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Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research, Volume I: Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable Discussions PDF

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Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research Volume 1 Mirroring the roundtable discussions conducted at the 2020 Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) conference, this volume highlights the dialogic knowledge-building process critical to advancing middle level teaching and research. Launching the new AMLE Innovations in Middle Level Education Research series, this collection captures the synergetic dialogue that occurs during professional meetings by collating and centering five recent studies on topics such as mathematics achievement, personalized and project- based learning, and teacher collaboration. A companion essay and critical external response accompanies each study, serving to re-situate original research and reconsider findings in view of professional insights and external critique gained through discussion at AMLE 2020. Ultimately, these response essays foreground potential avenues for future research and alternative thinking, laying the groundwork for implementation of critical discussion in the classroom environment. This text will benefit researchers, doctoral students, and academics in the fields of middle level education, educational research, and specifically research methods in education. Those interested in teaching and learning, and adolescent development more broadly, will also benefit from this volume. David C. Virtue is Taft B. Botner Distinguished Professor of Middle Grades Education at Western Carolina University, USA. AMLE Innovations in Middle Level Education Research Series Editor: David C. Virtue, Western Carolina University, USA Mirroring the roundtable discussions conducted at the annual AMLE conferences, this series highlights the dialogic knowledge-building process critical to advancing middle level teaching and research. Each annual volume draws together key studies from the last year, and these are accompanied by a companion essay and an external response. These critical pieces serve to re-situate original research and reconsider findings in view of professional insights and external critique gained through dis- cussion at the AMLE conference. In a response essay, third-party scholars foreground potential avenues for future research and alternative think- ing. Covering a wide range of topics with timely relevance to middle edu- cation research and teaching, volumes foreground generative discussion to push the field forward internationally. This series is produced in collaboration with the Association for Mid- dle Level Education (AMLE). Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research Volume 1 Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable Discussions Edited by David C. Virtue For more information about this series please visit: www.routledge. com/AMLE-Innovations-in-Middle-Level-Education-Research/book- series/AMLER Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research Volume 1 Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable Discussions Edited by David C. Virtue First published 2023 by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 and by Routledge 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2023 selection and editorial matter, David C. Virtue; individual chapters, the contributors The right of David C. Virtue to be identified as the author of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Virtue, David C., editor. | Association for Middle Level Education. Title: Dialogues in middle level education research. Volume 1, Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable discussions / edited by David C. Virtue. Other titles: Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable discussions Description: New York, NY : Routledge, 2023. | Series: AMLE innovations in middle level education research | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2022004953 | ISBN 9781032127118 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032127132 (paperback) | ISBN 9781003225867 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Middle school education. | Middle school teaching. | Mathematics—Study and teaching (Middle school) | Individualized instruction. | Problem-based learning. | Middle school teachers—Professional relationships. | Affective education. Classification: LCC LB1623 .D497 2023 | DDC 373.236—dc23/ eng/20220308 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022004953 ISBN: 9781032127118 (hbk) ISBN: 9781032127132 (pbk) ISBN: 9781003225867 (ebk) DOI: 10.4324/9781003225867 Typeset in Sabon by Apex CoVantage, LLC This book is dedicated to middle grades teachers who experiment, innovate, and generate new knowledge in the classroom every day on behalf of young adolescents and to three very special young adolescents—James, Evie, and Halden—and their mom, Shannon, who shared my attention with this project as I brought it to fruition. —David C. Virtue Contents About AMLE x List of Tables xi List of Figures xii List of Contributors xiii Foreword xvi Introduction 1 1 Engendering and Enriching Critical Conversations about Middle Level Education Research 3 DAVID C. VIRTUE PART I Factors Afecting Middle Grades Mathematics Achievement 15 2 Middle Level Mathematics Achievement from Teacher and Student Perspectives: Reflections and New Directions in Middle Level Mathematics Research 17 THERESA A. GARFIELD AND W. SEAN KEARNEY 3 Student Readiness to Learn and Teacher Effectiveness: Two Key Factors in Middle Grades Mathematics Achievement 29 W. SEAN KEARNEY AND THERESA A. GARFIELD 4 Teaching Mathematics in the Middle Grades: Connecting Seminal Education Philosophies to Current Best Practices 47 HOLLY H. PINTER viii Contents PART II Perspectives on Personalized Learning 59 5 Critical Reflections on Personalized Project-Based Learning 61 JESSICA DEMINK-CARTHEW, STEVEN NETCOH, KATHLEEN BRINEGAR, AND JEANIE PHILLIPS 6 Mixed Feelings about Choice: Exploring Variation in Middle School Student Experiences with Making Choices in a Personalized Learning Project 73 JESSICA DEMINK-CARTHEW AND STEVEN NETCOH 7 Hands-Joined Learning as a Framework for Personalizing Project-Based Learning in a Middle Grades Classroom: An Exploratory Study 106 JESSICA DEMINK-CARTHEW AND MARK W. OLOFSON 8 A Response to Critical Reflections on Personalized Project-Based Learning 134 JOHN DOWNES AND JAMES NAGLE PART III Understanding Teacher Collaboration in Diverse Classrooms 147 9 “All the Way Better”: Teacher Collaboration and ESL Students’ Participation 149 AMANDA GILES AND BEDRETTIN YAZAN 10 “You’re Not an Island”: A Middle Grades Language Arts Teacher’s Changed Perceptions in ESL and Content Teachers’ Collaboration 160 AMANDA GILES AND BEDRETTIN YAZAN 11 Insights from a Case Study on Teacher Collaboration: Response to Giles and Yazan 181 BOGUM YOON Contents ix PART IV Exploring Social and Emotional Learning in the Middle Grades 191 12 Extending Research on SEL in the Middle Grades 193 DAVID B. STRAHAN AND BETH POTEAT 13 Middle Level Students’ Perceptions of Their Social and Emotional Learning: An Exploratory Study 203 DAVID B. STRAHAN AND BETH POTEAT 14 Researching Social and Emotional Learning in the Middle Grades: A Response to Strahan and Poteat 227 KATHERINE M. MAIN AND CHERYL R. ELLERBROCK Conclusion 239 15 New Directions as Travel Itinerary 241 MATTHEW J. MOULTON Index 248

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