Hindawi Publishing Corporation Scientifica Volume 2016, Article ID 4282986, 13 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4282986 Research Article Development and Characterization of Novel Floating-Mucoadhesive Tablets Bearing Venlafaxine Hydrochloride RaghvendraMisra1andPeeyushBhardwaj2 1DepartmentofPharmacy,VivekCollegeofTechnicalEducation,UttarPradesh246701,India 2InstituteofPharmacy,BundelkhandUniversity,Jhansi,UttarPradesh284128,India CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoPeeyushBhardwaj;[email protected] Received31December2015;Revised15March2016;Accepted29March2016 AcademicEditor:PaulO.Gubbins Copyright©2016R.MisraandP.Bhardwaj.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution License,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperly cited. The present investigation is concerned about the development of floating bioadhesive drug delivery system of venlafaxine hydrochloride which after oral administration exhibits a unique combination of floating and bioadhesion to prolong gastric residencetimeandincreasedrugbioavailabilitywithinthestomach.Thefloatingbioadhesivetabletswerepreparedbythewet granulationmethodusingdifferentratiosofhydroxypropylmethylcellulose(HPMCK4MCR)andCarbopol934PNFaspolymers. Sodiumbicarbonate(NaHCO3)andcitricacidwereusedasgas(CO2)generatingagents.Tabletswerecharacterizedforfloating properties,invitrodrugrelease,detachmentforce,andswellingindex.Theconcentrationofhydroxypropylmethylcelluloseand Carbopol934PNFsignificantlyaffectstheinvitrodrugrelease,floatingproperties,detachmentforce,andswellingpropertiesof thetablets.Theoptimizedformulationshowedthefloatinglagtime72±2.49secondsanddurationoffloating24.50±0.74hr. Theinvitroreleasestudiesandfloatingbehaviorwerestudiedinsimulatedgastricfluid(SGF)atpH1.2.Differentdrugrelease kineticsmodelswerealsoapplied.Theinvitrodrugreleasefromtabletswassufficientlysustained(morethan18hr)andtheFickian transportsofthedrugfromthetabletswereconfirmed.Theradiologicalevidencesuggeststhatthetabletsremainedbuoyantand alteredpositioninthestomachofalbinorabbitandmeangastricresidencetimewasprolonged(morethan>6hr). 1.Introduction reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). It inhibits the serotonin trans- porter at 30-fold lower concentration than norepinephrine Depressionisachronic,recurring,andpotentiallylife-threat- transporter (Ki = 82 and 2480nm), respectively [4]. It eningillnessthataffectsupto20%ofthepopulationacross displays differential effects on norepinephrine reuptake in the globe [1, 2]. This disease is one of the top ten causes of healthy versus depressed patients [5]. It is highly soluble morbidityandmortalityworldwideandrepresentsahighcost in 0.1N HCl; its solubility decreases with increasing pH to country’s economy [2]. Available therapy for depression treatment is often associated with several undesirable side overthephysiologicalrange.Bothvenlafaxineanditsactive effects, and its effectiveness achieves only a certain portion metabolite, ODV (O-desmethyl venlafaxine), have weak of the population [3]. Therefore, the identification of the inhibitoryeffectonthereuptakeofdopaminebut,unlikethe alternativetherapeutictoolsforthetreatmentofdepression tricyclics and similar to SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake isofhighimportance. inhibitors)theyarenotactiveinhistaminergic,muscarinic, Venlafaxine hydrochloride, (±)-1-[2-(dimethylamino)-1- or alpha(1)-adrenergic receptors [6–9]. The half-life of ven- (4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl] cyclohexanol hydrochloride, is a lafaxinehydrochlorideis5±2hr,necessitatingtheadminis- highlywatersolubleandstructurallynovelantidepressantfor tration,twoorthreetimesdailytomaintainadequateplasma oraladministration.Itisadualserotoninandnorepinephrine drugconcentration. 2 Scientifica Various attempts have been made to develop floating Table 1: Formulation for optimization of drug: HPMC K4MCR system to control drug release; among them is the so ratio. called hydrodynamically balanced system (HBS). Floating Formulationcode(FC) drugdeliverysystem(FDDS)orhydrodynamicallybalanced Ingredients(inmg) FC1 FC2 FC3 FC4 systems(HBS)haveabulkdensitylowerthanthegastricfluid Venlafaxinehydrochloride 42.43 42.43 42.43 42.43 and thus remain buoyant in the stomach without affecting HPMCK4MCR 130 135 140 145 the gastric emptying rate for a prolonged period of time [10]. FDDS is suitable for those drugs which are having Carbopol934PNF 15 15 15 15 an absorption window in the stomach or the upper small Sodiumbicarbonate 15 15 15 15 intestine [11], for drugs, which act locally in the stomach Lactose 30 30 30 30 [12],andfordrugsthatarepoorlysolubleorunstableinthe Magnesiumstearate 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 intestinal fluid [13]; venlafaxine hydrochloride is one drug TabletWt.(mg) 235 240 245 250 fromthelattercategory. Floating dosage forms remain on the surface of gastric fluidbecauseofitsrelativelylowerdensitythanthatofgastric Table2:Formulationforoptimizationofdrug:Carbopol934PNF fluid. Floating single unit dosage form, also called hydro- ratio. dynamically balanced systems (HBS), has been extensively Formulationcode(FC) studied[14]. Ingredients(inmg) FC3 FC5 FC6 FC7 Mucoadhesive delivery systems were also proven to be suitable for reduction of transit time of the dosage form Venlafaxinehydrochloride 42.43 42.43 42.43 42.43 throughthegastrointestinaltract.Adhesivenessofthedosage HPMCK4MCR 140 140 140 140 form is based on the bioadhesive power of the polymer. Carbopol934PNF 15 10 20 25 Various synthetic as well as natural polymers have been Sodiumbicarbonate 15 15 15 15 reportedforthisapproach[15]. Lactose 30 30 30 30 Venlafaxinehydrochlorideisselectedasadrugcandidate Magnesiumstearate 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 forthisstudyasitsbioavailabilityislowandhalf-liferanges TabletWt.(mg) 245 240 250 255 in5±2hrnecessitatingfrequentadministrationtomaintain theadequateplasmalevelofdrug. Thepresentresearchendeavorinvolvesdevelopmentand Table3:Formulationforoptimizationofdrug:sodiumbicarbonate characterization of newer floating-mucoadhesive tablets of ratio. venlafaxine hydrochloride using HPMC K4MCR and Car- Formulationcode(FC) bopol 934PNF and investigation of the combined effect of Ingredients(inmg) FC3 FC8 FC9 FC10 thesepolymersonthefloatingbehaviorandinvitrorelease pattern of the drug. Here the synergism effect of mucoad- Venlafaxinehydrochloride 42.43 42.43 42.43 42.43 hesion with floatation may increase the gastric retention of HPMCK4MCR 140 140 140 140 drug,henceincreasingitsbioavailability. Carbopol934PNF 15 15 15 15 Sodiumbicarbonate 15 20 25 30 Lactose 30 30 30 30 2.MaterialsandMethods Magnesiumstearate 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.1. Materials. Venlafaxine hydrochloride was a kind gift TabletWt.(mg) 245 250 255 260 fromRanbaxyResearchLab.Ltd.(Gurgaon,Haryana,India). HPMCK4MCRwasobtainedasagiftsamplefromColorcon Asia Pvt. (Goa, India), Carbopol 934PNF from Arihant Table4:Formulationforoptimizationofdrug:lactoseratio. Trading Co. (Mumbai, India), and lactose and magnesium Formulationcode(FC) stearate were procured from Central Drug House (New Ingredients(inmg) FC8 FC11 FC12 FC13 Delhi, India). Sodium bicarbonate was obtained from SD Venlafaxinehydrochloride 42.43 42.43 42.43 42.43 Fine-ChemLtd.(Mumbai,India).Allotherreagentswereof analyticalgrade,whichwereusedinpreparation. HPMCK4MCR 140 140 140 140 Carbopol934PNF 15 15 15 15 Sodiumbicarbonate 20 20 20 20 2.2.Methodology. Venlafaxinehydrochloridefloatingtablets Lactose 30 20 40 50 werepreparedbythewetgranulationmethodusinghydrox- ypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC K4MCR), Carbopol 934P, Magnesiumstearate 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.57 lactose,andsodiumbicarbonate.Thecompositionsofdiffer- TabletWt.(mg) 250 240 260 270 entformulationcodesoffloatingtabletsareshowninTables 1–4. accurately weighed. Then accurately weighed quantities of 2.2.1. Preparation of Granules. Granules were prepared by venlafaxine hydrochloride, HPMC K4MCR, lactose, and wet granulation method. First of all, the ingredients were sodiumbicarbonateweremixedhomogeneouslyusingglass Scientifica 3 Table5:Comparativestudyofvariousgranulescharacteristics. Formulationcode Angleofrepose(𝜃∘) Flowrate(gm/second) Bulkdensity(gm/cm3) Tappeddensity Carr’sindex FC1 24.70±1.82 1.18±0.02 0.672±1.26 0.826±1.06 18.64 FC2 25.98±1.74 1.13±0.17 0.651±0.28 0.817±1.02 20.32 FC3 26.89±1.02 0.98±0.11 0.681±0.40 0.887±0.80 23.22 FC4 28.12±1.16 0.91±0.13 0.648±0.16 0.862±0.50 24.82 FC5 31.09±0.82 1.10±0.12 0.624±1.08 0.801±0.18 22.10 FC6 31.47±1.11 0.99±0.09 0.667±0.30 0.907±1.20 26.46 FC7 37.39±1.73 0.95±0.05 0.662±0.24 0.901±0.30 26.53 FC8 32.15±1.04 0.98±0.03 0.652±1.01 0.807±1.08 19.21 FC9 27.08±1.32 1.07±0.07 0.664±0.36 0.823±0.45 19.32 FC10 30.07±1.51 1.05±0.19 0.694±0.50 0.852±0.16 18.54 FC11 31.09±0.86 1.21±0.16 0.701±0.30 0.905±0.10 22.54 FC12 26.06±0.87 1.22±0.10 0.721±0.18 0.910±1.23 20.77 FC13 22.29±0.85 1.20±0.08 0.736±0.10 0.899±0.35 18.13 Mean±SD;𝑛=3;FC:formulationcode. mortar and pestle. The wet granulation was done with 2.2.3. Preparation of Floating Tablet. The homogeneously ethanol (95%). Wet mass was passed through a 40-mesh lubricatedgranuleswithmagnesiumstearate(approximately ∘ screen and dried in a hot air oven at 40 C over night. The 1% w/w) were then compressed into tablets using nine mm driedgranulesweresizedthrough40/60meshandblended die/punchsetonasinglepunchtabletcompressionmachine withCarbopol934Pandmagnesiumstearate(approximately (Cadmach Machinery Ltd., Ahmedabad, India). Compres- 1% w/w). Lactose was used as filler and channeling agent. sion force was adjusted to obtain tablets with hardness in Sodiumbicarbonatewasusedasagasgeneratingagent[16]. the range of 6.2–6.9kg/cm2 on a Monsanto tablet hardness tester. 2.2.2.EvaluationofGranules. Granulesofdifferentformula- tion codes are evaluated for angle of repose, flow rate, bulk 2.2.4.CharacterizationofFloatingTablet. Thepreparedfloat- density,tappeddensity,Carr’sindex,andsoforthasperthe ing tablets were characterized for drug content, uniformity method described by Aulton [17]. The angle of repose and of weight using 20 tablets, hardness (a Monsanto hardness flowratesweredeterminedbythefunnelmethod.Thebulk tester),andfriability(Rochetypefriabilator).Thedrugcon- density and tapped density were obtained by the cylinder tentofthetabletwasdeterminedusing0.1NHClasasolvent. method.Consider The uniformity of drug content in each formulation was ℎ determined by triturating20 tablets and powder equivalent (angleofrepose)𝜃=tan−1(𝑟), (1) toaverageweightwasaddedto100mLof0.1Nhydrochloric acid, followed by stirring for 30 minutes [18]. The solution where𝜃istheangleofrepose,ℎisheightofthecone(orpile wasfilteredthroughaWhatmanfilterpapernumber41and height),and𝑟isradiusofcone(orpile)orbaseradius: dilutedsuitablyandtheabsorbanceofresultantsolutionwas measuredusingDoubleBeamUVspectrophotometer(Shi- weightofgranules flowrate= , madzu,UV-1700,Japan)at225.0nmusing0.1Nhydrochloric timeinseconds acidasblank.Theaveragedrugcontentiscalculated. 𝑤 bulkdensity(𝜌𝑏)= 𝑉 , (2) 𝑏 2.2.5.FloatingCharacteristics. Floatingcharacteristicsofthe 𝑤 tabletswerestudiedatthetemperature37±0.5∘C,in250mL bulkdensity(𝜌𝑡)= 𝑉, of a 0.1N HCl solution (pH = 1.2) (Figure9). The time 𝑡 requiredforthe tablet to riseto thesurface ofthe solution, where 𝑤 is weight of the sample in grams, 𝑉𝑏 is final bulk andtofloat,wastakenasthefloatinglagtime.Theduration volumes of granules in cm3, and 𝑉𝑡 is final tapped volumes of time in which dosage form constantly remained on the 3 ofgranulesincm . surfaceofthemediumwasconsideredastotalfloatingtime And Carr’s index of each formulation was calculated (Table9). accordingtotheequationgivenbelow: 𝜌 −𝜌 2.2.6. In Vitro Dissolution Studies. The in vitro dissolution Carr’sindex(% compressibility)= 𝑡𝜌 𝑏 ×100. (3) studies of venlafaxine hydrochloride from floating tablet 𝑡 were carried out using USP Dissolution Testing Apparatus ExperimentalevaluationsofgranulesareshowninTable5. II (Paddle Type). The dissolution test was performed using 4 Scientifica 900mL of 0.1N HCl, at 37 ± 0.5∘C at 75rpm. One mL of uppervialwasthenconnectedtothebalance.Weights(W) thealiquotwaswithdrawnfromthedissolutionapparatusat wereaddedataconstantratetothepanontheothersideof different predetermined time intervals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, the modified balance of the device until the two vials were 12,14,16,and18hours)andthesampleswerereplacedwith separated. thefresh dissolutionmedium.Then thesample was filtered Thebioadhesiveforce,expressedasthedetachmentstress 2 throughtheWhatmanfilterpapernumber41 andanalyzed in dyne/cm , was determined from the minimum weight at225nmusingUVSpectrophotometer(ShimadzuUV-1700, requiredtodetachthetwovialsusingthefollowingequation: Japan).Cumulative%drugreleasewascalculatedusing“PCP 𝑚𝑔 Dissov2.08”software. detachmentstress(dyne/cm2)= , (5) 𝐴 2.2.7. Mechanism of Drug Release. The drug release mech- where𝑚𝑔istheweightrequiredfordetachmentand𝐴isthe anism was determined by fitting the data to the various surfaceareaofthetablet[20].Thedetachmentstressesofthe kineticequationssuchaszero-order,first-order,Higuchi,and variousformulationcodesaregiveninTable8. Korsmeyer-Peppas and finding the 𝑅 and 𝑛 values of the releaseprofilecorrespondingtoeachmodel. 2.2.10. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface topography of the floating tablet was examined using scan- 2.2.8. Swelling Properties (Hydration Behavior of Matrix ning electron microscopy (Philips FEI XL-30) at different Tablets). The swelling of the polymer can be measured by magnificationandtheaccelerationvoltageof14.9KV.Tablet theirabilitytoabsorbwaterandswell.Theswellingproperty samples were mounted on a scanning electron microscope of the formulation was determined by various techniques; holder(aluminumsamplemount)usingadoublesideadhe- here the hydration behavior or swelling properties were sivetapeandcoatedwithgoldpalladiumundervacuumand determinedasperthemethoddescribedbyDeshpandeetal. thensurfacetopographywasinvestigated. [19]. TheswellingpropertiesofHPMCandCarbopolpolymer 2.2.11. Stability Studies. Stability studies were carried out matricescontainingthedrugweredeterminedbyplacingthe accordingtoICHandWHOguidelinestoassessthedrugand tabletmatricesintheUSPdissolutiontestapparatusII.The formulation stability. The prepared floating tablets of opti- mediumusedwas0.1NHCl,900mLrotatedat75rpm.The mized formulation(FC8) containing hydroxypropyl methyl mediumwasmaintainedat37±0.5∘Cthroughoutthestudy. cellulose (HPMC K4MCR) and Carbopol 934PNF (FC8) The tablets were removed periodically from the dissolution were selected for stability studies based on in vitro drug medium.Afterdrainingfreewatertheseweremeasuredfor release,floatinglagtime,totalfloatingtime,andtheirphysical weightgain,thickness,anddiameter.Swellingcharacteristics properties.Theselectedtabletsofvenlafaxinehydrochloride wereexpressedintermsofpercentagewateruptake(WU%) (FC8)weresealedinaluminumfoilpackagingcoatedinside ∘ accordingtothefollowingequation: with polyethylene and kept in a humidity chamber at 45 C and75%RHforthreemonths[21].Attheendandduringthe WU% study, samples were analyzed for the drug content, in vitro dissolution, floating behavior, and other physicochemical wt.ofswollentablet−initialwt.ofthetablet = (4) parameters(Table9). initialwt.ofthetablet ×100. 2.2.12.TabletPreparationforInVivoStudies. Theoptimized formulation FC8 had shown good in vitro buoyancy and sustained-release behavior and hence was finally selected 2.2.9.DetachmentStress. Piecesofsheepfundustissueswere for in vivo study (i.e., radiography). The tablets of nine broughtfrommarketandstoredfrozeninsalinesolutionand mm diameter and 350mg in weight were prepared. To thawedtoroomtemperatureimmediatelybeforeuse.Atthe timeoftestingasectionoftissue(I)wastransferred,keeping make the tablet X-ray opaque, incorporation of BaSO4 was the mucosal side out, to the upper glass vial (G) using a necessary.Bariumsulphate(BaSO4)hashighrelativedensity 3 rubberbandandanaluminumfoilcap.Thediameterofeach (4.4777g/cm )andpoorfloatingproperties.Theamountof exposed mucosal membrane was 1.1cm. The vials with the the X-ray opaque material in these tablets was sufficient to fundustissue were stored at 37∘C for10min. Next, onevial ensurevisibilitybyX-rays,butatthesametimethisamount withasectionoftissue(I)wasconnectedtothebalance(B), ofbariumsulphatewaslowenoughtoenabletabletstofloat. andtheothervialwasfixedonaheight-adjustablepan(P). For this purpose, the amount of venlafaxine hydrochloride A bioadhesive tablet (F) was applied to the lower vial with intheformulation,FC8,wasreplacedwith40mgofbarium thehelpoftwopiecesofadhesivetape.Theheightofthevial sulphate,andallotheringredientswerekeptconstant.These wasadjustedsothatthetabletcouldadheretothemucosal tablets were analyzed for hardness and floating properties. tissues in the vial. The mucoadhesive forces of the floating Theanalysisconfirmedthatthesetabletsweresimilartothe tablets were determined by the measuring device shown in tabletsforinvitrotesting. Figure5. Aconstantweight(10g)wasplacedontheuppervialand 2.2.13. In Vivo Radiographic Studies. Nowadays, radio- appliedfortwominutes,afterwhichitwasremovedandthe graphic study is a very popular evaluation parameter for Scientifica 5 floating dosage form. It helps to locate dosage form in the Optimization of the HPMC K4MCR 120.000 GIT by which one can predict and correlate the gastric retentiontime,floatingbehavior,andpassageofthedosage e100.000 formintheGIT.Heretheinclusionofradio-opaquematerial as e into a solid dosage form enables it to be visualized by X- g rel 80.000 rays. It is also important that dosage forms are nondisin- dru tegrating units, and animal subjects are young and healthy % 60.000 e [22]. v ati 40.000 The animal protocol to carry out in vivo radiographic ul m studies was reviewed and approved by the Institutional u C 20.000 Animals Ethical Committee of Bundelkhand University, India (registration number 716/02/a/CPCSEA). The in vivo 0.000 radiographic studies were conducted in young and healthy 0 5 10 15 20 malealbinorabbitsweighing2.0to2.2kg.Theanimalswere Time (hr) keptunderstandardlaboratoryconditions(temperature:25 ±2∘C).Rabbitswerekeptforoneweekintheanimalhouse FC1 FC3 FC2 FC4 to acclimatize them and fed a fixed standard diet. The 4 Figure1:Releaseprofileofvenlafaxinehydrochloridein0.1NHCl healthy male albino rabbits were used to monitor the in (pH1.2)forformulationcodesFC1,FC2,FC3,andFC4. vivo transit behavior of the floating tablet. None of them hadsymptomsorhistoryofgastrointestinal(GI)disease.In ordertostandardizetheconditionsofGImotility,theanimals werefastedfor12hourspriortothecommencementofeach The floating tablets of venlafaxine hydrochloride were experiment. In each experiment, the first radiograph of the preparedbywetgranulationmethodusingHPMCK4MCR, animal subjects was made to ensure the absence of radio- Carbopol 934PNF, sodium bicarbonate, and lactose. The opaque material in the GIT. One of the tablets prepared magnesiumstearatewasusedasthelubricant. for radiography was orally administered to rabbits with the Theoptimizationoftheformulationwasdonebasedon sufficientamountofwater.Duringthestudytherabbitswere adjustingthedrug-polymerratio,floatinglagtime,duration notallowedtoeat,butwaterwasavailableadlibitum. offloating,gasgeneratingagents,invitrodrugreleaserate. Forradiographicimaging,allfourlegsoftherabbitwere Results indicated that the low-density polymers like tiedoverapieceofplywood(20×20inch),andlocationof HPMC K4MCR and Carbopol 934PNF affects the floating the formulation in the stomach was monitored by keeping behavior of the venlafaxine hydrochloride floating tablet. the subjects in front of X-ray machine (Allengers, Bharat HPMCK4MCRandCarbopol934PNFareselectedbecause Electricals, India, Model number E 080743). The distance oftheirhighviscosities,whicharedesiredforthesustained between the source of X-rays and the object was the same release. For optimizing the concentration ratio of the drug, for all the imaging. This allowed us to see the tablet in the polymers and several formulations of the different batches body of the stomach, antrum, and/or pyloric part of the were formulated randomly in which only drug to the poly- stomachsothatobservationsofthetabletmovementscould mer ratio varied and remaining ingredients of formulation bemade.Gastricradiographywasdoneat1hr,3hr,and6hr. remained constant. Then floating behavior and release rate Inbetweentheradiographicimaging,theanimalswerefreed study of these formulations were determined in the 0.1N andallowedtomoveandcarryoutnormalactivitiesbutwere HCl(pH1.2).Thenacertainratioofdrugtopolymergives notallowedtotakeanyfood.Themeangastricresidencetime satisfactoryfloatingbehaviorandinvitrodrugreleasein0.1N ofthedrugwascalculated. HCl.Atthisstageofoptimization,fewbatchesofformulation codes FC1, FC2, FC3, and FC4 were prepared for the opti- 3.ResultsandDiscussion mizing concentration of the polymer for obtaining the best floatationbehaviorandinvitrodrugrelease.Floatinglagtime Thegranulespreparedforthecompressionoffloatingtablets anddurationoffloatingwasfoundtobe112,99,88,and74 were evaluated for their flow properties (Table5). Granules secondsandapproximately17,18,23,and27hr,respectively. of matrix tablets of different formulation codes showed the Thecumulative%drugreleasewasfoundtobe97.34,97.43, angle of repose from 22.29∘ ± 0.85 to 37.39∘ ± 1.73 and 94.43,and90.65in18hrfortheformulationcodesFC1,FC2, flowratesfrom0.91±0.13to1.22±0.10gm/secandCarr’s FC3,andFC4(Figure1).ButthereleasepatternoftheFC3 indexwasfoundintherangeof18.13to26.53.Theseresults showedbetterinvitroreleaseofdruginthesustainedmanner indicate that as the concentration of the HPMC K4MCR inpredeterminedtimeintervalsthanformulationsFC1,FC2, and Carbopol 934PNF increased in the formulations the and FC4. Formulation FC3 also showed better floatation angleofreposeandCarr’sindexwerefoundtobeincreased behavior (i.e., floating lag time 88 seconds and duration of while their flow rate was found to be decreased. Thus the floating approximately 23hr). Therefore, formulation FC3 angleofreposeandCarr’sindexvalueofdifferentbatchesof has been selected in order to obtain the optimum HPMC granules indicate satisfactory flow behavior. Other granules loading level, because it has better in vitro release pattern parameters were also determined and found to be within and floatation behavior. Results also indicate that as the acceptablelimits. concentrationoftheHPMCincreased,thecumulative%drug 6 Scientifica Optimization of Carbopol 934PNF 120.000 Optimization of sodium bicarbonate 120.000 100.000 100.000 ug release 80.000 ug release 80.000 % dr 60.000 % dr 60.000 ulative 40.000 ulative 40.000 m m u u C C 20.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Time (hr) Time (hr) FC3 FC9 FC3 FC6 FC8 FC10 FC5 FC7 Figure3:Releaseprofileofvenlafaxinehydrochloridein0.1NHCl Figure2:Releaseprofileofvenlafaxinehydrochloridein0.1NHCl (pH1.2)forformulationcodesFC3,FC8,FC9,andFC10. (pH1.2)forformulationcodesFC3,FC5,FC6,andFC7. release behavior and floating lag time were also decreased 120.000 Optimization of lactose to a certain value. After optimizing the concentration of HPMC K4MCR, next optimization was done for Carbopol ase100.000 e cFoCn5cefnortrmatuiolanti.oAnsdtehcerecaosnecde,ntthraetniotnheofinthveitCroarbdorupgolrienletahsee ug rel 80.000 patternoftheformulation(FC5)wasincreasedcomparedto % dr 60.000 thatoftheFC3formulationfor18hrdissolutionstudy.Itwas e v foundthatastheconcentrationoftheCarbopolincreasedin ati 40.000 ul the formulation (i.e., FC6 (20mg) and FC7 (25mg)), then m u in vitro drug release was also decreased compared to that C 20.000 of FC3 (15mg). Because the release and floatation behavior 0.000 exhibitedbytheFC3weremuchbetterthanFC5,FC6,and 0 5 10 15 20 FC7 (Figure2), the formulation FC3 remained selected for Time (hr) thefurtherstudy. For the floating drug delivery system, the ideal matrix FC8 FC12 should be highly permeable for the dissolution media in FC11 FC13 order to initiate rapid generation of the carbon dioxide gas Figure4:Releaseprofileofvenlafaxinehydrochloridein0.1NHCl (CO2) and also should be permeable for CO2 to promote (pH1.2)forformulationcodesFC8,FC11,FC12,andFC13. floating.Thebuoyancylagtimeofthetabletsdependsonthe concentrationofthesodiumbicarbonate(NaHCO3)involved in the CO2 formation. In the trial study, in vitro release of drug from the different formulation batches was studied to drugwasincreasedinthemorecontrolledmannerthanthat determinetheoptimumconcentrationofthegasgenerating ofFC3. agent.ItwasobservedfromtheformulationsFC8,FC9,and Here,thelactoseactsaschannelingagentwhichissoluble FC10 that as the concentration of the sodium bicarbonate inthedissolutionmedium;therefore,thematrixintegritygets increased in these formulations, the floating lag time was broken and showed faster in vitro drug dissolution. Results found to be decreased, but their corresponding release of indicate from the formulations (i.e., FC11, FC12, and FC13) drug was increased (Figure3). The trial study also showed thatreleaserateofdrugisdirectlyproportionaltothecon- that,athigherconcentrationofthesodiumbicarbonate,FC10 centrationofthelactose(Figure4).Astheconcentrationof (30mg) causes bursting and rapid disintegration of tablet. thelactoseincreased,invitrodrugreleaseswerealsofoundto Hence it was desirable to use optimum concentration of beincreasedbutiftheconcentrationofthelactoseincreased sodium bicarbonate to get the least floating lag time with morethan50mgthenthetabletwillstartdisintegrationby minimum bursting effect and desired floating time with- the erosion mechanism. Therefore, optimum concentration out rapid disintegration. So FC8 with sodium bicarbonate of the lactose is required for getting the maximum in vitro (20mg) was optimized and selected to achieve optimum in drugreleasewithoutcausingerosion.Fromtheaboveresults, vitrobuoyancywithlessburstingeffect.TheformulationFC8 FC8 was found to be the best formulation which showed was preferred over the FC3, because the in vitro release of betterinvitrodrugreleaseandfloatationbehavior. Scientifica 7 Table6:Physiochemicalcharacterizationofvenlafaxinehydrochloridetablets. 2 %drugcontent Floatinglag Totalfloating Code %weightvariation Hardness(kg/cm ) %friability uniformity time(sec) time(hr) FC1 ±3.0% 6.40±0.16 0.524 99.21±1.46 112±2.87 17.33±2.05 FC2 ±4.5% 6.37±0.45 0.564 98.47±0.34 99±2.49 18.50±1.87 FC3 ±3.5% 6.53±0.57 0.572 98.86±1.24 88±2.87 23.33±0.62 FC4 ±4.0% 6.63±0.58 0.482 97.20±0.18 74±3.27 27.08±0.95 FC5 ±2.5% 6.93±0.52 0.458 98.53±0.52 94±3.27 12.75±2.08 FC6 ±3.0% 6.70±0.70 0.545 99.08±2.21 82±2.94 26.50±1.02 FC7 ±4.0% 6.43±0.33 0.584 97.40±1.02 76±2.45 29.25±0.74 FC8 ±4.0% 6.67±0.98 0.580 98.91±0.18 72±2.49 24.50±0.74 FC9 ±2.5% 6.70±0.49 0.495 98.00±0.24 64±2.94 26.50±1.54 FC10 ±3.0% 6.47±0.90 0.457 97.56±1.32 54±2.45 26.25±1.87 FC11 ±3.0% 6.80±0.43 0.530 98.43±0.64 67±3.74 28.25±0.69 FC12 ±4.5% 6.27±0.41 0.572 99.02±1.45 81±2.87 20.52±0.92 FC13 ±4.5% 6.67±0.66 0.592 98.74±0.82 93±3.27 18.00±0.82 Mean±SD;𝑛=3;FC:formulationcode. and the matrix gained more water. Drug diffusion signif- B icantly depends on the water content of the tablet. This may be because the mobility of the polymer chains is very dependent on the water content of the system. In case of G high-water content, polymer chain relaxation takes place I with volume expansion resulting in marked swelling of the T F W system. Also, higher water content could lead to greater G penetration of the gastric fluid into the tablet leading to quickercarbondioxidegasgeneration,therebyreducingthe P floatinglagtime.Consequently,quickerandgreaterswelling of the tablet would lead to an increase in the diffusion pathwayand,thus,areductionindiffusionrate.Sothedrug release was found to be high initially and then gradually B: modified balance;W: weights;GandG: glass vial F:bioadhesive tablet;I: fundus tissue decreased. T: supportive adhesive tape;P:height-adjustable pan The % swelling index of all formulations from FC1 to FC10 at 24hr was found to be between 136.03 and 170.99, Figure 5: Mucoadhesion measuring device for obtaining detach- respectively. The percentage water uptake was found to be mentstress. improved as the concentration of the HPMC K4MCR and Carbopol 934PNF increased in the formulation. The result indicates, from Table7, that swelling index was increased ThediameteroftheformulationsFC1toFC13wasfound muchmoreincaseofCarbopolcomparedtoHPMCbecause intherangeof8.97±0.01to8.99±0.03andthicknesswas Carbopolisbearingverygoodwatersorptionproperty.Itwas in the range of 3.96 ± 0.01 to 3.99 ± 0.02. The variation alsoobservedthatastheconcentrationoftheCarbopolinthe in the weight was found in the range of ±5% complying formulationdecreased,the%wateruptakewasalsofoundto withpharmacopoeialspecifications.Thehardnessofdifferent bedecreased(i.e.,FC5). formulation was found to be between 6.27 ± 0.41 and Table8 clearly indicates that the value of bioadhesive 6.93 ± 0.52kg/cm2 indicating good mechanical strength. force was found to be increased significantly as the con- The friability was below 1% for all formulations which is centration of the mucoadhesive polymer HPMC and Car- an indication of good mechanical resistance of tablet. The bopolincreased.Allfloatingformulationsshowedmucoad- 2 drugcontentvariedbetween98.00%and99.21%indifferent hesive forces in the range of 110.42 to 167.80 dynes/cm . formulationwithlowstandarddeviation(Table6). ResultsindicatethatastheconcentrationofHPMCK4MCR Theswellingofthepolymersused(i.e.,HPMCK4MCR increased in the formulations FC1 to FC4, then the value and Carbopol 934PNF) was determined by swelling index of detachment forces also increased from 123.45 to 156.72 2 of the tablet. Hydrophilic matrices (i.e., HPMC K4MCR dynes/cm , respectively. It was also observed that as the and Carbopol 934PNF) in contact with water swell and concentration of Carbopol 934PNF increased, the values of increase their volume due to water diffusion through the detachment forces were increased from the 159.65 to 167.00 2 matrix.Thepolymerchainscontinuethehydrationprocess, dynes/cm forformulationsFC6toFC7,respectively,butas 8 Scientifica x e d ellingin136.03140.84148.67154.78141.45159.45166.72161.52166.78170.99 w S ) m m meter(±0.38±1.20±1.48±0.92±1.34±0.88±1.53±0.67±0.25±1.44 aldia18.1618.5218.7318.8518.6218.8918.9318.9919.1419.27 n Fi ) m m kness(±1.08±0.74±0.89±1.21±1.42±1.27±0.54±0.28±0.78±0.38 thic4.424.504.564.614.534.634.664.624.644.68 al n Fi s. g) ofmatrixtablet Finalweight(m±552.593.11±578.521.32±607.105.06±637.223.40±578.482.25±648.864.13±681.682.67±654.253.28±678.171.44±703.672.87 r o vi ha m) e b m welling meter(±0.01±0.02±0.01±0.01±0.02±0.02±0.01±0.01±0.01±0.02 S a8797897987 able7: nitialdi8. T I ) m m ness( k±±±±±±±±±± hic97989799989697999899 alt3. niti I ) g ght(m±3.05±4.35±1.69±1.71±1.01±1.89±3.29±1.23±3.53±4.42 code. Initialwei234.11240.20244.18250.10239.58250.09255.58250.17254.21259.67 ormulation f C: de F o 3; c = n o 𝑛 ulati ±SD; ormC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10 ean FFFFFFFFFFF M Scientifica 9 Table8:Detachmentforcesofdifferentformulations. 2 S.numberFormulationcode(FC) Detachmentforce(dynes/cm ) 1 FC1 123.45 2 FC2 131.74 3 FC3 147.53 4 FC4 156.72 5 FC5 110.42 6 FC6 159.65 7 FC7 167.80 Figure6:Scanningelectronmicroscopyofoptimizedformulation 8 FC8 142.18 FC8oftabletsurfacebeforedissolution. 9 FC9 140.21 10 FC10 136.24 11 FC11 143.78 12 FC12 145.26 13 FC13 140.65 theconcentrationofCarbopoldecreased,valueofforceswas decreased(i.e.,FC5).Hence,itwasalsoconcludedfromthe results that the values of detachment forces were increased muchmoreincaseofCarbopol934PNFcomparedtoHPMC Figure7:Scanningelectronmicroscopyofoptimizedformulation K4MCR, because the Carbopol was highly bioadhesive as FC8oftabletsurfaceafterdissolution. comparedtoHPMC. Bioadhesionisasurfacephenomenoninwhichamaterial 120.000 ofsyntheticornaturaloriginadheresorstickstoabiological surface, usually mucus membrane. Many hydrophilic poly- 100.000 mers adhere to mucosal surfaces as they attract water from e as tthheesmimucpulessgtemlleacyhearnaidsmheorifnagdthoesthioene,painthdeiltiahlassubrfeaecne.dThefiniseids g rele 80.000 u as “adhesion by hydration.” The hydrogen bonding present dr % 60.000 between the adherent polymer and mucus is involved in e v mucoadhesionatthemolecularlevel.Astheconcentrationof ati 40.000 bioadhesivepolymersincreased,thenthehydrogenbonding mul u betweenthemucusmembraneandadherentpolymeratthe C 20.000 molecularlevelincreased;therefore,detachmentforceswere alsofoundtobeincreased. 0.000 Surface morphology of the optimized formulation FC8 0 5 10 15 20 wasexaminedbyscanningelectronmicroscopy(SEM).Itwas Time (hr) observedfromtheSEMphotographsthatthedrugisreleased FC8 Marketed-2 fromthematrixtabletbythediffusionprocess.Thesurface Marketed-1 morphology of the matrix tablet after dissolution showed Figure8:Comparisonof%drugreleaseofoptimizedformulation that the solvent front enters the matrix and moves slowly (FC8)versusmarketedformulationsfor18hr. towardthecenterofthetablet.Thedrugdiffusesoutofthe matrix after it comes in contact with dissolution medium. The images of the tablet showed a network in the swollen polymerthroughwhichthedrugdiffusedtothesurrounding Thedrugreleasewasfoundtofollowfirst-orderkinetics medium. Thus it was concluded that the drug was released with 𝑟 = 0.9935 and 0.9904 for marketed-1 (tablet) and from a matrix by diffusion mechanism (Figures 6 and marketed-2(capsule),respectively,whileoptimizedformula- 7). tionFC8followedthePeppasmodelwithvalueof𝑟=0.9962, A comparative study was performed on the available 𝑛=0.4473,and𝑘=25.2788.Sothebest-fitmodelwasfound marketedformulationofextendedreleasetabletandcapsule tobethePeppasmodelforoptimizedformulationFC8.The containingvenlafaxinehydrochlorideequivalenttovenlafax- marketed formulations of tablet and capsule showed more ine37.5mg.Theresultsobtainedfromtheinvitrodrugrelease than90%ofdrugreleasein14hrwhileoptimizedformulation study showed that optimized formulations FC8 showed FC8showedonly82.58%ofdrugreleasein14hr. moresustained-releaseactionthanthatoftablet(marketed- Thedataobtainedfrominvitrodissolutionstudieswere 1) and capsule (marketed-2) with respect to time of 18hr fitted to zero-order, first-order, Higuchi, and Korsmeyer- (Figure8). Peppas equations. All release kinetic models were applied 10 Scientifica Table9:Stabilitystudiesofvenlafaxinehydrochloridefloatingtabletsofoptimizedformulation(FC8). Characteristic Initial 1stmonth 2ndmonth 3rdmonth Hardness(kg/cm2) 6.67±0.98 6.02±0.56 6.42±0.20 6.30±0.88 Drugcontent(%) 98.91±0.18 98.34±0.02 98.12±1.42 98.00±0.27 Floatinglagtime(seconds) 72±2.65 76±1.26 84±2.45 90±3.26 Totalfloatingtime(hours) 24.50±0.74 24.16±1.12 24.18±2.26 24.08±0.34 Swellingindex(%) 161.52 160.82 160.64 160.18 Buoyancyondisturbing Float Float Float Float Matrixintegrity Verygood Verygood Verygood Verygood %invitrorelease18hours 96.92±0.83 94.43±1.38 93.98±0.42 93.00±1.56 Mean±SD;𝑛=3;FC:formulationcode. (a) (b) Figure9:Invitrofloatingstudiesofoptimizedformulation(FC8)(a)after80secand(b)after24hr. on the formulation codes FC1, FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, FC6, aluminumfoilpackagingforthreemonths.Theincreasedlag FC7, FC8, FC9, FC10, FC11, FC12, and FC13 due to their timeindicatesthepossibilityofreactionofsodiumbicarbon- satisfactoryreleasebehavior.Thebest-fitmodelwasfoundto ate with moisture during the study period. However, there bethematrixforformulationcodesFC1,FC2,andFC5and wastheverylittleeffectonthedurationofthefloatingand PeppasforformulationcodesFC3,FC4,FC6,FC7,FC8,FC9, matrix integrity of the tablets. Some drug degradation was FC10,FC11,FC12,andFC13.Theselectioncriteriaforthebest found,butitwasnotstatisticallysignificant.Decreaseddrug modelwerebasedongoodnessoffitofthedataandresidual release was found from the formulation but drug released sumofsquares.Thedetailsofthebest-fitmodelofdifferent compiled the official standard of release, since more than formulationcodesaregiveninTable10. 80% of the drug was released (Table9). Thus, it was found For confirming the diffusion mechanism of optimized that the floating tablets of venlafaxine hydrochloride were formulation FC8, the data was fitted to the Korsmeyer almoststableunderthesestorageconditionsforatleastthree equation, which showed the exponent value 𝑛 = 0.4473. months. Because the optimized formulation FC8 had the exponent The in vitro studies, with BaSO4-containing floating value (𝑛) less than 0.5, it was suggested that the release tablets,showedafloatinglagtimeof112±2.00seconds,hard- mechanism of venlafaxine hydrochloride indicates swelling nessof6.60±0.03kg/cm2,andthicknessof3.99±0.01mm. anddiffusionmechanismoffloatingtablets,whichfollowed The intragastric behavior of the BaSO4-loaded tablet in the the Fickian diffusion (Case, I transport). This kinetic data albinorabbitwasobservedbyusingaradiographicimaging analysis was done by using “PCP Disso V2.08” Software technique. Radiographic images were taken after 1, 3, and (PoonaCollegeofPharmacy,Pune,India). 6hr showing that the tablet had altered its position in the TheoptimizedformulationFC8wassuggestedforstabil- stomach.Thisprovidedevidencethatthetabletswerefloating itystudybasedoninvitrofloatinglagtime,totalfloatingtime, on the gastric fluid. After 4hr of the tablet administration, invitrodrugdissolutionstudies,anditsphysicalproperties. theswellingofthetabletisvisualizedverywelltogetherwith ∘ The floating tablets were investigated at 400 C/75% RH in the white dry core and translucent swelling layer around it