BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 Review Paper Developments in industrially important thermostable enzymes: a review G.D. Haki, S.K. Rakshit * BioprocessTechnologyProgram,AsianInstituteofTechnology(AIT),P.O.Box4,KlongLuang,Pathumthani12120,Thailand Received18November2002;receivedinrevisedform3January2003;accepted13January2003 Abstract Cellular components of thermophilic organisms (enzymes, proteins and nucleic acids) are also thermostable. Apart from high temperature theyare also known to withstand denaturants of extremly acidic and alkaline conditions. Thermostable enzymes are highly specific and thus have considerable potential for many industrial applications. The use of such enzymes in maximising re- actions accomplished in the food and paper industry, detergents, drugs, toxic wastes removal and drilling for oil is being studied extensively.Theenzymescanbeproducedfromthethermophilesthrougheitheroptimisedfermentationofthemicroorganismsor cloningoffast-growingmesophilesbyrecombinantDNAtechnology.Inthisreview,thesourcemicroorganismsandpropertiesof thermostablestarchhydrolysingamylases,xylanases,cellulases,chitinases,proteases,lipasesandDNApolymerasesarediscussed. Theindustrialneedsforsuchspecificthermostableenzymeandimprovementsrequiredtomaximizetheirapplicationinthefuture are also suggested. (cid:1) 2003Elsevier Science Ltd. Allrights reserved. Keywords:Thermostableenzymes;Thermophilicmicroorganisms 1. Introduction 1994; Bharat and Hoondal, 1998; Bauer et al., 1999; Kohilu et al., 2001). The role of enzymes in many processes has been Whilethemostwidelyusedthermostableenzymesare known for a long time. Their existence was associated the amylases in the starch industry (Poonam and Dalel, withthehistoryofancientGreecewheretheywereusing 1995; Crab and Mitchinson, 1997; Emmanuel et al., enzymes from microorganisms in baking, brewing, al- 2000; Sarikaya et al., 2000), a number of other appli- cohol production, cheese making etc. With better cationsareinvariousstagesofdevelopment.Inthefood knowledge and purification of enzymes the number of relatedindustry,they havebeenusedin thesynthesisof applications has increased manyfold, and with the amino acids (Satosi et al., 2001). In the petroleum, availability of thermostable enzymes a number of new chemical and pulp and paper industries, for example, possibilities for industrial processes have emerged. thermostable enzymes have been used for the elimina- Thermostableenzymes,whichhavebeenisolatedmainly tion of sulphur containing pollutants through the from thermophilic organisms, have found a number of biodegradation of compounds like dibenzothiophene commercial applications because of their overall inher- (Bahrami et al., 2001), in the production of 1,3-pro- ent stability (Demirijan et al., 2001). Advances in this panediol from glycerol and in replacing polluting area have been possible with the isolation of a large chemical reagents causing toxic products (Peter et al., numberofbeneficialthermophilicmicroorganismsfrom 2001). Currently, a number of publications have exten- different exotic ecological zones of the earth and the sively discussed developments in this area. Adaptation subsequent extraction of useful enzymes from them of extremophiles to hot environments (Danson et al., (Burrows, 1973; Antranikian et al., 1987; Groboillot, 1992; Stetter, 1999), production of heat-stable enzymes from thermophiles and hyperthermophiles (Knor, 1987; Jakob, 1989; Huber and Stetter, 1998; Niehaus et al., *Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+66-2-524-6115;fax:+66-2-524-6111. 1999), structure and function relationships of thermo- E-mailaddress:[email protected](S.K.Rakshit). zymes (heat-tolerant enzymes) (Zeikus et al., 1998a,b) 0960-8524/03/$-seefrontmatter (cid:1) 2003ElsevierScienceLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/S0960-8524(03)00033-6 18 G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 and biotechnological and industrial applications of and Methanopyrus. Within the bacteria, Thermotoga thermostable enzymes (Franks, 1993; Lasa and Beren- maritima and Aquifex pyrophilus exhibit the highest guer, 1993; Leuschner and Antranikan, 1995; Cowan, growth temperatures of 90 and 95 (cid:2)C respectively 1996; Holst et al., 1997; Hough and Danson, 1999; (Herbert and Sharp, 1992). These properties imply ex- Eichler, 2001) are among the topics that have been tremely important industrial and biotechnological im- studied. plications due to the fact that enzymes from such In the present review, an attempt is made to docu- microorganisms can be employed for use in harsh in- ment the research activities conducted in the area and dustrial conditions where their specific catalytic activity indicate the source microorganisms of some important is retained. thermostable enzymes. The need for thermostable cata- lysts, the optimum conditions for an efficient catalytic activity of the enzymes and current industrial applica- 3. Resistance of thermophiles to high temperatures and tionsarepresented.Besidesdiscussingthereasonforthe denaturation thermostable character of the enzymes, possible im- provementsandanumberofexpecteddevelopmentsare Microorganisms, like all living things, adapt to the also suggested in the article. condition in which they have to live and survive. Ther- mophiles are reported to contain proteins which are thermostable and resist denaturation and proteolysis 2. Geothermal sites as sources of extremophiles (Kumar and Nussinov, 2001). Specialized proteins known as (cid:1)chaperonins(cid:2) are produced by these organ- In situ temperatures between 80 and 115 (cid:2)C were isms, which help, after their denaturation to refold the found to be conducive biotopes for a number of hy- proteins to their native form and restore their functions perthermophiles (Huber and Stetter, 1998). Some ex- (Everly and Alberto, 2000). The cell membrane of amplesarementionedinTable1.Extremophilesarealso thermophiles is made up of saturated fatty acids. The adapted to live at low temperatures in the cold polar fatty acid provides a hydrophobic environment for the regions, at high pressure in the deep sea and at a very cell and keeps the cell rigid enough to live at elevated low and highpH values (pH 0–3 or10–12),orata very temperatures (Herbert and Sharp, 1992). The archae, high (5–30%) salt concentration (Herbert and Sharp, which compose most of the hyperthermophiles, have 1992). lipids linked with ether on the cell wall. This layer is In the last decade, a number of hyperthermophilic much more heat resistant than a membrane formed of archaea, the least understood domain of life (Woese fatty acids (De Rosa et al., 1994). et al., 1990; Rotschild and Manicinelli, 2001) have been The DNA of thermophiles contains a reverse DNA isolatedandareabletogrowaroundtheboilingpointof gyrase which produces positive super coils in the water (Niehaus et al., 1999). The organisms with the DNA (Lopez, 1999). This raises the melting point of highest growth temperatures (103–110 (cid:2)C) are members the DNA (the temperature at which the strands of the of the genera Pyrobaculum, Pyrodictium, Pyrococcus double helix separate) to at least as high as the organ- Table 1 Examplesofsitesservingassourcesofmicroorganismswhichcanprovidethermotolerantenzymes Source Microorganism Enzyme References Hotspring Thermussp. a-Amylase Shawetal.(1995) Hotspring Bacillussp.WN.11 a-Amylase MamoandGessese(1999) Deepseahydrothermalvent Staphilothermusmarinus a-Amylase Canganellaetal.(1994) Marinesolfatare Thermococcuslitoralis Pullulanase BrownandKelly(1993) Decomposedplantsamples ClostridiumabsonumCFR-702 Cellulasefreexylanase SwaroopaandKrishna(2000) fromalake Hotspring BacillusthermoleovocansID-1 Lipase Dong-Wooetal.(1999) Compostoffermentingcitrus BacillusstrainMH-1 Endochitinase Kenjietal.(1998) peels,coffeeandteaextract residues Compost BacillusstearothermophilusCH-4 b-N-acetylhexosaminidase Kenjietal.(1994) Koreansaltfermentedanchovy Bacillussp.KYJ963 b-Amylase Youngetal.(2001) Deepseahydrothermalvent Pyrococcusabyssi Alkalinephosphatase Sebastienetal.(2001) Sedimentsofhotsprings Bacillussp.3183 a-Amylase-likepullulanase Badaletal.(1989) Garbagedump Bacilluscirculans Xylanase Ashitaetal.(2000) Composttreatedwithartichoke Bacillussp. Inulinase Jean-Jacquesetal.(1987) juice G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 19 Table 2 Bioconversionreactionsandapplicationsofthermostableenzymes Enzyme Temperaturerange((cid:2)C) Bioconversions Applications a-Amylase(bacterial) 90–100 Starch!dextrosesyrups Starchhydrolysis,brewing, baking,detergents a-Amylase(fungal) 50–60 Starch!dextrosesyrups Productionofmaltose Pullulanase 50–60 Starch!dextrosesyrups Productionofglucosesyrups Xylanase 45–65,105a Craftpulp!xylan+lignin Pulpandpaperindustry Chitinase 65–75b Chitin!chitobiose Food,cosmetics,pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals Chitin!N-acetylglucosamine (chitibiase) N-acetylglucosamine! glucosamine(deacetylation) Chitin!chitosan(deacetylase) Cellulase 45–55,95c Cellulose!glucose Cellulosehydrolysis,polymer degradationindetergents Protease 65–85 Protein!aminoacidsand Baking,brewing,detergents,leather peptides industry Lipase 30–70 Fatremoval,hydrolysis, Dairy,oleochemical,detergent, interesterification,alcholysis, pulp,pharmaceuticals,cosmetics aminolysis andleatherindustry DNApolymerase 90–95 DNAamplification Geneticengineering/PCR aXylanasefromThermotogasp. bWithinthisrangeenzymeactivitywashigh. cCellulasesfromThermotogasp. isms(cid:2) maximum temperature for growth. Thermophiles (Leuschner and Antranikan, 1995; Fredrich and also tolerate high temperature by using increased inter- Antrakian, 1996; Diane et al., 1997; Zeikus et al., actionsthatnon-thermotolerantorganismsuse,namely, 1998a,b). Some biocatalytic conversions and industrial electrostatic, disulphide bridge and hydrophobic inter- applications of thermostable enzymes are presented in actions (Kumar and Nussinov, 2001). Table 2. Thermostable enzymes are stable and active at tem- One extremely valuable advantage of conducting peratures which are even higher than the optimum biotechnological processes at elevated temperatures is temperatures for the growth of the microorganisms reducing the risk of contamination by common meso- (Saboto et al., 1999). These authors indicated that rel- philes.Allowingahigheroperationtemperaturehasalso atively few studies have been carried out in this regard a significant influence on the bioavailability and solu- and the only available information is that thermophilic bility of organic compounds and thereby provides effi- enzymes are more rigid proteins than their mesophilic cient bioremediation (Becker, 1997). Other values of counterparts. A clearer understanding of this capacity elevated process temperatures include higher reaction should be possible with new methodologies that clearly rates due to a decrease in viscosity and an increase in indicate changes in protein structure. diffusion coefficient of substrates and higher process The effect of structural fluctuations of a-amylases yield due to increased solubility of substrates and of mesophilic and thermophilic sources were studied products and favorable equilibrium displacement in and reported by Fitter et al. (2001). While determining endothermic reactions (Mozhaev, 1993; Krahe et al., theconformationalentropyofbothenzymes,thefolded 1996; Kumar and Swati, 2001). Such enzymes can also state showed a higher structural flexibility for the be used as models for the understanding of thermosta- thermophilic protein than the mesophilic homologue. It bility and thermo-activity, which is useful for protein has,thus,beenassumedthatamechanismcharacterized engineering. The following sections describe specific by entropic stabilization could be responsible for the thermostable enzymes,their sources, characteristics and higher thermostability of the thermophilic enzyme. applicationrequirementsofhightemperatureresistance. 4. General advantages of enzymes from thermophiles 5. Amylolytic enzymes Thermostable enzymes are gaining wide industrial The starch industry is one of the largest users of and biotechnological interest due to the fact that their enzymes for thehydrolysis and modification of this use- enzymes are better suited for harsh industrial processes ful raw material. The starch polymer, like other such 20 G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 polymers, requires a combination of enzymes for its atinization,hence, amongotherthings avoiding a lot of complete hydrolysis. These include a-amylases, gluco- cooling time, the enzyme has to be thermostable. amylases or b-amylases and isoamylases or pullulanases A number of attempts were made to isolate and (Poonam and Dalel, 1995). The enzymes are classified characterizeamylolyticenzymesfromdiversifiedsources intoendo-actingandexo-actingenzymes.a-amylaseisan (Daniel, 1979; Norman, 1979; Fogarty and Kelly, 1995; endo-actingenzymeandhydrolyseslinkagesinarandom Medda and Chandra, 1980; Morgan and Priest, 1981; fashionandleadstotheformationoflinearandbranched Fogarty, 1983; Krishnan and Chandra, 1983; Rolfsmeir oligosaccharides, while the rest are exo-acting enzymes and Blum, 1995; Piller et al., 1996; Crab and Mitchin- and attack the substrate from the non-reducing end, son, 1997; Rama et al., 1998; Jin et al., 2001; Min Ha producing oligo and/or monosaccharides. The starch etal., 2001; Stamfordetal., 2001; Wojciechowskiet al., hydrolyticenzymescomprise30%oftheworld(cid:2)senzyme 2001; Andersson et al., 2002; Carlsen et al., 2002; Dij- consumption(VanderMaareletal.,2002). khuizen et al., 2002; Miura et al., 2002) to meet the The enzymatic conversion of all starch includes gel- requirements of the starch industry. Table 3 shows atinization, which involves the dissolution of starch thermostablemicrobial starch hydrolyzingenzymes and granules thereby forming a viscous suspension, lique- their properties. Thermostable a-amylases were isolated faction, which involves partial hydrolysis and loss in a long time ago from Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus amylo- viscosity,andsaccharification, involvingtheproduction liquefaciens and Bacillus licheniformis (Underkofler, of glucose and maltose via further hydrolysis. Gelatini- 1976). The commercially available b-amylases with a sation is achieved by heating starch with water, and catalyticactivityupto60(cid:2)Cwereisolatedfromvarious starch is water-soluble only at high temperatures which Bacillus species (Brown, 1987). They can be used in are dependent on the source (Rakshit, 1998). For hy- conjunction with debranching enzymes to produce pure drolysis of the starch to proceed immediately after gel- maltose syrups. Table 3 Sourcemicroorganismsandpropertiesofthermostablestarchhydrolyzingenzymes Enzymes Organism Enzymeproperties References Optimaltemperature((cid:2)C) OptimalpH a-Amylase Bacillusamyloliquefaciens 70 7.0 Underkofler(1976) Bacilluslicheniformis 100 6.0–6.5 Viaraetal.(1993) Bacillusstearothermophilus 70–80 5.0–6.0 VihinenandMantsala(1990) Bacillusstearothermophilus 70 – Jeayoungetal.(1989) Bacillussubtilis 70 7.0 Canganellaetal.(1994) Lactobacillusmanihotivorans 55 5.5 Aguilaretal.(2000) Myceliophthorathermophila 100 5.6 Ramkrishnaetal.(1993) Pyrococcusfuriosus 100 5.5 Ladermanetal.(1993a,b) Pyrococcuswoesei 100 6.5–7.5 Kochetal.(1991) Staphylothermusmarinus 65 5.0 Canganellaetal.(1994) Sulfolobussolfataricus – – Haseltineetal.(1996) Thermococcusaggreganes 100 5.5 Canganellaetal.(1994) Thermococcusceler 90 5.5 Canganellaetal.(1994) Thermococcusfumicolans 95 4.0–6.3 Estelleetal.(1997) Thermococcushydrothermalis 85 4.8–7.8 Estelleetal.(1997) Thermomyceslanuginosus 60 5.6 JensenandOlsen(1991) Thermococcusprofoundus 80 4.0–5.0 Kwaketal.(1998) b-Amylase Bacilluscirculans 60 – PoonamandDalel(1995) Bacilluscereusvar.mycoides 50 – Takasaki(1976a,b) Bacillussp. 50 7.5 Youngetal.(2001) Clostridiumthermosulphurogenes 75 5.5 Shenetal.(1988) Clostridiumthermosulfurogenes 60 5.8–6.0 Nipkowetal.(1989) Pullulanase Bacillussp. 60 – Takasaki(1976a,b) Pyrococcusfuriosus 98 5.5 BrownandKelly(1993) Pyrococcuswoesi 100 5.5–6.0 Rudigeretal.(1995) Thermococcusaggregans 100 6.5 Canganellaetal.(1994) ThermuscaldophilusGK24 75 5.5 Kimetal.(1996) Thermococcusceler 90 5.5 Canganellaetal.(1994) Thermococcushydrothermalis 95 5.5 GantletandDuchiron(1998) Thermococcuslitoralis 98 5.5 BrownandKelly(1993) ThermotogamaritimaMSB8 90 6.0 Bibeletal.(1998) G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 21 The pullulanases that were produced in earlier work such low pH (Crab and Mitchinson, 1997). An eco- on different microorganisms were not very suitable for nomical process could be attained through the use of operationundertheconditionsprevailingintheindustry amylasesstableatthesaccharificationstage.Inaddition (Nakamura et al., 1975; Konishi et al., 1979; De Mot to this, a one-step process of starch hydrolysis using et al., 1984a,b; Takizawa and Muroorka, 1985). How- amylolytic enzymes would decrease the costs of glucose ever, many thermophilic microorganisms have since production. The anticipated diversity of species of been found to produce pullulanases (Suzuki and Chis- thermophiles within high temperature environments horo,1983;JensenandNorman,1984;Plantetal.,1986; (Huber and Stetter, 1998) and the requirements of the Antranikian et al., 1987; Koch et al., 1987; Saha et al., newandimprovedtechnologicaloperationsforenzymes 1988; Canganella et al., 1994; Swamy and Seenayya, with novel and fitting characteristics (Emmanuel et al., 1996) and b-amylases (Shen et al., 1988; Nipkow et al., 2000)haveplacedachallengebothforthescientificand 1989;Swampyetal.,1994;RinaandGeeta,1996;Rama business community. et al., 1999; Erra-Pujada et al., 2001). Termamyl and Fungamyl are two well-known amy- lolyic enzymes which are now available commercially. These enzymes are used world-wide for the production 6. Thermostable xylanases of glucose syrups and syrups with different level of dextrose equivalent. Hetero-oligosaccharides have been Xylan, which is the dominating component of hemi- synthesizedbyTermamylobtainedfromB.licheniformis celluloses, is one of the most abundant organic sub- (Chitradonetal.,2000).Inthepresenceofsolublestarch stances on earth. It has a great application in the pulp and added non-starch sugars, oligosaccharides were and paper industry (Dekker and Linder, 1979; Chen produced by the reversed catalytic reaction. et al., 1997; Lee et al., 1998). The wood used for the One of the concerns of the starch industry is the production of the pulp is treated at high temperature calcium requirement of the a-amylase enzymes and the and basic pH, which implies that the enzymatic proce- formation of calcium oxalate, a substance that may dures require proteins exhibiting a high thermostability block process pipes and heat exchangers. Besides, such and activity in a broad pH range (Jacques et al., 2000). accumulation in some products like beer is not accept- Treatment with xylanase at elevated temperatures dis- able.Itsprecipitationcanbereducedthroughadecrease rupts the cell wall structure. This, as a result, facilitates in calcium ion requirement of enzymes and lowering of lignin removal in the various stages of bleaching. Xyl- thepHoftheproductionprocess.Activitiesofanumber anases for such a purpose (1) must lack cellulytic ac- ofthestarchhydrolyzingenzymes,however,arecalcium tivitytoavoidhydrolysisofthecellulosefibers,(2)need dependent although the degree of utilization varies to be of low molecular mass to facilitate their diffusion (Table 4). Production of calcium independent and acid in the pulp fibers, and (3) most importantly, high yields stable a-amylases has been attempted by protein engi- ofenzymemustbeobtainedataverylowcost(Niehaus neering and as a result Termamyl LCe, which was et al., 1999). According to these authors all commer- produced via site-directed mutagenesis, has shown high cially available xylanases can only partially fulfill these calciumindependence(HashidaandBisgaard-Frantzen, requirements, and the optimum temperature for the 2000). activity of most xylanases is reported to be 50–60 (cid:2)C Although, raw starch dominates in nature there are with a half-life of about 1 h at 55 (cid:2)C (Jacques et al., few enzymes that can catalyze its hydrolysis efficiently 2000). However, some xylanases have been reported to (Hamilton et al., 1999). Saccharification of liquefied exhibit higher thermal stability and optimal activity starch is carried out at low pH values. However, cur- ranging from 80 to 100 (cid:2)C (Saul et al., 1995; Zverlov rently used thermostable a-amylases are not stable at et al., 1996; Morris et al., 1998). Table 4 Calciumrequirementofindustriallyimportantstarchdegradingenzyme Enzyme Microorganism Application Application MinimumCa2þ temperaturerange((cid:2)C) pHrange dosage(ppm) Bacterialmesophilic Bacillussubtilis 80–85 6.0–7.0 150 a-amylase Bacterialthermophilic Bacilluslicheniformis 95–105 6.0–7.0 20 a-amylase Fungala-amylase Aspergillusoryzae 55–70 4.0–5.0 50 Amyloglucosidase Aspergillusniger 55–65 3.5–5.0 0 Pullulanase Bacillusacidopolluliticus 55–65 3.5–5.0 0 Source:Hans(1995). 22 G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 Table 5 Sourcemicroorganismsandpropertiesofthermostablexylanases Organism Enzymeproperties References Optimaltemperature((cid:2)C) OptimalpH Baccillusamyloliquefaciens 80 6.8–7.0 Brecciaetal.(1997) Bacilluscirculans 80 6.0–7.0 DhillonandKhanna(2000) Bacillussp. 60–75 8.0–9.0 Gessesse(1998) Bacillussp.strainSPS-0 75 6.0 Bataillonetal.(2000) Bacillussubtilis 50 6.0 Paulaetal.(2002) Clostridiumabosum 75 8.5 SwaroopaandKrishna(2000) Dictyoglomussp.strainB 90 6.0–7.0 Marjaanaetal.(1994) 1 Fusariumproliferatum 55 5.0–5.5 Badal(2002) Pyrococcusfuriosus 100 6.0 Baueretal.(1999) Pyrococcusfuriosus 102 – Kengenetal.(1993) Scytalidiumthermophilum 65 6.0 NazanandZumrut(2000) Streptomycessp.strainS38 60 6.0 Georisetal.(2000) Sulfolobussolfataricus 105 5.3 Nuccietal.(1993) Teheromyceslanuginosus(wildandmutant) 60,70 7.0,6.7 Bakalovaetal.(2002) Teheromyceslanuginosus-SSBP 70–75 6.5 Johnsonetal.(1999) Thermoascusaurantiacus 50 5.0 Kalegorisetal.(1998) ThermotogamaritimaMSB8 92 6.2 WinterhalterandLiebl(1995) ThermotogamaritimaMSB8 95 6.0–7.5 Bronnenmeieretal.(1995) ThermotogamaritimaMSB8 75 6.2 Gabelsbergeretal.(1993) Thermotoganeapolitana 95 6.0 Boketal.(1998) Thermotoganeapolitana 85 5.5 Boketal.(1994) Thermotoganeapolitana 102 5.5 Zverlovetal.(1996) Thermotogasp.strainFjSS3-B1 80 7.0 RuthersmithandDaniel(1991) Thermotogasp.strainFjSS3-B1 105 6.8–7.8 RuthersmithandDaniel(1991) Thermotogasp.strainFjSS3-B1 115 5.3 Simpsonetal.(1991) Thermotogathermarum 80 6.6 Sunnaetal.(1996a) These enzymes have offered a major step in the re- (Kohilu et al., 2001) and cellulase-free xylanases duction of chlorine consumption in the bleaching pro- from Clostridium abusonum CFR-702 (Swaroopa and cess of kraft pulp, thus, lowering environmental Krishna, 2000) were also reported recently. From one pollution by organic halogens (Vikari et al., 1994; Eriks- Thermotoga sp. an enzyme active at 115 (cid:2)C was pro- son and Heitmann, 1998). The enzymes are generally duced and characterized (Simpson et al., 1991). It was classified in to two families. Family 10 groups (EXs 10) also possible to produce xylanases in solid-state fer- having high molecular weights (>30 Kda) and Family mentation, where a decreased cultivation time and an 11 (EXs 11) which are low molecular weight(<30 Kda) increased concentration of basal medium improved its xylanases (Henrissat and Bairoch, 1993; Dominguez production. This is a promising aspect from an eco- et al., 1995). Among the two families, the EX 10-fold is nomic point of view (Park et al., 2002). found to be more thermostable (Fontes et al., 1995). The pulp and paper technology is one of the fastest Due to their capacity to enhance the bleaching of kraft growing industries and the use of thermostable xylan- paper, however, EXs 11 have remained more attractive ases seems attractive since they provide global environ- (Clarke et al., 1997; Morris et al., 1998; Georis et al., mental benefits. However, scaling up of the enzyme 2000). production from the respective microorganisms to the Thermostable xylanase were isolated from a number level required by the industry remains to be seen. It is of bacterial and fungal sources (Table 5). Members of also worth mentioning that, extreme thermophiles that the Bacillus sp., Streptomyces sp., Thermoascus auran- are able to secrete xylanase are few. The search for a tiacus and Fusarium proliferatum have been reported to thermophile with high yield of enzyme and the desired produce xylanases which are active at temperatures be- characteristics is still being pursued. tween 50 and 80 (cid:2)C. While the Dictyoglomus sp. were describedtoproducexylanasesoperatingatanoptimum temperature of 90 (cid:2)C, a number of Thermotogales sp. 7. Thermostable cellulases were reported to secrete thermostable xylanases which can function at higher temperatures. Alkaliphilic and Cellulose, the most abundant organic source of feed, cellulase-freexylanaseswithanoptimumtemperatureof fuel and chemicals (Spano et al., 1975) consists of glu- 65 (cid:2)C from Thermoactinomyces thalophilus subgroup C cose units linked by b-1,4-glycosidic bonds in a linear G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 23 mode. The difference in thetypeofbond and thehighly range of CelB is broad (6.0–6.6) at 106 (cid:2)C. CelA, with ordered crystalline form of the compound between the ability to hydrolyze microcrystalline cellulose, was starch and cellulose make cellulose more resistant to isolated from the extremely thermophilic bacterium digest and hydrolyze. The enzymes required for the Anaerocellum thermophilum (Zverlov et al., 1998) and hydrolysis of cellulose include endoglucanases, exoglu- maximal activity of this enzyme was observed at pH canases and b-glucosidases (Matsui et al., 2000). While 5.0–6.0 and 85–95 (cid:2)C. A highly thermostable cellobiose cellulase is an endoglucanase that hydrolyses cellulose (115 (cid:2)C at pH 6.8–7.8) was also produced from Ther- randomly, producing oligosacaccharides, cellobiose and motoga sp. FjSS3-B1 (Ruthersmith and Daniel, 1991, glucose, exoglucanases hydrolyze b-1,4-DD-glucosidic 1992). linkages in cellulose releasing cellobiose from the non- It is obvious that, the successful utilization of cellu- reducing end. On the other hand, b-glycosidases of lose is dependent on the development of economically thermophilic origin, which have received renewed at- feasibletechnologiesfortheproductionofcellulase.The tention in the pharmaceutical industry hydrolyze cello- biopolishingprocessofcottoninthetextileindustry,for biose to glucose. example, requires cellulase stable at high temperature In the current industrial processes, cellulolytic en- close to 100 (cid:2)C (Ando et al., 2002). Presently used en- zymesareemployedinthecolorextractionsofjuices,in zymes for this purpose, however, are active only at 50– detergents causing color brightening and softening, in 55(cid:2)C.Cellulaseproductionisalsofoundtobethemost the biostoning of jeans, in the pretreatment of biomass expensivestepduringethanolproductionfromcellulosic that contains cellulose to improve nutritional quality of biomass, and accounted for approximately 40% of the forage and in the pretreatment of industrial wastes total cost (Spano et al., 1975). In the food industry, (Buchert et al., 1997; Niehaus et al., 1999; Bhat, 2000; degradation of cellulose by acids is still unsatisfactory Nakamuraetal.,2001;Vanwyketal.,2001;Zhouetal., and results in the decomposition of the sugars. Finally, 2001). In order to attack the native crystalline cellulose, even though many cellulolytic enzymes of thermophillic which is water insoluble and occurs as fibers of densely origin are known their function under physiological packed structures, however, thermostable cellulases condition remains unclear. active at high temperature and high pH are required. Thermostable cellulases of archaeal origin include those isolated from Pyrococcusfuriousus (Kengen etal., 8. Thermoactive chitinases 1993) and Pyrococcus horikoshi (Ando et al., 2002). While the latter has an optimum temperature of 97 (cid:2)C, Chitin,thesecondmostabundantnaturalbiopolymer the enzyme from Pyrocuccus furiousus has shown opti- after cellulose, consists of a linear b-1,4-homopolymer mal activity at 102–105 (cid:2)C (Table 6). Sulfolobus solfa- ofN-acetylglucoseamineresidues.Innature,itisusually taricus MT4, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and Sulfolobus found attached to other polysaccharides and proteins. shibatae were also described as producers of b-gucosid- The covering layer of insects, cell walls of various fungi ases(Grogan,1991).FromThermotogamaritemaMSB8 and crab and shrimp wastes are the main sources of optimally active cellulase acting at 95 (cid:2)C and between chitin (Majeti and Kumar, 2000; Nwe and Stevens, pH6.0and7.0wasreported(Bronnenmeieretal.,1995). 2002; Suntornsuk et al., 2002). The major applications Otherendocellulases(CelAandCelB)fromThermotoga of chitosan include wastewater clearing, preparation of neapolitana, were purified and characterized (Bok et al., cosmetics, paper production, textile finishes, photo- 1998).OptimalpHforCelA is6.0at95(cid:2)C,andthepH graphicproducts,cements,heavymetalchelatingagents Table 6 Sourcemicroorganismsandpropertiesofthermostablecellulases Organism Enzymeproperties References Optimaltemperature((cid:2)C) OptimalpH Anaerocelluthermophilum 85–90 5.0–6.6 Zverlovetal.(1998) Bacillussubtilis 65–70 5.0–6.5 Mawadzaetal.(2000) Pyrococcusfuriosus 102–105 – Kengenetal.(1993) Pyrococcushoricoshi 97 – Andoetal.(2002) Rhodothermusmarinus 95 6.5–8.0 Hreggvidssonetal.(1996) ThermotogamaritemaMSB8 95 6.0–7.0 Bronnenmeieretal.(1995) Thermotoganeapoltana 95 6.0 Boketal.(1998) (EndocellulaseA) Thermotoganeapoltana 106 6.0–6.6 Boketal.(1998) (EndocellulaseB) 24 G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 and for medical and veterinary purposes (Spindler 9. Thermostable proteases et al., 1990; Georgopapadakou and Tkacz, 1995; Hirano, 1996; Cohen and Chet, 1998; Majeti and Proteases, which are generally classified into two Kumar, 2000). categories (exopeptidases, that cleave off amino acids The production of chitosan from chitin involves a from the ends of the protein chain and endopeptidases, deacetylation reaction that is done using 40% sodium which cleave peptide bonds within the protein) are be- hydroxide solution. This is a highly corrosive stream coming major industrial enzymes, and constitute more which is difficult to control. Attempts are thus being than 65% of the world market (Rao et al., 1998). These made to do this conversion using deacetylase enzyme. enzymes are extensively used in the food, pharmaceuti- Perhaps a thermostable deacetylase enzyme will help in cal, leather and textile industries (Cowan, 1996; Fan increasingyieldsandconversionratesandallowreuseof etal.,2001;Mozerskyetal.,2002).Theapplicationswill the enzyme. keep increasing in the future as will the need for stable Endo-acting chitin hydrolase chitinaseA, the exo- biocatalystscapableofwithstandingharshconditionsof acting hydrolase chitinaseB and N-acetyl-DD-glucosea- operation. minidase are responsible for chitin degradation (Kenji Relative ease of isolation of Bacilli from diverse et al., 1994). However, chitin is not easily accessible to sourceshasmadetheseorganismsthefocusofattention chitinasesandchitindeacetylases.EvidencesfromX-ray in biotechnology (Johnevelsy and Naik, 2001). So far, diffraction studies have shown that chitin is a highly however, few thermophilic Bacillus sp. that produce ordered crystalline structure and does not dissolve in proteases have been isolated, the earliest isolate being water(Roberts,1992).Thispropertyofchitinhasshown Bacillus stearothermophilus (Salleh et al., 1977) which is the need for thermostable enzymes. stable at 60 (cid:2)C. Another Bacillus sp. has produced a The thermophilic organisms Bacillus licheniformis X- thermostable protease that has an optimum activity at 7u(Takayanagietal.,1991),Bacillussp.BG-11(Bharat 60 (cid:2)C (Razak et al., 1993), while a different Bacillus and Hoondal, 1998) and Strteptomyces thermoviol- stearothermophilus sp. produced an alkaline and ther- aceus OPC-520 were reported to be the major sources mostable protease which is optimally active at 85 (cid:2)C of chitinases (Tsujibo et al., 1995). Chitinase and N- (Razak et al., 1995, 1997; Rahman et al., 1994). A spe- acetyl-glucosaminidase were produced from the ex- cies of Bacillus stearothermophilus TP26 that has been treme thermophilic anaerobic arachaeon Thermococcus isolated produces an extra cellular protease having an chitinophagus (Huber et al., 1995). A thermophilic bac- optimum temperature of 75 (cid:2)C (Gey and Unger, 1995). teriumstrainproducingthreedifferentendochitinasesin EnhancementofproteaseactivityexcretedfromBacillus its culture fluid was isolated from chitin-containing stearothermophilus had also been possible using eco- compost(Kenjietal.,1994).Thestrainsbelongedtothe nomical chemical additives in the proteolysis reactions genus Bacillus and three isoforms of endochitinases (L, involvedinwasteactivatedsludge(Kimetal.,2002a,b). M and S) were purified and characterized. They had In a chemically defined medium, thermophilic and al- different molecular masses (71, 62 and 53 Kda) and kaliphilic Bacillus sp. JB-99 was also reported to pro- showedtemperatureoptimaof75,65and75(cid:2)CatapH duce thermostable alkaline proteases (Johnevelsy and of 6.5, 5.5 and 5.5 respectively. The iso-electric points Naik, 2001). Dominant producers of proteases in fact, were 5.3, 4.8, and 4.7. Thermostable exochitinases were are the microorganisms of the genera Pyrococcus, also isolated from Bacillus stearothermophilus CH-4, Thermococcus and Staphylothermus (Table 7). Ex- isolated from a compost of organic solid wastes (Kenji tremely thermostable serine proteases are produced by et al., 1998). the hyperthermophilic archaeum Desulfurococcus strain The basic parts of shrimp and prawns used for con- (Hanazawa et al., 1996), and thermostable metallopro- sumption are the muscle tissues. The resulting waste of teases are reported from a gram-negative thermophilic the products, thus, is vast (Healey et al., 1994). In some bacterium (Pawinee and Wipapat, 1996). developing countries it was reported that more than 2.5 Major area of focus in the future concerning the million tones of shrimp and prawns are produced per production of proteases is the optimization of media year (Anon., 1996). Therefore, there is a high need to (Johnevelsy and Naik, 2001). Synthetic media have a develop methods of producing value added products greatadvantageovercomplexmediainthatconsistency from this waste. As the major way to exploit the po- of processes and production is enhanced through tentialfromthiswasteistheproductionofchitinandits avoiding the variability of complex substrates. Thus, derivativechitosan,improvedandeconomicallyfeasible syntheticmediaprovidesbettercontrolandmonitoring, chemical, enzymatic and novel biotechnological con- improved product recovery and quality, and simplified version bioprocesses are required. Chitin together with purification systems (Zhang and Greasham, 1999). It is its derivatives can also be used as agrochemicals (Kenji for this reason that reports on the production of pro- etal.,1998).However,thereisonlylittleefforttoclarify tease enzymes using synthetic media are available re- its utilization in the food industry. cently (Mao et al., 1992; Ferrero et al., 1996). G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 25 Table 7 Sourcemicroorganismsandpropertiesofthermostableproteolyticenzymes Organism Enzymeproperties References Optimaltemperature((cid:2)C) OptimalpH Bacillusbrevis 60 10.5 Banerjeeetal.(1999) Bacilluslicheniformis 70 9.0 ManchiniandForetina(1998) Bacillusstearothermophilus 60 – Sallehetal.(1977) Bacillusstearothermophilus 85 – Rahmanetal.(1994) Bacillussp.JB-99 80 6–12 JohnevelsyandNaik(2001) BacillusstearothermophilusTP26 75 – GeyandUnger(1995) 80 12.0–13.0 Takamietal.(1989) Bacillusthermoruber 45 9 Manchinietal.(1988) Pyrococcussp.KODI 100 7 Fujiwaraetal.(1996) Staphylothermusmarinus – 9 Mayeretal.(1996) Thermoacidophiles 60–70 7.0–8.5 KocabiyikandErdem(2002) (archealandbacterialorigin) Thermococcusaggreganes 90 7.0 Klingbergetal.(1991) Thermococcusceler 95 7.5 Klingbergetal.(1991) Thermococcuslitoralis 85 8.5 Klingbergetal.(1991) Thermotogamaritema 95 9.5 Klingbergetal.(1991) There is considerable current interest on the explo- removal of subcutaneous fat in the leather industry ration of proteases that can catalyze reactions in cold (Pandey et al., 1999; Traore and Buschle-Diller, 2000). water(Demirijanetal.,2001).Thiswillallowtheirusein A biodiesel was derived from vegetable oils using im- detergents which can be used in normal tap water mobilized Candida antarctica lipase (Shimada et al., without the requirement for increasing the temperature 1999). ofthewater.Thesearchforsuchenzymesisverymucha Most of the industrial processes in which lipases are challenge at this time. employedfunctionattemperaturesexceeding45(cid:2)C.The enzymes, thus, are required to exhibit an optimum temperature of around 50 (cid:2)C (Sharma et al., 2002). 10. Heat stable lipases According to some reports there are fats exhibiting higher melting points and which are able to inhibit Lipases of microbial origin are the most versatile enzymatic reactions at a low temperature (Dong-Woo enzymes and are known to bring about a range of bio- et al., 1999). Some enzymatic processes for the physical conversion reactions (Vulfson, 1994), which includes refining of seed oils have four distinct requirements. hydrolysis, interesterification, esterification, alcoholysis, These include pH of 5.0 and optimal temperature of acidolysis and aminolysis (Jaeger et al., 1994; Pandey around 65 (cid:2)C, adding an enzyme solution and enzyme et al., 1999; Nagao et al., 2001; Kim et al., 2002a,b). reaction followed by the separation of the lysophos- Their unique characteristics include substrate specifi- phatidefromtheoilatabout75(cid:2)C(Klaus,1998).These city,stereospecificity,regioselectivityandabilitytocata- reactions, therefore, are enhanced through the utiliza- lyze a heterogeneous reaction at the interface of water tion of thermo-tolerant lipases. soluble and water insoluble systems (Brockman and Lipases areof widespread occurrence throughoutthe Borgstorm, 1984; Jaeger and Reetz, 1998). earth(cid:2)sfloraandfauna.Moreabundantly,however,they The esters produced play a relevant role in the food arefoundinbacteria,fungiandyeasts(Wuetal.,1996). industryasflavorandaromaconstituents(Gandhietal., SeveralBacillussp.werereportedtobethemain source 1995; Pandey et al., 1999). Whereas long chain methyl of lypolytic enzymes (Kim et al., 1994; Schmidt et al., and ethyl esters of carboxylic acid moieties provide 1994; Luisa et al., 1997). While most of these enzymes valuableoleochemicalspeciesthatmayfunctionasfuel are active at a temperature of 60 (cid:2)C and pH of 7.0, for diesel engines, esters of long chain carboxylic acid lipases from Bacillus thermoleovorans and a thermo- and alcohol moieties (waxes) have applications as lub- philicRhizopusoryzaestraincanmoderatelyfunctionat ricants and additives in cosmetic formulations (Linko extreme pH and temperature values (Dong-Woo et al., et al., 1994). Other applications include the removal of 1999;Abeletal.,2000).ThepHandtemperatureoptima the pitch from pulp produced in the paper industry, for for the catalytic activity of some thermostable lipases thehydrolysisofmilk fat inthe dairy industry, removal are given in Table 8. of non-cellulosic impurities from raw cotton before Reports of thermostable lipases from archaeal ori- furtherprocessingintodyedandfinishedproducts,drug gin, however, are very few. Phospholipase A which 2 formulations in the pharmaceutical industry and in the was secreted from the archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii 26 G.D.Haki,S.K.Rakshit/BioresourceTechnology89(2003)17–34 Table 8 Sourcemicroorganismsandpropertiesofthermostablelipases Organism Enzymeproperties References Optimaltemperature((cid:2)C) OptimalpH Bacillusacidocaldariusa (esterase) 70 – Mancoetal.(1998) Bacillussp.RSJ-1 50 8.0–9.0 Sharmaetal.(2002) BacillusstrinJ33a 60 8.0 Nawanietal.(1998) Bacillusstearothermophilusa 68 – Guptaetal.(1999) Bacillusthermocatenletusa 60–70 8.0–9.0 Klibanov(1983) BacillusthermoleovoransID-1 70–75 7.5 Dong-Wooetal.(1999) Geobacillussp. 70 9.0 Abdel-Fattah(2002) Pseudomonassp. 65 9.6 KulkuraniandGadre(1999) Pseudomonassp. 90 11.0 Rathietal.(2000) Pyrobaculumcalidifontis 90 – Hottaetal.(2002) Pyrococcusfuriosusa (esterase) 100 – IkedaandClark(1998) Pyrococcushorikoshii 97 5.6 Andoetal.(2002) Pyrococcushorikoshii 95 7.0 Yanetal.(2000) aActiveatwaterimmisciblesolvents. (Yan et al., 2000) was involved in crude oil refining. polymerases,whichcatalysetheelongationoftheprimer This enzyme was found to optimally react at 95 (cid:2)C and DNA strand (Mullis and Faloona, 1987). pHof7.0.PhospholipaseA hasabetterperformancein In earlier PCR procedures, DNA polymerases which 2 the degummingprocessesofoilrefineriesandtherebyre- were isolated from Escheria coli were utilized (Mullis duces wastewater problems and running costs (Klaus, et al., 1986; Erlich et al., 1988). These enzymes, how- 1998). ever, lost their enzymatic activities at elevated temper- Among the desirable characteristics that commer- atures and, thus, adding a new polymerase enzyme cially important lipases should exhibit, alkali tolerance after each cycle following the denaturation and primer andthermostabilityarethemain(KulkuraniandGadre, hybridization steps was necessary. This process made 1999).Tomeetthisend,thereisacontinuoussearchfor the thermal cycling a time-consuming and costly pro- sources of highly active lipolytic enzymes with specific cedure. stability to pH, temperature, ionic strength and organic Taq polymerase from the bacterium Thermus aquat- solvents (Lee and Rhee, 1993). Although, few lipases icus was the first thermostable DNA polymerase char- existwhichareabletooperateat100(cid:2)C,theirhalf-lives acterized (Chien et al., 1976; Kaledin et al., 1980). are reported to be short (Rathi et al., 2000). Repeatedexposureto98(cid:2)Cinareactionbufferhadlittle The other problem associated with the production of effect on the enzyme activity and significant activity re- lipases and which requires improvements is its secretion mained after exposure to 99 (cid:2)C. Although, Taq poly- at the late stage of growth (Tan and Gill, 1985). Prote- merase exhibits a 50–30 exonuclease activity, a 30–50 ases secreted in the mean-time either change the prop- exonuclease activity was not detected. Thus, the base erties of the lipase produced or degrade it (Cordenons insertionfidelityislowastheenzymeisunabletocorrect et al., 1996). Perhaps it is for this reason that only few misincorporated nucleotides (Longley et al., 1990; Ling lipases can be obtained in industrial quantities (Wu et al., 1991). It had also been possible to determine the et al., 1996). Hence the need for a more stable lipase error rates of some polymerases in terms of base pairs enzyme produced in large quantities. (Alkami Biosystems, 1999). Table 9 shows a variety of thermostable polymerases with 30–50-exonuclease-dependent proof reading activity 11. Thermostable DNA polymerases required from a high fidelity polymerase. Optimization ofthePCRprocedurecanbedonebymixingastandard Thepolymerasechainreaction(PCR)processhasled polymerase, such as Taq polymerase with high fidelity to a huge advance in genetic engineering due to its ca- polymerases (Pfu, Vent and Deep Vent) (Ling et al., pacity to amplify DNA. The three successive steps in 1991). thisprocessincludedenaturationormeltingoftheDNA WhilethePCRprocessisdevelopingrapidlythrough strand (separation) obtained at a temperature of 90–95 theinventionofbetterinstruments(Mariella,2001),lack (cid:2)C, renaturation or primer annealing at 55 (cid:2)C followed of fidelity has remained to be a serious challenge. The bysynthesisorprimerextensionataround75(cid:2)C(Mullis five distinct activities in which errors can occur are the et al., 1986; Erlich et al., 1988; Saiki et al., 1988). De- rate of phosphodiester bond formation, the binding of velopment in this process has been to a large extent dNTP by the polymerase, the rate of pyrophospahte facilitated by the availability of thermostable DNA release, contamination after misincorporation and the