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Development of a sanitary sewer system for North Redondo Beach, California PDF

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Preview Development of a sanitary sewer system for North Redondo Beach, California

DEVELOPMENT OP A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM FOR NORTH REDONDO BEACH, CALIFORNIA A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Engineering University of Southern California In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Civil Engineering by Burns V * Parker June 1950 UMI Number: EP41893 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. U M I Dissertation Publishing UMI EP41893 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest* ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 -1346 M y ' P& 37 This thesis, written by BURNS V. PARKER under the guidance of his.... Faculty Committee, and approved by all its members, has been presented to and accepted by the Council on Graduate Study and Research in partial fulfill­ ment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Date J .im .1950 Faculty Committee TABLE OP CONTENTS CHAPTER SYNOPSIS. . , INTRODUCTION. Historical notes. • Three basic requirements necessary to the development of a sewer system . • . . * Need for the sewer system • Readiness of the property owners for the sewer system. • Method of financing the sewer system. • II. PLANNING............ Survey of sanitary conditions by the Los Angeles County Health Department. City or Federal aid in financing the preparation of plans. . . . . ........ Financing plan preparation by the Bureau of Community Facilities of the Federal Works Administration. • . Proposed construction program of the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. Special Assessment Investigation, Limita­ tion and Majority Protest Act of 1931 . iii CHAPTER PACE Waiver of the provisions of the Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 * . - . 2 5 Agency responsible for design - City Engineering Department or private engineering firms. , 28 III. DESIGN . . 30 Establishment of sewage flow coefficients. . 31 Limiting Velocities and Grades • • • • • • • 35 Design of Trunk Sewers............. - 36 Design of Street Sewers and House Connections. ..........- 44 Trench loads and pipe bedding. • • 53 Design of pumping stations . . . 61 Establishment of rate of flow. • . 61 Determination of size of wet well and dry well • . • 65 Choosing pumping station location. • 66 Determination of size of Force Main. . . . . 67 Determination of total dynamic head. . . . . 68 Required rating of pumps and motors. • • • • 71 Total available storage. .................. 73 Condition of sewage. 75 Pump operation and control • 77 iv CHAPTER PAGE Structural calculations. * 81 Pinal cost estimates . • , 86 Analysis of* cost estimates • 86 IV. LEGAL ASPECTS.......... 90 Summary of the provisions of the Improve­ ment Act of 1911,M Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of California. • 93 Preliminary requirements ............ 93 Ordinance of Intention . . . - 93 Notice of Improvement. . - 95 Post card notice . . . 96 Protest and hearing. . 96 Ordinance ordering the work. . 97 Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, and Receiving Bids . . . 97 Resolution of Award, and Notice of Award of Contract. • • • • 98 The Contract and its Contents. . . . . . . 99 Resolution approving Assessment Diagram. . • 100 The Assessment • • ........ . . . . . . 100 Notice of Assessment Hearing and Resolution Confirming Assessment. • • • • r , 100 Warrant and Contractor^ Return. • 101 V CHAPTER PACE 1911 Act Bonds. • - . 102 Affidavits. . . • 102 r. AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR PHASE I . 105 Notice inviting bids. , - 103 Bond Quotation. . . • . «. • 104 Receiving bids and award of contract. • . 116 Signing the contract. . - . 117 VI. CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I . * 121 Labor and materials • • .121 Supervision and Inspection. . . . • . . . 121 Completion and final cost of the project. • • 122 Assessment Engineering. • 125 Payment. . . . . 125 Collection by Contractor. . . . . . • 125 Collection of unpaid assessments. . • 127 VII. CONCLUSIONS........... - , 129 General . . . . 129 California Street Improvement Acts. • • • • • 130 Bond Discount • '.... - - . 133 Plan Preparation. . . 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY. . - , 135 APPENDIX. . - . 138 LIST OP TABLES TABLE PAGE I. Preliminary Cost Estimate for Phase I • . 13 II. Preliminary Cost Estimate for Phase II. • 13 III. Preliminary Cost Estimate for Phase III • 13 IV. Minimum Allowable Grades for Sewers to Give a Minimum Velocity of 2 feet per second. • • 38 7. Data for Plow in the South Hawthorne War- field Avenue Extension Trunk and Tribu­ tary Trunk Sewers before the Lomita Extension Trunk is Built............. 41 VI. Data for Plow in the South Hawthorne War­ field Avenue Extension Trunk and Tribu­ tary Trunk Sewers after the Lomita Extension Trunk is Built. • • • « • • 42 VII. Maximum Widths of Trenches. • • • • • • 56 VIII. Vitrified Clay Pipe Crushing Strength Requirements in Pounds per Linear Foot. • 56 IX. Values of C for Use in Formula W « CwB^ . * 58 X. Sewage Pumping Station Data ............. 80 XI. Pinal Cost Estimates for Phases I, II & III . 87 XII. Cost Summary for Phases I, II & III . - - 88 XIII. Summary of Bids............... 118 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Boundary and Topographic Map of North Redondo Beach, California. • • • • . • • . 2 Map of the Northerly Portion of the City of Redondo Beach, California showing "boundaries of areas to "be sewered in Phases I, II and III, and proposed and existing Trunk Sewers........................... 3. Index and Key Map of North Redondo Sewer System Phase I showing flow pattern of sewers • • • • • • • • • . 15 4. Index and Key Map of North Redondo Sewer System Phase II showing Flow pattern of sewers . . . . . . . . . 16 5. Index and Key Map of North Redondo Sewer System Phase III showing flow pattern of sewers • • • • . . . • • • • • 17 6. Zoning Map of North Redondo Beach, California and Boundaries of Pumping Station Tributary Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Map of the Northerly Portion of the City of Redondo Beach, California showing gravity flow and pumping flow areas tributary to Lomita Extension Trunk . - 4-5 viii FIGURE PAGE 8* Sheet 45 of North Redondo Sewer System Phase I. . . . . ..................... . . 52 9. Map of Assessment District No. F.W.A. 663. • 91 A. Flow Diagram for the Design of Circular Sani­ tary Sewers. ................. 37 B. Standard Details for Sanitary Sewers • • • • 48 G. A.S.T.M. Specification (C-13-35) Methods for Determining Crushing Strength of Pipe and Approved Methods of Laying Pipe.........- 55 D. Improper Methods of Laying Pipe.......... .. = 60 E. Grant Pumping Station Details. • • • • • • • ' 62 F. Wiring Diagram and Bending Details for Re­ inforcing Bars for Grant Pumping Station • 63 G. Coefficients of Resistance of Rectangular Beams............ 64 H. Resistance of Valves and Fittings to Flow of Fluids. .............................. 70 I. Characteristic Curves for 4tt Vertical Wet Pit Screenless Ejector................... 72 A-A. Economical Pipe Sizes for Pressure Mains • • . 139

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