DIC T IONA RY of S C R I P T U R E and E T H IC S D I C T I O N A R Y S C R I P T U R E of E T H I C S and J O E L B. G R E E N GENER A L EDITOR JACQUELINE E. LAPSLEY, REBEKAH MILES, AND ALLEN VERHEY ASSOCIATE EDITORS K © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group Published by Baker Academic a division of Baker Publishing Group P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 www.bakeracademic.com Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dictionary of scripture and ethics / Joel B. Green, general editor ; Jacqueline E. Lapsley, Rebekah Miles, and Allen Verhey, associate editors. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8010-3406-0 (cloth) 1. Ethics in the Bible—Dictionaries. 2. Christian ethics—Biblical teaching—Dictionaries. I. Green, Joel B., 1956– II. Lapsley, Jacqueline E., 1965– III. Miles, Rebekah, 1960– IV. Verhey, Allen. BS680.E84D53 2011 241.2—dc23 2011017242 Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the Scripture quotations labeled NEB are from The New English New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989, Bible. Copyright © 1961, 1970, 1989 by The Delegates of Oxford by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council University Press and The Syndics of the Cambridge University of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used Press. Reprinted by permission. by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations labeled NET are from the NET BIBLE®, Scripture quotations labeled GNT are from the Good News copyright © 2003 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. www.net Translation—Second Edition. Copyright © 1992 by American bible.com. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Bible Society. Used by permission. Scripture quotations labeled NIV are from the HOLY BIBLE, Scripture quotations labeled KJV are from the King James Ver- NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright sion of the Bible. © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com Scripture quotations labeled Message are from The Message by Eugene H. Peterson, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, Scripture quotations labeled NLT are from the Holy Bible, New 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale All rights reserved. House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Pub- lishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations labeled NAB are from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament © 1986, 1970 Confraternity Scripture quotations labeled RSV are from the Revised Standard of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC, and are used by permis- Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the sion of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. No part of the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used permission in writing from the copyright owner. by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations labeled NASB are from the New American Scripture quotations labeled TNIV are from the Holy Bible, To- Standard Bible®, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, day’s New International Version®. TNIV®. Copyright © 2001, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. 2005 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All Used by permission. rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS List of Contributors vii List of Abbreviations xv Introduction 1 Joel B. Green Ethics in Scripture 5 Allen Verhey Scripture in Ethics: A History 13 Charles H. Cosgrove Scripture in Ethics: Methodological Issues 27 Bruce C. Birch Entries 35 List of Entries 857 Scripture Index 861 v CONTRIBUTORS Adam, A. K. M. PhD, Duke University. Lecturer in Birch, Bruce C. PhD, Yale University. Professor of Old New Testament, University of Glasgow. Information Testament, Emeritus, Wesley Theological Seminary. Technology Justice; 1–2 Samuel; Scripture in Ethics: Method- ological Issues Adam, Margaret B. PhD candidate, Duke University. Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology, Loyola Blanchard, Kathryn D. PhD, Duke University. As- University Maryland. Compassion sistant Professor of Religious Studies, Alma Col- lege. Family Planning; Jealousy and Envy; Welfare Adams, Samuel L. PhD, Yale University. Assistant State Professor of Biblical Studies, Union Presbyterian Seminary. Sirach; Wisdom of Solomon Bock, Darrell L. PhD, University of Aberdeen. Re- search Professor of New Testament Studies and Adeney, Frances. PhD, Graduate Theological Union. Professor of Spiritual Development and Culture, William A. Benfield Jr. Professor of Evangelism and Dallas Theological Seminary. Blasphemy Global Mission, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Comparative Religious Ethics Boda, Mark J. PhD, Cambridge University. Professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College. Pro- Arnold, Bill T. PhD, Hebrew Union College—Jewish fessor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University. Institute of Religion. Paul S. Amos Professor of Old Haggai; Zechariah Testament Interpretation, Asbury Theological Sem- inary. Divination and Magic Boer, Theo A. PhD, Utrecht University. Associate of Ethics Institute, Utrecht University; Associate Pro- Baker, Mark D. PhD, Duke University. Associate Pro- fessor of Ethics, Protestant Theological University, fessor of Mission and Theology, Mennonite Breth- Utrecht. Euthanasia ren Biblical Seminary. Atonement Boyd, Greg. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. Baker, William R. PhD, University of Aberdeen. Pro- Senior Pastor, Woodland Hills Church, St. Paul. fessor of New Testament, Cincinnati Christian Evil; Powers and Principalities University Graduate School. Slander Bratton, Susan Power. PhD, Cornell University; PhD, Bandstra, Barry. PhD, Yale University. Professor of University of Texas at Dallas. Chair of Environmen- Religion, Hope College. Concubinage tal Science, Professor of Environmental Studies, Banks, Robert. PhD, Cambridge University. Associate Baylor University. Population Policy and Control of the Centre for the Study of the History and Ex- Brawley, Robert L. PhD, Princeton Theological Sem- perience of Christianity, Macquarie University. inary. Professor of New Testament Emeritus, Mc- Time, Use of Cormick Theological Seminary. Acts; John; Luke; Bashaw, Jennifer Garcia. PhD candidate, Fuller Theo- Mark; Matthew logical Seminary. Martyrdom; Persecution Bretzke, James T., SJ. STD, Pontifical Gregorian Beach-Verhey, Timothy A. PhD, Emory University. University, Rome. Professor of Moral Theology, Pastor, Faison Presbyterian Church. Covenantal Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. Ethics; Law, Uses of; Responsibility; Self-Denial; Casuistry; Natural Law; Roman Catholic Moral Vocation Theology Beaton, Richard. PhD, University of Cambridge. Prin- Brower, Kent. PhD, The University of Manchester. cipal of De Pree Leadership Center, Associate Pro- Senior Research Fellow and Vice-Principal, Naza- fessor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Sem- rene Theological College. Holiness; Legalism; Righ- inary. Leadership, Leadership Ethics teousness Berquist, Jon L. PhD, Vanderbilt University. Executive Brown, Nicholas Read. PhD candidate, Fuller Theo- Editor for Biblical Studies, Westminster John Knox logical Seminary. Visiting Professor, Loyola Mary- Press. Incarnation mount University. Sodomy Biddle, Mark E. DTheol, University of Zurich. Russell Brown, William P. PhD, Emory University. Professor T. Cherry Professor of Old Testament, Baptist Theo- of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary. logical Seminary at Richmond. Sin Creation, Biblical Accounts of vii Contributors Brownlee, Jay. Service User Representative, Scottish Cohick, Lynn H. PhD, University of Pennsylvania. As- Personality Disorder Network. Self-Harm sociate Professor of New Testament, Wheaton Col- lege. Headship Bruckner, James K. PhD, Luther Seminary. Professor of Old Testament, North Park Theological Sem- Conklin-Miller, Jeffrey. ThD student, Duke Divinity inary. Health School. Excommunication Burridge, Richard A. PhD, University of Nottingham. Conley, Aaron. PhD candidate, Illiff School of Theology Professor, King’s College London. Apartheid; Dis- and University of Denver. MDiv, Truett Theological crimination Seminary. Restitution Carnahan, Kevin. PhD, Southern Methodist Univer- Cook, E. David. PhD, University of Edinburgh. Holmes sity. Assistant Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Professor of Faith and Learning, Wheaton College. Central Methodist University. Deterrence, Nuclear; Institution(s); Reproductive Technologies; Resource Military Service; Pluralism; Political Ethics Allocation Carroll R. (Rodas), M. Daniel. PhD, University of Corcoran, Kevin. PhD, Purdue University. Associate Sheffield. Distinguished Professor of Old Testament, Professor of Philosophy. Monism, Anthropological; Denver Seminary. Adjunct Professor, Seminario Self Teológico Centroamericano, Guatemala. Aliens, Cosgrove, Charles H. PhD, Princeton Theological Immigration, and Refugees; Amos; Micah; Old Seminary. Professor of New Testament Studies and Testament Ethics Christian Ethics, Northern Seminary. Libertinism; Moral Formation; New Testament Ethics; Scripture Carvalho, Corrine. PhD, Yale University. Professor of in Ethics: A History Theology, University of St. Thomas. Sanctuary Couey, J. Blake. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. Cates, Diana Fritz. PhD, Brown University. Associate Visiting Assistant Professor, Gustavus Adolphus Professor of Religious Studies and Ethics, The Uni- College. Revenge versity of Iowa. Vice Cox, D. Michael. PhD candidate, University of Dayton. Chapman, Stephen B. PhD, Yale University. Associate Character Professor of Old Testament, Duke Divinity School. Ban, The; Deuteronomistic History; Holy War Creegan, Nicola Hoggard. PhD, Drew University. Se- nior Lecturer, School of Theology, Laidlaw College. Charry, Ellen T. PhD, Temple University. Margaret Gender; Women, Status of W. Harmon Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary. Hap- Day, Linda. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. piness; Supersessionism Esther Cherian, Jacob. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. De La Torre, Miguel A. PhD, Temple University. Pro- Vice President and Dean, Southern Asia Bible Col- fessor of Social Ethics, Iliff School of Theology. lege. Tithe, Tithing Conscientization; Liberationist Ethics; Praxis Cheung, Luke Leuk. PhD, St. Andrews University, St. deSilva, David A. PhD, Emory University. Trustees’ Mary’s College. Dean, China Graduate School of Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Theology. Fidelity; Integrity; Temptation Greek, Ashland Theological Seminary. Circumci- sion; Clean and Unclean; Deuterocanonical/Apoc- Childs, James M., Jr. PhD, Lutheran School of Theology ryphal Books; Hebrews at Chicago. Edward C. Fendt Professor of Systematic Dillon, Dana L. PhD, Duke University. Assistant Pro- Theology, Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Greed fessor of Theology, Providence College. Dissent; Chilton, Bruce. PhD, St. John’s College, Cambridge Intention University. Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Reli- Dobbs-Allsopp, Chip. PhD, Johns Hopkins University. gion, Bard College. Kingdom of God Associate Professor of Old Testament, Princeton Clapper, Gregory S. PhD, Emory University. Professor Theological Seminary. Lamentations; Poetic Dis- of Religion and Philosophy, The University of In- course and Ethics; Song of Songs dianapolis. Affections Donahue, John R., SJ. PhD, University of Chicago. Cleveland, Lindsay K. PhD candidate, Baylor Univer- Research Professor in Theology, Loyola University, sity. Humanity; Nationalism Maryland. Parables, Use of in Ethics Clifton-Soderstrom, Michelle. PhD, Loyola University Douglas, Mark. PhD, The University of Virginia. As- Chicago. Assistant Professor of Theology and Eth- sociate Professor of Christian Ethics, Columbia ics, North Park Theological Seminary. Discipline Theological Seminary. Anxiety; Ends and Means; Force, Use of; Imperialism; Media, Ethical Issues Cochran, Elizabeth Agnew. PhD, University of Notre of; Security; Tyranny; Violence; War Dame. Assistant Professor of Theology, Duquesne University. Disability and Handicap; Dishonesty; Dowdy, Christopher. PhD candidate, Southern Meth- Honesty; Lust; Sloth; Utilitarianism odist University. Mercy viii Contributors Downs, David J. PhD, Princeton Theological Sem- Green, Barbara. PhD, University of California at Berke- inary. Assistant Professor of New Testament Stud- ley and Graduate Theological Union. Professor of ies, Fuller Theological Seminary. 2 Corinthians; Biblical Studies, Dominican School of Philosophy Hedonism; Materialism; 1–2 Timothy; Titus; Vices and Theology, Graduate Theological Union. Jonah and Virtues, Lists of; Wealth Green, Joel B. PhD, University of Aberdeen. Professor Driggers, Brent. PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary. of New Testament Interpretation, Associate Dean Associate Professor of New Testament, Lutheran for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies, Theological Southern Seminary. Freedom Fuller Theological Seminary. Almsgiving; Antichrist; Collection for the Saints; Healthcare Systems in Scrip- Dryden, J. de Waal. PhD, Cambridge University. As- ture; Hypocrisy; Koinonia; Loans; Repentance sociate Professor of Biblical Studies, Covenant Col- lege. Jude; 1 Peter; 2 Peter Greenman, Jeffrey P. PhD, University of Virginia. As- sociate Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies, Dufault-Hunter, Erin. PhD, University of Southern Professor of Christian Ethics, Wheaton College. California. Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics, Cardinal Virtues; Courage; Prudence; Seven Deadly Fuller Theological Seminary. Individualism; Or- Sins phans; Pornography; Sex and Sexuality; Sexual Ethics; Sociology of Religion; Spousal Abuse Greenway, William. PhD, Princeton Theological Sem- inary. Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology, Duff, Nancy J. PhD, Union Theological Seminary, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Animals New York City. Stephen Colwell Associate Profes- Grigg, Viv. PhD, Auckland University. International sor of Christian Ethics, Princeton Theological Sem- Director, Urban Leadership Foundation. Urbaniza- inary. Alcohol; Just Wage; Singleness tion Duggan, Michael W. PhD, The Catholic University of Gupta, Nijay K. PhD, University of Durham. Instruc- America. Associate Professor of Theology and Re- tor of Biblical Studies, Seattle Pacific University. ligious Studies, St. Mary’s University College. Ezra; Neighbor, Neighbor Love; World Nehemiah Gushee, David P. PhD, Union Theological Seminary, Eddy, Paul R. PhD, Marquette University. Professor New York. Distinguished Professor of Christian of Biblical and Theological Studies, Bethel Univer- Ethics, Mercer University. Baptist Ethics; Cruelty; sity. Evil Human Rights; Meekness; Omission, Sins of; Po- Edgar, Brian G. PhD, Deakin University. Professor of lygamy; Torture Theological Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary. Gutenson, Charles E. PhD, Southern Methodist Uni- Play; Worldliness versity. Chief Operating Officer, Sojourners. Paci- Edgar, David Hutchinson. PhD, Trinity College, Dub- fism; Trinity lin. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin. Desire; James Hall, Amy Laura. PhD, Yale University. Associate Finger, Reta Halteman. PhD, Northwestern University. Professor of Christian Ethics, Duke Divinity School. Assistant Professor of New Testament, Messiah Agape; Parenthood, Parenting College. Widows Haloviak, Kendra Jo. PhD, The Graduate Theological Finger, Thomas. PhD, Claremont Graduate University. Union at Berkeley. Assistant Professor of New Tes- Scholar in Residence, Bethany Theological Sem- tament Studies, La Sierra University. Revelation, inary. Eschatology and Ethics Book of Freund, Richard. PhD, Jewish Theological Seminary. Harrington, Daniel J. PhD, Harvard University. Profes- Director of the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic sor of New Testament, Boston College School of Studies, University of Harford. Collective Respon- Theology and Ministry. Additions to Daniel; Ad- sibility ditions to Esther; Baruch; Judith; Letter of Jeremiah Furnish, Victor Paul. PhD, Yale University. University Hartin, Patrick J. DTh (Ethics), DTh (New Testament), Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testa- University of South Africa. Professor of Religious ment, Southern Methodist University. Galatians; Studies, Gonzaga University. Humility; Judgment Philemon; Philippians; Romans Hatch, Derek C. PhD, University of Dayton. Instructor Goldingay, John. DD, Archbishop of Canterbury at in Religious Studies, University of Dayton. Technol- Lambeth; PhD, University of Nottingham. David ogy Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Hawk, L. Daniel. PhD, Emory University. Professor Theological Seminary. Loans of Old Testament and Hebrew, Ashland Theological Seminary. Conquest; Joshua; Judges Gorman, Michael J. PhD, Princeton Theological Sem- inary. Dean and Professor of Sacred Scripture, The Hernández-Díaz, R. J. PhD Candidate, Iliff School of Ecumenical Institute of Theology, St. Mary’s Sem- Theology and University of Denver. MA, Fuller inary and University. Abortion; Cruciformity Theological Seminary. Class Conflict; Hatred ix