Development of a Methodology for Defining and Adopting Coastal Development Setback Lines. VOLUME 2: APPENDICES DATE: 31 May 2010 QM Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks For discussion For final Final Deliverable comment Date 1 April 2010 20 May 2010 31 May 2010 Prepared by G G Smith G G Smith G G Smith Signature Checked by C Soltau J S Schoonees J S Schoonees Signature Authorised by A van Tonder A van Tonder Signature Project number 208100E 208100E 208100E File reference 11.2 11.2 11.2 WSP Africa Coastal Engineers (Pty) Ltd 2nd Floor Ou Kollege Building 35 Church Street Stellenbosch 7600 Tel: +27(0) 21 883 9260 Fax: +27(0) 21 883 3212 Reg. No: 2007/001832/07 Appendix A: Minutes of Meetings Appendix B: Project Terms of Reference Appendix C: The use of CBA Maps in the determination of setback lines. Appendix D: Case Study Report – Milnerton Appendix E: Case Study Report – Langebaan Appendix G: Stakeholder Engagement Report (PPP) 208100E Setback Line Methodology 10 Appendix A: Minutes of Meetings 208100E Setback Line Methodology Minutes of Meeting Date of meeting : 11/12/2009 Location : Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Client : Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Project : Development And Testing Of A Methodology For Defining And Adopting Coastal Development Setback Lines. Subject : Coastal Setback Inception Meeting Present : DEADP-DFU: Gerhard Gerber (GG), Siyabonga Dlulisa (SD) DEADP-Spatial Planning: Alexia Julia (AJ) Saldanha Bay Municipality: John Smit (JS) City of Cape Town: Darryl Colenbrander (DC) WSP: Geoff Smith (GS), Frans van Eeden (FE) No. SUBJECT Action Date required by required by 1 Presentation 1.1 GS outlined the steps and methods to consider the study of a setback line 1.2 The definition of the setback required for different reasons (e.g. socio-economic, ecological, coastal processes, erosion, development) need to be made clear. 2 Available literature, studies and developed methodologies 2.1 The City of Cape Town developed a Coastal Development Zone methodology. (DC) 2.2 A study and decision making tool on Western Cape sea level rise to be completed end of Jan. by CoCT. (DC) 2.3 The setback line methodology must incorporate the various acts (NEMA, ICM) in its decision making tree. (DC) 2.4 All literature relating to the project to be made available (or DC 18/12/2009 download links there to) is to be provided by CoCT the relevant authorities and consulting team. 2.5 SD together with the Saldanha Bay Municipality (JS) to provide SD/JS 18/12/2009 the Consultant Team with the information on the work undertaken in Saldanha Bay. 2.6 SD to also provide the Consultant Team with all the available SD 18/12/2009 information (terms of reference, contact details of service provider, etc) in terms of the other Departmental Project in the Bietou area in terms of Climate Change and coastal setbacks. 2.7 SD provide the Consultant Team with a copy of the Climate SD 18/12/2009 Change Vulnerability Report (2005) as well as the Western Cape Climate Change Strategy (2009). 3 Public Participation Process (PPP) 3.1 WSP are to refine and describe information on the public participation and stakeholder engagement process proposed to be followed during the development of the methodology. 4 Administration The Consultant Team is responsible for keeping minutes (action FE 14/12/2009 minutes) of the project meetings. The minutes will be distributed to the Steering Committee shortly after each meeting with the Steering Committee members asked to provide comments on the minutes. The Consultant Team to provide refined Project Schedule and FE/GS 15/12/2009 final Payment Schedule (with payments linked to specific deliverables, project days and timeframes) The Consultant Team to provide refined information on the FE/GS 15/12/2009 public participation and stakeholder engagement process proposed to be followed during the development of the methodology. 5 General The project reports must not just provide the HOW in terms of the proposed methodology for determining setbacks, but also the WHY in terms of the reasons why the specific methodology is being proposed. Skills transfer is to happen throughout the project period. 6 Steering committee While there are concerns regarding the size of the Steering Committee, it is vital that the following project partners and key stakeholders are represented on the Steering Committee: Siyabonga Dlulisa (DEA&DP: DFU) [email protected] tel : 021 483 5579 Gerhard Gerber (DEA&DP: DFU) [email protected] tel 021 483 2787 Paul Hardcastle (DEA&DP: EIA) [email protected] tel: 021 483 5687 Marek Kedzieja or Alexia Julius (DEA&DP: Spatial Planning) [email protected] tel: 021 483 4580 Carmen van Uys or Nontsasa Tonjeni (DEA&DP: Coastal Management) [email protected] tel: 021 483 2819 Gosiaan Isaacs or Dennis Laidler (DEA&DP) (in terms of the other Deparmental Project in Bitou) [email protected] tel: 021 483 3925 Gregg Oelofse or Darryl Colenbrander (City of Cape Town) [email protected] tel: 021 487 2133 John Smith or Lindsey Gaffley (Saldanha Bay Municipality) [email protected] tel: 022 701 7116 Dr Niel Malan (DEA) [email protected] tel: 021 402 3021 1 representative of Northern Cape Wilna Oppel [email protected] tel: 027 718 8800 1 representative of Eastern Cape Phumla Mzazi [email protected] tel: 043 604 6924 1 representative of KZN Omar Parak [email protected] tel: 033 355 9438 1 representative of Cape Nature Tierck [email protected] tel: 028 316 3338 1 representative of CSIR WSP will contact the representative from the CSIR and report GS 14/12/2009 back to the Committee. Steering committee members are to engage actively in the participation of the project through comments and criticisms within the given time frames. 7 Next scheduled meeting The Steering Committee will meet every 2 weeks (unless otherwise indicated by the Department). The next meeting is to held during the latter half of January 2009 (possibly on 26 Jan 2009). The proposed dates of all the meetings are to be put forward to the Steering Committee as soon as possible. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING Approval by DFU By: ___________ Date:__________ Approved by WSP By: Geoff Smith Date: 14/12/2009 Minutes of Meeting Date of meeting : 26/01/2010 Location : Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Client : Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Project : Development And Testing Of A Methodology For Defining And Adopting Coastal Development Setback Lines. Subject : Coastal Setback Progress Meeting Present : See attached Attendance Register No. SUBJECT Action Date required by required by 1 Minutes of meeting held on 11/12/2009 Minutes accepted and approved that all actions required were taken as indicated. Apologies: Omar Parak John Smit Andrew Mather Alana Duffel-Canham will be the representative for Cape Nature 2. Presentation of progress of methodology GS presented the proposed setback line methodology Comments are requested from the steering committee present. FvE requested that sites be finalised for the case studies that JS 29/01/2010 would test the methodology. A site has been identified by DC from the City of Cape Town. JS from Saldanha Bay needs to identify a site for the Saldanha Bay 3. Comments from Committee regarding presentation The case study test sites must try to incorporate features that will be able to test the methodology comprehensively within reason. Alternative methods to beach survey (e.g. slope measurements using aerial photograph stereoscopy) to be investigated as beach topography is an important input parameter The return period for the setback line must be defined and established in relation to practical considerations (e.g. 1:50yr for private developments, 1:20yr for parking lot) but limited to say 2 return periods. The line must also be able to stand up in a court of law – incorporate cadastral boundaries Zoning maps are not compulsory for municipalities and would probably only exist for built areas and probably not for rural areas The SDF (Strategic Development Framework – which is available for all muncipalities) include rural areas in land use Cape Nature did a lot of work on biodiversity zoning maps. The maps are available for the Western Cape. The methodology needs consider the ‘worst case’ where no information exists on the site. Previous studies on setback-lines, sea-level rises, EIA’s etc. exist for areas around the coast. Historical data is important especially when considering dynamic features e.g. estuaries. Assumptions at the start of a case study need to be clearly stated Mining rights to be considered Setback Lines must be incorporated into municipalities’ development zoning No national coastal committee exists. The methodology should include input from regional/local coastal committees Need input from an ICMA representative. Development seaward of the setback line will be prohibited or restricted (controlled) Consider an interim “rule of thumb” setback – in KZN the 10 m contour line was employed. A 2 year period has been allowed for the establishment of setback lines 4. Future actions GS to incorporate comments from steering committee into GS Ongoing methodology The schedule for the PPP for the project is as follows: GROUP DATE VENUE TIME SB Municipality 4 Feb SB 10H00 Municipality – 13H00 Other 5 Feb DEAD&DP 10H00 Authorities – 13H00 CT Municipality 5 Feb CT 15h30 Municipality – 16h30 SB Public 10 Feb Langabaan 17H30 Town Hall – 18H30 CT Public 11 Feb TBC 17H30 – 18H30 DEA&DP 11/16 DEA&DP 10H00 Feb – 13H00 5 Next scheduled meeting The next meeting will be held on 16 February 2010 at 10h00. It is requested that conference facilities be made available for a progress report from the PPP process from Danielle Michel (WSP Environment & Energy). 6. Addendums sent with the minutes The terms of reference of the project, the presentation (by GS) and the attendance register are sent out with the minutes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING Approval by DFU By: ___________ Date:__________ Approved by WSP By: Geoff Smith Date: 27/01/2010