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Devotions To The Wonder-Worker, St. Anthony Of Padua PDF

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Preview Devotions To The Wonder-Worker, St. Anthony Of Padua

DKVo'rioNei TO THE Wonder-Worker ANTHONY OF PADUA ST. BY FATHER RAYMUND PENNAFORT O- F- M- rC«2^t^ fran:i5:an fathsrs WEST 964. DORCHESTER ST. MONTREAL. J.-Edmond Il!^;nF:RT, ccnscur. Impuimati H : IImim; Hoy, rn., vicnirc yirur'jl. ARCHKvftcHK in: MoNTn'OAr,, Ic 23 deccnibre 1913. Nil onsTAT L.-II. PA(irKT, pirr. Censor (III /inc. ^^v^ArtAft^^vl- Imphimatur : T L.-X. AuciiEvfiQUE DE Quebec. Arohevdche do Quebec, le 13 Janvier 191 1, '"'•"71'"••iF''""*3!*''--*^W^''JV'"^ APPROBATION I liave read carefully tliis littl(^ l)ook. anrl judfif' it to l)o not oi\Iy free from error, \>\\\. wry Oh the eoiiti;iry, ealeiihited to he helpful to St Anthony's client.-. They will find in it much useful inform- ation as to tlie various devotions in honour of thiir ^reat patron and protector, and a ninnlier of heautiful prayers which will \u\\\) theui to <!;ive expression to the i ani- fold petitions th<'y have to lay at the feet uf the Wonder-Worker of Padua. I 'heartily n'CoiTunend its publication. Fr Hv.vciNTin': Workman, o. V. M. Cens. Dep. linpritiil potest - (X parte Onliitix. MariaiK.pili 23 Janii V.H?, Fh. .\\gelus-M.\hi.\ llniAL, u. f. m. \'ic. I'nir. CONTENTS Approhahon I'UEFACK IX The Pious Union 1 Saint Anthony's Rrctu ) I Th<- <lcvi)tions to th. Nine ;inil 'rhirtcon Tuesdays 1'^ First Tuesday ^'•\ Second Tuesday 1'^ Thin Tuesday l'> 1 Voiu'th Tucsthiy 22 25 Fifth Tues(h\y Sixth Tuesday 28 Seventh Tuesday ^1 Fi^dith Tuesday 34 Ninth Tuesthiy 3/ Tentli Tuesday 40 Tuesday 43 Ele^-entii Twelftii Tuesday 4G Thirteenth Tuesday 49 — — VI Prayehs in IIonouu of Saim Amuunv Tlio Miraculous Hosponsary of Saint Anthony of Padua y> Antiphon of Saint lionaventure to the ton^nic of Saint Anthony 54 Anthems to Saint Antl-ony 55 Saint Anthony's blessing ' 57 Sahitation to Saint Anthony ...... 58 An Act of consecration to Saint Anthony 59 Prayer to Saint Anthon- for the res- toration of things lost or stoie-i CQ Prayer to Saint Anthony . . for the Recov- ery of lost graces qj Prayer to Saint Anthony to obtain the grace of Chastety gj Prayer to Saint Anthony for the n nai)jn- Choice of a state of Life 62 Prayer for the Sick 63 Prayer in afliiction and anxiety before a statue of Saint Anthony. ... 64 Prayer in need and affliction. .\ 66 . . . . Efficacious prayer in all needs 5,^ (? Prayer in any necessity to Saint Anthony 45 VII Thirteen Invocatiuns tu Siiiiit Antliouy.. .liS . Aspirations to Saint Anthony 71 Prayer to the Infant Jesus in the arms of Saint Anthony 72 Hymn Saint Anthony's Favorite to the Blessed Mro;in 7'^ Prayer of Saint Anthony to the Biessetl Virgin 74 Xovena to Saint Anthony of Padua 75 Prayer to Saint Anthon} 77 Appendix Saint Anthony's Hhes 78 : Blessings of the Lilies on the Feast of Saint Anthonv cS2 -<-^^=^S!ir,'-5}i. 3«,^' Jllglggjl,^^ mmm PREFACE -;v^.^ Hie (I'voii.m of tho whole r.Mtlx.li,. ^vorM towards Saint Anthony, th.- Fran<-i>- <'an non.l("r-\v,,rk(T, is nothinjr less thin n-rnarkal-h. in its development. Compari- "vely little knoun. hut a f.-w venrsa .-o J^t Anthony ly ,(„. prodigies (lod ha^ ^VMrked throu.udi his intereession, has .ud- <l^'nly bcconie onv of ilu. ,nost honoured an.l popular of the Saints. And it is no ..xatr^.^r- ation to declare that after the i:ver-BIes<e,l Mother of Cod and St Joseph no saint i. t'<'tter known more ..r fre(,uentlv invoked tlmn St Anthony of Padua. NuniI.erless forms of devotion have boon ^et on f(,ot hy his eli^-nts, prayers and novo- •las m hn honour are puMishc^d overv dav feomo of tlH^s> have been enriohod' with Indulfrences hy Holy Chureh. wlio ahvavs i.s rvn.ly to fo.fr tlu- devotion of h(T children "I IX by tlic granting of these si)iritual favours. We have been prompted to write this booklet by an earnest desire to s( e St An- thony even more widely known and more fret'inently invoked. The ever increasing numl>er of his clients will find herein a short explanation of the different forms of devo- tion now in use in honour of their favourite saint. For their greater eonvenienoe we many have euUed from various sources, beautiful prayers which will help tliem to mase known their wants to him ^\ho was never prayed in vain. May St Anthony bless this little labour of love and ever grant his powerful help to the writer of these pages. '^-i^^-'^ ^^^~*^ THE PIOUS UNION -^<e^ Whilst the \\'()n«l"r-\vorkor wa^^ si'f^''^t filliii<i t'V(>ry laud with tiic jilory of liis iiain<' the praise of his powerful iuterees-iou. a!i<l huudreds of societies sprang"; u|) iu in-^ houoiu- to work luider his hrni^u iirotee- tiou for the ^ood of souls. CouuTless were those who lou^-nl to enjoy iu pious associ- ation with others, the Saint's intercession iu their spiritual needs, of which St An- thouv even luoif careful tiian of hod.lly is ones. Union is strenf};th ; especially so, is union in i)rayer, for Christ's ])ro!uise is on " Where then' shall he tiro or three gathered it : together iti mg name, there I am in the tnifht of them. " Fo'- this reason many men and devotion distin<!;uished for tlu ir ])iety to our Siiint, nio<t anxious for tlie salvation of souls, und(Mtook with the iipproval cf the Most Rev. Father Clentral of the ^'^4&i^tti^b^ — — 2 Friars Minor to institute a universal Pi()U> I'nion of St Antliony, \vhi(li should fjjroup into one tbc numerous existing' eon- fraternities, enjoy the i)h'ssinpj and sanction of the Holy See and be endowed with rich spiritual advantafjjes. fllM The aim of the Pious Union is : 1. To thank (lod for the miraculous power irantcd to St Anthony. To i!ii|)lore his ])owerful interces.-ion. To in'oi'yafiate his devotion. To assist the ])o()r. u OBDIC^A^PIONrf Say dail\'. three times, (Hori/ he to the Fathii\ (tc. Hecite ihiih- the niiraculous Hesponsory to St Anlho)iy, (>r if you do not i-cnow it by iieart, once the ( )ur I'ather. Hail Marv and (Uorv be.

ation as to tlie various devotions in honour of thiir ^reat . NuniI.erless forms of devotion have boon. ^et on f(,ot to Franco, wliere the Albigenses,.
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