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Development of Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in presence of magnetic field PDF

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Preview Development of Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in presence of magnetic field

1 1 0 2 Development of Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor n 1 a J 0 2 Instability in presence of magnetic field 2 ] h p - m Manoranjan Khan,Labakanta Mandal∗,Rahul Banerjee,Sourav Roy and M. R. Gupta 3 s a l p Department of Instrumentation Science & Centre for Plasma Studies . s c i s Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, India y h p [ 1 Abstract v 4 0 6 8 5 Fluidinstabilities likeRayleigh-Taylor,Richtmyer-Meshkov andKelvin-Helmholtzinstability 3 . 1 6 can occur in a wide range of physical phenomenon from astrophysical context to Inertial Con- 0 1 1 7 finement Fusion(ICF).Using Layzer’s potential flow model, we derive the analytical expressions : v i 8 of growth rate of bubbleand spike for ideal magnetized fluidin R-T and R-M cases. In presence X r a 9 of transverse magnetic field the R-M and R-T instability are suppressedor enhanced depending 10 on the direction of magnetic pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. Again the interface of two 11 fluid may oscillate if both the fluids are conducting. However the magnetic field has no effect 12 in linear case. 13 Keywords:Rayleigh-Taylor,Richtmyer-Meshkov instability,magnetic effect ∗ e-mail: [email protected] 1 1. Introduction 14 At the two fluid interface if heavier fluid is supported by lighter fluid, Rayleigh-Taylor instability 15 (RTI) can occur. When a shock(storng/weak)is passed through the interface of two fluid the inter- 16 face will be unstable and Richtmyer-Meshkov instability (RMI) can occur. The nonlinear structure 17 resemble like a bubble(when the lighter fluid pushes across the unperturbed interface into the heavier 18 fluid) and a spike (if the fluids are altered) arise due to this kind of fluid instability. RTI and RMI 19 can occur from astrophysical situation to Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF). 20 In ICF, high density fuel is compressed and accelerated towards the origin of the target sphere 21 by multi KJ laser shock. During shock passage, the interface become unstable which inhibits the 22 compression in the fusion process. Researchers are searching ways to stabilize these fluid instabilities. 23 Using Layzer’s approximations several authors[1-3] derive the velocity of bubble and spike in linear 24 and nonlinear domain. Magnetic fields can also be generated due to the ponderomotive force when 25 the fluids are ionized [4,5]. The effect of magnetic field on Rayleigh - Taylor instability has been 26 studied in details previously by Chandrasekhar [6]. The growth rate has been found to be lowered 27 both for continuously accelerated (RTI) and impulsively accelerated (RMI) two fluid interface when 28 ~ k has a component parallel to the magnetic field [7,8]. 29 Our paper is addressed to the problem of the temporal development of the nonlinear interfacial 30 structure caused by RM and RT instability in presence of a magnetic field parallel to the surface of 31 separation and perpendicular to the acceleration of the two fluids. The wave vector is assumed to lie 32 in the same plane and perpendicular to the magnetic field.In this type of geometrical situation, no 33 2 effect of the magnetic field is found in the linear approximation. However, in the nonlinear regime, 34 the effect of magnetic field is predominant. It has been seen that the nonlinear growth rate may be 35 enhanced or depressed according as the magnetic pressure contribution is either positive or negative. 36 Wehavestudied analytically andnumerically thenonlinear behavior ofthefluidinterfaceinpresence 37 of magnetic field. 38 2. Basic equations and geometry of the problem 39 We have considered two infinite fluids of different constant density separated at y = 0. The heavier fluid of density ρ is along +ve y axis where as the lighter fluid of density ρ lies along -ve y axis. h l Gravity also acts along-ve y direction. The magnetic field acts along zˆ direction. So the Maxwell equation is easily valid i.e. ∇~ .B~ = 0. After perturbation the finger like nonlinear surface is assumed to be parabolic y(x,t) = η (t)+η (t)x2 (1) 0 2 where η > 0 and η < 0 for bubble η < 0 and η > 0 spike 0 2 0 2 Again we consider constant fluid density and hence equation of continuity gives ∇~ .~v = 0, which 40 satisfies the irrotational fluid motion. Since we are interested the motion the tip of the bubble, we 41 can neglect the higher order term of xi(i ≥ 3)[9]. 42 Now let us consider the potential function for heavier and lighter fluid, respectively, 43 3 φ (x,y,t) = a (t)cos(kx)e−k(y−η0(t)); y > 0 (2) h 1 φ (x,y,t) = b (t)y +b (t)cos(kx)ek(y−η0(t)); y < 0 (3) l 0 1 The fluid motion is governed by the ideal MHD equations 44 ∂~v ρ +(~v.∇~ )~v = −∇~ p−ρ~g +(J~×B~) (4) "∂t # where v = −∇φ and J = ∇×B 45 µ ∂B~ and magnetic induction equation = ∇~ ×[~v ×B~] (5) ∂t According to our magnetic field consideration 46 1 1 1 (∇~ ×B~)×B~ = (B~.∇~ )B~ − ∇~ (B~2) (6) µ µ 2µ Using above relations and substituting in ~v in Eq. (4) followed by use of Eq. (6) leads to 47 Bernoulli’s equation for the MHD fluid 48 ∂φ 1 1 ρ − + (∇~ φ)2 = −p−ρgy − B2 +f(t) (7) " ∂t 2 # 2µ For RM instability the gravitation acceleration g should be replaced byg = ∆uδ(t),where ∆u is 49 the jump velocity at the interface and δ(t) is the delta function. 50 4 3. Kinematical and Dynamical boundary conditions at two 51 fluid interface 52 The kinematical boundary conditions are ∂η ∂η +(v ) = (v ) (8) h x h y ∂t ∂x ∂η ∂η (v ) −(v ) = (v ) −(v ) (9) h x l x h y l y ∂x ∂x The Bernoulli’s equations for both fluids are ∂φ 1 ∂φ 1 ρ [− h + (∇~ φ )2]−ρ [− l + (∇~ φ )2] = −[g(ρ −ρ )y +(p −p ) h h l l h l h l ∂t 2 ∂t 2 B2 B2 h l +( − )]+f (t)−f (t) (10) h l 2µ 2µ h l Further with the help of Eqs. (1) and (2) and the incompressibility condition ∇~ .v~ = 0, Eq. h(l) (11) simplifies to ∂[B~ (x,y,t)] h(l) +(~v .∇~ )B~ = 0 (11) h(l) h(l) ∂t The above Eqs.[8-11]give the temporal development bubble at the two fluid interface. 53 4. Equation for the structure and instability parameters 54 Substituting the ∂η, ∂η and expanding the velocity terms in powers of the transverse coordinate of x 55 ∂x ∂t and keeping up to x2,we obtain the following equations 56 5 dξ 1 = ξ (12) 3 d t dξ 1 2 = − (6ξ +1)ξ (13) 2 3 d t 2 6ξ b = − 2 ka (14) 0 (3ξ − 1) 1 2 2 (3ξ + 1) b = 2 2 a (15) 1 (3ξ − 1) 1 2 2 ξ = kη ; ξ = η /k; ξ = k2a / kg (16) 1 0 2 2 3 1 q Whereξ ,ξ andξ arenondimensionalized(withrespecttothewavelength)displacement,curvature 57 1 2 3 and velocity of the tip of the bubble. 58 Now we are interested in magnetic field induction equations.We set the magnetic field induction 59 equation to satisfy Maxwell’s relation as follows 60 B (x,y,t) = β (t)+β (t)cos(kx)e−k(y−η0(t)); y > 0 (17) h h0 h1 for heavier fluid and for lighter fluid 61 B (x,y,t) = β (t)+β (t)cos(kx)ek(y−η0(t)); (18) l l0 l1 6 Using Eq. (11) and expanding the terms up to x2for both magnetic field induction equations and 62 we get 63 β˙ (t)+(β˙ (t)+β (t)kη˙ )cos(kx)e−k(y−η0(t)) −k2a β e−2k(y−η0(t)) = 0 (19) h0 h1 h1 0 1 h1 for x0 : β (t)+β (t) = constant = B ,say similarly for lighter fluid 64 h0 h1 h0 β (t)+β (t) = constant = B (20) l0 l1 l0 For x2 : 65 δB˙ (ξ − 1) β (t) h = 2 2 ξ ; δB (t) = h (21) δB (t) (ξ + 1) 3 h B h 2 2 h0 which gives 66 t (ξ − 1) δB (t) = δB (t = 0)exp ξ 2 2 dτ (22) h h "Z0 3(ξ2 + 21) # Similarly for lighter fluid 67 δB˙ (ξ + 1)(ξ + 1) β (t) l = 2 2 2 6 ξ ; δB (t) = l (23) δB (t) (ξ − 1)(ξ − 1) 3 l B l 2 2 2 6 l0 Hence 68 7 t (ξ + 1)(ξ + 1) δB (t) = δB (t = 0)exp ξ 2 2 2 6 dτ (24) l l "Z0 3(ξ2 − 12)(ξ2 − 16) # so that δB (t) < (> 0) if δB (t = 0) > (< 0) and δB (t) > 0(< 0) if δB (t = 0) > (< 0). 69 h h l l The magnetic pressure difference at the two fluid interface will be 1 1 B2 B2 B2 1 B2 1 B2(x,y,t)− B2(x,y,t) = ( h0 − l0)+k2 h0δB (t)(ξ + )− l0δB (t)(ξ − ) x2(25) 2µh h 2µl l 2µh 2µl " µh h 2 2 µl l 2 2 # Now the Bernoulli’s Eq.(10) becomes ∂φ 1 ∂φ 1 B2 1 ρ [− h + (∇~ φ )2]−ρ [− l + (∇~ φ )2] = −g(ρ −ρ )y +k2 h0δB (t)(ξ + )x2 h h l l h l h 2 ∂t 2 ∂t 2 µ 2 h B2 1 + l0δB (t)(ξ − )x2 +f (t)−f (t) (26) l 2 h l µ 2 l Now we get the following nonlinear equation which describe temporal development of the tip of the 70 bubble and the velocity of the bubble 71 dξ 1 = ξ 3 dτ dξ 1 2 = − (6ξ +1)ξ 2 3 dτ 2 d δB (t) (ξ − 1) dτ h = 2 2 ξ δB (t) (ξ + 1) 3 h 2 2 d δB (t) (ξ + 1)(ξ + 1) (27) dτ l = 2 2 2 6 ξ δB (t) (ξ − 1)(ξ − 1) 3 l 2 2 2 6 dξ N(ξ ,r) (ξ ξ (6ξ −1) 3 = − 2 3 +2(r−1) 2 2 dτ D(ξ ,r)(6ξ −1) D(ξ ,r) 2 2 2 (6ξ −1) kV2 kV2 − 2 [r h δB (t)(2ξ +1)+ l δB (t)(2ξ −1)] h 2 l 2 D(ξ ,r) g g 2 ρ where,τ = t kg; r = h; D(ξ ,r) = 12(1−r)ξ2 +4(1−r)ξ +(r +1); ρ 2 2 2 l q 8 N(ξ ,r) = 36(1−r)ξ2 +12(4+r)ξ +(7−r);V = B2 /ρ µ (28) 2 2 2 h(l) h0(l0) h(l) h(l) q V is the Alfven velocity in the heavier (lighter) fluid. 72 h(l) 5. Asymptotic growth rate 73 To find out the asymptotic value of growth rate of bubble we set dξ /dτ = 0 which gives ξ = −1/6 74 2 2 and at τ → ∞ integrating the last equation of the set of Eq.(27), 75 For RTI when lighter fluid is conducting: 76 2Akg 1−A kV2 [(ξ ) ] = 1−2( ) l [δB (∞)] (29) 3 asymp bubble s3(1+A)vu A g l bubble u t for spike 77 2Akg 1+A kV2 [(ξ ) ] = 1−2( ) l [δB (∞)] (30) 3 asymp spike s3(1−A)vu A g l spike u t andforRMIwhenthelighterfluidisconducting, theasymptoticgrowthrateiscalculatedomitting 78 the second part of the last Eq. of the set of Eq.(27)and integrating,we get 79 4V2(1−A) 3(1+A) 4V2(1−A) [(ξ ) ] = l δB (∞) cot l δB (∞) τ (31) 3 asymp bubble v3(∆u)2(1+A) l bubble  (1+A) v3(∆u)2(1+A) l bubble  u u u  u  t  t    for spike 80 9 4V2(1+A) 3(1−A) 4V2(1+A) [(ξ ) ] = l δB (∞) cot l δB (∞) τ (32) 3 asymp spike v3(∆u)2(1−A) l spike  (1−A) v3(∆u)2(1−A) l spike  u u u  u  t  t    6. Results and discussions 81 We have solved the above set of equations using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method to describe the tip 82 of the bubble and the velocity of the tip of the bubble for different cases. 83 Case 1 84 Assuming lighter fluid is conducting B 6= 0 and the heavier one nonconducting, the hydro- 85 l0 dynamic pressure driven force is suppressed by magnetic pressure.In case of weak shock the RMI 86 also suppress.For density ratio ρ /ρ = r = 1.5, it has been seen that RT instability is suppressed 87 h l (Fig.1).TheRMinstability isalsosuppressed insuchsituation(Fig.2).Ifthedensity ratioisincreased, 88 the Atwood number increases,consequently the growth rate increases. The growth rate may decrease 89 if the density ratio is decreased. 90 Case 2 91 If the heavier fluid is conducting and lighter one nonconducting, the magnetic pressure acts along 92 +ve y direction which increases the bubble growth for both case RT(Fig.3) and RM(Fig.4). 93 Case 3 94 If both the fluids are conducting the magnetic pressure difference and hydrodynamical pressure 95 difference act in different direction and also in opposite phase at the interface.Hence the bubble will 96 shows oscillatory behavior for both cases. For weak shock the oscillation frequency will be increased 97 10

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