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Dialog e Volume 46 Index Volume 46 Index Editorials Encountering The World’s Religions: Paul and the Revisionists: Did Luther Nathan Séderblom and the Really Get it All Wrong? by Concept of Revelation by Karl P. Donfried, 31. Connie and Pastor Hochaltar by Ted Derek R. Nelson, 362. Pastor, are You a Religious Illiterate? Peters, 185. ‘The End of Faith?’ Science and The- by Michael Gutzler, Moses An Invitation to an Interreligious Im- ologya s Process by Noreen Penumaka, and Daren Eris- mersion: A Guest Editorial Herzfeld, 288. man, 370. by William E. Lesher, 320. Five Key Topics on the Frontier of Prison’s Door to Freedom by Eliza- Next time you are in Washington... Theology and Science To- beth Haysom,131. by Kristin Johnston Largen, day by Robert John Russell, The Problem of a Transcendent God SIF, 199. for the Well-Being of Con- On the Ted Haggard Scandal by From ‘Religion and Science’ to tinuous Creation by Whit- Kristin Johnston Largen, 1. ‘Kalam and Science’ by ney Bauman, 120. On the Bible in Public Schools by Basit Koshul, 235. Re-Framing the Question: How Can Libby and Connie, 83. Heidegger on Luther on Paul by Tim- We Construct a Theology Say “Hello” to Dialog’s New Editor- othy Stanley, 41. ofR eligions? by Ted Peters, in-Chief: Kristin Johnston Intercultural Ethics: Sameness and 322. Largen by Ted Peters, 1. Otherness Revisited by Reforming Theology, Reframing Sci- Science: A Prescription for a Healthy Wanda Deifelt, 112. ence by Ann Milliken Ped- Theology? by Ted Pe- Lutheran Theology in Engagement erson and Philip Hefner, with World Religions by 215. ters, 186. Theologians and Other Idiots by Ted Paul S. Chung, 335. A Review of Udo Schnelle and Francis Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms: Watson on Paul by David Peters, ] 85. Defining and Confessing L. Balch, 14. Christian Faith from the Science and Religion: What is at Theme Articles Centre in a Religiously Plu- Stake? by Lynn Lorenzen, ral World by Winston Per- 294. saud, 354. Science as Constraint: The Role of Against Anthropocentrism: A Jo- Natures, Human Nature, Genes Science within Theology bian Appezl to Science on and Souls: Reclaiming by Nathan Hallanger, 208. Theology’s Behalf by Paul Theological Anthropology Science as Goad and Guide for The- Sponheim, 255. Through Biological Struc- ology by George Murphy, Beyond Dialogue: The Role of Sci- turalism by Joshua M. Ez). ence Within Theology by Moritz, 263. Theology’s Need for a New Interpre- Ernest Simmons, 189. The New Cognitive Science of Reli- tation of Nature: Correlate Christian God-Talk While Listening gion and Religious Plural- of the Doctrine of Grace by to Atheists, Pluralists, and ism by John Benson, Page. Lou Ann Trost, 246. Muslims by Ted Peters, 84. Nothing Less than Everything: Toward a Christian Prison Theology Disturbing Politics: Neo-Paulinism Thoughts on a _ Sittler by Chris Barbera, 128. and the Scrambling of Reli- Legacy by James M. Word of God or Dialog with Sci- gious and Secular Identities Childs, Jr. 104. ence? Overcoming a False by Ward Blanton, 3. On Being Lutheran in a Religiously Dilemma through Mis- Did Paul Get Luther Right? by David Plural World by Paul O. sional Encounter by Alan 7 Brondos, 24. Ingram, 344. G. Padgett, 281. Dialog: A Journal of Theology ¢ Volume 46, Number 4 @ Winter 2007 Outside the Theme Paul, Luther, and the Cross: In Dia- The Fate of Communion: The Agony log with Karl Donfried 174 of Anglicanism and the Fu- by David Brondos ture of a Global Church by On Atheism, Pluralism and Science: Ephraim Radner and Philip Grace—and Lack Thereof: A Dif- ferent Angle on the Horri- A Response to Peters by Turner. Ryan Marr, 181. ble and Unrepresentable in Alan G. Padgett, 393. The First and the Last: The Claim of Polanski’s The Pianist by On Atheism in Response to Ted Peters Jesus Christ and the Claims Jan-Olav Henriksen, 55. by Sharon Peebles Burch, of Other Religious Tradi- 389. tions by George Sumner. On Parish Theologizing in Response Jeff Nowers, Page. Theological to Ted Peters by Elizabeth Romans in Full Circle: AH istory ofI n- Autobiography Purdum, 396. terpretation by Mark Rea- On Pluralism, Comparative The- soner. James W. Aageson, ology & Tariq Ramadan: 78. A Response to Ted Peters The Postmodern Significance of Max A Theological Autobiography, to by Kristin Johnston Largen, Weber’s Legacy: Disen- Date by Robert W. Jenson, 408. chanting Disenchantment 40. On Pluralism: in Response to Ted Pe- by Basit Bilal Koshul. Larry What I Really Said about Secularisa- ters by John Benson, 404. Alderink, Page. tion by David Martin, 139. A Parish Pastor Responds to Ted The Word That Redescribes the Wind and Spirit: A Theological Auto- Peters by Juliet Sanson World: The Bible and biography by Nancey Mur- Bongfeldt, 399, Discipleship by Walter phy, 301. Brueggemann and _ Patrick D. Miller. Lynn Hofstad, Views and Theology Update 182. Counterviews Alphabetical List Discarding the Barthian Spectacles: Conclusion—Might We Be Ecumenical Hospitality: A Response of Authors “Liberals” After All? by to Kristin Johnston Largen Michael B. Aune, 153. by Matt Moser, 177. Aageson, James W. Romans in Full Cir- Book Reviews cle: A History of Interpretation Ecumenic and by Mark Reasoner. 78. Ecumenical Alderink, Larry. 7he Postmodern Sig- Perspectives After the Spirit: A Constructive Pneu- nificance of Max Weber’ matology from Resources Legacy: Disenchanting Disen- outside the Modern West by chantment by Basit Bilal Eugene F. Rogers Jr. Clint Koshul. Page. Protestant Reflections on Pope Bene- Schnekloth, 79. Aune, Michael B. Discarding the dict XVI’s Faith, Rea- Anticipating Omega by Ved Peters. Barthian Spectacles: Con- son and the University by Nathan Hallanger, 311. clusion Might We Be Roland Chia, 66. Byzantine Christianity: A People’s “Liberals” After All?, 153. History of Christianity, Vol- Balch, David L. A Review of Udo ume III, edited by Derek Schnelle and Francis Wat- Dialogue in Dialog Krueger and Denis Janz. son on Paul, 14. Keith Frase, 418. Barbera, Chris. Toward a Christian Divinity and Diversity: A Christian Prison Theology, 128. Flashpoints in Interpreting Paul by Affirmation of Religious Bauman, Whitney. The Problem of Arland J. Hultgren, 166. Pluralism by Marjorie He- a Transcendent God for the How Luther Got Paul Right 170 by witt Suchocki. Ernest Sim- Well-Being of Continuous Risto Saarinen mons, 179. Creation, 120. me , Dialog e Volume 46 Index Benson, John. The New Cognitive Henriksen, Jan-Olav. Grace—and Moser, Matt. Ecumenical Hospitality: Science of Religion and Re- Lack Thereof: A Different A Response to Kristin John ligious Pluralism Page. Angle on the Horrible and ston Largen, 177 Blanton, Ward. Disturbing — Poli- Unrepresentable in Polan- Murphy, Nancey. Wind and Spirit: A tics: Neo-Paulinism and the skis The Pianist, 55. Theological Autobiography, Scrambling of Religious and Herzfeld, Noreen. “The End of 301. Secular Identities, 3. Faith?’ Science and Theol- Murphy, George. Science as Goad Benson, John. On Pluralism: in Re- ogy as Process, 288. and Guide for Theology, sponse to Ted Peters, Page. Hofstad, Lynn. The Word That Re- II4 Bongfeldt, Juliet Sanson. A Parish describes the World: The Bibl. Nelson, Derek R. Encountering Pastor Responds to Ted Pe- and Discipleship by Walter i he World’s Religions: ters, Page. Brueggemann and Patrick Nathan Sdéderblom = and Brondos, David A. Did Paul Get D. Miller. 182. the Concept of Revelation, Luther Right?, 24; Paul, Hultgren, Arland J. Flashpoints in In- Page. Luther, and the Cross: In terpreting Paul, 166. Nowers, Jeff. The First and the Last: Dialog with Karl Donfried, Ingram, Paul O. On Being Lutheran The Claim of Jesus Christ ana 174. in a_ Religiously Plural the Claims of Other Religious Burch, Sharon Peebles. On Atheism World, Page. Traditions by George Sum- in Response to Ted Peters, Jenson, RobertW . A Theological Au- ner, Page. Page. tobiography, to Date 46. Padgett, Alan G. On Atheism, Chia, Roland. Protestant Reflections Koshul, Basit. From ‘Religion and Pluralism and Science: \ on Pope Benedict XVI's Science’ to “Kalam and Sci- Response to Peters, Page; Faith, Reasaondn t he Univer- ence, 235. Word of God or Dialog sity, 66 Largen, Kristin Johnston. Next time with Science? Overcoming Childs, James M. Jr. Nothing Less you are in Washington..., a False Dilemma through than Everything: Thoughts Page; On Pluralism, Com- Missional Encounter, on a Sittler Legacy, 104. parative Theology & Tariq 281. Chung, Paul S. Lutheran Theology Ramadan: A Response to Pederson, Ann Milliken and Philip in Engagement with World Ted Peters, Page; On the Hefner. Reforming The Religions, Page. Ted Haggard Scandal, 1. ology, Reframing Science, Deifelt, Wanda. Intercultural Ethics: Lesher, William E. An Invitation 215. Sameness and Otherness to an Interreligious Immer- Peters, Ted. Christian God-Talk sion: A Guest Editorial, While Listening to Atheists, Revisited, FEZ. Donfried, Karl P. Paul and the Revi- Page. Pluralists, and Muslims, sionists: Did Luther Really Libby and Connie. On the Bible in 84; Connie and Pastor Get it All Wrong?, 31. Public Schools, 83. Hochaltar,185; Re-Framing Erisman, Daren, Michael Gutzler, Lorenzen, Lynn. Science and Reli- the Question: How Can and Moses Penumaka. Pas- gion: What is at Stake?, We Construct a Theology tor, are You a Religious Il- 294. of Religions?, Page; Say literate? Page. Marr, Ryan. he Fate of Commu- “Hello” to Dialogs New ; Frase, Keith. Byzantine Christianity: nion: The Agony of Anglican- Editor-in-Chief: Kristin A Peoples History of Chris ism and the Future of a Global Johnston Largen, 1; Sci tianity, Volume IIT, edited by Church by Ephraim Radnet ence: A Prescription for Derek Krueger and Denis and Philip Turner. 181. a Healthy | heology 7,186; Janz. Page. Martin, David. What | Really Said Theologians and Other Hallanger, Nathan. Anticipating about Secularisation, 139. Idiots, 185. Omega by Ted Peters. Page; Moritz, Joshua M. Natures, Human Persaud, Winston. Luther's Small and Nature, Genes and Souls: Large Catechisms: Defin- Science as Constraint: The Role of Science within Reclaiming Pheological ing and Confessing Chris- | heology, 208. Anthropology Through tian Faith from the Cen- Haysom, Elizabeth. Prison’s Door to Biological Structuralism, tre in a Religiously Plural Freedom, 131. 263. World, Page. Dialog: A Journal of Theology e Volume 46, Number 4 @ Winter 2007 Purdum, Elizabeth. On Parish Theol- ogy from Resources outside the Sponheim, Paul. Against Anthro- ogizing in Response to Ted Modern West by Eugene F. pocentrism: A Jobian Ap- Peters, Page. Rogers Jr. 79. peal to Science on Theol- Russell, Robert John. Five Key Topics Simmons, Ernest. Beyond Dialogue: ogy’s Behalf 255. on the Frontier of Theology The Role of Science Within Stanley, Timothy. Heidegger on and Science Today, 199. Theology, 189; Divinity and Luther on Paul, 41. Saarinen, Risto. How Luther Got Diversity: A Christian Affir- Trost, Lou Ann. Theology’s Need for Paul Right, 170. mation of Religious Plural- a New Interpretation of Na- Schnekloth, Clint. After the Spirit: ism by Marjorie Hewitt Su- ture: Correlate of the Doc- A Constructive Pneumatol- chocki. 179. trine of Grace, 246.

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