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Diabetes ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTALMEDICINE AND BIOLOGY EditorialBoard: NATHANBACK,StateUniversityofNew YorkatBuffalo IRUNR.COHEN, The WeizmannInstituteof Science ABELLAJTHA,NiS.KlineInstituteforPsychiatricResearch JOHND.LAMBRIS,Universityof Pennsylvania RODOLFO PAOLETTI,University of Milan RecentVolumesinthisSeries Volume 762 HIV INTERACTIONSWITH DENDRITICCELLS:INFECTIONAND IMMUNITY LiWuand OlivierSchwartz Volume 763 BIOLOGYANDREGULATIONOFBLOOD-TISSUEBARRIERS C.YanCheng Volume764 HOT TOPICS ININFECTIONAND IMMUNITYIX Andrew J,Pollard Volume765 OXYGENTRANSPORTTOTISSUEXXXIV Palm Welch and Harrison Bruley Volume 766 DIGENETICTREMATODES RafaelToledoand BernardFried Volume 767 DNAHEllCASESAND DNA MOTORPROTEINS MariaSpies Volume 768 TENYEARSOF PROGRESS INGW/PBODYRESEARCH EdwardK.L.ChanandMarvinJ.Fritzler Volume 769 TANDEMREPEATPOLYMORPHISMS:GENETIC PLASTICITY,NEURAL DIVERSITYAND DISEASE AnthonyJ.Hannan Volume 770 TRIM/RBCCPROTEINS GermanaMeroni Volume 771 DIABETES:ANOLDDISEASE,ANEW INSIGHT ShamimI.Ahmad AContinuationOrderPlanisavailableforthisseries.Acontinuationorderwillbringdeliveryofeachnewvolume immediatelyuponpublication.Volumesarebilledonlyuponactualshipment.Forfurtherinformationpleasecontact thepublisher. Diabetes An Old Disease, a New Insight Edited by Shamim I. Ahmad, BSe, MSe, PhD School a/ScienceandTechnology,Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Landes Bioscience Springer Science+B usiness Media, LLC Landes Bioscience Copyright ©2013 Landes Bioscience and Springer Science+Business Media, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system; for exclusive use by the Purchaser of the work. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, New York 10013, USA http :Il www. springer. com Please address all inquiries to the publishers: Landes Bioscience, 1806 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas 78701, USA Phone: 5121637 6050; FAX: 5121637 6079 http:llwww.landesbioscience.com The chapters in this book are available in the Madame Curie Bioscience Database. http:llwww.landesbioscience.comlcurie Diabetes: An Old Disease, a New insight, edited by Shamim I. Ahmad. Landes Bioscience I Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC dual imprint I Springer series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. ISBN 978-1-4614-5440-3 While the authors, editors and publisher believe that drug selection and dosage and the specifications and usage of equipment and devices, as set forth in this book, are in accord with current recommendations and practice at the time of publication, they make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to material described in this book. In view of the ongoing research, equipment development, changes in governmental regulations and the rapid accumulation of information relating to the biomedical sciences, the reader is urged to carefully review and evaluate the information provided herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Diabetes : an old disease, a new insight I edited by Shamim I. Ahmad. p. ; em. -- (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; v. 771) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4614-5440-3 (alk. paper) I. Ahmad, Shamim I. II. Series: Advances in experimental medicine and biology; v. 771. [DNLM: 1. Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1. 2. Diabetes Complications. 3. Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2. 4. Insulin Secreting Cells. WI AD559 v.7712012 IWK 810] LC classification not assigned 616.4' 62--dc23 2012029435 DEDICATION This book is dedicated to all the sufferers ofdiabetes and their parents and caregivers who painstakingly look afterthem.Also, dedication goes to all those charity organizationswho, withoutany personal interest,givetheirtime,energy and skillsforthe benefitofdiabetic patients. Finally,Iwould liketo dedicatethis bookto my cousin,Javed Iqbal,who aftera long suffering from Type I diabetes died at an early age of40 from kidney failure. v ABOUT THE EDITOR... SHAMIM I. AHMAD, after obtaining his Master's degree in Botany from Patna University, Bihar, India and his PhD in Molecular Genetics from Leicester University, England, joined Nottingham Polytechnic as Grade I lecturer and was subsequently promoted to SL post. Ahmad served for about 37 years at Nottingham Trent University (formerly Nottingham Polytechnic) before taking an early retirement to spend his time writing books and conductingfull-time research.For more than three decadeshe worked on different areas ofbiology including thymineless death in bacteria, genetic control of nucleotidecatabolism,developmentofanti-AIDSdrugs,controlofmicrobial infectionof bums,phagesofthermophilic bacteriaand microbial flora ofChemobylafterthe nuclear accident. Buthis primary interest,whichstarted27 yearsago,isDNAdamageand repair, particularly near UV photolysis ofbiological compounds,production ofreactiveoxygen species and their implications on human health including skin cancer and xeroderma pigmentosum. He isalso investigating photolysis ofnon-biological compounds such as 8-methoxypsoralen+UVA, mitomycin C, and nitrogen mustard and their importance in psoriasistreatmentand inFanconianemia.In2003 hereceivedaprestigious"AsianJewel Award" inBritainfor"ExcellenceinEducation".Heisthe EditorofMolecularMechanisms ofAtaxiaTelangiectasiaand MolecularMechanismsofCockayneSyndrome,publishedby LandesBioscience.HealsoeditedMolecularMechanisms ofFanconiAnemia,Molecular MechanismsofXerodermaPigmentosum,Diseases ofDNA RepairandNeurodegenerative Diseases,published by Landes Bioscienceand SpringerScience+Business Media. vii PARTICIPANTS Shamim I.Ahmad Vivek Bansal School ofScienceand Technology Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital NottinghamTrent University Harvard Medical School Nottingham Boston,Massachusetts UK USA GhaniaEIAkiki Antonio Bascones-Martinez Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital School ofDentistry Harvard Medical School UniversidadComplutensede Madrid Boston, Massachusetts Madrid USA Spain AliAlqahtani CristinaBascones-Ilundain Faculty ofPharmacy School ofDentistry University ofSydney UniversidadComplutensede Madrid Sydney,NewSouth Wales Madrid Australia Spain SantiagoArias-Herrera Jaime Bascones-Ilundain School ofDentistry School ofDentistry Universidad Complutensede Madrid Universidad Complutensede Madrid Madrid Madrid Spain Spain Jamil Azzi Ibrahim Batal Transplantation Research Center Transplantation Research Center Renal Division Renal Division Brigham and Women's Hospital Brigham and Women's Hospital and Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital HarvardMedical School Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts Boston,Massachusetts USA USA ix x J>ARTICII)ANTS Ugo Boggi Elena Criado-Camara DepartmentofEndocrinology School ofDentistry and Metabolism UniversidadComplutensede Madrid University ofPisa Madrid Pisa Spain Italy AndreaDiamond Marco Bugliani Medical Nutrition DepartmentofEndocrinology Nutrition Counseling Specialists and Metabolism Bala Cynwyd,Pennsylvania University ofPisa USA Pisa Italy Francesco Dotta DepartmentofInternal Medicine, Lola Chabtini Endocrineand Metabolic Sciences Transplantation Research Center and Biochemistry Renal Division University ofSiena Brigham and Women's Hospital and and Children's Hospital Fondazione Umberto DiMario ONLUS Harvard Medical School Siena Boston,Massachusetts Italy USA Jean-Jacques Dugoua Kelvin Chan Department ofPharmaceutical Sciences Faculty ofPharmacy University ofToronto University ofSydney Toronto,Ontario and Canada Centrefor Complementary Medicine Research AnthonyN. Fabricatore University ofWestern Sydney Department ofPsychiatry Sydney,New South Wales University ofPennsylvania Australia School ofMedicine Philadelphia,Pennsylvania Rakesh Chibber and InstituteofBiomedical andClinical Science DepartmentofResearchand Development PeninsulaCollegeofMedicine Nutrisystem, Inc. and Dentistry Fort Washington,Pennsylvania Universities ofExeterand Plymouth USA Exeter UK LetiziaGalleri Department ofInternal Medicine, BlandineComte Endocrineand Metabolic Sciences Clermont Universite and Biochemistry Universited'Auvergne University ofSiena Unite de Nutrition Humaine and Clermont-Ferrand Fondazione Umberto DiMario ONLUS France Siena Italy PARTICIPANTS xi Roberto Gianani Eric L. Johnson DepartmentofPediatrics DepartmentofFamily and Community and Medicine DepartmentofPathology University ofNorth Dakota University ofColorado Denver Grand Forks,North Dakota Denver, Colorado USA USA Antony Kam EmilGinter Faculty ofPharmacy InstituteofPreventiveand Clinical University ofSydney Medicine(lPCM) Sydney,New South Wales Bratislava Australia Slovakia ZdravkoA.Kamenov Fabio ArturoGrieco University Hospital Alexandrovska DepartmentofInternal Medicine, Medical University -Sofia Endocrineand Metabolic Sciences Sofia and Biochemistry Bulgaria University ofSiena and Kirti Kaul Fondazione Umberto Di Mario ONLUS Institute ofBiomedical and Clinical Science Siena PeninsulaCollegeofMedicine Italy and Dentistry UniversitiesofExeterand Plymouth Sanjeev K.Gupta Exeter DepartmentofGeneral Surgery UK Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Eva M.Kohner India Institute ofBiomedical and Clinical Science PeninsulaCollegeofMedicine Toshiaki Hanafusa and Dentistry DepartmentofInternal Medicine (I) UniversitiesofExeterand Plymouth OsakaMedical College Exeter Takatsuki,Osaka UK Japan Tanya Lee AkihisaImagawa The Health CentreofMilton DepartmentofMetabolicMedicine Milton,Ontario OsakaUniversity Canada Suita,Osaka Japan GeorgeQ.Li Faculty ofPharmacy Khalid Imam University ofSydney Diabetesand Endocrinology Section Sydney,New South Wales LiaquatNational Hospital Australia and Medical College Karachi Pakistan

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