Developments in Steelmaking Capacity 2 0 Developments 1 3 of Non-OECD Economies in Steelmaking Capacity This publication is a two-yearly report on trends in the steelmaking capacity of economies that are not members of the OECD. This report examines existing steelmaking capacity and investments that will lead to of Non-OECD Economies changes in capacity by 2014. Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies includes an appendix containing detailed information on an economy-by-economy basis, showing existing facilities, their equipment and capacity, as Les capacités de production well as each company’s planned investments. Information is also provided on the starting date of planned projects, the ownership status of the steel plants, the progress of projects, recent changes at existing works, and, where known, the financing of projects. d’acier dans les économies Les capacités de production d’acier non membres de l’OCDE dans les économies non membres de l’OCDE L e s c a Cette publication biennale présente les tendances d’évolution des capacités de production d’acier dans p a les économies non membres de l’OCDE. Le présent rapport fait donc le point sur les capacités actuelles c de production d’acier et sur les investissements qui entraineront une évolution des capacités de production ité s d’ici 2014. d eD Les capacités de production d’acier dans les économies non membres de l’OCDE comprend un appendice pe qui donne des informations détaillées par économie, indiquant les usines, leurs équipements et leurs capacités rodvelo de production, ainsi que les investissements prévus pour chaque entreprise. L’appendice décrit aussi l’entrée up cm en service prévue pour les projets, la structure actionnariale des aciéries, l’état d’avancement des projets, tioe les modifications apportées récemment au calendrier des travaux ainsi que, lorsqu’elles sont connues, n dnts les modalités de financement des projets. ’a in cie S r dtee anlm sa leskin écg C oa np oa mc ieity s n of o N n mon e-O m E bC r eD s d Ec eo l’Ono Cm Consult this publication on line at Die Es This work is published on the OECD iLibrary, which gathers all OECD books, periodicals and statistical databases. Visit for more information. 2013 iSbN 978-92-64-19438-0 9HSTCQE*bjedia+ 58 2013 01 3 P 2013 Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies 2013 Les capacités de production d'acier dans les économies non membres de l'OCDE 2013 ThisworkispublishedundertheresponsibilityoftheSecretary-GeneraloftheOECD.The opinionsexpressedandargumentsemployedhereindonotnecessarilyreflecttheofficial viewsofOECDmembercountries. Cet ouvrage est publié sous la responsabilité du Secrétaire général de l’OCDE. Les opinions et les interprétationsexpriméesnereflètentpasnécessairementlesvuesofficiellesdespaysmembresdel’OCDE. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereigntyoveranyterritory,tothedelimitationofinternationalfrontiersandboundaries andtothenameofanyterritory,cityorarea. Cedocumentettoutecartequ’ilpeutcomprendrenepréjugentenriendustatutdetoutterritoire,de lasouverainetés’exerçantsurcedernier,dutracédesfrontièresetlimitesinternationales,etdunom detoutterritoire,villeourégion. Pleasecitethispublicationas: OECD(2014),DevelopmentsinSteelmakingCapacityofNon-OECDEconomies2013,OECDPublishing. Mercidecitercetouvragecommesuit: OCDE(2014),Lescapacitésdeproductiond'acierdansleséconomiesnonmembresdel'OCDE2013,Éditions OCDE. ISBN978-92-64-19438-0(print/imprimé) ISBN978-92-64-21798-0(PDF) ThestatisticaldataforIsraelaresuppliedbyandundertheresponsibilityofthe relevantIsraeliauthorities.Theuse ofsuchdatabytheOECDiswithoutprejudicetothestatusoftheGolanHeights,EastJerusalemandIsraeli settlementsintheWestBankunderthetermsofinternationallaw. LesdonnéesstatistiquesconcernantIsraëlsontfourniesparetsouslaresponsabilitédesautoritésisraéliennescompétentes. L’utilisationdecesdonnéesparl’OCDEestsanspréjudicedustatutdeshauteursduGolan,deJérusalem-Estetdescoloniesde peuplementisraéliennesenCisjordanieauxtermesdudroitinternational. Lescorrigendadespublicationsdel’ ©OECD2014 Youcancopy,downloadorprintOECDcontentforyourownuse,andyoucanincludeexcerptsfromOECDpublications,databasesand multimediaproductsinyourowndocuments,presentations,blogs,websitesandteachingmaterials,providedthatsuitable acknowledgementofOECDassourceandcopyrightownerisgiven.Allrequestsforpublicorcommercialuseandtranslationrightsshould addresseddirectlytotheCopyrightClearanceCenter(CCC)[email protected]çaisd’exploitationdudroitdecopie(CFC) [email protected]. 3 Foreword The Secretariat of the OECD Steel Committee prepares a publication on steelmaking capacity developments in non-OECD economies approximately every two years. This publication reviews available material on existing capacity and on likely developments through 2014. To the extent possible, expectations beyond 2014 are also reflected. The regional tables present detailed information on the existing capacity and equip- ment of steel plants, the additional equipment being invested in, and the resulting increase in capacity. Avant-propos Le Secrétariat du Comité de l’acier de l’OCDE établit tous les deux ans une publica- tion sur l’évolution des capacités de production d’acier dans les économies non membres de l’OCDE. Cette publication passe en revue les éléments d’information disponibles sur les capacités actuelles de production et sur leur évolution à l’horizon 2014. Dans la me- sure du possible, il tient compte aussi des développements attendus après 2014. Les tableaux par région présentent des informations détaillées sur les capacités et les équipements sidérurgiques actuels ainsi que sur les investissements prévus et les augmen- tations de capacité correspondantes. DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY OF NON-OECD ECONOMIES © OECD 2014 4 Table of contents Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies: Two-yearly report.................... 6 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Recent developments ............................................................................................................................... 8 Trends in capacity, production and consumption ................................................................................ 8 Capacity utilisation and self-sufficiency .............................................................................................. 9 Outlook until 2014 ................................................................................................................................ 10 Non-OECD Europe ............................................................................................................................ 11 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) .................................................................................... 12 Latin America .................................................................................................................................... 16 Africa ................................................................................................................................................. 19 Middle East ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Asia .................................................................................................................................................... 29 Notes about the regional tables ................................................................................................................. 48 Methodology ......................................................................................................................................... 49 Explanatory notes .................................................................................................................................. 50 List of tables Table 1. Change in steelmaking capacity.................................................................................................... 8 Table 2. Capacity utilisation rate ................................................................................................................ 9 Table 3. Self-sufficiency rate of crude steel ............................................................................................... 9 Table 4. Estimates for steelmaking capacity in 2014 ................................................................................ 10 Table 5. Non-OECD crude steelmaking capacity ..................................................................................... 47 Table 6. Non-OECD crude steel production ............................................................................................. 48 Regional tables ...................................................................................................................................... 105 Africa ............................................................................................................................................... 105 Asia .................................................................................................................................................. 142 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) .................................................................................. 401 Latin America .................................................................................................................................. 446 Middle East ...................................................................................................................................... 491 Non-OECD Europe .......................................................................................................................... 542 DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY OF NON-OECD ECONOMIES © OECD 2014 5 Table des matières Évolution des capacités de production d’acier dans les économies non membres de l’OCDE : Rapport biennal ...................................................................................................................................... 53 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Résumé .................................................................................................................................................. 54 Évolutions récentes ............................................................................................................................... 55 Tendances des capacités, de la production et de la consommation ................................................... 55 Taux d’utilisation des capacités et de couverture des besoins ........................................................... 56 Perspectives à l’horizon 2014................................................................................................................ 57 Europe non OCDE ............................................................................................................................. 58 Communauté des États indépendants (CEI) ...................................................................................... 59 Amérique latine ................................................................................................................................. 63 Afrique ............................................................................................................................................... 67 Moyen-Orient .................................................................................................................................... 69 Asie .................................................................................................................................................... 78 Notes concernant les tableaux par région ................................................................................................. 99 Méthodologie ...................................................................................................................................... 100 Notes explicatives ............................................................................................................................... 101 Liste des tableaux Tableau 1. Évolution des capacités de production d’acier ........................................................................ 56 Tableau 2. Taux d’utilisation des capacités .............................................................................................. 56 Tableau 3. Taux de couverture des besoins en acier brut ......................................................................... 57 Tableau 4. Estimations des capacités de production d'acier en 2014 ........................................................ 57 Tableau 5. Capacité de production d’acier brut dans les économies non membres de l’OCDE ............... 98 Tableau 6. Production d’acier brut dans les économies non membres de I’OCDE .................................. 99 Tableaux par région .............................................................................................................................. 105 Afrique ............................................................................................................................................. 105 Asie .................................................................................................................................................. 142 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) .................................................................................. 401 Amérique latine ............................................................................................................................... 446 Moyen-Orient .................................................................................................................................. 491 Europe non OCDE ........................................................................................................................... 542 DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY OF NON-OECD ECONOMIES © OECD 2014 6 Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies: Two-yearly report Introduction The global steel industry’s capacity to produce steel has increased rapidly over the past decade. Most of the growth in steelmaking capacity has occurred in non-OECD economies, particularly in Asia, where demand for steel used in downstream manufactur- ing, to support construction activity, and to build the necessary infrastructure has expand- ed strongly. Due to the long lead times necessary to build and expand steelmaking facili- ties, trends in steelmaking capacity can lag those in demand. Although world steel de- mand declined sharply during the global economic and financial crisis of 2008-09, and has recovered only moderately in some economies, the world’s capacity to make steel has continued to increase steadily. In 2011, global steelmaking capacity is estimated to have reached 1 997.1 million metric tonnes (mmt), of which 1 331.7 mmt, or 66.7%, was lo- cated in non-OECD economies. Global steelmaking capacity is projected to grow further in 2012-14, mainly in devel- oping Asian economies. China will continue to lead the capacity expansion in volume terms, but several other non-OECD economies are beginning to play a growing role in the global capacity expansion. For example, capacity is expanding rapidly in India and Southeast Asia, as local steelmakers invest heavily in response to optimistic expectations about future steel demand growth. The Middle East is also expected to record very rapid growth in capacity, reflecting the region’s abundant natural gas resources and opportuni- ties for mini-mill steel production based on direct reduced iron. In the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), many mini-mill projects are being planned, with steelmakers replacing outdated open-hearth furnaces and investing in energy-saving technologies as well as in steel-making and rolling facilities. In Latin America, some important slab pro- jects are expected to progress, supported by the availability and proximity to iron ore re- sources. In total, global steelmaking capacity is projected to increase to 2 238.2 mmt by 2014, with non-OECD economies accounting for approximately 69.9% of this amount. This publication examines the current steelmaking capacity of non-OECD economies and likely changes therein up to the year 2014, based on the OECD Secretariat’s monitor- ing of investment projects using a number of sources available in the public domain. The first part of the publication provides a general summary of capacity trends, including re- cent developments and the outlook to 2014 by country and region. The regional tables provided at the end of this publication present extensive detail on investment projects by company, including the equipment and production technologies steelmakers are investing in, the starting dates of the planned projects, and, where known, how the projects are be- ing financed. DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY OF NON-OECD ECONOMIES © OECD 2014 7 Summary Non-OECD steelmaking capacity is expected to continue increasing in the period to 2014, but at lower annual growth rates compared to those observed in recent years. Total non-OECD steelmaking capacity in 2014 is expected to reach 1.56 billion tpy (tonnes per year), representing an increase of 232 million tpy from a level of 1.33 billion tpy in 2011. Average annual growth in capacity in the period to 2014 should therefore amount to 5.5%. An examination of regional trends suggests that Asia will account for the largest part of the non-OECD steelmaking capacity increase. Asian capacity should increase by 188.5 million tpy in the period to 2014, accounting for 81.3% of the total 232 million tpy in- crease for all non-OECD economies. This is followed by the Middle East (with a 24.8 million tpy capacity increase), the Commonwealth of Independent States (10.3 million tpy), Africa (5.3 million tpy) and Latin America (2.5 million tpy). In contrast, few chang- es in steelmaking capacity are expected for non-OECD European countries. In Asia, China showed a sharp increase in capacity over the past decade, as its indus- try expanded rapidly to meet the needs of downstream manufacturing industries and growing construction activity due to urbanisation and heavy infrastructure building. By 2011, steelmaking capacity in China had risen to 863.3 mmt, or 43.2% of the world total. According to current projections, an additional 138.1 million tonnes of new steelmaking capacity will be installed in China in the period until 2014. Despite being a large increase in volume terms, this would represent a slowdown in the growth rate of capacity com- pared to past years. This is partly a consequence of government policy measures aimed at constraining the industry’s expansion and expectations that perhaps the fastest phase of steel demand growth may now be over. A recent policy measure includes guidelines re- leased by the State Council of China, in October 2013, to address overcapacity and ad- vance restructuring in several industrial sectors including steel. According to the guide- lines, capacity additions in sectors experiencing significant overcapacity will not be ap- proved and any projects should be compliant with industry regulations. And, more recent- ly, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) requested local au- thorities to submit details on their targets to reduce overcapacity in several industries in- cluding steel. The focus of MIIT has been on Hebei province, where there are plans to re- duce crude steelmaking capacity by 15 mmt in 2014 as part of an overall capacity- reduction target of 60 mmt by 2017. Steelmakers in India have a large number of capacity expansion plans, underpinned by abundant iron ore supplies, relatively low costs of production, and optimistic expecta- tions for steel consumption growth in the medium term. Indian steelmaking capacity is expected to increase from 88.8 million tonnes in 2011 to 123.7 million tonnes by 2014, though some greenfield projects have been delayed due to land acquisition problems and strong popular resistance. Other Asian emerging economies, such as Viet Nam and Indo- nesia, are also expected to see their steel industries expand rapidly, as local producers make efforts to better meet growing demand in steel-using industries such as the automo- tive sector. In the Middle East, steelmaking capacity is projected to increase significantly, from 35.2 million tonnes in 2011 to 59.9 million tonnes in 2014. These economies have been showing significant growth in steel demand, supported by construction activity as well as investments in oil and gas projects as well as downstream refining. Most of the region’s steelmaking capacity expansion is expected to take place in Iran, though international sanctions may slow the process. DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY OF NON-OECD ECONOMIES © OECD 2014 8 In the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region, steelmakers are replacing outdated open-hearth furnaces with new basic-oxygen and electric-arc furnaces, and in- vesting in energy-saving technologies as well as steel-making and rolling facilities. Many mini-mill projects have been planned in this region reflecting relatively bright prospects for construction activity. Steelmaking capacity in the CIS region is projected to increase by 10.3 million tonnes to 156.5 million tonnes by 2014. In Latin America, production capacity is forecast to increase only slightly, to 69.4 million tonnes by 2014, i.e. by 2.5 million tonnes from the 2011 level. Both domestic and foreign steel manufactures have expanded capacity in the past, owing to favourable pro- spects for market growth and proximity to key raw materials such as iron ore. Most of the expansion projects have occurred in Brazil, including some significant slab-for-export projects. Although there are still expansion projects in the pipeline, some projects have been cancelled and postponed due to uncertain market prospects. In Africa, steelmaking capacity is projected to increase from 33.2 million tonnes in 2011 to 38.5 million tonnes in 2014. Political conflicts and social unrest have had a sig- nificant impact on steel market activity in some countries in the region. Nevertheless, the broader picture for Africa is that steel demand is increasing gradually and many foreign companies will continue to invest in mining projects thanks to the region’s abundant natu- ral resources. Recent developments Trends in capacity, production and consumption The total steelmaking capacity of non-OECD economies expanded rapidly over the past decade, rising from 528.1 million tonnes in 2002 to 1.33 billion tonnes in 2011. For the decade as a whole, growth in capacity amounted to 152.2%. The most significant in- crease occurred in China, where steelmaking capacity increased by 665.9 million tonnes, accounting for 82.9% of the total 803.6 million tpy increase for all non-OECD economies during this decade. Table 1. Change in steelmaking capacity Million tonnes 2002 2004 2006 2009 2011 Changes (A) (B) (B-A) (B/A %) Non-OECD Europe 15.5 16.0 17.3 18.0 19.8 4.2 27.4 CIS 124.2 123.1 127.3 143.2 146.2 22.0 17.7 Latin America 50.0 51.5 54.7 61.1 66.9 16.9 33.7 Africa 26.9 29.6 29.8 31.4 33.2 6.3 23.6 Middle East 14.7 15.9 18.5 28.1 35.2 20.4 139.0 Asia 296.8 449.1 595.8 864.0 1030.5 733.7 247.2 China 197.4 340.1 472.5 718.0 863.3 665.9 337.4 Other Asia 99.4 108.9 123.3 146.0 167.2 67.8 68.2 Non-OECD total 528.1 685.1 843.4 1145.7 1331.7 803.6 152.2 DEVELOPMENTS IN STEELMAKING CAPACITY OF NON-OECD ECONOMIES © OECD 2014