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Preview development of symbiotic yoghurt for elderly people b. shireesha 2012

DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC YOGHURT FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE B. SHIREESHA B. H. Sc (Home Science) MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY (FOOD TECHNOLOGY) 2012 DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC YOGHURT FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE BY B. SHIREESHA B. H. Sc (Home Science) THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY (FOOD TECHNOLOGY) CHAIRPERSON: Dr. S. SHOBHA DEPARTMENT OF FOODS AND NUTRITION POST GRADUATE AND RESEARCH CENTRE ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD– 500 030 2012 i CERTIFICATE Ms. B. SHIREESHA has satisfactorily prosecuted the course of research and that the thesis entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC YOGHURT FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE” submitted is the result of original research work and is of sufficiently high standard to warrant its presentation to the examination. I also certify that the thesis or part thereof has not been previously submitted by him for a degree of any university. Date: -0 -2012 (Dr. S. SHOBHA) Chairperson Place: Hyderabad ii CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC YOGHURT FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE” submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Food technology of the Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, is a record of the bonafide research work carried out by Ms. B. Shireesha under our guidance and supervision. The subject of the thesis has been approved by the Student's Advisory Committee. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. The published part has been fully acknowledged. All assistance and help received during the course of the investigation have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. (Dr. S. SHOBHA) Chairman of the Advisory Committee Thesis approved by the Student's Advisory Committee Chairman : (Dr. S. Shobha) Professor _____________________ Department of Foods and Nutrition College of Home science, ANGRAU Hyderabad-500 004. Member : (Dr. K. Aparna) Assistant Professor _____________________ Department of Foods and Nutrition Post Graduate and Research Centre ANGRAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. Member : (Dr. K. Kondal Reddy) Professor & University Head _____________________ Department of Live stock products Technology College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030. iii DECLARATION I, B. SHIREESHA, hereby declare that the thesis entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC YOGHURT FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE” submitted to the Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University for the degree of Master of Science in Food technology is the result of original research work done by me. I also declare that no material contained in the thesis has been published earlier in any manner. Place: Hyderabad (B.SHIREESHA) Date: -05-2012 I.D. No. FST/10 - 01 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In everyone’s life, the day arises when one has to shape ones feelings in words. At the outset for me the time has come to gather the words for expressing my gratitude towards all those who helped me in building my career. I feel a great pleasure in expressing my whole hearted sense of gratitude to Chairman of Advisory Committee, Dr. S. Shobha, Professor, College Of Home science, Departmennt of Foods and Nutrition, ANGRAU, Hyderabad, for her Scholastic guidance, constructive criticism, unceasing interest, valuable knowledge, technical advice, patient audience, scientific view, amiable dealing, providing each and every facility, warmer affection and mental support, without whom it was impossible to complete the research project. I wish to express my esteem to Dr. K. Aparna, Member of Advisory Committee, Assistant Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Post Graduate and Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, for her sustained interest, caring nature, immense help, constant inspiration and fruitful advice and co-operation. I am also obliged to Dr. K. Kondal Reddy, Member of Advisory Committee, Professor and University Head, Department of Live Stock products Technology, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyederabad, for providing essential, suggestions, facilities and help during the tenure of this study. I express my sincere thanks to Dr. K. Manorama, Professor and Head, Department of Food Technology, Post Graduate and Research Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, for her suggestions, facilities and help during the tenure of this study. I express my sincere thanks to the staff members Dr. K. Uma maheswari, Dr. T.V Hymavathi, Dr. C. Gopal Rao and Dr. T.V.N. Padmavathi for their cooperation and help during the P.G. Programme. No scholar can complete the work on his own. He or she has to get a little help from their friends for one or the another item of works, so I owe my gratitude towards my batch mates Raju, Padma, Srilatha, and all my Seniors and Juniors. v I express my sincere thanks to Prathima, Microbiologist, Q.C, and Mr. P.V. Mallikarjuna Reddy, and Sahithi, college of veterinary science, SVU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. Merely words are not sufficient to express my sentiments towards my parents B. Shankaraiah and Smt. Padma, and my inlaws K. Gattaiah and Smt. Rajeshwari and to my husband Mahender, my lovable sisters and brothers Rama, Bhagya and Uday, Srinivas, Ravi, Shiva for their unbounding love and dedicated efforts to educate me to this level without whose encouragement and invaluable moral support, the thesis would not seen the light of the day. I am thankful to my department staffs, Research Assistants Spandana and Deepika and attenders Bharathamma, Rukmini, Babu Rao, for their kind cooperation during my entire P. G. Programme. I felt elated to express my bountiful thanks to those who directly or indirectly helped me in successful completion of thesis work. Above all my wholehearted prostration’s to the Almighty for sprinkling his blessings up on me to complete this task. Date: June 2012 Place: Hyderabad (B. Shireesha) vi LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page No. 1-4 I INTRODUCTION II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5-26 III MATERIAL AND METHODS 27-39 IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 40-54 V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 55-57 LITERATURE CITE 58-73 74-96 APPENDICES vii LIST OF TABLES S. Table Title Page No No No 1 3.1 Samples of different formulations. 34 2 4.1 Formulations used in the three products 40 T1,T2 and T3. 3 4.2 The quality parameters analyzed. 41 4 4.3 Microbial Analysis of samples on 1st day of product 46 preparation. 5 4.4 Microbial analysis of three samples T1, T2 and T3 47 after 21 days of storage at 4-60 C temperature 6 4.5 Mean Scores for various attributes 51 viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATION S. No Fig No Title Page No 1 3.1 Microstructure of yoghurt with or without added 32 starch 2 4.1 Graphical representation of dairy quality parameters. 44 3 4.2 Graphical representation of nutritional parameters 45 4 4.3 Graphical representation of minerals, dietary fibre 45 and pH 5 4.4 Graphical representation of microbial analysis of T1 48 sample 6 4.5 Graphical representation of microbial analysis of T2 48 sample. 7 4.6 Graphical representation of sensory values (mean± 53 S.D) with respect to attributes of product. ix

of the Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, is a record of the Departmennt of Foods and Nutrition, ANGRAU, Hyderabad, for her I express my sincere thanks to Prathima, Microbiologist, Q.C, and Mr This quality makes the product more suitable for anyone who suffers from.
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