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Copyright Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (expect in the form of an abstract); that itis not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, ifand when the manuscriptis accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders. All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to repro- duce and distribute the article (e. g., as offprints), as well as all translation rights. No material published in this journal may be reproduced pho- tographically or stored on microfilm, in electronic data bases, video disks, etc., without first obtaining written permission from the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trade marks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not specifically identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations. While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the authors nor the editors nor the puplisher can accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, ex- press or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Special regulations for photocopies in the USA: Photocopies may be made for personal or in-house use beyond the limitations stipulated under Section 107 or 108 of U.S. Copyright Law, provided a fee is paid. All fees should be paid to the CopyrightClearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA01970, USA, statintgh e ISSN 00 12-186X, the volume, and the firsatn d last page numbers of each article copied. The copyright owner’s consent does not include copying for general distribution, promotion, new works, or resale. In these cases, specific written permission must first be obtained from the publisher. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest Printed in Germany by aprinta Wemding © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993 Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, 14197 Berlin, Germany Contens Schaftingen, E. Van: Glycolysis revisited Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic pa- 581 tients with microalbuminuria 523 Szopa,T .M ., P. A. Titchener, N. D. Port- Barbagallo, M., R. K. Gupta, L. M. Resnick: Full instructions to authors wood, K. W. Taylor: Diabetes mellitus due Cellular ionic effects of insulin in normal to viruses —some recent developments human erythrocytes: anuclear magnetic AS, Issue No. 1; A6, Issue No. 7 687 resonance study 146 Thorsby, E., K.S. Rénningen: Particular Barker, D.J.P.,C.N. Hales,C .H . D. Fall, HLA-DQ molecules play a dominant role C. Osmond, K. Phipps, P.M.S. Clark: Editorial in determining susceptibility or resistance Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes to Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipi- Hellerstrém, C.,M. Berger: Hommage a mellitus 371 daemia (syndrome X): relation to reduced Karl Oberdisse 175 fetal growth 62 Hellerstr6m,C.: Epilogue 1219 Bieg, S., E.M. Bailyes, N. Yassin, J.A mann, Hellerstr6ém, C.: News and Views from the Originals L. Herberg, A.M. McGregor, W. A. Scher- Editor 1 baum, J. P. Banga: A multiplicity of pro- Alberti, K.G.M.M.: Problems related to de- tein antigens in subcellular fractions of rat finitions and epidemiology of Type 2 (non- insulinoma tissue are able to stimulate T Review insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: cells obtained from non-obese diabetic studies throughout the world 978 mice 385 Ceriello, A.: Coagulation activation in Amiel, S. A., A. Maran, J.K. Powrie, A.M. Blum, D., H. Dorchy, T. Mouraux, E. Vamos, diabetes mellitus: the role of hypergly- Umpleby, I. A. Macdonald: Gender dif- Y. Mardens, A. Kumps, C. De Prez, caemia andt herapeutic prospects 1119 ferences in counterregulation to hypogly- P. Heimann, B. Fowler, R. Baumgartner, Felber, J. P., E. Haesler, E. Jéquier: Meta- caemia 460 L. Bouwens, J.V an Gompel, G. Kléppel: bolic origin of insulin resistance in obesity Aoki, Y., K. Yazaki, K. Shirotori, Y. Yanagi- Congenital absence of insulin cells in with and without Type 2 (non-insulin-de- sawa, H. Oguchi, K. Kiyosawa, S. Furuta: a neonate with diabetes mellitus and pendent) diabetes mellitus 1221 Stiffening of connective tissue in elderly mutase-deficient methylmaloniacci - Haring, H. U., H. Mehnert: Pathogenesis of diabetic patients: relevance to diabetic ne- daemia 352 Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes phropathy and oxidative stress 79 Boemi, M., R. W. James, F Romagnoli, mellitus: candidates for a signal transmit- Asplund-Carlson, A., A. Hamsten, B. Wi- P. Gerber, D. Pometta, P. Fumelli: Gender ter defect causing insulin resistance of the man, L. A. Carlson: Relationship differences in a Type 2 (non-insulin-de- skeletal muscle 176 between plasma plasminogen activator in- pendent) diabetic population with respect Karvonen, M.,J. Tuomilehto, I. Libman, hibitor-1 activity and VLDL triglyceride to apolipoprotein E phenotype frequen- R. LaPorte for the World Health Organiz- concentration, insulin levels and insulin cies 229 ation DIAMOND Project Group: A re- sensitivity: studies in randomly selected Brazg, R.L., E. L. Bierman: Insulin excess view of the recent epidemiological dataon normo- and hypertriglyceridaemic men counteracts the effects of HDLo n intra- the worldwide incidence of Type 1 (in- 817 cellular sterol accumulation in cultured sulin-depdeianbedtees nmetlli)tu s 883 Bangstad, H.-J.,R. Osterby, K. Dahl-Jgrgen- humanskin fibroblasts 942 Randle, P. J.: Glucokinase and candidate sen, K.J. Berg, A. Hartmann, G. Nyberg, Breschi, M.C.,G. Seghieri, G. Bartolomei, genes for Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) S. Frahm Bjgrn, K. F. Hanssen: Early A. Gironi, S. Baldi, E. Ferrannini: Rela- diabetes mellitus 269 glomerulopathy is present in young, tion of birthweight to maternal plasma glu- Copyright Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (expect in the form of an abstract); that itis not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, ifand when the manuscriptis accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders. All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to repro- duce and distribute the article (e. g., as offprints), as well as all translation rights. No material published in this journal may be reproduced pho- tographically or stored on microfilm, in electronic data bases, video disks, etc., without first obtaining written permission from the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trade marks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not specifically identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations. While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the authors nor the editors nor the puplisher can accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, ex- press or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Special regulations for photocopies in the USA: Photocopies may be made for personal or in-house use beyond the limitations stipulated under Section 107 or 108 of U.S. Copyright Law, provided a fee is paid. All fees should be paid to the CopyrightClearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA01970, USA, statintgh e ISSN 00 12-186X, the volume, and the firsatn d last page numbers of each article copied. The copyright owner’s consent does not include copying for general distribution, promotion, new works, or resale. In these cases, specific written permission must first be obtained from the publisher. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest Printed in Germany by aprinta Wemding © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993 Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.KG, 14197 Berlin, Germany Contens Schaftingen, E. Van: Glycolysis revisited Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic pa- 581 tients with microalbuminuria 523 Szopa,T .M ., P. A. Titchener, N. D. Port- Barbagallo, M., R. K. Gupta, L. M. Resnick: Full instructions to authors wood, K. W. Taylor: Diabetes mellitus due Cellular ionic effects of insulin in normal to viruses —some recent developments human erythrocytes: anuclear magnetic AS, Issue No. 1; A6, Issue No. 7 687 resonance study 146 Thorsby, E., K.S. Rénningen: Particular Barker, D.J.P.,C.N. Hales,C .H . D. Fall, HLA-DQ molecules play a dominant role C. Osmond, K. Phipps, P.M.S. Clark: Editorial in determining susceptibility or resistance Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes to Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipi- Hellerstrém, C.,M. Berger: Hommage a mellitus 371 daemia (syndrome X): relation to reduced Karl Oberdisse 175 fetal growth 62 Hellerstr6m,C.: Epilogue 1219 Bieg, S., E.M. Bailyes, N. Yassin, J.A mann, Hellerstr6ém, C.: News and Views from the Originals L. Herberg, A.M. McGregor, W. A. Scher- Editor 1 baum, J. P. Banga: A multiplicity of pro- Alberti, K.G.M.M.: Problems related to de- tein antigens in subcellular fractions of rat finitions and epidemiology of Type 2 (non- insulinoma tissue are able to stimulate T Review insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: cells obtained from non-obese diabetic studies throughout the world 978 mice 385 Ceriello, A.: Coagulation activation in Amiel, S. A., A. Maran, J.K. Powrie, A.M. Blum, D., H. Dorchy, T. Mouraux, E. Vamos, diabetes mellitus: the role of hypergly- Umpleby, I. A. Macdonald: Gender dif- Y. Mardens, A. Kumps, C. De Prez, caemia andt herapeutic prospects 1119 ferences in counterregulation to hypogly- P. Heimann, B. Fowler, R. Baumgartner, Felber, J. P., E. Haesler, E. Jéquier: Meta- caemia 460 L. Bouwens, J.V an Gompel, G. Kléppel: bolic origin of insulin resistance in obesity Aoki, Y., K. Yazaki, K. Shirotori, Y. Yanagi- Congenital absence of insulin cells in with and without Type 2 (non-insulin-de- sawa, H. Oguchi, K. Kiyosawa, S. Furuta: a neonate with diabetes mellitus and pendent) diabetes mellitus 1221 Stiffening of connective tissue in elderly mutase-deficient methylmaloniacci - Haring, H. U., H. Mehnert: Pathogenesis of diabetic patients: relevance to diabetic ne- daemia 352 Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes phropathy and oxidative stress 79 Boemi, M., R. W. James, F Romagnoli, mellitus: candidates for a signal transmit- Asplund-Carlson, A., A. Hamsten, B. Wi- P. Gerber, D. Pometta, P. Fumelli: Gender ter defect causing insulin resistance of the man, L. A. Carlson: Relationship differences in a Type 2 (non-insulin-de- skeletal muscle 176 between plasma plasminogen activator in- pendent) diabetic population with respect Karvonen, M.,J. Tuomilehto, I. Libman, hibitor-1 activity and VLDL triglyceride to apolipoprotein E phenotype frequen- R. LaPorte for the World Health Organiz- concentration, insulin levels and insulin cies 229 ation DIAMOND Project Group: A re- sensitivity: studies in randomly selected Brazg, R.L., E. L. Bierman: Insulin excess view of the recent epidemiological dataon normo- and hypertriglyceridaemic men counteracts the effects of HDLo n intra- the worldwide incidence of Type 1 (in- 817 cellular sterol accumulation in cultured sulin-depdeianbedtees nmetlli)tu s 883 Bangstad, H.-J.,R. Osterby, K. Dahl-Jgrgen- humanskin fibroblasts 942 Randle, P. J.: Glucokinase and candidate sen, K.J. Berg, A. Hartmann, G. Nyberg, Breschi, M.C.,G. Seghieri, G. Bartolomei, genes for Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) S. Frahm Bjgrn, K. F. Hanssen: Early A. Gironi, S. Baldi, E. Ferrannini: Rela- diabetes mellitus 269 glomerulopathy is present in young, tion of birthweight to maternal plasma glu- Il cose and insulin concentrations during Cosmo, S. De, K. Earle, A. Morocutti, J.W al- monocytes from non-obese normogly- normal pregnancy 1315 ker, P. Ruggenenti,G. Remuzzi,G.C. caemicinsulin-resistant subjects 1163 Brichard, S. M.,J.C. Henquin,J .G irard: Viberti: Glucose-induced changes in Gall, M.-A., F.S. Nielsen, U.M. Smidt, Phlorizin treatment of diabetic rats par- renal haemodynamics in proteinuric H.-H. Parving: The course of kidney func- tially reverses the abnormal expression of Type 1|( insulin-dependent) diabetic pa- tion in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) genes involved in hepatic glucose metabo- tients: inhibition by acetylsalicilic acid in- diabetic patients with diabetic nephro- lism 292 fusion 622 pathy 1071 Buscema, M., A.M. Rabuazzo, C. Vinci, Csaszar, A., H. Dieplinger, C. Sandholzer, Giroix, M.-H., A. Sener, B. Portha, W. J.M a- V.Caltabiano, R. Vigneri, F. Purrello: Dif- I. Karadi, E. Juhasz, H. Drexel, T. Halmos, laisse: Preferential alteration of oxidative ferent effects of glucose and glyburide on L. Romics, J.R. Patsch,G. Utermann: relative tot otal glycolysis in pancreatic is- insulin secretion in rat pancreaticislets Plasma lipoprotein(a) concentration and lets of two rat models ofi nherited or ac- pre-exposed to interleukin-1f .P ossible phenotypes in diabetes mellitus 47 quired Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) involvement of K * and Ca’* channels Damsgaard, E.M., A. Fr¢land, O.D. diabetes mellitus 305 791 Jgrgensen, C. E. Mogensen: Prognostic Goguen, J.M.,M.L. Halperin: Can insulin Cam, M.C.,R.A. Pederson, R. W. Brown- value of urinary albumin excretion rate administration cause an acute metabolic sey, J.H. McNeill: Long-term effective- and other risk factors in elderly diabetic acidosis in vivo? An experimental study in ness of oral vanadyl sulphate in streptozo- patients and non-diabetic control subjects dogs 813 tocin-diabeticrats 218 surviving the first 5 years after assess- Grant, M.B.,R.N.Mames, C. Fitzgerald, Cameron, N.E., M.A. Cotter, K.C. Dines, ment 1030 E. A. Ellis, M. Aboufriekha,J .G uy: In- E. K. Maxfield: Pharmacological manipu- Deary, I.J.,D. A. Hepburn, K.M.MacLeod, sulin-like growth factor lLa cts as an an- lation of vascular endothelium function in B.M. Frier: Partitioning the symptoms of giogenic agent in rabbit cornea and retina: non-diabetic and streptozotocin-diabetic hypoglycaemia using multi-sample confir- comparative studies with basic fibroblast rats: effects on nerve conduction, hypoxic matory factor analysis 771 growthfactor 282 resistance and endoneurial capillariza- Deckert,T .,A . Kofoed-Enevoldsen, Green, 1.C.,C. A. Delaney, J.M.Cunning- tion 516 P. Vidal, K. Ngrgaard, H. B. Andreasen, ham, V. Karmiris, C. Southern: Inter- Cameron, N.E.,M. A. Cotter, E. K. Max- B. Feldt-Rasmussen: Size- and charge se- leukin-1B effects on cyclic GMP and cyclic field: Anti-oxidant treatment prevents the lectivity of glomerular filtration in Type 1 AMP in cultured rat islets of Langerhans — development of peripheral nerve dysfunc- (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with arginine —-dependence and relationship to tion instreptozotocin-diabetic rats 299 and without albuminuria 244 insulinsecretion 9 Carpenter, A.-M., F.C. Goetz, P.M. Le- Delarue, J.,S. Normand, C. Pachiaudi, Groop, L., A. Ekstrand, C. Forsblom, Compte, J. R. Williamson: Glomeruloscle- M. Beylot, F. Lamisse, JP. Riou: The con- E. Widén, P.-H. Groop, A.-M. Teppo, rosis in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) tribution of naturally labelled '°C fructose J. Eriksson: Insulin resistance, hyperten- diabetes mellitus: relationship to gly- toglucose appearance inhumans 338 sion and microalbuminuria in patients caemia in the University Group Diabetes Diem, P., P. Mullis, A. Hirt, J.J. Schuler, with Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) Program(UGDP) 1057 W. Biirgi, K. A. Zuppinger, A. Teuscher: diabetes mellitus 642 Catalano, C., P.H. Winocour, T. H. Thomas, Fetal haemoglobin levelsi n adult Type 1 Guberski, D.L., L. Butler, S.M. Manzi, M. Walker, C. F. Sum, R. Wilkinson, (insulin-depdieabnetdice pnattie)nt s 129 M. Stubbs, A. A. Like: The BBZ/Wor rat: K.G.M.M. Alberti: Erythrocyte sodium- Dines, K.C.,M. A. Cotter, N. E.Cameron: clinical characteristics of the diabetic syn- lithium countertransport activity and total Contrasting effects of treatment with w-3 drome 912 body insulin-mediated glucose disposal in and w-6 essential fatty acids on peripheral Guillaume-Gentil, C., F. Assimacopoulos- normoalbuminuric normotensive Type 1 nerve function and capillarization in strep- Jeannet, B. Jeanrenaud: Involvement of (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients 52 tozotocin-diabeticrats 1132 non-esterified fatty acid oxidation in glu- Cavan, D. A., K.H. Jacobs, M. A. Penny, Elbein, S.C.,M. Hoffman, K. Chiu, Y. Tani- cocorticoid-induced peripheral insulin re- M.A. Kelly, C. Mijovic, D. Jenkins, zawa, M. A. Permutt: Linkage analysis of sistance invivoinrats 899 J.A.Fletcher, A. H. Barnett: Both DOAI the glucokinase locus in familial Type 2 Haffner, S.M.,C. Gonzales, R. A. Valdez, and DQBI genes are implicated in HLA- (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic pedi- L. Mykkanen, H. P. Hazuda, B. D. Mit- associated protection from Type 1 (in- grees 141 chell, A. Monterrosa, M. P. Stern: Is micro- sulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus ina Ellerman, K.,M. Wrobleski, A. Rabinovitch, albuminuria part of the prediabetic state? British Caucasian population 252 A. Like: Natural killer cell depletion and The Mexico City Diabetes Study 1002 Chosich, N., L.C. Harrison: Suppression of diabetes mellitus in the BB/Wor rat (re- Handberg, A., L. Kayser, P. E. Hgyer, diabetes mellitus in the non-obese visited) 596 M. Voldstedlund, H. P. Hansen, J. Vinten: diabetic (NOD) mouse by an autoreactive Fanelli, C., A. Di Vincenzo, F. Modarelli, Metformin ameliorates diabetes but does (anti-I-A®’) islet-derived CD4* T-cell M. Lepore, M.C iofetta, L. Epifano, not normalize the decreased GLUT 4con- line 716 S. Pampanelli, P. Brunetti,G . B. Bolli: tent in skeletal muscle of obese (fa/fa) Christmanson, L., C. Betsholtz, A. Leck- Post-hypoglycaemic hyperketonaemia Zuckerrats 481 strom, U. Engstr6ém, C. Cortie, K. H. does not contribute to brain metabolism Handberg, A., A. Vaag,J .V inten, H. Beck- Johnson,T . E. Adrian, P. Westermark: during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in Nielsen: Decreased tyrosine kinase Islet amyloid polypeptide in the rabbit humans 1191 activity in partially purified insulin recep- and European hare: studies on its relation- Fasching, P., K. Ratheiser, P. Damjancic, tors from muscle of young, non-obese first ship toamyloidogenesis 183 B. Schneider, P. Nowotny, H. Vierhapper, degree relatives of patients with Type 2 Collins, A.C.G.,M.Sethi, F A. MacDonald, W. Waldhaus!: Both acute and chronic (non-insulin-dependdieanbett)es D. Brown, G.C. Viberti: Storage tempera- near-normoglycaemia are required to im- mellitus 668 ture and differing methods of sample prep- prove insulin resistance in Type 1 (insulin- Hasslacher, C., A. Bostedt-Kiesel, H. P. aration in the measurement of urinary al- dependent) diabetes mellitus 346 Kempe, P. Wahl: Effect of metabolic fac- bumin 993 Fong, Y., D. Edelstein, E. A. Wang, tors and blood pressure on kidney func- Cordonnier, D.J.,D. Zmirou, P. Y. Benha- M. Brownlee: Inhibition of matrix-in- tion in proteinuric Type 2 (non-insulin-de- mou, S. Halimi, F. Ledoux,J .G uiserix: duced bone differentiation by advanced pendent) diabetic patients 1051 Epidemiology, development and treat- glycation end-productsinrats 802 Hautanen, A., H. Adlercreutz: Hyperinsu- ment of end-stage renal failure in Type 2 Frittitta, L.,G. Grasso, M. E. Munguira, linaemia, dyslipidaemia and exaggerated (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes melli- R. Vigneri, V. Trischitta: Insulin receptor adrenal androgen response to adrenocor- tus 1109 tyrosine kinase activity is reduced in ticotropinin malesmokers 1275 IV Henriksen, J.E., M.S. Djurhuus, A. Vaag, Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mel- short-term blood glucose control in P.T hye-Rgnn, D. Knudsen, O. Hother- litus 948 diabeticrats 310 Nielsen, H. Beck-Nielsen: Impact ofi njec- Jerums, G.,T. J .A llen, C. Tsalamandris, Kofoed-Enevoldsen, A.,J.S. Petersen, tion sites for soluble insulin on glycaemic A. Akdeniz, A. Sinha, R. Gilbert, M. E. T. Deckert: Glucosaminyl N-deacetylase control in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) Cooper: Relationship of progressively in cultured fibroblasts: comparison of pa- diabetic patients treated with a multiple increasing albuminuria to apoprotein(a) tients with and without diabetic nephro- insulin injectionregimen 752 and blood pressure in Type 2 (non-insulin- pathy, and identification of a possible Holst, J.J.,M. Bersani, A. Hvidberg, dependent) and Type 1 (insulin-depen- mechanism for diabetes-induced N-deace- U. Knigge, E. Christiansen, S. Madsbad, dent) diabetic patients 1037 tylase inhibition 536 H. Harling, H. Kofod: On the effects of Jérgens, V.,M. GriiBer, U. Bott, I. Miihl- Koning, E.J.P.de, N. L. Bodkin, B.C. Han- human galanininman 653 hauser, M. Berger: Effective and safe sen, A. Clark: Diabetes mellitus in Macaca H6ppenerJ,. W.M.,J.S. Verbeek, E. J.P. de translation ofi ntensified insulin therapy mulatta monkeys is characterised by islet Koning, C. Oosterwijk, K. L. van Hulst, to general internal medicine depart- amyloidosis and reduction in beta-cell H.J. Visser- Vernooy, F. M. A. Hofhuis, S. ments 99 population 378 van Gaalen, M.J.H. Berends, W. H L. Hac- Kamijo, M., P. V. Cherian, A. A. F. Sima: The Kriska, A.M.,R.E. LaPorte, D. J. Pettitt, keng, H.S. Jansz, J. F. Morris, A. Clark, preventive effect of aldose reductase in- M.A. Charles, R. G. Nelson, L. H. Kuller, P.J.A. Capel, C.J.M. Lips: Chronic over- hibition on diabetic optic neuropathy in P. H. Bennett, W. C. Knowler: The associ- production of islet amyloid polypep- the BB/W-rat 893 ation of physical activity with obesity, fat tide/amylin in transgenic mice: lysosomal Kasuga, A., T. Maruyama, I. Takei, distribution and glucose intolerance in localization of human islet amyloid poly- A. Shimada, T. Kasatani, K. Watanabe, PimaIndians 863 peptide and lack of marked hypergly- T. Saruta, T. Nakaki, S. Habu,J .M iyazaki: Kroncke, K.-D., M.-L. Rodriguez, H. Kolb, caemia orhyperinsulinaemia 1258 The role of cytotoxic macrophages in non- V. Kolb-Bachofen: Cytotoxicity of acti- Horowitz, M.,M.A.L. Edelbroek, J.M. Wi- obese diabetic mice: cytotoxicity against vated rat macrophages against syngeneic shart,J .W . Straathof: Relationship be- murine mastocytoma and beta-cell lines islet cells is argininedependent, correlates tween oral glucose tolerance and gastric 1252 with citrulline and nitrite concentrations emptyingi n normal healthysubjects 857 Kellerer, M., G.S esti, E. Seffer, B. Ober- andis identical to lysis by the nitric oxide Hosszufalusi, N., E.Chan, M. Teruya, maier-Kusser, D. E. Pongratz, L. Mosthaf, donor nitroprusside 17 S. Takei, G. Granger, M. A. Charles: Quan- H. U. Haring: Altered pattern ofi nsulin Kruszynska, Y.T.,D.S. Harry, R.N. Berg- titative phenotypic and functional anal- receptor isotypes in skeletal muscle mem- man, N. McIntyre: Insulin sensitivity, in- yses of islet immune cells before and after branes of Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) sulin secretion and glucose effectiveness diabetes onsetinthe BBrat 1146 diabeticsubjects 628 in diabetic and non-diabetic cirrhotic pa- Hy6ty, H.,M. Hiltunen, A. Reunanen, Kerr, D., J.C. Stanley, M. Barron, R. Tho- tients 121 P. Leinikki,T .V esikari, R. Lounamaa, mas, B. A. Leatherdale,J .P ickard: Sym- Kullberg, C. E.,H.J. Arnqvist: Elevated J. Tuomilehto, H. K. Akerblom, and the metry of cerebral blood flow and cognitive long-term glycated haemoglobin precedes Childhood Diabetes in Finland Study responses to hypoglycaemia in humans proliferative retinopathy and nephro- Group: Decline of mumps antibodies in 73 pathy in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) Type 1| (insulin-dependent) diabetic chil- Kikkawa, R.,T .A rimura, M. Haneda,T . Ni- diabetic patients 961 dren anda plateau in the rising incidence shio, K. Sawada, M. Yagisawa, Y. Shigeta: Laager, R., U. Keller: Effects of recombinant of Type 1| diabetes after introduction of Current status of Type 2 (non-insulin-de- human insulin-like growth factor I and in- the mumps-measles-rubella vaccine in pendent) diabetic subjects on dialysis ther- sulin on counterregulation during acute Finland 1303 apyi n Japan 1105 plasma glucose decrements in normal and Imamura, H., 1. Morimoto, S. Etoh,T . Usa, Kikkawa, R., M. Haneda, M. Togawa, Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic H. Namba, A.O htsuru, A. Yokota, S. Na- D. Koya, N. Kajiwara, Y. Shigeta: Dif- subjects 966 gataki, S. Yamashita: Skeletal muscle glu- ferential modulation of mitogenic and me- Leahy,J .L ., LL.M. Bumbalo, C. Chen: Beta- cose transporter gene expression is not af- tabolic actions of insulin-like growth fac- cell hypersensitivity for glucose precedes fected by injecting growthhormone-se- tor linrat glomerular mesangial cells in loss of glucose-induced insulin secretion cretingcellsin youngrats 475 high glucose culture 276 in 90% pancreatectomized rats 1238 Ishihara, H.,T .A sano, K. Tsukuda, H. Ka- Klein, R. L.,M. F. Lopes- Virella: Metabo- Lehtinen, J.M.,L. Niskanen, K. Hyvénen, tagiri, K. Inukai, M. Anai, M. Kikuchi, lism by human endothelial cells of very O.Siitonen, M. Uusitupa: Nerve function Y. Yazaki, J.-I. Miyazaki, Y. Oka: Pancre- low density lipoprotein subfractions iso- and its determinants in patients with atic beta-cell line MIN6 exhibits charac- lated from Type 1 (insulin-dependent) newly-diagnosed Type 2 (non-insulin-de- teristics of glucose metabolism and glu- diabeticpatients 258 pendent) diabetes mellitus and in control cose-stimulated insulin secretion similar Knobl, P., G. Schernthaner,C . Schnack, subjects—a5-year follow-up 68 to those of normalislets 1139 P. Pietschmann, A. Griesmacher, Lehto, M., K. Xiang, M. Stoffel, R. Espinosa Iwanishi, M., T. Haruta, Y. Takata, O. Ishiba- R. Prager, M. Miiller: Thrombogenic fac- III, L.C. Groop, M. M. Le Beau, shi,T .S asaoka, K. Egawa,T . Imamura, tors are related to urinary albumin excre- G.I. Bell: Human hexokinase II: localiza- K. Naitou,T . Itazu, M. Kobayashi: A muta- tion rate in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) tion of the polymorphic gene to chromo- tion (Trp! '3_s Leu'!) in the tyrosine ki- and Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) some2 1299 nase domain of the insulin receptor associ- diabetic patients 1045 Lin, S.-J.,C.-Y. Hong, M.-S. Chang, B.N. ated with type A syndrome of insulin re- Knott, R.M.,M. Robertson, J. V. Forrester: Chiang, S. Chien: Increased aortic endo- sistance 414 Regulation of glucose transporter thelial cell death and enhanced transendo- Jaap, A.J., A.C. Shore, I. B. Gartside, (GLUT 3) and aldose reductase mRNA thelial macromolecular transport in strep- J.Gamble,J . E. Tooke: Increased micro- in bovine retinal endothelial cells and reti- tozotocin-diabeticrats 926 vascular fluid permeability in young nal pericytes in high glucose and high ga- Lindgren, F.A.,S.G. Hartling, B. E. Persson, Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic pa- lactose culture 808 M.E. Réder, K. Snellman, C. Binder, tients 648 Koch, M., B. Thomas, W. Tschépe, E. Ritz: G. Dahlquist: Proinsulin levels in new- Jebbink, H.J.A.,B. Bravenboer, L.M. A. Survival and predictors of death in dia- born siblings of Type 1 (insulin-depen- Akkermans, G. P. vanBerge-Hene- lysed diabetic patients 1113 dent) diabetic children and their mothers gouwen, A.J.P.M.Smout: Relationships Kofoed-Enevoldsen, A., D. Noonan,T . Dec- 560 between dyspeptic symptoms and ga- kert: Diabetes mellitus induced inhibition Linn, T., E. Loewk, K. Schneider, K. Feder- strointestinal motility in patients with of glucosaminyl N-deacetylase: effect of lin: Spontaneous glucose intolerance in the progeny of low dose streptozotocin-in- J.R. Hayes: Dietary fish oil augments ni- glomerular capillary number and sizes duced diabetic mice 1245 tric oxide production or release in patients 189 Liu, Q.Z.,D.J. Pettitt, R. L. Hanson, with Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) Ohmura,T. , K. Ueda, Y. Kiyohara, I. Kato, M.A. Charles, R. Klein, P.H. Bennett, diabetes mellitus 33 H. Iwamoto, K. Nakayama, K. No- W. C. Knowler: Glycated haemoglobin, Mogensen,C .E., Ch. Berne, E. Ritz, miyama, S.Ohmori,T .Y oshitake, A. Shin- plasma glucose and diabetic retinopathy: G.C. Viberti: The kidney in Type 2 (non- kawu, Y. Hasuo, M. Fujishima: Prevalence cross-sectional and prospective analyses insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus 977 of Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) 428 Miiller-Wieland, D., E.R. vander Vorm, diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose Lonnroth, P.,J .W . Eriksson, B. I. Posner, R. Streicher, W. Krone, E.Seemanova, tolerance in the Japanese general popula- U.Smith: Peroxovanadate but not vana- M. Dreyer, H. W. Riidiger, S. R. Rosipal, tion: the Hisayamastudy 1198 date exerts insulin-like effects in human J. A. Maassen: An in-frame insertion in Olivarius,N .d e F, A. H. Andreasen, adipocytes 113 exon 3 and anonsense mutation in exon 2 N. Keiding, C. E. Mogensen: Epidemio- Ludvik, B., M. Clodi, A. Kautzky-Willer, of the insulin receptor gene associated logy of renal involvement in newly-diag- M. Capek, E. Hartter, G. Pacini, R. Prager: with severe insulin resistance in a patient nosed middle-aged and elderly diabetic Effect of dexamethasone on insulin sensi- with Rabson-Mendenhallsyndrome 1168 patients. Cross-sectional data from the tivity, islet amyloid polypeptide and in- Muona, P.,S. Jaakkola, V. Salonen,J .P el- population-based study “Diabetes Care in sulinsecretioninhumans 84 tonen: Expression of glucose transporter 1 General Practice”, Denmark 1007 Lund, T.,S. Shaikh, E. Kendall, R.D.Camp- in adult and developing human peripheral Ortmeyer, H.K.,N.L. Bodkin, B.C. Hansen: bell, M. Hattori, S. Makino, A. Cooke: nerve 133 Adipose tissue glycogen synthase activa- RFLP analysis of the MHC class III re- Mykkanen, L.,J .K uusisto, K. Pyérala, tion by in vivo insulin in spontaneously in- gion defines unique haplotypes for the M. Laakso: Cardiovascular disease risk sulin-resistant and Type 2 (non-insulin-de- non-obese diabetic, cataract Shionogi and factors as predictors of Type 2 (non-in- pendent) diabeticrhesus monkeys 200 the non-obese non-diabetic mouse sulin-dependent) diabetes mellitusi n el- Ostenson, C.-G.,S.M. Abdel-Halim,J .R ass- strains 727 derly subjects 553 chaert, F. Malaisse-Lagae, S. Meuris, Malik, R.A.,S. Tesfaye,S.D.Thompson, Nauck, M.A.,N. Kleine,C . Orskov, J.J. A. Sener, S. Efendic, W.J .M alaisse: Defi- A.Veves, A. K. Sharma, A.J.M. Boulton, Holst, B. Willms, W. Creutzfeldt: Normal- cient activity of FAD-linked glycerophos- J.D. Ward: Endoneurial localisation of ization of fasting hyperglycaemia by phate dehydrogenase in islets of GK rats microvascular damage in human diabetic exogenous glucagonlike peptide 1 722 neuropathy 454 (7-36 amide) in Type 2 (non-insulin- Ostenson, C.-G., A. Khan, S. M. Abdel- Manto, A., P. Cotroneo, G. Porcelli, G. D’Er- dependent) diabetic patients 741 Halim, A. Guenifi, K. Suzuki, Y. Goto, rico, G. Marra, P. Magnani, P.T illi, Nelson, R.G., W.C. Knowler, D.R. S. Efendic: Abnormal insulin secretion A. V.Greco, G. Ghirlanda: Urinary kal- McCance, M.L. Sievers, D.J. Pettitt, and glucose metabolism in pancreatic is- likrein excretion in Type 1 (insulin-de- M.A. Charles, R. L. Hanson, Q. Z. Liu, lets from the spontaneously diabetic GK pendent) diabetes mellitus 423 P.H. Bennett: Determinants of end-stage rat 3 Marks, J.L., K. Waite, M. Li: Effects of strep- renal disease in Pima Indians with Type 2 Osterby, R.,M.-A. Gall, A. Schmitz, F.S. tozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus and (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes melli- Nielsen, G. Nyberg, H.-H. Parving: insulin treatment on neuropeptide Y tusand proteinuria 1087 Glomerular structure and function in pro- mRNA intherathypothalamus 497 Nelson, R.G., D.J. Pettitt, H.R. Baird, teinuric Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) Massa, G., L. Dooms, R. Bouillon, M. Van- M.A. Charles, Q. Z. Liu, P.H. Bennett, diabetic patients 1064 derschueren-Lodeweyckx: Serum levels W.C. Knowler: Pre-diabetic blood pres- Papasouliotis, K., P. Muir, T. J. Gruffydd- of growth hormone-binding protein and sure predicts urinary albumin excretion Jones, P. J. Cripps, A. C. Blaxter: The ef- insulin-like growth factor I in children and after the onset of Type 2 (non-insulin-de- fect of short-term dietary fibre administra- adolescents with Type 1 (insulin-depen- pendent) diabetes mellitusi n Pima In- tion on oro-caecal transit time in dogs 207 dent) diabetes mellitus 239 dians 998 Patti, L.,G. Romano, L. Di Marino, G. An- MauryJ.,, T.I ssad, D. Perdereau, B. Gouhot, Nielsen, F.S., A. I. Voldsgaard, M.-A. Gall, nuzzi, M. Mancini, G. Riccardi, A. A. Ri- P. Ferré, J. Girard: Effect of acarbose on P. Rossing, E. Hommel, P. Andersen, vellese: Abnormal distribution of VLDL glucose homeostasis, lipogenesis and li- J. Dyerberg, H.-H. Parving: Apolipopro- subfractionsi n Type 1 (insulin-depen- pogenic enzyme gene expression in adi- tein(a) and cardiovascular disease in dent) diabetic patients: could plasma pose tissue of weaned rats 503 Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic lipase activities playarole? 155 Maxfield, E. K., N. E.Cameron, M. A. Cot- patients with and without diabetic nephro- Petersen, J.S.,M.O. Marshall, S. Bekkes- ter, K.C. Dines: Angiotensin II receptor pathy 438 kov, K. R. Hejnees, M. Hgier-Madsen, blockade improves nerve function, modu- Nielsen, S.,O.Schmitz, N. Mgller, N. P¢r- T. Dyrberg: Transfer of Type 1 (insulin-de- lates nerve blood flow and stimulates en- ksen, I.C. Klausen, K.G.M.M. Alberti, pendent) diabetes mellitus associated doneurial angiogenesis in streptozotocin- C.E. Mogensen: Renal function and in- autoimmunity to mice with severe com- diabeticrats 1230 sulin sensitivity during simvastatin treat- bined immunodeficie(nSCcIyD ) 510 Mayhew, T. M., F.B. Sgrensen, J.G. Klebe, ment in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) Phipps, K., D.J. P. Barker, C. N. Hales, M.R. Jackson: Oxygen diffusive conduct- diabetic patients with microalbuminuria C.H.D. FalC. lOsm,ond , P.M.S. Clark: ance in placentae from control and 1079 Fetal growth and impaired glucose toler- diabeticwomen 955 Norgaard, K.,T .J ensen, B. Feldt-Ras- ance inmenandwomen 225 McCarthy, M.I.,M. Hitchins,G. A. Hitman, mussen: Transcapillary escape rate ofa l- Pociot, F, K. Nérgaard, N. Hobolth, O. An- P. Cassell, K. Hawrami, N. Morton, bumin in hypertensive patients with dersen, J. Nerup and the Danish Study V. Mohan, A. Ramachandran, C. Snehala- Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mel- Group of Diabetes in Childhood: A na- tha, M. Viswanathan: Positive association litus 57 tionwide population-based study of the in the absence of linkage suggests a minor Nyengaard,J.R., A. Flyvbjerg, R. Rasch: familial aggregation of Type 1 (insulin-de- role for the glucokinase gene in the pa- The impact ofr enal growth, regression pendent) diabetes mellitus in Denmark thogenesis of Type 2 (non-insulin-depen- and regrowth in experimental diabetes 870 dent) diabetes mellitus amongst South In- mellitus on number and size of proximal Poitout, V.,D. Moatti-Sirat, G. Reach, dians 633 and distal tubular cells in the rat kidney Y. Zhang, G.S. Wilson, F. Lemonnier, McVeigh, G.E.,G.M.Brennan,G.D. 1126 J.C. Klein: A glucose monitoring system Johnston, B.J. McDermott, L. T. Nyengaard, J.R., R. Rasch: The impact of ex- for on line estimation in man of blood glu- McGrath, W.R. Henry, J. W. Andrews, perimental diabetes mellitus in rats on cose concentration using a miniaturized VI glucose sensor implanted in the subcuta- Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mel- Yorkshire Regional Childhood Diabetes neous tissue and a wearable control unit litus 1309 Register 1282 658 Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., P. Stiefel,J .V illar, Standl, E., H. Stiegler: Microalbuminuria in Pomerleau, J.,M. Verdy, D. R. Garrel, M.A. Garcia-Donas, D. Acosta, arandom cohort of recently diagnosed M. Houde Nadeau: Effect of protein in- J.Carneado: Cell membrane fatty acid Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic take on glycaemic control and renal func- composition in Type 1 (insulin-depen- patients living in the Greater Munich tion in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) dent) diabetic patients: relationship with Area 1017 diabetes mellitus 829 sodium transport abnormalities and meta Sten-Linder, M., A. Wedell, L. Iselius, Pugh,J .A ., R. Medina, M. Ramirez: Com- boliccontrol 850 S. Efendic, R. Luft, H. Luthman: DNA parison of the course to endstage renal dis- Ryan, C.M.,T.M. Williams, D.N. Finegold, polymorphisms in the human tyrosine hy- ease of Type | (insulin-dependenta)n d T.J .O rchard: Cognitive dysfunction in droxylase/insulin/insulin-like growth fac- Type 2 (non-insulin-dependdieanbett)i c adults with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) tor II chromosomal region in relation to nephropathy 1094 diabetes mellitus of long duration: effects glucose andinsulinresponses 25 Raine, A. E.G.: Epidemiology, development of recurrent hypoglycaemia and other Stenninger, E.,J .A man: Intranasal glucagon and treatment of end-stage renal failure in chroniccomplications 329 treatment relieves hypoglycaemia in chil- Type 2 (non-insulin-dependdieanbett)i c Sai, P., A. Elmansour, M. Audrain, B. Char- dren with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) patientsin Europe 1099 bonnel, S. Bardet: Quantification of diabetes mellitus 931 Rasmussen, L. M.,T .L edet: Aortic collagen human cytoplasmic islet-cell antibodies Stevens, E.J.,M.J. Lockett, A. L. Carring- alterations in human diabetes mellitus. which cross-react with mouse pancreas: a ton, D.R. Tomlinson: Essential fatty acid Changes in basement membrane collagen follow-up study in Type 1 (insulin-depen- treatment prevents nerve ischaemia and content and in the susceptibility of total dent) diabetic patients and in first-degree associated conduction anomalies in rats collagen to cyanogen bromide solubilisa- relatives 778 with experimental diabetes mellitus 397 tion 445 Schaffer, S. W., G. L. Wilson: Insulin resis- Stevens, M.J.,S. A. Lattimer, M. Kamijo, Rendell, M.S.,S.T. Kelly, D. Finney,T .L uu, tance and mechanical dysfunction in C. Van Huysen, A.A. F. Sima, D.A. K. Kahler, S. F. McIntyre, J. V. Terando: hearts of Wistar rats with streptozotocin- Greene: Osmotically-induced nerve Decreased skin blood flow early in the induced non-insulin-dependent diabetes taurine depletion and the compatible os- course of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus 195 molyte hypothesis in experimental mellitusinthe rat 907 Schiavi, R.C., B. B. Stimmel, J.M andeli, diabetic neuropathy inthe rat 608 Resnick, L. M.,B.T. Altura, R. K. Gupta, E.J. Rayfield: Diabetes mellitus and male Stewart, L.L., L.L. Field, S. Ross, R.G. J.H.Laragh, M.H. Alderman, B. M. Altu- sexual function: acontrolled study 745 McArthur: Genetic risk factors in diabetic ra: Intracellular and extracellular magne- Schmitz, A.: Renal function changes in retinopathy 1293 sium depletion in Type 2 (non-insulin-de- middle-aged and elderly Caucasian Stoffel, M.,R .E spinosa III,S.R . Keller, pendent) diabetes mellitus 767 Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic G.E. Lienhard, M. M. Le Beau, G.I. Bell: Rich, S.S.,L.R. French, J.M.Sprafka, patients—areview 985 Human insulin receptor substrate-1 gene J.P. Clements, F.C. Goetz: HLA-associ- Sell, D.R., E.C. Carlson, V.M. Monnier: Dif- (IRS1): chromosomal localization to 2q35- ated susceptibility to Type 2 (non-insulin- ferential effects of Type 2 (non-insulin-de- q36.1 and identification of as imple tan- dependent) diabetes mellitus: the Wadena pendent) diabetes mellitus on pentosidine dem repeat DNA polymorphism 335 City Health Study 234 formation in skin and glomerular base- Stridsberg, M.,C. Berne, S. Sandler, E. Wi- Richter, W.,T .H . Eiermann,J .E ndl,J .S eiB- mentmembrane 936 lander, K. Oberg: Inhibition ofi nsulin se- ler,S. Wolfahrt, M. Brandt, H. Jungfer, Sensi, M.,M.G.De Rossi, F.S. Celi, A. Cris- cretion, but normal peripheral insulin sen- W. A. Scherbaum: Human monoclonal tina, C. Rosati, D. Perrett, D. Andreani, sitivity, in a patient with a malignant endo- islet specific autoantibodies share features U. Di Mario: D-Lysine reduces the non- crine pancreatic tumour producing high ofislet cell and 64 kDaantibodies 785 enzymatic glycation ofp roteins in ex- amounts of an islet amyloid polypeptide- Robert, J.-J.,D. Chauvet, D. Darmaun, perimental diabetes mellitus in rats 797 likemolecule 843 H. Leblanc: Hepatic glucose production Shimada, F., H. Makino, N. Hashimoto, Takahashi, M.,T .O hishi, H. Aoshima, K. Ka- during intraperitoneal and intravenous M. Taira, S. Seino, G.I. Bell, A. Kanatsu- wana, K. Kushida,T . Inoue, K. Horiuchi: closed-loop insulin regulation of blood ka,S . Yoshida: Type 2 (non-insulin-de- The Maillard protein cross-link pento- glucosei n Type 1 (insulin-dependent) pendent) diabetes mellitus associated sidine in urine from diabetic patients 664 diabetic patients 1185 with a mutation of the glucokinase gene in Takao, Y.,S. Akazawa, K. Matsumoto, H. Ta- Robert, J.J.,B. Rakotoambinina, I. Cochet, aJapanese family 433 kino, M. Akazawa, R. A. Trocino, V. Foussier, J. Magre, D. Darmaun, Simmons, D. A., A. I. Winegrad: Insulin does Y. Maeda, S. Okuno, E. Kawasaki, S. Uota- D.Chevenne, J. Capeau: The develop- not regulate vascular smooth muscle Na * , ni, A. Yokota, S. Nagataki: Glucose trans- ment of hyperglycaemia in patients with K*-ATPase activity inrabbit aorta 212 porter gene expression in rat conceptus insulin-resistant generalized lipoatrophic Songini, M.,M.Loche, Sa. Muntoni, M. Sta- during high glucose culture 696 syndromes 1288 bilini, A. Coppola, G. Dessi, A.Green, Taki, T., K. Yokono, K. Amano, N. Hatamo- Roden, M., K. Liener, C. Fiirnsinn, G.F. Bottazzo, Se. Muntoni: Increasing ri, Y. Hirao, Y. Tominaga, S. Maeda, M. Prskavec, P. Nowotny, I. Steffan, prevalence of juvenile onset Type 1 (in- M. Kasuga: Effect of T-cell receptor V B- H. Vierhapper, W. Waldhausl: Non-in- sulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in specific monoclonal antibodies on cyclo- sulin-like action of sodium orthovanadate Sardinia: the military service approach phosphamide-induced diabetes mellitus in the isolated perfused liver of fed, non- 547 innon-obese diabeticmice 391 diabeticrats 602 Spiro, M.J.,T.J .C rowley: Increased rat Tallroth, G., E. Ryding, C.-D. Agardh: The Rooney, D.P.,R.D.G. Neely, O. Beatty, myocardial type VI collagen in diabetes influence of hypoglycaemia on regional N.P. Bell, B. Sheridan, A. B. Atkinson, mellitus and hypertension 93 cerebral blood flow and cerebral volume E.R. Trimble, P.M. Bell: Contribution of Spjuth, J.,G. Larsson, P. Nilsson-Ehle, in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes glucose/glucose 6-phosphate cycle activity B.Schersten, B. Astedt: Can the birth of a mellitus 530 to insulin resistance in Type 2 (non-in- large infant predict risk for atherosclerotic Tanizawa, Y., K.C. Chiu, M. A. Province, sulin-depdeianbedtees nmetll)itu s 106 vascular disease inthe mother? 117 R. Morgan, D.R. Owens, A. Rees, Rudberg, S., E. Ullman, G. Dahlquist: Rela- Staines, A.,H.J. Bodansky, H.E. B. Lilley, M.A. Permutt: Two microsatellite repeat tionship between early metabolic control C. Stephenson, R.J.Q.McNally, R.A. polymorphisms flanking opposite ends of and the development of microalbuminu- Cartwright: The epidemiology of diabetes the human glucokinase gene: use in haplo- ria—a longitudinal study in children with mellitus in the United Kingdom: The type analysis of Welsh Caucasians with Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes nosed Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) and alphacells. Studies in rodent and mellitus 409 diabetes mellitus 734 humanislets and in normal rats 759 Tesfaye, S., N. HarJ.rJ. iJaksubo,wsk i, Vuorinen-Markkola, H., H. Yki-Jarvinen, C. Mody, R. M.W ilson, I.G. Rennie, M-R. Taskinen: Lowering oft riglycerides J.D. Ward: Impaired blood flow and arte- by gemfibrozil affects neither the gluco- Rapid communication rio-venous shunting in human diabetic regulatory nor antilipolytic effect of in- neuropathy: a novel technique of nerve sulin in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) Bent-Hansen, L., B. Feldt-Rasmussen, photography and fluorescein angio- diabetic patients 161 A. Kverneland,T . Deckert: Plasma disap- graphy 1266 Wahl, M.A.,S.G.Straub, H. P.T. Ammon: pearance ofg lycated and non-glycated al- Thibault, C.,C. Guettet, M.C. Laury, Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- bumin in Type 1 (insulindependent) J.M.N’Guyen, M. A. Tormo, D. Bailbé, augmented insulin release: actions on diabetes mellitus: evidence for charge de- B. Portha, L. Pénicaud, A. Ktorza: In vivo ionic fluxes and electrical activity of pendent alterations of the plasma to and in vitro increased pancreatic beta-cell mouse islets 920 lymph pathway 361 sensitivity to glucose in normal rats sub- Wasty, F.,M. Z. Alavi, S. Moore: Distribu- Bingley, P.J.,G. Caldas, R. Bonfanti, mitted to a48-h hyperglycaemic period tion of glycosaminoglycans in the intima E. A.M. Gale: Nicotinamide and insulin 589 of human aortas: changes in atheroscle- secretionin normal subjects 675 Trivedi, N., A. Mithal,S. K.Gupta,M.M. rosis and diabetes mellitus 316 Cheetham,T . D.,J. Jones, A.M. Taylor, Godbole for the Fluoride Collaborative WestermarGk., T ., L. Christmanson, J. Holly, D. R. Matthews, D. B. Dunger: Study Group: Reversible impairment of G.T erenghi,J .P ermerth, C. Betsholtz, The effects of recombinant insulin-like glucose intolerance in patients with en- J. Larsson, J.M. Polak, P. Westermark: growth factor I administration on growth demic fluorosis 826 Islet amyloid polypeptide: demonstration hormone levels and insulin requirements UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group: UK of mRNA in human pancreatic islets by in in adolescents with Type | (insulin-de- Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS). X. situ hybridization in islets with and with- pendent) diabetes mellitus 678 Urinary albumin excretion over 3 years in out amyloid deposits 323 Conget, I., J. Fernandez-Alvarez,J .F errer, diettreated Type 2 (non-insulin-depen- Williams, A.J.K., P. E. Beales,J .K rug, Y. Sarri, A. Novials, N.Somoza, R. Pujol- dent) diabetic patients, and association E. Procaccini, A. Signore, S. Xu, E. A.M. Borrell, R. Casamitjana, R.Gomis: with hypertension, hyperglycaemia and Gale, P. Pozzilli: Tolbutamide reduces the Human pancreaticislet function at the hypertriglyceridaemia 1021 incidence of diabetes mellitus, but not in- onsoef Ttyp e 1 (insulin-dependent) UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group: sulitis, in the non-obesediabetic mouse diabetes mellitus 358 UK Prospective Diabetes Study 487 Kahn, S.E.,C.B. Verchere, D. A. D’ Alessio, (UKPDS) IX: Relationships of urinary al- Young, M.J.,J.E. Adams, G. F. Anderson, D.L.Cook, W. Y. Fujimoto: Evidence for bumin and N-acetylglucosaminidase to A.J.M. Boulton, P. R. Cavanagh: Medial selective release of rodent islet amyloid glycaemia and hypertension at diagnosis arterial calcification in the feet of diabetic polypeptide through the constitutive se- of Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) patients and matched non-diabetic con- cretory pathway 570 diabetes mellitus and after 3 months diet trolsubjects 615 Maioli, M.,G. Tonolo, A. Pacifico, M. Cic- therapy 835 Young, M.J., A.J.M. Boulton, A. F. Ma- carese, P. Brizzi, E.M. Kohner, M. Porta: Uusitupa, M.I.J.,L. K. Niskanen, cleod, D.R.R. Williams, P.H.Sonksen: Raised serum apolipoprotein (a) in active O. Siitonen, E. Voutilainen, K. Pyérala: A multicentre study of the prevalence of diabeticretinopathy 88 Ten-year cardiovascular mortality in rela- diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the Rabuazzo, A. M.,M. Buscema, C. Vinci, tion to risk factors and abnormalities in United Kingdom hospital clinic popula- V.Caltabiano, M. Anello, R. Vigneri, lipoprotein composition in Type 2 (non- tion 150 F. Purrello: Inhibition of the high-affinity insulin-dependent) diabetic and non- Zanone, M.M.,M. Peakman,T . Purewal, glucose transporter GLUT 1 affects the diabetic subjects 1175 P.J. Watkins, D. Vergani: Autoantibodies sensitivity to glucose in a hamster-derived Vandewalle, C. L.,T .D ecraene, F.C. Schuit, to nervous tissue structures are associated pancreatic betacellline (HIT) 1204 I.H. De Leeuw, D.G. Pipeleers, with autonomic neuropathy in Type 1 (in- Stoffel, M.,G. 1. Bell: Characterization F.K. Gorus, the Belgian Diabetes Regis- sulin-depdeianbedtees nmetll)itu s 564 of a third simple tandem repeat poly- try: Insulin autoantibodies and high titre Zenobi, P. D., P. Holzmann, Y. Glatz, W. F. morphism in the human glucokinase islet cell antibodies are preferentially asso- Riesen, E. R. Froesch: Improvement of gene 170 ciated with the HLA DQA1*0301- lipid profile in Type 2 (non-insulin-de- Vollenweider, F.,J.-C. Irminger, P. A. Hal- DQB1*0302 haplotype at clinical onset of pendent) diabetes mellitus by insulin-like ban: Substrate specificity of proinsulin Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mel- growth factor I 465 conversion in the constitutive pathway of litus before age 10 years, but not at onset Zhang, H., U.T. Brunk: Alloxan cytotoxicity transfected FAO (hepatomcae)ll s 1322 between age 10 and 40 years 1155 is highly potentiated by plasma mem- Vorm, E. R. van der, A. Kuipers, J. W. Bonen- Velloso, L. A.,O. Kampe, D.L. Eizirik, brane- and lysosomal-associated iron — kamp, W.J.Kleijer, L. Van Maldergem, A. Hallberg, A. Andersson, F. A. Karls- astudy on a model system of cultured J. Herwig, J.A . Maassen: Patients with li- son: Human autoantibodies react with glu- J-774 cells 707 podystrophic diabetes mellitus of the Seip- tamicacid decarboxylase antigen in Ziegler, A.-G., B. Hillebrand, W. Rabl, Berardinelli type, express normal insulin human and rat but not in mouse pancre- M. Mayrhofer, M. Hummel, U. Mollen- receptors 172 aticislets 39 hauer,J .V ordemann, A. Lenz, E. Standl: Vialettes, B., D. Maraninchi, M. P.San On the appearance ofi slet associated Marco, F. Birg, A. M. Stoppa, C. Mattei- autoimmunity in offspring of diabetic Workshop report Zevaco, C. Thivolet, L. Hermitte, mothers: a prospective study from birth P. Vague, P. Mercier: Autoimmune polyen- 402 Pociot, F.,J.1. Reimers, H. U. Andersen: Ni- docrine failure —Type 1| (insulin-depen- Zochodne, D. W., L.T .H o: Diabetes mellitus cotinamide — biological actions and thera- dent) diabetes mellitus and hypothyroid- prevents capsaicin from inducing hyper- peutic potential in diabetes prevention. ism — after allogeneic bone marrow trans- aemiaintheratsciaticnerve 493 IDIG Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, plantation in a patient with lymphoblastic Zumsteg, U.,J.1. Reimers, F. Pociot, 4-5 December 1992 574 leukaemia 541 L. M@grch, S. Helqvist, M. Brendel, R. Ale- Report prepared by L. Packer: The role of Vora,J .P .,J. Dolben, J.D . Williams,J .R . Pe- jandro, T. Mandrup-Poulsen, C. A. Dina- anti-oxidative treatment in diabetes melli- ters, D.R. Owens: Impact of initial treat- rello, J.N erup: Differential interleukin- 1 tus. This meeting was held in Frankfurt am ment on renal function in newly-diag- receptor antagonism on pancreatic beta Main,Germany 1212 VIII For debate ceral fat deposition is seen in patients with Strojek, K.: Response from the authors 580 insulinoma 91 Tuomi,T. , P.Z. Zimmet, M. J.R owley, Ceriello, A., A. Quatraro, D. Giugliano: Kaprio, J.,J. Tuomilehto, M. Koskenvuo, S. W. Serjeantson, I. R. Mackay: Persisting Diabetes mellitus and hypertension: the K. Romanov, A. Reunanen,J .E riksson, antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase possible role of hyperglycaemia through J.Stengard, Y. A. Kesaniemi: Response in Type 1| (insulin-dependent) diabetes oxidative stress 265 fromthe authors 472 mellitus are not associated with neuro- Ganrot, P.O.: Insulin resistance syndrome: Kobayashi,T. ,K . Nakanishi, T. Murase, pathy 685 possible key role of blood flow in resting K. Kosaka: Subtype of islet cell antibodies Vendrell,T. ,C . Gutiérrez, R. Pastor, C. Ri- muscle 876 and slowly progressive beta-cell failure chart: Plasma lipoprotein (a) concentra- Groop, L.C., E. Widén, E. Ferrannini: In- 92 tionin diabetes mellitus 881 sulin resistance and insulin deficiency in Lorini, R.,M. A. Avanzini, L. Vitali: Follow- Vermes, I., P.F.M.J.Spooren, E. M. Kals- the pathogenesis of Type 2 (non-insulin- up ofa nti-beta-lactoglobulin antibodies in beek-Batenburg, C. Haanen: In addition dependent) diabetes mellitus: errors of children with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) to von Willebrand factor and urinary al- metabolism or of methods? 1326 diabetes mellitus 683 bumin excretion, plasma endothelin is an Mijovic, C. H.,D. Jenkins, M. A. Penny: Sus- Mandrup-Poulsen, T., J. A. Corbett, M.L. indicator of endothelial dysfunction in ceptibility to Type 1 (insulin-dependent) McDaniel, J.N erup: What are the types diabetes mellitus 472 diabetes mellitus is determined by MHC and cellular sources of free radicals in the Verrotti, A., F. Chiarelli, M. Verini, class II molecules. What about DR4? pathogenesis of Type 1 (insulin-depen- G. Morgese: Pulmonary function in 1210 dent) diabetes mellitus? 470 Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mel- Pozzilli, P., R. Buzzetti, G. F. Bottazzo, Matschinsky, F. M.: Evolution oft he glucoki- litus 579 R. Tosi: The selection of control subjects nase glucose sensor paradigm for pancre- Waldhausl, W., P. Fasching: Fetal growth and for case/control analysis of susceptibility aticbetacells 1216 impaired glucose tolerance in men and to Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes Mikhailidis, P.: Insulin resistance and mech- women 973 mellitus 1208 anical dysfunction in hearts of Wistar rats Robinson, B. H., H.-M. Dosch, J.M. Martin, with streptozotocin-induced non-insulin- H.K. Akerblom, E. Savilahti, M. Knip, dependent diabetes mellitus 880 Book review J. Ilonen: A model for the involvement of Paepe, M.E. De, E. Colle: Response from MHC class II proteinsi n the development theauthors 682 370, 1332 of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes Papaccio, G.: Early insulitis and the islet vas- mellitus in response to bovine serum al- cularsystem 682 bumin peptides 364 Papadopoulos, G. K.: MHC class II mole- Contents of Volume cules and the immune response to the ABBOS peptide of bovine serum al- 36 Letters to the editor bumin: prelude to Type 1 (insulin-depen- dent) diabetes? 1215 Alcolado, J.C.: Mitochondrial DNA defects Paul, T.L.,1.M.Hramiak, J.L.Mahon, Erratum in diabetes mellitus 578 D. Freeman, P. Atkinson, D. T. Finegood, Allo,S.,M.Mozaffari, G. Wilson, S. W. J. Dupre: Nicotinamide and insulin sensi- 685, 1332 Schaffer: Response fromthe authors 880 tivity 369 Chatterjee, P.S.,J. Mukherjee, S. K. Gupta: Phillips, D. 1. W.,C.N. Hales, D. J.P. Barker: Are patients with fibrocalculous pancre- Can twin studies assess the genetic compo- List of referees atic diabetes a subset of chronic calcific nent in Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) pancreatitis of the tropics with genetic pre- diabetes mellitus? 471 1333 dispositiont o Type 1 (insulin-dependent) Ramirez, L.C., P. Raskin: Diabetes control diabetes? 972 and pulmonary function in Type 1 (insulin- Csaszar, A., H. Dieplinger,G. Utermann: dependent) diabetes mellitus 972 Author Index Response from the authors 882 Randle, P.J.: Response from the author Dahlquist, G., E. Savilahti, M. Landin-Ols- 1217 1336 son: Response fromthe authors 684 Robinson, B. H.: Response from the author Dowse, G. K., P.Z. Zimmet, K.G.M.M. Al- 1216 berti: Infant nutrition and subsequent risk Rynkiewicz, A., J. Furmanski, K. Narkie- Subject Index of Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) wicz, E.Semetkowska, L. Bieniaszewski, diabetes mellitus 267 S. Horoszek-Maziarz, B. Krupa-Wojciec- 1340 Gerbitz, K.-D.: Response from the author howska: Influence of duration of Type 1 578 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus on Hales, C.N.,D.J.P. Barker: Response from 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and heart EASD News Section the authors 268,974 rate profile 577 Inadera, H.,S. Ito, Y. Ishikawa, M. Shino- Stehouwer, C. D. A.: Response from the 1,11,17,21,23,27,31,33,4379,,5 5 miya, K. Shirai, Y. Saito, S. Yoshida: Vis- authors 473

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