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Joint Publication 1-02 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 23 January 2002) PREFACE 1. Scope intended. To provide a common interpretation of terminology at home and abroad, US The Department of Defense Dictionary officials, when participating in the North of Military and Associated Terms (short Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or title: Joint Pub 1-02 or JP 1-02) sets forth dealing with NATO matters, will use NATO standard US military and associated terminology. When a NATO standard for a terminology to encompass the joint activity term or definition does not exist, applicable of the Armed Forces of the United States in DOD terminology (if any) may be used. both US joint and allied joint operations, as well as to encompass the Department of Note concerning DOD-NATO Standardization: Defense (DOD) as a whole. These military The United States is a signatory to NATO and associated terms, together with their Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 3680, definitions, constitute approved DOD which ratifies the NATO Glossary of Terms terminology for general use by all components and Definitions (English and French) (short of the Department of Defense. The Secretary title: AAP-6). Under the provisions of of Defense, by DOD Directive 5025.12, 23 STANAG 3680, AAP-6 is established as the August 1989, Standardization of Military and primary glossary for NATO. The United Associated Terminology, has directed the use States carries out its obligation to implement of JP 1-02 throughout the Department of STANAG 3680 in the following manner: (a) Defense to ensure standardization of military English-language entries approved for AAP-6 and associated terminology. may be proposed by DOD elements for inclusion in JP 1-02 as DOD-NATO entries. 2. Purpose The purpose of such proposals is to increase multinational standardization. After This publication supplements standard DOD-wide staffing by the US NATO English-language dictionaries with standard Military Terminology Group (USNMTG), terminology for military and associated use. terminology so approved for inclusion in JP However, it is not the intent of this publication 1-02 and DOD-wide use will appear, along to restrict the authority of the joint force with DOD-only entries, in JP 1-02 with an commander (JFC) from organizing the force asterisk in parentheses after the term to denote and executing the mission in a manner the JFC DOD-NATO standardization of terminology, deems most appropriate to ensure unity of referred to as “alignment” in NATO. (b) As effort in the accomplishment of the overall stated in paragraph 3, US officials will adhere mission. to NATO terminology when engaged in NATO matters, provided that applicable 3. Application — DOD and terminology exists. (c) An electronic copy of NATO Activities AAP-6 is provided under “Other Publications” at the internet address cited in paragraph 7. JP 1-02 is promulgated for mandatory use by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 4. Criteria for Terms Military Departments, Joint Staff, combatant commands, Defense agencies, and any other The following criteria are used to determine DOD components. DOD terminology herein the acceptability of terminology for inclusion is to be used without alteration unless a in JP 1-02: distinctly different context or application is i Preface a. Inadequate coverage in a standard, by the Director for Operational Plans and Joint commonly accepted dictionary, e.g., by Force Development (J-7), Joint Staff. Merriam-Webster. 6. Publication Format b. Terminology should be of general military or associated significance. Technical This edition of JP 1-02 has been published or highly specialized terms may be included in two basic parts: if they can be defined in easily understood language and if their inclusion is of general a. Main Body. This part of the dictionary military or associated significance. contains all terms and definitions approved for use within the Department of Defense, to c. Terms for weaponry are limited to include those terms and definitions that are generic weapon systems. approved for both DOD and NATO use. Each entry approved for both DOD and NATO d. Unless there are special reasons to the appears with an asterisk in parentheses, i.e., contrary, terms and definitions are not to (*), after the term to denote DOD-NATO consist of or contain abbreviations or other acceptance. shortened forms, e.g., acronyms. Note: In rare instances, a term may have a e. Only UNCLASSIFIED terminology combination of DOD-only definitions and will be included. DOD-NATO definitions. In these instances, though an asterisk will appear after the term f. Dictionary entries will not be provided to denote DOD-NATO standardization, DOD- for prowords, code words, brevity words, or only definitions will be preceded by “DOD NATO-only terms. only” in parentheses. g. Dictionary entries will not be Service- b. Appendix A. Appendix A contains a specific or functionality-specific unless they listing of current abbreviations and acronyms are commonly employed by US joint forces in common use within the Department of as a whole. Defense. This is by no means a complete list of DOD abbreviations and acronyms. Rather, h. Dictionary entries will not consist of it serves as a guide to current DOD usage in components or sub-components contained in abbreviations and acronyms. missiles, aircraft, equipment, weapons, etc. 7. JP 1-02 on the Internet 5. Other DOD Dictionaries JP 1-02 is accessible on-line at the following Other dictionaries or glossaries for DOD internet address: use will be published ONLY AFTER coordination with the USNMTG and approval http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/doddict ii JP 1-02 Preface As changes are approved for JP 1-02, they than any printed edition. The internet version are added to the internet version, making the thus provides the latest changes worldwide internet version of JP 1-02 more up-to-date between regular printed editions. For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: S. A. FRY Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy Director, Joint Staff iii Preface Intentionally Blank iv JP 1-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MAIN BODY.................................................................................................................. 1 APPENDIX A Abbreviations and Acronyms........................................................................... A-1 B Terminology Points of Contact.......................................................................... B-1 C Administrative Instructions............................................................................... C-1 v Table of Contents Intentionally Blank vi JP 1-02 As Amended Through 23 January 2002 A abort — (*) 1. To terminate a mission for involved; is consistent with the law of war; any reason other than enemy action. It may and is militarily and politically supportable. occur at any point after the beginning of See also adequacy; feasibility. the mission and prior to its completion. 2. To discontinue aircraft takeoff or missile access to classified information — The launch. ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified information. Persons have above-the-line publications — The upper access to classified information if they are level publications in the hierarchy of joint permitted to gain knowledge of the publications which includes capstone, information or if they are in a place where keystone, and other key joint doctrine they would be expected to gain such publications that the Chairman of the Joint knowledge. Persons do not have access to Chiefs of Staff signs and are intended to be classified information by being in a place used by combatant commanders, subunified where classified information is kept if commanders, joint task force commanders, security measures prevent them from Service Chiefs, and Joint Staff directors. gaining knowledge of the information. See also below-the-line publications; capstone publication; joint publication; accidental attack — An unintended attack keystone publications. (JP 1-01) which occurs without deliberate national design as a direct result of a random event, absolute altimeter — (*) A type of altimeter such as a mechanical failure, a simple which measures vertical distance to the human error, or an unauthorized action by surface below, using radio, radar, sonic, a subordinate. laser, or capacitive technology. accompanying supplies — Unit supplies that absolute dud — A nuclear weapon which, deploy with forces. when launched at or emplaced on a target, fails to explode. accountability — The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an absolute filter — (*) A filter capable of officer or other person for keeping accurate cutting off 100% by weight of solid particles record of property, documents, or funds. greater than a stated micron size. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of absolute height — (*) The height of an the property, documents, or funds. aircraft directly above the surface or terrain Accountability is concerned primarily with over which it is flying. See also altitude. records, while responsibility is concerned primarily with custody, care, and absorbed dose — (*) The amount of energy safekeeping. See also responsibility. imparted by nuclear (or ionizing) radiation to unit mass of absorbing material. The unit accounting line designator — A is the rad. five-character code, consisting of the target desired ground zero designator and the acceptability — Operation plan review striking command suffix, to indicate a criterion. The determination as to whether specific nuclear strike by a specified the contemplated course of action is worth weapon delivery system on a target the cost in manpower, materiel, and time 1 As Amended Through 23 January 2002 objective to the operation plan. Also called Also called AW. There are three divisions ALD. within acoustic warfare. 1. acoustic warfare support measures. That aspect accuracy of fire — (*) The precision of fire of acoustic warfare involving actions to expressed by the closeness of a grouping search for, intercept, locate, record, and of shots at and around the center of the analyze radiated acoustic energy in water target. for the purpose of exploiting such radiations. The use of acoustic warfare accuracy of information — See evaluation. support measures involves no intentional underwater acoustic emission and is acoustical surveillance — Employment of generally not detectable by the enemy. Also electronic devices, including sound-recording, called AWSM. 2. acoustic warfare -receiving, or -transmitting equipment, for countermeasures. That aspect of acoustic the collection of information. warfare involving actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy’s effective use of the acoustic circuit — A mine circuit which underwater acoustic spectrum. Acoustic responds to the acoustic field of a target. warfare countermeasures involve See also mine. intentional underwater acoustic emissions for deception and jamming. Also called acoustic intelligence — (*) Intelligence AWCM. 3. acoustic warfare counter- derived from the collection and processing countermeasures. That aspect of acoustic of acoustic phenomena. Also called warfare involving actions taken to ensure ACINT. friendly effective use of the underwater acoustic spectrum despite the enemy’s use acoustic jamming — The deliberate radiation of underwater acoustic warfare. Acoustic or reradiation of mechanical or warfare counter-countermeasures involve electroacoustic signals with the objectives anti-acoustic warfare support measures and of obliterating or obscuring signals that the anti-acoustic warfare countermeasures, and enemy is attempting to receive and of may not involve underwater acoustic disrupting enemy weapons systems. See emissions. Also called AWCCM. also barrage jamming; electronic warfare; jamming; spot jamming. acoustic warfare counter-countermeasures — See acoustic warfare Part 3. acoustic mine — (*) A mine with an acoustic circuit which responds to the acoustic field acoustic warfare countermeasures — See of a ship or sweep. See also mine. acoustic warfare Part 2. acoustic minehunting — (*) The use of a acoustic warfare support measures — See sonar to detect mines or mine-like objects acoustic warfare Part 1. which may be on or protruding from the seabed, or buried. acquire — 1. When applied to acquisition radars, the process of detecting the presence acoustic warfare — (*) Action involving and location of a target in sufficient detail the use of underwater acoustic energy to to permit identification. 2. When applied determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent to tracking radars, the process of positioning hostile use of the underwater acoustic a radar beam so that a target is in that beam spectrum and actions which retain friendly to permit the effective employment of use of the underwater acoustic spectrum. weapons. See also target acquisition. 2 JP 1-02 As Amended Through 23 January 2002 acquire (radar) — See acquire. activation — Order to active duty (other than for training) in the Federal service. See also acquisition — See collection (acquisition). active duty; federal service. (JP 4-05) acquisition and cross-servicing agreement activation detector — (*) A device used to — Agreements negotiated on a bilateral determine neutron flux or density by virtue basis with US allies or coalition partners of the radioactivity induced in it as a result that allow US forces to exchange most of neutron capture. common types of support, including food, fuel, transportation, ammunition, and active air defense — Direct defensive action equipment. Authority to negotiate these taken to destroy, nullify, or reduce the agreements is usually delegated to the effectiveness of hostile air and missile combatant commander by the Secretary of threats against friendly forces and assets. Defense. Authority to execute these It includes the use of aircraft, air defense agreements lies with the Secretary of weapons, electronic warfare, and other Defense, and may or may not be delegated. available weapons. See also air defense. Governed by legal guidelines, these (JP 3-01) agreements are used for contingencies, peacekeeping operations, unforeseen active communications satellite — See emergencies, or exercises to correct logistic communications satellite. deficiencies that cannot be adequately corrected by national means. The support active defense — The employment of limited received or given is reimbursed under the offensive action and counterattacks to deny conditions of the acquisition and cross- a contested area or position to the enemy. servicing agreement. Also called ACSA. See also passive defense. See also cross-servicing; servicing. (JP 4-07) active duty — Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. This action agent — In intelligence usage, one includes members of the Reserve who has access to, and performs actions Components serving on active duty or against, the target. full-time training duty, but does not include full-time National Guard duty. Also called action deferred — Tactical action on a AD. See also active duty for training; specific track is being withheld for better inactive duty training. tactical advantage. Weapons are available and commitment is pending. active duty for special work — A tour of active duty for reserve personnel authorized action information center — See air from military and reserve personnel defense control center; combat appropriations for work on active or reserve information center. component programs. This includes annual screening, training camp operations, action phase — In an amphibious operation, training ship operations, and unit the period of time between the arrival of conversion to new weapon systems when the landing forces of the amphibious force such duties are essential. Active duty for in the operational area and the special work may also be authorized to accomplishment of their mission. See also support study groups, training sites and amphibious force; amphibious operation; exercises, short-term projects, and doing landing force; mission. (JP 3-02) administrative or support functions. By 3

Apr 12, 2001 (JP 3-09.1) airlift capability — The total capacity expressed in terms of number of passengers and/or weight/cubic displacement of cargo.
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