OncoImmunology1:3,298–305;May/June2012;G2012LandesBioscience Development of immune memory to glial brain tumors after tumor regression induced by immunotherapeutic Toll-like receptor 7/8 activation Apostolis Stathopoulos,1,2,* Chrystel Pretto,2 Laurent Devillers,2 Denis Pierre,2 Florence M. Hofman,2,3 Carol Kruse,4 Martin R. Jadus,5,6 Thomas C. Chen2,8 and Virgil E.J.C. Schijns2,7,* 1DepartmentofNeurosurgery;ArlonHospital;Arlon,Belgium;2EpitopoieticResearchCorporation(ERC);Namur,Belgium;3DepartmentofPathology;KeckSchoolofMedicine; UniversityofSouthernCalifornia;LosAngeles,CAUSA;4DepartmentofNeurosurgery;SchoolofMedicine;UniversityofCalifornia;LosAngeles,CAUSA;5VeteransAffairsMedical Center;LongBeach,CAUSA;6ChaoCancerCenter;UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine;Orange,CAUSA;7CellBiologyandImmunologyGroup;WageningenUniversity;Wageningen, TheNetherlands;8DepartmentofNeurosurgery;KeckSchoolofMedicine;UniversityofSouthernCalifornia;LosAngeles,CAUSA Keywords: TLR agonist, brain tumor, glioma, immunotherapy, TheefficacyofimmunotherapeuticTLR7/8activationbyresiquimod(R848)wasevaluatedinvivo,intheCNS-1ratglioma modelsyngeneictoLewisrats.Theimmunetreatmentwascomparedwithcytotoxiccyclophosphamidechemotherapy, and as well, was compared with the combination cytotoxic and immunotherapeutic treatments. We found that parenteral treatment with the TLR7/8 agonist, resiquimod, eventually induced complete tumor regression of CNS-1 glioblastoma tumors in Lewis rats. Cyclophosphamide (CY) treatment also resulted in dramatic CNS-1 remission, while thecombinedtreatmentshowedsimilarantitumoreffects.Theresiquimodefficacyappearednottobeassociatedwith directinjurytoCNS-1growth,whileCYprovedtoexerttumoricidalcytotoxicitytothetumorcells.Ratsthatwerecured by treatment with the innate immune response modifier resiquimod proved to be fully immune to secondary CNS-1 tumorrechallenge.Theyallremainedtumor-freeandsurvived.Incontrast,ratsthatcontrolledCNS-1tumorgrowthasa resultofCYtreatmentdidnotdevelopimmunememory,asdemonstratedbytheirfailuretorejectasecondaryCNS-1 tumor challenge; they showed a concomittant outgrowth of the primary tumor upon secondary tumor exposure. Rechallenge of rats that initially contained tumor growth by combination chemo-immunotherapy also failed to reject secondary tumor challenge, indicating that the cytotoxic effect of the CY likely extended to the endogenous memory immune cells as well as to the tumor. These data demonstrate strong therapeutic antitumor efficacy for the immune responsemodifierresiquimodleadingtoimmunologicalmemory,andsuggestthatCYtreatment,althougheffectiveas chemotherapeuticagent,maybedeleterioustomaintenanceoflong-termantitumorimmunememory.Thesedataalso highlighttheimportanceof thesequenceinwhich amulti-modal therapy is administered. Introduction lifeofpatients.Immunotherapyisnowemergingasanovelfourth option for clinicians. Glioblastomamultiforme(GBM)isthemostcommonmalignant Immunotherapy stimulates and teaches the patient’s immune braintumorinadultpatients.Duetoitshighlyinfiltrativenature system to recognize and eradicate malignant tumor cells. If GBM is notoriously difficult to treat and complete surgical successful it has the added advantage of generating a memory resection is difficult. GBM tumors are inevitably recurrent either response to prevent tumor reoccurrences after cessation of treat- locally, close to the original tumor, or at distant sites. Moreover, ment. Our immune system has evolved to protect our body by chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy have shown only limited eliminating pathogens and abnormal cells with minimal damage success. As a result the overall prognosis for this tumor has to healthy tissues. It is complex and has multiple levels of changedlittleoverthelasttwodecades.Todaytheaveragesurvival regulation to guarantee the appropriate balance between immune timeforanewlydiagnosedpatientisbetween12and15moand activationandimmunesuppression.Overthelasttwodecadesthe newformsoftherapyaredesperatelyneededtochangetheclinical fundamentals of this regulation have become more clear. course of this highly malignant tumor. GBM therefore requires It has been amply shown that the immune system can prevent additionalforms oftherapy toprolongthelifespan andquality of the emergence and growth of cancer. For example, an adaptive *Correspondenceto:VirgilE.J.C.SchijnsandApostolisStathopoulos;Email:[email protected]@hotmail.com Submitted:09/30/11;Revised:12/15/11;Accepted:12/15/11 http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/onci.19068 298 OncoImmunology Volume1Issue3 RESEARCHPAPER immune response influences the behavior of human colon cancer innate immune cells17 and able to recognize pathogen-specific tumors as evidenced by in situ analysis of tumor-infiltrating molecular patterns (PAMPS). They discriminate these PAMPS immune cells.1,2 Also, in ovarian cancer the presence of intra- from invading pathogens as non-self molecules, which represent epithelial tumor infiltrating lymphocytes is associated with a signal for the receptor-expressing immune cells to become prolonged clinical remission and improved survival.3 Similar activated and produce pro-inflammatory cytokines and costimu- observations have been made for other tumors, such as renal latory molecules resulting in recruitment and activation of carcinoma,4 prostate cancer5 and breast carcinoma.6 These immune cells. observationsinpatientsarefurthersupportedbytheobservations The imidazoquinoline-based small molecules imiquimod and in experimental systems that an impaired immune system is less resiquimodaresyntheticligandsthathavebeenshowntoactivate able to protect the host against the development of spontaneous human TLR 7 and 8, and TLR7 in mice and rats. TLR8 is not and chemically-induced tumors.7-9 In addition, individuals with functionalinmice.TheseTLRsalsorecognizeviralandsynthetic cancersometimesdevelopspontaneousreactivityagainsttheanti- single-stranded RNAs. The TLR7/8 agonist R837 (imiquimod) gens of the tumor.10 Hence, it can be concluded that tumors can has been licensed as a key ingredient in Aldara cream for the berecognizedand eliminatedas aresultof natural tumor-specific topical treatment of genital warts, basal cell carcinoma and immune responses that develop in the host. bladdercancer.19-21Inmousestudies,imidazoquinolineswereable The observations that the capacity to mount natural immune to act as adjuvants promoting adaptive immune response to responses is linked to improved survival supports the concept co-administered prophylactic antigens.22,23 This observation is to develop immune activating tumor vaccines, stand alone in line with the notion that single-stranded RNA induces an immune activators, or biological response modifiers. Presently, antigen-specific immunity characterized by a potent cytotoxic such strategies are tested in clinical trials for the treatment T-cell response.24 of different types of solid tumors, including glioblastoma, as However, very little is known about how systemically admini- recently reviewed by Hofman and coworkers.11 To date, these stered TLR7/8 agonists affect immune responses in general and approaches have provided only modest clinical results. Never- anti-tumor immunity to glial brain tumors. Interestingly, Xiong theless, they have shown promise by successfully generating and Ohlfest recently showed that topical imiquimod (Aldara) antigen specific effector T cells capable of reacting with the applied on the skin has therapeutic and immunomodulatory tumor, and significant survival advantage or improved quality of effects against intracranial tumors in a mouse model.25 Weekly life in subgroups. Remarkably, effector immune cells may fail applicationincreasedsurvivalofmiceagainstimplantedsyngeneic to produce tumor regression because newly triggered and GL261 glioma tumors. Resiquimod is related to imiquimod, as successfully expanded tumor-specific lymphocytes are actively they are both synthetic small molecules that activate Toll-like inhibited within the draining lymph nodes or upon entrance receptor (TLR) 7.26 into the tumor. In recent years it has become well-established In the present study, we investigated the anti-tumor immune that many tumors, including GBM, use various mechanisms effects of parenterally injected resiquimod (R848) in a CNS-1 of immune suppression or evasion, including immunediting, and glioma model in immunocompetent Lewis rats. This model the generation of T regulatory (Treg) and myeloid derived representsavaluableinvivosystemforpreclinicalstudiesbecause suppressor cells (MDSC).12 of histopathological and pathological features which highly These cells act to inhibit the beneficial effects of immune resemble human GBM.27 Our results show that TLR7/8 agonist activation13 by direct cell contact mechanisms or by secretion of resiquimod (R848) affects immune responses leading to growth inhibitory molecules, such as IL-10, and TGFβ.14,15 As a result, arrest of large established glioma tumors, and that R848 treat- the suppression of immunity in tumors may present a major ment, at the concentrations used, does not inhibit CNS-1 tumor challenge to clinicians interested in using tumor vaccines or growth directly. Remarkably TLR7/8 activation by R848, as a other methods of immune activation to treat tumors at the therapeutic stand-alone therapy, is able to reject smaller estab- time of diagnosis. Immunotherapy may be further complicated lished CNS-1 tumors, leading to solid, immunological memory in situations where the immune system promotes tumor against tumor rechallenge. Hence, this TLR7/8 activation development by selecting for tumor escape variants with reduced approach provides a new opportunity for rational therapeutic immunogenicity.16 immuneinterventionsbasedonstrengthenedanti-tumorimmune Hence, successful immunotherapy for the treatment of solid responses that may translate into successful clinical outcome in tumors may require two entirely different steps: (1) the use of patients affected by glioblastoma. potent immune activators such as single immunostimulants or tumor vaccines comprising suitable adjuvants; and (2) reagents Results that can reverse immune suppression induced by the tumor. In the last two decades there has been a strong interest in using Therapeutic adminstration of the TLR7 immunostimulant toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists as immunostimulants and resiquimod arrests growth of large (35-day old) CNS-1 tumors. adjuvants for therapeutic vaccines because of their stimulatory We sought to determine immunotherapeutic strategies for effects on innate immune responses which precedes the shaping controlling the malignant growth of syngeneic CNS-1 glioma of adaptive immune effector and memory cells.17,18 TLRs are so- tumorcellsinLewisratsusingthenewlydescribedsmallmolecule called pattern recognition receptors that are found on a variey of TLR7/8 agonist resiquimod, also referred to as R848. www.landesbioscience.com OncoImmunology 299 Figure1.IndicationofinhibitionofestablishedlargeCNS-1tumorsin Lewisrats(n=3)treatedwithresiquimodstartingatday38.Individual growthasafunctionoftimeafterimplanationisshownforeach individualanimal.Thearrowindicatesthestartofresiquimodtreament. ToexaminewhetherimmunocompetentLewisrats,whichhad developed large syngeneic CNS-1 tumors, would benefit from R848 treatment (100 mg/kg, 30 mg/dose), we started to treat established,largefiveweek-old,10-20,000mm3,CNS-1tumors, at 38 days after tumor implantation. Indeed, resiquimod treat- ment was able to arrest or slow tumor growth in 2/3 animals, as shown in Figure1, however, complete regression of these large tumors was not noted within the observation period. We next decided to investigate the antitumor activity of resiquimodagainstlowertumorburdeninratswithlessadvanced CNS-1 tumors. In a subsequent pilot dose-finding experiment we noticed a dose-dependent inhibition of CNS-1 tumor growth, when treatment was started earlier at day 10 after tumor implantation. Injection of a low dose of immunostimulatory resiquimod(3.3mg/kg=1mg/dose)didnotinhibitCNS-1tumor growth, while a higher dose of either 10 or 50 mg/dose, representing 33.3 and 166.6 mg/kg respectively, clearly evoked reduction in tumor growth (data not shown). We therefore decided to test robustness of this protective treatment in a larger Figure2.TherapeuticadministrationofTLR7/8agonistresiquimod experiment. Figure2A shows that administration of R848, at a stronglyinhibitstumorgrowth.CNS-1tumordevelopmentafter dose of 100 mg/kg (this is about 30 mg/ dose), when given three implantationingroupsofrats(n=8)treatedwitheitherresiquimod(A), times per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) profoundly Cyclophosphamide(B)oracombinationofresiquimodandcyclopho- sphamide(C).Individualgrowthasafunctionoftimeisshown.The reduces tumor growth, relative to a control group receiving no treatment (p , 0.001). We stopped the therapeutic weekly stippledlinesshowindividualtumorgrowthofuntreatedcontrols. treatment regimen after day 42 (week 6) and further continued to monitor tumor growth. Therapeutic administration of high dose cyclophosphamide addition, we tested the combined treatment of CY plus R848 to alone or in combination chemo-immunotherapy of CY with investigate beneficial synergy of CY with active immunotherapy, resiquimod protects against CNS-1 tumor growth. We next as a chemo-immunotherapy variant.29,30 Figure2 shows that examined whether resiquimod immunotherapy combined with inhibition of CNS-1 glioma tumor growth was observed for a chemotherapy further improves anti-tumor immunity. Hence, group which received CY alone (Fig.2B) or resiquimod in in a parallel arm of the same animal experiment we investigated conjunctionwith CYata100mg/kgdose (Fig.2C;p,0.001). the therapeutic efficacy of the cytotoxic alkylating agent cyclo- ThecombinedadministrationofCYandR848seemedtofurther phosphamide (CY), given once every two weeks, which is a well- inhibit tumor development as noted by earlier tumor regression. know direct cytostatic antitumor agent, but has also been shown Poly I:C injected in a similar regimen, at a dose of 30 or 50 mg, to mediate immune suppression or even tumor regression by didnotinhibitCNS-1 growth(datanotshown).Alowerdoseof abrogation ofimmunosuppressive Tregulatorycell function.28In 30 mg/kg of CY alone also failed to inhibit tumor growth. 300 OncoImmunology Volume1Issue3 Figure3.CNS-1cells(200,000cellsperwell)wereexposedfor24hourstoincreasingconcentrationsperwellofeitherresiquimod(A),orCY(B).Viability wasmeasured(intriplicate)inastandard(3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium(MTT)bromideassay,andwasexpressedasapercentage ofviabilitymeasuredforcellsculturedinmediumonly(control).Representativedataoftwoexperimentsareshown. TLR7agonistdoesnotdirectlyinhibitCNS-1tumorgrowth. completerejectionofasecondarytumorchallenge,aftercessation To examine whether parenterally injected resiquimod may have oftreatmentforaperiodofthreemonths,inagroupoffourR848 been able to directly affect CNS-1 tumor growth we tested the treated Lewis rats, which had rejected the first CNS-1 tumor. cytotoxicity of resiquimod in vitro, in parallel to cyclophosp- Again this additional tumor challenge evoked progressive tumor hamide and poly I:C, a prototype TLR3 agonist. Figure3 shows growth in naive age-matched controls. a direct cytotoxicicty of cyclophosphamide when used at high Glioma tumors controlled by treatment with CY alone or by dose, and no apparent direct growth inhibition by resiquimod, CY-resiquimod combination therapy fail to evoke immuno- at concentrations reflecting the in vivo dose. The effective logical memory against rechallenge with syngeneic CNS-1 concentration of resiquimod of 30 mg/dose used in vivo is not tumor. Lewis rats that had initially rejected CNS-1 cells as a directly cytotoxic in vitro and is therefore very unlikely to evoke result of CY treatment alone, or after CY-R848 combination direct contralateral tumor killing, while the in vivo concentration treatment,weretestedforimmunologicalmemoryagainstCNS-1 of 100 mg/kg (30 mg/dose) is clearly cytotoxic for CNS-1 cells tumor cells, by a re-challenge at day 49 after the first tumor cultured in vitro (200,000 cells /well). implantation.Uponsecondarytumorchallengeboth,theCYonly CNS-1 glioma cells do not express TLR 7/8. We checked treated, as well as the CY-R848 combination treated hosts, expression of TLR7 and TLR8 by CNS-1 cells using RT-PCR, displayed an initial inhibition of secondary tumor development but where unable to detect receptor expression, while expression (Fig.5C and D, p , 0.01 and , 0.05, respectively), but of both receptors could be detected in rat spleen tissue (Fig.4). eventually progressive CNS-1 growthwasnotedinmostanimals. Glioma tumors cured by resiquimod therapy alone evoke This indicated a deleterious effect of the CY on the endogenous immunological memory when rechallenged with syngeneic CNS-1 tumor. To examine whether immunocompetent Lewis rats, which had rejected CNS-1 cells as a result of resiquimod treatment,haddevelopedimmunologicalmemoryagainstCNS-1 tumorcells,theywerere-challengedatday49afterthefirsttumor implantation (one week after treatment arrest and wash out of R848)usingatumordoseofCNS-1whichevokedtumorgrowth in naive age-matched control rats. As shown in Figure5 all recipients of R848 therapy which had eliminated the first CNS-1 tumors, completely rejected the secondary CNS-1 challenge, with no evidence of measurable secondarytumorgrowth(Fig.5B,p,0.01),whilethesamedose Figure4.LackofdetectionofTLR7andTLR8expressioninbothrat of CNS-1 tumor cells induced reproducible tumor development gliomaCNS-1cellsandmurinegliomaGL261cells.However,inrat in all untreated age-matched Lewis rats (Fig.5A). This observa- spleentissue,usedaspositivecontrol,expressionofbothTLR7andTLR8 canbedetected. tionwasconfirmedinasubsequentexperimentasevidencedbya www.landesbioscience.com OncoImmunology 301 Figure5.IndividualCNS-1tumordevelopmentasafunctionoftimeaftersecondarytumorimplantation(A–D)ingroupsofrats(n=8)treatedeither withResiquimodalone(B),Cyclophosphamidealone(C)oracombinationofResiquimodandcyclophosphamide(D).TheCNS-1implanted,untreated age-matchedgroupisshownin(A)(n=4).Meantumorgrowthof(A)isshownasastippledlinefortheuntreatedcontrolgroupin(B–D).(E–G)showthe growthoftherecurrentindividualprimaryCNS-1tumorsattheoriginalinoculationsite,fortheresiquimodtreated(E),Cyclophosphamidetreated(F) andcombinationgroup(G)atthedayspostprimarytumorchallenge. 302 OncoImmunology Volume1Issue3 immune cell component that was initially engendered, sensitized of tumor development. Immune memory against rechallenge was toandkeepingtheCNS-1tumorcellgrowthsuppressed.Further confirmed for rats which received the additional tumor inocula- substantiatingthisconclusion,theCY-treatedrats,aloneaswellas tion even after three months of treatment arrest, while naive incombinationtherapy,alsoshowedarecurrenceoftheirprimary rats developed tumors. In view of the short half-life of the tumor, which apparently was not completely resolved (Fig.5F imiquimod family members of only few hours it is very unlikely and G, respectively). In both groups, seven out of eight animals that resiquimod had some remnant activity after a three month showed progressive tumor growth. resting period before administration of a tumor rechallenge. The Safety.Inourstudieswedidnotobserveanysignsoftoxicityin complete inhibition of secondary tumor growth suggest that rats treated with the systemic resiquimod. immunotherapeutic treatment during the first tumor growth, using resiquimod, a known innate immune response agonist Discussion activating TLR7/8, results in tumor regression that results in the developmentofTcellswithimmunememory.Hencethisinnate In the present study we demonstrate that immunotherapy based immune triggering acts as an in situ therapeutic vaccine, alerting on the innate immune cell activator resiquimod, is effective as a the adaptive immune system to recognize and eliminate the treatment modality for eradication of established CNS-1 glioma syngeneic secondary CNS-1 brain tumor. In future studies we tumors. will set out to decipher the exact mechanism underlying this OurCNS-1gliomacellimplantsaresyngeneic,haplotypeRT-1l, intriguing observation of in situ immune memory priming. for Lewis rats and represent an excellent in vivo glioma model, In addition, we evaluated the effects of CY on CNS-1 tumor becauseofitsglialphenotype,reproducibleinvivogrowthratesand development. Cyclophosphamide (CY), although primarily used histological features that closely resemble human glioma.31 It has ascytotoxictherapyandexpectedtosuppresstheimmunesystem, beendemonstratedthatCNS-1tumorcellsareimmunoreactivefor has been shown to abrogate immunosuppressive T reg function, glialfibrillaryacidicprotein(GFAP),S100andvimentin,aswellas and beneficially synergize with active immunotherapy when used neuronal adhesion molecule, retinoic acid receptor a, intracellular at an appropriate dose and timed correctly.29,37,38 adhesion molecule and neuron specific enolase.31 This model CNS-1tumorsregressed,asaresultofCYtreatment,andeven thereforeprovidesanexcellentinvivomodelinwhichtoinvestigate faster after combined CY-R848chemo-immunotherapeutic treat- immunotherapeutic intervention strategies against glioblastoma ment. Importantly, the administration of CY, after the animals multiformeinimmunocompetenthosts. haddevelopedimmunitytoCNS-1,wasdeleterious(Fig.4).The Natural immune responses against glioma tumors are often explanation for why, after tumor rechallenge, the animals that elicited as demonstrated by histological evidence of local inflam- weretreatedwithCYonlyorbytheCY-R848combinationwere mation and tumor-specific lymphocytes, likely directed against not able to inhibit secondary tumor development relates to the tumor specific antigens. However, the GBM tumor micro- CY also causing damage to the CTL that had developed in situ environment is characterized by the presence of a variety of at the beginning of the treatment. Additionally, it provides an immunosuppressive cells and their inhibitory products, which explanation for why the CY-treated rats also exhibited recurrence may eventually result in the escape of the tumor from immune of the primary tumor. These data highlight the need to carefully surveillance.32-35 However, when an effective therapeutic dose of arrange the administration of combined therapeutics involving resiquimod was injected three times per week, we observed a cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents with immunotherapeutic dramatic reduction in tumor volume. While most untreated or agents so one agent does not interfere with the effects derived control tumor-bearing animals had to be sacrificied, either due from the other. However, the delay in tumor growth after to massive tumor volumes or due to ulceration of the tumor, rechallenge ofthecyclophosphamide group,suggests thatthereis the groups receiving a dose of more than 10 mg resiquimod per an immune effect, which is most likely dependent on T cells, injection eventually showed complete regression of the tumor although a memory response by B cells cannot be excluded volumes. When therapeutic treatment was arrested, at day 49 formally. In both scenarios T cells are necessary for T help and after implantation, the tumor had shrunk to minute or non- likely also for T-cell effector function. The effect of T cell deple- measurable sizes. In vitro studies revealed that resiquimod (0.01 tion will be subject of follow-up studies addressing the biological or0.1mg/ml),incontrast toCY,didnotdirectly inhibitCNS-1 mechanism of action responsible for rechallenge immunity. tumor cell growth. Theseresultsprovoketwointriguingquestions.HowdoesR848 These results may seem contradictory with other data showing eradicateCNS-1tumors,andhowdoesimmunememorydevelop that when tumor cells express TLR7/8, activation of this TLR duringthistreatment?Inaddition,itisofinteresttoknowhowCY type leads to cell survival and chemo resistance.36 We have hampers antitumor immunity. The exact mode of action and therefore checked expression of TLR7/8 by CNS-1 cells by RT- associated immune pathway responsible for the observed resiqui- PCR, but where unable to detect receptor expression by PCR. mod-mediated anti-tumor immunity needs to be defined in However, even if TLR7/8 activation by resiquimod would have detailed follow-up studies. Most likely resiquimod-based immu- stimulated tumor growth the net effect in vivo would apparently notherapy is able to activate a spontaneous, natural, innate anti- still be tumor regression. tumor immune response, that under normal circumstances is Interestingly, all rats proved immune to re-challenge with unable to control tumor growth, likely as a result of delayed or CNS-1 glioma cells (Fig.5) as evidenced by complete inhibition actively suppressed immune control. Non-specific immune attack www.landesbioscience.com OncoImmunology 303 ofthetumorevokedbyTLR7/8activatingresiquimod,butnotby 1–50 mg/dose, three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays polyI:CtreatmentactivatingTLR3(datanotshown),mayrelease andFridays.Resiquimod(R-848,S-28463)wasshowntobemore tumorantigensintothesurroundingtumorenvironmentwhichare soluble and more potent ininducingcytokine expression than its sampled by locally attracted antigen presenting cells and which family member imiquimod which has a half-life of 2–3 h in allow presentation to and priming of adaptive immune lympho- humans40. cytes,inthedraininglymphnodes.Alternatively,orinparallel,an In a parallel arm of the experiment we evaluated the effect in situ “vaccination” occurs as a result of R848 therapy. TLR7 of cyclophosphamide administration on CNS-1 glioma develop- activation by the related imiquimod causes human and rodent ment. Cyclophosphamide (CalBiochem, 239785) was given at dendritic cells to become tumoricidal.39 Eventually, a sufficient 30–100mg/kg.CYwasinjectedonceeverytwoweeksonFridays. number of tumor-specific naive adaptive immune cells, such as Cytotoxicity assay. The direct cytotoxicity of resiquimod, CY cytolytic T cells, are triggered and expanded in draining lymph and Poly I:C (Invivogen,Tlrl-pic,tlrl-pic-5), which was included nodes as a result of parenteralR848 immunotherapy and enabled asareferenceTLR-3agonist,wasdeterminedbyexposingCNS-1 byactivatedantigen-presenting cells. These presumed cytolytic T cells at a concentration of 200,000 cells per well in a 96-well cells selectively recognize and eliminate the tumor and provide plate in DMEM culture medium (30-2002, ATCC), supple- immunological memory, as illustrated by the rejection of mentedwith10%fetalbovineserum(FBS;Lonza,DE14-801E), secondary tumor cell implants. However, dedicated follow-up for 24 h. The viability of CNS-1 cells, measured in triplicate, studies need to address to involvement of anti-tumor killer was measured in a standard (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- macrophages or NK cells, or IFNs for the resiquimod-induced diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) bromide assay, absorbance was glioma growth regression and immune memory. read at 590 nm, and was expressed as a percentage of viability In conclusion, our data show that injection of the innate measured for cells cultured in medium only. immunecellreceptoragonistresiquimodasatherapeuticTLR7/8 TLR 7 and TLR 8 detection by RT-PCR. Samples collection. activating stand-alone therapy, is able to cure established CNS-1 Normal spleen tissue was obtained by surgical resection from a tumor growth in Lewis rats. They suggest that immunother- male non-treated Lewis rat and cut in pieces of 1 mm3 with a apeutic parenteral treatment of established glioma tumors by sterile surgicalblade.CNS-1andGL-261cell lineswerecultured resiquimod, as defined in the protocol, significantly improves asdescribedaboveandapelletof1(cid:1)106cellswasused.Cellsor anti-brain tumor immunity in a way that leads to immune tissue sample were put in lysis buffer using the SV Total RNA memory, which is superior to CY treatment alone. Our studies Isolation System (Promega Corp., Leiden, The Netherlands). have thereby identified a promising novel antitumor immu- RNA extraction and reverse transcription. After extraction of notherapy which may lead to clinical benefit. total RNA it was reverse-transcribed by using the Thermo- script RT-PCR System (Life Technologies, Inc.) as previously Materials and Methods described.41 Oligonucleotide primers used for PCR amplification: Primers Tumor model. Rat CNS-1 cells (2 (cid:1) 105 cells/200 ul) were for the PCR amplification were obtained by Real Time Primers implanted subcutaneously (SC) using a 21 gauge needle into the LLC, according to successful approach for TLR-7,42 or as right flank of 8–12 week-old (300 g body weight) male Lewis customized primers for TLR-8 obtained from Real Time rats. For each treatment group and control, 4–8 rats/group were Primers LLC. used. The same tumor implantation procedure was performed PCR. PCR was performed according to the manufacturer’s 1 during re-challenge experiments, on the contralateral side, for recommendations, with Platinum PCR SuperMix (Life ratswhichhadcontrolledthetumorgrowthafterfirstexposure.All Technologies, Inc.). Aliquots of the RT products were subjected animalstudieswereapprovedbyanindependentethicalcommittee. toPCRinatotalvolumeof50ml,with100nMadequatepaired Monitoring tumor growth. The sizes of the CNS-1 tumor primers. PCR products were visualized on a 2% agarose gel with volumes were measured using a caliper three times per week on GelRedTMNucleicAcidGelPrestainingKit(Biotium),visualized Mondays,WednesdaysandFridaystomonitortheeffectsofeach on an UV transilluminator and photographed using a Canon treatment group. PowershotG10photograph,equippedwithaconversionlens032 Completion of experiment. Tumor implanted rats were LA-DC58K. sacrificediftheyshowedunfavorablesignsofdiscomfort,asdefined Statistical analysis. ANOVA followed by the students t-test by the ethical committee.For example if they appeared moribund was used to compare groups, *p value of , 0.05, **p , 0.01, due to weight loss, lethargy, ruffled fur, or when tumors showed ***p , 0.001, considered statistically significant. ulceration. A mixture of Rompun and ketamine was used for anesthesia,followedbyadoseofsodiumpentobarbitalforeuthansia. Disclosure of Potential Conflicts ofInterest Chemicals and reagents. Immunomodulators and potentiators. All authors affiliated to Epitopoietic Research Corporation (ERC) Ratsweresubcutaneously(SC)injectedintheflank,contralateral are financially supported by ERC. tothetumor-implantedside,withresiquimod(R848)(purchased from Invivogen, catalog number tlrl-r848), a Toll-like receptor Acknowledgments 7/8 agonist, in a range of 3.3–166.6 mg/kg, corresponding to Supported in part by NIH R01 CA154256 to C.A.K. 304 OncoImmunology Volume1Issue3 References 15. StraussL,BergmannC,SzczepanskiM,GoodingW, 29. Zitvogel L, Apetoh L, Ghiringhelli F, Kroemer G. JohnsonJT,WhitesideTL.AuniquesubsetofCD4 Immunological aspects of cancer chemotherapy. Nat 1. 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