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DEVELOPMENTS IN SEDIMENTOLOGY 41 DIAGENESIS, I Edited by G.V. CHILIN GARlA N 101, South Windsor Blud., Los Angeles, CA 90004 (U.S.A.) and K.H. WOLF 18, Acacia Street, Eastwood, Sydney, N.S. W. 2122 (Australia) ELSEVIER Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo 1988 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 10017, U.S.A. Diagenesis, I. (Developments in sedimentology ; 41) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Diagenesis. I. Chilingarian, George V., 1929- 11. Wolf, K. H. (Karl H.) 111. Series. QE471.D52 1988 551.3 88-16366 ISBN 0-444-42720-1 ISBN 0-444-42720-1 (Vol. 41) ISBN 0-444-41238-7 (Series) 0 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1988 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V./Physical Sciences & Engineering Division, P.O. Box 330, 1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the USA - This publication has been registered with the Copy- right Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the USA. All other copyright questions, includingphotocopyingoutside of the USA, should be referred to the publisher. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Printed in The Netherlands V DEDICATION Dedicated to Chris Amstutz, Don F. Sangster, and the late Wolfgang Krebs for their important contributions to the field of ore-related diagenesis, and to Francis J. Pettijohn, Robert L. Folk, Hans Fuchtbauer, Paul E. Potter, Raymond Siever, and German Muller for theirs in sandstone diagenesis. VI I LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS K. BJ0RLYKKE Department of Geology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway G.V. CHILINGARIAN 101, South Windsor Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90004, U.S.A. K.H. WOLF 18, Acacia Street, Eastwood, Sydney, N.S.W. 2122, Australia 1 INTRODUCTION Ubiquity of diagenesis - catagenesis - metamorphism - A brief review of complex interrelationships of variables and environments KARL H. WOLF and GEORGE V. CHILINGARIAN INTRODUCTION Like the comprehensive, evaluative summaries-cum-synopses of many of the earlier volumes in Developments in Sedimentology, the presently offered volume (to be supplemented by others) of “Diagenesis” hopefully will become an equally popular vade-mecum for the busy researcher, consultant, teacher, and explorationist. The chapterb serve as a continuum, or literary extension, of the contributions made in Volumes 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25A, B, 28, 29, 33 and 36 of Elsevier’s Developments in Sedimentology series - and there is no logical end in sight to the evolving concepts on diagenesis. Consequently, periodic reviews are greatly needed. COMPLEX INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF DIAGENETIC VARIABLES AND ENVIRONMENTS Diagenesis is a highly developed, interdisciplinary field of study. It is reciprocal in that it borrows from numerous scientific or technological specialties and then, in turn, repays them with useful results. Too often, however, the information gained and concepts developed remain unintegrated instead of being utilized quickly by several related earth-science fraternities: the transition of ideas and methodologies is a very slow diffusion process! Figure 1 is a so-called linkage or concatenation circular model’ that highlights potential concrete and abstract (philosophical) interrelationships (see Wolf, 1987). Such a model can stress the actually existing as well as the possible interconnections and overlaps of the diagenetic data in those disciplines that are plotted on the circumference. The so-called “interrelations” or “interconnections” can be of several different types, depending on how one wishes to utilize these models: (a) genetic (unidirectional or reciprocal); (b) spatial (associative, distributional); (c) ’ StebbindAyala (1985) have used a similar approach in biology by depicting complex relarion5hips af- fecting biological evolution in their “crossing polygon” - but the writers prefer to call them ‘‘linkage’’ or “concatenation circles” or models. 2 time (sequential, paragenetic, stages - phases-type); and/or (d) abstract-style (e.g., comparative - contrastive-type). Thus, the circular linkage - concatenation models are also based on the concept of synergism, which depicts the combined effect of any variables - factors - parameters and/or environments that exceeds the sum of their individual effects. It has long been known that comprehensive, creative, integrative reviews require special talents; such specialized intellectual activity, if well performed, does make a fundamental contribution that assists those engaged in the so-called more fundamental research. Good summaries actually “free the hands” of researchers and explorationists, allowing them “to do their own thing’’ by providing them with more time, identifying problems to be tackled, and by assembling data ready to be “manipulated by the electronic wunderkinder” (= computers). A few comments on some selectively chosen specifics are presented here. In Chapter 1, dozens of parameters involved in diagenesis have been listed (in effect, a catalogue or checklist of nearly 350 diagenetic variables has been prepared, which is not offered here in its entirety). The macro-variables in any geological system, that also control diagenesis either obviously - directly or latently - indirectly (i.e., explicitly or implicitly), are complexly interrelated. Indeed, the total complexity is still beyond the grasp of geologists - conceptually and methodologically. Recently, however, an excellent start was made in unravelling the enormous intricacies. Environmental studies and sed irnentology per se/en toto Subsurface storage problems (e.g., radioactive material) Fig. 1. Several earth-science disciplines which undertake diagenetic catagenetic - burial metamorphic ~ investigations by using an interdisciplinary integrative-style approach and, in turn, supply results to all other sister sciences and among themselves: a truly reciprocal intellectual -philosophical phenomenon among investigators. (This and the other four figures herein are after Wolf, 1978, periodically modified - unpublished.) 3 In Fig. 1, only two disciplines, i.e., ore genesis and petroleum geology, have been “related” to the other “variables” or fields of investigation in this particular model. The arrows around the circumference in this and all other figures stress the disciplines’ (or “factors’ ”) transitions - gradations in respect to methodology, aims, contributions, data generated and utilized, etc. For example, ore genesis integrates the concepts and data from volcanology, thermal studies, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology - paleohydrology, petrology - lithology, sedimentology - paleoenvironmental investigations, oceanography, stratigraphy and even petroleum geology (e.g., in the case of Missippippi Valley-type ores). As a “reciprocal gesture”, the results can be applied in most instances to all other fields of endeavor. Figure 2 depicts twenty macro-variables and the few imposed lines plus arrows highlight selectively chosen potential genetic-environmental unidirectional, reciprocal, and sequential inter- and intra-relationships between the variables and within environments. Again, only two variables have been “related” to most other parameters - factors (i.e., “depth of burial” and “mineralogy - geochemistry”). One can readily see that depth of burial is either controlled by the other variables [l] or it influences the others [e.g., No. 21 in a unidirectional fashion, or the relationship is reciprocal [3]. (For simplicity’s sake no other arrows have been drawn, except around the circumference; these interrelationships can be examined as an excercise.) “One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.” Walter Bagehot Depositional Fig. 2. Megavariables (selectively chosen for demonstration purpose) of a diagenetic - catagenetic - metamorphic system. 4 "There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things." Niccolo Muchiuvelli (quoted in Rabbitt, 1980) In deliberations on ore-genesis-related diagenesis (Ch. l), the writers have listed in several tables the scope of diagenesis, e.g., Table 18 provides the specific sedimen- tary hostrocks of ore mineralization, each of which comprises its own environment for secondary processes. Insofar as the senior author (Wolf, 1987) has repeatedly emphasized that integrative investigations must also include the examination of transitions - gradations, continua - spectra possibilities, and overlapping pheno- mena, Fig. 3 has been given here to demonstrate this requirement. In this figure, only the ores (for example, Mississippi Valley-type Pb-Zn- + Ba - F concentrations in carbonates) are highlighted by lines arrows. The follow- ing questions arise here: (a) What are the genetic, source, (re)mobilization, and environmental intercon- nections between the ore, on one hand, and black shale (i.e., organic matter and source of metal and/or sulfur) [No. 11; evaporite (as a supplier of saline ore-forming solution which dissolved metals from country rocks) [No. 21; clays - shales [as metal supplier during compaction and dehydration(?) in some cases] [No. 31; and dolomite (formed by epigenetic late-diagenetic - catagenetic dolomitization) as an ore hostrock [No. 41, on the other? Clavs- Sandstones \ Petroleum 0, "O.i, Fig. 3. Specific sedimentary - volcanic deposits which undergo diagenesis - catagenesis - metamorphism. The differences, similarities, overlaps, transitions - gradations, and continua - spectra in regard to secondary alteration mechanisms, environments and products ought to be clearly compared and con- trasted. 5 (b) Did the clays supply Mg for dolomitization [No. 5]? (c) Are black shales absolutely required for specific ore types to be formed, or can any clay-shale body, even one formed under an oxidizing milieu, furnish the necessary ingredients for ore genesis [No. 6]? (d) What must be the “stratigraphic proximity” of evaporites, clay-shales - black shales and dolomites association to ascertain maximum potential for ore genesis and the presence of ores in a compacting sedimentary basin [No. 7]? One can expand or supplement the above deliberations of the diagenetic characteristics of lithologic groups by being more specific, i.e., by considering mineral diagenesis - catagenesis (Fig. 4). From past observations (many reported in the literature), and founded on “pure geochemical - mineralogical logic”, the ex- istence of genetic and environmental interrelations, transitions, and overlaps be- tween many minerals are known. These interconnected phenomena have been stress- + ed by lines arrows in Figs. 4 and 5. The relationships between some mineralogical products in Fig. 4 need some elaboration, as supported by several preferential examples. Numerous clastic - detrital - “terrigenous” materials and chemical precipitory products in sedimentary - volcanic sequences (1) can undergo diagenesis - catagenesis - meta- morphism, (2) can be the product of these secondary processes, and (3) can have a “mixed” origin (combination of the two above) (e.g., clastic feldspar is overgrown Fig. 4. Concatenation diagram depicting complex interrelationships among numerous clastic and chemically formed constituents. See text. 6 by authigenic feldspar which are subsequently both altered to chlorite), thus involv- ing two separate groups of material. As an exemplar of complex genetic (and potential space-time, paragenetic, and associative) interrelationships, the organic-matter-control ( = OM) is preferentially + stressed: Dolomite genesis may require the presence of clays and OM [Nos. 1 21. The following questions should be answered: Does OM prevent or enhance the - alteration of feldspar to some type of secondary mineral [Nos. 3 lo]? The move- ment of OM by fluids in-to a -d olomite hostrock may permit the precipitation of sulfides (“ore”) [Nos. 7 5 91. During this involvement in ore genesis, do the C-isotopes in OM change [No. 6]? Innumerable other complex interconnections can be “visualized” by examining at length such a diagram (additional numbers should be used). Figure 5 is a more generalized model in contrast to Fig. 4. The former is based on three groups of parameters: (1) chemical - biological - physical processes; (2) sedimentary rock properties (like the components’ composition, textures - fabrics, etc.); and (3) isochemical versus “metasomatic” (addition or removal of chemical constituents) phenomena. The matrix variable can be considered next. The origin of matrices in many types of rocks (graywackes, volcaniclastics, pyroclastics - tuffs, etc.) has been controver- sial; and several schools-of-thought have developed, although a general concensus has been achieved. For exacting geochemical studies, however, several possibilities exist for any specific matrix case. Both chemical and physical processes control the Fig. 5. A model comprising three processes, three sedimentary components, and two “chemical process variables”. The origin of matrices is discussed in the text.

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