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DIABETES MELLITUS IN CHILDREN CONTENTS Preface xv Mark A. Sperling The Classification of Diabetes Mellitus: AConceptual Framework 1533 Diego Ize-Ludlow and Mark A. Sperling Diabetes is the extreme manifestation of a spectrum conditions in which the balance of insulin secretion and insulin action (or insulin resistance) has been altered. Loss of euglycemia is caused by rela- tive insulin deficiency in the presence of insulin resistance, or by absolute insulin deficiency. There are related conditions in which an alteration of insulin resistance or β-cell dysfunction exists, but because of compensation glucose homeostasis has not been lost. The elucidation of the causes of insulin resistance and β-cell failure and the attention to the different degrees of insulin deficiency and insulin resistance allow for better diagnosis, treatment, and preven- tion of diabetes and its related conditions. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Etiology, Presentation, and Management 1553 Michael J. Haller, Mark A. Atkinson, and Desmond Schatz This article reviews our current understanding of the etiology, pre- sentation, and management of type 1 diabetes. The discussionin- cludes a review of the natural history of diabetes, the complex relationship between genetic and environmental risk for type 1 dia- betes, and current methods for prediction of type 1 diabetes. The article alsoreviews the current management of children who have new-onset type 1 diabetes, age-appropriate management goals, and diabetes complications. Finally, the article discusses the future of diabetes screening programs and the progress toward the ultimate goal of curing type 1 diabetes. VOLUME 52 •NUMBER 6 •DECEMBER2005 vii Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Youth: The Complete Picture to Date 1579 Neslihan Gungor, Tamara Hannon, Ingrid Libman, Fida Bacha, and Silva Arslanian Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous condition in which the clinical manifestation of hyperglycemia is a reflection of the impaired balance between insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion. Clinical experience and research in youth type 2 diabetes mellitus are in an early stage because of the relative novelty of the condition in pedi- atrics. This article discusses the amassed information in type 2 dia- betes mellitus of youth to date with respect to the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, screening, and management strategies. Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State 1611 Nicole Glaser Diabetic ketoacidosis is an important complication of diabetes in children and is the most frequent diabetes-related cause of death in childhood. The pathophysiology of this condition can be viewed as an exaggeration of the normal physiologic mechanisms responsi- ble for maintaining an adequate fuel supply to the brain and other tissues during periods of fasting and physiologic stress. The opti- mal therapy has been a subject of controversy, particularly because the most frequent serious complication of diabetic ketoacidosis— cerebral edema—and the relationship of this complication to treat- ment are incompletely understood. In this article, the author reviews the pathophysiology of diabetic ketoacidosis and its complications and presents an evidence-based approach to the management of this condition. Monogenic and Other Unusual Causes of Diabetes Mellitus 1637 Meranda Nakhla and Constantin Polychronakos This article covers some unusual or rare causes of diabetes mellitus chosen not necessarily on the basis of frequency or rarity, but rather on the basis of how well the disease and its implications in diabetes management is understood. Aspecific diagnosis is of help in these rare syndromes but not absolutely necessary for optimal manage- ment. The basic principles of diabetes management are well-defined, regardless of etiology. What is important is to understand the relative contribution of insulin resistance versus insulin deficiency, regardless of etiology, as the most important guide to management. viii CONTENTS Insulin Analogues in Children and Teens with Type 1 Diabetes: Advantages and Caveats 1651 Marianna Rachmiel, Kusiel Perlman, and Denis Daneman This article reviews the advantages to and caveats of the use of newer insulin formulations (insulin analogues) and regimens in children and teens who have type 1 diabetes, their affect on glycemic control, frequency of hypoglycemic events, daily insulin requirements, and adverse affects such as excessive weight gain, which provides a fur- ther major challenge in adolescents. We also address briefly the use of adjunctive agents in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in children and teens. Insulin Pump Treatment of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes 1677 Stuart A. Weinzimer, Kristin A. Sikes, Amy T. Steffen, and William V. Tamborlane Current goals for the treatment of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus include achieving near-normal blood sugar levels, minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia, optimizing quality of life, and preventing or delaying long-term microvascular complications. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) provides a treat- ment option that can assist in the attainment of all of these goals in all ages of children. Usage of CSII has been demonstrated to reduce glycosylated hemoglobin levels and frequency of severe hypo- glycemia, without sacrifices in safety, quality of life, or weight gain, particularly in conjunction with the use of new insulin analogs and improvements in pump technology. Clinical studies of safety and efficacy of CSII in children are reviewed. Oral Agents in Managing Diabetes Mellitus in Children andAdolescents 1689 Elka Jacobson-Dickman and Lynne Levitsky Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with potentially devas- tating long-term complications. Despite the tremendous body of research and experience in the adult population, relatively little is established regarding this condition and its optimal management in children and adolescents. The pediatric community awaits results of ongoing trials as well as further study of optimal intervention in children, as they continue to extrapolate management practices from their adult counterparts. Hypoglycemia: AComplication of Diabetes Therapy in Children 1705 Christopher Ryan, Nursen Gurtunca, and Dorothy Becker The experience of hypoglycemia is probably the most feared and hated consequence of life with type 1 diabetes among pediatric CONTENTS ix patients and their parents. Although transient detrimental effects are clearly disturbing and may have severe results, there is sur- prisingly little evidence of long-term CNS damage, even after mul- tiple hypoglycemic episodes, except in rare instances. Despite the latter evidence, we advocate that every treatment regimen be de- signed to prevent hypoglycemia without inducing unacceptable hyperglycemia and increasing the risk of micro- and macrovascu- lar complications. Complications of Diabetes Mellitus in Childhood 1735 Sarah J. Glastras, Fauzia Mohsin, and Kim C. Donaghue Complications of diabetes include retinopathy, nephropathy, neu- ropathy, macrovascular disease, and associated autoimmune dis- eases. Clinical manifestations of complications uncommonly present in childhood and adolescence. Screening during the early years can identify subclinical disease and it offers an opportunity for early intervention. The Diabetes and Complications Control Trial has provided evidence for the long-term benefits of good glycemic control in preventing and delaying the onset of microvascular complications. Complications begin to manifest during adoles- cence, during which time all efforts should be made to educate and support young persons in achieving optimal diabetes control. The Psychologic Context of Pediatric Diabetes 1755 Tim Wysocki, Lisa M. Buckloh, Amanda Sobel Lochrie, and Holly Antal During the past few decades, there has been an explosion of behav- ioral science research on family management of pediatric diabetes. This article distills the major conclusions from that literature, empha- sizing how primary care providers can apply these findings in clini- cal practice. ALook to the Future: Prediction, Prevention, and Cure Including Islet Transplantation and Stem Cell Therapy 1779 Anna Casu, Massimo Trucco, and Massimo Pietropaolo Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is characterized by the almost com- plete absence of insulin secretion, which is secondary to an autoim- mune destruction or dysfunction of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Because T1DM is an autoim- mune disease with a long preclinical course, the predictive testing of x CONTENTS individuals before the clinical onset of the disease has provided a real opportunity for the identification of risk markers and the design of therapeutic intervention. With such a high degree of predictability using a combination of immunologic markers, strategies to prevent T1DM may become possible. Anumber of novel therapeutic strate- gies are under investigation in newly diagnosed T1DM patients and might ultimately be applied to prevent T1DM. Cumulative Index 2005 1805 CONTENTS xi FORTHCOMING ISSUES February 2006 Pediatric Emergencies Don Van Wie, MD, Ghazala Q. Sharieff, MD, and James E. Colletti, MD, Guest Editors April 2006 Pediatric Urology and Nephrology Hrair Mesrobian, MD, and Cynthia Pan, MD, Guest Editors RECENT ISSUES October 2005 International Adoption: Medical and Developmental Issues Lisa H. Albers, MD, Elizabeth D. Barnett, MD, Jerri Ann Jenista, MD, and Dana E. Johnson, MD, PhD, Guest Editors August 2005 Pediatric Hospital Medicine Vincent W. Chiang, MD, and Lisa B. Zaoutis, MD, Guest Editors June 2005 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Charles G. Prober, MD, Guest Editor THE CLINICS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE! Access your subscription at www.theclinics.com PediatrClinNAm52(2005)xv–xvi Preface Diabetes Mellitus in Children MarkA.Sperling,MD GuestEditor Diabetes mellitus is a complex disorder with profound consequences, both acute and long-term, for the health of the affected individual and for the cost ofhealthcareinsocietyatlarge.Theclassicaltype1diabetesmellitus(T1DM)— also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and formerly called juvenile diabetes mellitus—is an autoimmune disease that is increasing in fre- quency worldwide, most rapidly in children under 5 years of age. Type 2 dia- betes mellitus (T2DM), formerly considered a disease of those over the age of 40 years and a rarity in youth, now constitutes a sizable fraction of diabetes in olderchildrenandadolescents,withanincidenceof50%ormoreinsomeareas. The increase in T2DM clearly is related to the epidemic of obesity sweeping boththedevelopedanddevelopingworld.TheabilitytopredictT1DMishighly advanced, but preventing or delaying its clinical appearance is a problem that remains to be solved. By contrast, T2DM probably is preventable, though how and why obesity and lifestyle exert such a profound effect remains enigmatic. However, much light has been shed on our understanding of the entities that constitute clinical diabetes mellitus and their management via newer insulins, newer devices for insulin delivery, newer oral agents, newer means to identify and treat complications, and newer directions for research to prevent and cure this disease. The purpose of this issue of the Pediatric Clinics of North America is to bring these newer developments, so exciting to those of us working in the field, to the general reader working in the broad field of pediatrics. To do so, we have 0031-3955/05/$–seefrontmatterD2005ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2005.09.002 pediatric.theclinics.com xvi preface assembled a team of nationally recognized experts to cover 12 topics beginning with a conceptual framework for classification and concluding with a look to the future including cure by islet transplantation and stem cell therapy. In be- tween are comprehensive and contemporary yet readable reviews of T1DM and T2DM; diabetic ketoacidosis and nonketotic hyperosomolar states; monogenic forms of diabetes, which, although rare, provide insight into the more common forms of diabetes mellitus; new insulins; pump therapy; oral agents; and the major clinical, psychosocial, and long-term complications of diabetes mellitus in children. I am grateful to Elsevier for the opportunity to edit this issue and to my colleagues who acted as contributors. I can only hope that you, the reader, will enjoy and learn as much from them as I did and that this knowledge will be translated to the benefit of children who have diabetes mellitus. Mark A. Sperling, MD University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Department of Pediatrics Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh 3705 Fifth Avenue, DeSoto 4A-400 Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA E-mail address: [email protected] PediatrClinNAm52(2005)1533–1552 The Classification of Diabetes Mellitus: A Conceptual Framework T Diego Ize-Ludlow, MD, Mark A. Sperling, MD DivisionofEndocrinology,Diabetes,andMetabolism,UniversityofPittsburghSchoolofMedicine, Children’sHospitalofPittsburgh,3705FifthAvenue,4A-400,Pittsburgh,PA15213–2583,USA Classification,thesystematicgroupingofdiseaseentitiesbyetiologyorother categories, is useful because it guides the thinking of physicians, informs their actions, and provides value to their patients. A classical example is anemia, in which hemoglobin of approximately 6 g/dL or less is associated with typical symptoms, such as pallor, fatigue, and shortness of breath irrespective of the cause. Although initial treatment may include transfusion, subsequent manage- ment is guided by the cause: essential factors for hemoglobin synthesis (iron, vitamin B , folic acid); correction of factors that promote excessive peripheral 12 destruction of red blood cells (splenectomy, steroids for immune hemolysis, avoidance of drugs, such a sulfonamides in those with G6PD deficiency); and congenitaloracquireddefectsinhemoglobinsynthesis(hemoglobinopathy,bone marrowinfiltration).Knowledgeoftheetiologyofdiabetesmellitus(DM)isnot as advanced as that of anemia, but it has become increasingly apparent that theclassificationofDMastype1,type2,and‘‘other’’isinadequate.Thisarticle provides a rational conceptual framework for the classification of DM based on the rapidly evolving understanding of congenital or acquired defects in insulin secretion and congenital or acquired factors that affect insulin’s ability to evoke its biologic effects (ie, insulin sensitivity or its mirror image, insulin resistance [IR]). DM results when the normal constant of the product of insulin concen- tration times the insulin action,a parabolicrelationship (Fig. 1),is inadequate to preventhyperglycemiaanditsclinicalconsequencesofpolyuria,polydipsia,and weight loss. When an increase in IR can be compensated by increased insulin secretion, DM does not result as long as this constant is maintained. By simul- T Correspondingauthor. E-mailaddress: [email protected](M.A.Sperling). 0031-3955/05/$–seefrontmatterD2005ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2005.07.001 pediatric.theclinics.com

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