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Preview diagnostic checking for the adequacy of nonlinear time series models

EconometricTheory,19,2003,1065–1121+PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica+ DOI:10+10170S0266466603196089 DIAGNOSTIC CHECKING FOR THE ADEQUACY OF NONLINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS YOOONNNGGGMMMIIIAAAOOO HOOONNNGGG Cornell University TAAAEEE-HWWWYYY LEEEEEE University of California, Riverside We propose a new diagnostic test for linear and nonlinear time series models, using a generalized spectral approach+ Under a wide class of time series models thatincludesautoregressiveconditionalheteroskedasticity~ARCH!andautoregres- sive conditional duration ~ACD! models, the proposed test enjoys the appealing “nuisance-parameter-free”propertyinthesensethatmodelparameterestimation uncertainty has no impact on the limit distribution of the test statistic+ It is con- sistentagainstanytypeofpairwiseserialdependenceinthemodelstandardized residuals and allows the choice of a proper lag order via data-driven methods+ Moreover, the new test is asymptotically more efficient than the correlation integral–based test of Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron ~1991, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability: Statistical Theory and Economic Evidence! and Brock, Dechert, Scheinkman, and LeBaron ~1996, Econometric Reviews 15, 197–235!, the well-known BDS test, against a class of plausible local alternatives ~not in- cludingARCH!+Asimulation study compares the finite-sample performance of the proposed test and the tests of BDS, Box and Pierce ~1970, Journal of the American Statistical Association 65, 1509–1527!, Ljung and Box ~1978, Bio- metrika65,297–303!,McLeodandLi~1983,JournalofTimeSeriesAnalysis4, 269–273!,andLiandMak~1994,JournalofTimeSeriesAnalysis15,627–636!+ The new test has good power against a wide variety of stochastic and chaotic alternatives to the null models for conditional mean and conditional variance+ It can play a valuable role in evaluating adequacy of linear and nonlinear time se- riesmodels+AnempiricalapplicationtothedailyS&P500priceindexhighlights themeritsofourapproach+ Wethanktheco-editor~DonAndrews!andtworefereesforcarefulandconstructivecommentsthathaveleadto significantimprovementoveranearlierversion+WealsothankC+W+J+Granger,D+Tjøstheim,andZ+Xiaofor helpfulcomments+Hong’sparticipationissupportedbytheNationalScienceFoundationviaNSFgrantSES– 0111769+LeethankstheUCRAcademicSenateforresearchsupport+Addresscorrespondenceto:Yongmiao Hong,DepartmentofEconomicsandDepartmentofStatisticalScience,CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY14853- 7601,USA;e-mail:yh20@cornell+edu;ortoTae-HwyLee,DepartmentofEconomics,UniversityofCalifornia, Riverside,Riverside,CA92521-0427,USA;e-mail:tae+lee@ucr+edu+ © 2003 Cambridge University Press 0266-4666003 $12+00 1065 1066 YONGMIAO HONG AND TAE-HWY LEE 1. INTRODUCTION The development of nonlinear time series analysis has been advancing rapidly ~e+g+, Subba Rao and Gabr, 1984; Priestley, 1988; Tong, 1990; Brock, Hsieh, andLeBaron,1991;GrangerandTeräsvirta,1993;Tjøstheim,1994;Teräsvirta, Tjøstheim, and Granger, 1994; Terdik, 1999!+ In modern time series analysis, one often considers the data generating process Yt 5g0~It21!1h0~It21!«t, t50,61,+++, (1.1) where It21 is the information set available at time t21 and $«t% is a sequence of independently and identically distributed ~i+i+d+! innovations+ Often, $« % t has mean 0 and variance 1 such that g0~It21! 5 E~Yt6It21! and h02~It21! 5 var~Yt6It21! almostsurely~a.s.!.Forvariousexamplesthatbelongtoclass~1+1!, see, e+g+, Tong ~1990! and Granger and Teräsvirta ~1993!+ It is also possible that $« % is an i+i+d+ nonnegative sequence with E~« ! 51+ An example is the t t autoregressive conditional duration ~ACD! process introduced in Engle and Russell ~1998! for irregularly spaced time series, where g0~It21! 5 0 and h0~It21!5E~Yt6It21! is the conditional duration of the nonnegative time dura- tion process $Y%+ t Various models for g ~{! and h ~{! have been proposed in the literature+ 0 0 Consider a model Yt 5g~It21,u!1h~It21,u!et~u!, (1.2) where g~{,u! and h~{,u! are some known parametric specifications for g ~{! 0 andh ~{!,u[Qisanunknownfinite-dimensionalparametervector,and$e~u!% 0 t isanunobservableseries+Specification~1+2!coversmostcommonlyusedlinear and nonlinear time series models+ Examples includeACD, autoregressive con- ditional heteroskedasticity ~ARCH!, autoregressive moving average ~ARMA!, bilinear, nonlinear moving average, Markov regime-switching, smooth transi- tion,exponential,andthresholdautoregressivemodels+Wheng~{,u!andh~{,u! are correctly specified for g ~{! and h ~{!, i+e+, when there exists some u [ Q 0 0 0 such that g~{,u ! 5 g ~{! and h~{,u ! 5 h ~{! a.s., the model standardized 0 0 0 0 errorseries$e~u !% coincideswiththetrueinnovationseries$« % andtherefore t 0 t is i+i+d+ In contrast, if g~{,u! is inadequate for g ~{! and0or h~{,u! is inade- 0 quate for h ~{!, i+e+, if there exists no u [ Q such that g~{,u!5g ~{! and0or 0 0 h~{,u! 5 h ~{! a+s+, $e~u!% will be serially dependent for all u [ Q+ Conse- 0 t quently, to test adequacy of model ~1+2!, one can check whether there exists some u [ Q such that $e~u !% is i+i+d+ Tests for i+i+d+ rather than for white 0 t 0 noisearemoresuitableandusefulinnonlineartimeseriesanalysis,inparticu- lar when higher order conditional moments or the conditional probability dis- tribution are of interest ~e+g+, Brock et al+, 1991; Brock, Dechert, Scheinkman, and LeBaron, 1996, Christoffersen, 1998; Diebold, Gunther, and Tay, 1998; Kim, Shephard, and Chib, 1998; Clement and Smith, 2000; Elerian, Chib, and Shephard, 2001!+ See also an empirical application in Section 8+ DIAGNOSTIC CHECKING FOR NONLINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS 1067 Because $e~u !% is unobservable, one has to use the standardized estimated t 0 residual e[t 5@Yt2g~IZt21,uZ!#0h~IZt21,uZ!, t51,+++,n, (1.3) where uZ is a consistent estimator of u0 based on a random sample $Yt%tn51 of size n and IZ is the observed information set available at period t that may in- t volve certain initial values+ To construct an asymptotically valid test proce- dure,itisimportanttoexaminewhetherandhowtheuseof$e[t%tn51ratherthan $et[et~u0!%tn51affectsthelimitdistributionofateststatistic,besidesitspower property ~seeTjøstheim, 1996!+ Often, the information set It21 consists of lagged variables $Yt2j,j . 0%+ When g0~It21! is linear in It21, Yt is called linear in conditional mean on It21 ~Lee,White,andGranger,1993!+Ifinadditionh0~It21!5sa.s.,$Yt% iscalled completely linear in It21 ~Granger, 2001; Granger and Lee, 1999!+ Assuming h0~It21! 5 s a+s+ in an ARMA framework, Box and Pierce ~1970! and Ljung and Box ~1978! propose a diagnostic test for anARMA~p ,q ! model: 0 0 p BPL~p!5n~n12!j(51~n2j!21r[2~j! d&&xp22~p01q0!, p.p01q0, (1.4) where r[~j! is the sample autocorrelation function of $e[t%tn51, e[t 5 Yt 2 g~IZt21,uZ!, and g~IZt21,uZ! is an estimated ARMA~p0,q0! model+ Here, $e[t% is the usual estimated residuals because no conditional variance estimation is involved+The degrees of freedom of the Box–Pierce–Ljung~BPL! test depend on p 1q , the number of the estimated parameters+ Hong ~1996! and Paparo- 0 0 ditis ~2000a, 2000b! propose spectrum-based diagnostic tests that generalize the BPL~p! test+ It has been pointed out for a long time ~e+g+, Granger and Anderson, 1978; Granger, 1983! that the Box–Pierce–Ljung test has no power against nonlinear dependencies with zero autocorrelation, such as some bilinear and nonlinear moving-average~MA!processes+Usingthesampleautocorrelationfunctionof squared residuals, McLeod and Li ~1983! suggest a test for linearity against unspecified nonlinearity+ For a nullARMA~p ,q ! model, the McLeod and Li 0 0 ~1983! test statistic is p ML~p!5n~n12!(~n2j!21r[22~j! d&&xp2, (1.5) j51 where r[2~j! is the sample autocorrelation function of $e[t2%tn51 and e[t 5 Yt 2 g~IZt21,uZ!+ This test has good power against ARCH+ It also has power against departures from linearity that have apparent ARCH structures+ The null limit distributionoftheteststatisticisax2distribution;thedegreesoffreedomneed p not be adjusted when only an ARMA model is estimated+ As pointed out in 1068 YONGMIAO HONG AND TAE-HWY LEE Granger and Teräsvirta ~1993!, ML~p! is asymptotically equivalent to the La- grange multiplier test forARCH of Engle ~1982!+ When testing the adequacy of anARCH0generalized autoregressive moving average ~GARCH! model, many researchers have applied the McLeod–Li test tothesquaresoftheestimatedstandardizedresiduals+1LiandMak~1994!show thatthisprocedureismisleadingbecauseitsasymptoticdistributionisnotax2 distribution if ML~p! is applied to the residuals standardized by estimated ARCH0GARCH models+ Li and Mak ~1994! propose corrected statistics+ In fact, their test is asymptotically equivalent to the Lagrange multiplier test pre- sented in Lundbergh and Teräsvirta ~1998!, which is a test of the standardized errors being i+i+d+ against the alternative that they follow anARCH model+ Li and Mak ~1994! also provide a simpler statistic when the fitted conditional variance model is ARCH~r!+ For a null ARMA~p ,q !-ARCH~r! model, the 0 0 simpler version of Li and Mak’s test statistic can be written as p LM~p,r!5n~n12! ( ~n2j!21r[22~j! d&&xp22r, p.r, (1.6) j5r11 where r[2~j! is the sample autocorrelation function of $e[t2%tn51, e[t 5 @Yt 2 g~IZt21,uZ!#0h~IZt21,uZ!, and h~IZt21,uZ! is an estimated ARCH~r! model+ The null limit distribution depends on r, the order of theARCH model+ When other conditional variance models are estimated, the test statistic itself has to be modified as suggested by Li and Mak ~1994! or by Lundbergh and Teräs- virta ~2002!+ Brock et al+ ~1991, 1996! propose a diagnostic test for model ~1+2!, using chaos theory: BDS~m,d!5n102@CZ ~d!2CZ ~d!m#0VZ 102, (1.7) m 1 m where the sample correlation integral ~cf+ Grassberger and Procaccia, 1983! 2 n t21 m21 CZm~d!5 n~nF21! t5(m11s(5m j)50 1~6e[t2Gj2e[s2j6,d! m21 p&&P ) 1~6et2j2es2j6,d! [Cm~d!, (1.8) j50 1~{! is an indicator function, m is the so-called embedding dimension, d is a distance parameter, and VZ is an asymptotic variance estimator+ The statistic m CZm~d! measures the fraction of pairs of histories$e[t2j,e[s2j%jm5201 that are within distance d of each other+ If e[ and e[ are close in value, so will be subsequent t s pairs for a chaotic process but not for an i+i+d+ sequence+ Thus, BDS~m,d! is expectedtohavegoodpoweragainstchaos+Inaddition,italsohaspoweragainst a wide range of stochastic dependent processes+To see this, observe that when $e % is i+i+d+, we have t DIAGNOSTIC CHECKING FOR NONLINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS 1069 C ~d!5C ~d!m (1.9) m 1 for all positive integers m and all distances d . 0+ In other words, the correla- tion integral C ~d! behaves like the characteristic function of a serial string in m the sense that the correlation integral of a serial string is the product of corre- lation integrals of component substrings+ If C ~d!(cid:222)C ~d!m, there is evidence m 1 against the i+i+d+ hypothesis, and BDS will gain power+2 As shown in Brock et al+ ~1991, Ch+ 2 andAppendix D!, BDS~m,d! has the appealing “nuisance-parameter-free” property that any n102-consistent param- eter estimator uZ has no impact on its null limit distribution under a class of conditionalmeanmodelsg~{,u!+This,togetherwithgoodpoweragainstawide rangeofdependentalternatives,hasmadeBDS~m,d!aconvenientandpower- ful diagnostic tool for nonlinear time series models+ It has been recommended byBrocketal+~1991!asaportmanteaulackoffittestfornonlineartimeseries models in the same spirit as Box and Jenkins ~1970, p+ 29! recommend Box– Pierce–Ljung’s test for linear time series models+ Nevertheless, BDS~m,d! has certain features one might consider undesir- able+ First, the “nuisance-parameter-free” property holds only under condi- tional mean models but not under ARCH models ~cf+ Brock et al+, 1991, Appendix D!+ More generally, when conditional variance estimation is in- volved, the limit distribution of BDS~m,d! depends on the nature of estimator uZ, and how to modify the test statistic is unknown+3 This is troublesome in practice+ Second, although serial independence implies ~1+8!, the converse is not true ~Brock et al+, 1991, p+ 47!+ There are examples in which $e % is not t i+i+d+ but ~1+8! holds+ For such alternatives, BDS~m,d! may have no power+ Also,BDS~m,d!involvesthechoiceoftwoparameters—mandd+Bothmand d are fixed but arbitrary+ Because m21 is actually the largest lag order used, BDS~m,d! has no power against alternatives for which serial dependence in $e % occurs only at the lag orders equal to or larger than m+ Ideally, a proper t choiceofmshoulddependonthealternative,which,however,isunknownwhen serialdependenceof$e % isofunknownform+Similarly,somechoiceofdmay t render BDS~m,d! inconsistent against certain alternatives+ There exists no rule guided by chaos theory for choosing parameters m and d, although Brock et al+ ~1991! have recommended a simple rule of thumb based on their simula- tionstudy+Moreover,asshowninSection5,BDS~m,d!hassuboptimalpower against some local alternatives+ For example, it can detect a local ARCH~1!- type alternative with parametric rate n2102 but a local MA~1! alternative with rate n2104 only+ In this paper, we propose a new diagnostic test for time series model ~1+2!, using a generalized spectrum proposed in Hong ~1999!+ The test enjoys the “nuisance-parameter-free”propertyoftheBDStestunderawiderclassoftime seriesmodels,whichincludebutarenotrestrictedtoARCHandACDmodels+ It is consistent against any type of pairwise serial dependence across various lags in the model standardized residuals, a property not attainable by the BDS 1070 YONGMIAO HONG AND TAE-HWY LEE test+ It can detect a class of local alternatives with a rate slightly slower than the parametric rate n2102 but much faster than n2104+ This class includes both MAandARCH-typelocalalternatives+Finally,generalizedspectralsmoothing allows one to choose a lag order via data-driven methods, which are more ob- jectivethananarbitrarychoiceora“ruleofthumb”andthusgivemorerobust power+ A simulation study compares the proposed test and the tests of BDS, Box–Pierce–Ljung, and McLeod–Li0Li–Mak in finite samples+ The new test has reasonable power against a wide variety of stochastic and chaotic alterna- tivestothenullmodels+Itisausefuladditiontotheexistingdiagnostictoolkit for time series models ~see Barnett, Gallant, Hinich, Jungeilges, Kaplan, and Jensen, 1997!+An empirical application to the daily S&P500 index highlights the merits of the proposed test+ We emphasize, however, that our procedure is best viewed as a complement rather than a substitute to the BDS test, which is motivated from an interesting chaotic theory+4 It should be pointed out that there are a variety of nonparametric tests for serial dependence in the literature+ These include the tests of Chan and Tran ~1992!, Cameron and Trivedi ~1993!, Delgado ~1996!, Hong ~1998!, Pinkse ~1998!, Skaug and Tjøstheim ~1993a, 1993b, 1996!, and Robinson ~1991!+All ofthesetestsarebasedonobservedrawdataratherthanonestimatedstandard- izedresiduals+Whetherandhowthelimitdistributionsofthesetestswillchange when applied to estimated standardized residuals has not been investigated+ In this paper, we do not consider how to adapt these tests to estimated standard- ized residuals $e[ %+ t 2. A NEW DIAGNOSTIC TEST Hong~1999!proposesageneralizedspectrumasananalytictoolforlinearand nonlinear time series+ Suppose the time series $e % is strictly stationary+ The t basicideaofHong~1999!istoconsiderthespectrumofthetransformedseries $eiuet%, where u [ R5~2‘,‘!+ Define sj~u,v!5cov~eiuet,eivet2j!, i5M21,j50,61,+++, (2.1) the covariance between eiuet and eivet2j+ Straightforward algebra yields s~u,v!5w ~u,v!2w~u!w~v!, (2.2) j j where wj~u,v! 5 E@ei~uet1vet2j!# and w~u! 5 E~eiuet! are the joint and marginal characteristic functions of ~et,et2j!+5 Thus, sj~u,v! 5 0 for all ~u,v! [ R2 if and only if et and et2j are independent+ Suppose sup~u,v![R2(j‘52‘6sj~u,v!6 , ‘, which holds when, for example, $et% is a stationary a-mixing process with the mixing coefficients $a~j!% satisfying (j‘50a~j!~n21!0n , ‘ for some n . 1+ Then the Fourier transform of sj~u,v! exists: DIAGNOSTIC CHECKING FOR NONLINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS 1071 1 ‘ f~v,u,v!5 ( s~u,v!e2ijv, v[@2p,p#+ (2.3) 2p j52‘ j No moment condition on $e % is required+ When var~e ! exists, however, the t t negative partial derivative of f~v,u,v! with respect to ~u,v! at ~0,0! yields the conventional spectral density: ]2f~v,u,v!* 1 ‘ 2 5 ( R~j!e2ijv, ]u]v ~0,0! 2p j52‘ where R~j!5cov~et,et2j!+ For this reason f~v,u,v! is called in Hong ~1999! a “generalized spectral density” of $e %+ The introduction of parameters ~u,v! t offers much flexibility in capturing serial dependence in $e %+ The generalized t spectrumf~v,u,v!cancaptureanytypeofpairwisedependenceacrossvarious lags in $e %, including those with zero autocorrelations+ Searching over the do- t main of ~u,v!, for example, one can find the “maximal dependence” of $e % at t each frequency v, as given by s~v!5 sup 6f~v,u,v!6, v[@2p,p#, ~u,v![R2 where 6{6 is the Euclidean norm+ This maximal spectral dependence may be contributed from linear or nonlinear serial dependence in $e %+ A generalized t spectral peak at some frequency will indicate a cycle, seasonality, or periodic- ityduetononlineardependence~e+g+,volatilityclustering!when$e % isawhite t noise+6 The generalized spectrum f~v,u,v! differs from the well-known higher order spectra, which are the Fourier transforms of higher order cumulants ~cf+ Brillinger and Rosenblatt, 1967a, 1967b; Subba Rao and Gabr, 1980, 1984; Terdik, 1999!+ It does not require any moment condition on e + This is appeal- t ing because, for example, it has been argued that many high-frequency eco- nomic and financial time series have infinite variances ~e+g+, Fama and Roll, 1968; Pagan and Schwert, 1990!+ It can effectively capture any pairwise serially dependent processes, includingARCH with zero third cumulants+ For such ARCH processes, the bispectrum—the Fourier transform of third-order cumulants—will miss them+ We note, however, that f~v,u,v! cannot capture dependent processes that are pairwise serially independent ~i+e+, et and et2j are independent for any nonzero j but $e % is serially dependent!, which may or t may not be captured by the bispectrum+ It would be interesting to compare the generalizedspectrumandthebispectrumthoroughly,butthisisbeyondthescope of this paper and should be pursued elsewhere+ When $e % is i+i+d+, f~v,u,v! becomes a flat generalized spectrum t 1 f ~v,u,v!5 s ~u,v!, v[@2p,p#+ (2.4) 0 2p 0 1072 YONGMIAO HONG AND TAE-HWY LEE Any deviation of f~v,u,v! from f ~v,u,v! is evidence of serial dependence of 0 $e %+ To test the i+i+d+ hypothesis for $e %, Hong ~1999! suggests that one com- t t paretwoconsistentestimatorsoff~v,u,v!andf ~v,u,v!viaanL -norm+Define 0 2 s[ ~u,v!5w[ ~u,v!2w[ ~u,0!w[ ~0,v!, j50,61,+++,6~n21!, (2.5) j j j j where 5 n ~n2j!21 ( ei~ue[t1ve[t2j! ifj$0, w[ ~u,v!5 t511j (2.6) j n ~n1j!21 ( ei~ue[t1j1ve[t! ifj,0+ t512j Notethatw[j~u,v!5w[2j~v,u!+Akernelestimatorforf~v,u,v!canbedefinedas 1 n21 fZ ~v,u,v!5 ( ~126j60n!102k~j0p!s[ ~u,v!e2ijv, (2.7) n 2p j512n j where k:R r @21,1# is a symmetric kernel and p[p is a bandwidth ~or lag n order! such that p r ‘, p0n r 0 as n r ‘+ Examples of k~{! include the Bartlett,Daniell,quadratic-spectral,andtruncatedkernels~e+g+,Priestley,1981, p+ 441!+ The factor ~12 6j60n!102 is a finite-sample correction factor that de- livers a better approximation to the finite-sample distribution+ We also have a consistent estimator for f ~v,u,v!: 0 1 fZ ~v,u,v!5 s[ ~u,v!, v[@2p,p#+ (2.8) 0 2p 0 Let W:R r R1 be a nondecreasing function such that W’~u!5w~v! exists and is symmetric about 0, with *dW~u!5*w~u!du , ‘+ Examples of W~{! are the cumulative distribution functions of N~0,1!, double exponential, and uniformdistributions+7 Thenatestforthei+i+d+hypothesisof$e % canbebased t on a properly standardized L -norm: 2 EE p n21 np 6fZ ~v,u,v!2fZ ~v,u,v!62dvdW~u!dW~v!2CZ ( k2~j0p! n 0 0 MZ ~p!5 2p F G j51 n22 102 2DZ ( k4~j0p! 0 j51 E n21 n21 ( k2~j0p!~n2j!6s[ ~u,v!62dW~u!dW~v!2CZ ( k2~j0p! j 0 5 j51 F G j51 , n22 102 2DZ ( k4~j0p! 0 j51 (2.9) DIAGNOSTIC CHECKING FOR NONLINEAR TIME SERIES MODELS 1073 wherethesecondequalityfollowsfromParseval’sidentity,s[j~u,v!5s[2j~v,u!, symmetry of weighting functions k~{! and w~{!+ Moreover, the centering and scaling factors have the following values: F G E 2 CZ 5 s[ ~u,2u!dW~u! , (2.10) 0 0 F G E 2 DZ 5 6s[ ~u,v!62dW~u!dW~v! + (2.11) 0 0 Throughout, unspecified integrals are taken over the entire Euclidean space of proper dimension+ The test statistic MZ ~p! involves one- and two-dimensional numerical integrations with respect to ~u,v!, which can be implemented using, e+g+,Gauss–Legendrequadratures+Notethat MZ ~p!involvesnonumericalinte- gration over frequency v, which has been integrated out as a result of the use of the L -norm+ Divergence measures rather than the L -norm could be used, 2 2 but they would generally involve numerical integrations over v and also over ~u,v!, and the distribution theory might be different also+ A GAUSS code for computing MZ ~p! with p chosen via a data-driven method is available from the authors+ 3. ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTION We now derive the null limit distribution of MZ ~p! and establish its “nuisance- parameter-free” property under a wide class of time series models+ Following are regularity conditions+ Assumption A+1+ $Y % is a strictly stationary a-mixing process with t (j‘50a~j!~n21!0n , ‘ for some n . 1+ Assumption A+2+ n102~uZ 2u !5O ~1!, where u 5plim~uZ!+ 0 P 0 Assumption A+3+ Let I be the pseudo information set from time t t to the infinite past and let Q be a small convex neighborhood of u + 0 0 The functions g~I ,{! and h~I ,{! are twice continuously differentiable t t bwEEyisstuuhsoppmuur[[eeQQs00pc77oehhcn22tst11a~~tnoIIttt,,Cuuu!![~~]][02~0]0]u,Qu‘!2h0!!~,hIawt~,.Ishut+,e,!u7re4!w,7e2itt,~hEua!sEnu5dpsuu@[YpEQtu[s20u7Qhp0g7u2~[h1IQt2~20I11t@~,,eIuut4t!,!~#~uu]0!!h2#~0]~]I0uta]2lu21l!!,ggub~~!oII+ttu,,nuud!!77e42d,, Assumption A+4+ Let IZ be the observed information set available at time t t that may involve certain initial values+ Then 1074 YONGMIAO HONG AND TAE-HWY LEE n *h~I ,u!2h~IZ ,u!* lim (E sup t t #C nr‘ t51 u[Q0 h~IZt,u! and n *g~I ,u!2g~IZ ,u!* lim (E sup t t #C+ nr‘ t51 u[Q0 h~IZt,u! Assumption A+5+ k:R r @21,1# is symmetric about 0 and is continuous at 0 and all points in R except a finite number of points, with k~0! 5 1, *‘k2~z!dz , ‘, 6k~z!6#C6z62b as z r ‘ for some b . 1_ and C [ ~0,‘!+ 0 2 Assumption A+6+ W:R r R1 is nondecreasing such that the derivative W’~u! 5 w~u! exists and is symmetric about 0, with *‘ dW~u! , ‘ and 2‘ *‘ u4dW~u! , ‘+ 2‘ Assumption A+7+ D [@*6s ~u,v!62dW~u!dW~v!#2 . 0+ 0 0 These are conditions on the data generating process ~DGP! $Y%, model pa- t rameter estimator uZ, initial value conditions, models g~{,u! and h~{,u!, and weight functions k~{! and W~{!+ In Assumption A+1, we permit but do not re- quirevar~Y!,‘+Anexamplewithvar~Y!5‘istheintegratedGARCH~1,1! t t process~EngleandBollerslev,1986!+InAssumptionA+2,wepermitbutdonot requireuZ tobeaquasi–maximumlikelihoodestimator~LeeandHansen,1994; Lumsdaine,1996!+Anyn102-consistentestimatoruZ suffices+AssumptionA+3is astandardconditionontheconditionalmeanandconditionalvariancemodels+ We require that the fourth moment of the standardized error e exist+ t Assumption A+4 is a start-up value condition+ It ensures that the impact of initialvalues~ifany!assumedinIZ isasymptoticallynegligible+Thiscondition t easilyholdsformanytimeseriesmodels+Toillustratethis,wefirstconsideran invertibleMA~1!modelYt5aut211ut,whereut5set,$et% isi+i+d+~0,1!,and 6a6,1+Here,wehaveg~It21,u!5aut21andh~It21,u!5s,whereu5~a,s!’+ Furthermore, we have It21 5 $Yt21,+++,Y1,Y0,+++% and IZt21 5 $Yt21,+++,Y1,u[0%, where u[ is some assumed value ~e+g+, u[ 50! for u + The condition on h~{,{! 0 0 0 holds trivially, so we focus on the condition on g~{,{!+ By recursive substitu- tion, we obtain g~It21,uF!2g~IZt21,u! G t21 t21 5 (~21!j21ajYt2j1atu02(~21!j21ajYt2j2atu[0 + j51 j51 It follows that F G (n E sup*g~It21,u!2g~IZt21,u!*# (‘ E sup 6a6t~6u0616u[06! #C t51 u[Q0 h~IZt21,u! t51 u[Q0 s provided 6a6 , 1, 0 , s , ‘, E6e 6 , ‘, and E6u[ 6 , ‘+ t 0

sive conditional duration ~ACD! models, the proposed test enjoys the appealing . quently, to test adequacy of model ~1+2!, one can check whether there exists.
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