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Developmental Brain Research, 60 (1991) 279-280 Elsevier Author Index Alesiani, M., see Cherici, G., 235 receptor gene expression in the rat stria- receptor behavioral responsitivity follow- Amat, J.A., Fields, K.L. and Schubart, tum during ontogeny: an in situ hybridiza- ing selective lesions of the striatal patch U.K., Distribution of phosphoprotein p19 tion study, 79 compartment during development, 105 in rat brain during ontogeny: stage-specif- Gurwell, J.A., see Stiene-Martin, A., 1 ic expression in neurons and glia, 205 Haas, K.Z., see Sperber, E.F., 88 Ogawa, H., Ohgushi, M., Hasegawa, K. Artola, A., see Kato, N., 43 Hajoés, F., see Zilles, K., 137 and Murayama, M., Differential develop- Hasegawa, K., see Ogawa, H., 271 ment of cortical taste areas in granular Bairmian, D., see Parmelee, J.T., 229 Hatch, W.C., see Lyman, W.D., 155 and dysgranular insular cortices in rats, Bayliss, D.A., see Seroogy, K.B., 241 Hauser, K.F., see Stiene-Martin, A., 1 271 Benedetti, F., The postnatal emergence of a Higgins, D., see Lein, P.J., 187 Ohgushi, M., see Ogawa, H., 271 functional somatosensory representation Huttenlocher, P.R. and Bonnier, C., Effects in the superior colliculus of the mouse, 51 of changes in the periphery on develop- Parmelee, J.T., Bairmian, D. and Johanson, Biedemann, J.A., see Garcia-Rill, E., 267 ment of the corticospinal motor system in C.E., Response on infant and adult rat Birecree, E., King Jr., L.E. and Nanney, the rat, 253 choroid plexus potassium transporters to L.B., Epidermal growth factor and its re- Hokfelt, T., see Seroogy, K.B., 241 increased extracellular potassium, 229 ceptor in the developing human nervous Pellegrini-Giampietro, D.E., see Cherici, system, 145 Johanson, C.E., see Parmelee, J.T., 229 G., 235 Blaschuk, O., see Chuah, M.I., 123 Joyce, J.N., see Neal, B.S., 105 Pfenniger, K.H., see Vigers, A.J., 197 Bloch, B., see Guennoun, R., 79 Joyce, J.N., see Rao, P.A., 161 Péquignot, Y. and Clarke, P.G.H., Reduc- Bonnier, C., see Huttenlocher, P.R., 253 tion in the death and cytolamination of de- Kato, N., Artola, A. and Singer, W., Devel- veloping neurons by tetrodotoxin in the Cherici, G., Alesiani, M., Pellegrini-Giam- opmental changes in the susceptibility to axonal target region, 94 pietro, D.E. and Moroni, F., Ischemia long-term potentiation of neurones in rat does not induce the release of excitotoxic visual cortex slices, 43 Radel, J.D., Kustra, D.J. and Lund, R.D., amino acids from the hippocampus of Kawashima, S., see Kengaku, M., 133 Rapid enhancement of transplant-me- newborn rats, 235 Kengaku, M., Kawashima, S. and Nakane, diated pupilloconstriction after elimina- Chikuma, T., see Rius, R.A., 179 M., Expression of choline acetyltransfer- tion of competing host optic input, 275 Chiu, F.-C., see Lyman, W.D., 155 ase activity in a co-culture of spinal cord Rao, P.A., Molinoff, P.B. and Joyce, J.N., Chow, S.Y., Yen-Chow, Y.C., White, H.S. and skeletal muscle cells is inhibited by Ontogeny of dopamine D, and D, recep- and Woodbury, D.M., pH regulation af- myogenic differentiation inhibitors, 133 tor subtypes in rat basal ganglia: a quanti- ter acid load in primary cultures of mouse King, Jr., L.E., see Birecree, E., 145 tative autoradiographic study, 161 astrocytes, 69 Kress, Y., see Lyman, W.D., 155 Rashbaum, W.K., see Lyman, W.D., 155 Chuah, M.I., David, S. and Blaschuk, O., Kustra, D.J., see Radel, J.D., 275 Reece, L.J. and Schwartzkroin, P.A., Ef- Differentiation and survival of rat olfacto- Kalman, M., see Zilles, K., 137 fects of cholinergic agonists on immature ry epithelial neurons in dissociated cell rat hippocampal neurons, 29 culture, 123 Lauder, J.M., see Liu, J., 59 Rius, R.A., Chikuma, T. and Loh, Y.P., Cimino, M., Zoli, M. and Weiss, B., Differ- Lein, P.J. and Higgins, D., Protein synthesis Prenatal processing of pro-opiomelano- ential ontogenetic expression and regula- is required for the initiation of dendritic cortin in the brain and pituitary of mouse tion of proenkephalin and preprosoma- growth in embryonic rat sympathetic neu- embryos, 179 tostatin mRNAs in rat caudate-putamen rons in vitro, 187 as studied by in situ hybridization histo- Leon, M., see Sullivan, R.M., 219 Schalekamp, M.P.A., see Eisenman, L.M., chemistry, 115 Linden, R., see Serfaty, C.A., 9 261 Clarke, P.G.H., see Péquignot, Y., 94 Liu, J. and Lauder, J.M., Serotonin and Schleicher, A., see Zilles, K., 137 nialamide differentially regulate survival Schubart, U.K., see Amat, J.A., 205 David, S., see Chuah, M.I., 123 and growth of cultured serotonin and Schwartzkroin, P.A., see Reece, L.J., 29 Davies, D.L., see Garcia-Rill, E., 267 catecholamine neurons, 59 Serfaty, C.A. and Linden, R., Evidence that Loh, Y.P., see Rius, R.A., 179 the relative densities of afferents from Eisenman, L.M., Schalekamp, M.P.A. and Lund, R.D., see Radel, J.D., 275 both eyes control laminar distribution and Voogd, J., Development of the cerebellar Lyman, W.D., Tricoche, M., Hatch, W.C., binocular segregation of retinotectal pro- cortical efferent projection: an in-vitro Kress, Y., Chiu, F.-C. and Rashbaum, jections in rats, 9 anterograde tracing study in rat brain W.K., Human fetal central nervous sys- Seroogy, K.B., Bayliss, D.A., Szymeczek, slices, 261 tem organotypic cultures, 155 C.L., Hékfelt, T. and Millhorn, D.E., Fields, K.L., see Amat, J.A., 205 Transient expression of somatostatin mes- Frenk, H., see Van Praag, P.H., 99 McCaugh, J.L., see Sullivan, R.M., 219 senger RNA and peptide in the hypo- McHalffey, C., see Garcia-Rill, E., 267 glossal nucleus of the neonatal rat, 241 Garcia-Arrar4s, Modulation of neuropep- Millhorn, D.E., see Seroogy, K.B., 241 Singer, W., see Kato, N., 43 tide expression in avian embryonic sym- Molinoff, P.B., see Rao, P.A., 161 Skinner, R.D., see Garcia-Rill, E., 267 pathetic cultures, 19 Moroni, F., see Cherici, G., 235 Sperber, E.F., Haas, K.Z., Stanton, P.K. Garcia-Rill, E., Davies, D.L., Skinner, Moshé, S.L., see Sperber, E.F., 88 and Moshé, S.L., Resistance of the imma- R.D., Biedemann, J.A. and McHalffey, Murayama, M., see Ogawa, H., 271 ture hippocampus to seizure-induced syn- C., Fibroblast growth factor-induced in- aptic reorganization, 88 creased survival of cholinergic mesopon- Nakane, M., see Kengaku, M., 133 Stanton, P.K., see Sperber, E.F., 88 tine neurons in culture, 267 Nanney, L.B., see Birecree, E., 145 Stiene-Martin, A., Gurwell, J.A. and Haus- Guennoun, R. and Bloch, B., D, dopamine Neal, B.S. and Joyce, J.N., Dopamine D, er, K.F., Morphine alters astrocyte 280 growth in primary cultures of mouse glial Van Praag, P.H. and Frenk, H., Evidence Woodburg, D.M., see Chow, S.Y., 69 cells: evidence for a direct effect of for opiate tolerance in newborn rats, 99 opiates on neural maturation, 1 Vigers, A.J. and Pfenniger, K.H., N-Type Yen-Chow, Y.C., see Chow, S.Y., 69 Sullivan, R.M., McCaugh, J.L. and Leon, and L-type calcium channels are present M., Norepinephrine-induced _ plasticity in nerve growth cones. Numbers increase Zilles, J., Kalman, M., Hajés, F. and and one-trial olfactory learning in neona- on synaptogenesis, 197 Schleicher, A., Developmental gradients tal rats, 219 Voogd, J., see Eisenman, L.M., 261 of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide Szymeczek, C.L., see Seroogy, K.B., 241 (VIP)-containing neurons in the rat visual Weiss, B., see Cimino, M., 115 cortex detected by image analysis, 137 Tricoche, M., see Lyman, W.D., 155 White, H.S., see Chow, S.Y., 69 Zoli, M., see Cimino, M., 115

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