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Developing world-class customer service at Navy field contracting activities : an assessment of the FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department. PDF

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NPS ARCHIVE 1997. 0(p ALLEN, R. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS DEVELOPING WORLD-CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE AT NAVY FIELD CONTRACTING ACTIVITIES: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE FISC SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT RobertP. Allen June, 1997 Principal Advisor. Nancy C. Roberts Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Thesis A37956 <UULtY*NU/jBRARY JAVA! pOSTGRADUATESCHOO 10NTEREV CP 43943-5101 Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188 Publicreportingburdenforthiscollectionofinformationisestimatedtoaverage 1 hourperresponse,includingthetimeforreviewinginstruction,searchingexistingdata sources,gatheringandmaintainingthedataneeded,andcompletingandreviewingthecollectionofinformation.Sendcommentsregardingthisburdenestimateorany otheraspectofthiscollectionofinformation,includingsuggestionsforreducingthisburden,toWasningonheadquartersServices,DirectorateforInformationOperations andReports, 1215JeffersonDavisHighway,Suite 1204,Arlington,VA22202-4302,andtotheOfficeofManagementandBudget,PaperworkReductionProject(0704- 0188)WashingtonDC20503. 1.AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave 2.REPORT DATE 3.REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED blank) June 1997 Master's Thesis 4.TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5.FUNDING NUMBERS Developing World-Class Customer Service at Navy Field Contracting Activities: An Assessmentofthe FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department 6.AUTHOR(S) Robert P. Allen 7.PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8.PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School REPORT NUMBER Monterey CA 93943-5000 9.SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 1 0.SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 1 1.SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Theviewsexpressed Inthisthesisarethoseoftheauthoranddonotreflecttheofficialpolicy orpositionoftheDepartmentofDefenseortheU.S.Government 1 2a.DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b.DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13.ABSTRACT(max/mum 200 words) This thesis assesses the customer service ability of the FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department. Utilizing both archival research and interviews, a service quality benchmark is determined and then applied to the FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department to assess service ability and identify areas for possible improvement. This assessment process highlights the recent emphasis on improved service quality both in the Federal Government and the private sector. The thesis defines world-class customer service and then describes various aspects of service quality including the customer's perspective on service, how service is delivered, how to effectively communicate with the customer and how organizations can implement change to enhance their service quality. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15.NUMBER OF PAGES 92 customer service, service quality, world-class service, service benchmarking, 16.PRICE CODE FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department IDF7.SREECPUORRITTY CLASSIFICATION!38F. THSIESCUPRAIGTEY CLASSIFICATION O19F.SAEBCSURTIRTAYCT CLASSIFICATION ZAOB.SLTIRMIATCATTION OF UL Jnclassified Unclassified Unclassified NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) PrescribedbyANSStd.239-18 298-102 II Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DEVELOPING WORLD-CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE AT NAVY FIELD CONTRACTING ACTIVITIES: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE FISC SAN DIEGO REGIONAL CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT Robert P. Allen Lieutenant, Supply Corps, United States Navy BA, University of Washington, 1986 Submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1997 tots A\ :v£ WW. dft HiQULiM)/ wfBRARY l«VAlP08T6RADOATESCHOOi & 10NTEREV 43943-5101 ABSTRACT This thesis assesses the customer service ability of the FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department. Utilizing both archival research and interviews, a service quality benchmark is determined and then applied to FISC San Diego Regional Contracts Department to assess service ability and identify areas for possible improvement. This assessment process highlights the recent emphasis on improved service quality both in the Federal Government and the private sector. The thesis defines world-class customer service and then describes various aspects of service quality including the customer's perspective on service, how service is delivered, how to effectively communicate with the customer and how organizations can implementchange to enhance their service quality. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. 1 BACKGROUND A. 1 B. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 2 PURPOSEAND IMPORTANCE C. 2 D. SCOPE OFTHETHESIS 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY E. 3 CHAPTERS AND CONTENTS F. 3 n. WORLD-CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE 5 A. THE NATUREOFCUSTOMER SERVICE 5 1. Defining World-Class Customer Service 5 2. The Dimensions ofService Quality 6 3. Methods ofService Delivery 6 4. Communicating with the Customer 10 B. INTERVIEWS WITH WORLD-CLASS SERVICE PROVIDERS 15 1. Interview with Ms. Lizette Blaisofthe Disney Institute 16 2. Interview with Mr. Jerry Gass ofUnited Services Automobile Association 19 3. Interview with Mr. JeffCanty of Saturn Corporation 23 ORGANIZING FOR OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE 27 III. A. LEADERSHIPAND A VISION FOR SERVICEQUALITY 27 B. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT'S ROLE IN SERVICEQUALITY 28 C. THE ROLEOFTHE FRONT-LINE SERVICE PROVIDER 29 D. REWARDS AND RECOGNITION 31 E. IMPLEMENTING CHANGE 32 VII . IV. SERVICEQUALITY BENCHMARKING 35 OVERVIEW A. 35 B. KEY SERVICE QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS 35 LA Vision for Service Quality 35 2. Formal Service Quality Improvement Programs 36 3. Robust CustomerCommunication and Feedback Methods 36 4. Strategic Use ofCustomer Complaints 37 5 Effective Service DeliveryTechniques 38 6. Strong Internal Customer Service 38 7. Customer Service Training Programs 39 8. Employee Reward and Recognition Programs 39 METHODOLOGY V. 41 VI. ASSESSMENT OF FISC SAN DIEGOREGIONALCONTRACTS DEPARTMENT43 A. DESCRIPTION OFTHEREGIONALCONTRACTS DEPARTMENT 43 B. ANALYSIS 44 VH. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 51 CONCLUSION A. 51 B. RECOMMENDATIONS 52 C. LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 54 D. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 55 APPENDIX A. INTERVIEWS WITH FISC SAN DIEGO PERSONNEL 57 APPENDIX B. SURVEY TO MEASURE SERVICE DIMENSIONS 75 LIST OF REFERENCES 79 LIST OF INTERVIEWS 81 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 83 VIII

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