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ASSOCIATE EDITORS K. Frank Austen Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Tasuku Honjo KyotoUniversity, Kyoto,Japan Fritz Melchers University ofBasel, Basel, Switzerland Hidde Ploegh Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA Kenneth M. Murphy Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 525BStreet,Suite1800,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA 225WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,Oxford,OX51GB,UK 32JamestownRoad,London,NW17BY,UK Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,TheNetherlands Firstedition2013 Copyright©2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedin anyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865 853333; email:permissions@elsevier.com.Alternativelyyoucansubmityourrequestonlineby visitingtheElsevierwebsiteathttp://elsevier.com/locate/permissions,andselecting ObtainingpermissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsor propertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuseor operationofanymethods,products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerialherein. Becauseofrapidadvancesinthemedicalsciences,inparticular,independentverificationof diagnosesanddrugdosagesshouldbemade ISBN:978-0-12-417028-5 ISSN:0065-2776 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteatstore.elsevier.com PrintedandboundinUSA 13 14 15 16 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTRIBUTORS CarlE.Allen TexasChildren’sCancerCenter,andBaylorCollegeofMedicine,Houston,Texas,USA GabrielleT.Belz DivisionofMolecularImmunology,WalterandElizaHallInstituteofMedicalResearch, andDepartmentofMedicalBiology,UniversityofMelbourne,Melbourne,Victoria, Australia Marie-LuiseBerres DepartmentofOncologicalSciences,TischCancerInstitute,andImmunologyInstitute, IcahnSchoolofMedicineatMountSinai,NewYork,USA SilviaCerboni InstitutCurie,andINSERMU932,Paris,France MatthewCollin InstituteofCellularMedicine,NewcastleUniversity,NewcastleuponTyne,United Kingdom MatteoGentili InstitutCurie,andINSERMU932,Paris,France FlorentGinhoux SingaporeImmunologyNetwork(SIgN),AgencyforScience,TechnologyandResearch * (A STAR),Singapore MuzlifahHaniffa InstituteofCellularMedicine,NewcastleUniversity,NewcastleuponTyne,United Kingdom SteffenJung DepartmentofImmunology,WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel MassimoLocati HumanitasClinicalandResearchCenter,Rozzano,andDepartmentofMedical BiotechnologiesandTranslationalMedicine,UniversityofMilan,Milan,Italy NicolasManel InstitutCurie,andINSERMU932,Paris,France AlbertoMantovani HumanitasClinicalandResearchCenter,Rozzano,andDepartmentofMedical BiotechnologiesandTranslationalMedicine,UniversityofMilan,Milan,Italy MiriamMerad DepartmentofOncologicalSciences,TischCancerInstitute,andImmunologyInstitute, IcahnSchoolofMedicineatMountSinai,NewYork,USA AlexanderMildner DepartmentofImmunology,WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel ix x Contributors KaawehMolawi Centred’ImmunologiedeMarseille-Luminy,France,andMaxDelbrueckCenterfor MolecularMedicine,Berlin,Germany KennethM.Murphy SchoolofMedicine,DepartmentofPathologyandImmunology,andHowardHughes MedicalInstitute,WashingtonUniversity,St.Louis,Missouri,USA ShalinNaik TheWalterandElizaHallInstitute,Melbourne,Australia,andDivisionofImmunology, TheNetherlandsCancerInstitute,Amsterdam,TheNetherlands MeredithO’Keeffe CentreforImmunology,BurnetInstitute,Melbourne,andDepartmentofImmunology, MonashUniversity,Clayton,Australia AndrewM.Platt InstituteofImmunology,InfectionandInflammation,GlasgowBiomedicalResearch Centre,UniversityofGlasgow,Glasgow,UnitedKingdom GwendalynJ.Randolph DepartmentofPathologyandImmunology,WashingtonUniversity,St.Louis,Missouri, USA PriyankaSathe TheWalterandElizaHallInstitute,Melbourne,Australia,andImmunologyInstitute, MountSinaiSchoolofMedicine,NewYork,USA CyrilSeillet DivisionofMolecularImmunology,WalterandElizaHallInstituteofMedicalResearch, andDepartmentofMedicalBiology,UniversityofMelbourne,Melbourne,Victoria, Australia KenShortman TheWalterandElizaHallInstitute,andCentreforImmunology,BurnetInstitute, Melbourne,Australia AntonioSica HumanitasClinicalandResearchCenter,Rozzano,Milan,andDepartmentof PharmaceuticalSciences,Universita`delPiemonteOrientale“AmedeoAvogadro”, Novara,Italy MichaelH.Sieweke Centred’ImmunologiedeMarseille-Luminy,France,andMaxDelbrueckCenterfor MolecularMedicine,Berlin,Germany DavidVremec TheWalterandElizaHallInstitute,Melbourne,Australia SimonYona DepartmentofImmunology,WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel CHAPTER ONE Ontogeny and Functional Specialization of Dendritic Cells in Human and Mouse Muzlifah Haniffa*,1, Matthew Collin*, Florent Ginhoux†,1 * InstituteofCellularMedicine,NewcastleUniversity,NewcastleuponTyne,UnitedKingdom †SingaporeImmunologyNetwork(SIgN),AgencyforScience,TechnologyandResearch * (A STAR),Singapore 1Correspondingauthor:e-mailaddress:m.a.haniffa@ncl.ac.uk;florent_ginhoux@immunol.a-star.edu.sg Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. HistoryofDCIdentificationandCharacterization 2 2.1 MouseDCs 2 2.2 HumanDCs 5 2.3 ClassificationofmouseandhumanDCs 8 3. RecentAdvancesinMouseDCImmunobiology:LessonsfromaRodent 9 3.1 OriginanddifferentiationofmouseDCs 9 3.2 CD8þ/CD103þDClineage 12 3.3 CD11bþDCs 14 3.4 PlasmacytoidDCs 16 3.5 Langerhanscells 17 3.6 InflammatoryDCs 18 4. RecentAdvancesinHumanDCImmunobiology 18 4.1 OriginanddifferentiationofhumanDCs 18 4.2 MyeloidCD141hiDCs 20 4.3 MyeloidCD1cþDCs 21 4.4 CD14þDCs 22 4.5 PlasmacytoidDCs 24 4.6 Langerhanscells 25 4.7 SlanDCs 26 4.8 InflammatoryDCs 27 5. HumanizedMice 27 6. MatchingMiceandMen 28 6.1 Interspeciesparallels 29 6.2 Interspeciesdifferences 32 7. TheRelationshipofDCstoMonocytesandMacrophages 33 8. NextStepsAhead 34 9. DisclosureStatement 35 Acknowledgments 35 References 35 AdvancesinImmunology,Volume120 #2013ElsevierInc. 1 ISSN0065-2776 Allrightsreserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-417028-5.00001-6 2 MuzlifahHaniffaetal. Abstract Dendritic cells (DCs) are a heterogeneous group of functionally specialized antigen- presenting cells that initiate and orchestrate immune responses. Our understanding of DC immunobiology has been largely shaped by research using murine models. TherelevanceofmurinefindingsonhumanDCorganizationandfunctionisonlyjust beginning to be investigated. In this chapter, we present the key historical develop- mentsandrecentadvancesinhumanandmouseDCresearchtocontextualizetheexis- tingknowledgeonDCsubsetoriginandfunctionalspecializations.Wealsoproposea frameworktoalignhumanandmouseDCnetworkstoenhanceourunderstandingof theparallelorganizationofDCsinbothspeciesinordertofacilitatethefullexploitation ofourknowledgeonDCbiologyandfunctionforclinicaltherapeuticstrategies. 1. INTRODUCTION Dendritic cells (DCs) are a class of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells found in the blood, lymphoid, interstitial, and epithelial tissues. DCs are equipped with sensors to recognize pathogens, vaccines, and self-antigens; process and present the relevant antigenic moieties to lymphocytes; and direct the type, magnitude, and specificity of immune responses. Recent advancesusingmurinemodelshavehelpedtodefineDCsasadistincthema- topoieticlineageandtoseparatethemfromothermembersofthemononu- clear phagocyte system (MPS), which also include blood monocytes and tissue macrophages. Ontogeny and functional specializations of different DC subsets in murine studies are beginning to be unraveled. However, the translation of these findings to human biology remains uncertain. The aim of this chapter is to present a framework to align human and mouse DC networks to facilitate the full exploitation of current knowledge on DC biology and function for clinical therapeutic strategies. 2. HISTORY OF DC IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION 2.1. Mouse DCs The capacity to generate diverse and specific responses to a wide range of antigens,ahallmarkofthevertebrateimmunesystem,waswellrecognized in thelate1950s(Burnet,1957).However,theinitiating eventsthatledto antigenrecognitionbylymphocytespuzzledmanyresearchers.Thepursuit toanswerthisimportantquestiongavebirthtothediscoveryofDCsbythe OrganizationofHumanandMouseDendriticCells 3 late Nobel Laureate Ralph Steinman in the laboratory of Zanvil Cohn in 1973(Steinman&Cohn,1973).Thespleenwasknowntoharboraccessory cellsimportanttoinitiateantibodyresponses.Investigationofspleencellsus- pension identified a rare cell type (<1% of all adherent cells) with probing morphology. These cells were structurally distinct from macrophages and possessedpoorphagocyticcapacity.Theappearanceofbranchingstructures when the live cells were viewed by phase contrast microscopy gave rise to the name dendritic (from the Greek dendron, meaning tree) (Steinman & Cohn, 1973). The evidence that DCs were indeed the principal initiator of an immune response came several years later when they were shown to be the critical component of accessory cells that stimulated mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) (Steinman & Witmer, 1978). Although MLR wasausefultool,itdidnottestthespecificabilityofDCstoprocesscomplex antigen and initiate an antigen-specific response. DCs were later shown to be potent inducers of antigen-specific cellular and humoral im- mune responses (Inaba, Steinman, Van Voorhis, & Muramatsu, 1983; Nussenzweig, Steinman, Gutchinov, & Cohn, 1980). DCs were demon- strated to present antigen using major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class II (MHC-II) molecules on their cell surface, but importantly, unlike any other MHC-II-expressing cells, including macrophages and B cells, DCswere theprincipal activator of na¨ıve T cells (reviewedin Steinman & Nussenzweig,1980). Splenic DCs were found to express MHC-II and the integrin CD11c (Metlayetal.,1990;Steinman,Kaplan,Witmer,&Cohn,1979).Later,epi- dermal Langerhans cells (LCs) were also noted to express MHC-II (Stingl, Katz, Shevach, Wolff-Schreiner, & Green, 1978). Although Paul Langerhans had identified LCs in human epidermis in 1868, they were believed to be intraepidermal nerve endings due to their impregnation by the neuronal label gold chloride (Langerhans, 1868). LCs were also found to possess similar immunogenic functions as splenic DCs (Stingl, Katz, Clement, Green, & Shevach, 1978). This led to the idea that DCs may bemorewidespreadthanpreviouslyassumedandwasprovenbysubsequent studies demonstrating the presence of DCs that constitutively express MHC-IIintheinterstitialtissuesofthelung,heart,liver,thyroid,pancreas, skin, kidney, ureter, and bladder but not brain (Hart & Fabre, 1981; Sertl et al., 1986; Tse & Cooper, 1990). DCs in peripheral tissues need to access lymph nodes (LNs) in order to deliver antigen and interact with and activate na¨ıve T cells. LCs and inter- stitial tissue DCs were shown to migrate through lymphatics to reach 4 MuzlifahHaniffaetal. draining LNs (Balfour, Drexhage, Kamperdijk, & Hoefsmit, 1981; Kelly, Balfour, Armstrong, & Griffiths, 1978). These early studies were followed by parallel investigations on DC migration to the spleen and LN through circulating blood (Austyn, Kupiec-Weglinski, Hankins, & Morris, 1988). These studies, collectively, highlighted the importance of the lymphatics asaconduitforperipheraltissueDCsandthebloodstreamasthemigratory route for circulating antigen-loaded DCs to access the spleen and LN. TheabilityofLCstomigratespontaneouslyfromtheepidermiscultured in vitro led to the extensive use of this model to dissect the properties of peripheralDCs(Larsenetal.,1990).Animportantfindingfromtheseearly LC studies was the need for DCs to undergo phenotypic and functional “maturation” to unleash their full immune-stimulating potential (Schuler & Steinman, 1985). Immature DCs were effective at capturing antigens,butmaturationisrequiredtoactivatelymphocytestothecaptured antigens (Romani et al., 1989). A variety of maturation signals have been studiedincludingmicrobialproducts(e.g.,lipopolysaccharide(LPS),flagel- lin, and viral nucleic acids), endogenous molecules (e.g., HMGB1), cyto- kines, and cell surface ligands recognizing receptors on DCs (CD40L). The demonstration of a BM precursor origin for both splenic DCs and LCs (Steinman, Lustig, & Cohn, 1974) also facilitated the development of culture protocols to generate BM-derived DCs in vitro (Inaba et al., 1992). CD8 (aa form) expression on a subset of resident splenic and thymic DCswasthefirstdemonstrationthatDCswithinonetissuewerephenotyp- (cid:2) ically heterogeneous (Vremec et al., 1992). CD8 splenic DCs were later defined by CD11b expression (Vremec & Shortman, 1997), and a further þ refinementtotheCD11b fractionwasmadebystudyingCD4expression, þ (cid:2) (cid:2) þ which divides splenic DCs into CD8 CD11b CD4 (CD8 DCs), (cid:2) þ þ þ (cid:2) þ (cid:2) CD8 CD11b CD4 (CD4 DCs), and CD8 CD11b CD4 (double- negativeDCs)(Vremec,Pooley,Hochrein,Wu,&Shortman,2000).More recently, high expression of endothelial cell-specific adhesion molecule þ (ESAM)wasshowntocharacterizeCD4 splenicDCs(Lewisetal.,2011). Heterogeneity within interstitial nonlymphoid tissue (NLT) DCs was first demonstrated by differential expression of CD103 in the gut þ (Annackeretal.,2005).ThelungCD103 DCtranscriptomewasalsonoted to have high expression of the C-type lectin langerin, a marker initially thought to be exclusive to LCs (Sung et al., 2006). The generation of DC depletion models that were dependent on langerin expression con- firmed that langerin was restricted not only to LCs but also on a subset of dermal-andskin-drainingLNDCscoexpressingCD103anddistinct from OrganizationofHumanandMouseDendriticCells 5 LCs (Bursch et al., 2007; Ginhoux et al., 2007; Poulin et al., 2007). NLT DCsarenowbroadlydividedintotwosubsetscharacterizedbythemutually exclusiveexpressionofCD103andCD11b(Ginhouxetal.,2009),exceptin the lamina propria where an additional subset coexpressing CD103 and CD11b can be found (Bogunovic et al., 2009). The discovery of human plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) (Grouard et al., 1997;Siegaletal.,1999)promptedthesearchformurinepDCs,whichwere identified in 2001 (Asselin-Paturel et al., 2001; Bjorck, 2001; Nakano, þ þ Yanagita, & Gunn, 2001). More recently, a CD8 CX3CR1 DC subset related to pDCs was identified in mouse spleen (Bar-On et al., 2010). Inadditiontosteady-stateDCsdescribedsofar,inflammationresultsin theinfluxofdistinctpopulationsthatarepresumedtoarisefromcirculating monocytes. There are two distinct types of murine “inflammatory DCs” described. The first type was observed in the spleen of mice infected with Listeriamonocytogenesandischaracterizedbytheproductionofvastquantities ofTNF-aandiNOS(Tip-DCs)(Serbina,Salazar-Mather,Biron,Kuziel,& Pamer,2003).Thesecondtype,identifiedmorerecently,wasfoundinthe LN following LPS treatment (Cheong et al., 2010). 2.2. Human DCs Thetwomostaccessiblehumantissuestostudyleukocytesaretheperipheral blood and skin. This was in contrast to the lymphoid tissues (LTs), such as the spleen and LN, as the early focus of murine DC studies. In 1982, the searchforDCssimilartothoseofmouselymphoidorgansinhumanperiph- eral blood identified a rare population of cells (<1% of mononuclear cells) with cytological features as mouse DCs, expressing MHC-II and potent allo-activators (Van Voorhis, Hair, Steinman, & Kaplan, 1982). Human DCs express high levels of MHC-II (HLA-DR) and lack typical lineage markers CD3 (T cell), CD19/20 (B cell), and CD56 (natural killer (NK) þ (cid:2) cell). The classical descriptions of DCs as HLA-DR lineage cells have beenrefinedtoexcludemonocytesexpressingCD14andCD16butinclude a number of positive DC lineage markers (Ziegler-Heitbrock et al., 2010). Current nomenclature describes two myeloid DC subsets characterized by the expression of CD1c/BDCA-1 and CD141/BDCA-3 in human peri- pheral blood (MacDonald et al., 2002; Ziegler-Heitbrock et al., 2010). Human epidermal LC was the first tissue DC to be described. LCs are positive for CD36, ATPase, and FceR1 (reviewed in Romani, Brunner, & Stingl, 2012). Intracellular tennis racket-shaped Birbeck 6 MuzlifahHaniffaetal. granulesarevisiblebyelectronmicroscopy.LCsarenowidentifiedasCD1a bright cells coexpressing the C-type lectin langerin, EpCAM, and E-cadherin(reviewedinRomanietal.,2012).Thefirstdescriptionofder- þ mal DC was made in 1983 as a HLA-DR “indeterminate cell” (Czernielewski, Schmitt, Faure, & Thivolet, 1983). In the early 1990s, two dermal DC subsets characterized by the expression of CD1a and CD14 were characterized (Lenz, Heine, Schuler, & Romani, 1993; þ Nestle, Zheng, Thompson, Turka, & Nickoloff, 1993). CD1a dermal þþ DCs distinct from CD1a epidermal LCs were identified from digested dermalpreparations(Lenzetal.,1993).Studiesonspontaneouslymigrating þ cellsfromdermalexplantsculturedexvivoidentifiedthepresenceofCD14 þ dermal DCs in addition to CD1a DCs (Nestle et al., 1993). Although CD14hasbeenhistoricallyusedinhistopathologyanalysistoidentifymac- þ rophages,thespontaneousmigratorypropertyoftheCD14 cellsfromskin þ explantsresultedintheirclassificationasDCs.Insitu,theCD14 DCisnot easily distinguishable from dermal macrophages (Zaba, Fuentes-Duculan, Steinman,Krueger,&Lowes,2007),butflowcytometryofdermalcellsus- pensionallowstheseparationofSSChiautofluorescentdermalmacrophages þ from CD14 DCs (Haniffa et al., 2009). The different nomenclature used to define blood and tissue DCs has madeitdifficulttounifythehumanDCnetwork.Werecentlyshowedthat byusingthesameflowcytometryanalysisofbloodandcellsuspensionfrom þ theskin,liver,andlung,twomyeloidDCsubsetsidenticaltobloodCD1c þ and CD141 DCs can be identified in human peripheral tissues (Haniffa þ et al., 2012). In addition, human tissues also contain CD14 DCs, which do not have a counterpart in peripheral blood (Haniffa et al., 2012). As CD1a is an antigen expressed by interstitial DCs in human skin but not þ in other tissues and all dermal CD1a DCs coexpress CD1c (Haniffa þ etal.,2012;Zabaetal.,2007),wewillrefertothesecellsasCD1c migra- tory DCs hereafter. The logistical difficulties of studying primary human blood and tissue DCswereeasedbythediscoveryintheearly1990sofinvitroDCgeneration protocols from blood monocytes, using granulocyte macrophage colony- stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and IL-4 (Romani et al., 1994; Sallusto & þ Lanzavecchia, 1994), and CD34 hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from cord blood (Caux et al., 1996) and BM (Reid, Stackpoole, Meager, & Tikerpae,1992),usingGM-CSFandTNF-a.Theseinvitroculturemodels þ þ allowedthegenerationoflargequantitiesofCD1a andCD14 DCsfrom

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