ORIGINALARTICLE Diabetic Downregulation of Nrf2 Activity via ERK – Contributes to Oxidative Stress Induced Insulin Resistance in Cardiac Cells In Vitro and In Vivo Yi Tan,1,2 Tomonaga Ichikawa,3 Jinqing Li,3 Qiusheng Si,4 Huaitao Yang,4 Xiangbai Chen,4 Curtis S. Goldblatt,4 Colin J. Meyer,5 Xiaokun Li,1 Lu Cai,1,2 and Taixing Cui1,3 OBJECTIVE—Oxidative stress is implicated in cardiac insulin resistance,acriticalriskfactorforcardiacfailure,butthedirect I evidence remains missing. This study explored a causal link nsulin resistance usually refers to a defect in the between oxidative stress and insulin resistance with a focus on ability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake. Im- a regulatory role of redox sensitive transcription factor NF-E2– portantly, insulin resistance is not only a character- related factor2 (Nrf2)in thecardiaccellsinvitro andinvivo. isticfeatureoftype2diabetesbutalsoimplicatedin RESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS—Chronictreatmentof the heart of type 1 diabetes (1,2). The severity of insulin HL-1 adultcardiomyocyte withhydrogenperoxide led toinsulin resistance independently predicts mortality in patients resistance, reflected by a significant suppression of the insulin- with heart failure (3,4). At a molecular level, insulin re- inducedglucoseuptake.Thiswasassociatedwithanexaggerated sistance is characterized by impairment of the insulin- phosphorylation of extracellular signal–related kinase (ERK). induced activation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)/ Although U0126, an ERK inhibitor, enhanced insulin sensitivity phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) and attenuated oxidative stress–induced insulin resistance, pathway, the major player of the metabolic action of in- LY294002,aninhibitorofphosphoinositide3-kinase(PI3K),wors- ened the insulin resistance. Moreover, insulin increased Nrf2 sulin,leadingtosuppressionoftheinsulin-inducedglucose transcriptional activity, which was blocked by LY294002 but en- uptake in the insulin-sensitive organs, including the heart hanced byU0126. Forcedactivation of Nrf2 byadenoviral over- (3,4). Indeed, reduced IRS-1 associated PI3K activity in expression of Nrf2 inhibited the increased ERK activity and skeletal muscle has been demonstrated to contribute to recovered the blunted insulin sensitivity on glucose uptake in wholebodyinsulinresistanceindiabetes(5).Theseresults cardiomyocytes that were chronically treated with H O . In the 2 2 reveal a unique feature of cardiac insulin resistance that hearts of streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice and diabetic patientsNrf2expressionsignificantlydecreasedalongwithsignif- might play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy. icantincreasesin3-nitrotyrosineaccumulationandERKphosphor- ylation, whereas these pathogenic changes were not observed in Although a pivotal role of insulin resistance in cardiac theheartofdiabeticmicewithcardiac-specificoverexpressionof dysfunction appears to be recognized, the mechanisms a potent antioxidant metallothionein. Upregulation of Nrf2 by its contributing to insulin resistance are poorly understood. activator, Dh404, in cardiomyocytes in vitro and in vivo pre- Notably, increasing evidence has suggested that oxidative ventedhydrogenperoxide–anddiabetes-inducedERKactivation stress plays a causal role in the cardiac complications of andinsulin-signaling downregulation. insulin resistance, and the overgenerated reactive oxygen CONCLUSIONS—ERK-mediated suppression of Nrf2 activity species (ROS) or reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and in- leads to the oxidative stress–induced insulin resistance in adult sulin resistance may be coconspirators in cardiac dys- cardiomyocytes and downregulated glucose utilization in the di- function,eachcapableoftriggeringorworseningtheother abeticheart.Diabetes60:625–633,2011 (6–8). However, a direct, clear, and causal relationship between oxidative stress and insulin resistance in the heart is not yet established. Cells have evolved endogenous defense mechanisms against sustained oxidative stress such as the redox sen- sitive transcription factor NF-E2–related factor 2 (Nrf2), which regulates antioxidant response element (ARE/ EpRE)-mediatedexpressionofdetoxifyingandantioxidant From the 1Chinese-American Research Institute for Diabetic Complications, WenzhouMedical College,Wenzhou,Zhejiang,China;the 2Departmentof enzymesandthecystine/glutamatetransporterinvolvedin Pediatrics,UniversityofLouisville,Louisville,Kentucky;the3Departmentof glutathionebiosynthesis(9).DiminishedNrf2/AREactivity CellBiologyandAnatomy,UniversityofSouthCarolinaSchoolofMedicine, contributes to increased oxidative stress and mitochon- Columbia,SouthCarolina;the4DepartmentofPathology,MemorialMedical Center,Johnstown,Pennsylvania;andthe5ReataPharmaceuticals,Irving, drialdysfunctioninthevasculature,leadingtoendothelial Texas. dysfunction,insulinresistance,andabnormalangiogenesis Correspondingauthors:TaixingCui,[email protected],andLuCai, observedindiabetes(10).Recentlywehavedemonstrated [email protected]. Received17August2010andaccepted20November2010. the critical role of Nrf2 expression in protecting the car- DOI:10.2337/db10-1164 diaccellsfromoxidativedamageanddeathcausedbyhigh This article contains Supplementary Data online at http://diabetes. levels of glucose (11). diabetesjournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.2337/db10-1164/-/DC1. Y.T.andT.I.contributedequallytothiswork. Herein, we demonstrate that oxidative stress directly in- (cid:1)2011bytheAmericanDiabetesAssociation.Readersmayusethisarticleas ducesinsulinresistanceincardiomyocytesviaexaggerating longastheworkisproperlycited,theuseiseducationalandnotforprofit, extracellularsignal–relatedkinase(ERK)activityinvitro.In and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by -nc-nd/3.0/fordetails. the heart of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type 1 diabetic diabetes.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 625 Nrf2ANDINSULINRESISTANCEINCARDIOMYOCYTES mice,cardiacexpressionofNrf2wassignificantlydepressed a Beckman GS-6R centrifuge for 15 min. The protein concentration was at the late stage of diabetes, the time period at which the measuredbyBradfordassay.Thesample,dilutedinloadingbufferandheated heart showed a significant decrease in glucose metabolism at95°Cfor5min,wasthensubjectedtoelectrophoresison10%SDS-PAGEgel along with the development of significant diabetic cardio- at120V.Afterelectrophoresisofthegelandtransfer oftheproteinstoni- trocellulose membrane, the membranes were rinsed briefly in Tris-buffered myopathy (12–14). Depressed expression of cardiac Nrf2 saline,blockedinblockingbuffer(5%milkand0.5%BSA)for1h,andwashed was associated with significant increases in nitrosative three times withTris-buffered salinecontaining 0.05%Tween 20. Themem- damage and phosphorylation of ERK, all of which were branes were incubated with different primary antibodies at a dilution of prevented in the hearts of diabetic mice with cardiac over- 1:1,000 for 2 h and then washed and reacted with secondary horseradish expression of a potent antioxidant metallothionein (MT). In peroxidase–conjugated antibody for 1 h. Antigen-antibody complexes were thenvisualizedusinganECLkit(Amersham,Piscataway,NJ). addition,upregulationofcardiacNrf2byitsactivatordihydro- Humanheartspecimens.Tissuesectionsofleftventricleswerepreparedfrom CDDO-trifluoroethyl amide (Dh404) significantly prevented autopsyheartspecimensofhumanswithorwithoutadiseasehistoryordiabetes. diabetes-induced nitrosative damage, ERK activation, and All diabetic males had histories of hypertension and cardiac dysfunction insulinsignalingdownregulation.Thesefindingssuggestthat (SupplementaryTable1).ThisstudywasapprovedbytheInstitutionalReview oxidative stress–depressed expression of cardiac Nrf2 is BoardforhumansubjectresearchattheUniversityofSouthCarolinaSchoolof associatedwithcardiacactivationERKanddownregulation MedicineandtheMemorialMedicalCenterofJohnstown. Statisticalanalysis. Values are expressed as means 6 SD. The data were of glucose metabolism. Therefore, Nrf2, a master transcrip- analyzedusingANOVAwiththeNewman-Keulstest.ValuesofP,0.05were tional factor of antioxidative defense system (15), may be consideredtobestatisticallysignificant. a novel negative regulator of oxidative stress–mediated in- sulin resistance in cardiomyocytes and the heart. RESULTS Oxidative stress induces insulin resistance via RESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS overactivation of ERK in adult cardiomyocytes. Cellcultureandadenoviralinfection.HL-1cellswereobtainedfromDr. Chronic treatment with H O has been demonstrated to Claycomb (Louisiana State University Health Science Center, New Orleans, 2 2 induce oxidative stress leading to insulin resistance in LA),whofirstestablishedandcharacterizedthecelllinederivedfromadult various cell types (18); therefore, we tested whether such murineatrialcardiomyocytetumorlineage,andculturedinClaycombMedium (Sigma-Aldrich)(16).Cellswereinfectedwithadenovirusofb-galactosidase a treatment induces insulin resistance in HL-1 adult car- (Ad-bGal)ormurineNrf2(Ad-Nrf2)aspreviouslydescribed(15). diomyocytes. Consistent with a previous report (19), in- Glucoseuptakeassay.CellswereincubatedinKrebs-Ringer-HEPESbuffer(15 sulin stimulated 20–30% increases in glucose uptake in mmol/LHEPES[pH7.4],105mmol/LNaCl,5mmol/LKCl,1.4mmol/LCaCl2, HL-1 cells (Fig. 1A), and treatment with H O at a nontoxic 1mmol/LKHPO,1.4mmol/LMgSO,and10mmol/LNaHCO)for30min.Cells 2 2 2 4 4 3 nextwereincubatedwithinsulin(100nmol/L)inKrebs-Ringer-HEPESbufferfor 30minandthenaddedto2-deoxy-D-glucose(0.2mmol/L)and2-deoxy-D-[3H] glucose(2-DG)(1mCi/mL,MPBiomedicals)foranadditional10min.Thecells werewashedthreetimeswithice-coldPBS,solubilizedin0.5mol/LNaOH,and neutralizedwith0.5mol/LHCl,andtheradioactivityinaliquotsfromcellextracts wasmeasuredusingaliquidscintillationcounter.Proteinconcentrationofthe cellextractswasmeasuredusingaproteinassaykit(Bio-Rad).Deoxyglucose uptakewasexpressedascountsperminutepermicrogramofprotein. Nrf2 transcriptional reporter assay. Cells were transfected with Nrf2 transcription reporter gene ARE-luc (firefly luciferase) and internal control pRL-TK-luc(renillaluciferase)plasmids,andNrf2transcriptionalactivitywas quantifiedbymeasuringluciferaseactivitiesaspreviouslydescribed(17). Diabetes models and drug administration. MT-overexpressing transgenic (MT-TG)micewereproducedfromtheFVBmicethathavebeenwellcharac- terized (12–14). Both8- to10-week-old MT-TG positive mice (heterozygotes) andnegativelittermates(wildtype[WT])werekeptinthesamecageswithfree accesstorodentchowandtapwater.Allanimalprocedureswereapprovedby theInstitutionalAnimalCareandUseCommitteeoftheUniversityofLouisville, whichiscertifiedbytheAmericanAssociationforAccreditationofLaboratory AnimalCare.STZ(Sigma,St.Louis,MO)wasdissolvedinsodiumcitratebuffer (pH4.5).MalemiceweregivenanintraperitonealinjectionofSTZat40mg/kg bodywtdailyforfivedays.Wholebloodglucoseobtainedfromthemurinetail veinwasdetectedusingaSureStepcompletebloodglucosemonitor(LifeScan, Milpitas, CA) five days after the last STZ injection. STZ-injected mice with glucose levels .12 mmol/L were considered diabetic, and mice serving as controlsweregiventhesamevolumeofsodiumcitrate(12–14). Twoanimalstudieswereperformed.Thefirststudywastoinvestigatethe diabetic effect on cardiac Nrf2 expression along with nitrosative damage, measuredby3-nitrotyrosine(3-NT)andERKexpression,usingMT-TGandWT diabeticmiceat2and5monthsafterdiabetesonset.Thesecondstudywasto investigate the preventive effect of Nrf2 activator Dh404 (provided by Reata Pharmaceuticals)oncardiacNrf2expressionand3-NTaswellasinsulinsig- nalingtargetsincludingphosphorylationofAktandglycogensynthasekinase-3b (GSK-3b)at2weeksafterdiabetesonset.ForDh404treatment,diabeticand age-matchednondiabeticmicewereadministratedwithDh404(10mg/kgbody FIG.1. H2O2-induced insulin resistance in HL-1 cells. Cellswerepre- wt)orvehicle(sesameoil;Sigma)everyotherdaybygavage.Twoweekslater, treated with H2O2 (100 mmol/L) with or without NAC (1 mmol/L) in 6hafterthelastdoseadministration,micewerekilledandhearttissueswere 0.1%FBSmediumintheabsenceofnorepinephrinefor16handthen subjectedtobasalorinsulin(100nmol/Lfor10min)-stimulated2-DG collectedforthestudy. uptakeassay(A),followedbyWesternblottingofphosphorylatedand Immunochemicalstainingandimmunoblotanalysis.StainingandWestern totalERK(B).Resultsarerepresentativesof3separatedexperiments blotanalysisforNrf2,totalandphosphor-ERK1/2,totalandphosphor-Akt,total (n=4).*P<0.05vs.control(H O 2andinsulin2),#P<0.05vs.H O and phosphor-GSK-3b, and 3-NT were performed as previously described (+) without NAC; otherwise st2ati2stical difference was indicated.2(A2 (9,12–14). Briefly, heart tissues were homogenized in lysis buffer using ho- high-qualitycolorrepresentationofthisfigureisavailableintheonline mogenizer.Tissueproteinswerecollectedbycentrifugingat12,000gat4°Cin issue.) 626 DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Y.TANANDASSOCIATES FIG.3.AnegativeregulationofNrf2byERKworsensinsulinsensitivity inHL-1cells.A:InsulinactivatesNrf2viaanegativecross-talkbetween PI3KandERK.CellsweretransfectedwithARE-lucandpRL-TK-lucin Opti-MEM (Invitrogen) for 6 h and then changed with 0.1% FBS me- dium in the absence of norepinephrine for 48 h. The cells were next stimulatedwith100nmol/Lofinsulin,10mmol/LofU0126,and10mmol/ LofLY294002asindicatedfor12h.Nrf2transcriptionalactivitywas measuredbyadualluciferaseassaykit(Promega).*P<0.05vs.con- trol(2),#P<0.05vs.insulin(+);n=4.B:Effectofoverexpressionof FIG.2.Effectofinhibitorsofmitogen-activatedproteinkinasekinase Nrf2oninsulinsensitivityinHL-1cells.CellsinfectedwithAd-bGal(20 (MEK) and PI3K on basal or insulin-induced glucose uptake in HL-1 multiplicityofinfection[MOI])andAd-Nrf2(20MOI)werepretreated cells with or without oxidative stress. Cells were pretreated with or withH2O2(100mmol/L)asinFig.1andsubjectedto2-DGuptakeassay. withoutH O (100mmol/L)asinFig.1,withabsence(A)andpresence *P<0.05vs.control(2),n=4.C:Infectedcellswerepretreatedasin 2 2 (B)of100nmol/Linsulinpretreatmentfor10min.Cellsweretreated Fig.1andstimulatedwithorwithoutinsulin(100nmol/L)for10min. with or without U0126 (10 mmol/L) or LY294002 (10 mmol/L) as in- *P<0.05vs.control(H2O22andinsulin2);otherwisestatisticaldif- dicatedfor30minandthensubjectedto2-DGuptakeassay.*P<0.05 ferencewasindicated. vs.control(2),#P<0.05vs.insulin(+)plusH O (+);n=4. 2 2 dose of 100 mmol/L for 16 h suppressed not only the basal possible role of ERK in oxidative stress–induced insulin but also the insulin-induced glucose uptake (Fig. 1A). Pre- resistance in cardiomyocytes. treatment of N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a ROS scavenger, ERK negatively regulates insulin-induced glucose partially reversed H O -induced inhibition of the basal and uptake in adult cardiomyocytes. We next examined 2 2 insulin-induced glucose uptake (Fig. 1A), suggesting that the role of ERK and PI3K in regulating insulin-mediated oxidative stress directly causes insulin resistance in adult glucose uptake in HL-1 cells. In control cells, addition of cardiomyocytes. U0126,anERKinhibitor,enhancedthebasal(Fig.2A)and Potential link of ERK1/2 with oxidative stress and in- insulin-induced glucose uptake (Fig. 2B), respectively; sulin resistance in cardiomyocytes has been documented surprisingly, LY294002, a PI3K inhibitor, had no effect (19). Accordingly, we examined the effect of chronic (Fig. 2A and B). In the cells with chronic H O treatment, 2 2 treatmentofH O onERK1/2phosphorylationinHL-1with U0126 was able to partially reverse, but LY294002 wors- 2 2 andwithoutinsulinstimulation.AsshowninFig.1B,acute ened,theH O -mediatedinhibitionofglucoseuptake(Fig. 2 2 stimulation of insulin (30 min) or chronic treatment of 2A)andinsulinresistance(Fig.2B).Theseresultssupport H O (16h)increasedERKphosphorylation;however,the the above hypothesis that ERK as a negative regulator of 2 2 insulin-inducedERKactivitywassignificantlyenhancedby insulin-mediated glucose uptake plays a mediator role in H O . NAC did not affect the insulin-induced ERK activity oxidative stress–induced insulin resistance in adult car- 2 2 but suppressed ERK activity induced by H O per se or diomyocytes. 2 2 H O with insulin (Fig. 1B). The reservation of H O - Positive regulation of insulin by Nrf2 to stimulate 2 2 2 2 induced insulin resistance (Fig. 1A) and suppression of glucose uptake in adult cardiomyocytes. Because we H O -mediated ERK activity (Fig. 1B) by NAC reflects a havedemonstrated thatNrf2negativelyregulates oxidative 2 2 diabetes.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 627 Nrf2ANDINSULINRESISTANCEINCARDIOMYOCYTES FIG.4.CardiacNrf2expressioninthemicewithandwithoutcardiac-specificMToverexpression.Diabeteswasinducedbymultiplelowdosesof STZinmicewithcardiac-specificMToverexpression(MT-TG)andlittermateWTmice.A:CardiacNrf2expressionat2monthsaftertheonsetof diabeteswasdetectedbyWesternblot(WT,n=6forcontrol[Ctrl],n=8fordiabetesmellitus[DM];MT-TG,n=7forcontrol,n=8forDM).At 5monthsaftertheonsetofdiabetes,cardiacNrf2expression(B);nitrosativedamage,measuredby3-NT(C);andERKphosphorylation(D)were detectedbyWesternblot,respectively(WT,n=7forcontrol,n=8forDM;MT-TG,n=6forcontrol,n=7forDM).b-ActinortotalERKwasused asloadingcontrol.*P<0.05vs.control. stressintheheart(15),wethendeterminedwhetherNrf2 shown in Fig. 4, cardiac Nrf2 expression was slightly in- plays a role in regulating the oxidative stress–induced in- creased at 2 months (Fig. 4A) but significantly decreased sulin resistance in HL-1 cells. Nrf2 transcription reporter at 5 months (Fig. 4B) after diabetes onset. The decreased assay showed that insulin activated Nrf2, which was en- cardiacNrf2expressionatthelatestagewasaccompanied hancedbyU0126,whereasblockedbyLY294002(Fig.3A), with oxidative and nitrosative damage, shown by signifi- suggesting that the PI3K-mediated Nrf2 activation is neg- cantly increased cardiac 3-NT accumulation (Fig. 4C) and atively regulated by ERK in insulin-stimulated HL-1 cells. overactivation of ERK function (Fig. 4D), as observed in To further test whether Nrf2 plays a critical role in regu- theinvitrostudy(Fig.3).Importantly,allthesepathogenic lating insulin-mediated glucose uptake, especially under changes were not observed in the hearts of the MT-TG an oxidative status, we examined effects of forced acti- diabetic mice (Fig. 4B–D). These findings suggest that di- vation of Nrf2 on the oxidative stress–induced activation abetic oxidative and nitrosative stress may induce ERK of ERK as well as the subsequent insulin resistance in activation that downregulates Nrf2 expression. adult cardiomyocytes. As shown in Fig. 3B, a forced activa- Consistent with the finding from diabetic mice, immu- tion of Nrf2 by adenoviral overexpression of Nrf2 signifi- nochemical staining of human normal and diabetic hearts cantlysuppressed H O -inducedERKactivityinHL-1cells alsoshowedthatNrf2proteinexpressionwasdramatically 2 2 with the presence of insulin. Most importantly, the forced suppressed in the diabetic failing hearts of both males activation of Nrf2 enhanced the insulin-mediated glucose (Fig. 5A) and females (Fig. 5B), as compared with non- uptakeinnon–H O -treatedcells,relativetothecontrolof diabetic hearts. 2 2 Ad-bGal overexpression and completely recovered insulin PharmacologicalactivationofNrf2attenuatesoxidative sensitivity to stimulate glucose uptake in H O -treated stress–inducedinsulinresistanceinadultcardiomyocytes 2 2 cells (Fig. 3C). in vitro and in the diabetic heart in vivo. Werecently Cardiac Nrf2 expression was downregulated in demonstrated that a novel synthetic triterpenoid deriv- diabetic animals and patients. To explore a pathologi- ative, Dh404, is a potent Nrf2 activator and suppresses cal relevance of Nrf2 in diabetic hearts, we examined oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes (20). We next deter- cardiac Nrf2 expression in STZ-induced diabetic mice at 2 mined whether Dh404 could mimic the inhibitory effect and 5 months after diabetes onset. The glucose levels of of Nrf2 overexpression on H O -induced insulin resis- 2 2 thesediabeticmicewere25.7662.14mmol/Lat2months tance in HL-1 cells. As expected, Dh404 strongly acti- and 26.61 6 1.70 mmol/L at 5 months, respectively. As vated Nrf2 transcriptional activity and additively increased 628 DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Y.TANANDASSOCIATES FIG.5.DownregulationofNrf2expressioninhumandiabetichearts.A:RepresentativesofNrf2stainingonleftventriculartissuesectionsof normal(males,n=5;females,n=5)anddiabetic(males,n=4;females,n=2)humanhearts.RedisNrf2,andgreenisa-myosinheavychain.Blue isnuclei.ThesemiquantificationofNrf2proteinlevelsbymeasuringmeanintegratedopticaldensity(IOD)ofeightrandomlychosenfieldsofeach tissuesectionformales(B)andfemales(C)arepresented,respectively.Twosectionsofeachheartspecimenhavebeenanalyzed.*P<0.05vs. normalgroup.(Ahigh-qualitydigitalrepresentationofthisfigureisavailableintheonlineissue.) the insulin-induced Nrf2 transcriptional activity (Fig. 6A). decreased phosphorylation of Akt (Fig. 7D) and GSK-3b Dh404 treatment did not change insulin-induced ERK (Fig. 7E). Activation of Nrf2 by Dh404 preserved the nor- phosphorylation (Fig. 6B) and glucose uptake (Fig. 6C) mallevelsofAktandGSK-3bphosphorylationintheheart but inhibited H O -induced ERK phosphorylation and of diabetic mice (Fig. 7D and E). 2 2 partially reversed H O -inhibited basal glucose uptake or 2 2 insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (Fig. 6B and C). These results further support the notion that Nrf2 is a critical DISCUSSION regulator of insulin-mediated glucose uptake in car- Oxidative stress is causative of insulin resistance in vari- diomyocytes in vitro. ous cell types (2,6,7,18), which was confirmed by our Tovalidatetheinvitrofinding,diabeticmice,inducedby present study using HL-1 adult cardiomyocytes treated multiple-low doses of STZ, were treated with Dh404 at 10 with H O . Reportedly the stimulating effect of acute 2 2 mg/kg every other day for 2 weeks. Cardiac tissues were treatment with H O on glucose uptake has been recog- 2 2 collectedfromthesediabeticmicewithandwithoutDh404 nized for years in adipocytes (21). In fact, the cellular treatmentandsubjecttoWesternblottinganalysisforNrf2 generation of ROS such as H O by insulin has been con- 2 2 and 3-NT. Dh404 treatment did not change glucose levels sidered as an integral part of the insulin signaling (21). of these mice (control 8.40 6 1.20; diabetes: 25.40 6 2.89; TheseresultsemphasizethebiologicalsignificanceofROS Dh404:7.9960.56;diabetes/Dh404:27.1261.22mmol/L). as signaling molecules, e.g., for the insulin-mediated glu- Cardiac Nrf2 expression was increased in the hearts of cose metabolism in cardiomyocytes; however, chronic either diabetic or Dh404-treated nondiabetic mice and accumulation of ROS causes oxidative stress, thereby synergistically increased in the hearts of Dh404-treated contributing to the pathogenesis of various diseases such diabetic mice (Fig. 7A). Diabetes significantly induces as cardiac dysfunction (9). Cardiac oxidative stress is of- 3-NT accumulation (Fig. 7B) and ERK1/2 phosphorylation ten observed coincident with insulin resistance, and there (Fig. 7C), which were prevented by Dh404 treatment, is accumulating evidence that ROS and/or RNS mediates suggesting that activation of Nrf2 expression by Dh404 in deleterious effects in the insulin-resistant heart although the heart plays an important role in the prevention of di- the mechanisms by which oxidative stress induces insulin abetes-induced cardiac oxidative and/or nitrosative dam- resistance remain not well understood. age and ERK1/2 activation. As expected, diabetes-induced IncreasingevidenceindicatesthatERKactivationseems oxidative damage and ERK1/2 activation is accompa- a causal factor for insulin resistance caused by oxidative nied with downregulation of insulin signaling, shown by stress in cardiomyocytes. For instance, through activation diabetes.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 629 Nrf2ANDINSULINRESISTANCEINCARDIOMYOCYTES FIG.6.AtherapeuticeffectofDh404oncardiomyocyteinsulinresistance.A:EffectofDh404oninsulin-inducedNrf2transcriptionalactivityin HL-1cells.CellsweretransfectedasinFig.3.Thecellswerestimulatedwith100nmol/Lofinsulinand200nmol/LofDh404asindicatedfor12h. Nrf2transcriptionalactivitywasmeasuredasinFig.3.EffectofDh404onoxidativestress–inducedERKphosphorylation(B)andglucoseuptake inHL-1cells(C)isshown.CellswerepretreatedwithH O (100mmol/L)withorwithoutDh404(200nmol/L)in0.1%FBSmediumintheabsence 2 2 ofnorephineprinefor16handthenstimulatedwithorwithoutinsulin(100nmol/Lfor10min)asindicated.2-DGuptakeassayandWestern blottingofphosphorylatedandtotalERKwereperformedasdescribedinRESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS.*P<0.05vs.normalgroup;#P<0.05vs. insulinalone(A)orH O alone(C);†P<0.05vs.H O plusinsulin(C). 2 2 2 2 ofERK1/2,highlevelsofglucoseorangiotensinIIinduces production in both primary neonatal and adult car- insulinresistanceinseveralconditions(19,22,23).Arecent diomyocytes from the heart of Nrf2 WT (C57BL/6 back- study that showed that deficiency in the ERK1 protects ground) murine heart, whereas, in Nrf2 knockout cells, leptin-deficient mice from insulin resistance without af- ROS was significantly higher under basal conditions and fecting obesity further confirms the causative of ERK ac- further enhanced under high glucose exposure conditions tivationintheinsulinresistance(24).Inthecurrentstudy, than that in WT cells (11). Concomitantly high glucose we demonstrated for the first time that chronic treatment induced significantly higher levels of apoptosis at lower of HL-1 cells with H O increased ERK phosphorylation concentrations and in shorter time in Nrf2 knockout cells 2 2 alongwithasignificantinhibition ofglucose uptake.More than in Nrf2 WT cells (11). To explore a pathological rel- importantly we also demonstrated in the diabetic hearts evance of Nrf2 in diabetic hearts, we examined cardiac thatupregulationofERK1/2alongwithnitrosativedamage Nrf2 expression in STZ-induced diabetic mice. As shown is associated with downregulation of phosphorylation of in Figs. 4 and 7, cardiac Nrf2 expression was slightly in- both Akt and GSK-3b, two key components of insulin creased in the heart of diabetic mice at 2 weeks (Fig. 7A) signaling cascade. In the cells with chronic H O treat- and 2 months (Fig. 4A) but significantly decreased in the 2 2 ment,inhibitionofERK1/2activationbyU0126wasableto heartsofdiabeticmiceat5months(Fig.4B)afterdiabetes partially reverse glucose uptake and insulin resistance onset.TheslightincreaseincardiacNrf2expressionatthe (Fig. 2B). Findings that NAC prevents H O -mediated early stages of diabetes was consistent with our previous 2 2 activation of ERK1/2 in vitro (Fig. 1B) and MT prevents study (11) in which Nrf2 was increased in the heart of diabetes-induced activation of ERK1/2 in vivo (Fig. 4D) diabetic mice with C57BL/6 background at 2 weeks after also suggest that the activation of ERK1/2 is associated STZ-induced hyperglycemia. These results suggest that with oxidative stress induced either by H O in vitro or Nrf2isadaptivelytryingtoremainfunctionaltoovercome 2 2 diabetes in vivo. diabetic damage at the early stage of diabetes. At the late Nrf2 has been shown to negatively regulate oxidative stage of diabetes, however, cardiac antioxidant function stress in the heart (15). To support this notion, our recent is further impaired, leading to a decrease in cardiac study showed that high levels of glucose induced ROS Nrf2 expression. Importantly, the decreased cardiac Nrf2 630 DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Y.TANANDASSOCIATES FIG.7.Dh404cardiacpreventionofdiabeticoxidativestressandinhibitionofglucosemetabolism.Diabeteswasinducedbymultiplelowdosesof STZasusedinFig.4.Diabeticandage-matchednondiabeticmiceweretreatedwithDh404at10mg/kgbodywteveryotherdayfromtheonsetof diabetesfor2weeks.CardiacNrf2expression(A);nitrosativedamage,measuredby3-NT(B);ERKphosphorylation(C);Aktphosphorylation (D);andGSK-3bphosphorylation(E)weredetectedbyWesternblot,respectively(n=5forcontrol[Ctrl],n=7forDM).b-Actin,totalERK,total Akt,ortotalGSK-3bwasusedasloadingcontrol.*P<0.05vs.control;#P<0.05vs.DM;$P<0.05vs.Dh404.F:AworkinghypothesisofNrf2- mediatedregulationofinsulinsensitivityinthecardiomyocytes.(Ahigh-qualitycolorrepresentationofthisfigureisavailableintheonlineissue.) expression in the diabetic hearts was accompanied with cardiomyocytes from H O downregulation of Nrf2 in the 2 2 oxidative and nitrosative damage, shown by significantly invitrostudy(Fig.3),MTasapotentantioxidantprevents increased 3-NT accumulation (Fig. 4C) and overactivation diabetic oxidative and nitrosative stress, leading to a sup- of ERK function (Fig. 4D) as observed in the in vitro pression of ERK activation and a preservation of cardiac study (Fig. 3). Peroxynitrite interacts with lipids, DNA, Nrf2 function, as illustrated in Fig. 7F, to protect the heart and proteins via direct nitration or via indirect, radical- fromdiabetes-andLPS-induceddamage.Werecentlyalso mediated mechanisms. These reactions trigger cellular showed that inactivationof GSK-3bbyoverexpressionof responses ranging from subtle modulations of cell signal- cardiac MT gene results in an improvement of cardiac ing to overwhelming oxidative and nitrosative injury. In glucose metabolism in the diabetic hearts along with vivo, peroxynitrite generation represents a crucial patho- a significant suppression of cardiac nitrosative damage, genic mechanism in conditions such as diabetic cardio- inflammation, and remodeling (14). myopathy (12,25). In the current study, we demonstrated for the first time WehavedemonstratedthatMT-TGmiceareresistantto that Nrf2 plays a critical role in insulin-mediated glucose diabetes-induced oxidative and/or nitrosative damage and uptake, especially under an oxidative status. By Nrf2 development of cardiomyopathy (13,26). Here we further transcription reporter assay we found that insulin acti- showed that MT-TG mice are also significantly resistant vated Nrf2 (Fig. 3A), which could be enhanced by in- to diabetes-induced decrease in cardiac Nrf2 expression hibition of ERK1/2 with U0126, whereas it is blocked by (Fig.4B)andincreasesin3-NTaccumulation(Fig.4C)and PI3K inhibition with LY294002 (Fig. 3A), indicating that ERK activation (Fig. 4D) at the late stage of diabetes insulin activates Nrf2 via PI3K-mediated signaling that is (5 months after diabetes onset). 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