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Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy: Musculoskeletal PDF

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DIAGNOSTIC AND SURGICAL IMAGING ANATOMY MUSCULOSKELETAL \I DIAGNOSTIC AND SURGICAL IMAGING ANATOMY MUSCULOSKELETAL B.J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR Professor and Vice Chairman Department of Radiology University of Colorado Denver & Health Sciences Center Caroll.Andrews, MD Cheryl A. Petersilge, MD Musculoskeletal Radiology Chair, Department of Radiology Mink Radiologic Imaging Marymount Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Health System Assistant Clinical Professor of Radiology and Orthopedic Surgery Julia Crim, MD Case Western Reserve University Chief of Musculoskeletal Radiology Professor of Radiology and Orthopedics Catherine C. Roberts, MD University of Utah School of Medicine Associate Dean, Mayo School of Health Sciences Assistant Professor of Radiology Jeffrey W. Grossman, MD Consultant Radiologist Department of Radiology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine University of Colorado Denver & Health Sciences Center Zehava Sadka Rosenberg, MD Professor of Radiology Theodore T.Miller, MD New YorkUniversity School of Medicine Attending Radiologist NYU-Hospital forJoint Diseases Department of Radiology and Imaging Hospital for Special Surgery Assistan t Professor Weill Medical College of Cornell University Managing Editor R. Kent Sanders, MD Assistant Professor of Radiology University of Utah School of Medicine .---- ....s(cid:127) AMIRSYS· Names you know, content you trust III AMIRSYS" Namesyouknow,content youtnlsre First Edition Text -Copyright B.j. Manaster MD, PhD, FACR2006 Drawings -Copyright Amirsys Inc 2006 Compilation -Copyright Amirsys Inc 2006 Allrights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or media or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from Amirsys loe. Composition by Amirsys Inc, Salt LakeCity, Utah Printed in Canada by Friesens, Altona, Manitoba, Canada ISBN-13: 978-1-93188 .(cid:127)-31-0 ISBN-lO: 1-931884-31-5 ISBN-13: 978-1-931884-32-7 (International English Edition) ISBN-IO: 1-931884-32-3 (International English Edition) Notice and Disclaimer Theinformation inthis product ("Product") isprovided asareference forusebylicensed medical professionals and !lcathers. Itdoes not and should not beconstrued asany form ofmedical diagnosis orprofessional medical advice onany matter. Receipt oruseofthis Product, inwhole orinpart, does not constitute orcreate adoctor-patient, therapist-patient, orother healthcare professional relationship between Amirsys Ilie.("Amirsys~)and any recipient. ThisProduct Illaynot reflect the most current medical developments, and Amirsrs makes noclaims, promises, orguarantees about accuracy, completeness, oradequacy ofthe information contained inorlinked tothe Product. The Product isnot asubstitute foror replacement ofprofessional medical judgmcllt. Amirsys and itsaffiliates, authors, contributors. partnNs, and sponsors disclaim allliability orresponsibility forany injury and/or damage topersons orproperty inrespect toactions taken ornot taken based onany and allProduct inforrn:ltion. ]nthe cases where drugs orother chemic,lls are prescribed, readers are advised toche<:kthe Product inform,ltion currently provided bythe manufacturer ofeach drug tobe administered tov('rifythe recommended dose, the method and duration ofadministration, and contraindications. Itisthe responsibility ofthe treating physician relying on experience :lnd knowledge ofthe patient todetermine dosages and the best treatment forthe patient. Tothe ll1,1ximu1l1extent permitted byapplicable law,Amirsys provides the Product AS]SANDWITHALLFAULTS.ANDHEREBYDISCLAIMSALL\VARRANTIESAND CONDITIONS. W]IETHEREXPRESS.IMPLIEDORSTATUTORY,INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITEDTO,ANY(IFANY)]MPLIEDWARRANTIESORCONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILlTI',OFFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE,OFLACKOFVIRUSF..5,ORACCURACYORCOMPLETENESSOFRESPONSES,ORRF.5ULTS.ANDOFLACKOF NEGLIGENCE ORLACKOFWORKMANLIKE EFFORT.ALSO,THEREISNO WARRANll' ORCONDITION OFTITLE,QUIET ENJOYMENT,QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TODESCRIPTION ORNON-]NFRINGEMENT, WITH REGARDTOTHEPRODUCT. THEENTIRERISKASTOTHEQUALlTI' OFORARISINGOUTOFUSEOR PERFORt-.fANCEOFTHEPRODUCr REMAINSWITHTHEREADFR. Amirsys disclaims allwarranties ofan)' kind ifthe Product wascustomized, repackaged oraltered inany waybyany third party. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Diagnostic and surgical imaging anatomy. Musculoskeletal / B.J. Manaster. let aLl; managing editor, R.Kent Sanders. - 1sted. p.; cm. Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-1-931884-31-0 ISBN-10: 1-931884-31-5 ISBN-13: 978-1-93188 .(cid:127)-32-7 (international English ed.) ISBN-IO: 1-931884-32-3 (international English ed.) 1.Musculoskeletal system-Anatomy-Atlases. 2. Musculoskeletal system-Imaging-Atlases. I.Manaster, B.j. II.Title: Musculo- skeletal. IDNLM: 1. Musculoskeletal System-anatomy & histology-Atlases. 2. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-Atlases. 3. Tomography, X-Ray Computed-Atlases. WE 17 05365 2006] QMIOO.D532006 611'.700222-<1c22 2006030832 IV Dedicated with love to our families: Steve, Tracy Joy, and Katy Rose John, Sara, and Jenna Lester, Philip, and Eleanor Mandy, Aidan, and Kara-Elise Terry, Jack, Elissa, Benjamin, and Landon Will, Melissa, and Stephen John, Emma Patricia, and Austin Justice Ron and Leora Micki v VI DIAGNOSTIC AND SURGICAL IMAGING ANATOMY: MUSCULOSKELETAL We at Amirsys, together with Ollf distribution colleagues at LWW, arc proud 10 present J2i11}!lIo~ticand Sj/rric(/llfll(/~ilH! Anatolllv· MIlSCulo'ikeletClJ, the second in OUf brand-new series of anatomy reference titles. All books in the series are designed specifically to serveclinicians in medical imaging and each area'srelated surgical subspccialties. Wefocus on anatomy that is generally visible on imaging studies, crossing modalities and presenting bulleted brief introductory text descriptions along with a gloriolls, rich offering of color normal anatomy graphics together with in-depth multimodality, Illultiplanar high·resolulion imaging. Eachimaging anatomy textbook contains over 2,500 labeled color graphics and high resolution radiologic images, with heavy emphasis on 1 Tesla MR and state-of-the-art multi-detector CT. It is designed to give the busy medical professional rapid answers to imaging anatomy questions. Eachnormal anatomy sequence provides detailed views of anatomic structures never before seenand discussed in an anatomy rderence textbook. Foreasyreference, Mu<';c/lloskele(al issubdivided into separate sections that cover detailed normal anatomy of each major joint with adjacent long bones (such asshoulder, hip and pelvis, knee, etc.). In summary, lJia~l1ostic and Surricallmaril1r Allalol1lv: MusculoskeJdal isaproduct designed with you, tile reader, in mind. Today's typical radiologic, surgical, and sports medicine practice settings demand both accuracy and efficiency in image interpretation for clinical decision-making. We think you'll find this new approach to anatomy ahighly efficient and wonderfully rich resource that will bethe core of your reference collection in musculoskeletal anatomy. The new DhH!II05!iC (Iud Surgical lmarillY Al1a(OI1lY:Chf5t Abdol1len alld Pelvis isalso now available. Coming in 2007 arevolumes on Ultrasound as\lvellas asubspecialty- and podiatry-oriented text on Knee, Ankle, and Foot. We hope that you will sit back, dig in, and enjoy seeing anatomy Jnd imaging with awhole different eye. Anne G. Osborn, MD Executive Vice President and Editor-in-Chid, Amirsys Inc. H. Ric lIafllSberger, MD CEO & Chairman, Amirsys lnc. Paula J. Woodward, MD Senior Vice President & Medical Director, Amirsys Inc. B.j. Manaster, MD Vice President &. Associate Medical Director, Amirsys Inc. Vtt Vlll

This volume of the landmark Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy series combines a rich pictorial database of high-resolution images and lavish, 3-D color illustrations to help you interpret multiplanar scans with confidence. The book brings you close up to see key structures with meticulously la
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