeders. The experiment consisted aviary. The experimenter then left and observed the trial of two phases: an initial ‘acquisition phase’ and a ‘reversal viacamcorder. phase’. In the acquisition phase, only one colour was the Experiments 1–2 were two-choice learning experiments rewarded (Sþ) stimulus. Half of the birds started with involving the same basic procedure. These tasks were con- orange as Sþ and the other half with blue as Sþ. Once a ducted in blocks of 10 trials. In each trial, the subject was given 5min to choose between two options for which the Second, we measured the latency to approach the cane 4 correct side was pseudorandomized and counterbalanced apparatus and also to touch the cane averaged over the first rightandleft.Someslightmodificationstotheoriginaltesting 50 trials for each individual (details in the electronic sup- rstb conditionsandtestingregimewithWPFsweremadewiththe plementary material). While strictly speaking, these do not .ro y corvids(seetheelectronicsupplementarymaterial,methods). provide measures of novelty reaction, they do however pro- als o Learningcriterion.Tomeetthesuccesscriterion,abirdhad vide a way of comparing the motivation with which these c ie to make 15 or more correct choices within two consecutive animals interacted with the cane apparatus. We deemed this ty p u blocksof10trials.Specifically,thenumberofcorrectresponses important as carrion crows are known to be neophobic, b lis inoneofthetwoblockshadtobeatleastsevenconsecutively when approaching novel food [44] and differences in motiv- h in correct and in the other at least eight or in one block all ation could potentially explain differences in cane task g.o 10 correct. This criterion was derived using a Monte Carlo performance. These measures were scored from videos by rg simulation (details in [41]). Some subjects developed a pos- M.F.S.Intrialswherethebirdsdidnotapproachtheapparatus P h itional bias, which we defined as six consecutive choices of at all in 5min, birds were given a ceiling value, which was il T one side, probably owing to intermittent reinforcement. derived byadding 1 to the maximum time in each category. ra n s When this happened, we applied a side bias correction pro- The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare apparatus R cedure (‘correction trials’, see the electronic supplementary approachandcanetouchlatenciesbetweenthespecies. So c material,methodsfordetails). B 3 (b) Results 68 : (vi) Statistical analysis (i) Experiment 1: the cane task 201 2 Fisher’s exact test was used to test for species differences in 0 Neither the five carrion crows nor the two hooded crows 4 1 the proportion of individuals to meet the success criterion. 8 were able to solve the initial task, while five of the eight We also compared learning speed and success probabi- NCCs and eight of the 12 WPFs met the learning criterion lity between NCCs and carrion crows/hooded crows and inthisphase.TheproportionofNCCsandWPFstoreachcri- between NCCs and WPFs in the initial phases of the cane terion in the initial task did not differ significantly (Fisher’s task and for both phases of the reversal task using general- exact test: p¼1). However, proportionally more NCCs than ized linear mixed models, specifying logistic regression carrion crows solved the initial task (Fisher’s exact test, p¼ withbinomialerrors(GLMM,[42]).Foreachspeciescompari- 0.026). The disparity in learning performance in the initial son,aseparatemodelwasconstructedfortheinitialphaseof task between NCCs and carrion crows was further reflected thecanetaskandforbothphasesofthereversaltask.Priorto in the significant difference in the speed with which they fittingthemodel,wez-transformedtrialnumbertoameanof improved in this task (corvid model: species(cid:2)trial: x2¼ 1 0andastandarddeviationof1,andsidebiascorrectiontrials 4.13,p¼0.042;figure2). wereremovedfromalldatasets.Fulldetailsofthemodelling NCCs and WPFs did not differ significantly in their process and the full model results can be found in the learning speed of the initial task (tool-user model: species(cid:2) methods and results sections, electronic supplementary trial: x2¼0.001, p¼0.973; figure 2) nor did they differ in 1 material, tables S2–S4. their overall success probability (tool-user model: species: Each statistical comparison between NCCs and WPFs x2¼2.21, p¼0.137; figure 2). Nevertheless, they generally 1 was conducted once only with tool-using WPFs and once learnedoverthecourseoftrials(tool-usermodel:trial:z¼4.98, withallWPFspooled(detailsintheelectronicsupplementary p,0.001;figure2). material,methods).Sincetheconclusionsalwaysremainedthe Transferperformance.The fiveNCCsand eightWPFsthat sameregardlessofwhichWPFgroupingwasused,wereport successfully solved the initial task were subsequently tested onlyresultsforthecomparisonofNCCswithpooledWPFs. in four transfer tasks. Only one WPF and no NCCs met Allstatisticswere conductedwith R v. 2.15.1[43]. criterion in the first transfer task. Two NCCs and one tool- using WPF met criterion in the second transfer task. As we (vii) Comparison of novelty reactions and motivation between foundpreviously,performancewasbestinthethirdtransfer corvid species task where three NCCs and six WPFs met criterion. No individuals solvedthe fourthtransfer task. Novelty reactions between carrion crows and NCCs were To furtherassesstransfer differences between NCCs and assessed intwo differentways. WPFs, we pooled data from the first two transfer tasks for First, we presented individuals with a novel object each bird and calculated the proportion of trials in which (greendog-toyball,electronicsupplementarymaterial,figure birdsmade acorrect choiceto thetotal trials received in the S1) and measured latency to first contact. Birds received one first two sessions. We used only datafrom the first two ses- 10min session per day during which they were separated sions of each transfer, because the sample size of NCCs fromotherbirds.Iftheydidnotapproachtheobjectwithina declined to four after the second transfer task since one session, the novel object was removed and the individual subjectfellill.Therewasnosignificantdifferenceintransfer receivedanothersessionthenextday.Thetestendedafterthe performance between NCCs (median proportional correct¼ sessioninwhichthebirdsfirsttouchedtheobjectorafter13ses- 1.58, range¼1.21–1.74) and WPFs (median¼1.79, range¼ sions,ifindividualsdidnotapproachbefore.Eachbirdreceived 1.53–2.22) according to this measure (Mann–Whitney a value calculated by adding the total session time until it U-test: N ¼5, N ¼8; U¼9; p¼0.124). touched the object for the first time. Birdsthat did not touch NCC WPF theballwithin13sessionsreceivedaceilingvaluewhichwas (ii) Experiment 2: the reversal task calculated by adding one to the highest latency to touch the ball among the other crows. The Mann–Whitney U-test was All individuals met the learning criterion during the acqui- usedtocompareballtouchlatenciesbetweenthespecies. sition phase and also in the reversal phase, with the reversal task 5 (a) acquisition phase (b) reversal phase (c) cane task rstb bility 1 .royalso ba cie pro typ success 0 CC CC CC ublishing.o rg 1 y P bilit hilT proba ransR cess Soc c B su 0 NCC NCC NCC 36 8 : 2 0 1 1 bility 20418 a b o pr s s e c c su 0 WPF WPF WPF 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 50 100 150 trial number trial number trial number Figure 2. Logistic regression models of success probabilityacrosstrial number for two-choice learning tasks. (a) Acquisition phase and (b) reversal phase in the reversaltask,(c)thecanetask.Eachrowreferstooneofthethreetestgroups(CC,carrioncrows;NCC,NewCaledoniancrows;WPF,woodpeckerfinches.Pointsrefer totheproportionofcorrecttrialsperblockof10trialsforeachindividual.Dataandmodelsfromthehoodedcrows,asubgroupofthecarrioncrows,aredenotedby dashed lines and solid black points. Graphs from WPFs were adapted from [38]. exceptionofonecarrioncrow,twoNCCsandoneWPFinthe andNCCs(Fischer’sexacttest,p¼1),norwasthereasignifi- reversalphase.NCCsandcarrioncrowsdidnotdifferintheir cant difference in proportional success between NCCs and speedof learningeitherintheacquisitionphase (acquisition WPFs(Fisher’s exact test, p¼0.673). phase model: group(cid:2)trial number: x2¼0.02, p¼0.882; Comparisonlatencytosuccess.Whenthelength(inseconds) 1 figure 2) or in the reversal phase (reversal phase model: of all sessions was summed for each individual and species species(cid:2)trial number: x2¼0.14, p¼0.711; figure 2) comparisons conducted, we found no significant differences 1 although individuals clearly improvedinboth phases of the either between NCCs (median¼6269s, range¼82–9000) task (acquisition phase-corvid model: trial number: z¼6.52, andcarrioncrows(median¼1740s,range¼34–9000;Mann– p,0.0001; reversal phase model: trial number: z¼6.92, Whitney U-test: N ¼9, N ¼8, U¼30.5, p¼0.623) or CC NCC p,0.0001; figure 2). Overall success probability also did between WPFs (median¼9000s, range¼50–9000) and not differ between these species in the acquisition phase NCCs (Mann–Whitney U-test: N ¼18, N ¼8, U¼55, WPF NCC (species: x2¼0.17, p¼0.682; figure 2) and in the reversal p¼0.327). 1 phase(species:x2¼0.76,p¼0.383;figure2). 1 In the acquisitionphase, WPFs were significantly faster in (iv) Comparison of novelty reactions and motivation between their learning speed than NCCs (acquisition phase model: species(cid:2)trial number:x2¼10.08,p¼0.001;figure2)butnot corvid species 1 in the reversal phase (reversal phase model: species(cid:2)trial Therewasnoevidenceofasignificantspeciesdifferenceeither number:x2¼0.001,p¼0.974; figure 2).Therewas no species inthemedianmeantimestoapproachthecaneapparatus(car- 1 difference in overall success probability in the reversal phase rion crows: median approach time¼6.16s, range¼4.68– (reversalphasemodel:species:x2¼0.0005,p¼0.982;figure2) 48.48; NCCs: median¼6.75s, range¼2.12 –21.98; Mann– 1 though individuals clearly improved over trials in this phase Whitney U-test: N ¼7, N ¼8, U¼18, p¼0.281) or in CC NCC (reversalphasemodel:z¼8.53,p,0.001;figure2). the median mean times to touch the cane (carrion crows: median cane touch time¼8.92s, range¼6.74–61.20; NCCs: median¼8.79s, range¼4.42 –25.78; Mann–Whitney U-test: (iii) Experiment 3: the novel box-opening task N ¼7,N ¼8,U¼19,p¼0.336)duringthefirst50trials. CC NCC Five NCCs, eight WPFs and six carrion crows successfully There was no significant difference between NCCs solved the task within six sessions. Therewas no significant (median latency¼7475s, range¼328–7475) and carrion difference in proportional success between carrion crows crows (median latency¼3152s, range¼4–7474) in the latency with which they touched the ball (Mann–Whitney species,havingonlypresentedonetestofphysicalcognition. 6 U-test: N ¼7, N ¼8, U¼12,p¼0.068). Finally, the lack of identical rearing conditions between CC NCC groups is a common problem with long-lived and unusual rstb species that require significant funds to raise and maintain. .ro (c) Discussion and main conclusions from our study y These problems are linked to some of the more universal als o Our previous study [38] did not confirm the presence of challenges confronting researchers incomparativecognition. c ie enhancedphysicalcognitiveabilitiesintheWPF,whencom- In the following, we address some potential solutions for ty p u paredwithacloselyrelatednon-tool-usingspecies.However, these challenges and touch upon our suggestions for future b lis in line with the prediction that tool-use evolved with researchon tool-related cognition. h in enhanced physical cognitive abilities, this study found that g.o NCCs outperformed carrion crows in the cane task, but not rg in two general learning tasks. This difference in corvids but 3. Outlook P h not Darwin’s finches matches the expectation that sophisti- il T cated cognitive tool-related adaptations should be found in (a) Troubleshooting the physical cognitive adaptive ra n s species with sophisticated tool-use, as NCCs substantially R exceed WPFs in tool diversity and the complexity of tool specialization hypothesis: getting ahead of So c manufacture(reviewedin [28]). ourselves? B 3 The difference in NCC and carrion crow performance 6 Theecologicalapproachinunderstandingadaptivebehaviour 8: cannotbeexplainedbydifferentlevelsofneophobiaormotiv- 2 andunderlyingcognitivemechanismsisaniterativeprocessof 01 ation,becausewefoundnosignificantdifferenceineitherofour 2 investigation, synthesizing hypotheses and predictions both 04 twomeasuresbetweenthetwospecies,butitmightbeattribu- 1 from the functional and mechanistic perspective. A classic 8 tabletotheunaccustomedcognitiveloadthatthemanipulation example of this process has been described in detail by ofatoolimposedonthenon-tool-usingspecies[45]. Smuldersetal.[51]forfoodcaching.Differencesinbrainmor- However, there are several reasons to treat the results phology between caching and non-caching species and with caution. One is that the comparison groups of corvids seasonallyvaryingbrainmorphology inseveral food-caching did not share identical rearing conditions: most of the speciesfromparidstocorvidshavebeencentralfindingsfuel- NCCs were wild-caught, whereas all of the carrion crows ling the cognitive adaptive specialization hypothesis for food werehand-raised.Althoughthiscouldhavehadasubstantial storers(reviewedin[52]).Inthefood-cachingparadigms,eco- effectontheresults,itisdifficulttopredictexactlyinwhich logical knowledge not only helped to point to memory as a direction. Another reason is that none of the carrion crows likely solution to the problem which food hoarders face in reached the learning criterion in the cane task and, thus, thewild,butlaterithelpedtorefinethehypothesistofitvar- the performance of this large-brained corvid was worse iousecologicalcircumstancesoffoodhoardinganimals.More than that of the STFs. This is surprising, especially given specifically,therealizationthatonlyasubgroupoffoodhoar- the excellent performance of other non-tool-using corvids, dersneedtoremembercachelocationsforalongperiodlead suchas rooksinphysical tasks[36,46]. totheproposalthatonlythesespeciesshouldhaveaduration Also,thecomparisonoflarge-brainedcorvidsanddistantly ofspatialmemorylongerthanthatofotherspecies.Thus,the relatedWPFsdidnotexposeasignificantdifferenceinphysical spatial memory hypothesis for food hoarding comes from taskperformancebetweenthesetool-usingspecieseitherinthe knowledge of the function of food hoarding in animals and initialcanetaskorinthecanetransfertaskperformance.The isinformedbythedetailsofecology. lackofadifferenceinthecanetransfertasksisverysurprising Inthecase oftool-use,therehasbeen adisproportionate giventheperformanceofNCCsinothertasksthatindicateat focus on human-like complex cognitive mechanisms like leastsomesensitivitytophysicalrulesandtransfertosimilar causal understanding that may be involved in animal tool- problems [35,47,48]. One way of understanding these results use. However, gradual improvements through associative is that NCCs may simply use simple perceptional cues in processes (i.e. associative learning of spatial relationships, some situations but not in others [23,49]. Also, perhaps the attention towards relevant cues) could improve efficiency of cane task poses a problem that is irrelevant to these species’ flexible and context-specific tool-use just as well as complex natural tool-use, and thus imposes anunanticipated measure mechanisms and thus should be included in predictions. ofdifficultyonbothspecies.Finally,itmaybethattheperform- Also,recentdatasuggestthattheunderlyingcognitivemech- ance of NCCs, who usually engage in sophisticated tool-use, anisms of even supposedly sophisticated tool-users such as maysomehowbeimpairedwhenforcedtoengageinartificial chimpanzees and NCCs are a mixture of complex and tasksinvolvingchoicesbetweentwooptions[50]orinvolving simple mechanisms and those in between [23]. We suggest restricted object manipulation as necessitated by the cane thatfuturestudiesputlessweightondistinguishingbetween task. For future studies, we suggest inclusion of two groups complex and simple cognition in tool-use and that they are of tool-users: one which uses freely manipulable tools and carefultorootpredictionsabouttool-relatedcognitivemech- onewhichusesthepre-insertedtools.Wefurtherrecommend, anismsindetailedexaminationofthetoolproblemsfacedby wherepossible,theavoidanceofbinarychoicetasks. animalsin their natural context. Ourdataonthephysicalcognitiveadaptivespecialization hypothesis are subject to some of the criticisms shared by manystudiesofcomparativecognition.Foronething,cogni- (b) Roadmap for future comparative studies of tool-use tive characteristics other than the one of interest could have and cognition been taxed by the tasks, leading to a pattern that does not fitourprediction.Wealsomayhavemissedthecrucialsub- Asweseeit,therearecurrentlytwomainapproachestotake category of physical cognition that differs between the inadvancingourunderstandingofthecognitivemechanisms underlyingtool-relatedcognition.Oneistorefinehypotheses, robustnessofanobservedpattern.Anotherhugechallengeof 7 whereastheotheristorefinemethodology. comparativecognitionisthatweoftenareunawareofthefull suite of cognitive mechanisms influencing performance in a rstb (i) Using knowledge of tool-use in a natural context to refine giventask.Consequently,weareoftennotclearabouttheques- .ro y hypotheses tions posed, an issue which is compounded in multi-species als o comparisons.Ideally,taskdesignsshouldaccountforthediffer- c NCCs exemplify how knowledge of ecologyand natural his- entspecies‘non-focal’cognitivetraits,thatis,thosetraitswhich iety p tory has been useful in suggesting areas of cognition for u arenotatthefocusofanexperiment,butcanneverthelesshavea b experimental investigation. For example, geographical vari- lis strong,sometimescentralinfluenceontaskperformance,such h ation in NCC tools has been touted as suggestive of in cumulative cultural evolution [53]. Along with other field adsiffaetrteenncteiosni,nmpoetrivceaptitoionnan[5d7,5te8m].pAeragmoeondt ebxuatmaplsloe ospfecthieiss g.org studiesthathavedemonstratedtheexistenceofampleoppor- approach is the study of Chappell et al. [59] that presents a P tunities for social transmission of information in this species, h detailedanalysisoftherelationshipbetweenperseveranceand il thissuggeststhatitmaybepromisingtolookatsociallearning impulsivity on innovation in tool-use problems with human Tra n in NCCs [53]. Furthermore, the observation that NCCs use s children.Onesolutionistodeveloptaskbatteriesthatinclude R barbed pandanus tools in the appropriate orientation in the tests of such general psychological variables in addition to So wild (in order to be functional the tool must be held such c those specifically probing only the cognitive trait(s) of focal B that the hooks on the barbed edge face backwards from the 3 interest [58,60].Here,itisimportantto‘findtherightitemsto 6 8 tool tip) lead researchers to question the cognition involved : test’byrootingpredictionsinspeciesecologyandobservation 2 0 in this behaviour [54]. One explanation put forth was that 1 andthetasksmustberevisedasnecessary.Thereisonemajor 2 NCCs might have a human-like underlying understanding 04 conundruminherentinthetaskbatteryapproachformultiple 1 ofthephysicalpropertiesofhooks,leadingtoanunderstand- 8 species(andalsomoregenerallyincomparativecognition):in ing of the functional features of the tool. Another is that the order to yield comparable data, tasks must be standardized, behaviour might also be the result of simple associative yet some species-specific task modifications are a ‘necessary mechanisms—possibly trial and error learning. Subsequent evil’toincreaseecologicalvalidityandthelikelihoodthateach experimental investigation with wild-living crows or those speciesisbeingaskedthesamequestion.Thecruxofthepro- held briefly in captivity showed limited attendance of the blem is that we often do not know in advance what the crows to the functional orientation of the barbs and also cognitive, motor and perceptual disparities between species that when tools are dropped and/or picked up in the non- areandhowtheywillinfluencetaskperformance.Dangerlies functional orientation, repositioning arises from simple in succumbing to the temptation of ‘quick and dirty’ exper- associative strategies. In conclusion, the authors state their iments that simply apply pre-existing paradigms to new view that correct functional tool orientation in the wild may specieswithoutsufficientthoughtdevotedtotailoringthepro- simplybetheoutcomeofapplyingthecorrectproceduralrules blem to the species at hand [61]. Intimate knowledge of a ofpandanustoolmanufacture([54],butseealso[55]).Thisisa speciesthroughcarefulobservationbothinthefieldandinthe laudableexampleofanobservationfromthewildthatwasrig- laboratory is the best help in designing comparable studies orouslytestedusingsemi-wildexperimentsthatweredevised and ecologically valid paradigms. In combination with an to differentiate between the so-called high-level and low-level improvedunderstandingofanimal’soverallpsychologicalpro- underlying cognitive abilities. Its results clearly illustrate that files (i.e. motivation, temperament, motor and perceptual whatseemscomplexisnotnecessarilyso.Otherobservational abilities,etc.),ausefulframeworkinspiredbyArtificialIntelli- fieldstudiesonbeardedcapuchinmonkeys(Sapajuslibidinosus) gence could help to decompose demands of cognitive tasks andchimpanzeesinspiredthehypothesisthatenduringartefacts into their component parts [62]. This would help clarify the playanimportantroleforsomenonhumanspeciesinlearningto natureoftheproblem,takingintoaccounttheinformationavail- usetoolsbysupportingpersistentpractice[56].Tosummarize, abletotheanimalsandpossibleproblemsolutions. detailed knowledge of the behaviour from wild populations One further issue we faced in this study is the interpret- willhelptoidentifythetypeoftheproblemsthatanimalsare ation of failure. Should we accept the null hypothesis that facedwithinnatureandthusgeneratemoreaccuratehypotheses carrion crows simply do not have enhanced physical cogni- concerning the underlying mechanisms of their behaviour. tion? Our comparative results suggest that this may not be Thereby,itisessentialtoadheretotheprincipleofparsimony justified and that further testing is needed to understand andpresumethelowestdenominatorofcognitivemechanisms these results. Seed et al. [63] recently reviewed this topic in requiredforsolvingtheproblem.Improvedknowledgeofecol- detailandsuggestthatunderstandingfailurescanbeachieved, ogyandtool-useinanaturalcontextwillhelptoformulatemore for example, by deconstructing a task and lowering task precise andappropriate predictions concerning which specific demands while asking the same question and by testing the cognitivemechanismsmightbelinkedtotool-use. species in several different analogous tasks [64]. Another waytounderstandfailuresistolookatwhetherthedifference (ii) Improving methods betweenindividualsthatpassand fail canbecorrelated with Notonlydoweneedmorebackgroundinformationonspecies’ variationinanotherpsychologicaltrait[63].Theseapproaches natural behaviour to inform predictions, but we could also mightbefruitfulinfutureattemptstounderstandourresults. benefit greatly from improvements in methodology. Much To conclude, in the field of comparative cognition, con- wouldbegainedifmorestudiesadoptedarigorouscompara- siderableprogresshasbeenmadebyadoptinganintegrative tive approach with interspecific comparison between at least approachinunderstandinganimalcognition[65].Theprocess onetool-usingandonenon-tool-usingspecies,usingthesame of the ecological approach is nonlinear, oscillating bet- or at least a comparable methodology. Including more non- weenpredictionsgeneratedfromfunctionalandmechanistic tool-using species in the comparison will furthermore ensure knowledge of a behaviour. Thus, an understanding of the relationshipsbetweencognitionandbehaviourrequirescon- non-animal experiments in accordance with the Austrian Animal 8 sideration of both ultimate and proximate standpoints. The Experiments Act (§ 2. Federal Law Gazette No. 501/1989) and no best approach to choose at a given time is determined by lainceimncaelwcaarserteaqkuerir,eedn.sEuxrpinegrimnoenatnsiwmearlescwonedreuchtaerdmbeydanbyextpheerieexnpceerd- rstb commonsense.However,theecologicalcontextofbehaviour imental procedure. All individuals participated and entered the .ro y must always be kept in mind, especially during laboratory experimentalcompartmentsvoluntarily.Focalindividualswereres- als o studiesofmechanism. cued from the wild when taken out of the nest at a young age by c ie unfavourableweatherconditions.Individualswereheldincaptivity ty Permissiontoconductexperimentswiththewoodpeckerfincheswas at theKLF(licenceAT00009917) before andaftercompletionofthe pu b granted by the Gala´pagos National Park and the Charles Darwin presentstudy. lis research station (Project PC-16-07, permit no. PR.PT.P004.R02). For hin tghreanetexdperbiymetnhtes gwoivthernthmeenctrowof sUppecpieers BatavMarPiaIOi,npGeremrmissainoyn (wAazs. Acknowledgements.WewouldliketothankKlemenKoseljforgivingus g.org 55.2-1-54-2531-87-08).TheworkwiththecarrioncrowsatKLFcom- helpful comments on the statistics and Berenika Mioduszewska, plied with guidelines provided by the Austrian Federal Act on the ChristianBlumandIrmgardNeumayrforpracticalhelp. Ph ProtectionofAnimals(AnimalProtectionAct-§24Abs.1Z1and Funding statement. We thank the German Research Foundation (DFG, ilT 2;§25Abs.3 – TSchG,BGBl.INr.118/2004Art.2).Furthermore, grantno.Sl816/14)andtheMaxPlanckInstituteforOrnithologyand ran s as our experiments are purely appetitive, strictly non-invasive and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, grant no. V95 –B17) for providing R based exclusively on behavioural tests, they are classified as fundingforthisproject. So c B 3 6 8 References : 2 0 1 2 0 4 1 1. ByrneRW.1997Thetechnicalintelligencehypothesis: tool use.Am.J.Phys.Anthropol. 106, 283–295. 23. 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