United Arab Emirates University Scholarworks@UAEU Accounting Dissertations Accounting 6-2014 Development and Application of Novel Conformation-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies for Parkinson’s Disease Pathology. Nour Khaled Majbour Follow this and additional works at:https://scholarworks.uaeu.ac.ae/account_dissertations Part of theMedical Pharmacology Commons Recommended Citation Majbour, Nour Khaled, "Development and Application of Novel Conformation-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies for Parkinson’s Disease Pathology." (2014).Accounting Dissertations. 18. https://scholarworks.uaeu.ac.ae/account_dissertations/18 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Accounting at Scholarworks@UAEU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Accounting Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Scholarworks@UAEU. For more information, please [email protected]. 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EI-Agnaf Jun2e 014 DecalratoifOo rngi inWaolr k I, ourKh aledM ajoburt huen dseirgnae gdr,a dusattued aetnt thU en itAerda b EmriateU nivietry( UAUE) andt hea uthoofr tthhee sis/distsietrlteadt ion 'Develnto pamnedA pplcaitioon[ N oveClo nfnoantiSopenc-ifiMco noclonal Antibod[ioreP sar kinsDoins'esaP saet ohgoyl"h,ee rbys olelmydn ecltahrateth is tehsiss/edrit aitsai noo nr igirnesaela wrocrhdk o naen dpe rparebdy muen dtehre guidaonfcP eor fO.m ar MEAI -gAna,i fnt hCe ollgeeo fM edicainndeH ealth cineceastU AEU. Twhoirh ka nso bte epner voiuys flonneads t he bfaorst ihse awarodfa nayc adedmeigcr deieop,ml ao ri mirtl ilateat t iousra noyt huenrvi ersity. Them aterlisba orrofwreodom t hseorcu eras ndi nucdleidn m yt hess/idissertation havbee epnr oeprlciyt aendad ck noewdlged. Stud'esSn gitnat.u.re. ... ii Copyrhitg© 201b4y N ourK haleMda jbour AU RightRse served iii ppreod\b y Thei sE xaminionmgm ittee: Thei ommittee: I. uperviOsmoarMr:. 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Date �� 8,\,k Deaonft hCeo l eige: ignature ................................ v Acknowledgments Iw oulldi kteoe xprmeyss sp ecaipaplr eciaantdti hoannt koms y s upervisor, Preo forO maErI -Agfn.H aipsa ssihoiansm, b itainodhn ises n thustioawsamrh diss worwk rea gra ti nspirfaotmrie o.Tn h eb esptr itzhea ltie o fffreemde w ast he chantcoeb eh isst udaenndwt o rhka radtw orwko rtdho inHge.t augmhett oh ave fiatihnm ye fla ndt oc onqumeyrf ae rsF.r ohmi mIl earnthta ntom attheorwm any deefatIsm aye ncounitnme yrl ief,I m usnto bte d eefateIdh .a vbee eenx tremely bleesdt oh ae au pervwihsooc ra rseodm ucahb omuytw orka,n dw hor esponded tom yq uestanido qnu eri0ep sr omptly. pecial ttomh yaf nmakisl fyor t heuinrc ondiltoivoaenn adsl u ppoWrotr.d s cannovte erx prheo wg rautleI af nt1o m ym othaenrdm yf tahefro r all of their sacreisaf nidp rayers. Iw oulldi kteoe xtemnydt hantkoas l mly a cadeemdiucc ators, myes pecially commitmteemeb erPsr eos forA bduA demP,r eosfsoArh madA l-Marzaonudq i PreosfsSoeru ng-LJeaefeor t hepirri cealdevsitsch er ougmhyos uttu dy. Specitahla ngkots o m yf irenidnst htee amN:is haVnati kaMtuhs taaA frdah, ShiVjair gheSsalee,m Bae guma,n dS nidhMue nofno trh seu ppoarntdl ong-tern1 workirnagp ptohretsy h arweidtm he .Ir ealalpyp recoiuawrto er kitnegr amnsdt heir heltph rougmhyow uotr akn dI 'ldi kteoe xtemnydg oowdi shfeostr h efiutru re. Thank yocuo ldleeaarg ues. Iw ouladl0 l ikteot hanaklo lfm yf irenwdhso s uppormtede udr itnhge se yearasn,di ncenmteet dos trtiovwea rmdygs o al. Lastbluytn otl easIt'l,di kteot hantkh Ceo lleogfMe e dicainndeH ealth Sciencfeosgr i vimnegs ucahw onderofpuplo rttuonw iotrywk i tphe opwlheo m1 respeicmtmeedn sIewtl aysa. w ondfeurlle arneixnpge rifeonmrce ae n dIh avtea ken awayw eaa lotfh knowledge. vi Dedictaino vii Abstract An abunndcaeo fg enetboiicch,ie cmaaln dh itsopathoelvodigeinccael uggetshtatsth [ eon naitoonfa -synu(cal-espiyrnno )td eeipno issia tnis mp otrant, andlk ielsye milsn,ta eipn dtehvee loopfms eenvtei rmpaolr tnaenoutdr egenerative dsieasteh,e o -acldl seyunclneopiathiinecdsli,unP ga irskno'nsD iesas(eDP ) demn tiwaih t Lewyb odiaensdm uillpt-esystaetmr opDheys.p dietcea doefs itnnesirveee a rcthod, a tteh,oe n layc cepdtigeando sfiorPs D i sb asoendc liicnal critae-rSnic yaon.v ersforimos nol bulmeo nomienoro t ilgomoerfir bsrl irse presents a rucitaelip n s ynluencioptiahse pathogehnoewseivse;re xatmchetec hanism undr li gnt hel cuaerla lggreghaatnsio otn bfuelelenylc uiadteAd g.r oiwnbgo doyf evidesnucgeet g st haat- snsy olubolileg oemrsr,a thtehram na tufrbierl isa,r teh e neouotrxipc c ise.A lackb ioofrm kaefrrost heea rdlaiygo nsiosf PiDsa m ajor obslteat cop orvigd eiranldyi esase-iymfiondtgh eraTpoiweasrt.dih sa imw,e devoepleadn dt hogrholucyhr aactenroivzceeoldo n nfniaotn-csipfimeco nloocln a anbtoiidset hastp ieccfiallyr ceoginzaes- ynp athoglyoI.mp ortaonutarln iytob,d si e weraeb lteod etedfcieftr eansts beilmeosfa -ns ayggregraatnegsfio rnmgs olbule oloimegrtso m atuirnoe l bulfiebr iClosn.ise dritnhgce r iatlpi acthiogcre olneo fa sysno luabglegegr atesn ovoaeunlrt ibmoigdhipter so vipdoer tidamignanto satnidc tehratpieocup porittsui.ne Nextw,e d evoeplendwe immnuoassaqyunsat fitydo fie fresnptie sceo fa -syn (ottaal- s.ya n-nso yloimegrasn pd- 1S92 -a-slvyeenli)sn recberioanslflp ui(dC S)F form PpDa tsi eanantgde -mahtecahlectdoh noytl rCso.m ibngit nhmee asureomfe nts dfiefreans-ty snp eciinCe SsF ,f ouwnead c laerd fiefrteinCaSlFp a ttbeernt wPeDen viii andc ontrOoulrrs e.ls tuvsla diattedh ues efulnoefcs osm ibnimnugl tiCpSlFe biormkaeirnis m opvriPnDgd aignoasctciucra anpcdry o gnoesvtailcu ation. ix