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Development, seasonal polyphenism and cold hardiness of the blue pansy, Junonia orithya orithya (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) PDF

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Preview Development, seasonal polyphenism and cold hardiness of the blue pansy, Junonia orithya orithya (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ueLva LepidopteraScience62(2)5:7-63,June2011 Development, seasonal polyphenism and cold hardinessof the b!ue pansy, Jitnon ioraithya orithya (Lepidoptera,Nymphalidae) Norio HI.RA I[,[etsu TQANIKAWA and Minoru IsH{I Entomological Laboratory ,Graduate Schoo lof Life and Enyironment Science, sOsaka Prefectur eUniversit yS,akai, Osaka,599-8531Japan Abstract The blu epansy, J"nonia orithya erithya (Lepidopte rNay,mpha!idae )wa,s reared under a photoperio dof 12L-12D (sho rdaty) at 20 or 25eC or under 16L-8D (Ion dgay )at 20, 2S or 30eC ,and larv adlevelopmen ste,asonal polyphenism and cold hardines swere examined. The mean duratio nof larva land pupa lstages decreas esdignificantiy with increas ein temperature T.he developmenta lthreshol d(to a)nd the thermal eonstant (K )for the 1arv aanld pupa lstages were13.70Cand208.3day-degrees,and13.4 ℃ and99day-degrees,respectively,A]thoughal1theadultfernalesmaintained under 16L-8D at 20 and 250C produced mature eggs one week after emergence, none of those under 12L-12D at 200C had produce dmature eggs even 14 days after aclult eclesion. Adults exhibited seasonar polypheni simn response to the photoperio dand temperature experienced at the 1arya land pupal stages, Under long-d apyhotoperiod ast high temperatures, eyespots dovelope odn the yentral surface of the hind wing in both sexes, with an orange patter nalso appearing on the dorsa lsurface of the hLnd wing in females only (long- dfoarym) .In contrast, under short day at lew temperature, the eye spots were obscure and the dorsa slurface of the bind wing was usually bl ue in female (sshort- fdbarmy) T.he supercooling points fo rlarva ep,upae and adults were approximately -12, -17 and -20eC ,respectively, irrespecti vofe photoperiodic conditions, Key wordsDevelopment,seasonaLpolyphenism,cQ}dhardiness,distribution,Jitnoniaorithyaorithya,butt ¢niy,Japan, Introduction cold-hardjness (e, Sg¢.mme, 1982) w,as als omeasured to T(hLee pbilude oppatnseNyry, amJ,puhnaonliiad a(e=)iP,srdeicsi tosrri)itbhyuati enodrCihthiynaa, eelxupcaindsaitoen tohfe tfhai scspteoc iriessn.volve idn the recent northward [lhiwa naiid Japan (e, gS,hir6zu ,1960; Tsukada, 1985; Igarash aind Fukuda ,1997) ,While litt lies known about Materials and methods tadhule tosve arrwein ktenrionwgn t oo fov tehrwii snstpeercie isn sionu tmahiwnelsantdern J Oakpiann at,whea, EggIsr oifo tm oo,t eoIristhlyaan wdeOr,kei onbatawianePdre ffreocmt au freem,ale captured JttJwehoaas itptps ehasarepn n n ea(acn,ninUJedusae arl psei caunno onHg r(rod1tiNhsn9 wh,asa9ahrk8dvu a;,Se igS hdnhiaicirmsrk61pioez9e,kua 9ru,2s s7ia0 ean;enY0 dlfdr6be )aKscd .uyehTlnutihsts yoeh2 e,fuo0acr ri0co usst2 mrlr h;siSeornkuhctoeheielu rrdnyg 6uohfzeouu,t oJtafnnahed pem e aaofvntf a(eercsci tasw,n e o2ra fed 4, pee hvrNeeo a,1ltr 2eood3p p"m eEuen)r ndi iet ianr onJn ddau d laut y le2ptms0hp,0oe lr4ta a.olrtpnvu oraeree rd poe, inru so o powtfudiaton hde g1wae2en sdpLtt-a eear-dtmnn1til2tenDren 2006, Fu kuda 2 004 ,2oo8) .T his spe cies is k nown to exhibit (25sho3 rd0at"yC) T.ohr e1l6aLr-8vDa e(lon dgay) at tmeimpxetruarteure osf 20, m(aerk.edNgo,b saeyasaosnahli2, p0o02l)y.Apthteenmipes orfma twje nlga tpiattutdeep srih,nno ttheo fpieerlidoddi oe rt( Ins e Fc- tIIa ,Ni hweorne- rNeoarseda non- Ka og yCoo,, Joafp aartni) faincdial ipso tlh yep phreinmiacrb yuctuet earf ffeic tiiengs, twhie t ahdtuletm ppeh ernaottuyrpee aolfsokn3woi0lw%lno wdt,ro ibhe`ed s]teia cfpi opawrdoecr" mpbreenpsa r(es dfer Hoeim rtah ie ahnods tI pslhain it2 ,w,0a0te1r). involved(e,gD.anilevskii1,961;Shapiro1,976;Kato, The 1 st to 4th insta rwsere kept in clear plast iPcetr idishes 1986;Ma salc i Yata,19 88)A.lt houghNa kanis hi (diamet 5e rcm:, depth :1 cm) and the 5th (fin ailns)tars (197 5 i)nves tanidg a steaesdo nal po lymorphi sm in thi ssp eecti aels, wceornedit ikoenpst iusn 2t0h0o ms leus ecd]e atro mpalinatsatini lccaurpvsa,e ,Un dadeurl tt hfee smaamlees underdifferentphotoperiodsat25"C,thecombinedeffect of photoperi oandd temperature remaisied unclear, waenrde f ekde p1t 0i%n dsuigvarid wuaatelr liyn atdr itainbgiulta" r megv]erayss dian yee nfvOelr oOp-es 14 In th epresen tstudy, effects of phetoperio adnd ternperature days after adult emergence. The abdomens of females on seasonal pelyphenism of adults in thi sspecies were were dissecte udnder a stereomicroscope O, 3, 7 or 14 examined under laborato cronyditions, The supercoo}jng days after adult emetgence and the number of mature eggs poin (tSCP) wh,ich is generall ryegarded as the lower Iimit in the ovary was recorded, Eggs with a heigh tof appro- of survival and used as a convenient measure of insect ximatel yO,5 mm and with longitudin railb son the chorion NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 58 N.HIRA] et al. a b c a bt cssptpa-・ft -1 "t.. ts ・ }.. ' '.''eB]ue o 1 2 Blue and Orange Orange Fig .1.Variati eofn number of eyespots (arrow sen) Fig.2.Color patter nvari ation of dorsa hlind wing a ventral hindwing in .L orith.va orith.va .a: in female Z orithya orith>,a .a: blue b,: blue no spot, b: single spot, c: two spots, and orangc, c: orange. Ilei b1l .eMean larva alnd pupa lstages (day ±s SE) ot' J/ orithya orithyaunderdifferent temperature andphotoperiodLcconditions Condition No, of ]arva linstars Larva rv Pupa N beforg.Rgpgtt.oLn 3o'c25"C 161i8D16LT8D 556565656 12,S±O,12a 33131 861,5 12±2 O2.30471a01732l21814222241014 19.7±O.52c 8.4 ± O.23b 20,2± O.25c 8, 3± O,14b 12L"12D 17,4 O,25b 9.0 O.15b ± ± 1g.g±o.21bc 9.0±O.1lb 20"C 16L-8D 30.3 O,33d 15.7 O,]3c ± ± 33.3 O,75e 165 O.29c ± ± 12L-12D 34,5 O,45e 18.7 O.30d ± ± 36,6 O,33f 18,6 O,23d ± ± Means fo11owe bdy the same lette irn each column are not significa]]tly differe natt 5% level sby TUkey-KrameHrSD test. were considered to be mature eggs, and female hsaving of larva alnd pupal stages decreas esdignificantly with at leas tone mature egg jn the ovary were regarded as increa sien tempertttu rAet. 200C ,the meari durati oofn mature, Based on the relationship betwee ntemperature larva land pupal stages was significantly shorter under and developmenta lrate, the deve]opmenta lthresholds (to) long-day conditions than under short-day conditions for and thermal constants (K )fOr larva alnd pupa lstages were both types of individua lwshich pupate dafter 5 and 6 calculated. In addition, the number of eyespots on the instar sT.he te and K for the larva alnd pupa ]stages was ventral hindwing in beth sexes (O ,1 or 2; Fig, 1), and the 13,70C and 208,3 day-degree sa,nd 13.4℃ and 99 day- color of the dorsa hlind wing in females (`blu `belue', & degree sre,spectively ([Ih b2)l.e orange' or `orange'; Fig .2) were also recorded. The SCPs of the 4th insta lrarva ep,upae and adult wsere also measured usingamethodofYbshioandlshii(2001)slightlymodified. Prior to the SCP measurements, individu ianlsec twesre Thble 2. The regression line sfor temperature (a abnd developmcntal 150Cfor leas3tdays. rate(",develpmentalthreshold(to)andthermalconstants acclimated under short-day at at (K )calculated by relations between temperatures and clcvelopnie nrtutaesl of eggs and pupa of L orith.ya ResultsUnder orith)'a the long day at 3OOC, all individu as plasse dthrough StageReo=res sion lineRto ("C()dKdes)N fiv learva ilnsta rbsefbr epupatin Agt. 20 and 250C, however, LarvaPu -O.066+O.O048t 13.7 1arva epassed through fiv eor six instar bsoth under the avevL -o,14+e.olotOe..9956*e*j*, **l3.4208. 399.08891 long- and short-day conditions (Tab l1e) ,Mean duration """: significance at O.1 % leve lby t-test NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan Seasona plolypheni somf JLtnon ioraith.v aorithya 59 Fig ,3,Male and ferna laedults of .I .orithya orithya reared underdifferentphotoperiod andtempratureconditions, 300C16L-8D '-t tt' Ngr ' '' 250C16L-8D 250C12L-l2D g 1? 'ft8 4 t)'s,r"..'i ts i o t.tt ' t 200C16L-8D 20'C12L-12D NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 60 N. H[RAI et aL Tabl e3. Percentag oefs fema]e wsith rnature eggs O, 3, 7 aiid 14 days after adult ernergence. Sample sizes are shown in parentheses. Daftdit m Cenditionp o 3 7 14 250C 16L-8D12L-12OD(116)LO-(81D>2iO02(,L1O-)(1O25(D1))331.030(2)]6.7 (6) (6)100 200C O (6) (2) O (4) O (4)O (2) Tal)l e4. Numbers (%) ofX orith)'a orithya individua lwsith O,lor 2 eye spots on a ventral hindwing, and female$ with wi ng color patte rofn Blue, BIue & Orange and Oraiige Condition MNaulmeber ofe esots on a vcntral hinFdewrinnaole Wing patte rofn females e I 2 o 1 2 BlueBiue.g&zyOl{ypggrYOIggn.!Elg- 3onc251`6CL-8D16Lr8oD (1o2L)-o12D14 6(L3-08.D812)L39T( (11265D9..02))ol7e(o)e 2(13.3)e13 (86.7)1 10 <(61.070))46 (40.0)58 (53,3)1(10Mo(o)1 (o)19 (85.0)o (o)16 (o)o(o)4(33,3)o(40.0)17(50.0)o (100)o (o)7 (o) (94,1)4 1 (5.9)4 (100)10 (o)1(8.3)o 200C (o)9(]OO()87.5)o1(i2.5)o (33,3)II (33.3)o((o8)3.3)11 (8.3)o (o) co) (100) (o) (100) (o) (o) Thbl e5. Mean (±SD) supercooling point sof 1arva ep,upae and adults of X orithya orithya Condition Larva-N Pgrm.-i.N Adult N 25eC20thC16L- 8D12Ln12DL-51 O.78 le10-16.9 O.36 10lerm19.0 O.34 67 ± ± ± -12.8 O.61 -17.7 O.28 -19.3 O.45 ± ± ± N,S. N.S, N,S, N.S. :not significant at 5 % leve bly t-test Irrespectiveoftemperatureandphotoperiodicconditio2n0s,0C (8%) i, taccounted for 10% and 8% only, respectively. no femal ehad mature eggs at adult eclosion; even at 3, 7 AlthoughwedidnotperfOrrnaquantitativeanalysis,there aomnbadsteu rrve1e4d df aeuymnsad learefts ewrseh roeremte r egdbesnaecyre v,aetd 2n 0oa0s C me.a atrAluytre 2a 5sf0 e3C m, dahaloyewss e waveferteerr, anpepaera rtedhe e tndo b oef a vteirne nMd i1nd wwaheiyrceh. rtnhoree ap ipcresom oifn tehne t fibn radeuwltisng emergence (Tab l3e) .All the females maintained under maintained under short long-da yconditions at 20 and 25eC had matu re eggs seven The supercooling point sfor the larvae p,upae and adults days after emergence, wereapproximately-12,-17and-200Crespectively([IleLble 5).Althoughthere differencbeetween Attoed mudpleitrfs afetxeuhrriebein ttcerdee sai stnem ateshneetnas le(x pFceorili ogmT3e,n) pt ,aoAllty 2p5 h peahnnodit so2m p0ie"n rCrei,s poaolnd sl eatndhe tavhee r algeen SgC -Pansd o fs ehaoc rhwta- ssdta ayngoe ewsxaipsgenr isiflmiiecgnahtntatll y lo twree riatn im enndtis,v itdheuals individua losf both sexes had at leas tone eyespot on the maintained under short-day conditions. hind wing and 69,2-1OO% ef them had two eyespots under long-da yconditiQns, whereas most individua losf both Discussion 4hsoer)ax .d2eUs onn( lhdy3ae3d r a %nl o s)eoiyn ngee]gys eepsdop atoetsyys, eas tpA o2ultn0,td{he Crfo,eu amgslhaht olthrohteu-rs gdehhaeay wd im noc0gso tn(d 3ic otm3liao%olrne)ss ,1p a(((tT83ta8e3br%%nl)s)e AsntLoelitstg thhaetroldr uy,se gudsgthe getedlhs eat ailytn gae aunrdn ytdveh aaroanfld t ns ehti opthrhteue rpt ade olam fsypt taaeghter es2as0t eOosufCtra , Jge te.s ohsore. es pnoehtr seiotrtath dgyoeiapsae wpwreearireueosdes were observed in females ,the proportie nof the `blue' under these conditions. As in Fukuda et al, (1983 a)t ,20 morph increase dunder short-day or low temperature and 25OC, the 1arva sltage consisted of either 5 or 6 jnstars, cdoandyit iaotn s3;00C t(h5e 3`oran%ge') b,ut u nmdeerrph 1 ownasg d pary eatv a2l5eenC u tn(de1rO %sh )oarntd while at 300C, i tconsisted of 5 instar sA.lthough the NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Seasona plolypheni somf Junonia orithya orith),a 61 Tlabl 6e. Summary of differen cien wsing patter onfs M orithya orithya under differ epnhtotoperio danidc temperature conditions in thi sstudy athtd [[emperature Phenotypep w Ld Shtd High No.ofeyespotsi) 2none o1argenone Bluepart2) or sma]1 Orange part2) 1arge Low NQ, of eyespots O-2 olargenone Bluepart iarge Oran e art none or small D No. of eyespots on the ventral hindwin gin both sexes 2) coloration of the dorsa lhind wing in females proportio unndergoing 6 inst alrarva sltages was highest temperature forms (Tsuka 1d9a8,5 ;Nobayash i20,02) and in the 25"C/ 12L-12D treatment, the effect of photoperiod summer and autumn forms (Fukud 2a0,04) r,espectively, was not apparent, Accorclin tgo Kirita n(i1997 t)h,e average In a congeneric species, JLtnoni aalmana, the apices of f oand K values fbr Japanes elepidopter aspnecies is 1 O.40C the fbrewin bgecome more prominent under short day in (IVt8 a3n)d 463.3 (N=80 )re,spectively, Although the to Japan (Sek i1 9,68). Though fain atnd dicacu tlot quantify, and K of the egg stage were not determin eidn this study, a simi1ar trend was observed in the adults examined in the to value of tbi sspe ¢ie sis relatively high compared thi sstudy, Althoug hNakanishi et al. (197 5e)xamined with other lepidopter asnpeeies, only the etfec tofpbotoperi od, we found tha tthe temperature As in Nakanis heti at, ( 1975) ,ovarian development in the aflesom aaflleecst,edl npaorlyep1haetneidssm opfe wciniges c,olPorr,e pcairstoicctualva iiranl,ythetemperature butterfiies inthis delayed abIbIudnoyenud nalemsdtrgah dt douu riarstoeyhn o,dar t7ta 2 ydtd0anh0aye oCe ysp xw , aa (rtfmtwot1ieeenp7remo dfpe%rmee t)etmr rihagaee alt onnnefuc es ru m(nae (tds1uet2 ruru0end00dy "e]% r wC foa)wc ens)elormng o edadcinllat ecg eidyaoo sr nnalw(fsyaiy;1 sr amt0 e uld20ne0d%we 0re)taCtre, ioJdFfsur e tnosmheomoaen snoiotnsnahl ateyla lr rmee aansnfatuv otliertrodso mbn s m ieeoi nnf mnto JarAtleahfpiras i nifsc,mt aa uptc(dhoytMe,ro tc prawafLhefneo et( ctotcSiood nnepgc1,]ke 9u tri6d1he8i,9e ) o6i h, 7dwnta,h hsci1 alib9te d6et 8eieh)nnen,ce photoperiodistheprimarycueinducingpolyphenism,but 25aC, even one week after emergence. These findings thatternperatureisalsoinvolved, suggest that the females of this species enter reproductive diapause when maintained under short day, especially The cold-hardiness of nurnerous insect hsas been reported when the larva lor pupal stages were exposed to low to increas ein response to cool temperatures durin gthe temperatureconditiens. overwintering stage (Baus atnd RoJ'a s1,985; Asahina, Difference isn wing pattern usnder differ epnhottoperiods 199 1) .SFCorP example, [[l:oy eetr al. (1b9u9t 6rte)eporrtfeldi Dteahsna,at tuhse and temperatures in this study are summarized in [Ilable mean of migrating monarch plexiju)us,wassignificantlylewerthanthatofnon-migrants. 6vteh. neUt ronradalneg ersu lrd foepanvcaeget d ltoaoefypm lt eohnhdiie nhtgfhih etenme ddam woplireenrsgs(asatl lsu uoirrfenn asbcge,o -tt hfdho efo saeer ytxymeehss¢)p, ,Coh toaissnn vd w oeewnlirnl gst ,eahsely [os,tl u eodrsyih,t ohifyra to hg(we iat1sh9r eh9ei 0ssgtuh)aggegeesss t tieexnd atm ihnte ehadd,au ttlt ht he scet oaSlgCdeP. h Ioafn r ttd hhoie. nporeri tesohfsysa eJn.t wthehireen ed yweel s1p ots were obs cubrelu ae(n ds htohe rdto- rfdsoaa rsylumr )fiacnef eofm athlees wsatsag el, obwuest tt ihne rt ehwea asd unlot sstiaggnei faincda nh tdiighfefse tirne tn hbcee eltawreveanl wing was usually differentphotoperiods, maintainedunderconditionsoflowternperatureandshort day in this study. Nakanishi et al. (1975 a)lso reported the Uesugi (199 8re)ported that the distribut ioofn this species seasonal color polyphenism in adults of this species under was previous lreystricted to Yaeyama lslan idR southwestern differe npthotoPeriod ast 25OC, and celor-pattern changes Japan ,but that they have regularly been ebserved to induced by exposure to specific temperatures or chemjcals overwinter in Okinawa Islan dfrom the 1990s onward. have also been reported (Otal ecti at., 2005; Otaki ,2008; Nakagami (1998 a)ls oobserved thi sspecies in Kagoshima KusabaandOtaki,2009;MahdietaL,2010).Itisconsidereidn 1987, 1991 and I996; however ,i tfaile tdo overwinter that the long-day and short-day forms obseryed in this there O,n the other hand, Fukuda (200 4r)eared larva eof study correspond to wet-season and dry-seaso nforms this species in natural temperature and photoperiodic (Nakanis eht ial., 1975) ,high-temperatur eand low- conditions in Kagoshima Cit yfrom October 2002 to May NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan 62 N. H[RAI et al. 2003 and fOund that some adults emerged from April to and the thermal constant in insect sm,ites and nematQdes in May 2003 .According to Fukuda (2008 t)h,i sspecies has Japan. The Misce]Laneous Publicati oonfs the National succeededinoverwinteringin[IbkunoshimaandOkinoerabu Institu toef Agro-Envirenmen tSacliences 21. 72 pp. (In Islands K,agoshima Prefectu irn erecent years O.ne of the Japanese with English summary) hostplants,Xprocumbens,isverycommonalongroaKdu$siald)ea sK,. and J ,M. Otaki 2,009 .Positiona dlependence of scale throughou Htonshu, Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan (Osada, size and shape in butterf lwyings: Wing-wide phenotypic 1984), and it is possibl ethat J. o. orithya breeds eoordination of celer-pattern e]ernents and backgroun d,.L opportunistically in thes aereas, Kamitan aindYata (2002) insec Pthysiol .55 :1741 82, Mahdi,S,H.A.,S.Gima,YTbmita,H.YhmasakiandJ.M.Otaki. eaOslctmeiamnaaant, eid f tw thohue laadtv etr haegex edpain tdsetmpr eeixrtbaetunust iroivfeeo laiyn ncco nragereQnauesnrdei cbdy t lsh p[Ce.e cPi aeFscr,io mfXic 2ibu0nt1dt0ue. crPef hdlhyiuesm sXio: roI'alnlo sfgeaicc cPttcahhoa lryrfasoctrie rowi ilz5nag.6ti :o 1nc0o2]o2 r-o-lf p0a 3ttht1 ee. rcn oclhd-asnhgoecks- in the results of thi sstudy, i tis considered tha tadults with Masaki, S. and O. Yata, 1988, Seasonal adaptation and reproductive diapause are suited to overwinter. Thus the photoperiedis min butterfl Sipeesc. .B"ll L,q) .Soc .lpn <.6): minimum temperature in winter arid the condition of food 341-・38 (3I, nJapanese with English summary) plant sin early spring might be important factor sfor McLeoct, L., 1 968. Controlle denvironment experiments with determinin tghe northern distribu t]iiomni otf thi sspecies. Preci osctauia Cram. (Nymphali ,dL Raees.) Le.pid .7: 1-1 8. Nakagafni,YL,1997,RecenttopicsofbutterfiiesinsouthernKyusyu Acknowledgments distr iIcVta.tt {arnde insec t3s2(3) 2:7-3 1 .(I nJapanese) Nakagami, Y/, 1998. Warmifig and butterfii eisn Kagoshima We express our sincere thanks to Dr Hirowatar aind other Prefecture,Ntit"reandbisects33(14):34-35.(InJapanese) members of the Entomological Laborator oyf Osaka Nakanishi ,A. ,R. Arakawa and K. Matsuzawt 1t9,75. Seusonal Prefectu Urneiversi ftbyr thei krind advice and assistance, polymolphism in Junonia orithya. Pulex (57 )2:36. 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Kiritan iK,., 1997 ,The low developme ntthreshold temperature Tsukuda E,. ,1985 .Butterfi oif etshe south eastAsian islands P.art NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Seasona plolyphenism of Junonia‘orithya  orithya 63   4、NymphaHdae 1.558pp, Plapa Ccorpora三〇tn, Tokyo, 長口条件 ドで飼育し,発育,季節型,耐寒性を調査した.幼 U e suPgr,i eKf,e1c9t9u,8 .rNGeartoubra ela wnadrlminnsgects an 3d3 b(u1t4)t;e3r6f− lf3ya7u.n(al in nJ Oakpiannaewas)e 虫虫期と蛹のの発平育均零発点育to期と間有は効温積度算の温上度昇κrとはと, もt3.に7℃短とくな208り.3,幼凵 Yoshjo, M .,2002, Nor山ward  invasio nof butterfii aends climatic 度,蛹期は13.4℃ と99囗度と算出された.25℃ では長H ・   wa エming ,1>atu re and  lnsect s37(1):4−7.(In Japanese) 短日ともに3日目に,20℃ 長日では7日日に成熟卵を持つ Yoshiq M . and M , Ishj,21001.Rclati$ohnip betwee cnoldhardiness 個体が見られたが,20℃ 短凵では14日目にも成熟個体は       amEnendmnto nnoormtθhtw , arLZdoo(Ll血,e3pva6isd:io3op2囗t9j−cn3r血a3:e5P .garpeialt mioormnoiDda)e biun tJtaep且rayn, P, Aapppillわ. 温見られ長られた日,なで雌か発雄達っ後たし翅.(成裏長虫面日期の型眼に),は状低紋温日長と短雌と円温ので度後は翅に眼表状よる面紋季のが節橙消型色失がはし見高て 雌の後翅表面は青色となる (短日型)傾向が強く認められ 摘  要 た.幼虫(4齢).蛹,成虫の過冷却点を測定したところ.そ 季ア節オ多タ型テハおモよびド耐キ寒(鱗性翅(平目,井タ規テ央ハ・チ谷ョ川ウ哲科朗)・の石発井育実と) 飼れぞ育れ日長約一に12よ,る−1差7,は−2認0℃めらとれななりか,成っ 虫たで.最も低かっ たが, アオタテハ モ ドキJ“nonia  orith,v. a urithya を実験室内の 25. (Received January 14,201LAccepted  March l 5,2〔}11) 20℃ の 12L−12D (短日)と16L−8D (長日)および3. OeCの 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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