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Developmental Brain Research, 59 (1991) 253-254 Elsevier Author Index Abnet, K., Fawcett, J.W. and Dunnett, Geller, H.M., see Ling, D.S.F., 99 Perez-Polo, J.R., see Taglialatela, G., 221 S.B., Interactions between meningeal Gonzalez-Martin,, C., De Diego, I., Fairén, Petroski, R.E., see Ling, D.S.F., 99 cells and astrocytes in vivo and in vitro, A., Mellstrém, B. and Naranjo, J.R., Philippe, E., see Duc, C., 209 187 Transient expression of c-fos during the Pouget, A., see Trotter, Y., 23 Aizawa, T., Haga, S. and Yoshikawa, K., development of the rat cerebral cortex, Neural differentiation-associated gener- 109 Raes, M.-B., see Thomas, D., 117 ation of microglia-like phagocytes in mu- Groux-Muscatelli, B., see Thomas, D., 117 Ramacci, M.T., see Taglialatela, G., 221 rine embryonal carcinoma cell line, 89 Guerlotté, J., see Bernard, M., 75 Rawdon, B.B., Extension of sympathetic Angelucci, L., see Taglialatela, G., 221 neurites in vitro towards explants of em- Azmitia, E.C., see Shemer, A.V., 59 Haga, S., see Aizawa, T., 89 bryonic and neonatal mouse heart and Hammer Jr., R.P., see Clow, D.W., 179 stomach: ontogeny of neuronotrophic fac- Barakat-Walter, I., see Duc, C., 209 Hamon, M., see De Vitry, F., 123 tors, 49 Barritault, D., see Thomas, D., 117 Hausman, R.E., Vivek Sagar, G.D. and Reppert, S.M., see Carlson, L.L., 83 Beaux, J.-C., see Trotter, Y., 23 Shah, B.H.., Initial cholinergic differenti- Rhee, S.G., see Yamada, M., 7 Benoliel, J.J., see De Vitry, F., 123 ation in embryonic chick retina is respon- Ringel, M., Bryan, R.M. and Vannucci, Bernard, M., Voisin, P., Guerlotté, J. and sive to insulin and cell-cell interactions, R.C., Regional cerebral blood flow dur- Collin, J.-P., Molecular and cellular as- 31 ing hypoxia-ischemia in the immature rat: pects of hydroxyindole-O-methyltransfer- Hillion, J., see De Vitry, F., 123 comparison of iodoantipyrine and io- ase expression in the developing chick Hotary, K.B. and Robinson, K.R., The neu- doamphetamine as radioactive tracers, pineal gland, 75 ral tube of Xenopus embryos maintains a 231 Blomqvist, A., see Meyerson, B.J., 163 potential difference across itself, 65 Robinson, K.R., see Hotary, K.B., 65 Bloom, F.E., see Sanna, P.P., 104 Boilly, B., see Thomas, D., 117 Imbert, M., see Trotter, Y., 23 Sanna, P.P., Bloom, F.E. and Wilson, Breese, G.R., see McCown, T.J., 1 M.C., Dibutyryl-cAMP induces SNAP-25 Bryan, R.M., see Ringel, M., 231 Jackson, G.R., see Taglialatela, G., 221 translocation into the neurites in PC12, Butcher, L., see Oh, J.D., 133 104 Kim, S.U., see Yamada, M., 7 Sar, M., see Shughrue, P.J., 143 Carlson, L.L., Weaver, D.R. and Reppert, Kimura, H., see Uehara-Kunugi, Y., 157 Schlosshauer, B. and Wild, M., Generation S.M., Melatonin receptors and signal Kirstein, C.L., see Clow, D.W., 179 of monoclonal antibodies specific for de- transduction during development in Sibe- Kondo, H., see Watanabe, M., 113 velopmentally regulated antigens of the rian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), 83 chicken retina, 197 Caruelle, J.-P., see Thomas, D., 117 Le Grevés, P., see Meyerson, B.J., 163 Schulze, P.-E., see Shughrue, P.J., 143 Catelon, J., see De Vitry, F., 123 Ling, D.S.F., Petroski, R.E. and Geller, Schweitzer, L., Morphometric analysis of Clow, D.W., Hammer Jr., R.P., Kirstein, H.M., Both survival and development of developing neuronal geometry in the dor- C.L. and Spear, L.P., Gestational co- spontaneously active rat hypothalamic sal cochlear nucleus of the hamster, 39 caine exposure increases opiate receptor neurons in dissociated culture are depen- Shah, B.H., see Hausman, R.E., 31 binding in weanling offspring, 179 dent on membrane depolarization, 99 Shemer, A.V., Azmitia, E.C. and Whitak- Collin, J.-P., see Bernard, M., 75 er-Azmitia, P.M., Dose-related effects of Mack, K.J., O’Malley, K.L. and Todd, prenatal 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MT) on Daval, J.-L. and Werck, M.-C., Autoradio- R.D., Differential expression of dopa- development of serotonin terminal den- graphic changes in brain adenosine A, re- minergic D, receptor messenger RNAs sity and behavior, 59 ceptors and their coupling to G proteins during development, 249 Shughrue, P.J., Stumpf, W.E., Elger, W., following seizures in the developing rat, McCown, T.J. and Breese, G.R., The role Schulze, P.-E. and Sar, M., Progestin re- 237 of the inferior collicular cortex in the neo- ceptor cells in mouse cerebral cortex dur- De Diego, I., see Gonzdlez-Martin, C., 109 natal rat: sensorimotor modulation, 1 ing early postnatal development: a com- De Vitry, F., Hillion, J., Catelon, J. Thi- Mellstr6m, B., see Gonzdlez-Martin, C., parison with preoptic area and central hy- bault, J., Benoliel, J.J. and Hamon, M., 109 pothalamus using autoradiography with Dopamine increases the expression of ty- Meyerson, B.J., Blomqvist, A., Ericson, ['**T]progestin, 143 rosine hydroxylase and aromatic amino A.-C. and Le Grevés, P., Neonatal expo- Spear, L.P., see Clow, D.W., 179 acid decarboxylase in primary cultures of sure to substance P alters behavioral and Sperber, E.F., see Xu, $.G., 17 fetal neurons, 123 substance P levels in the central nervous Stehelin, D., see Thomas, D., 117 Droz, B., see Duc, C., 209 system of the adult rat, 163 Stumpf, W.E., see Shughrue, P.J., 143 Duc, C., Barakat-Walter, I., Philippe, E. Mizuguchi, M., see Yamada, M., 7 Suzuki, Y. and Takeda, M., Keratins in the and Droz, B., Substance P-like-immuno- Moshé, S.L., see Xu, §.G., 17 developing olfactory epithelia, 171 reactive sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia of the chick embryo: ontogenesis Naranjo, J.R., see Gonzdlez-Martin, C., Taglialatela, G., Angelucci, L., Ramacci, and influence of peripheral targets, 209 109 M.T., Werrbach-Perez, K., Jackson, Dunnett, S.B., see Abnet, K., 187 G.R. and Perez-Polo, J.R., Acetyl-L-car- O’Malley, K.L., see Mack, K.J., 249 nitine enhances the response of PC12 cells Elger, W., see Shughrue, P.J., 143 Oh, J.D., Butcher, L. and Woolf, N.J., Thy- to nerve growth factor, 221 Ericson, A.-C., see Meyerson, B.J., 163 roid hormone modulates the development Takeda, M., see Suzuki, Y., 171 of cholinergic terminal fields in the rat Taniguchi, T., see Uehara-Kunugi, Y., 157 Fairén, A., see Gonzalez-Martin, C., 109 forebrain: relation to nerve growth factor Terai, K., see Uehara-Kunugi, Y., 157 Fawcett, J.W., see Abnet, K., 187 receptor, 133 Thibault, J., see De Vitry, F., 123 254 Thomas, D., Groux-Muscatelli, B., Raes, diaphorase in cultured rat brain neurons: Wild, M., see Schlosshauer, B., 197 M.-B., Caruelle, J.-P., Stehelin, D., Bar- comparison with in vivo expression, 157 Wilson, M.C., see Sanna, P.P., 104 ritault, D. and Boilly, B., Developmental Woolf, N.J., see Oh, J.D., 133 changes of acidic fibroblast growth factor Vannucci, R.C., see Ringel, M., 231 (aFGF) transcription and expression in Vivek Sagar, G.D., see Hausman, R.E., 31 Xu, S.G., Sperber, E.F. and Moshé, S.L., Is mouse brain, 117 Voisin, P., see Bernard, M., 75 the anticonvulsant effect of substantia ni- Todd, R.D., see Mack, K.J., 249 gra infusion of gamma-vinyl-GABA Tooyama, I., see Uehara-Kunugi, Y., 157 Watanabe, M., Yanaihara, N. and Kondo, (GVG) mediated by the GABA, recep- Trotter, Y., Beaux, J.-C., Pouget, A. and H., Partial down-regulation at post-tran- tor in rat pups?, 17 Imbert, M., Temporal limits of the sus- scriptional level of the gene expression for ceptibility of depth perception to proprio- preproenkephalin in the superior cervical Yamada, M., Mizuguchi, M., Rhee, S.G. ceptive deafferentations of extraocular ganglion of the maturing rat, 113 and Kim, S.U., Developmental changes muscles, 23 Weaver, D.R., see Carlson, L.L., 83 of three phosphoinositide-specific phos- Werck, M.-C., see Daval, J.-L., 237 pholipase C isozymes in the rat nervous Uehara-Kunugi, Y., Terai, K., Taniguchi, Werrbach-Perez, K., see Taglialatela, G., system, 7 T., Tooyama, I. and Kimura, H., Time 221 Yanaihara, N., see Watanabe, M., 113 course of in vitro expression on NADPH- Whitaker-Azmitia, P.M., see Shemer, Yoshikawa, K., see Aizawa, T., 89 A.V., 59

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