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Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils – Routledge-Kegan Paul PDF

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Preview Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils – Routledge-Kegan Paul

Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils Dictionary ofOccult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils l"Im G£'r.1瞄 ⑨ …中山"咀 ……_.,… Flrg~ pub119h~d In 1961 by Routl~句·属""'Jan P~ul 山 39 Slor" …,…川 'w 9 Park StraH, BoG山, "a~s. 021ωm and Ilroadway ROll阔, N~town Road, U~nl~y-on-Th… 归川t",1 In C;r"a!- ~r1u.川 0, LOI<~ and Bryd">n~ Printau Ltd Tl,~tford, Norfolk ( Fred GettL呵" 19BI No part of thi" book 凰山y h<> repr由叫川 町 fOn<! ,..丰thout p"""h"孟。"行例 tl'e publ1sh~r , except for the 'luOUtion of tria[ ~..町四川 critic生回 British LibrarγCatal呵U町 in Public鸣tion lMU , , ,,,,ttl >;/s fred _, Dlclion~巧0<…, h~=~t皇c alch ical .1</豆'" "", - 1. Occult 5el~nce, Diet叫nes 1. Tille … 133'.0]'21 nHW7 EIO-4:ll22 ISBN 0-71 2 Contents 79333 lntro<lucUon 39L2 Dlction~ry of Siqils … 233 Bib) !叩叭 IIDPen ",J...~ of S!<Jih 川MA础'剧叫叫t崎"q伊叫.刷ω",.叫..s凶副 z叩a昭μ附山.…皿血e臼叩z 阿 c臼,… "…皿"町 F阳'/>川iJ』峙町阳阳. .阳时"叩叩 且 q叩u呻揭翩川εtur_ 酣..曹..创1 川i. re阳~" • 昭l雹u山e"i川... de归帽町",阳.叩,.凹n时,.,t川, 町....diυ旭h. 时-,闭. .,刷".瞄~ ,i勾刷阳,仰…""…"川.. 町叫Jt.t>.川阳 ….. m uen of old (wh~ 蝇~..1l Ln tile cr....k <叫"阳loS"opners') foond 叫川川 叫"抽血 .Meg. , .ither of d carord ~1l,,1 or r..ult1nq from t~c 町UvlUU of ".n,由町 叩…叩 to hide tho,. 1n v.rlou. 叩 , , and wi阶山.. 0.1<:1 of rique.s. '::hty U <:I ti h 1n or缸,山... t~.幅画D.lqllt not b<! ur>d.entood by the wr叫 Hnd of peepl" ....n C皿IUS, Do!' Slg""tuciS", ..."" <'‘."川W A剧。.J. Major;. et ~inori. Hundl , J Introduction 'l:liE 由于。F 'I'IlIS DICTTQNI\JlY h.... been designed ". .. ro{Qnncc , ')'uld. ond lourc..-b<K:>k 阳叫川"e'叫 In 'lenoral <>ccuh .lu<1iu. ,."'"时,川 … 叫"阳,enb 叫."阳 h...dl明飞"叩.,叫.of o>re川明叫" app.ar In ~urope4n .ole山cal. nnol叫leal. II叩ntic 叫时",00 h.....u<:: ..由町. .同.,山.. unlq"" qc.phlc 111de. by _~n. Of which t.h睛 ..., ority Of 时叫'町闵血ifi<>d ,. lief" _IU町-<帽叩 phn ..'XI庐…-叫dee"U=. ret.‘同 t<> UIoh d叩-<'且町M be.. 咽It {O~ a. 1~ cxpl.ln 向 1 Iw.... ,,_n 四 ...l.t.叫"'"叫山J to <l..'q...te 位·叫且e ""lO to... U ..U~. in 榈国民由B 出 l..~n .1",11也帽ll b. t呵时 ω u... ..抽回血 U 均由1.. .lqns Dr c~n ~l~阳 … … 阳 ..ord ..卢j h nco. ."Hlcl.",~ly ."""I.Uaee! !'臼町 ....rp<>8酌 si"".. rica ~ lit.o.<.uy ..四川剧呵呵呻,.…aU"". In.. 叫川剧γ 民 .. .l'='"l of 叫叫 che. provld<>d tllst ~n on"叫" 'I!l"'. 阳..n, or …町l.'''.t1on tor 仙. .问町'JiveD. the R制↓"ev~l b<>stia可 =.ld u ,k. the a~伺rently nl>au.<l‘四川。,忱陶 ~·JllurO .. rcprM"川tiva of lho Vlrq;n H.uy 回'~pLy ~Cdunc It ~a. cuncntly bel川 ~hat .. 川Ie Lr叫:,~ tonll 川 ~e.萄 w巳叶 'JeneU,,~lly. >Ii~叩.. ll..,rny 叫lanatl阴 ...cl~ Qr 0<h"....1町 ..Ioro;.牛"…町埠。1. O,"n 山…町-"….=rc 创d ,.山 ·叫. ql o it no龟 h~r~t1c.l. then 皿阳。ob.cene. Only 叩, u叫 "., 阳. .. lI~"r""y 叫l..""u"", ....hd bo~町n ~"" .Iqll. an::!: th"u .四川崎.', 时·叩o...~ only 归 ~he v.rl~.. ·~r.庐Ie sr"叩 l~ for .~~l. 由. ...U)' 叫r 皿叫 '0< 叫db ~ua~" b~bll即时 rsf"r.ncs I. 91~ , DICTIQNARY QF 叫'肌町C AIW A叫lCAL 5IL"lLS 以协h 阳叫叮 叮叩叼,.阳 '-"unou,叫川"I1J' is one of 巾 !Ortll5 for '11阳叫 has been …叩 a cer~ain 山r,uy ~r中山 叫,ich link. 比叫Lh th~ Virgin MHy: in th~ entry I ho鸭 "ade reference ~o thi~ po.~ibl@ 山~ic e~y叫叫 froo, th~ l"Hi~h 附 ("drl~ 叭叭 even 仙四司h in my opinion this Hymol呵y i~ entirely fanciful. The point here h ~hH 山'.飞,HUr<l' ,,-~..I><>I 罗叩ire. liU叮叮叮lOMtion, the sigil fer Virqo doc~ not 山叫h .nch an e"plallbtion 叫山。‘" light O的 1龟. Or:l.'1>n O~ pu~po5e …川 ‘" Thc ~ord sign ha very 山~ ~pplic~liωJ叫in" fr"",归ture~ "'Kl , ~,*~n" .",d~ by 巳he bcx1y to " ",hol~ bath巧。f devic..~ rl~.l时 for th~ ,.,阳e of coo:=unication. "5 a word. therefore. it has cc:<lnotalion [~~ ~,叫Lhe ~p"dal 5..n~.. 。复叩l~' or 'yr叭c· "h1ch I certainiy wi川 Lo ilOply 、.iU,h t.Jd~ eli~li<m"ry. A<lelIUunally ,山 "orel 5Jg" ;n thi.~ 归eul sen~e Ilay be ea~ily confused 、,Uh 山 "ord in lto ~四川 d.n"l叩~"1 咽a,阳on' the ~i仰。f the z甜配 h one of the twelve <I;vi~ion. "f th~ ""liptic hand , and not , a5 i ,…titr.eo erroneously sUI'I"',ed 山 4rap川 ~~ul' U5~el tc ,len<:>U 0呵。,即"时i.acol ",川叩 Thus, the arc of t h.i.rty <leqree~ (ty耶cal) b<!t~@"n Cancer ~n~ Virqo 10 山川J of 山时i~~" 山" picture of a lion "Oy 叫L boo intended to b~ ~ s归001 of chlo 民吼bcol Leo, hut th8 gr咐de fm-'" fI. 10 act-ually 山叫il for Lec … h 町rd gl~ph is sc<>cti~.c, o~ed in it contexts, but- in U_~ 严cp"c ~pp)'c"tion it ~hould be re.tricted to ~culptu~e ~nd…architec'"ture, for it 10 suppo.Qd to <e缸,如山10 ;'pp""叫 in ro;Uef 山 nineteenth co;ntury ~ n~n..r of war臼阳e derived frOCl 'glyph Hlati吨。 ch~ r&lhf l'~o<-"e~"~5 In tho; printiny 1nd~.try: f地rh"p. thh ~)ona should provide grcund. [or 叫町坷 th<! "onl froω 山 pruent- ,""山t. T!JQ<a hωd<>uht 山t "~'h;n '1lyph5 have "eco隅'本'1i18 - thi5 , .to ~r隅。f many occult 1gH. dcriv<!d trca th<! &:lypti~n hiQ叫lY>:llic, "or ex叫ie, the 1'.叫lyph J\)<KH 叫出 component RU, un叫tedly bo灿 庐yrU n。zq尘ι 川 emzs叫田n h叫Ma山awutmn-wh!uU"mt∞vEαUM A牛 " 区的 阳 ? n址 o冉 川h 拍 n』 , 叫Ap 民 " mz"户 @ 山 、 归 骸 d 叩 μ 山 M 川μ h m 。 阿 阳 哩 E d 但 8 '"… m … In [act , It ry ""i"iIltl俑. fr... 向 l..too l.o.tln ..lgUJ..., ~""""'''iI*. In U~ "id.ln an <lCCU!t ClCftun, lor UlI.. "Or<!. ..~.n C.....,.....nt1y 1A -..cl.1.~,, 1 _"led 叩阳'.. ~ h.. even ~n ~时..p<tClfi",ally 旬, 叩utn …啕leal 叫.. and <!~vl<::... ………e<lto be ""..<I ..laUe in 阳@r. l'ur山" the In 山叫te~n仙 cQc.t.叫" ,,", ca ,"y 仙.. op<>eidl叫树."1崎 of '. ...all l"age'. S1r.C<iI ""~t of 山 "晌Ie fon.. \n 山b dietlo.....巧 ..re to ..隅 exta"t uru1etlc ~山也'" <"明叫til "",,",c - and 町ArC ·....11 同.... of c血<时…….s. ,", .<I In ..laos,叫-叫"山。、..occIIlt, tJ><,,,山叩 ....i!l'il 叫胃II the t1四川leI> 1 have ....Ulcted _H ".oHI …叫,.,叫阳网_cl …… for ttll.. dlctlon.uy, I """, ...,.. ~iI.l川th In lMe时..由叫 I ha_ de叫- ~.叩 in ..uch ·叫山at It 、.11 I bft 崎l...hl.. to both ..阳'nIL.... end ge~,,<ul 叩ken Ie. £1dds direcUy or PH自由uUy relatlKl u,…IU.... I且阳t1cuh<, (t I. 1".,-,,<1..<1阳咄咄咄。... uare!> brl"归川n I to cOnt.e川川 occult. <Q l\ or ".COM山……"也但由cn - for hi.ted."". o' 乞J,C occult. for 山。同n , tω, 叫…....tOO<l….. 'hh町.. ,缸..旬rut 民曲on .ond .ort hl.torl.". The __ano :l回tlU"",t.1侃 _fu"shiJl叫血。f l.~," """"..tt au <xl<四叫 without doubt 出to! I. ..…~ for such ..叫" 协1". I 町not pretend that t~... ..阳I.LI.~ will .e.~ w, th ~r.y .I~I且, "咀 hi. own f1..td with 刷Ch h.. 川咄 ..Ir.~dy C~111.r, but en.. Gay ~ , ccrt..l" th. h.. "HI find In 山 diction..rγsα.... IndiC""cn 0: h..... t!>.. .lyUw CaIl!Lhr tn hi" 叩c ..""c. 叫 inter»r..四川 崎lned nelda ,,~t圄山 '"呵'阳lath,Uen. 'l'hlo .",eh Is "".ran咱巳宝·田Iy beeo~... 1 have .-啕~r<Od to U5Cυ~ .ly11. rccor~d by .pcciall.~ In a wl~ …racy_ of ,‘.!'*C 。'::<."lOH ..nd her_Uc IlrU.. hUa< in 01,叩cd field. c … h....1呵 __01呵呵崎皿.~叫四"时cal .1~, I.. , :or ..~Ic, bll' lt 1. unlllcly thiIIt 山 rul伞四川山。. ..也M叩cal s1<i1l. 叫I h.... be<on 叩民l.~sd by .uch a .peciall.也均".n, • .psciaLl.~ In ..oUol咽。2 山 M吼叫 or aetrnl叩町 well boo ....rprined 'On discover 山川町 to which 阳 dcv.I"I-"nt of nt叫叫刑'"山 ha. been 问~,\ Aψ 川 tho prev.ll1"'l nliqloun and oceul<o neU"". ∞ncernln艳阳 Mt~r.. e匠,同时taD. S=h I,扭曲… ~he_ 山 i"t1....~ed I" 山1>11:11叩蛐U ' VTCTIOIMRY Of' 町ULT. HERMETIC ωD ALCHl!.~IC.μ SICILS 问时8 \liv阳.,叫‘ide 白 preser.hUon of the si'l115 Puetieal a.trolO'/er. are. by the "ery nature of thelr ~由jQct 叫uir"" '-0 hay~ ……ledge of ~he history of their art, aoo to be …。z …呵。f ~he '"ra户"山"月1 叫y1» 叫 .i"i1e山y use nth dh'U"川xywillbMofg刊的 vah::e 旬 .ueh indiv立duals.室。x 汉民认 reveal ~OO>Cthi".g o( the variQiy and ""'aith C[ a~trol叩叫 .lgil. a"d of relaUd gr,>酬。 thQ"rie. of 'ymbol is". H 山… time, this text may 。f~cr a ocri叫 challe…ge ~o thQ eUp",:Hdal ':oiHoriu 0[ ".,-<olO'/y' 叫 'hht.叫M~ ef t.I>e oc四川l 喃自",.叫er diff~rent AU~horship and tltle , b~~ 时t~ rr:.>,," the SaDQωribund content , ae归~r e~ch year "i由,lep'叫i"o 叫ularlty. T叩川锺叫 th~ sour~e. fro:c "hich they are 血tracted, i,>dic3t~ 山乞 the hi",-"ry <}f a~trol,旧时山町ult- i. not, at all what the .~pcrficial hl~'-orian. 缸胖5Q. 'rho~a 仙。即uld 山.co cC>lb~~川'一ccuJ<:! …etUr ~h"n … … … cer~ain of ~he …ce-b叫t<a~crial 'Ii叩 in ~u如r~ of t:OQ siqil fo"",. pre"ent"'l h~r~. I k 加".刷刷perie,-,~~ '-"川 i' 1. rtifficult to be 司 pract'.c:,) astro>"'Jor, Or 川Ure.~ed in th~ hi.tOl·y C[ 'h~ 叫刷 L.止。M M叩问f.:l~d"H~…d by b'e innH TJ".ar,in~" ot 山町山 ..!".ieI'. spca< a lac.guage at onee 00 .址叫c , r~o:indi叫 "'''Q of ~he <lefinlU"n "f a ~yriod 否iv~n "y II1\"S>: 19"15 as '~88en~iajly严严Ye. .. it poin~s ~o s而 H.i.llh~" Ord"" fer ...)~'se ~'h~r,>et叫sti~s it is a kind of abbreyia~ion Tl".e blbi!叩咐'0 .ωree. give I>Ore e~ten thac. llO~ hic.u a~d 习u~s.~.ι 山 'lli1:oer Q«le~' , ut th~ …r IT.ean'可J叫rh in t !".is tield, perha归 Z比~ ~han 叫。山汇。ne nuot ,,~v~ 忧< cγ~* co 5Q~ 叫 the t1\i叫" u"dH~ .tand n-.o.~ ind山dual. "ho find ~h~也配lve~ in~er~~U企川、妇at i. nowaday. called 't:oe hiotory of id~a<'. bu'- ...hict. 比 "ι l! ~…r <l.,y隽、.u. call时 , ...,r~ly 'hhtcry' (on t:oe fair as u;llption that ".Qn motivatQd I'Hoi"~cy by i<lMS , "nrt not m~rely 均 m川 or ·econCll1Cμes.ure.~ Gannet ~ail to ~in~ 飞his diet川ry ~~~f川 '"'ωdUlyi叮叮时", 町i Js one find~ ~rac~. of all anc!~n~ ..iw。由,叫山叫 i" a 川I'hi~ 严~ci51on 川 i. ."rl"川 ~ddLtional1y, ~h~μr.e~ of th叫 Hl'r~s.ed in the co耐'ination~ of .igil. ~nd ~ibli"峙raFh~c r~(~<~c.e~ "ill 严σv山~ futilQ }r"'",!ld f~r fur山r re.e"rch into the r.j5~町 d 山" " z…zω albeit l部... In ~ra""lc: f....... It. "".r..1 his筐。~ 0' 由iAH町.0< 归.."叫~caalcn haa a.ll; ~o ~叫tten. add it would bQ町~,甸回 M 由ink th.t 山 IDdlc:,,~lcna ~t out In 剧a dictionary a1咖c:on~rlbut.. to aucl> .. """t. Th.. 院呻,,'町、山川Ih nH"n "n. 山 "ffect of 户口同呵。山. cHu.(n lite<My 仙町'叫白山 "~thtlc 制pn..山 矗.叫匾.。d立叩 川叫υ趴川1 飞e咀叫O. .阳0"…篇血叫皿p队叫向叫,<叫, 山 1"[必f叫l…u帷"n川叫c饵町叫" o~ ,J叫阳 阳'. 町t川• 川M 酣M 骂∞ … E,n时川'μ山u叫μh川..~~叩、田叩峭D叫'. 叩I"n'!闹,口.-晖叫 m 叩z胃晤. ,呻." of 向.1g乎i且i川h. an 叫叫.~ '"y PlU:Jl1:R ;711. .nd inn to IIOdern ……且今阳剖." ll>dl<:d~.……………'川I~h .喝 ".... l.de.>.a ""IDUdy ..晒..ulon of 111111_ B:.崎.机 be "rFr""choo<l. I.n " IMI.. .nd v.:ld…""y. SOI'VU": of th" l <!<ou rei 眈明 to a~ret .hd berntlcal lt.bu 1n :I>e: hiHory of art ."t OuL 姐回Tl~GS 1976 took 叩z origin trOOl .,趴啕 d 叫la - ,吼叫y 山 dl.enve<IU 叫叫啕 u , t>,.t. t~.. T. tcau·P1.e:Cd" .由II.... In .钮orkool. l>a.ilie"" e:c.ureh of 阳 ~inalz"to al ~nte:. In r:orc:nco. "od 山",,,rio"a uae o[ 山阳1 C .曲。1 恼。f Pie:时." algJ.a "nd In U1" "oale:""dan SL … s-,. ""叫e. COUld 1y be ."ltip1~ed • ...peetaI1y ~n ._.…… E叩nI to' ...叫叫阳刚...."c.. 叩...窒 on , Ion r_1血 us hat art .tudc:nt. 叫e:..,.,.,1山吐血 fin.. dr川tud"nLa由 find th帽...Iv... lnt..re:.ted in arC..ne: ~tt.r. - a 匾。..... c""",,,,,剧『时 in the 阳Ie'" cli....t" • ..Ill flndυ.110 "olh"t1o~ ,,>' ."山, ~U...uht!呵1><,.,""" for re.e:a'仙 .00 町ed"",,,t. ! need I>~'dly oay th..t Gtu~.,,'-. o! ~t咐1". h~v. for" loc.q U~-O I>ee" In ,,,.~~ o! ouct, • 问 1" o~.r t l'lat tn..y .1,,1\~ "r....p ..oneLhln] of 山 r~ch 'lr"pll1" tradi.1o:-.咄.>0 ~詹rlln 山 hiOl-ory of woe川崎剧时…_.m .,‘boll但R 阳叫 t.... .IJi:. 叩0>1""... hut 山俨'"' .'l:~U均 , ..叫"内- _;:oclslly 叩 uu... …~..叫时«巾rl.. ..1:1 p.ovl幽 ..~Lo ~OI" f....也c:r r"....ncn. ~nd 阴阳p" con.r1hut" fur也~. u 山" dcve:opber.~ of • q叫>0让oocry o! fOnl. τh.. ",..r:UU hl~tc,hc. r叫 ir"" .. diCtion町刷刷..且.1".10 ~o. r..~...,r.. ~"ch 叩ceLy r.'Juir‘ <\lo"u..ion - .". 1><>0:< 15 d..l~"o>d pr.ciuly to ..1边 "山"'.呐,.,叫and ....pliHc..t阳。r oI>oc' hlst.rical docu:""nt.o ,". The: ~,'- histOrian I.., "..<h..p"山叩响, d".per.lely In n时川时 "

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