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Development of a Chess Master. 55 Steps to Chess Success PDF

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DEVELOPMENT OF A CHESS MASTER 55S teptso Chess Success ,. ! ABOUT THE AUTHOR EriScc hilwliedre,cl oyn sideorneeod f t hew orldf'osr emocshte ss analystwsri,t eransd, teacheirsis n,t ernatiroencaollgyn ifzoerhd i s definiwtoirvkeos n o peningHse. i s· JJ.ea uthoro fo ver1 00c hess bookisn cluddienfgi nisttiuvdeio efms an y chesosp enings including CardozaP ublishindge'fSi nisteirvieoe nso peninSgst,a ndCahresds openinGgsa,m bCihests op eninangsd UnorthCohesdsoop xe nin-gsa n exhaustanidv ceo mpleotpee ninlgi braroyfm oreth an 2000 pages! Schilisl aelrs thoe authoorfm ultiple octhheersti stl efs oCrar doza Publishiinncgl udWiongr Cldh ampopieonni nangsd theE ncyclopedia ofC hessW isdom(G.o o nlitnoew ww.cardozapubf.ocaroc mo mplete listoifnti gtl es). Schililsae Nra tionanadl Li feM asteanr ,I nternatiArobniatle r, and thec oacfho rm any ofA mericat'ospy oungp layeirnsc,l uding Americab'essu tn der-t1e8am att heC hesWso rldCh ampionships. He hasp residoevde wro rlcdh ampionsmhaitpc hedsa tinbga ckt o 1983w,a st hea rbitaettr h e2 000W orldC hampionshianpd, r uns prestigiionust ernational toHuirsng amameensth sav.be e en featured ina ltlh el eadijnogu rnanadl sn ewspapeinrcsl uditnhge v enerable NewY orTki mesD.r .S chilhloelrd as P h.Di.n L inguisftriocmts h e UniversoifCt hyi cago. Hisl atepsrto jeicntcsl undeew b ookfso rC ardozaP ublishaisn g welals b eing tshpee cicahle sasd visoonrA veyr CardozaC'hse sas, ground-bremakiulntgi mediCaD ROM chesssim ulatigoamne for theW indowpsl atforfme aturinogp ponenwthso ar e noto nliyn telli­ genitn t heg ame ofc hesbsu,t ar e human-lasi kwee lwilth theirre ­ sponsmeiss,ta keansi,m atioannds s peecThh.e an ificiianlt elligence adjusttogis v ec ompetitpilvaefy o rp lil.yers ofal ll evefrlosm, b egin­ ner(sw herbee ginnionpgp onenmtask eh uman-likmei stakteos ) grandmasterwsh,e rteh eo pponengtestt o uganhd platyo p-lecvheels s. Viswiwtw .chessfcoirmt oyr ed etails! DEVELOPMENT OF A CRESS MASTER 55S lep1s0 ChesSsu ccess EriScc hiller CABBOPZUAB LISHING Thibso okis d edicattoea dlt lh osweh oh avet augmhet lessoonv:;e trh yee arosn,a ndo fft hec hessboard. FirEsdti tion Copyrig©h2t0 02b yE riScc hiller -AllR ightRse serv-ed LibraoyfC ongreCsast alCoagr dN o:2 002101323 ISBN1:- 58042-050-8 CARDOZAP UBLISHING POBo x 1500C oopeSrt atNieowYn o,r kN,Y 10276 Phon(7e1 8)743-52F2ax9(·7 18)743-8284· Email:[email protected] Web Site.,. www.cardozapub.com. Writfeoy ro ufrr ecea taloogfug ea minagn dc hebososk s, equipmadevnatn,cse rdtat egieasn dc omputgearm es. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 7 BriNeoft oens ChNeo�tsa tion LESSONSI NB ASICT ACTICS 11 ForgeAttbionuTght e E dges PinFso,r AknsdO thOebrj eOcftT so rture TheA nalyAsiinDs'o tn 'eT YioluSl t iAcF ko rIknI t LiberAantdRi eovno lution TheO pponIesnN toD ummy! KnoAwl Tlh eM atiPnogs itions! LESSONSI NB ASICS TRATEGY 25 TheO peniRnegv olAvreosu TnhdeC enter DonS'tto Apn alyWzhienYngo Wui nM aterial! IsITi tm eT oA ttack Yet? DoN oPtu Otff U ntNielxtM ovTeh aWth icCha nB e DonRei gAhwta y! OverOlpyt imSiasctriicfi ce LESSONSI NT HEO PENING 47 Castle! BeP repared! PrepDaeree ply DonG'etSt e ducBeyAd P romiLsiinneg! GarbaSgtei nks! DonI'mtp roYvoiusWrea yI nOtpo eniTnrga ps! DonB'rte TaokoS oon! DEVELOPMENTO F AC HESSM ASTER LESSONSI NT HEM IDDLEGAME 73 BadTi ming LackTihneFg i nisThoiuncgh TooC levBeyHr a lf GreeKdi lls ConfusiRoinffa ry SurviIvsaN loA tT emporOacryc upation! YesY,o uC anS acriOfinAc neE mptSyq uare! PositWieoankanle sUsnedsi agnosed NervouMso ves LESSONSI NT HEE NDGAME 103 KnoAwl Tlh eB asKiicnA gn dP awPno sitions! BishOfo pOsp posCiotleoD rosnA 'ltw aDyrsa w ExcesAsmibviet ion ForgeTtotP ilnaAgyN ecessMaoryv e EyeFso Thre WronSgq uare AdjoummAennatl yDseibsu gAgteT dhe B oard LESSONSL EARNEDI 125 OpeniPnrge paration Prepare Deeply! InspiArsaP trieopna ration TheR oundaAbottuatc k SpeculPaltaRiyev wea rded Patience! Deeee-fense! AnU nusSutaall emate EndgaTmeec hnique FINALT HOUGHTS 189 OPPONENTSI NDEX 191 6 INTRODUCTION Chesissa g amew herwei nningi sa .result ofami stakIefy. o du onm'atk aem istaykoeu, canl'ots Ienm. o sgtam esb,o tshi dmeask ae numbeorfe rrorasn dt hoen ew hom akesth e lasbtimi gs taklee,a dtionc gh eckmate, loses. All chessplmaaykmeeir sst aEkveestn.h gr ee at Cl) WorlCdh ampihoanvmsean agetdop lasyo me z dreadfumlo veBseg.ni nenrast urmaaklela ly o t o ofm istaekveeasnc, c ialdlelyno tsing bpuite ces, can osfutrveinov ree vepnr evwaiithla ,l ittle Cl) helfpr otmh oep ponWheennt f.a cisntrgo nger Cl) oppsoithioowne,v eevrea,ns maelrrlo cra lne ad W tod efeTaotm .a kper ograesas p sl ayyeoru.r ..J numboenrte a siktso e liminatoera, tl ealimistt, W youmri stakes. Thibso oaki mtso i nvesthiogwa tbea d :I: movecsa np uspha saltlt hseu perialotre rna­ ... tiveasnd,o ftelne atdod efeWaet'.ll lo oakt typ icmiaslt akaesss e einn m yo wng 3lJl�Sh,o p­ intgh ayto uw illle arnfr omt heamn bde a ble toa voitdh eimn y ouorw ng ameMsa.n yo f thesel esswoenrpsea intfcmu ela sap laeyrIn. mostc aseIs',vb ee eanb lteou nderswthanyd theerr orwser mea de. 7 DEVELOPMENTO F AC HESSM ASTER AlthoIuc gnah's ta tyh aaltol ft hehma vbee epnu rgferdo m mys ystyeomu,s' ellee x amplwehse Irh ea voev ercooram veo ided somceo mmonp ialtlsfI.' cmo nfidtehnaottn cyeou 'evw orked througthihs b ooyko,up rl awyi ilmlp raonvydeo wui blela blteo dow ithsooumtoe ft hpea inefuxlp eriaetthn ecc ehess bso ard thaarte a l argpea rto ft hlee arninegx perience. Thibso ocko ntavianlsu albelsesi onen vse prhya osefth e gam.e Thfier sgtam esd eal bwaisttiahcc teirrcoalrw shi,cp hl ague toppl ayaeswr esla lsb eginAftneerra sli.ln o, r dteowr i anc hess gameth,eo pponmeunstmt a kseo mkined ofe rroWri.t hoau t serimiosutakse t,h gema esar elik eltyo e nidn d raswTh.e raree manrye astaocntsi cal mearrdoaern,shd a arledf o zaee xna mples ofp syhcoliocgaanlod t heerrro rsp raersede .n te Then excth apdteearwl ists ht ratmiesgtiaksceP. l anniisn g onoef the chhearsdtseak sssDt.e cidwihnehgte orrn otth bea sis foarna tteaxicskto rst ,i minvga ripooussin talmi oovesr,e quires grecaarte a,n idit s e astyos luippA. n umboefrw arning signs cabne s eeinn th eg ameansa lyzine dt hicsh apter. Theo penicnogn taindsan gmetorhr anme e rtreap sas ,s hown in thnee xcth apTtheeartr .o fp reparinfgo bra ttlhea bse ernai sed ton ewh eigwhitstu hni verascaclet osc sh ecsosm puantdec rhse ss databsaosftew aPrsey.c holporgeipcaraacltan ib oesn m ashbye d takitnhggeam eo uotfk nowpna t-hbsu hto wt okn oww hatth e enemkyn owIsl ?e arneadn umboeflre ssino onpse nsitrnagt egy anpds ychgicoalplor eparawthiicoarhne ,s harheedr e. Thef ollowcinhga pdteearwl istmi hd dlgeam el esswointsh, ab ak'esdr ozeonfe xampolfemi dsd lgea mpel agyo naewry . Advansctreadt aengtdya ctariesc eseh ne rteo,gh eewtri th many psycholmoigsitcaThalke esswe.e rpeainfu l mistakeso nm yp art, anIdw adsul yp unishfeomdro sotft heYmo.uc ana vothiidfs a te byk eepini mnign tdh pes ycholtroagptishc aaartellik eltyotri p youu pd urintghg eam e. Weth enr eatchhce h apotnee rn dgeamsI.tt oomke a l ong timet oe vebne gsine risotuuosdf ty h cirsi tsitcaaoglfe gthamee , asIe xplaaitthn e s tarto fth ec hapIth earvtr.ei etdom akeu p for more-oifgn-olreitsnhsfuge n damenotfea ndlgsam ep labyyd e- 8 INTRODUCTION voticnogn sidesrtautbdilymet e o oivtetr hp ea scto upolfde e ­ cadseJ.u bsetc saeIul earnelda dtoees nm'etan y ocuna 'bte nefit nowb ya voidimnymig s takes. Afterw itsnsneigal lo ft heesrreo rysomi,ug hbte i nclined to wondheorw I c ouelvde pru lolffan upsaegta imnysb te tters. Thefi nalc hapstheorhw osw Il earnesdo mlee ssanodna sp plied theamg ainst tcoopm-pfleitTgihhtetgi amoens.i nthi s chapter arenn'etc essmaybr eislbtyuth, te yar ein struwcitniosvv eep rl ay­ errsa tfreodm 2 400 to2 650S.i nmcyep eakr atiwnags2 3 70, theqyu aliafysm ajuoprs .eM tossotfm yo pponweenrtGesr and­ mastanedrw si,thth ee xcepotifoo nnse im uglam efr omm yy outh, allw erpel ayientd o urnamewnitthps r imzoen eayts take. Ih opthea tw heyno hua vfieni shed polvaetyrhing egam es int hbioso yko wui hlla vlee arneqdu iatl eoan td w imlakle f ev,:er mistakine yso ur goawmn.eP serhthaepf smal chapwtiehlrel l p givyeo thue c onfidentcope l afye arleasgsalialynl os ptp onents, nom attehro whi ght hearyer atEevde.tn h vee ryb epslta yareer s farf ropme rfeancdtin , a ncyas ei,yf o duo nmoatka em istake, theyc annodte faety ou! 9

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